HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-10-21, Page 801.41+401% JUNK DEALS= t" • PUXING ALL KINDS •OI! i •>• JUNK AND POULTRY, $J.` ° r • HIDES AND SKINS PARING TIIE IIIGlI1ST PRICES M. RAMRAS Phone 137. 1A1bertat. * rho kinton Nowa-Reeord 'aloe tial lrlsgqtireate0 given At E. WOOD WALL PAPERS MOULDINGS, ANTERIOR AND EXTIRIOI@ DECORATING We protect your Lloars, furniture, etc., by plenty of drop slaeotee Ontario Street °,LUTON'S LEADING JEWLLERY STORE A Few Hints to the Buying. Public .D10 not be afraid to buy now, .as prices are going up. Bring in your repairs find have them neatly and promptly d1 rom one—watches, clocks, glasses, c oc S eye grin s, brooches;d t bracelets—anything that needs repairing. I i do . can o an guarantee satisfaction, A full line of Jewelery, watches, clocks and silverware Gramophones, Needles, and. Records a Call in and look around; you are not obliged to buy Jeweller and Or CLEARING LWES We intend to .make it a special feature of our business during the next few weeks to clear out all broken lines of merchandise in every department regardless of present day vanes. Many -of these lines are displayed on our counters with special price tickets attached and everyone is a nloneysayer. A sew pairs of men's High top heavy work boots, sizes 6, 7 and 8 to clear at$6.50 • We are Headquarters for . men's "Canadian Made" work boots and boys school boots at right prices. An assortment of odd lines of Misses and children's fine and heavy shoes, clearing at Children's heavy cotton vests and drawers for fall wear clear. inAl price ... . .... 0.50 Hair pins, reg, 5c. package, special at -2 for be A few Ladies Summer parasoles worth $2.00 to clear at ..$1.00 Children's dresses, Ladies House dresses, gowns and under- skirts all at clearing prices. I. H. JOHNSON Optician Next Ilovey's Drug Store ILMONOMMINIMMIIIMMIMIMMIINIMMIR Plumsteel Bros. CLOTHING THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE ea NEW, IDES PATTERNS. The Composite wage —TDB LITTLE WONDER A great combination -Two In One Heater and Cooking stove combined. Just what is wanted owing to the scarcity of fuel. Will burn hard Coal, soft coal, Coke or Wood. —Call and see it— A great many sold and highly re- commended. Can furnish any quantity of Testi-' menials such as the following: • "I must say we are well pleased with the Composite. It gives lots of heat, bakes perfectly and burns any kind of coal; the same,with wood, wet or dry. It is all thsane, We just used the one stove all winter.' "The Composite Range is the best I ever owned, It is' a good heater and cooker and burns less fuel than any stove I ever saw, and when I say that I know what I am saying." We also have the Happy Thought, Pandora, Corona Northern and West- ern Pride Ranges. We have the Heaters on the same Principal as the Composite, Perfection Oil H'eatere. Just the tying to give comfort and save fuel. We have a fairly good supply at present of Brantford Roofing, the old reliable, both in Slates, Slabs and Rolls. HARLAN BROS. Hardware. Stoves and Novelties The Store With a Stock MairMinimorantcammenielsomet Keep arm Wehave been fortunate in seci>,ring the:following noted lines of COOK. STOVES AND HEArERs The famous Quebec Heater in three sizes Air 'Tight Heaters , Coal oil }.Heaters Mc•Clary famous Steel .[Ranges IVlcOlary famous Oast Ranges Al'so a number.of,second-hand heaters in good repair We Specialize on hone -made Stove and Furnace Pipe Plumbing and electrical work in all their lines ' We solicit a call and will be pleased to show You our stock and quote prices, Sutter Plumbers and Electricians er tie Phone 147W 1 1 0k* School Seek$ and School Supplies YOT.T ARE INVITED TO IN•• SPDCT OUR STOCT-T•FI1BL. INQ CoNFIDENT ?TRAT THE ADVANTAGE ' WILL BE SEARIID BY YOU, T10 W. 'D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best I r1lN11U1 Ilulu IIIIIIIIiI iia. Miss Jebnie I•Iolmes is visiting Go friends • Mrs • Cai'di1Y is visiting friends Brussels. Mr. Lloyd Wilkin of Exeter *as 110 over the hoilday, Miss Heitnkey went to Creemore f the holiday period, Mr. Laurie Grigg of London w home for the betides'. Mr. R. W. Reed of Toronto was town over the holiday. Mr. Clarence Shepherd and bride a rived home on Tuesday. Mr .Harold Kitty of Toronto was town over the week -end. Mrs. J. A. Irwin is, visiting her s and daughter in Toronto. Mr. W. J. Harland of Guelph was week -end visitor in town. Mr. Harold Manning was up from London for Thanksgiving. Miss Vesta Snyder has gone to Lon- don to take a Normal course. Mr. Chester Johnston o£Windsor was in town over the week -end. Mr. Fred Rumball of Cargill spent the week -end at his home in town. Mr, A., McIntyre of Wingham spent the week -end at his home in town. Miss Nora Kennedy was home from Mildiflay for the week -end and holi- day.' Mr, Willis Cooper was up from To- tonto over the week -end and holi- day. Mrs. F. E. Foulds returned on Fri- day from a visit at her home in To- ronto. Mr. Calvin Streets of Toronto spent over the holiday with his wife and family. Miss Marion Gunn was home from Guelph for over the week -end and holiday.' Mr. George Green of Toronto refiew- ed old acquaintances in -town over the week -end, Mr. Arnold Glazier of the Stratford Normal spent the holidays at his home, in town. Mr, Frank McCaughey of London cause up to spend Thanksgiving Day at home. Mrs. Harry Fitzsimons and children spent the week -end with Staffa and Fullerton friends. Miss Florence Cuningbame spent the Week -end and, holiday with Miss Baker of Fullerton. Mr. Binford Colquhoun of Staffa ,spent the week -end and ho1ida$ with friends in.tawn. Mr. Nelson Howes of Brantford spent Thanksgiving as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. McCartney. Miss Susie Powell visited the hone of her uncle, Mr. F. A. Powell of Exeter over the week -end. Mrs. Wes. French of Kippen was the guest of her aunt; Mrs. Chambers, over the week -end and holiday. Miss Maple Livermore of Toronto was a weekrend visitor at the home of Kr. and Mrs. A. McCartney. • Miss Edwards and her niece, Miss Margaret Taylor, spent Thanksgiv- ing at their home at Gananoqua. Mr. and Mrs. Devitt Wilson of Goci- erich were guests on Monday of Mr. Goldie and' Miss Bertha Cant- een, Miss Garrett, who has been. visiting Miss Ward for, a Week or so Ieft Tuesday for her home in Washing- ton, D. C. Mrs Rath spent the week -enol and hol- iday as the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Forde and Mr. and Mrs. Eastman of Toronto. • Rev, S. Anderson was in London yes- terday attending a meeting of the special committee of the London Conference. Mr. Murray McNeil leaves this week for Ontario, Cal., where ltie intends remaining for the winter and may locate permanently, Misses Agnes Chidley and Mary Chid - ley week -end eon the ve t e ofToronto t e 1 ly o p and holiday with the tatter's moth- er, Mrs. T. Jaekson. Mr, and Mrs. A. F. Collyer and fam- ily of London spent Thanksgiving at the home of the lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. James- Steep. Mr. and Mrs. Stone and Mr. and Mrs. Fletener of Exeter and Mrs. Purvis of Parry Sound visited last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Livermore and daughtor of New Toronto spent the week -end and. holiday at the home of Mr. and i4Irs, A, McCart- ney of town, Mr. and hies. Kenyon and Mrs, Mac- Dougall and Miss Etitel Milano - ,gall of Hansell worn the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J..11. Atkinson on Thanksgiving. ot1 a Mn and Mrs. T. R. Watts' el Stint - ford spent the week -end at the formers parental home, that of Mr. and Mrs, W. ii. Watts.- They wore accompanied by their cousin, Mr. Gordon Scrihbins, who remained fin a longer Visit. Mr•, and Mrs. Carmtalt Anderson and babe and Mr. Billy Anderson of ' Toronto and UU.ev, 1!), L. and Mrs, Andersoti of Wellborn spent the Thaeiksgivil1g holidays at the par - total home, that of Rev, S. and Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. C. Anderson and babe art reniaining for a week, 'MIMS OCTOJ R 2lst, I020 If You, buil; out or tOWr and 1 bug out of town What is going to become Of town? our' EllECY BURN YOH SPEND IN CUNTQN 111111 EVENTS 1111f COME NODE TO OlIO T Iftl CGI TO The Clinton Newsi-Record meatime Tread these articles with care, they'will present something you have not thought of before, Patronize the home remains here and benefitthey s the are whole commour uors nity. There d will treat you right: The money you spend in Clinton me dP'V There is a lot of Satisfaction fit knowing that we look after yoU1 benicing interests. Your business, saving or private accounts, are solicited with the assurance they will be properly safeguarded at the Molsons Bank, Clinton. H. R, SHARP. Manager Pure Drugs are essential • to health, I carry a complete line of 100% drugs and medicines, al so a complete line of Toilet' arti cle§ and sick room supplies, in fact everything usually carried by a first-elass drug store, W. S. R. HOLMES, The Resell Store. Regarding Stationery and office Supplies you will make no mis- takes in buying from me. School supplies, fiction, magazines, newspapers, that you may need can be bought here, A complete line of Well Papers kept in stock, W, D. FAIR• & Co. Stationer. Jewelery Picture Books that Is why all jewellery looks welI in cuts. A •10c article looks just the same as 0 $10 article. Trad- ing at home you do not need to • know jewellery. You can see for yourself. R. H. Johnson, Reliable jeweller There is no necessity to go out of town or send your money out of town when it conies to purchas- ing anything you may need in my line. The merchandise I Ilan-- ole cannot be duplicated in price or quality. Come in and see for yourself. J. A. Irwin, Dry Goods. Hardware of the kind we handle and keep in stock is your guar- antee that it will render the ser- vice for which it was intended. A full line of alluminum, cut= lery, paints, oils, etc. kept 111 stock. Electric work and fixtures. CORLESS & YENNER, Hardware Chocolates and Confections, the kind that ...melt away. Always fresh and wholesome to eat. I handle the famous Willard makes.• The Iatest in ice cream or sodas also served. Try my light luncheons, E. WENDORF Confectioner We invite comparison of our stock and • prices before you buy else- where, It has always been our aim to satisfy our clients . The line of Men's Furnishings and clothing' cannot be dupliacted. The MORRISH CLOTHING CO. blast's Outfitters Buying Furniture in Clinton you II will find our prices right, and our guarantee is •behind every piece of furniture we sell. Our undertaking parlors are well equipped for service night or day, , BALL & ATKINSON, Furniture Every Loaf • of Bread you buy from out of town injures this 'town just that much. Try our make of bread and baked goods, you will like our products best. Buy -at -Home ie a good -idea if followed out by all, BETTS & GADD, Bakers Get •our prices first on stoves and Ranges. We carry a large stock of the above as well as a com- plete line of General Hardware. You will find you can do better trading, with us than any city store. Ranges installed. HARLAND BROS., Hardware McTAGGART BROS. BANKERS Clinton, Ontario The CLINTON coneetms listed here, conscious of the fact that thousands ,of dollars are being- sent out of this territory for mer- chandise than can be bought at home, have launched a campaign in the hope that it will create a Stronger feeling of community Iut•- est—a sentiment Most .vital for the prosperity of the entire com- mnuity, -In bold tybe you read the slogan that we propose to.pop- ularize-BUY IN YOUR HOME TOWN. • - It is the purpose of the progressive concerns whose names appear on this page to present arguments of such convincing nature that the people of this community will respond thereto with the result that they will make a solemn pledge to first endeavor to get what they need from home merchants before sending their money out of town. The' time for the consideration of this question could not"be more opportune than the present. "Preparedness," the watchword of Canada, should begin at home and can be exemplified in no more fair reaching manner than by real co-operation in this vitally im- portant BUY -AT-HOME movemtent. It is a thought that should be taken. to heart and given consideration by every person who earns his living or owes his success to this community. The campaign is launched in the firm belief that the people of this community will follow the dictates of their good sense and bring the BUY -AT-HOME CAMPAIGN to an actuality that will be of vast benefit to the entire erritory. This movement is no selfish propoganda of these progressive con- cerns who have combined in do -operative conrinunity appeal. They urge that you read the brief messages they give each week through the columns of THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, They invite you to give careful consideration to the facts which will be pre- sented. Talk this matter over with your friends and neighbors. Re- sults are sure to follow. The firnn resolves to BUY AT 15051E will not only help the re- tail merchants, but the manufacturer and the jobber, the farmers . adjacent to our town and the general merbhants in nearby villages. It yill help every line of business; it will either directly or indirect- ly benefit every, individual of this section. Live Merchants recognize Advertising• not as an expendi. ture, but, as an investment. Persistent use of THE NEWS -RECORD will verify this. There is no better bread made in Ontario than what you get right here in Clinton. The best of ma- terials are used in the production of my bread and pastry. Demand and get .Home-made products. II. BARTLIFF, .Baker We are about to open our store at which time we will be In a po- ,.sition to take cave of your needs, in paints, Oks, Wallpapers, tenor and exterior decorating. All our work is guaranteed. Practise Buying -at -Home. WOOD & TYNER, Painters Photography is an art and re- quires a constant application and study to be able to get the .re- sults that meet the approval 'of a satisfied clientele, I also devel- op your films. Let your next photo be done by ROY BALL photographer Conscientious Service is one of the reasons why the 'Royal Bank of Canada, Clinton, retains its per- manent Clientele. Every possible aid is given -this " community in banking without ernparras§- inent. Open a savings account. R. E. MANNING, Manager It tuns often been remarked that the line of Stationery, Wail Pa- per, China, etc. that can be pro- cured at my store is surprising, Come and see for yourself and be convinced for all time to come that•you can do better here than elsewhere. A. T. Cooper, Stationer Quallity and service has always been my slogan. It has been ex- tremely difficult to supply your needs from time to time but you can rest assured it was duo to conditions beyond ney control. Let me know your wants, I will J. B.yMUSTst ARDor , you, & Wood Good clean competition never in- jured any town. Education is as essential as our daily meals. You cannot travel four directions at the sante time and arrive at a given point. The same is true of the dollar spent out of town, DOHERTY PIANOS LTD. The best is the cheapest in the end. Let your next job of Paper hanging or redecorating be done by me, My long experience in this line is your assurance that what I undertake to do will be done right. J. E. COOK, Decorator If we think an article is not what you are looking for we tell you 'so. If we do not have what you are looking for we will get it for you. Look over our line of stoves, furnaces, cutlery, electri- cal fixtures etc. and be convinced SUTTER & PERDUE, Hardware To satisfy the individual house- hold has been my motto for years. If you are looking for fresh, clean groceries, give me an opportunity to prove the merit of the line of groceries I keep in stock. Prices are right. F. W. WIGG, Grocer Ih the line of Dry Goods, Clothing' and Shoes you can do no better than ,by purchasing these at our store We try at all times to keep in stock what our clientele desires If we have not got it we will get it for you._ PLUMSTEEL BROS. Dry Goodlt In the line of Fresh and Smoked Meats we cannot be surpassed. Everything we handle is "proven best by every test" We invite your patronage with the assur- ance that you will be satisfied. Our business is on a cash basis. BUTLER BROS., Meat Market Cleanliness ris next to Godliness • It is here we invite the general public to visit our creamery and see how sanitary our plant Is kept. Every improved method will be found here in the manu- facture of the Clinton Creamery Product's. S. E. Rozell, Manager The News-feeord — For all kinds of job work MUST NOT PRACTISE OCCULT SCIENCE OR PRETEND TO RAVE SUPERNATURAL POWER. Miss Maggie Pollock of Blyth, who was convicted some time ago of prac- tising occult science avid whose case was appealed by her counsel, Mr. Car- row of Goclerich, to Osgoode Hall where Judge Dickson's finding was upheld, came up last week for sen- tence. After ,admonishing Icer that the practise must cease and bihding her over to refrain from such prac- tise in a bond of $200, he let her go on suspended sentence. It has beeyn customery for people to go to Miss. Pollock when thoy had lost articles 'and after going into somesort of, a trance she has been said to be able;to tell them accurately where such art- icles might be found. She may now go .so far as to give it as, her .opin- ion that sndh things ,nay be found but most not pretend to ;any super- natural power, Miss Pollock it said to believe that she has •such power and that she should bb allowed to parctise it for the good of i»ankind. She set this forthin a letter to the judge some time ago, it appears, but evidently it had no particular effect, except' perhaps to prevent a heavier prone homemade penalty, y work and aprons, , baiting and candy, ice Clean} and cake, dolls, 'parcel post, donations, ti nmlhge, will be among the things offered for sale and for which dona- tiofns will be received, There will al- so be a booth hi charge of the Winn- er's' Institute and one in charge of the Unity Club, Godcrieit township, Tho friends from the surrounding country care asked to leave their dona- tions at the Hospital, A hot supper• . will be served in the Chautauqlla CONCERT COURSit By Girls' Auxiliary Tickets $2,50 Plan- open to subscribers Oct, 30th. • At W. D. Fairs • Tickets reserved for the four concerts Nov. 4—"The Virginia Girls." Nov. 20—Lincoln McConnell. Freb.10--"The Zeclelers." April 22—Roseth Breed. HALLOWE'EN HOSPITALBAZAAR In the Town IIaiI FRIDAY, OCT. 20th Sale opens at -z o'clock , Fane DANCE'.. • Under the auspices of the Girls' Auxiliary IN THE TOWN HALL ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10111 - Dancing from 8 to 12. Gentlonon $1.00 L dles 5tie Phclan's Orehostea, , ALL PROCEEDS FOR 110SP1T'AL, council chamber from 5 to 8 o'clock, Admission to supper 5116' These are the days of Specialists: I specialize in good jewellery as well as watch and clock repair- ing. I endorse the ,Buy -at -Home idea because it has merit. Let us be loyal onetto another and the success of Clinton is assured. W. R. COUNTER, Jeweller �,�--,-.mac• A good place to eat and sleep, is what they all say of the Nor- mandie-Rattenbury 1-lotel. I make it my business to see that you are satisfied. It is tlto home of the travelling mann. Come in and make yourself at hone. S. S. COOPER, Proprietor tlemeafridaea Pyrex aril Alu u u You are invited to inspect ovr lino of FY r' EX Bread pans, pie plates, casseroles round and oval) jelly moulds, etc. We also have a full line of ALUMINUM Sauce pans, kettles, pudding palls, rice boilers, ..drinking cups, dippers, etc. We are always in the field for anything iu Electrical Fixtures and appliances, wiring, installation work aud,repairs, We don't specialize---rve;do all. Corless & Venter I:ARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL PHONE 55: eses T H1 •HU1tOI1V' SPECIALTY CAST- INci co. 1.�l w" PING " • A11 kinds of grey iron Castings. Cast iron repairs for farm machinery OTO1% WORKS BUILDING, CLINTON'—67-2-p THE A very successful School fair was held at Belgravo dli Tuesday of last wouk, as usual every MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY J. HUTTON IfsONZESiBo'`s 0 Miss Florence Notley, daughter of Mrs, B. Maley of Seaforth diad Iapt weep after a prolonged illness, •,