The Clinton News Record, 1920-10-14, Page 7miomusa i al, IiiGlaill?T,4da" ,; Eldoe Before and After Stropping (Magnified), It's the stropping' - that counts-!• Any razor is soon ruined by unskilled stropping. There is one . and one only razor that sharpens itself - the AutoStrop Razor. You can't strop it wrongly— ,just slip the . strop through, the frame and a few strokes to and fro will renew the blade edge. Any dealer will demotic strate the AutoStrop Razor to you, guarantee satisfac- tion, or refund of purchase price. Only $5.00 - complete with strop and twelve blades in an attractive assort- ment of cases to suit any purpose. AutoStrop Safety Razor Co., Limited AutoStrop Bullding, Toronto, Canada 201 The Love Ship. If half my ships came home from sea, And brought their precious freight to me, Ah, well! 'l: should have wealth as great As -any king wile sits In state— So rich the treasures that would be In half my ships now out at sea. If just one ship I have at sea Should come a -sailing house to nie, Ah, well;; the storm -clouds then might frown; . For if the others ali wet down; Still •rich and proud and glad Iid be If that one ship came back to me. —Ella W. Wilcox. GIIiLDIIOOD INDIGESTION Nothing is more conunon in child- hood than indigestion. Nothing is more dangerous to proper growth, more weakening to the constitution or more likely to pave the way to dan- gerous disease. Fully nine -tenths of all the minor ills of childhood have their 'root in indigestion There is no medicine for the little ones to equal Baby's Own Tablets in relieving this trouble. They have proved of benefit in thousands of homes. Concerning them Mrs, Jos. Lunette, Immaoulee Conception, Que., writes: "My baby ivas a great sufferer from indigestion, but the Tablets soon set her right, and now I would not be without them." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medi- 'cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents -a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicines Co.; Brockville, Ont. ' A Royal Nun. When' she was. eighteen, the Grand Duchess Marie Adelaide who has an- nounced her Intention of entering; a convent, ascended the throne of Lux- emburg, that tiny, State wedged be- tween France, Prussia,'and Belgium. On several occasions• the ex -Kaiser pressed her to choose a husband from among eligible German Princes; but to _ all his persuasions she returned 'the answer: "I shall never marry a Ger-' man. I would rather go into a con- vent than do so." • Many stories ..were told of her de- fiance of the Kaiser in the early days• of the war, when the Germans violated the neutrality of her country, but the .`set that she was forced to abdicate in 1919 in favor of her sister 'Char- lotte,who is two years younger, than herself, would seem to belie these stories. • Quietude. f do not think that skies and meadows are Moral, or that the fixture of a star Comes of a quiet spirit, or that trees Gave wisdom in their windless, silences. Vet these are things invested in my' mood ' With constancy, and peace, and forti- tude, That in my troubled season I can cry Upon the: wide composure of the sky,. And envy fields and wish that I:might be As littledaunted as a star or tree. -Drinkwater. Nevelt Look Back. Never look back When your goal Yen tire making) • "Forward and onward" 7000 watch' words iiillet be. , Whether the rough Batch 00 smooth yen are•:eking, Straight on ahead lies the goal— Victory, Never look back on a blunder in ter- 000; • Try t4 retrieve it, don't whimper and grieve. • Those who stand up to and wipe. out "- an error Surely the ',noblest of victories aohicve. Never look back once a job you have started, However awlcWard the obstacles prove; - Tackle your problems, don't give up down -hearted;', • Make it your business hindrances to move. • Never look back• else' your worries you double';. Grapple 'with setbacks, undaunted by none, ' Whate'er the bar, or whatever the trouble; Never look- back while there's work - to be done. Never look back on .a "fallen friend needing Someone to help him along' on the road. Boldly step forward, your best efforts speeding, Trying your hardest to lighten his load.' Forward and onward together- progr•es- ' sing, Till once, again he can shoulder his pack. Brotherly love is a boon and a bless- ing; Put it in practice and never look back. Real "Treasure Islands." Situated in the Pacific Ocean, nearly midway between America and Asia, is Nauru, a barren bit 01 rock .only twelve miles in circumference. Thirty •or -forty years ago almost anybody could havehad it for the ask- ing. To -day it is worth untold mil- lions, owing to the belated discovery tlhatahe whole island is neither more nor less than a mass of phosphate rock, the most wonderful soil fertilizer known to agriculturists. In Conception Bay, Newfoundland, is Bell Island, sold by its original own- er many years ago for one handred dollars. Soon afterwards it changed hands again for two million dollars. This enormous -rise• in value was due to the accidental discovery that the island is composed almost entirely `of iron ore, For years' previously shipmasters had been in the habit of taking the heavy, easily -handled rock for ballast, dumping it overboard with the -utmost uhconcern when they loaded up with cargo. Then, ane'day, h captain, more curi- ous than the others, had the strange - looking "rock" sasayed, and his for- tune was made. Not very faraway in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, is Antocosti Island, bought in 1895 from the Dominion Govern- ment by M. Henry Menier, the French "Chocolate Ring," for $125,000. At the time he was laugheci•ot. But it proved a good investment for him, nevertheless; for the thick brush- wood with which the greater part of the island was covered proved to be swarnhing with black and silver foxes, the'most valuable fur -bearing animals in the world. _ The Smallest of Screws. The smallest screws in the world— those turned out in a watch factory— are cttt front steel wire by a machine, liiit as the chips 'fa'll frim the knife it looks as if the operator were simply cutting up the wires to amuse himself. No screws can be seen, and yet a screw •is made every third operation. The fourth jewel -wheel screw Is next to invisible, and to the naked eye it resembles dust. With a glass, how- ever, it is seen to be a small screw, 'with 260 threads to an Inch, and with -a very fine glass the threads may be seen clearly. These tiny' screws are four one= thousandths of an inch in diameter, and the heads are double in size. It is. estimated .that an ordinary thimble would hold 100,000 of them. About 1,0000000 are made in a month, but no attempt is ever made to count then. In .detei•nlining the number 100 of them aro placed on a very delicate balance acid the number of the whole ahiount is calculated from the'weiglit of this.- All the small parts of the watch are counted in this way, prob- ably 50 out of the 120, -The screws are then hardened and put in frames, about1-100 to the frame, heads up.. This is done very rapidly, but entirely by the sense of touch in- stead ofby sight, so that a blind man could do it as well as the owner of the sharpest eye. The heads are then polished in an automatic machine, 10,- 000 0;000 at a time. London's twenty-eight boroughs have a rated value of £45,546,054, e Bre ed Fl t rs of wheat and malted barley, fully de- veloped by twenty hours bakin8 make The IdealCereal Ideal not only from, a taste standpoint but because of easy digestibility, • full nourishing worth; economy and ease of service. , At Crocer4 Everywhere .. Old- Country Papers Bare no send yours weekly or fort- nightly We pay postage on fifty cents worth• News of the; Wcirld, Comics, Gems, Magnets, 'Union 11acke, Christian CONovels, �ls,Aettto, pound 'for. 'let. CIIgRCfER'S - 289d Dundee trget W t, Is Your Brain a Camera? The photographic memory is found most eon/1110111Y lir actors and Retoese- es, who have to study a variety Of parts in .a very short time, After a time, these •people form a habit of get. ting.' a trental photo of the' Words, They look at the page, read 'the.,lince, and then, shutting their eyes, endeav- or to "see" the -words. It is a habit which, Nee formed, leswiftly develop. ed. Thepresent writer once."oram- aned" a part of forty-five pages in a single day by the aid of this natural photography. It may be said at once that, not everybody can acquire tlhls speciesof memory. Only those possessed of great powers of concentration can achieve the results 'described. But, providing that a person has anything of tbi's gift, he can build upon it until. it will serve hm to an almost unlimit- ed degree. The photographic -Memory usually finds its best development among people with what are called "'bumpy" foreheads. They have unusual powers of visual concentration. Fishermen Use Ancient Style of Nets. The abundance of fish in the Sea of Galilee is to this -day the wonder of travellers. Most of the fishing done by the Syrians involves the use of nets probably identical lei construction with those of the apostles, and the best evidence of the fishing having been done through the centuries with nets Is to bo found In the ease with which most of the fish may be deceived with the help of any bait, natural or arti- ficial. The pellucid water of this beautiful lake, with its ever+changing reflections, is in striking contrast with the muddy deeps of the Jordan, but the silt in that river; however, un- sightly to'the eye does not seem to in- convenience its fish, which aro extra- ordinarily plentiful even in the lower reaches before it falls into that death- ly lake which the Arabs call the Sea of' Lot. tn- -..�.--- FII•EQUENT .HEADACHES A DANGER SIGNAL The Victim Nearly Always Suf- fers From Weak, Watery e. Blood. There are few ailments that cause more genuine misery than nervous or skit headaches. Only those who have endured the suffering, sometimes for days at a stretch, can realize the agony of the victims. Noises increase the pain; food is unthought of, for it only adds to the distress. When the attack is on there is little to be done uhtil it passes away. These head- aches are nearly always a danger sig- nal that too frequently pass unheeded. They are the symptoms of many mala- dies, such ab anaemia, constipation, indigestion, etc., and when these are cured the headaches permanently dis- appear. Headaches are more often a. sign of weak, watery mood than any- thing' else, and the most successful treatment, therefore, Is a remedy that will rebuild' the blood and make it rich 'and red. This can best be done through a fair course of -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which has a special action on the 'blood, and through the blood on the nerves. In this way Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. have been found In- valuable in a wide range of diseases due to poor, watery blood, Such as anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion, af- ter effects of influenza, neuralgia, etc. The effectiveness of this tonic treat- ment is illustrated in the following case: Mrs. Geo. Arn, R.R. No. 6, Sim- on, Ont., says:—"Some years ago my daughter, then a young girl 01 eleven, became very much run down and ner- vous. She was troubled greatly with sick headaches, ands frequently with vomiting spells, and although we lived just across the read from the school, she was not able to attend. She was taking medicine all the time, but. it did not seein to do her any good. I' had often read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and>1lnally decided to give them to her. By the time she had taken two .boxes she seemed much better, and before the fifth box Was finished, she was again in the• best of health and'has always since enjoyed the best of health, I am satisfied it was 'Dr.' Williams' Pink Pills that restored her, and I have since seen equally good re- sults in other cases:" You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 60 cents a box or six boxes for' $2.50 frog- The Ihs Wililams' Medicine Co., Broc41. illo, Ont. When' Calm Seas Are Rough. To the landsman there is no sign of an approaching storm. An almost glassy sea is moved by a gentle swell. But the 'sailor knows that those quiet undulations are a warning -of the deadliest danger. Upon a perfectly coin day ships have been caught by a gentle roll of the water and later dashed to pieces on the rocks by the "ground sea." On the Atlantic, waves rise forty feet high Driven before the Palo they travel thirty miles an )hour, and soon MO out of the storm area, Those waves roll on, settling into long loll- ing ridges, OIt the open sea these -ridges travel in three parallel lines. And the fur- ther they go the lower they slnit. As the groundsea advances it creates a false' tide. And the waves break in full force within an hour of the warn- ing swell, A wave caused by a ground sea may be twenty feet high; When you re- member that it strikes a beat with a force of a toil to the square inch, yoit w111 understand the necessity for i fid ars ulll ashe's while there Is pp p ob 0 8 time, - y0f...u+�,..v.4rY Miteirdrs Unit-nen' ltslicveo Gelds, f tc FOR THE AUTUMN R R. �� Ra QIB1E 5045. 0606 Embroidery Design. No. 811 FOR THE AUTUMN WARDROBE.. 9655—Ladies' Dress. Price, 35 cents. In 7."sizes, 34 to. 46 ins. bust measure. Size 36 requeree 3 yds. "36 ins, wide; contrasting, 1x/0 yds. 54 ins. Width, 1% 'yds. 9645—Misses' Dress (seitalble for small women;' in two lengths), Price, 35 cents. In 3 sizes, 16 to 20 yeal`g.' Size 16 requires 201 yds. 40 Inc.; col- lar, vest, tunic, 1% yds. 36 ins. Width, 1% Yds. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCwl1 Co., 70 Bond, street, Toronto, Dept. W. New C.P.O.S. Liner. The Empress of Canada, a twin screw geared turbine oil burning pas- senger liner, built to the order of the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, Limited, especially for their trans- Pacific service, was recently launched at the yards of the Fairfield Ship- building & Engineering, Co., Limited, Govan, Sdbtland. The christening ceremony, which was performed by Mrs. G. M. Bos- worth, the wife of the chairman of the Canadian Pacific Ocean Services, Limited,.went through without a hitch. The ship is 653 ft. long, 77 ft. 9 ins. wide and has a depth to the bridge deck of 53 ft. 6 ins. Her gross ton- nage is about 22,000 tons, and she is arranged to carry about 490first class, 106 second class, 238 third class pas- sengers, and 547 of a crew. Of the cargo spaces, a large portion has been Iitted for the carriage of silk. The ocean speed is about 21 knots. The vessel is built to the highest class of Lloyd's register, to full Board of Trade requirements and sub -divided in full accordance with the require- ments of the Bulkhead convention. A. complete system of telephones with a central exchange is- fitted to the special and private suites and various- offices, etc. The dining saloon is on the upper deck and will accommodate 325 per- sons, a large reception room is $itu- ated forward of the dining saloon with passenger elevator at the fore end; on this deck also is a swimming pool 30 ft. long by 18 ft, wide, and a gym- nasium. Throughout the vessel special at- tention is everywhere given to the fact that the Empress of Canada is to serve in semi -tropical climate; public rooms are therefore large and airy and the ventilation amply arranged. The maiden voyage of the Empress of Canada will be a tour of the world, starting from Liverpool, March 15, 1921: First, Girl Ever Photographed. While France claims to have invent- ed photography through the genius of Daguerre, the painter, the United States is proud of _the fact that it was one of her sons who photographed the first face. After years of patient labor, Da- guerre succeeded in taking sunlight pictures of scenery on • a sensitive plate. • - This was. in 1839, and a year later Professor John W. Draper, of New York, took a photograph of his sister, Dorothy, the first person to have her likeness reproduced on a prepared background with the help of the sun's rays. It tools an hour to take the photo- graph, and the picture , may stili be seen. . The Americans celebrate the day that photograph was taken as an an- niversary and call it Draper Day. - 66DANDERiNE9' Stops Hair Coming. Out; Doubles Its Beauty. A few cents buys "Danderine." Af- ter an application of "Madeline" you can not find a fallen hair or and dated. ruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, More color and thickness. - A pretty pair sf •curtains for the pink bedroom is made of white dim- ity, hemstitched and picot -edged in pink, Mluart!'s Linfnhettt Per Burns, ktt, The hippopatnlnue is meetly bliticly. but can seem a white mat two miles to im!iidwerd, AUTO SPARE PA-fT8 for meet rnalcen Aad models of carp, 'year` Old, brogan or woi'tl•out parts replaced, Write 00 wire us deggal b ing what you want, We carry tl #uv geatnn0 Mont nomdToto ntoak Canda ,Df k(i litlY use00 now prt and -automobile eculpmant. We chip C.O,D, anywhere in Canada, Satis- faotorY or refund 1n full ger rnottp.. -611aw'i. Auto 13aivago Part.'P#ttplr#y, 820.831 Dttfforia St., Toronto, Out, l annlel's A,tDpetitea Some amusing stories are told of the voracious- appetite of Handel, It le said that he -once ordered din - nor at an hotel. .lie arrived at the time appointed, was told':th) ilio dln- uer was ready,' and Watt asked if he would wait•for the others. • Handel's, reply was: "I am the, others -serve the dinner," and he ate_'. the whole of it, Another story of the great musician is that while 'coated at dinner with some' fellow -musicians he suddenly ex- claimed that an insphatiou had occur- red to him, Fearful of losing some flash of musical genius, hit com- paRions bogged: hint to retire to an ad- joining room to write it down. Later on during the dinner Handel again declared he had an inspiration, apd departed to write it down. The proceeding excited the suspicion of one of the party, who went to the room to which Mendel had retired, looked through the keyhole, and, be- hold, there .wee the great composer helping himself to some burgundy which an admirer had sent him, and which he wished to avoid sharing with the others. BUY "DIAMOND DYES" DON'T RISK MATERIAL Each package of "Diamond Dyes" con- tains directions so simple that any woman can dye any material without streaking, fading or running, Druggist has color csa'd—Tale- no other dye! Your Garden Gives Clue. Few gardening enthusiasts make use of the store of natural glue in their plots. This, 1f carefully harvested, is convertible into "hard cash" at any time. Snails, so often regarded as worth- less creatures, aro really veritable glue -pots. Anyone examining the ex- tremity of the bodies in the larger species of snails will discover quanti- ties of the sticky substance lying hid- den in small white bladders. Snail adhesive, or natural glue, as it is sometimes called, is one of the most valuable substances experts rely on when repairing rare and costly por- celain and' glassware, consequently the demand exceeds the supply, ' The slimy matter is applied thinly to the broken or damaged goods. When the edges are clamped together and allowed to dry for upwards of a Week, this product of the snail then becomes fully matured. It gives a de- gree of strength hitherto unknown in manufactured adhesives. MOTH ER!o - "California Syrup of Figs" • Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the neree California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stom- ach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Pull directions on. each bottle. Sou must . say "Cali- fornia." Scatter a few whole cloves around where ants are and they will disap- pear. Minard's Liniment Relieves Distemper Mr. Delbbiins (to newspaper boy): "Don't you- feel cold, somsy?" Boy: "Oh, no, sur! Selling papers keeps up the circulation. STeRMry1.N OWS&DOORS S1ZES to suit your 1.7 openings. Fined with glass. Safe de- livery guaranteed. [0). Cute t down hills. num wfhlor comfort. The HALLIDAY COMPANY, Limited HAMILTON FACTo0V.nlsTmnuToa6: CANADA Miss Fiera Boyko Tells Hew- Cuticura Healed Her ?implies "My face was very itchy at first, and after that it was covered with pimpicri that disfipurec[ it badly. Tho pimples were bard and red and they were small, and they were scat- tered all over my fact and wcreso itchy I had to scratch and I could not sleep. "These bothered me nearly a year Wesel used Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment and when I had tatted live cakes of Cuticura Soap and five boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Mise Fiore M, Boyko, Gardenton, Man., Dec. 2d, 1011 Having obtained a clear healthy skin by the use of Cuticura, keep it clear by teeing the Seep for all toilet purposes, aettisted by touches of Ointment as needed, Do not fall to include the exquisitely scented Ceti.. tura 'redeem in your toiletprepara" tidies. Splendid after bathhlg. Soap 2s0, Ointtaent 218 and Sha. Sold throughouttonoinr ion Ca aliisDopo t Lymmimit<,St. triontrent. Cutikura Soap shover, without mug. leSUE No. 42—'20. Couldn't' Surprise Him. Gentle glycerin. narks 8 storyto10 of Gente•ral Lord Rawllnson, the new Cetexpender•in-Chief at, the lndien Army, When, during the early days of the war, .the Seyontli Division were very hard preseed,.. "Rawly" arrived oiie night .at his headquarters, ;very tlydT0. One of lohls staff .met hint, "I have a note bas's; sir„from G,11-61.,that will probeear .surprise you;`.'cormitencepd the officer, ” T here„ just. v{}8ate year are wrong," replied Rawiineon. "Nothing G.H.Q. Could, gay cr do,couid possibly surprise • CASCARE TS "They Work while you Sleep'; Do you feel all "unstrung"?—bllioue, constipated, headachy, full of cold? Cascarete to-hight for your liver and bowels will have you tuned up by to- morrow. You will wake up with your head clear, stomach right, breath sweet, and skin rosy. No griping—no inconvenience. Children love Casear- ets too. 10, 25, 50 cents. "DM you have a good time at the zoo yesterday?" asked the teacher of Ernest. "Yes," was the somewhat hesitating reply, "but I did not see the 'so -forth.'" "What do you mean?" asked the mystified teacher. "The man said: 'Here are the monkeys anti so -forth," ". replied Ernest. "I saw the monkeys but I did not see the o- f -oriel." Minard's Liniment Co„ Limited. Dear Sirs,—1 can recomhnend •MIN- ARD'S :LINIMENT for Rheumatism and Sprains, as I have used it for both with excellent results._ Yours truly, T. B. LAVERS, ' St. John. "Yes," nursed the Arctic explorer, "at one time we came. within -an ace of freezing to death. Luckily, how- ever,"—he gazed thoughtfully at the ceiling—"we had the presence of mend to fall into a )heated dist:uesion," MONEY ORDERS. When- ordering goods by mail seed a Dominion Express Money Order. Am11er or gold is easier on the eyes than any other color for a lamp shade or bulb. Minard's Liniment For Dandruff. A process for the production of al- cohol and yeast from seaweed has been .patented. Ciass fled Advertisetneretr.. rxeyeaM E .8lIDP WANtesP, LDA/1N ' `pp ,[ nonce with 'ghee a S1lrlgr e�Cbcrtt 4Nlorde'. enabling a per8anpito i'eadti ppiny aceoI0 lenlmeats on piano or 05.1(0 etn'F;efserl' hays tnders#ed )7y let:4jitro mus - clans exoryvltgro. -Agents •ic utad, lib. arena In mtssiensl p1.90. d to any aQ arena to Canada• far 8'1,96• SaMhalp Ppb. Co., 166 1lroadwey, Sydney 19.S, The Order of the''llhislle dates frond) 1687; it is Ba ritecl,to the Icing and sixteen itn)g'hts.. , America's 10)15 ' Dog l;emndies Book on DOD, DISEASES oa}net How to seed ted l0roe to any Ad- dress by the Author. 30. OIes' Glover Oo., Ino. 118 West. list Street New York. V.S•A. , COARSE SALT L A N', D ' SALT Bulk c rflp TORONTO GALT WORKS d. J. dLIWP - TORONTO (itay6.BI 1I SCENTED 'RED CEDAR CHESTS AboolatolyV moth -proof end wonder. • e ty baaadsome 'ptacos of furniture. Lfroot from manufacturer to you. Write for free lnustryit04 Uterature. Eureka Refrigerator Co., Limited Owon Bourtd, Oat. (1 Used for 70 Years Thru its use Grandmother's youthful appearance has remained until youth has become but a•memory. The soft, refined, pearly white appearance it 'renders leaves the -joy" of Beauty with yo for many, year's. xvie SAVE 50c • to 1.00 per roll Prompt Shipment [.. `�C�lTTlE`t►)iy���i YOURSELF THE JUDGE We ship on approval to any citation where there is an agent. We save you 50c to $1.00 a roll on Ready Roof- ing of guaranteed quality, yourself to be the, judge after in- specting the Roofing at our risk. Samples free by mail, also fres catalogue with prices and full- information. Send letter or post card, "Send me free samples and price of Ready Roofing and particulars of Free Delivery Offer•." THE HALLIDAY COMPANY, Ltd. Factory Distributors, HAMILTON - CANADA AS--- R FREE SAMPLES =a ewer ilithlii470»in ' w8 ,-r ,Tarin efi ui0in' tf Nave your Weaning Dune y- Expense bEtl Clothing, household draperies, linen atld delicate fabrics can be cleaned and made to look as fresh and bright as when first bought. ' Cleaning and Dyeing Is Properly Done at Parker's. It makes no difference where you live; parcels can be sent in by mail or express. The same care and attention Is given the work as though you lived lin town. We will be pleased to advise you on any question re- garding Cleaning or Dyeing. WRITE US. arker9s clean' des 7e1YongeSt., ' or =,s LiI I ed ars Toronto ONLY TABLETS MAR KED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"' lC The Mime "Bayer" is Old thumb of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which print of genuine Aspirin, It cosi- contains proper directions for Colds, thusly identifies the only genuine I:Teatlaebr, Toothaello, Bereave Not- Asphrm,-•'t•lto Aspirin prescribed by Might, Lumbsgo, Ithettniatism, Nouri' physie!a to for over nineteen years and tie, joint Paiita, and Pain generally. tow mado in Canada, 'Cin boxee of 12 tablets cost but .h.lwey's buy tte unbroken package a fow cents, Larger "Bayer" packages. Theta 3s only ono Asplriit—•"]Sayer".-Yott utast say YSBayenn Asplrin is the tracts merit (regletorad le 6annee) of Buyer Vitwateoturc 81 ?tone• neolica01deater of Saileylrooela. white 10 to wolf boors ntet Atplrl i nrosen Bayer ntar'tufa.ctoto, to naslot tiro Dahlia Intehi5( battauoun, rho fnhelets of 1101/00 Celn0isD3 ,Will ire 0141113)01.101111, their genera! tredo tu0rlt, 1Uo "1301/80 Dreaa,"