HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-10-14, Page 5,74411InSl?t11I,, QC`!.'QRTR 14tH,' :2 Clinton News.Repord Orr Interest to '9 `ou ' and Me :'Don't imoe]c but boast Your cm' n7 e advice of unity, is the sPy7slbl ad i P the Brussels Post, • The New York Mailsays that of gasoline goes to fifty tens a 5g'ollon -t0 lot'ex people will be buying gaso-; 1]]ie lit fifty cents a gallon, suvcvssful merchants believe most there ertising arid who pxac- beliefs:'--Simeoo Re- Renfrew Mercury asks if where in the Dominion y that cannot be intlu- e ministerial promises public works?" nothing like production (Texas) Times-ITerald &y: "No corn, no calces clothes, No' wriest no shingles, no shelter:", *wr• 1 Advocate has bought Mitchell 11 iie- over lYl t5 7 o the editor died a few Henceforth there will Pa1?er published in xntnent can give � us Day, bub vanthey glue —The Seaforth News.. man not yet learned 1 for anyth]ng'plainer be truth in the asser- e Orillia Packet, "that girl's would hesitate an with a wooden leg, are ready to jump at a wooden head." r,*�a instead of `raisin' asks one's choice,of to lower the discount Canadian money" remarks Advertiser. At this sea - say "Pumpkin, please" x, � s Packet describes sonie- "as short as a Scotch As the Pac.:et editor y married we presume taken as an authority Length of a•Canadian so. refineries are unwill- ,the price of sugar have � hand a large • bought at the probably they had •a on hand of raws IoW price when the x e u � are very careless ng ofappointmentsbut an chartered a special rim o T sante the g' I t o suing missed the regu- t he might Iteep an had in that city at e following morning 1300 to keep that ap- A * * ,p ° Monday is Thanksgiving Day. Canada never hail greater cause for thanksgiving than she has this _year. Let it not be a mere formal, perfunctory observance of the day, but a clay of teal thanksgiving. Canada has been blessed "i' basket and i' store," .and as ingratitude is one of the meanest of sins, we • should, as a people, not fail to "give thanks?" a The Philadelphia Corn Exchange says: "The newspaper .gives more -of its service free than altnost,.any other institution that is not an endow- ed charity, while at the same time it voluntarily, for what seems fine public good, refuses to accept pro- ' fitable. advertising. Who can es - 'timate, therefore, the suM total of such a policy, day in and day ant, adhered to by our newspapers?" The Owen Sound Sun -Times and the Oshawa Reformer are coming •, out as tri -weeklies, publishing 'three ,.issues a week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. There are in Canada many dailies, weeklies and semi-week- lies but these are, as far as the are aware, the only two papers which no publish three times weekly. Ontar- io's Baby City and the growing town • of Oshawa are beginning to feel th'e • need of a daily paper and. are no doubt, "wonting up to" that. ' r.. e * The complaint is merle in some • towns that •the war trophies presen- t ted' by the War Trophies Commmittee are not given proper positions or treated as if they mattered at all. This charge cannot well be•made in • ' Clinton for the field gun presented to this town 'has been given a posi- �< :tion on the beautifully kept postofiice r-° f h in eci 1 er lyse on av e s a - mar g s p p q n Det n ment and boon granted by tl e l a •t e _now stands on a neatly constructed •cenenb foundation built for the pur ,:pose ,in that central spot. ,*e** Rents are going up at such a rate 'in Toronto• that the mayor and board •of control are 'endeavoring to do 'something to bring relief to tenants. .Nothing •seems to be possible,'howev- •er, except to raise the assessment of - profiteering ]andlords and as this would only'inean increased rents the "ila'st state of the tenant would be •worse than the first, If a system could be worked out so that a part •of the taxes thus collected could be' given back to the suffering tenant it might help. Let Tommy Church get .down to it and see what can be done: The Chtistian Guardian, the organ •ori the Methodist Church ]n Cahada, •came out last week in a new forth, ,having been enlarged, being now sim-' ilar in size to MaeLean s Magazine, •and with colored cover, It is, both .as to.. nnechanical •construction and { reading matter, a very creditable pro- duction and the Methodist Church ltas reason to be pn,oud of. its church pep- er. The Guardian was fotnded in x829 by Egerton Ryersch, a fine type of Christian and o;f citizen, Iii over ininety years ib has gained ari assured Wlace anoegst Cenndiain people and e wish it continued success. "Tlte Moat are those who uglily in ,acly tice their • fornmeii; • "The Renf there "is any ; a constituent •enced by th , .of the gifts of * There's no `The Waco ', puts it this ;w No cotton, no waffles, N3 The Mitchel out and taker. • corder, whose months ago, ' be but ` one - Mitchell. i "The "cove •Thanksgiving us .turkeys? Has the News -:to be thankfu than turkey? "There may tion," says'th • whereas many' to marry a nn ~`-"--"r th• e fellow with • Saying 'apple' when the waiter pie is helping rate on Cana "The London A• • son we always The Oriilia thing as being honeymoon." is but recent! •he might be • on the proper honeymoon al The sugar • ing to reduce becau`;e they • stock ,,, of raws 'high price. But a large stock ' bon •ht at a ,g price went up • Sonne people : about the ]teepi a Montreal m i ri train to bring other night h lar once, so that -�.ee ap- pointment he 11ne-thirty th It, cost hint $ • pointment. Stanley Tow`ltsWWp Following is the report .for $,S• No 3, for September: Me•-Ardp11 Grainger 74/", 4th --Harold 'Playlet 66'%, ; AIn7t1; Rathwell Gl'/r ,. Sr. Srd -- Blanche .Taylor 498, Sareh Reid' 261 (absent), Sr, 2nd --Murray Grainger 314 Marie Grainger 289, Lillian Mardis 226, joule Tailor 191, Reese' 1 -loll, ner 106. 225, Louis Taylor 191., Russel Hob- vey Taylor 65, Jr. Primer Margaret Chutes' 01, Margaret Peck, teacher, The directorate, of the Stratford Agricultural, Society, which has a surplus this year of $1100, discussed the possibility of a county fair. Marriages , WATSON—HEAD—In ' Clinton, on Sept. 23rd, by the Rev.. S.Ander- son, Mrs. Vine Jane Stevens I•Iead to William Donnelly Watson of Whitby. • BEATTY-ROBERTS-At St. George's - church,. Goderieh, on. Oct. 6th, by Rev. R. S S. Cora Beat- rice, daughter,of Mrs. J. Me Rob- erts, to William .Beatty, manager of the Union Bank, Hillsgreen, for- merly of Bayfield. BUTLER-SCOTCHMERIO—At Craik, Sask., on Oct, 6th, by the Rev. Mr.; Cole, Charlotte Daisy, youngest daughter of Mr, Alfred Scotchmere of Bayfield, formerly of Clinton, to Myron James Butler of Deaver, Al- ber•ta, • Births KERR-In Clinton, on Oct. 13th, to Mr. and Mr's. J. L. Kerr, twin daughters. (one still -born.) WOODS—In Seaforth, on October 6th, to ltir. and Mrs. Charles Wood, IIs on. JEFFRAY—In Turnberry, on Octo- ber, 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. J. Jeffrey, a son. STAPLETON—In Turnberry, on `"Oct. 3rd. to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. S. Stapleton ,a daughter, PENHALE—In Exeter, on Oct. 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Asa Penhale, a son. ' • Deaths HICKNELL—In McKillop, on Octo- ber 6th, August Bicknell, aged 62 years, 9 months and 17 days. TELEPHONE INCREASE- IN NCREASEIN THE MATTER of the Applica- tion Commissioners for the •i the on t s s ton of t 1 C telephone system of the Munici- pa'rty of the Tewttship of Gale - ria, "er authority to increase the char, is, for telephone service: APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING. The Ontario Railway i1 a and Munici- pal pal Board having directed Francis Dagger, Esquire, Telephone expert, to 'enquire and report upon the above natter, doth appoint Tues- day, the twenty-sixth day of Octo- ber, A.D., 1920, at the 'hour of a quarter past one o'clock in the af- ternoon, at the Town Hall in the Town of Clinton, for the holding of such enquiry, at which ..tone and place all persons interested in this matter and desiring to be heard are directed to attend. Dated at Toronto this fifth day of October, A. D., 1920. 11.'`C. SMALL, 67-2 • Secretary COURT OF REVISION TOWN OP CLINTON NOTICE is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the MunicipaI- ity .of the Town of Clinton will be held in the Council Chamber, Min- ton, on Tuesday, the 26th day of October at eight o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of hearing and determining complaints against the Assessment Roll of the said Municipality for 1020, Persons having business with the said Court will please attend at the said time and place.—D. L. Macpherson, Clerk Clinton,,, October 18th. 67-1 Wanted for Buyer House and lot. House six or Revert rooms, and lot large enough for a garden. For attention- gtve price and particulars in reply. Ad- dress T. C. B., News -Record office, Clinton. 67-2cp White Leghorn Cockerels for Sale A number of thorobred 'White Leg horn cockerels, from the Delewate ChickenParra Stratford, stock, A1 - ply J. B, Hyde, Kippen, 67.1-p Lost In Wesley church shed, Clinton, ort the night •of Sept. 18th, abuggv rug, black, with striped lining. Finder kindly communicate with News -Re- cord office. 67-2-1i Farm for Sale - 55 acres on the Ind of Stanley, 2111 miles south of Clinton; 335 mile from school, rural mail delivery and tel- ephonie, story and a half frame house, hard and soft wa- ter at the hquse and also web at Karn; barn 86 x 54, driving shed, pig pen, and hen house, frame Horse stable. Good hardwood bush' Land in good state of cultivation, 2% acres of fall wheat in, Apply on premises or to Herbert Castle, Clin- ton,—67-3-p Auction Sale Of house and lot and household effects on Huron Street opposite J. Cuninghaine's en Saturday Oct. 23rd, IlapPy Thought range,..Cook stove, 2 heaters, tables, chairs, dressers, beds, springs and mattresses, dishes and graniteware and other articles too litinieron8 to mention, House consists of '7 room, In good state of repair, with '1/s sere of good garden land. A number • of fruit, trees. Terms of sale--Ilousehold er fects,"cash; house and lot, 10% of purchase money on day of sato, bal- ance , in 30 days. Miss Elizabeth Whitely, Proprietress, Gee. IL Elliott, Auctioneer, --67.2 III! COotld°act Sealed tenders, adclreeeed to the Pectmastes General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 12111 clay of Novamber, 1920 for the conveyance of His Majesty's Melts, 011 a proposed contract for four veal's,. Silt ti nee per week, oyer DondPsboxough Ne 1 Rural Route, from the Postmaster General's Pleas- ure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions or pro-. posed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be ob- tained at the Post Offices of Landes, borough, Blyth, Clinton, Walton, Au- burn, . and at the office of the Post Office' Inspector; London. POST OFFICE INSPIOCTOR'S OFFICE, London', 1st day of October, 1920. Chas. E. H. Fisher, Post o]Iice Inspector. "-66-3 Robe For Sale Black Galloway robe,, full size. Ap- ply to . R. G. Warrener, Warrener's Livery, Clinton, 66-tf-1-p For Sale A number of sealers Imperial quart and half gallons. Also a first-class Daisy churn, cheap. Apply at News- Rocerd office,—66-2-p For Sale Registered Shearling rams, ram lambs, Shearling and ewe lambs, Shropshire Downs. Also a number of young cattle.—W, G. Ross, Lon- desboro. Phone 2615 Blyth Central. —60-6-p Auction Sale of farm and farm stock Mr. Rainey Armstrong will sell by public auction on Tuesday, October 19th, 1920, commencing at 1 o'clock, on the premises, his farm on. the Mill Road,, 2 miles east of Brucefield,-4 utiles from the town of Seaforth, r/ mile from school, rural route and Tel- ephone, known as the old Brock Farm Lot 29, concession 4, Tuckersmibh township, comprising 10U acres more or less, most of which is in a good state of cultivation. There are about 7 acres of good maple and beech bush. The. buildings include a 6 -roomed dwelling house, including a kitchen, pantry; and Woodhouse ,,,with hard and soft avatar. in house. Also a first-class' barn 50x90 with brick and stone foundation and -.cement flooring and water piped throughout the barn from a never failing well, has 8 stalls for horses, can stall 30 head of cattle, 5 box stalls, 1 , s has s good root cellars under both gang ways, and the roof is galvanized sheeting. This barn is known to be one of the best in Huron County, finished inside with maple and oak. An implement shed 58x20, Terms—half cash and bal- ance can be arras ed to suit gpur- chaser. This farm will be sold sub- ject to reserve bid. At the same tine and place a quantity of grain, feed, stock and implements consisting of: Horses, 2 geldings, weighing about 30001bs., 2 drivers, 2 well matched fillies, 1 year old past and 2 years old past. Cattle -4 A:liking cows, supposed to be in calf; 2 steers ris- ing 3 years; 4 steers and 1 heifer rising 2 years; 5 this years calves. Implements—Massey-Harrts binder, G -ft. cut, with extra knives; Ctiltiva- ter and seeder combined; disc drill; hay loader, manure spreader; 6 -ft. mower, with extra knives; roller; hay rake; disc harrows; 4 set drag harrows; root pulper; fanning stili; Verity Walking plow; Verity Riding plow; Double walking plow; hay and straw cutting box; buggy; 2 tarts; cutter, set sleighs, waggon and rack and box; hand grass seeder; sniffier; root sower; No. 12 De Laval separ- ator; 2 sets double harness,. one set nearly new with breeching; 2 sets single harness; also a Maxwell auto, 1918 model, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—All suns of $10 and ender, cash, over that amount 12 months credit on furnishing approved, joint • notes. :A discount of 5 per cent. straight al- lowed for cash on credit amounts. Rainey Armstrong, Proprietor. Robt. Luker, Auctioner. —66-2 • Auction Salo Of Farm Stock and Implements. The undersigned has received instruc- tions to sell by public auction at Lot 35, Con. 4, Goderieh township, on Wednesday, October 20th; Commen- cing at one o'clock sharp the follow- ing: Gelding, 7 years old, gelding, 5 years old, coach gelding, 4 years old, cow, 6 years old, clue to freshen December 15, cow, 8 years old, due to freshen Jaiivary 1, cow, 5 years old, supposed osed to be in calf, 5 steers, 2 years old, 6 steers, 1 year old, heifer, 1 year old, About 50 hens, 14 Leicester ewes, Massey -Barris binder, ,7 -ft cut, McCormick mower, McCormick rake, Elmira hay loader, , Kemp manure spreader, ll]assey- Harris fertilizer ciri]l, Massey -Harris drill, Massey -Harris disc, Steel rol- ler, Frost & Wood cultivator, Set of harrows, Farmer's Friend riding plow, walking plow,- Gang prow, Wagon, Light wagon, Buggy, Plano - box cutter, PortlaaY1 cutter, set sleighs, set log bunks, Flat wood rack, two sets double harness, ono set single harness, Hayrack, Wood - rack, Wagon box, Gravel box, Cutting box, Fanning mill, set of scales, Wheel -barrow, root pulper, Grind- stone, 40 sap pails pig crate, two scuftlers, Corn planter, Pesthole aug- er, Bag holder, Set power horse clip - pets, Sheep . clipping attachment, Plate grinding attachment, 14folotte separator, Hay fork, car, pulleys and hay fork chain,. Stove, *tithing ma- chine; Churn, Quantity of wood, Ce- dar poles and pests, Used and new. - lumber, plank, scantling ane square timber, Pair hay rack sills', horse collars, ladders, Whifiletrees, neck - yokes, Forks, shovels and other arti- cle's too numerous to mention. TERMS—All sums of $10 and under, cash, over that amount 12 months' crectfiil will be given on :furnishing approved joint notes or 4 per cent. allowed fon cash. There will be positively no reserve, as the proprietor has sold his farms. Albert Rarriso7t, Proprietor, Thos. Gundry, Auctineen frh Little tl Things: That help on Wash Day. Have, you tried Rinso, Wonder Waah, Peer- e Q]1 L10117 Veer - lose a Wa in Compound. Try n for 6 p 7 7Y sotto f x next week. They all I Plp and yniticeW s Aa , a h yEASIlali, 21b, bar N, I', La up. If you want some. chry, soap 30e,�• - • thing good to Coffee 3•'liars Laundry soap 80e, We lucre it, Ask for 3 pkgs - Rinse 25a, 1 our "Ladies' Delight," 2 pkgs. Wonder Wash 25e 3 pkgs., Peerless Wechiiag Cempeund, 255. CDT '1'3U T;CAIUT OF DEALING AT JOH.NSC N & COMPANY I'r"S GOOD 1. Ib, bulk Tea 21b.. ;bunt Toa, SPECIAL 1 pkg. Cr, of Barley 25c: TANGLEFOO'1'' Fly paper catches the Flies. Phone 111 • DOMINION ICE CREAM PARLOR iCII CREAM WORTH WIIILE Palm Dairy—"THE BETTER KIND". Ise Cream that is cream, that has flavor, that le frozen firm, and "tet.411- es the spot," A dish of .01.11. Creain pools and cheers, and people who are "fussy" about their Ise Cream will be delighted with ems. Come and try a pint or quart today, all fresh fruit flavors. We have a complete assortment of bulk ach„veletas. NC/Ward's Bot Bonsand Mary Anne o Chocolates. •smog /pi stn panic'sagaun'I E. WENDORF nr STOCK TAKING SALE For 10 days to clear out all goods on.hand if possible at cost prices. 1 uprightpiano, good tone, was sold for $600.00, a good practise pi- ano to go at $125.00. 1 square piano in good shape, sale price $50.00. 2-5 octave organs suitable for school purposes to go at $15.00 each. 4 second hand cabinet phonograph, worth $125,00, fumed oak case, to go at $75.00. 2 Brunswick oak table phonographs 588.00 each. I Phonola a beautie, sells at $285,00 in mahogany. Sale price 5921.50. I Gold Medal table machine In ma- hogany, sells at $65.00. Sale Price $50.00. 1 cabinet Gold Medal, a peach, sells at $175.00. Sale price $125.00. All stock records to clean at 70e. each. Player rolls stock goods, fit any JONATHAN HUGIL PHONE 216 piano. 2 for the price of one. HORSES 1 Brood mare a dandy, $165; 2 general purpose (good drivers) to go at $66.00 each; 1 driver (not bro- ken) a dandy at $75.00 1 cream separator, Massey -Harris, like new to go at $60.00. For Particulars phone 216 or call at my office and see the goods. L' SEAFORTI-I OPPOSITE DALY'S GARAGE O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o ELGAR LADIES o o QUARTETTE o` o 0 o 30 Oxford St. 'W. London, Ont. o o e o Furnish up-to-date programs o o suitable for all kinds of en- o o t tertainne . ns _ o o Novelty programs for Fall Fairs o - o Special numbers for Church o o Concerts. o o Circulars on request 62-13 o o 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VICTORY BONDS Advices indicate that the amount of Victory Bonds available for pur- chase from .the Conunittee Is now comparatively small—only about half what it was a month ago, When those on hand are 1014 it is impossi- ble to say what the next development may be but indications are that the price will advance. Persons having money to invest in these securities should not delay. Those not paying income tax should secure bonds of 1019 issue. W. BRYDONE, Clinton COURT OF -REVISION Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to "The Ontario Voters' List Act" by his Honor, the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Clerks office on Thursday, the 22nc1 day of Oct., 1920; at 11 o'clock a.m. to hear and determine complaints and 01111881005 in the Voters' List of the Municipal- ity of Bayfield for 1920.-11. W. Er- win, Clerk of Bayfield. Dated this 7th day of Oat., 1920. —66-2 NOTICE The council of the village of Bayfield purposes passing a By-law to sell part of Road allowance be- low the bank on the south .side of the river in the said village of Bay- field, between lots 636 and 637 on the south side of road 'allowance and 683 on the north side andrunning n n g to the lake. and also diverting road allowance running from said road allowance north to the river, and in case no objection is macre to the above within one month the By-law will be passed. ` Dated at Bayfield this 13th day of September, A.D., 1920. 63-4 R. W. ERWIN, Clerk. Dried Apples Wanted Highest prices paid for any quan- tity of dried apples. Cantelon Bros., Clinton. —654f Heifer Strayed Onto the premises of the under- signed, or or about Aug. 29th, 1920, a black ntooley heifer, 2 years old. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Chas. Cook, 11, R. N o. 1, Bayfield, Phone 11 on 609. —65-tf House For Sale 8 -roomed house with 3 piece bath room, Ilot Air Furnace, Town water, good garden and chicken house. Ap- ply on the premises. W. S. Har- land, Princess street, east —614f• Help \iTanted • Women and girls for trimming and paring apples at the evaporator. Al- so other help. Town & Case, The Evaporator, Clinton. —64-tf Lightning Rods No Trespassing Any one wishing their buildings No hunting or trespassing allowed rodded can have same done by apply • on Lots No. 11 and 12 (Bridgewater ing to Roy Tyndall. Phone 8 on 607, Property) Huron Road. E. J. Tre- R. R. No. 3, Clinton.—66-6-p wartha.—G4-tj! Tractor for Sale One Fowls= Tractor with Gover- nor and Pulley, new. ' Voir further particulars Apply to Norman Jones, Kippen, R. R. No. 3, or Phone 5 on 81, Hensall. 66-2 Building for Sale Frame building, with hos vY elm timbers, lin first class condition. Suitable for barn or straw shed. Price reasonable, M. G. Ransford, • —65-3 Repots to Rent Suite of two or more rooms; Fur- nished or semi -furnished. Suitable for light housekeeping. Also single 'rooms. Radiator in each room. Hy- dro lights, bathroom and all conven- iences, Why worry over the fuel problem? Apply Mrs. Downs; Op - Posits Ontario St. Church. 66-4-p Wanted Married pian, for farm work, stea- dy work all year, comfortable house, garden, stable, Apply 118. G. fang - ford, Minton, Ont, x-66-2 Houses For Sale On the north side of Bond Street, good house, electric light, town water, stable, half acre of lend, few apple, 'plum and pear trees. Also on south side of Bond street,/good house, town water, good garden, :trait trees. Ap- ply to Henry Livermore.—65-4-p For Sale Comfortable brick hone() at coiner of Dunlop and T'niton streets. Large garden with orchard and garage, House hi good repair. With Fur- nace and water. Apply to own• er, Mrs, Wm, Cooper. -0048 4 Farm for Sale Lbt No. 10, B, R. N. concession, Stanley, 163 acres more po1yr letso. Nis.offenel for sale. $undercocic, R. R. No. 1 Brucelield, phone 15-621 ,- 68-18 House For Sale Comfortable 8 -roomed houseuse on Joseph street, centrally located, good cellar; % acre lot with fruit •trees; outbuilding suitable for garage or stable. Possession given inearly fall. Apply on premises to —Miss Turner. 56:tf For Sale , One ton Democrat Waggon. Apply to W. T. O'Neil, —64-tf Farrar for Sale or Rent Lot 78 and S. half of Lot 77 on the Maitland concession, Goderieh town- ship,/consisting of 18 acme, rn good state of cultivation. Large story and half frame house, bank barn and drly- ing shed With pig house underneath. Two wells and never -failing spring creek: 15 or 20 .acres of hardwood bush; 8 acres orchard. 1% miles from Holmesville, 5% miles from Clinton. Convenient to churches, station and cheese factory. Rural mail, For fur- ther particulars apply to Win. Bedard, It, R. Na 2. Clinton, Phone 12 on 602. —644f Farm For Sale 80 -acre farm, Lot 30, 'nth con., Godoaeh township. Geed barn, small house, Land in good state of cul- tivation, Thing. Obluixd of bearing fruits. A]so a genera] pnrpose Horse • for sale, Apply to Miss Bertha Oen- bake, Huron St, Clinton. ---504f Farm For Sale Henry Weston offers for sale his farm of 80 acres, being, lot 39, con,. 0, Godvrioh Tp, The ftirin is we l Wilt on, plenty of good water and in good shape, 7 ;lies from Clin- ton,' 3 miles from Bayfield, and 11 Miles from Goderieh, Will 'sell on easy terms. Apply on. promisee for further information,. It, R, Ne, B, Bayfield, Oilt., Phone 10 on 000, Clin- ton control.. TI'ouse and Lots For Sale Two lots, with oemfortab]e house, furnace, town, soft water in house. Garage and stable, situated on Mary greet,—Apply on premises to W. TL Cole, phone 135 68-tf For Sale Two six roomed houses on Fred- erick street, near the new flax mills, will be sold cheap; and on easy toms. Apply to Jacob Taylor or C. B. Dale. =64•tf A Real Bargain Parts of lots 378 and 399 on Al- bert and Princess streets, Clinton, with good brick store with baker's oven and dwelling over (7 living rooms and store) electric light, town water, also large frame stable with half acre of land with fruit tree. This property will be exchanged for western property if suited. Apply to C. B. Hale,—55-12-p Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and ser paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Hoard's barber shop. W. J. Jago. —35-tf Boars for. Service Champion bred, big type Yorkshire arid Cheshter White boars for service. At home every forenoon.—A, C. Levey, Phone 5 on 689. Clinton —28 OON'T FREEZEI As the genuine Scranton Coal is coming across in very limited quant- ities, we are malting special efforts on behalf of our people by substitu- ting: NUT COKE BRIQUETS CANNEL SOFT COAL WOOD SLABS We have these in stock at prices that will save you money in compari- son -with the ridiculous price of An- thracite. Try a substitute for your fall burn - 111 A satisfy g We can s y you. Orders will be taken and accounts may be paid at H. Wi]tse's Store. J. :®MUST ,:,A,zIRD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD,:' Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. THE _CORR STORE Phone 45 EAC HES This is the week for best peaches for canning n<.We handle peaches direct rom the growers at Grimsby Buy your supply and save jobbers profits. +o+ Try a can of Pure Grape Jam at *price less than the cost of the sugar. LIVE AND LET LIVE FredW.Wigg . Fertllizer When sowing your winter wheat be sure of a good crop by using SWIFT'S FERTILIZER Swift's [Hgh Gracie Acid Phosphate is especially suited for winter wheat and any quantity of 11 may be secured at our Elevator. Give us a all before disposing of your WHEAT, OATS OR BARLE2' as we aro paying highest market prices W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR, AND FEED Phones: Elevator 199, Residence 141 3 aseeratiamiliesi hall !V1llg SPECIALS Sweet Potatoes Cranberries Finan IIadclle Fresh Sausage Corn Beef Celery Grapes Bananas and Pumpkins F 4' d The Hub Grocery SCRANTON COAL ALSO WOOD Any who wish to Ieave their order for future delivery can do so by Ieav„ ing their orders tat my residence Huron St. or phone 155. Terms strictly cash. E. Ward. —34-tf South End Grocery oes A full stock of Groceries & Provisions We solicit your patronage woo La• vI stong PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY, 61f,�S VQATEC foi knitters and learners 11130 for menders and inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED o not wait Till next Winter to Talk about that Furnace DO IT NOW Agent for Reda Furnaces THOS., IIAWK1NS. Plumbing and Heating. Phone 53 Shop over Rowland's hardware FLOUR AND FEED CARLOAD OF STANDARD HOG FEED ON HAND !i J. A. FORD dc. SON Phone 123. LIVE POULTRY tNT[fl As the Poultry g fat in ton season is at hand we are prepared to pay a special .price for properly finished Milk -fed Poultry, As the grain .prices are low it will pay you to fatten your poultry at home this year. . Get our prices before you sell Si GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TREWARTHA, Manager,! Phone 190; Holmesville 4 oil 141 CRIaAMV•I WANTED Y The demand for our butter is creasing. To supply this demand we requirel more cream. Werequest you to ship us yowl Crean. We guarantee you the Highest Market Prices, emirate tests and prompt service. Our firm is known to you and needs( no further recommend, We pay all express charges, furn- ish cream cans and pay twice oath month. Write for cans or further informs- tion to the Tiffs Seaferth Creamery Co. 0, 'A. BARBER, MANAGER