The Clinton News Record, 1920-9-30, Page 5IIuitSDAY, st rTE
ISR 30, '1:020
bf oterOst to You
and Me
a •ried
Hen c.e'ist„bt. ' Married
Rev, B n ,Seen u t
'next week, The Rev, Beit will prob-
•ably make the discovery that after
• M
tall it is a connpavtttiyely ettRy err
ter to manage the Dominion Alli-
ance, evert if it does seem difi'icult at
�titties to keep the members an lite,
* * *
t; Extract from the' prayer of a 'five-
year!-o1c1 boy at Coldwater: "I thank
thee, Lord, that I have 8 mother who
can make sailing vessels and pea-
shooters I appreciate it very amen.'
Could anything serve better to 11-
'lustrato the changing times? It used
to be that if a mother could snake
.ginger cookiesand pies site filled the,
bill very well, Its not so easy to be
a successful mother nowadays,
A. very mean main Went to a ba-
'zaar dhe day and a fair damsel, who
'knew him, asked him to buy some-
•thing from her, He said be was only
buying from the plain girls • as they
:found it hard to -sell their waxes. The
gii•1 smiled, as fair girls will at a
ithe man
ant on,
'non 1 rnent and w
P ,
But it is said he made his way safe-
ly through that bazaar, without ouy-
it �thingjust repeating the a by.s to
each girl as he passed, We tell this
story so that the ; girls will be on
'their guard 'against such a fraud
'when their big bazaar is held- Iater
on. But 'then . it wouldn't work here
for the Clinton girls are all pretty..
Peron several places within the
.past few weeks have come -stories of
people being injured by guts, set as_
trapsto catch thieves. A lady an the
_a -vicinity of Mitchell was shot in the,
Aran while hunting her own chickens
which had ventured over into a neigh-
bor's yard; a boy near Kingston had
his knee shattered while . taking ap-
ples froin an orchard and aa„man in
ltfarch township was fatally shot by,
a gun set by himself and forgotten.
It may not be generally known that
the setting of such traps is a, crim-
inal act and anyone doing sods liable
to punishment. People should not
• steal apples or anytling else, of
course, but shooting them is too dras-
tic a measure, and anyway, 'even if
•.capitol punishment were a legal pen-
- alty, the private citizen is not sup-
posed to take the law in his own
* * 0 *
"The trade territory of a town",
says the Orangeville Banner, "is not
at all dependent upon the distance to
the neighboring trading places. The
trade depends upon the enterprise of
-the merchants .and residents of the
town. If the town does not reach
out after its trade it will come only
as it is ioreed to, But if the mer-
ehants go after the buisness in the
surrounding country, advertising in
every possible wayand -making good
every word of their advertising, trade
will come from an ever increasing
-talus, the town will gain a reputa-
tion for being awake and it will forge
to the front."
Sometimes one hears a merchant
or tradesman say: •"My goods ad-
vertise themselves. It is not access-
- ary for me to pay for advertising
space in. the newspapers." It is ob-
viously necessary that customers
' should be satisfied if they are to con-
tinue trading but 'there must always
be a "first time" -and if trade is to'
be built up new customers 'rust be
constantly recruited from somewhere.
How are people in the surrounding
eo'1'intunity to know that Clinton mer-
chants, for instance, have the goods
which they want unless they are
told? Newspaper advertising is the
cheapest and most effective way of
telling them. Judicious advertising
and then "living tip to it" is the sur-
est way of building up and maintain-
ing a really Worth -While trade,.
Following.'aie a few extracts frons
letter Mr, W. Marquis received
from Ina father, Mr, john Maru s
of Woodrow, Sask. It may be of in-
terest to some readers as 14Ir, Mar-
quis was a former well-known resi-
dent of Godorieh township and is
how in his eighty-third year, It will
be 8008 that he is still in the Posses-
sion nfacultiesn i s ofltadisstIl ac-
engaging in affairs,
"The weather has `boon very dry
here' this season with practically no
ratD since the twwelfl
of July The
oats and flex are burnt up. The
wheat is a fair crop, but a little
"I was at the. Regina fait and as
for horses and eattle it was equal to
anything in Ontario in numbers and
"Wo „had a fair in Woedtow, 1
showed quite a few vegetables and
rather took the lion's share of prizes,
about twenty in all, including first
on a collection. The second day the
directors called on the to judge the
f h v light task horses which as no c � g 1 as
it took until after•( o'clock, The next
day I got a eonplimentory letter
Prom the directors saying that I had
given general satisfaction and hoping
I would live to enjoy many -more
Woodrow fairs."
Mr, Kirk Lyon is visiting at his
Mr. Will Lyon and family are
spending their vacation with Toronto
The evaporator has opened for the
season. •
Mr. Geo. Mann and fancily spent
-e- Sunday at Goderich.
11r. Will Caldwell, Mrs. Quinn and
Mrs Ross spent Monday in Sea -
Mir. and Mrs. Nichelson received
word on Monday evening of the death
of Mr. Nichelson's mother at Wing -
ham Hospital and Mr. Nichelson left
for there. on. Tuesday They were ov'
sr to see Mrs. Nichelson on Sunday.'
Quite a number attended the sale
nc alo
it 14IcMha's s
of the late Gilbert
,and furniture,
The regular monthly meeting of
the Woman's Institute will be held
in the Forester's Hall on Thursday,
• Oct. 7th. Subject: "All the year
round egg production." by Mrs, Man-
ning; Reading by Mrs, Lee;' Solo by
Mrs. Johnston.
Mrs, Moses Brown wishes to ex-
tend to the friends and neighbors net
'sincere thanks for the kindness shown
. her husband during his illness, and
especially for the flowers contently
. sent hire, and also for the kindness
and sympathy shown her since his
Mrs, J. M. Roberts, of Goderich, an-
:rn0unces the engagement of her
daughter, Cora Beatrice, to Mr. Will-
iam Beatty, of 17illsburg. The ntar-
raige will take place quietly in Oc-
In eonenic8ion with the Itidgeerest
Poultry Farm, near here Miss Oliver
of Toronto, a graduate of Guelph
College, lead eharge of the poultry
during the past season, and Succeed-
ed in having March hatched pullets
lay 47 eggs in July, and 797 eggs m
August. The laying pens of the
farm are all stocked with first class
pullets, The management: of the
young chicks was said to have peen
far lit advance of any pteviois year's
work. It pays to know how to tato
088 of poultry, The Itidgecrest peo-
ple are to be congratulated on''hav-
ing secured the sexvicos of so cap -
•.alto a manager.
Stanley Township
The Messrs. Shaddock, father and
son, 9f Ilensall have purchased Mr.
John Deihl's farm on the 4th con-
cession and will take possession In
the spring. The younger man is a
returned soldier who is going to set-
tle . on the land. We* bid them wel-
come to' the community and trust
their sojourn amongst us will be
pleasant and profitable.. While Wel-
coming the neti•comers we are very
sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Deihl, who
will remove from the neighborhood,
after many years of residence. 'They
have not just decided where they will
locate but it will 'probably be in
Clinton, if they can procure a com-
fortable and suitable house. They will
not be leaving for a few months yet,
The Misses Johnston of Denver
Colorado, visited this week with their
aunt, Mrs. Jas. Miller of Kippen,
'Mr..Geo. McKay and sister Marlon
picnicked at Bayfield last Friday in
company with a party from Seatorth.
Mr. Robt. Hinsdale and W. C.
Pearce, who were summoned on the
jury, went to Goderich on'14Ionday but
as there were no cases to be tried
they returned home, their services not
being required.
Mr. Fasken, who has been in To -
ionto the pasts -Liao returned
glome on Saturday. We regret to state
that Mrs. Fasten is not unproved in
Mr. Henry Dayman, who has been
at Whitewood, Sask.,. for the past
six weeks, returned home on Monday.
Mrs, Geo. Squires of 17sborne Is
vsiting with her relatives laTucker-,
Mr, Thos. Hayman , was badly
kicked by a horse and the wound're-
quired some stitches. It is right un-
der the eye and he was ]mocked
against a cement wall and has a large
lump on his head. He was there two
hours before being': found.
Mr. and Mrs.. 5: McPhail . and
daughter of Porter's Hill visited their
friends here- this week.
Rev. Mr. Currie of London occw-'
pied the pulpit at St. Andrew's on
Sunday. It was Rally Day. • A num-
ber of the children will be presented
with diplomas and seals for repeating
verses of Scripture and catechism.
Mr John Workman, who has been
ill with ; summer Flu, is recovering
Word has been received from Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Ivison atnd ]81v. Robt.
Brownlee that they had a pleasant
journey and are enjoying their va-
cation in the Sunny South.
Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy and ,family
of Porclwich visited with his ole;
friend, Mr. W. Fasken on Sunday.
Mr. John Upshall of New .Ontario
is visiting his relatives in this vicin-
ity, •
St. Helens
Mr. and Mrs, .John Irwin- and son,
Win. J., and Mrs, John Darrow of
Lucknow spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. Robt. Woods.
Mr. James Reid and Thomas and
Eunice Reid of Stanley spent 1110
-week-end visiting friends around St.
Corn cutting is the order 'of the
Mrs. E. Cranston' has returned
from a. pleasant visit with friencls in
Toronto, Georgetown and Guelph.
Mrs. Gordon returned hone on Fri-
day after a weeks visit with friends
in Goderich:
The School Fair takes place this
Mrs, J. Durnin spent the week -end
at Seaforth.
Word was received last week of the
death at South Mountain of George,
youngest son of Rev. and Mrs. Peter
Jamieson. The sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to them In ttneir
Mr. and Mrs. ,VWill Taylor were
week -end visitors at Listowel.
Miss Lila Humphrey has returned
after a pleasant visit with Mends at
Mr. A. T. Cooper of Canton, or-
ganizer for the Canadian Temperance
Act, held a meeting here on Tuesday
last, •
Mt. McQuillian has been in the Ni-
agara and Erie district, where he ac=
ted as judge en stock at the fail
Mr, and Mrs. Joins Rola and Wil-
neer, and Mrs„Rathweil and Ainia,
spent the week -end at the home of
Mv, R. 3, Woods.
It is easier to make enc -aloe than
friends, but it is easier to get rid
of friends that ft is to get.tid of en-
Brantford ei8i ens will ho appealed
to to cease rising 010etrc hoatox"b.
C!intoi4 News -Record
k arr'iage%
svirrIl MIDDLETON-At "Mount
PI asant Goderich township, on
Sept, 29811, , by the Rey. A, I,, G.
Clarke of London, Ilelen IColt,
youngest i•e' e
y } Sta 2 0£' 11
Is leu } t t
(Daisy), g g
)(Ito ecoxgo Middleton and of Mt
Middleton, to Arthur Lewis Snaith
of Weston,
on Sept. 15th, by the Rev. 11, J,
McCormick, Margaret 11, second
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wtn.
Johnston, to Oliver M, Johnson of
Toronto, son of Mr, Oliver Johnson
of Goderieh,
Toronto, Presbyterian el -torch, o , n o
Sept. 25th, by the Rev, Dr. Goggle,
Elva 344ud Brown, forinerly of
Londesboro, to William Johnston.
of Toronto.
HIINKING--In Hullett township, on
Sept, 261:11, to Mr. and Mrs, 1Iar-
vey ITunking, a daughter.
McMILLAN—In McKillon, on Sep-
tember 20th, to Mx, and Mrs. Thos,
W. McMillan, a daughter.
POPE=In Hullett township, on Sept.
25th, Mary McGuire, widow of the
late George Pope, aged 91 years
and 10 months.
OKE—In Goderich township, on Sep-
tember 19th, Joseph Pair, son' of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Oke, aged
2 years and 2 months.
The enrollment of pupils at the 0.
A. C., Guelph, shows a registration
of 500, one of the largest in the his-
tory of the school.
Dried Apples Wanted
Highest prices paid for any quan-
tity of dried apples. Cantelon Bros.,
Clinton. • —65 -ti
Building for Sale
Frame building, with' heavy ehn
timbers, in first class condition.
Suitable for barn or straw shed.
Price reasonable, M. G. Ransforct.
Rooms to Rent
Suite of two -or more rooms; Fur-
nished or semi -furnished. Suitable
for light housekeeping, Also single
rooms. Radiator in each room. Hy-
dro lights, bathroom and all conven-
iences. Why worry over the fuel
problem? Apply Mrs, Downs; Op-
posite Ontario St. Church,—65-4-p
Married man, for farm work, stea-
dy work all year, comfortable house,
garden, stable. Apply M. G. Hans-
ford, Clinton, Ont. —65-2
Lost •
On the Hayfields-
-Road between
Wise's corner and Clinton a bank
book, cheque book and a pair of gold -
rimmed glasses. Finder will be re -
Warded by Ieaving same at the
Royal Bank. 65-1-p
Houses For Sale
On the north side of Bond street,
good house, electric Light, town water,
stable, half acre of land, few apple,
plum and pear trees. Also on south
side of Bond.street, good house, town
water, good garden, fruit trees. Ap-
ply to. Henry Livermore,—65-4-p
A small, create, square,scalloped
baby's scarf, with the letter "M” em-
broidered in the corner. hinder will
be rewarded by leaving at The News -
Record office. —65-1
The' Little Things
, nuts help on Wash 'Day. Have, you tried Rine°, Wonder Wash, i'eer-'
less Washing Compound. Try some for next week, They all Iielp anal
Make Wash DayEASIER,
21b. N I?,Laun .
dry soap 30e,± ,
8 bars Laundry soot) 250,
3 pkgs Rinse 250.
2 pkgs. Wonder Wash 25c,
8 pkgs. Peerless Washing
Compound. 29e,
If yea Want Reat0a
thing good 01 • Coffee
Wo have it, Ask for
our "'Ladies' Delight."
IT's 000P
1 lb, bulk Toa , , . ,60e,
21b,bribe r a ' ,,.$1,10
1 pig, Cr. of Barley 25c,
Fly paper Batches tlse
'1!'D11 12+91. kl
Hefei: Strayed
Onto the premises of the under-
signed, on or about Aug. 29th, 1920,
a black ntoolev heifer, 2 years old.
Owner can have same by proving
property and paying expenses. Chas.
Cook, R. R. N o. 1, Bayfield, Phone
11 en 009. —65-11
House For Sale
8 -roomed house with 3 piece ,bath
room, Hot Air •Furnace, Town water,
good garden and chicken horse. Ap-
ply on the Premises. W, S. Har-
lem], Princess street, east —01-81
Houses Wanted
Would purchase a couple of cot-
tages or medium sized houses in the
vicinity of Bayfield, to be moved to
other property. Apply to News-Re-
• Help Wanted
Woolen and girls for trimming and
paring apples at the evaporator. AI -
so other help. Town es Case, The
Evaporator, Clinton. —64-81
Aution Sale
Of house an lot and furnittire. The
Executor of the estate of the late
Annie Ross will offer for sale at pub-
lic auction bn Saturday, the 2nd day
of October, 1920, at 1.30 o'clock p.
n1. at the premises, the North part
of" Lot Number 134 on the corner of
Kirk and Townsend streets in the
Town of Clinton. On the premises
there is a comfortable • 7 -roomed
house, lately renovated and In good
condition; a very desirable home for
a small family. At the same thne
and place will be offered the follow-
ing furniture: 1 Singer Sewing Ma-
Ohm, 2 drop leaf tables, 1 kitchen
table, d carie .seated chairs, 10 kit-
chen chairs, 7 rocking chairs, 1 old
sewing machine, 2 cupboards, 1 cook-
ing4stove, 1 coal oil stove, 3 burners,
2 wood heating stoves, 3 i0ungcs, 6
wooden bedsteads, 1 bureau, 1 coal
heater, 1 Organ, 1 •Dresser, iS wash
stands, 1 writing dealt, 2 Book shelyos
2 small tables. A quantity of pre-
serving sealers, carpets, mats, pic-
tures, milk cans, stovepipes, trays,
clock, mirrors, dishes, crocks, flower
pots, clothes baskets, Bedding, Lamps
flower stand, and sI4 cords of short
wood. TERMS OF SALE of Furni-
turo----Cash, of Real Estate, Ton per
cent sash and the balance in 30 nays.
Pot further particulars and condi-
tions apply to
W, Ilrydone,
Solicitor for Thomas Fraser, Exec-
(loot's Elliott, Aueti0neer. —64-2
When Silverwood's Ice Cream
comes into the house. And for every,
body else too, because the whole frau-
ily knows how ,good our ereanc is.
'Soh flavot4 as only mother gives her
homemade desserts, and frozen
without lumpiness, ,Pure fruit juices,
best grade of fruits used.
For 10 days to clear out all goods
on hand if possible at cost prices.
1 • upright piano, good tone, was
sold for $600.00, a good practise pi-
ano to go at $125.00.
1 square piano in good shape, sale
price $50.00.
2-5 octave organs suitable for
school purposes to 315.00 each.
1 second hand cabinet phonograph,
worth $125.00; finned oalc case, to go
at $75.00.
2 Brunswick oak table phonographs
$88.00 each.
T Phonola a beautie, sells at $285.00
in mahogany. Sale price $221.50.
I Gold Medal table machine in ma-
hogany, sells at 265.00. Sale Price
1 cabinet Gold Medal, a peach, sells.
at 3175.00. Sale price $125.00.
All stock records to clean at 70c.
Player rolls stock goods, fit any
piano. 2 for the price of one.
1 Brood mare a dandy, $165; 2
general purpose (good drivers) to
go at $65.00 each; 1 driver (not bro-
ken) a dandy at $75.00
1 cream separator, Massey -Harris,
like new to go at 360,00.
• For Particulars phone 216 or call
at my office and see the goods.
.The councilo the village of
Bayfield purposes passing a By-Iaw
,to sell part of Road allowance be-
low the bank on the south side of
the river in the said village of Bay-
field, between lots 636 and 637 on
side of road allowance and
the south
683° on the north side, and running
to the lake, and also diverting road
allpwance running from said road
allowance north to the river, and in
case no objection is made to the
above within ono .month the By-law
will be passed.
Dated at Bayfield this 13th day of
September, A.D„ 1920.
63-4 H. W. ERWIN, Cleric.
Of application for Revocation of
Order -in -Council bringing into force
the provisions of Part 2 of the Canada
Temperance Act in the County of
NOTICE—is hereby given pursuant
to section 113 of the Canada Temper-
ance Act that. a petition signed by at
least one' fourth hi number of the
voters in the County of Huron will
be laid before the Honorable the Sec-
retary •of State for Canada, praying
for the revocation of the otder of
His Exellency, the Governor-General
of Canada, in Council, bringing into
force in the County of Huron Part 2
of the Canada Temperance Act; and
that such petition will be deposited
in the office of the Sheriff of the
County of Huron at the Court house
in the town of Goderich in said Coun-
ty on the 8th clay of October, 1920,
and will remain so deposited for ten
clays next thereafter for public ex-
amination by any person.
Dated this 22nd of September, 1920.
- —0, SEAGER.
Solicitor and Agent for the Peti-
l0 0 0 0 o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 o o
Farm For Sale
80 acres, 2 miles from Clinton, on
stone road, land in good state of cul-
tivation, 5 acres of fall wheat in,
well built on, rural mail and tele-
phone. For further particulars apply
to -'-E. J, Welsh; R, R. No. 1, Phone
18 on 638, —64-3-p
For Sale
One ton Democrat Waggon. Apply
to W. T. O'Neil. —64-81
Na Trespassing
No hunting or trespassing allowed
on Lots No. 11 and 12 (Bridgewater
Property) Huron Road.' E. J. Tre-
wartha. —64-81
For Sale
A large baby buggy, go-cart,
Hanging, lamp and a set of bedsprings.
Apply Mrs. W. Nickle, Townshend
Farm For Sale
Lot 31 Con. 7 Hullett. 100 acres
cultivated land, well watered, good
buildings, some good hardwood bush.
apply on promises to R. J. Watkins,
R. 11. No, 1, Clinton. Phone 6 on
640 —65-tf
Vann for Sale
Lot No, 10. B..R. N. concession,
Stanley, 163 acres more of loss, is
offered for . sale. Apply ° to N,
Sunclereock, R. It:. No, 1 Brucefield,
phone 15-621 63-t1
For Sale
General purpose horse,' rising 4
years, welt. broken, Also 4 -months
old colt, sired by Glenrne, Apply
W. J. 'Swinbank, London Road, --62-t±
O 0
30 Oxford St. W. London, Ont. o
Furnish up-to-date programs o
suitable for all kinds of en- o
i n . o
Novelty programs for Fall Fairs o
Special numbers for Church o
Concerts. o
Circulars on request 62-13 o
o e
O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'o o e
Offerings this week include:
Province of Ontario to yield 6.20'21.
Manitoba (Guaranteed) to yield
Canadian Northern (Guaranteed) to
Yield 6'i'a'i
Various Municipalities to yield 6 to
6%, ^.'n.
Western Canada Securities, Cita ^,, to
Bonds delivered at your bank with-
out charge.
W. BRYDONE, Clinton
Farm for ,Sale or Rent
Lot 78 and S. half of Lot 77 on the
Maitland concession, Goderich town-
ship, consisting of 183 acres, rn good
state of cultivation. Large story and
half frame house, bank barn and driv-
ing shed with pig house underneath.
Two wells and never -failing sprang
creek: 15 or 20 acres of hardwood
bush; 3 acres orchard. 1% miles front
IIolmesville, 5% miles from Clinton.
Convenient to churches, station and
cheese factory. Rural mail. For ttrc-
ther particulars apply to Win. 'Bedard,
R. R. No. 2, Clinton, Phone 12 on ribs,
Farm For Sale
Henry Weston offers for sale his
farm of 80 acres, being lot 39, con.
6, Goderich Tp. The farm is well
built on, plenty of good water and
in good shape. 7 miles from Clin-
ton, 3 miles from Bayfield, and 11
miles frogt Goderich. Will sell on
easy terms. Apply onremises for
further information. R. R. No. 2,
Bayfield, Ont., Phone 10 on 600, Clin-
ton central. —01-8
The Farmers' Fertilizer
(Fall Wheat Special). The kind
that gives results. For sale by D.
C. Galbraith. Bayfield, Ont. Te1$-
phone 609-4, Clinton. —60-tf
For Sale
Comfortable brick house at corner
of Dunlop and Fulton streets. Large
garden with orchard and garage.
House in good repair. With Fur-
nace and water. Apply to own-
er. Mrs. Wm. Cooper. —60-tf
Farm For Sale
80 -acre farm, Lot 30 7811 con,,
Goderich township. Good darn, small
house. Land in good state of cul-
tivation. Young orchard of bearing
fruits. Also a general purpose horse
for sale. Apply to Miss Bertha Can-
telon, Huron St. Clinton. —59-tf
Iroise and Lots For Sale
Two lots with comfortable house,
furnace, town, soft water in house.
Garage and stable, situated ost'Mary
street.—Apply 0n premises to W.
H. Cole,, phone 183 63-tf
Ilouse For Sale
Comfortable 8 -roomed house on
Joseph street, contrally located, good
sonar; i/a acro lot with fruit trees;
outbuilding suitable for garage or
stable, Possession given its early fall,
Apply on ptemiscs to —Miss Turnor.
Washing Done
Before Neighbors
(I‘ko, an les ma 4 wad*.
log OR tip Ila. below
any of thy M hbots 11
Yen hare a TIM. Sava
to help rev. it washes
•the clothes whips you
:pans brsaicfat,tabta
.Atli trill** at t8, esus
A*los., Wwko twits as
• East as you out trash by
,,hoard, vith.Jl rsaufsiell
i!S�+a row Www whole
..Icoaia so mask ear., '
I'' oa dhpbv at aor doss.
t s h iw
Core aoi su
Slltter & Perdue
Phone 147w
For Sale
Two six roomed houses on Frbd-
erick street, near the new flax mills,
will be sold cheap, and on easy terms.
Apply to Jacob Taylor or C. B. Hale.
A Real Bargain
Parts of lots 378 and 899 on Al-
bert and Princess streets, Clinton,
with good brick store with baker's
oven, and dwelling over (7 living
rooms and store) electric lights town
water, also large frame stable with
half acre of land with fruit tree.
This property will be exchanged for
western property if suited. Apply to
C. B. Hale.—55-12-p
No Trespassing
Any person•or persons trespassing
or destroying. property on the prem-
ises of the estate of the late Will-
iam H. Woodsb prosecuted
osecua 'll ed
according to law.—I. M. Woods,
Bayfield Ontario. Oct. 1st, 1920.
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over. Heard's barber shop.
W. J. Jago. —35-tf
Boars for Service
Champion bred, big type Yorkshire
and Cheshter-White boars for service.
At homeevery forenoon.—A. C.
Levey, Phone 5 on 639. Clinton —28
Phone 4
- This is the week for best
peaches for canning
We handle peaches direct
rola the growers at Grimsby
Buy your supply and save
jobbers profits
4a. la Mt
Try a can of
Flare Graeae Jan%
at alprice less than the cost
of the sugar.
Fred W.Wgg
When sowing your winter wheat
be sure.. of a good crop by using
Swift's High Grade
Acid Phosphate
is especially suited for winter
wheat and any quantity of it
may bo secured at our Elevator.
Give us a call before disposing of
as we ate paying highest market
W. Jenkins & Son.
Phonest Elevatot 199, Residence 141
.r cans al
I salmon
5..cans sardines
5.e n ,pli
a s l' hams
Buy 'Your
Late Crawfords and
are coming in daily
W. T. ONciI
The Hub Grocery
Any who wish to leave their order
for future delivery can do so by leav-
ing their orders at my residence
Huron St. for phone 155. Terme
strictly cash. E. Ward. —34 -til
South End Grocery
A. full stock of
Groceries & Provisions
We solicit your patronage
Levi &tong
fur knitters and learners
for menders areal inspectors
Clinton Knitting Co.
Till next Winter to
Talk Lbout that
Agent for Hecla Furnaces
Plumbing and Heating. Phone 53
Shop over Rowland's hardware
ON RANI) ' j
Phone 123.
As the Poultry fattening season
is at hand we are prepared to pay a
special price for properly finished
Milk -fed Poultry. As the grain prices
are low it will pay you to fatten your
poultry at lionise this year.
Get our prices before you sell
N. W. TREWART1IA, Managers
Phone 190; Holmesville 4 on 141 1
The demand for our butter is ids
To supply this demand we requires
more cream.
We request you to ship es you*
We guarantee you • the Highest
Market Prices, accurate tests and
prompt' service.
Our firni is known to you and needs
no further recommend.
We pay all express charges, furs-
ish cream cans /and pay twice each;
Write for cans or further infornna-
8icn to the
ria Seaforth Creamery Ca.