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The Clinton News Record, 1920-9-23, Page 7
IY MMD T1E' HE' CM(R.IED ABUNDLE• O HORN> OOKS. Children of Other Days 1Did Not Have Printed and • Illustrated Books. Teen the whining schoolboy, with his satoho1 And shining horning face, Creeping like a snail unwillingly to $'ohooi,,, TWelhtieth century 'school children Might have more reason to "Creel) like a snail" If they lived in Shakespeare's time. For instead of having their knap- sacks tilled with compact and enter- anaemic girl who Dives present health tainingly illustrated textbooks' they aihd strength to. Dr. Williams' Pidhk would have to carry a bundle of hoi'n- THE TREASURE OF GOOD HEALTH ;Easily MaintainfW!ilhrough the 'Use of Dr. -Williams' Pink tPi11s. There is n0E' •a nook or *corner Oanaclu, in the Dildos ,the towns, the Villages, on the farms anal In the mines and 10101)er camps, whore Dr, Wilhelm' Pink 'Fuss Itavo not boon used, auhd front one end of the Country to the other they shave brougb.t back to bread, -winners, tholewives and families the spieticllcl treasure of pew health Chid strength, You Have Duly to ask your neighbors, and they can tell'you of some aheus matte or neeve-shattered mon, some suffering woman, ailing youth or books. Pills. For more than.4 quarter of a Few persons know what lrarnboolis century these pills have beau known not only In. Canada, butthraugltoet all the world, as a reliablo tonic, blood - making medicine, The wonderful success of Dr. Wit - llama, Pink Pills is due to the fact that they go right to the root of the disease in the blood, and by' malting the vital mita aioh and red strengthen every organ and every nerve,, thus driving out disease and pain, and making , weak, • despondent .• people bright, active and strong. JUIraW. T. Johnsen, one of the best leas. re and most highly esteemed men in Lunen- burg county, N.S„ says:—"I am a, battledore and shuttlecock: On the . Provincial Land Surveyor, and am ex - face of the hornbook was either. vel- nosed teethe greater part of the year to very hard work travelling through the forests by day and camping out by night," and' I'linil' the only thing that will keep Inc up to the murk is Dr! Williams, Pink Pills. When I leave borne for.a trip in the woods I am as ih•terbsted'in having my supply of pills as provisions, and on such oecasioats, I take them regularly. The result is I am always fit. I never -take cold, and can digest all kinds of food such as we have to put up with hastily cooked 4n the -woods. Having proved the value of Dr. William -3' Pink Pills, as a tonin and health builder, I am never without them, and I lose no-op- partnnity In recommending .than to weak people whom I meet," • - Dr. Wilnamst Pink Pills should 'be kept in every home, and their occa- sional use wilt keep the blood -pure and ward off illness. You can get these Pills through any medicine deal- er ,or by moil at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine. Co., Brockville, Out. are, but the.cblldren of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were. pain- fully well acquainted with theist. They were the predecessors of the modern textbooks and were used because at that time school books could not be ,,produced in sutrtcient quantity and cheapness to supply the needs of the general public. The Original Hornbook, A hornbook, in point of fact, was not a book at all. . Originally IC was - a piece of board with a handle shaped like the battledore in the olds genie of tum or paper on which the lesson was inscribed. This was protected by a sheet of translucent horn, which was necessary to keep the lesson from a Passible stain by a pair, of dirty little hands, as the hornbook was passed about from child' to child. • A hornbook is' one of .the rarities of the history of education upci the find- ing' of nd-ing-of one in considered important. It is rather remarkable that so few hornbooks are extant. Tho British Museum has only three, and the Bod- leian Library at Oxford only one. There are several single specimens in private libraries 10 the United States. The best examples have been found in England. Shakespeare doubt- less oubtless learned his• lessons from a horn- book. In Love's Labor Lost he says: "Yes, yes, he teaches, boys the Hornebook; Which isab shelled back- wardwith the hora ou its head." - Had Many Variations. The cdnventioual type of hornboolc had many variations. One, for in- stance, is a kind of double hornbook. The alphabet and the rest of the les- sons were on one side, but unfortun- ately that has been last. Upon the re- verse side is the abacus, a primitive device for .counting and making change, which is' still used throughout the East. This particular hornbook is ...especially interesting because it was used in the famous B1ue Coat School _,,t of -London. - A picture of Charles II. on horse back on the' back of a hornbook made of wood, but bound in leather, shows that it' carie' from tha berRida Tltb elaborately carved English oast which was used as a frame suggests the richness of the Elizabethan period, from which it dates. All hornbooks were not made of wood covered with horn, but no Matter what was the ma- . terial used they were known as horn- books. A New York collector has one of brass, dated 1664, and another of copper o4 a later period. Another spechnen is called the "golden horn- book" because its letters were printed in gold. Hornbooks sometimes appeared in gingerbread form. About this type Matthew Prior, who died in 1721, had lhis to say: 'To piaster John the English Maid A hornbook gave of gingerbread, and that the child may learn the bet- ter All he can name he oats the letter." -Down through the centuries the hornbook modified -its form,' finally losing it's handle. When paper and print became more available card- board A, B, C's grew in popularity. The first A, B, C book In manuscript was written about 1870. It begins with a cross, followed by the alphabet. Tho alphabet indicates its early period, for the first letters are Eng- lish and the last are SaXon, Hot and Cold "Water. Habit is a curious thing. Ono man takes a big drink of ice water before he goes' to bed. Another swallows a glass of hot .Water. Both are after comfort, The ice water paralykes<all stomach action for half en hour or longer. The hot orator stiniuiates stomach action and draws the blood from the brain, thereby inducing sleep. It is worth while to learn to like hot water. It is more satisfying than cold. The farmer Jolts the digestive pro- cesses, the latter pleasantly promotes them. And Many a time, the doctors say, when a person craves very cold .water what he really needs is hot water. Stand By and Be Ready. )Viten your heart is all gay, and all bright is your day, And ro§e•strewn the pathway bofore you; When your life is all- spring, and the glad songbirds sing, When n0'er one dtu'k cloud settles'c'ec • you; Then iind'some poor soul who is far. from its goal, Tihouglh its strivings have -been long allyl. steady, And reach forth a hand, as you hear the command— Stand by at once and be ready. When you never have need to be mournful indeed Over troubles rind triols and sorrows; When you.rise from your bed and feel never a dread That the clays will menu darksome to- morrows; Then find some sad heart who has never a part In the 'smile of Good Fortune, so steady; And do kind acts of cheer as the order you hoar'— Stand by at once and be ready. When good health is your own, and you ne'er make a moan Over pains that make life all hard la- bor; When your work is shear joy, as your time you employ - With happy Content as your neigh- bor; • Just look once again for a sufferer in pain, Whose 111 -luck has been long and steady; Help with heart, mind, and hand, as you hear the command— Stand by at once and be ready. Provocative -Ignorance. The juvenile son of a professor of botany in one of the universities seems likely to become as learned as his father; already he is familiar with the Latin names of"many'of the speci- mens in the professor's herbarium. But the boy is not all botanist. Ile is ready to fight, as well as to study. Recently he returned home with one eye half closed and discolored.' I -lis mother greeted him with dismay, 0 Aleck," she cried, "you have been fighting again!" "But it wasn't my fault, mother," the boy hastened to explain. "Bill John- son said Taraxacum officinals didn't mean a daedellon." Comes already sweetened Its own.sugar g developed.'in the• baking - It solves -your sugar Orel,. ,lei antopg ready-toeat; cereals. Order a package e From p g the'rcs: • -.. Its foav : - ®r a���eal� ..arn�, there is no waste. Made by Canadian ricetum Cereal Coi,l,td•, Windsae'e faofr1• 5660 9051—Ladies' Waist (to be slipped' on over the -head; two styles, of vest and. -sleeve), Price, 25 cents. In 7 sizes, 34 to 4U ,ins, bust ineesure. Size 30 requires 1?4 yds. 30 ins. wide; col- lar and vest, % yd. 30 -ins, wide. 001$0—Ladies' Blouse (two styk"es of sleeve "and ' collar): Price, 25 cente. In 7 sizes, 34 to 40 ins. bust measure. .Size 36 requires 2' -yds. 36 ins. wide, or 014 yds. 40 ills. wide. These patterns may be obtained from yapr local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. The Birthday of "The Marne" We've sung as if 'twere yesterday Of Marne of fadeless fame, Of 'Paris saved by gallant men, "Contemptible" but game, OL' sleepless hours of gallantry, Of heroism, faith! Of how rho blond beast snarled in rain In Ignominious death! What has became of all those mon, Like stars resplendent once? Why have we let terrestrial joys Eclipse them Ear tho nonce? Forgetful of what they had done, 00 how they fought and stayed, When Duty meant stand "true till • death" • While we in comfort played? .Flistory will blaze—but neves' tell The half of deeds Caine; Of "serried ranks" or "hosts" because It was a "thin red line." A thin red line of heroes all, Ablaze with fierce desires For Duty, biome, for Country and Their bearte' consuming fires. Ilow many think of those great days, Just six short years ago, When human torch of Hope was lit When yeelerday's was woe-a-- Satanic oo?—Satanic brain in ghoulish form Angelic wings deceived, So "Deo tibi gratias" For 'Victory achieved. —Fane Sewell. HAIR SOON TOO - SHORT 'TO DO UP A little 4"banderine" stops your hair coming out and doubles its beauty To stop falling hair at once and rid tho scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of delightful "Dan derine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour 'a little in your ]rand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually store coming out and you can't find any, dandruff. Help your hair to grow strong, thick a:ud long, and become soft, glossy and twice as beautiful and abundant, Black unbarred mosquito netting is a satisfactory and not unsightly wire screen. If the netting is cut two or three inches larger than the opening, the edge may be rolled so tes to •make a substantial mass through which to tack. Minard's Liniment For Dandruff. The Origin of Paper. Paper is one of the-moatimportant things that came from the Orient. The Chinaman who made the first sheet of parer by covering a lattice of Wil- low switeldes' with the wet fibres, of silk started an industry that has been one•of the foundations of civilization. • Centuv'les ago, when the rulers of .the, i1 ropean nations. were linable to sign their names., the peaceful inhabi- tants of China Were manufacturing ,paper , front a vegetable fibre and rags, and the Chinese emperor was the poet- sossor of a library containing more than 50,000' books, Aeo early as the sixth century the Chinese shade a good quality paper from the mixed ping of vat -fetus fibres. and mage, and gave this paper a smooth writing surface by eitlts0 coat- ing it with gypsain or sizing It With starch or gelatin,procilrod by burning lichens at -other plants, . The Aaftbs gathered a,)tnowladge of palter Manufacture, from tido Chinese, fund ' by the year 900 tide Mohamnhodale h com leaders in the art. people a hecome db Testslby G'eiaioltists- have, shown that the length of a day rather than ',oho teiiltebatn�re affects•• the, growth 90 plant life, Minard's Liniment RelleYos ijistemper Spare Oma woilters noodod, We still pity $15 to 400 weekly, W'iting'Show Cards. No' 0011,11se1ng, Previouo exxa pet'lonee unnecessary. We ins'ti'nct and keep'yon implied with wet*, West -Angus Shot+ Card Service 67 Colborne St. - Toronto Oldest Watch in the World. The oldest wateh 1n existence wase made by Peter Benieln, a Nuremburg blacitsnlith, about the time when Col- ptnhue was laying his plans for his fiat western voyage. The watch is about 21/21n•, In diame- ter, lin, thick, and weighs 7oz, avoir - dupe's, The dial is of brass, sank In the centre, -in whish cavity is a revels, Mg disc with a pointer which indicates the pours engraved up te twelve and repeated on the opposite half, making the dial a day and night indicator. Outside the hour numerals are feat' circles, marked with minutes., fifteen to each circle, The hour indicator makes onerevolution in twenty-four ,Roar's, and the donble.ended minute liana 'one revolution in fifteen minutes, The materials of the movement are Iron and steal throughout, with the ex- ception of the brass bushings of the pivot holes, The workmanship is ex- cellent. lIenioln was persecuted 'for witch- craft when he withdt'ewfrom his com- panions to work out his. invention, and was finally put in prison, where his watch was perfected. After some time he. retired to the convent of the Car-. nfelttes,. where he was allowed to manufacture watches . on condition that he gave the proceede to the Or- der. Hedied in 1540 at Nuremburg, the scene of his persecutions, where a monument has been erected to him. WHEN BABY IS 'CROSS Mothers, when your baby is cross— when he cries a great dealand no amount of attention or petting cheers him—something is' the matter. It is not. the nature of little ones to be cross and peevish—the well child is a happy child, Give him a dose of Baby's Own Tablets" and he will soon be well again The Tablets'are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate tlte'bon'els and stomach; banish con- stipation onstlpation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and relieve the Other minor ills of little ones. Con- cerning them Mrs. Oscar Bedard, Ste. Sophie,' Que., writes:—"Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent remedy for ooustipatfon. They relieved my little one when nothing else would and I can strongly recommend them to all mothers." ,.The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co„ Brockville, dot. x The First Hundred Thousand, • .The artist beamed. A visitor—a wealthy -looking visitor, too—had paid a visit to his studio. - As he,showed the great man round, he fingered lovingly the products of his brain. c-., "rills' picture, " 33e'said; stbpping be- fore itis .master -piece, "took -me nine- teen mouths to point. It was started In a garret—" "Well, well!" "And a hundred thousand wouldn't bay it now." ' "No," returned the visitor, eyeing the masterpiece more closely. "And I'm ono of the hundred thousand." BUY "DIAMOND DYES" DON'T RISK MATERIAL Each package of "Diamond Eyes" con- tains directions so simple that any woman can dye any material without streaking, fading or running. Druggist has color card—Take no other dye! "An' Witit'For No?" Tam met Sandy doing nothing is particular in the middle of the morn- ing the other dny. "Whit way axe ye no wurking, Sandy?" he asked. "A thocht the strlke was settled!" "This is an'ither strike!" was Sandy's retort. - "An' whit dao ye want neo, Sandy?" demanded Tam. A rise in wages tae pay for the in. creased cost of postage stamp's!" re- turned Sandy. "CORNS" Lift Right Off Without Pain Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freerone" on 00 'aching coin, instant- ly that cord stops hurting, then short- ly you can lift it right off with fingers. Truly! Ybur druggist 0011s n tiny bottle 'of "x'reeeene" fora few cents, sufficient to re010vc every`#hard corn, soft corn, or -corn between the toes, and the cal- ltises, -without soreness or irritation. About ono eleventh of the area of Matta, some 1,000,000 eg000e utiles, still awaits exploration. ,Mlnard's L!n'ment For Burns, Etc. In all future vessels for the Can. a tan Govcr nment merchant marine, Douglas tit will replace the ,Southern pine Heretofore used in the laying of decks, i t One of the host grades of ltal at cheese 3o sold only after it has been seasoned for at least four years, Ther .Little Rrrpd, A wealthy gentlenhali 1100 a blather who le hard of hearing, whilst lie i11111" self is i'enlarkable for leaving. a very prominent Mesa,. • ()nee Dint gentleman dined at a ft'lenit"s house, whore he sat between ,two young ladies, who talkedto him yely lOndly, rather to hie anh0YanOe, Finally, wee` O1 them shouts/ a COM^ nlonpla00 remark, and then said, in an. ordinary toile, to, the other: , "Did you ever see smelt an ugly nose?" ' • "Pardon me, ladies," said the gentle- man, . "It 15 niy brother, who is dent!" MOTHER! "California- Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California an the package, thin you aie sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for ,the little stom- ach, liver and bowels, Children love its fruity taster, Full directions• on each battle. You must say "Cali - ferule." Maple sugar was made by Cari- ada's first colonists, who learned of it from the Indians. The latter ob- tained it precisely in the sane way as it is obtained to-dsy, by 'tapping the tree, and then they boiled the juice by dropping hot stones into the b:rchbark or earthenware pots con- taining it. This is to certify that I have used MINARD'S LINIMENT in my family for years and consider it the best lini- ment on the market. I have found it excellent for horse flesh, (Signed) W, S. PINEO. "Woodlands," Middleton, N.S. An electrical process for drying un - barked logs or lumber in piles has been invented by a Frenchman. MONEY ORDERS. The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. It sometimes happens that a man hits his enemy a hard blow by ignor- ing him. Minaret's Liniment Relieves Colds, Etc, In addition to its 'other mineral wealth Spitzenbergen has been found to contain petroleum deposits. now, WINDOWS &DOORS QIZE5 to suit Your tJ opening.. . Fated with glom. Safe de. livery guaranteed. \Vrite for Frim Lia (ol, Cut down fuel ---- •.a' — Gill. Insure winter comfort. 'rho HALLIDAY COMPANY, Limited 1H/0,11400N FACTORYDlsratnUreas CANADA COARSE SALT LAND• qALT Bunt Quiets TORONTO GALT WORKS O. CLIFF - TORONTO 6a SINCE ( 1870 30 STOPS C01,7t i0 Not A B1en118 mars the perfect appearance of hercom. plexion. Pcern anent anti- temporary skin troubles arc effectively concealed. Reduces un- natural color and corrects greasy skins; Highly antiseptic, used with beneficial results as a curative agent for 70 years. CUT1)UR% HEALS. S ECZEMA In Rani Al Ovor Body... Burnocl And Itched. Could Not Rost. "My little sister had ocaema all over her body. It cams like a faith, and was burning and. itching. She could get no reef, and we would have to wet her clothing to take it off. She was Croom and ` irritable, and the breaking out caused disfigurement. "She hgd rho octal= about five months vShcn Wo trfed Cuticura tloap and Ointment, t7ile could ace sits was getting relief, and,wo just need one cdtbo of Cuticura Seep and one box cif L"utaeto 01nt Leet when she was Healed." (Signed) Mica f01efo Campbell, Sunny L35,ee, Nava Scotia, atrzasy 56.1919. ' You mayaelyonQutictirn Seep and Ointment to Cam for your skin. Soap 25c, Ointmmaht 20 and rico, said thrall tbattttl)CDoinlnion, CanadienDepati 1Lveeoan, l inutocl, St, Peel Ft., MtontCeal, Catleermsdats ebeved %ithoat cede, lsaulr roe. a0-s'd.0, 4fID Ran 5L ,powwvCBDAR �1SCHS8„7'$ &bspnstplp 1..11011t-pg0of and Wonllere gully ltandsosne piogoa pf flifindture, V/Foot 100tly Maltaoturer to Yen. Write for tree iltastratefl, sitorattive. Eureka Refrigerator Lo., Limited •- owen:Bonne, Dat. £u40lkda 1Mopoer 1Dott Eontodies 'book on DOG Ql.S•EASE ,put /tow to Peed PT -piled Fete to,aay 4,1- firaos.by the Author: II. may Glover 09„ S0d. 118 TV'oot Blot Street New Yarle, CXaI;;4ified Adyertisemennt>n, Ij ,x1A1t5! TO VAYI3' II4 A. 911111 ,+.. hours with ",5btays Simple Cltart of (Ahorda" imitative" e. porton to readily n 1nuevsiyekeey',i antl5rseililiiO loacoling pmtsi, dans everywhere, .Agents wanted, 11 oral comlnlssiona, frost old to am,' ess n , drin Cgimr3 for '5..4115, Sclf,alp Pu 00„ 200 :f1reedwey,' Oydney, Nit alpiliai NIAGARA FALLS 30i5fd0I5IA1:4 ddospttal ,offers to ...young women 1g to 36 yeere of ese,,anditaving one yeas" Nigh Holiool octuaation, who' aro dssh'ou9 of becoming tenses, a t)lorouagt'e throe. Year course in nursing. The hespitad batt eight-hour duty, Cnndldates tlualifying wilt be accepted for entrance Oetobor first. For furtlder, pa1'ticulal's address Sullerjntondent," Memorial I'Iospitai, Niagara Palls, N.Y.. FRUIT GROWERS AND PACKERS IMMEDIATE TE DELIVERY c,ovER1 HENT STANDARD APPLE BOXES Will place your apple pack In the oonsulners' hands In the' most favorable condition. FIRSTBROOK BROS., Limited 283 King St. E. - Toronto Mean less frequent painting. Seventy-eight years of increasing demand has proved the valuo of . "The right Paint and Varnish to Paint and Varnish right." BASK YOUR DEALER AT YOUR SERTICE WHE€1EVA13 YiOU LIVE ' The woman in town or country has the sante advantage as her sister in the city in expert advice from the best-known firm of Cleaners and Dy- ers in Canada. PARCELS from the country sent by mail or express receive the same care- ful attention as work delivered per- sonally. CLEANING and DYEING Clothing or Household Fabrics. For years, the name of "Park- er's" has signified perfection in this work of making old things lone line now, whether personal garments of oven the most fragile material, or household curtains; draperies, rugs, etc. Write us for further particulars, or send your parcels direct to Dye Woks Limited ci roe tDyers. 1791 Yonge St.. Tor'ont© Cod or Fabric. Chance never drew a neat pia - tare nor balk t a fair house. in the making of Partridge Tires nothing is left to chance—detail perfection is secured by craft- manship scientifically directed, and rigid inspection insures outstanding quality. Partridge Tires are all that good Tires can possibly be. ti 'A...r '.ar 'Game as Their Name 1180 ONLY TABLETS RARE) "BAYER" ARE ASPiRIN Not Aspirin at All Without the "Bayer Cross" For Colds, Pain, Lumbago, Stiff- package whieli contains /plate dadhese, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuritis, motions. Then you are ge�tiag real and for Headache, Ncurallia'Tooth- Aspirin -the genuine Aspirin preS Cele, 1!,ararlio, take Aspirnmarked aeribod by plysto{ats for ovor nbut4 with the name Bayer' or you aro Icon years, prow Made 1tt Canad(ta nob taking Aspttn at 411. llatitly tie boxes containing 13 to G a Accept only 'Ila, er Tablets' of lets Cost but a £aw cents. DruggietJ Aspirin" In it» DU Token "Mayer" also sell larger "Bayer" paaltagos. 'h"luaxe is only one Apptitin-w"Eayest'-•`itba dales$, say " 4yei" - .aspirin Is tin trade mark (registered In bannd11) 60 Bayer :if 1B tonere ai 1194'j, aeoticaoldostor. et Sidlertieaald, Whits it Is won kuowp 1itot d5rl'0l moalla .pays ,. menuraalaro, to aoslai ,.ha 400150 aloltst imitations, the aU el o Oyer tont amoral 10000 marls ire "136 C (Albs Will ba etampad wind titoir acn t r i_.. YP £