HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-9-16, Page 7,1�i to Have Your Weaning Done Ey Experts Clothing, household draperies, lined and delicyate fabrics can be cleaned and made to leak es fresh'. and bright as when first bought, Cleaning and Dyeing Is Properly Done at Parker's, It maliks no difference where you live; .parcels can be sent in 11y mail or express. The sante care and attention Is given the wee`!, as though you lived en town. • We will be pleased to advise yon on any question re- garding Cleaning roe' Dyeing. WI?•ITE US. er%+. r7 % o ks bed :l 1 irr ers t iVongoSt.. Toronto >ir f M•'' Only a sharp blade gives a perfect shave An unstropped blade cannot give. as good a shave today as it did yesterday and must. soon be discarded. -The exclusive self-strop- ingi:eatureof the AutoStrop Razor ensures from each blade as perfect --a shave each day as the day before. It is as easy to clean as to strop—nothing to unscrew or take apart. Any dealer will demon- strate the AutoStrop Razor to you, guarantee satisfac- tion, or refund of purchase,. price. AutoStropyy Razor -s)lu1ZJens itself Only $$5.00—complete with strop—twelve blades in an at- tractive assortment at cases to suit any purpose. AutoStrop Safety Razor Co., Limited AutoStrop Building, Toronto, Canada 20'. , Genuine Conservation is Statesmanship. When any such undertaking as the development of a natural resource is proposed, if that development is to be made under government control and regulation, it at once appears to arouse the fear that it is to be soma, bow. the beginning of a malevolent pollee, called "conservation,"and con- servation has had a mean meaning to many ears. It connoted stinginess and a provincial thrift, spies in the guise of Government inspectors, hateful in- terferences with individual enterprise and initiative, governmental haltings and cowardices, and all the constri'o- tions of an arrogant, narrow, and academic -minded bureaucracy which cannot think largely and feels no re- sponsibility for national progress. The word should mean, helpfulness, not V.✓hl,nM/.MM FROCKS FOR THE SCHOOL GIRL l • 9sc1 Embroidery 9408 Design No. met 9408—Misses' Middy Dress (suit- able for small women; or middy, with four -piece pleated skirt attached untie. .tuck; in two lengths). Price, 26 cents. In 8 sizes, 16 to '20 years. Size 16 requires 3% yds. 36 ins. wide. Width, 1% yds. 9501—Misses' Dress (suitable for small women; with or without sleeve- less bolero; two lengths). Price, 30 cents. In 8 sezes, 16 to 20 years. Size 16 requires 21 yds. 64 ins. wide. Width, 11 yds. M_oCall Transfer Design No. 1044. Price, 25 cents. These patterns may he obtained ,from your local McCall dealer, or from the• McCall Co., 80 Bond St., Dept. ept. W. .hindrance helpfulness to all who) wish ,to .use a resource and think in. larger terms than.that of the greatest immediate profit; hindrance only to_ those who are, spendthrift. A. conser- vation which results in a stalemate as between the forces of progress and governmental inertia . Is criminal, while a donssrvation which is based an the fuller, the more essential use of a resource, is statesmanship. In the juvenile arithmetic class the teacher asked the children to raise their hands if anyone made a mistake. Willie raiser' his hand and waved it frantically in . the air. "Sammie Wright said that seven. and five were twelve," said he in. disgusted. tones, "Well, what is, it?" asked the teacher. "I don't know," fives tine honest reply, "only I 'know it ain't twelve, for six and Six is twelve." Tree Planting on, the Prairies. Despite the extensive publicity which has been given to the advan- tages of planting shelter -belts on the prairies, and to the assistance offered by the Dominion Forestry Branch to farmers who wish to establish them, there is still misapprehension in re- gard to the methods to be followed. The Forestry Branch distributes an- nually,,free of charge, about 5,000,000 trees and cuttings. Each applicant is given sufticieut trees to plant about half an acre annually if he follows the methods which experience hag shown to be necessary for success. When planting a shelter -Belt, care should be taken to so locate it that it will protect the home and ,stock from prevailing winds. Sufficient space should be left between the shel- .ter-belt and the buildings to keep the snow from drifting around the build- ings and to give room for a lawn and garden. Many failures have resulted from Planting on soil not properly prepared, and, to insure as far as possible the success of the trees sent out, the For-. etry Branch stipulates that the land be sammerefallowed the year previous to planting. In order that the plant- ers may have the benefit of personal instruction, inspectors of the Forestry Branch visit each applicant before the trees are furnished. To secure trees for planting in the spring of 1921 it le necessary that ap- plication be made before March 1,• 1921, to the Forest Nursery Station, Indian Head, Sask. A very instructive bulletin entitled "Tree Planting on tho Prairies" le is- sued by the Forestry Branch. {•,5,..; r.! +,'..41J'..,X�cs:c.r rot Sere • are many brands of *ea and coffee—you take your. chances on quality -- and you, 'pay the price. But there is only one brand of L$TA /" ATil ,.,e.,.; i..,, . ' ri - i . t -. n�'� �bl high in tesla a+X•'.n. ctinvaria ly oderate, ii r e: . A Fa Trial el Canadi,o re' Positiiii Cereal eo.,I,i:ri„Windsor; Ont. Tho Dotter 011 Company OMR all !oases op 1,000 acres of land ill novae atoll Tilbury 'Pownallips and in tile Gpou'ber and Belle River distria00,. Ill the latterdistrict they already have 22 wells producing oil in encouraging geautitiee, 1n order to flaallce and develop . this enterprise, we. cater. 100,000 enures et stock at par value of $1.00 each. Write Now for full particulars to John Pratt & Co: 79 Adelaide St. E. Toronto . Homes Carved Into Clay Cliff. When we speak of houses built of clay, we mean brick, ,But in the Yun- nan province 05 China, on the batiks of a certain river, the idea 15 carried out much more literally, inasnrucir as there a lofty 1 e0tical cliff of clay 0 - fords hollies tent -free for several hum- Bred people. The stuff is a bright yellow clay of so fine a texture that a bit of it rub- bed between the fingers affords no feeling of grit,: It is easily dug out with spades, and a great many cavo dwellings have been excavated in the fats of the cliff, overlooking the. river.. Sono of, them aro of two or three stories, the clay being, so tenacious that' thick horizontal layer's of it will furnish a series, of floor's. Although cave dwellings hrenot unfamiliar, in other parte ot the world, nothing at all like -these is to be found anywhere else. Scattered over the face of the cliff, among the cave -houses, aro quaint Buddhist shrines, with images, carved out of clay, standing or sitting at the. entrances. Those high up on the clay wall, as well as the loftier family promos, axe, reached by bamboo lad- ders. . • FREQUENT !&Iii.:DitC IES A Sure Sign That the Blood is Watery and Impure. People •with thinblood are much mare subject to headaches than full- blooded persons .and the form of anaemia that afflicts growing girls is almost always accompanied by 'head- aches, together with disturbance of the digestive organs. Whenever you have constant or re- curring headaches and pallor of the face, they.show that the blood' is thin and your efforts should be directed to- ward building up your blood. A fair treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will do th:s effectively, and the rich red blood made by these pills will remove' the headache. More disturbances to the health ars caused by their blood than most peo- ple have any idea of. When your blood is impoverished, the nerves suffer from lack of nourishment, and you may be troubled with insomnia, neur- itis, neuralga or sciatica. Muscles subject to strain are undernourished and you niay have muscular rheuut- tism or lumbago. If your blood is thin and you begin to show symptoms of any of these disorders, try :building up the blood with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, .and 'as the (blood is restored to its normal condition every symptom of the trouble will disappear. There are more people who owe their present state of good health to Dr, Will'ialus' Pink Pills than to any other medicine, anid most of them do not hesitate to say so. You can got Dr. Williams' Plink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by marl at 50 cents a box or six boxes fox $2.50 fnanl the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Forty -Eight Years '`in "Canada's Western Empire" Colonel John S. Dennis, C. M. G., who rode the plains of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba 48 years ago,. when Indians and buffalo were plentiful, knows more about "Canada's Western Empire" than any other man. Ile killed and ate the buffalo, narrowly escaped being scalped by Indians on at least one occasion, suggested, and built in Alberta the largest irrigation system in North America, recruited thousands of British and Canadians in the United States during the recent war and not only volunteered for but saw service with the Canadian Expe- ditionary Force in Siberia. Naw the four western provinces of Canada have a population of 2,500,000, the buffalo are to be found only in parks in the Canadian Rockies and the Indians are on reservations. There are nearly 20,000 miles of railway In the foul' provinces, or'one mile for each 125 persons; and of 225,000,000 acres of good agricultural land, but 35,000,;000 teres are at present occu- pied and cultivated. Of the balance, 190,000,000 acres, some 30,000,000 acres lie within fifteen miles of these railway fines waiting for , settlers. "Think of it," says Col. Dennis, "and the world crying out for food." His view is that while Canada has, won 0 standing among 'the nations iby her work in the recent war so that to -clay the name "Canadian" is recognized as distinguishing a citizen of a progres- sive and virile country, Canada's share in the great struggle has involved her in financial obligations which can only bo met and discharged by ,inoreesiilg her population end developing her vast natural resources which, while ample security for many ties her war debt, must be nude productive of wealth through development,' Between 1905 and 1914 about 2,- 500,000 ;500,000 people settled in Canada, flee largest proportion in the four western proYinces. They left Geoid; Britain, the United States and oilier countries for;their atm hone, and Col, Dennis be- lieve_dithat 500,000 each year may foie Jew them tuitil these provinces have a total population of 10,000,000, Canada, 110 further hel'ioves, is destined to be "the keystano in the arch, gg ti,g'-j32.1- +ish Enipi3 e," In ther hot ltie:ictin deserts speer Melia of cactus, have bean kiioivll. to tete& thirty er forty feet in height, fdntard's Llliimcnt For 19irtdrete Square Money. • Jio stralle, for the first time in her history is iseteing niokol coins. 'Plley are not disks, like out' uielcels, tut agtuu'e, with reend'od venom, They arta made of this shape for two reasons, 'It is caeeper to out square Menke out -of metal encode, awl the ooiue peels better err boxes, Tlse idea le pot so novel 105 might be supposed, Caials of• the sarllo ,'shape have long been in ofreelation 111 0o}.'• lett and the Straits Settlements Irnmlliar In India is a "wavyodged nickelolio-anna piece with twolvo' rounded oornors.' CHILDREN' OF ALL HES Children of all ages—whether it be the new-born babe or the growing child --have to be constantly guarded as to their health, Upon the good health of the 1:'ttbo ono largely de- pends his strength and usefulness in after years. Baby's Own Tablets are the ideal •home medicine for children of all ages. They are a gentle but thor- ough laxative Which are absolutely guaranteed to be free from opiates or other harmful dregs and which !nay be given to the youngest child with perfect safety and beneficial results. Through their action on the bowels land stomach they banish constipation and indi'gesticn•; break up colds and simple fevers and make teething easy. Mothers, you can make your little ones well and keep then! well 'by just keeping a box Of the Tablets at hand and by giving an occasional close: to the baby to keep his little bowels reg- ular and his stomach sweet. The Tab- lets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Biodkville, Ont. Quebec Premier Advocates Conservation. Hon. L. A. Taschereau, Premier of Quebec, in making his initial address as Premier, outlined his policy inre- gard to the natural resources of the province. He said, in part: • "Tho first article of my programme will be a zealous care and vigorous conservation of our natural resources. We have 80,000,000 acres of unleased forests which need fire Protection. Hydroplanes have begun their patrol to locate fires at the out- set. They will bo supplemented by observation posts with wireless tele- graphy. !ho tirae has come, it appeal's to hue to regulate the cuttleg of limits by fixing a minimum of the annual cut to prevent the destruction of the forests and a minimum to stop specu- lation and a reasonable revenue from the cutting rights. Reforestation should be immediately undertaken and encouraged with energy. "Relative to this important question of our natural resources, my pro- granune-may be briefly summarized as follows: To draw from our immense natural resources all that they should and can give, open wide aur doors to capitalists, discuss their plans In a business -like maturer, and, when our answer is in the negative, to tell them right away, and when their projects are good, to acceptthem without any delay." GIRLS! A MASS OF WAVY, GLEAMY BEAUTIFUL HAIR "Danderine" save and glorify your hair SUMMER • [/A :• AS1j re� A— HAY FigyKR --sleepless nights, constsnt shoezilig, sIreaming oyes, wheezy breathilag RAZ -,t w l brings relief. Put up' in cap- sules, eay wed. y, Tunable sildruggistssallowfora doSoldllarb. Asst opr agents or Bend card for free sample •to Tempioton's. 1,42' ICin4 St. W., To:en:he A Touch of Rosy. To put a touch of rosy In thesunrise of a 111 e, To do one's best in earnest In this world of sin and strife, To mottle o'er the darkness Of the blackest clouds 01 ears, To and the silver lining - When none would think it there— To help the growth of thought As it struggles to the light, To crown with laurels woven The victors in the fight, To brush with gentle hand The earth -stains from the white Ofthosewho've erred in dead Bat wish to do the right, To have for our ambition The rocks in front to scale, Te pat a touch of rosy In the life of those who fail. All would from choice be good— Oh, none would be exempted! Our virtues, half are due To never being tempted. Cheer one another. onward, Of tears the world is rife, And put a dash of rosy Into some gloomy life. The ruing sun is glorious The noon -day bright and gay. But we need a touch of rosy At the waning of the day. What's in a Name. '2lie christening had gone off spicule didly and even the very juvenile "str" had behaved beautifully, though the name he had received, "Reginald Ilomer," would .seem to be sufficient justification for a revolt, In the vestry of the liinglish church afterward, the clergyman was making the usual entries. When writing downs the second name, he paused thought- fully. "Strange," ho thought, as he recall- ed the original Homer, the great Greek poet,. "It's a curious name for the son of a navvy." Then he turned to the proud father. "Your favorite pont?" he asked, pointing to the name. "Poet, sir," repeated the man, with a surprised look• "Poet, sir? Lor', no; I keeps pidgins!" 0 MOTHER! "California Syrup 'of Figs"' Child's Best Laxative r`c' In a few moments you can. trans' form your plain„dull, fiat hair. Yon can have it abundant, sett, glossy and full of life. Just get at any drug or toilet counter a small bottle of "Danrderine” tor a few.cents. - Thew moisten a Soft clothwith the Daalderine and draw this through your hair taking one small strand at a time. Instantly, yes, .immodiate'iy, you have doubled the 'beauty of your hair. It will be a mase', so soft, lustier's, fluffy and so easy to do up. All dust, dirt and ex- oecesdve ail is removed. Let Danderdne put move 1110, color, vigor and brightness• do your hair. This etimulateig tonic will freshen your scalp, check dandruff and failing hoer, and helm your hair to grow long, thick, strong and beautiful...-. Por a man doing the hardest day's wonlc, 10 oz, of meat, 1 Ib. of bread, 3'z 1b. of potatoes, and 1/2 d'b, of vege- tables da ysufflcient food4 Minaret's Liniment Relieves Distemper British fighting services cost $480, 539, 960 in 1918-14, $3,656,170,650 in 1919-20, and ,41,345,869,000 3n 1920.21, AUTO SPARE! PARTS for most rnakcis Deet models of oars, Youl• old, broken or warn -ant pate replaced, write or wire us deer b - Ing what you want, Wo onete ttii largdst anti moaat conrploto s bcic 11, Ca laden c t: if vl d o}, Die,T carts a. til ,t•. heels el .11c, A 6 fill p C to fe In ahea , ie' do tial i^liso`ty AsotO 'rented in full nor, motto. 958.936 Luta selvnlie fart' b, 0 1y. 052.981. Dttrforin ON, MOreiltti, 0111. m..ilui.01.4. thi..aw:m,..i0,mc a..en+.rsu:er + a++sva Accept "California" Syrup of lags only—look tor the name. California ea the package, thee you are eine your child la having the best and most harmless physic for the little stom- ach; liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. bull directions on -each bottle. You must say "Calf• forma," Harvesting the Crop. When the German army broke into Belgium and swept through the coun- try one detachment was billeted in a farm -house. A private, wanliering through the fields, camp upon a young girl sowing seeds. "Yah!" he sneered. "You shall saw, but we shall reap," "I ahouldn't•be at all surprised," she replied sweetly. "You see, I'm sow- ing hemp." St. Joseph, Leyte, July 14, 1903. Mtnard'e Liniment Co, Limited. Gentlemen,—I WAS. badly kicked by my horse last May, 'atter using several preparations on my leg nothing would do. My leg was as, black as jet. I was laid up in bed for a fortnight and could not walk, After uadngthree bottles of your MINARD'S LINIMENT I was as well as ever, so that I could start an the road, JOS. DUBI17S. Commercial Traveller. One of the most famous wells in existence is that aii Grenelle, in the outskirts of Paris „where the water is brought, from a depth of 1,798 feet. A well in Pestb was sunk to the depth of 3,100 feet in the 'seventies, MONEY ORDERS. The safe way to sand moony by mall 1e by Dominion Express' Money Order. The !nan who feels that bide is not worth Mile hag natially neg'leoted. al] the things in life that aro worth while. Minard's Liniment Rollsvee Colds, Etc, Numbering nearly 4,000,000 at the signing of the Armistice, the British Army had fallen to"407,000 by ,'info 1st of !ibis year, Tho shortage of nickel coins in Franco is said to be true to the pea- sants; :hoardlng tlteni ill preference to paper 11101101/. fosui. Rio. 30—'20 Self -App ra la.e lna nt. illuetrator in the Week, who Was 00100 lye beset with Were 101' 'wol'lt of various sorts time )1G bit obllged to euliet the aid mf oaliaborators, tulle of WS interview with 0310 applioallt Sar work. After 'the prelinllllariea lead been set - Wee, the youth asked; "And plow much are you going to pay in for working far yeti'?" The prospective employer slnilod and ttnsworool, "Why, 1 always pay e man :what be is worth,' Whutiryouth rofiectei in great eregravitpony, ando then plckcd up 11131 bat to go. "'No, sir," Ito said, "1' can't worst that cheap." BUY "DIAMOND DYES" DON'T RISK MATERIAL Eath package of "Diamond Dyes" eon- taipe •directions so 'simple that any woman can dye any materiel without streaking, falling or running. Druggist has colpr coed Take no othio 11ye1 Entertain honor with humility and Poverty with patience. 'Minard's Liniment For Burns, Etc. STORK WINDOWS &DOOdRS �� Qlzrs to snit your 'f openings. Fitted with slaps.. Solo de- livery guaranteed. Write for Price List to). Cut down fuel "'ti�"a —• ills. Insure winter • comfort. The HALLIDAY COMPANY, Limited NAMItToN FAcrenv o(r7RiDUrees CANADA The Beauty of The Lily can be yours. Its wonderfully pure, soft, pearly white ap- pearance, free from all blemishes, will be com- '. parable to the perfect beauty of your skin and conlplexionif you will used Clatioiff ei'i AAaivrrtise8uenta? M1 IIA1•tN 9'q 'y AAS(' Iii A 51010 ' 1.4 hours with "Shay's Slnlplo Oben .4 Chords" enabling a nerc011 le really, play eeconipantnrente en plana of 01.fot 10 850r7 troy; endoyysed by, loading mus:- tiie»H everywhere. Agents wanted, Iib+ viral . cornnriselonsl postpa15 to any act• dress in Coned for $1,00, '381111019 Pub, Co., 385,13roadwisy, Sydney, N,fi. t" SALT I. k.i' e ALT Bulk (*riots TORONTO' SALT WORI(a G. J. CLIFF • TORONTO v,rt,nxs,..Wtw D RED it !pew sere CEDAR ECHESTS Jtboolutely moth -proof alai . Wonder- fully handsome pi000s of furatture. Direct from manufacturer to you. Waite for Ireo illustrated literature. Eureka Refrigerator Co., Limited Owen Sound,. out. Amerltm'O Siote0er Doe 1:emodlou Rook on DOD. DISEASES Rad Bow ,to Steed Mailed Free to any Ad - Ammo by. the Author. 21. Clay elovor Co., Dos. 118 West 81st Strs01 New York, U,S.A- d daze ilROps l',..t� rrF'ar"•.j STOPS .'eeo tv\ They Ent Thal Mara So thyo and I Whether it is an itching, burning skin trouble, an annoying rash, lyre. talion, cut, wound or burn Cuticure, will eoat.re and in most cases heal. lT irct baht with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Dry and anoint with Cuticura Ointment. In purity, deli- cate medication and refreshing fra- grance Cuticera meets with the approval of the most discriminating. Soap 25e, Ointment 25 and EOc. Sold thrcughouttheDominion. CanedianDepott ^ns, Limited, St. Paul St., Montreal. ,'. Cuticure Soap shaves without mug. For little eye-sores— The unavoidable manus of woar on woodwork throughout the home call for AGATE VARNISH ISH STFAN ASK YOUR DEALER ONLY TABLETS MARKED I3 AVER" ARE ASP ilN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross's The name "Bayer" identifies the contains proper directions for Colds, 'only genuine Aspirin,—the Aspirin Headache, Toothache, Earache, Nee, - prescribed by physicians for over nine- ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Henri - teen years and now made in Canada. tis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally. Always buy an unbroken package Tin' boxes of 12 tablets coat but of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which a few cents. Larger `Bayer" packagoe. There is only one Aspir^in—."Bayor"—You. =nab say "Breyer:° Aspirin Is the trade mark fretleered In Canadaf of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- acellcaoldeeter of salloylleackl, while 1t in welt !known that Aso Irtn means 13aycr manufacture, to assist the public against Imitatlona, the Tablets M Enver Compaa9 5,111 bo stamped with their general trade mark, tho "Ravel• Cross." Here Is Where The Macartney Excels 15 Reasons for Selecting the Macartney Machine Milker Read About Its hinny Exclusive Features It has the best type of teat cup (double acting) and the best nlillcing action of any double acting teat cupever invented. The rubber inflations in Macartney teat cups will last longer than the teat cupinilations of any other milker: Macartney milker has only one size of teat cup, which fits any end all sizes of teats. The ends of the teat cups are cushioned with rubber. The Macartney pulsator has the most positive action of any pulsator ever made. It Is as steady and unvarying In Its action as a 21 -Jewel watch movement. It le the one absolutely simple and fool -proof pulsator—only Ili ret working parts. The pulsator is instantly detachable from the lid to that the lid may be placed in water for washing. Teat Cup release air is not drawn through poloatot•—no milk, dirt or sterilizing gelation can get into milking parts. It is the biggest labor saver—It not only gives you more milk from your cows. but actually takes less tine, less labor and less espouse for labor than any other stliker. There is more bronze in the construction of the Macartney than is used in any other inllker. The milker head le all brass, There are no cheap or inferior materials of any kind. The Macartney Milker is the easiest to keep clean. 01 le the most n oa y. It requires the smallest s upkp expense. Any boy or girt can r the ar,oy, You get serviceol freedem from annoyance adependabled expense lif of fre- quent replacement of parts. Particulars Free—Iliad Coupon Whether you figure on buying a machine milker or not, this information will interest you, It 'vin tell you what Agricultural Colleges and' (1uccesful dairy men everywhere think of the I,lacarthev-Ivtilker.. Pet fill in Warne aro] I address with number of coed oaltnca indicated. Then mall coupon to us. You'll got all natl. sulats by Catera. /kite Maeartney Milking Machina Cn. I,iiniL • i5 CATREIUNli S'Y' OTTAWA Tho Cow's Adopted Child !/J The Macortoey MilkiMilkingMachiMachineCO. Limited Ottawa Gentleman -- Please send ins vvlihout 01diggallo,r on rnp• 8ar3 itea7lsdlga,,y Milker. Address..._ .,.... Dept, J Ihave.....Caar. Yi y.