HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-9-2, Page 4ria • CBaton N. ws-Reiper4 TxgPRS»AY, SV1.IBlVI ER Orr 13usinoss ]luuta 1.4.N 11r•,"'iilt.i reph melee a in. in lip at, Saturdays fi, (1 P R. Telegraph °then Metz lsbefore holidays 100, in, • Canadian No1limoi ticket oilnce is'S STOAT,' Ni+,W8 Why You'll Find Pyrex the ideal oven ware Durable— Does noir break in oven use - Never gets dilapidated Never weal's,011t Gooks Better— Brings out full food flavor Gives every food better texture Does not burn food Gooks more thoroughly and evenly Enables you to watch thruugh the dish how food is cooking Keeps food hot Econorc meal— $avesl'uel.—cooks with less heat , Saves.food—cooks chaa.per foods delioiuttsly—tuts nut waste Saves tithe—conks mote tiuicicly Saves trouble—no 1130r0 I,brek greclsy pane to wash --the sable dish is used for cooking and serving Clean_. Does not absorb grease or :mold og odors No hupurity ran cling to tL unknown to you °leans like n tumbler Beaf.1111n$d.Nfa,-- Graceful in design (Near and in harmony wil-b china Makes von proud of your kitchen and table • Makes food leek lunre attractive Other balciue disbars have some of these advantages' I'YR111C ;lone combines thew all. • A. T. COOPER; estern n aril LONDON SEPT. 11 TO 18 Tate Great Agricultural and Live Stock Exhibition of western Ontario. $35,000,00 in Prizes and Attractions JOHNNY J. JONES EXPOSITION onithe Midway MU PROGRAMME' TWICE DAILY Auto Polo; Music, Fireworks. `1'ao special events daily 1.XH;tBITS OF ALL KINDS. SOMETHING DOING EVERY MINUTE Admission 50c. Children IS, ,Pluto and driver $I.QO All information from the secretttry Lit Ool. W. M. Gartshore, President A. el, Hunt., Secretary Any Farmer May Prase ht A Proper Financial Statement such as Will be Accepted by any- Banc • If lm uses Scott's Simplified Ace uunting System for Farmers in connection with his farm operations '? It provides you with a monthly or yearly statement of Receipts and Expenditures in each departme ut of your farm FOR SIX YEARS—AND at the end of your year sets forth cost of produetion in each depart- ment and the net Profit and Loss which each- has yielded. The last word in simplicity. It is so simple any man who ea n read or write ,--any school boy or girl—can follow its princip les—So complete that it is heartily endorsed by Governme nt and farmers' organization officials and leading financial m en. Beware of imitations—Scott's is the oily Farmer's Accounting System which provides formes in which a coon pieta statement of every branch of your farm operations—month by mo nth—for five years— is covered. COPIES MAY BE OBTAINED AT ,:d' , ,) The News -Record Office To introduce .these books in this section we Will sell a limited number for $9. Regular $12 book, good for -six years. won ARE YOU A Mon or Woman Brave enough tp Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitions enough to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to Provide for your own? Energetic enough to be'making a good livelihood? Healthy enought to pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this -advertisement. Fill in coupon and send to S. C. Cooper, Box 5. NRWS-RECORD O1 F10E Clinton, Ontario. NAME464.44444444.4444444.4.4,4644444444. ADDRESS4444 4 4 444444 44,1,44 nate Born, .,, ,day of .,,.......all the year .,..r,., ... . 1 Varna lilt, end Mrs.; Keys and dalegllter Dorothy of Nashville. :Penn„ have been guests at the hoarse of Miss Phonic TARO, Rev. Mr. Turraneo who speeds hie summers hi Baynelie, °c°ttpied the pulpit of Si, Jolm's church, YAM? on SW) dal/ lack Rev, iii-; Dih'hi „is renewing.' old aequaintaneos in this .eoannSeaitst, He has been visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs, Jamea McO1Y. meat, Miss Ela A. Beatty line era turned 10 Toronto to resume her duties os teacher on the etaif ofthe city schools, We are pleased to see my. george Beatty around again after hie ill - nem. Threshing •le .now the ostler of the day, `a supremacy In Air Disputed. Man is not to be 'undisputed lord of the upper air. Enemy birds armed with formidable beaks and talons aro ready to oppose the soaring ambition of the skylpilot, or a swarm of smaller seabirds and scavengers, menacing by' reason of theli' numbers, are liable to overwhelm hila, as the Lilliputians. did Gulliver. Shellao Varnish. To make a shellac, which servo ad- mirably as a "gement for insulating 'et'eetr'ie wiring, fixing .gaskets and In similar operations, dissolve flake shel-' lac in alcohol. The mixture inay be kept In a wale -mouthed bottle, the cork of which should be waxed to pre- vent its sticking. Enjoy Yourself. Do not put off pleasure any more than duty.. Take your good times as you go along. Pian for some fun iu every clay, n11t1, yes, more than that, plan for a good time all the day, Work as well as play should be enjoyable, a part of your,,good time. Bees' Wings. A bee's wing movesso fast that hitherto nq moving picture could catch it, but It has at last been photographed by an electric spark -Mating a hun- dredth of a second, during which dale 20 sharp negatives were made. Life. Life 1s a struggle, but not a war- fare; it is a clay's labor, but labor on God's earth, under the sun and stars with other laborers, where Eve may think and sing and rejoice as we. work. Just a Greeting. Sister was taught not to ask for anything to eat when visiting. One day wbile calling on a neighbor site saw n dish filled with tempting candies. She Iooked at It longingly, then said: "Hello, candy!" Uncle Eben. "I's wililn' to love any fellowmen,' said. Uncle Eben; "hut I can't glt up no mo' ambition to 'sooiate wif some of 'em dao a rabbit has foh tnakin' up to a houn' dog." Guard for Finger Ring. An ingenious new guard for finger rings is worn inside a ring and presses against the finger to prevent it turn- ing, at the same time being almost in- visible. When a Man Proposes. When a man asks a woman to mar- ry him he pays her the greatest com- pliment a mail can pay a woman, or else he needs the money 1 Why "Drug Store'?" Why do they call the modern institu- tion o drug store? .Merely because It doesn't carry a line of shoes, and harness. • Nothing impossible. What men have done ran still be done and shall be done today Dally Thought. Trope and youth are children of one mother. Constipation Cured • By Christian Science Sovt.lty live people out of one hundred can be cured by Christian Solenoe methods, which proves the great power of the Mind over the d)fgoetive Apparatus and the fre- queney of Nervousness as a cease of Consttpatdon, When these methods folil Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills are recommended, They are purely vegetahie and do not Gripe or Ir- ritate; many people have found them ozeellent for Headache, Dizziness, [fad Breath, Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite, Indigestlen, Gas on the Stomach, ttnd many other evilsthat aro due Ito Constipation. Where there is Extreme Nervous- ness and you are "all run down" and "tire easily" it would be just as well to take Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy, aio:ng with these PIM. This eo2n- hina.tton goes well together and re- stores the good health of your Younger days. 110110 %feat melon be. comes norina1, the Nerves take on new Lite, Power and Vigor and the "Inman machine" becomes full of "perp" and vitality. If you are tired of sickness and have 'le'st the Power, -Ability and Nerve Porde to do your daily work and your Nerveia aro all Shattered just give thelse two Remedies a trial and we 'will 1'>npltively gutu110tee benefit:ha results, G4 to your dealer today and asst for Hackbtg'a, and do not 'take any other kind for if you do yen will be 1001et1 right a the start and ;you Will na get its results that we 'gnasauteo.'lL olting's Lilelt- od, Listowel; Sold by .7, 11, xrovey, Druggist News or, Happenings in the Conolo and �4lsir 1,ct W. O, Thompson, assistant station agent at Lucan, wee hurt very badly nt floors J11'iday when he peeper! off the rear end of a moving freight car, The ear at the time of the accident was passing over the main allot coossing;'. Tllotnpeon wait getting 011 the car to go k0 his dinner. The body of 'the late Hebert Pow- ell, who was drowned off the steam- er Gienorehy on Saturday, Arrived in Goder'ich, Monclay at noon, and was buried on Wednesday in Malt - land oemetery . The eeeitlenthap- paned et Glenn ,Harbor. a coal star Won for the ,0,11.11, elf -'the upper Georgian Bay. The deceased was. on the dopk ready to throw back on to 111e boat a heavy lite when he lost his.balance and fell in between the doc11 and the boat, His coin, panion made -every effort to save hien, Mut unsgecessfully. Whether he struck his head in the fall is not known, but he seemingly matte no effort to save himself, Much sym- pathy is expressed for the bereaved parents, moth especially the father, who is a commercial traveller, could not be located until Sunday night in Sudbury, his arrival being about an hour after the body. Mr, and Mrs, Adana Case of Exeter announce the engagement of their daughter, Ethel Catherine, to Mr, Charles Bertiand Allison, eon of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Allison. Ex- eter. The marriage to take place early • in September. • C:ODERICH • iNDUSTR.IAL EX- HIBI'l.'ION NEXT WEEK. The ()pderich Faer is earlier than usual this year—Wednesday, Thurs- day and Friday, September 8, 0, and 10. The program for this year is probably the best ever presented. The formal opening will take place ml Thursday, the 9th, at 2.130 p.m., when Hon. Manning Doherty, Minis- ter of Agriculture, will give an ad- dress. There will be four track events for good purses. Thursday— Farmer's trot or pace, -purse $100; 2.30 trot or pace, purse $250. Fri - clay -'-2.30 trot or pace, purse $200; 2.12 trot or pace, purse $250. Other attract'ons are: Riondin, wonderful high wire' performer; J. A. ICelly, ventrilaquist and comedian; special exhibit from Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa; 10101810 by 33rd Regi- ment Band; grand midway features. Note the dates and be sure to visit the best distract •fair in Western Ontario. If You Have High Blood Pressure You Must Be Careful When the Blood Premiere is much above norInal there is always the danger of rupture of a blood vessel, most frequently in the Brain and producing a stroke, or in the Kid- neys, producing Bright's Disease. One should guard against over-exer- tion or excitement and take HACKING'S HEART AND NERVE REMEDY to dissolve the Uric Acid deposits that form in the Veins and Aetories, making them hard and lerittie. This remedy is a wonder; ie. builds up the entire system by Pnnitying the Blood, Strenglhenhag the Heart and by producing a vernal and healthy condition of tho Nerves. Mrs. Wm. elorlcy, 011 Palmerston, used quite a nuntiber of boxes of Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy and they thenetltted her so much and she was so pleased with then that she recommends therm to all her friends who havo 111is trouble or who are all gun down and Nervous. She says "you must be sure to get Hack- ings:' Constipation is oue of the aggrav- ating causes of High Blocd Pressure and it is advisable to use Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills to drive out the Pcisnns that generate in the se -a - tern. 'Tiiese two preparations go well together and you should buy a few (loxes from your dealer to -day. Blacking's Limited, Listowel, Out. Sold by J. E. Hovey, Druggist DUR CLUBBING LIST: FOR 1020. The News -Record and Globo ..6.25 " Mail and Empire ..5.25 " Toronto Star $5:25 " Farmer's Advoc'e :...3.00 " Family Herald 3 00 " Weekly Sun 3 00 " London Advertiser ...6.25 " London Free Press ...6.25 " Weekly Witness 235 " Youth's Companion .3.75 Above prices are for addresses in Canada or Great Britain.' If publica- tion you want is not in above list, let us know. Remit by Postal Note or Express Order. If Bank Cheque add ex- change. w:A• �4Ir,� ail cw TheDouble Track Route -----'between--- 14ION'TREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT and CHICAGO. CJneXcolled dieing car. service. Sleeping oars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains. Pvll information tion any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C, id Herm ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto, A, 0. Pattieon, Depot Agent. JOHN RANSFORD cit SQN, Phone 55, Uptown Agents The town of Godeeleh is in 'ro- e011it of lie tint Ono from the Toronto General Trust ()operator', being. interest to May let on its share of the Panda realised from the sulo of mat:meal of the defunct 011- tario West Shore Electric lttailwey. lutenist will bo evolved hnlf-yeerly from this satire°, and the town nus (folded to place, the amount in e Special sinking fund, to bo Invested in Victory Bonds And ter bo used eventually to mot the principal of the Wet Shore Railway debentures guaranteed by the town to the ox= tent of $150,000, Mayor Wigle be- Beres that the amount realized by reinvesting the interest t.aeh half Year o it is reeelved will nonrly liquidate this debt at maturity, Thin is the electric road that was pro- moted by John W. Moyes and was to run from Goderieh to ICinear. dine. "Universityestern London, Ontario J r N N iS and S ciences Medicine Pall Tex-rn Opens October 4th POR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRri'I K. P. R. NEVILLE, .7 egristrar Watered Stock If we had been paying dividends on "watered stock "-= If we had issued stock to shareholders at less than its par value and were asking for revenues to pay dividends on such issues -- Then we would expect the public to take. the position that we had no right to increased rates! But we have done neither of these things. On the contrary our plant represented, in actual cash invested, up to December 31st 1919, $16,000,000 more than our combined stock and bond issue. )3y turning back into the business all surplus earnings, all idle reserve funds, we have kept the demands upon our revenues for dividends and interest down to a. minimum --lower in propor. tion to the investment than any enterprise we know of. But now, with the keen competition for money, we must make sure of such a return on our investment as will attract new capital. An adequate rate for our service is the only means of accomplish= ing this. No one has found any other solution. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Fee ar a y r Ilan with i eertili and you will have a bigger and better crop of Fal /heat raartt �I l TeIL1Zl3 Pe/fERT'sLIZFt15 Price 0. rrHIS is no arm -chair theory. It's a 1 fact! Harab-Davies Fertilizer con- tains available plant food in the form of Ammonia, Phosphoric Acid and Potash. Pall Wheat sown with Harab-Davies Fertilizer can be sown late in order to avoid the Hessian Fly. 1t gives the growing plant a good root systema. It promotes quick and strong top growth. It practically eliminates winter -killing. It hastens a harvest with long straw, and big, plump, meaty kernels that grade high on the market. The Fall Wheat photo alongside was taken May 27, 1920. 111 the Spring of 1919 the well -grown portion of this field was sown in oats, fertilized with Harab-Davies Fertilizer. After the oats were harvested the whole field was disked and cultivated and sown to Fall Wheat without additional fer- tilizer. The difference between the fer- tilized and unfertilized portion id amaz- ing — and it incidentally proves that Iiarab-Davies Fertilizer will show re- sults the second season. Lint For Inr4viecliate De i�ra~Iry - Where little or •ne manure is to be had, use 200 to 800 pounds per acre of:— Manilla Phosphoric Acid. Potash. 12 0 10 2 10 0 Ammonia. 3 2 2 2 Per 125 Ib: bag. $4.35 4.15 8.70 8 2 4.00 Pea Ton. 65.75 -58.50 62.90 Whore manure is plentiful, use 200 to 300 pounds of:— , Available ' ' Phosphoric - Ammonia. Acid. Potash. 125 Ib. bag. Per 0 12 2 $3.35 $52,65 0 10 4 3,60 57.00 0 16 0 2,95 46.45 0 14 0 2,85 44.65 Freight prepaid to your station on orders) of 500 lbs. 'or more. _ Goods shipped in 125 1b. bags (16 bags to the ton). Terms—Cash With'Order. PILL IN AND MAIL US THIS ORDER FORM WITH CHEQUE OR BANK DRAFT FOR AMOUNT 400 IT NO# AND MAKiIt SURE OF A RICdr FRi.OFITAELE FALL Wi[EA:T GRSOP ORDER FORM ONTARIO FERTILIZERS LIMITED, Dept. 82 West Toronto, Ont. C,outleanen:=— Please ship immediately the following:— ' LOS. GRADE AT AMOUNT Name P. 0 ' Shipping Station Railroad 1 enclose $ to cover the above: