HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-8-26, Page 611 1 11 11 In v ' -- ,cleari,. Pregeevet1 84 *old only • . . ..,. ,.,., ' ' U .. ... ,i_ I . 1 g .4 , ure . .,--4-'------ . .5eAlgd LiGHTHO SES - ' -: "-- - .. WITH- -----;-7–r"-T---i7 wnen ,at tne Toronto EXIIMITIO11 4 4 EcOn, saxeal . .. . ' ' air4110ht; packets, i tO preservo its native. 1 .. • . .. . • - ' ,'. . • OUT -KEEPERS .,, .., . , ......... .„ . -oixtvico . drxt,Ore4t6 J,,,,,,_ ...„..,,, ''1 , AV , . Be eure tavt the Qa-clIalaN SXHIPIT la the IVIANUFACTallaBliat 13 0 L.PMICk VI) ell? a All 0 plaplaY. Of • , .. ..tooduoss.,' e ,- , , i -r Cecilian.Pianos Player-Piartos aid Ceeilidn ConeertPhones • SEA SIGNALS' CONTROL.' ,. , _o_._.„,.„_._... ------..._...--t„„---„,..----,„-_.__--:.._.__, _ ' ' ', , ,,.. , • -v,111 bo ohowp. , t , . , t . J ''. . , LEO FROM THE SHORE: ,\.....,..„.„--,----- Nuggets Viola "0.011aelteld Mince'. .. When -mei:a eureed to be .! . , ;Nener' melte a eundae or an et ' . WRITE FOR CATALOGUE' . cream soda the man • ish even 8 : ill ....._a___, Britiol,, ,mtho!kties my pet to soft, i411(1 1 -knew it Weolel rail if of al, MIL ,,, et_ „!I., ,,„. --. 5. Ilig amee0.414;. Vo4t Ltd. 241 Yeage St„ l'erentd (Near Eaten's) 7arY ttelt landileon• Ilia noomhment -.... •• • , ' , , ''' e. , I 'g',6 1/4. , 4 q • . _mail ..tp Erect Unattended' Towers . 'Around Coast, 013E40 the eake, I Went •confldentlY to 7tiy boa of eoneectioneese sugar te add to it.' I found. the Isex. emptY. The ieln,g was boiled 'seam/ end•arater e -• derived Irani thesbest of Ouch eontec- • „ . - - • — , - — -- - time, le earell, end thosetbet are mae ., 'with chattP a7ritles 'injure the digeetlea, Y Is oat Boy a Scout? . Ruckwheat cakes, oyster and fried , , 8574 . iP ' fat • - ail.3, Ilsed in Millions,of T ,a./, o The decision:. or the lighthouse authorities to erect beateae around British ehores, einreas, to the' tamoue. ,poured oeer the White of an egg, and beaten until cold, I'Isnew r could eiet reboil lt, so thought, a using puffed egg sandwich,ese, gateages, :hot litr;a:• . ana riale imams; ere heavy and (BM-, ,• ;By Sir Robert colt, to digest' therefore they ate un- Less than twelv • . , . BaderePowell . ' Unattended tower, at Guernsey, 'in the 'that Wheat, crushed to,a powder. Not.enly deearable dataies-for the noori raea u. , ess'ew0•04.4t.zinexseanntaewaaYte,saiiari.triionith)rayeitiBthtoeY,te you•NIMMIMMIIIME0=1.1•••••• 011an'n el 'elands, means light- did mst work fine; but my •eamily re- its taste, iin,d anilla, :edemas, ,soups,_ rip, and ,sorne in L.... 0. ilami . , , etendwiches—such ae chicken, main • , bilLeWulettniii,t113,7sini.riitt4ITIreyleAdyrrinlwayett:Ietlro5aia;Ln;illeilgik tam 0 M mom 1 . P y drillea to Weenie ef Machine, i • aseeeseseaa•easseesateessaaeseeteeesteeeN • , ,. a e ..5avi n g as. -- _. ateH houees' of, the future will lens with. out keepers, say? a Leaden Magakine. •neTedheed• ,fancItories, valartniyotteina•erwiy %Tv, esiceottaiLe evaiantaeriy•S, sbilartotthuerecliet, onfowereacitminogstan Pro- kibitiete. tit addition to the, initial out- lay, the running expellees oe the sty ,marked upon good were glad I had been lio iiberal eyaith the "nate" in the icing—te ated.• peed a le, w ilean$7.* F,,.•A*. R. ,. 4, .,,,,, ' ''' I often think of various' jobs or tin% ' men folkato do about the,hriuse, lawn, ' 1. n yard. So I've gaaden, er chic ee . T t orao calay boy ecou ri are .numbere .eheeseeana roast beef—are evholee 1 by sttength-producmg. fee,de. Rome. ai tae pillion in all parte et the woi d. '11, here , is not a civilized 'counts' the unvv/folesoine disbes are ruitritioue, -wheels (1005.110t Ott 055 it boysebute7 but they have lost, their value by be- , ,,, el„ ,./.1 5. .s • •'•*d eg: eiooNvallael,YeldirleilLiitiwsatinlemPjeuru?ibPe,orliati'ad8eabnlad ' in poorly cooked. Tbe frse /1 , 1 , , sandwich is an ,examale of that. On .,„,,,,g,alir, - the •other 'hana the trouble with the `"" , , part a reel ft they bad nat a foundation •of eh ratteretrainieg first this milltarY ill - ' spipillis was a mere veneer wbich , cl ' ' melte When a Strata' Vail put Upon It'The idea of tralhing boys in scout- Ifiliggaidialetea°1tbtaockreteirliuriitr 'By MARGARET BJORNSON- PEDROSE. . • • time have to be coneldered, arid isere . . the autleoeities are faced with haiher, wilge.s for the keepeas .and enhanced riees for oll and other Ivaco/Aar-lege p , tecked ma. a piece of burlap near the doer leading 'out from the kitcheimend here I .post a"list of •things to be aerie that will save me meny 'stepe. Besides . . this Mete there °rater eanclwieh is that it 'offers eittl hOldipg a great rallY— knoian among the 00011ta aa. e 'Jain- or no . , . nourishment Finally, make Up your mind .to be boreea—to which ' • We have Invitee scouts from all countries, . teguitie in whatever plan of diet you . , :We snarl remember with special May , 11111'01)7;g' inewerlik, the 13th Hawaii, and to young Bel- Mere, in the 5111 Drage= Gliards, syhieh I commanded, later, • The principles given in my book, .. _..„ . _ .. . • - - - ani•ioneeresson. 41/41aiipall23 .61.e It was Just &tore the war that -the , thee bona are ether notaces •on the bulletin burial, bang there, adopt:, •.• pride the herelsan 01 the Greek boy ' '' "Ald to acouting" were so much am PART II. The pace was maintained relentless- ly• for nearly three hours, and Virginia was almost dead from fatigue when at last they tante teSTore. Boaraman's ; heavy eeg ,etraetere ealein, a tow, half linefeed in a ' clump of birch and serulb jaekpiae. Her bus:band himself net them at the door,- sweet hemeff her horse with her baggage and chis- mined her escort, who wheeled and galloped off , back the trail with both ponies. • ' - "I thought you were injured," be- ;an Virginia, with indignation, when • her hatband had deposited her 10 a robe -covered- rustic chair beside the roaring fireplace. "I am—heart's : bad," he . replied, anigmatically, and would say 710 more antil she ha drunk a.cup of hoecoffee, watielt ,he prepared in a battered , tin up. • ' Condensed milk and water iorineclethe basis of the beverage, alvd sis wife winced at the taste of it; but ;he Was so cold and hungry that she inally elose.d her eyes and gulped it lown anYway• Her spirits rose, with the warming hank and she pointedly told her hus- sand that his .sense of humor in en- ieillg her inte tae wilderness the WaY le had aid not aPpeal to her at all; her back to her joint+, then passed out into the rie - • - other*roo ,, . an She noticed the whipstock -d shreds of .rotten rawldawhith still laY on the fl°02. a ill ' * reome but °nay gave thern a glannicness,aned tighthn- ed ber. lips. A s orting' rifle of the light -weight, highP-power type rested on the antlers of A buck deer beside the front' door. She took the weapon down. N•ext she donned her eo i Then with »the rifie grasped n her hand she open,ed the door, . The outside' air,. 321 contrast to the heated cabin, was ipping cold.Art n. extra half -foot t snow- covered the ' o ground. The limbs of the jackpines drooped, dejectedly under their added burdens: But the woman with the rifle saw only the footprints of her husband as she stepped, out of the cabin and took up his trail. She would follow him to where he was cutting e., "1/1 e ill— wood,' she had• decided, s du with the nifie and at thapoint of the weapon compel him to guide her to the nearest settlement If h,e resisted, she told herself, she would shoot him. As she passed into the thicker scrub she.heerd in the distance a high -pitch- ed staccato cry. Had she been in her right senses she would have realized there was a anenace In its tone and engineee and. eleateicien plated the• Platte Fougere 'Beacon,. marking the entraace to Russell Chan- nee which leads to St, Peter Port; the eapital of Guernsey. -It irma. real, up- to-dath lighthease Witholit keelsersethe filet to be erected ea a wave -washed rook, and so far the only one In exist- alma that possesses a powerful feg- signal as well as a light. , The rock 011 arlitell it stands is dif- fieult of approach owing to tides end currents. Ars it Is entirely submerged, except at low tides, much a the foun- dation work had to be.:aarried on un- der water when wind and sea w.ould allow it, As a result, a whole season was spent in merely securing the. faun- dations for the tower. . It took Winetanleye W110 built the , first Eddystone • Lighthouse, four years to drill twelve foundation helms and- flt them with iron. rods, Stevenson spent even. longer in: se- curing- the foundations for the Bell Rock tower. Only two men could re- main on the rock at. a time, Mit they stuck there with the :tenacity of leeches, the cold waters of the North Sea bearing...down every few minutes- and sweeping entirely over ' them :I a note, it I go away unexPeetedly, tell, ing .where I am, and What they will find for dinner. A paper Pad is fas- , tent& there with an attaohed pencil:, whereon 'aro jotted down, Ifs- sem a's they Are thought of, any 'artiales needed from tow& • • ' ' When .rny young nephewssami nieces mese visiting to the country, 'I write a „list of things they may elm one for marning and one for evening in reg- ular routiee, so they can help me. It's .interesting to them to see how quickly the entire list is completed, and they are free to play or ''explore." The board haeaaved nie Much eam_ ing and directing, and leave my -mind free to act along other linea—V. At a ' * * * - * : • * • , • Wishing to hang up the ordinary sheets of -fly paper, and finding they d • ripped whenever I dal SO, I discovered the following simple method of ars rangement: I cut the bottom off a heavy paper a seek, leaving a half-inch rim (a cone° sack is good, or one end of an oatmeal or sugar carton), f puncture this tteup" in the centre and insert a strirug with a knot on the end to as ---.' ecouts of Aidin, in ,the province, ef .,' • Surprise Visitors. i Sneyena. Turkish Irregulera occupied Her house woe in disorder, •Alain for two dart, and arrested forty With things all out of place; native boy scout e Whe had readered When came her charming sister, serviees to the Greek troops', They a With bright aand smiling face, marclied them out and milted one of Together with her husband; them to insult Greece and. M. 'Venezia- • And their »wild romping eon, • los The brave boy Made a playlet TS, .haaptie, sererise her; •grimace, whereupon he wa,s murder- , They thought it was such funl ed. The same regeest was made to a second, with the same results, Then: She bad to quit housecleaning ' the rest ot the boys were asked to de- And straighten things around nounce their own country, but after In order. that sufficient r00111 a. brief and tgic silence they replied yor quarters might be found: by singing the Greek National Anthem With half the', task completed; ' and were promptly massacred. And weary unto pain, . We are aroud, too, of the wanteCord She had' to change her program, of ' the 250,00D British boy scouts. And gayly entertain, Twenty-three thousand acted as' coast- . • . watchers' for the ,A.dneralty.• One hun- A week of ceaseless &Mee As hostessmade her heart ared thousand served as soldiers, and Less happy, though' reluetan• t ' nearly a dozen won V.C.'s. , Was she with them to part. Boy scoute are riot s•oldiers except And 'ere they left, an uncle, where an emergency demands their With glad light in his eyes, services. The boy scout training leaves Arrived to pay a visit— soldiering alone. It begins, at the• Another grand surprise. other end, and by developing charam ter, handcraft, service for others, and She •beavily smiled and made thorn physecal health in a boy, seeks to As happy as she could; make him a good citizen. For she loved each oue dearly , e . preolatrid by soliciolboysbrigades and, 'Various other bodies that we detest. mined to establish the Boy Scout movement. ' Boys who have .had good character - erainingawin never jack a job, 'There is only one answer to the question,, What ellen .1 do with ray boy? Encourage him to become a boy scout. , • , e The time a boy devotes to play runs tam a pretty big amount wIten One cornea to total it UP. ' Hours per week: In „school, 40; aslema TO; feeding, 8; playing, 50. In Wiese hours he may be learning what is good, but ai often as /tot be is becoming familiar .with what is bad; this depends on his surroundings and companione. Whether he ,is wild or slack, wayward or backward, lie will no doubt be glad to join the boy s•cont brotherhoed; and perhaps will have the satiefaction of feeling that he is na longer wasting his out -o1 -school time; but is picking up Practical know - ledge and gaining character that will tend to make him a healthy, happy, and successful inaa and a good cita zen. . tat he muet take the rail- tad immediately, so she could return a the city. • He smiled grimly, erossed to the leer and threw it open.' • "You know the way you came," he Ovitede with a gesture, "-start as soon is you wish." . would have paused. • As it was, her instincts were subordinated by her blazing desire for revenge, and she pressed onward without the slightest thought of danger. Other distant cries at differeet points answered the first osse, but still the woman paid no heed. She could When the first stone was at last swung into position, the men clung to the iron rods and. cheered madly. ' , Power of the Waves. Instead of. the ordinary, graceful- 17 -curving tower forty.teet in diameter prevent shaving through', Then I verve the 'fly paper ,around the string, and ain it together with two pins, ased root one end of the rah in -the pa,per cup. I insert another ' string in top edge to hang by, and tie e And wanted to be good, 1 • While they remained, a cousin, FRENCH BACHELORS . Who was just pasaIng through, 'Knew she would be delighteel— MUST AID NATION So he surprised her, too! ' Before -the second week passed • . eery from the parent charged ea guard - ian, Another step toward increasing the Population *as taken when the Chant - bee' of Deputies approved a law which imposes heavy prison terms and fides . She sprang from her chair and ;reseed to him With a bound. Her :ace was white and her eyes were hot sinpoints of hate.. "Do you mean I must stay in this— distinguish the ring of an ax a a ew hundred yards ahead, where the jack- eines melted irito the.hieh forest wall, arid increased her stride. .. In a few moments the tame in sight at its base, the Platte Fougere struc- tune is a comptiaatively narrow, thin edifice tee irregular 'octagonal,. shape, metteuring 14%ft. arid 1711. abrOSS the centre string to it. You will find it catches flies much faster ,hanging up . than lying flat. Besides, it is out of the Way, Which ii a great relief. Try hanging one on the kitchen She wore a haggard look; But sail contained .sweetly REPAIR HEAVY DRAIN , To entertain arid cook. • CAUSED BY WAR. - Her father and her m,other, a on. any person writing or publishing articles or booklets against maternity, or placing on sale medical prepare- tions, or even advertising. In news - his cave?" she demanded, her voice luivering With scorn. "Cave!" He laughed and closed the! leer, then folded his arms across his ef the axman. He steed with his back toward ber as with mighty blows he undercut the trunk of a twelve -inch pine. She coneealed this, rifle behind faces, 801e in aelght, and carriea out 1 ,eirommere e, „., it f • t This st• ea d ' n 4, lane e— rrA ed. „ mina WaS 01100051 1300'580 " °--re mum et surface to the waves. porch to catch some of the dies before the get inside y the screen door,—E. el, H. Their glad dream »realized, And eame witaout 'announcement— overnment men. s ar- G Once more she was surprised! Thus came her loved ones jolly -• riage Laws—Plea to Patriot-, papers anything that might peevent a restoration of France's diminishing population. ---e mead chest and studied her. "I've ieen wondering for a long thee, Vim. ;•inia, 41 there•isn't a spark of real woman lying dormant in you," he ael, musingly. .By spring I shall mow." She drew in her breath sharply. "You mean that I inust stay in this athis place all 'winter 1" her back as she approached him, • The staccato enY callle again, this time from the depths of the timber clog by. On the instant the num aveighten- ed, stepped back front the tree he was felling and raieed the ax on the de- fensive. He recognized the cry, though the woman ha'd not . " • . An idea of the enormous strength of the waves in these waters may be realized' whereit is stated that in build- Ing the Bishop Rock Lighthouse a heavy steam, winch was wrecked and wailed „ay, although It stood 20ft. .. h , ' • above ign water, and was protected by masonry and belied to the rock. A • * * * * * , Did you know that you could un- ravel a knit sweater (not hame-knit, but machine -made) and make a new one? You oan, but you inust begin carefully, and hank it in •small hanks as you o• don't roll it into a .bali. 7 g , . Wash each hank in soft water. and With cunningness, which l'aaa ism Only Real Remedy. For its most vvortby perpose • e. Deedgn to snake her alad. France's greatest social problem is one s not prohibition but how to find bus- Butwho knows has stated That folks who realize, bands for a sarplus of 4,000,000 women And give most joy by visits with a view to ensuring more rapid re- Arrive not by surprise! population of the. war stricken areas • and the whole future prosperity ot the Shocker For Grain Fields Saves Much Farm Labor. Actuated by the growing dearth 01 field labor in the great wheat region ot western Canade„ a farmer has de - signed a machine which, attached to a He nodded gravely. "You animal!" she shrilled; and, vith a ferocious lunge, she sank her Ingernaile into his oheeks. . Just what happened then- she did tot keow. But a flash of bate that aatthed the flame in ter own eyes eaped into those of her husband, and he went reeling e from- his outthrust It was the hunt -call of the timber wolf, • Other evolves ansevered the first one. The nuin whirled about-face, and with a start of amazement, saw his wife. "Runiu he cried. "Run for the cabin!" -years • Instead; she drew the rifle from be- hied' leer deliberate blacksmith's anvil, -weighing one aud a half hundred -weight, -wee actually washed. out of a hole 3yett. deep and eft in diameter, svherein it had been» deposited for safety, In the case of t he Platte Fougereo tower the ieas fall on either side, . , diet e and rush round the building, " ' soap, then with aria color of dye eoap .you choose. Follow directions on the ' dye soap. Then reknit or crochet. If you wash the sweater first, before un- raveling, it will shrink and be very hard t 1 Aft 1 d unrave . er itis c ean an dry wind it into balls. You could, of COUTS5., de it -with other dyes, but le--- ees . country. • watching An Event 200,000 When the question of producing Years Old. more chit -dean was, first broached. the are now wa c ng an press took it up humorously, but a eastrenorners. t hi . study of the Government's statistics than 200 000 event that occurred mote, bron - • • 1 - ago. brought a nioie serious vein o eom . ment and fears were even expreased But the event took ' mace so far away that France binder, - automatically forms arid de - posits compact shotke of grain in the field. Sheaves from I he binder pass up a conveyor into a hopper, ana tben, head down, into a conical. basket with spring arms that adjust themselves to the size tee the shock. ands, to 'bring up with a Severe jolt ,garrist the log wall behind her. "Beasti" she shrieked in crescendo, :ncl sprang at him again, ee hate ,oul I hate youl I hate you!" He helcl her off at arm,s length,- He ,ad control of his anger by stow. and is face :Was calm, de -term -Med. She eveeched and tore retails arm, hut her fforts to reach -him were futile, He vaited, Her rage, instead of sabsiding, =eased. He reached for a rawhide mike dogwhip which. hung above the .00r. ,The action, instead of frighten- eg leeraincreased her fury. He drew ack his arm and she lashed out at .1m with her foot, her sharp French eel finding -its mark in the eards of is knee. Then he streek,, and she, nth a feagmentery cry, suddenly' re- axed are sank -to the'lloor. The whip, trangely, had crumpled under the low ince a roten string, and ,only a heed ofsthe rawhide, -which .yeata be- and took aim at his hamet. . "Drop that ax!" ahe ,ordered. His face event white, but he obeyed. The viola •cries had ceased., He knew the significance of the stillness that had fallen upon the timber, The Bunt- pack was closing M. e ' . "Tone Boardmare said the woman wiee elle Tale, eyee, are going to do what I tell you. • or 1 than shoot you. Answer now; How far is it to the Sickest' settlemeet, 'and can 'eve get there &fere' night?" . • • • "Virginia," he interjected "hoarsely —"the wolves! They'll get us if we don't reach the cabinl" At that moment a liege, gaunt, gra7 thing stale out of the w 1 1' opts on his right, ets belly dragging on the snme, its fangs bated att ill st hid,ebus laugh. He waved his arms at it and yelled, and et slunk behind a tree. Another wolf diated.into the open from behind him and launched itself et his spine. Perched -on: top of this tower are ,motors, compressors, foghorn, and light, as- well as a wonderful array 01 electrical devices, by which the light and fog -signal are automatically con; trolled from the shore, be mile and a quarter . away, by means of a sub- e • ' mime cable. An ordinary rock lighthouee, estate lishatent at Platte Foufere would latae entailed an expenditure' of ee00,e00, Then there ie , the saving in mainten- ancea as, only tem 'mon are requited in• place of four. They live in com- fellable quarters on shore and their e i I dutyi ' ra ncya s to see that the light 7 is swathe?l on at night and t ' 1 E • • tune( o at sunrise. Should fogs occur then the mere action of pees,sing a key Sets in motion the syren, whose blasts can be heard twently miles away, boiling the weal shrinks it, and apoile its lustreemF. A. R. * * * * . * • I have found in my usual routine of -duties that much time and labor can be saved by 'using the foaming seg- gestion: . Place tyre needies on the end of the ironing -boards together with' a thirtible. Otte needle shoulsd, be thread- ed with white thread and :the other with black.- -When a button es -found to be taming off, one 'should' sew it ett herciediately. In this -manner one prevents the overlooking of such . ' 'small matters.. Rents in garments can be esied too, although bargee places where patching is needed Will delay ironing. If you „perform this opera- tion you 'will see the truth ef the say- ing that "a stitch in time saves nine." from. the earth that the ligla; rays are may be unable to receiver yari v ng. from this decadence. ere just 1 I The attention of scientista was at- More than. a million and a quarter trained to the matter by a message Frenchanen between the ages of 20 from the Lick Observatory in Cali- and 25 years were killed and 300,000 t , were so badly wounded that they can- omits, which read, "Nova Aquila° now has • • • not ever hope to assume family (lutist, a diameter of 3,8 minutes of the are." ,, . These, with the ordenary million aud a Two years ago this new star ap-11011 bachelors, provide France with neared M the sky iethe constellation her linmediate task unless violent re- known as Aquila. percussion, in the social and economic According to the astronomers, it was life of the nation, as» well as morals, Is probably caused by the collision of e to result, small star, flying through space, with Women Forced to Work. what is known as a dark ne ula—a ' b t • I t etch It Is a fact ihat the Frenchmen's s ai c us ea or group of stars w , in itself, gave no light. lack of tendency to °titivate comPla When the star hit this dark nebula cetee, the situation and it la hardly the friction of its passage caused a likely that even a million men a ou d great explosion, which lit up the rest be willing to leave; their houses and 01 the clark nebula. • - mine to France -even to taste the This illumination travelled through luxuries of La Belle France mid 10; her beauties, In discussing e tat, 7a5 e qte Ba.bys — _..„...„ . " Ili iell "---N, TheWorici " • ne aa ,. • , a . Own. Soap Ire had passed- the age of usefulness, ensained the blunt Heesensed :its ,atbaelc, and braving a -0.----. ' the nebula at the speed of light -186/' woo the situation a member of the Ministry of The fragrant creamy lather of with stock. Thfi man Snarled down -the whipstock, iciced up his wife as though she were child, and ,cartied her into the eel- pining eoona where he placed her pen the:bed. • • ' He foreed'hes, th undress don bullet from the rifle, sweat up the ax at his teet• anti whirled to meet it • The glistening blade caught the wolf in- Midair and. it fell to the snow. . (To. be continued next issue.) • -. s , • ,. . : . ---..,e, , The Home of Peace. If fighting for its libertY is a proof of greatness, Geneva, where the next melon of the Peace. Conference will be ,held, certainly merits .balug called oche A Proper Luncheon for the Girl Who Works. Choosing TA fit hambeen is a serious mutter to t g he irl who works, foe in order to keep her strength she reu,st 000 miles a second. The astronomers, knowing the speed of light, were able Hygiene said: to estimate, by recording how long it "The equilibrium which was main - took the bright spot to grow to a given talned heretofore in the re•gular atter- 5 en tom e w nation of birth,s; male and female, has size as 0 f • the earth, ho far a the 11 ht t a - been completely overthrown by the way e g SPO W S. "Baby's Own Soap" and its Durity have won a great popularity. It's ben for Day and best Ariel', absolute and a _ _ . imsy . nightgown which she lied Admiral Beatty Dwells Far rought aloeg with her from the eity, - len bundled her into the bed, proeue- •: From Sea.. • greatest of the Mall towns." In 1602, the then Duke of Savoy made a determined attempt to take the Swissetowit. A. moonless night was ' ' ' eat things that are nutritious rather u s that merely taste good. than the g . • v .The quest= of a light or a heav ' ' The epet.' an" it had been growing wan For the last three years, mulious Lor two 'years at the speed at which of French- girls have been unable to light travels; wee still so small that I 1 found homes and have been 00111p011t3d ALBERT SOAPS Mit D (..C) mnputeeepere. . Antenna. 0.7-20 d a eobwebscoverecl bottle of liquor rt you were searching for an Eng- . meal, ae 'well as of tae of :Coeds, regeired a telescope and sensitive as -to work for, their living. Everywhere rom the. other Imolai, and made Iter'' :, belt admiral, a real 118111105neer 1 rink down a eupful-of its contents? , . ' '` at a , The liquor soon, took , effect. •The WOULd YOUT Mat take you to the one 'onian'e sobbing sank gradually to a spot it the "tight illttle isle" ter theta., wail, aad finally' ceased. Only when from the sea? Yet it Is there you le was sound asleep -did the grim- Would mid Earl BeattY, his wife, and. teed man heeideethe bed leave her. their two .sons, David and Peter, At hen,» he strode stiftlY out •into the Drooksby Hall,' Lefeestershire, the esea: /bee eatom, •s•earted himself:halide the lord and his famitY' live far frem the replace eted 'dropped his chin ia the boom of wavese Surrouritlecl by one of alms -of lus hands., and stared sorb- the mesa •beautiful stretches qf coun- ay alto the =Alin blaze, For a long time atm. her grief had try in rural England. The manor assided the woman lay without move- house ls charmingly beautiful in Ito Lent 015 the bed; her eyes wide and cloak 01 Ivy,. and. a ehttreli, dating ;caring. Resolption slowlY took from the Norman. couqueet, gives' the irm in her Mind; and When at lag touch of age necessary. to make- the le swung ou•t of heti 'anel got upsm picture 010 England all over, . Here Ir led h•er featuree were calm— see chosen to pia his ej t 1 t a ' PI en n e ex— . Alma The intention w,s to attack tbe town while the inheleitants slept, Loog ladders were erected 'against the walls of the city Ana the Savoyaeds began to mama , In a moment, LhoWever, the alarm wee given, and the Genovese paured from their -beds,. add, demised may in their night clothes,. prepared to defend their homes. Fout huadeed Savoyards were acnoanted fe ' •' , r, whileth the defenaers' losses only .,nurabaree fourteen., . e•, The following year cloneveeentared into an alliance with Fribourg, and later wait Berne, • Finally, in 1815,. the t•own became recognized as part of choice Should be :answered • a.ccercelng to the whe's accunatien and physical - . age, . - condition It ta Teeny a matter. of • . . . " aiming the right food at the right tithe. Here are awn° rules that should heeef seerili,ee' - ,„ , 4. , ' 131 ca°°a'ag YiPhr wn°.as°14 re" - " have a proper relation to the other Meals oa the day, If you bad a Bala breakfast, eat a immeshing, though , not neces•sarily a heavy Itnetheon, for you reqeare a tertain quantity of food for the day to Inebriate your weight and strength. If, on the ether hand, Yeal had a substantial 'breakfast, 1111111 yourself to a light luncheon. - • • ' • t they are in competition with male tronontical instemneats to rneasuie. i e . , size' ' : labor and the women armhoiding their . The astroecaters. complete that their own -only through their intelligence measurement, of the apparent size of and tenaeity,"e which was. untoisseen, this spot meant that the tiara is 217,- The result V• that France is threaten- i20 "light years" away, me la other ed with becoming a uation of unmet, required foe the light rays to bridge ried women and bacheloe men, worcls, that 217,120 years /mire been "There ia no question of children in the aesthete), A alight year," or aim -this problem, Ev•en should illeghl- taeee a, 01; e , . t mate allianeee be formed, recorcle a by a. ray of light n — 'ay 8 - • 1 tl hall 1 time prove at ess• Iano le off- twelve months, Is approximately 5,781, - 800,000,000 miles. Thie number, raid- spring would survive -the first year, tiplied by 217;120, would give, roegla ApaeaI to Patriotism, ly, the dietanee from the earth to Neva Aqtrilae. Astronomers -declare that "Moreover, the emit of living now few visible stars are Icnown to be prohibits, single, women either from 1 arther from the , earth than this, ' founding their own 'homes. or aidiug , The Hit of the Season I, •' .,...,N, a I For the , ' Fanner 0 a Boy oil.' i.= t k1 - .4ii • a as sadly calm— Admieal Beatty and Lady Beatty romp her had pwitzerland. Consider thacharecter of your work, —......e.— in the upkeep of the family hearths,. and eyes, a and 11'0110 with thele boys the elder inaeroue gleam, . Quickly the donned e t e . .' • our een au the younget ulna and Le clothing' which sate lied won :ate ty before, u-tr6 the lime of a country gentleman She feltanow the etraiti frotn her aud the chatelaine of the inanor. ng ride „up, ftorn the railroad, and a• first attempt at walking was tic- • Watchmaking, which le 'one of the I 1 - principa hclnet1 les of Geneva, and ;which was intvoducea •by Anturt In , . 1587, has at late years deelinea some- what . Painting cm enamel and the malting too. If it requives muselsot Wart, try t ' di di 'n our 11 1 . el - 1 al 0 In u e 1 . y ece me• al . eaOily y digested, strength -giving fo dd; %suds , aa a bowl of pea map, apiece of sweet elsocolate or a beater, egg. If yeti de work that taxes. brain and nerves ..._:.• Th s 1 1 ' The war and celibacy ameam the male The succe s n novelist alwaYs . pope 0 lutows how impeetheit the proposal Winn ha tuned both sexes to - scene le, eel/Walls% to his lady read. wara a• natural dostiaatiose—the Lib- en, and geterally manages to work horrence ot initialed life, . TheY will up to it fel! OM he lo. worth, never wed and will never have child- • ren except through some aystem of Von want /aux goo(i and ben11.1O,, 'You want Ulm big anti sti:ong. Teen give Lint a pure wool 3ersey Made by bls)friend Deb Zang. . Zet Wm romp with nll.bilfvlent• lie's Die beet boy in Die land, ' Aim eat t negnys bp Men and evelIng, .111patlied hp exeruciatisig pain. Calling 4ack Birds, •Sles wasted 11.0 time in eelf-pity, In the deeastated nreaa Of .11algiuni mover. Three tures•she took eerose , ' ' . end smelter/1 Pralle6 the Meat tie Well „e floot- of the bedroom, triainsaer up 's ' s ' ' , t» ' ot, fine jewelleay luxe taken a Vig Place in the Indastrial afe of the e ' Genevese. Ih the eighteenth century ' rathee than =sole, obeerve aarefully, wieheut givin,g too Mach attention to cleteils Whet kind of itincheoil gives ' • ' &ea love which will not beeefit the : TOR 014TO State ov society." - , , V ...e, -, e t , Asked what remedy fey Me vottia et- he wears rt Ben Long Brand. • • • • . 7-.11ob Zang B 0 B IL 0 N G ___. ..... L , fse, the human usitabitante lost allele E h i . .ati . liwderitWd' TtilveienertS. nnii "sting Pinnss x iv I I an_ re ea I , . . .NOW, they. are being Lneitea baelt; lak the Matter it not itierelY ono et IV osrtors nme:vannt:.'evIIIVibtav7.19etig,bt1:47,3 ,Seolt aro cbrdlally Invited to ale fee/noes crepe, ee ' visit our atere while at with this plijest in I•jew, ereee , or toeento. ' .. ereedmed ere beteg set eseme and We ahali appreeiate the Imhof- tatecle rt5 attractive SA peasible to rice (ego of trying fa Make yeuf. feetheeed oreatimee, 11 1s7 expected Vi5ft a Plea:Sant OPP. ' Mita by such mend eolonitie•of. bIrde • ' ww...w we. ,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,, w ww,,,,,........ van .50014, ,bui estamtehed, • end that, ULLM 131W040 LAMA i gal With Draper proteaton, they will tiallta Jewell/I re . ,.. DV ADA .b &Mlle as, iiitesotette ad Otibt 1-98 Yeuge est• , e Tomato bofere leeg, , aeon Jaques. Ithessaeau was born in °GAD °Lao. k atibliehed. ' in. :on entitiea "'netooriees. of • SolfeTifte by Matra- Inman& clWelling ert the sufferiags of :IV° t'Ir.trrboa„TanoTis 01 'X.. Geneva Red Cto.ss, Diming the Great . wni, tho Geneva leoa alres,s 'did 0001- lent work hi fan -engin for the trims- fer to Switzerland of large numbers of pmonorig of war. on Ilia baohs `of Lela Golieva, the League 01 Nations! isle Mal a Mane, • .......a.-8---,..-- ,t..10mci '.00(1 6 harvest Stantis could IA foetal tis the baseball Melia yOU the most weekuta povsei, and adopt :At l'i .sotta.uettaamlala7dN.vitt. pcieins4 roofllo' il mid a glaestof milk satisfy many beain workere. . j'i!,'Wg11,1):s.lb„):;01'111%,',' tv"; the 5'00t11 well ventilated, eat slowly and, -if peesible, forget, if oely foe a. few mintage the cases of yout evork, • ' Ceitsider, too, the 00E18011 of the yea, In winter take heat-produeirta food, Mali afi meca, halal and buttes' aro seep.' fel hot' weathee a pinto of ieo cretins ev a bowl of cool, 'froth' milk Triekee 1111 eXCelleD f aoundatioa f6i,` a Meal. • -' riii ho iiir 1 . _. ,)n,I011 • . ' e ., , rt• , , a . • i?.e sure to visit our i 44' oethtlete Manufacturers' tuikling • OWZNS-ELIVMS, ILTD,, 89 Yongo Si, be pessible, he said: "There is none. , it le imposelble to bring batk tbe dead or to take ooniriee toeelbly to the mar- rInge: altar, France's salvation, dowels entirely upon the men and V0111012 realizing personally the danger in which their preference for eingle , bleesedneria Placies elle etieetey." rifeeirivhile °Metals are doing eves's- wit in their power toweovercome al. , . little difilcultios in the 1,outine of owe "rlagm The French lasv ha aleatea de- 44' in'ette al 'mice the consent u/ both entente of No, 2. . ,. '''',E1, 01011 111 mums where these t Savo been ithictreed, This was . . lase week end the law 11051 that consent 10 oeIy maces- , . ure o i P w . , ; , orsted Jerseys ' , sa . For Dad nd the V.al Pella/Vet- dr liltitani Shout or Style adade for Hard Went, Comfort end Smart Appeeraece , R. iG LOWO & CO Lases a e e I e Winnipeg 'roam() arlontreel J365 Leag Orem& ,itgewo Irma Coa4t ra Caot i nattetaRRaVekta=ettitelatileateate, e