HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-7-29, Page 88 ULINTON priir 1 JUNK DEALER ' !'1 EUYING ALL KINDS OF ,JUNK AND POULTRY, HID>S AND SKINS PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICES rt4ivirtAs Phone 137 Albers; St. Phone 142 Estimates given. Et WOOD WALL PAPERS; MOULDINGS, SIGNS, TO. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING We protect your Moore, furniture, etc., by plenty of drop sheets. Ontario Street CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE A Few Hints to the Buying. Public Do not be afraid to buy now, as prices are going up. Bring in your repairs And have them neatly and promptly done—watches, clocks, eye glasses, rings, brooches, bracelets—anything that needs repairing. 1 can do it and guarantee satisfaction. A full line of Jewelery, watches, clocks and silverware Granrophones, Needles, and Records Call in and look around; you are not obliged to buy R. H. JOHNSON IJeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Store weiniere Clinton News4geerd all Paper Is the keynote of home furn- ishing. ishing. It assists more than any one thing in making the home at- tractive. What does more to advance the welfare and com- fort of the people than bright, cheery, hospitable walls, Sure- ly money is wisely spent on such hone -making, joy -producing merchandise. that brings tenon- nous and glowing elevation and benefit to our abodes. Our var- ied stock of patterns and color- ings will soon be ready for your inspection at prices slightly higher than last year„noticeable mostly in the lower priced goods only. The W D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best ra nsunu„„„„„„ „„„,„ Keep Cool! Call and see our Electric Fans, Irons, Grills, Toasters:and Washers We Have a Fill Line of Coal oil stoves and ovens Aluminum, Granite and Tinware Oils and Coal oil Sutter Sc Perclue Plumbers and Electricians Phone 147w 1 s i �1 31IDSDINEB CbEA F OP ALL WHITE GOODS—LADIES AND CHILDREN'S READY -TO- • :WEAR AND CANVAS FOOTWEAR Ladies' Voile waists—all at one price to clear •... ...•:_ $1.50 Ladies' white cotton combinations, reg. $2.00, to clear at , 31.25 Ladies' Snit Combinations, several styles to choose from choice for _. Children's wash dresses, white or colored and wash suits for boys all at clearing prices. Cotton pants for small boys to clear at Canvas shoes from 32,75 to $3,50 en sale at $2.50 .Canvas shoes from $2.25 to 32.75 on sale at :..,;,,_. .-31.98 White shoe polish, cake or bottle, reg. 15c size 2 for 25c 31,00 50c PRICES ON SPECIAL LINES, CASA, AND NO EXCHANGE r , PlumsteelPOS. CLOTHING - THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 25 NEW IDEA PATTERNS, *114161ZSZEII=329121010352321 FOR ALL NEXT WEEK HAY FORK ROPE. HAY FORK CHAIN. COAL OIL STOVES. SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS 'A ND VARNISHES. WASlIING MACHINES AND WRI NGERS: LAWN 1VIOWERS—At roduceti pri cos to elear, PARIS GREEN, ARSENATE OF L EAD and BUG FI SPRAYERS and CARBARUNDUM MOWER SHARP Another CAR of the oelebratecl Br antford Asphalt peck next week, Order Early. Leave your order NOW for a Pilot Superior Pipcless it installed in good time :for the cold weather, It NISII. ENERS. Slate Roofing ex - Furnace and have is a tael saver, HA LAND BROS. gardware, ,,$fovea, and Novelties 11,,,,,,31j2h, ;%lte Store 3%iflt a Steell, Mr. Walter Jackson of Brantford is holidaying here. Miss Lyda Livermore is spending her holidays at her hone in town. Mrs. Ray Rumball and babe of God- erich wore here over the week -end. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Thompson re- turned on Thursday from their mo- tor trip. _. Miss Mae Davies has been visiting Toronto friends during the past week or so. Mr. Willis Cooper is holidaying at the Y. M. C. A. camp at Lake Couehiching. Mrs. S. Gardner of Colborne visited her father, Mr. Chas, Helyer, over the week -end. Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Colclough are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Colclough of town. Miss Annie Southcombe is visiting her sister, Miss Emma South- combe, hi Niagara. Miss Helen Fisher spent a few days in Goderich last week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moore, Mr. F. W. Evans, Miss Mildred and Miss Cole of Brantford are spend- ing a few weeks in the old town, Mr. Carl East of the Royal Bank, Brantford, was a week -end visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs, G. W. Cuninghame. 'Mr. James Trenieer of Wallaceburg is in town this week having come up on Monday to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Amies. Dr and Mrs Chapman of Kitchener and Miss Marion Ball of Sombra left last Thursday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ball of town. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Leppington of Clinton spent the week -end with Mrs. Leppington's father, Air, Tomkins, Town Plot.—Wingham Advance. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cantelon and Miss Kathleen of Toronto motored up on Saturday and are the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Win. Cantelon. Mr. W. J. Bell of Toronto who has been visiting his sister Mrs. Carl Mair of Allendale is this week holidaying at his home in town, that of Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Bell. Mr, Edward Rodaway and his daugh- ter, Mrs, (Dr.) Edward Jackson of Chicago, spent a few days in To- ronto last week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Taylor. Mrs, Ed. C. Scruton and Miss Emily . spent the week -end with friends in Wingham and on their return were accompanied by Mrs. J. Barr of Los Angeles, Cal„ who will visit friends here for a time. Mrs. (Rev.) Brock, whose husband was a pastor of the Rattonbury street church, Clinton, many years ago, has been visiting friends here during the past week. She is the guest of Miss E. M. Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell of Cal- gary are visiting at the lad"y's par- ental hone. that of My. and Mrs. J. A. Ford, They came east on ac- count of the death of Mr. Camp- bell's father, the late Mr, D. Camp- bell of Konioka. Mr. and Mrs, Ogle Cooper and two daughters, Misses Frances and Norah, of Collingwood motored down on Saturday and have been the guests of the fornmer's sister, Mrs. A. J. Morrish, Miss Minnie Cooper who has been visiting in Collingwoocl, returned with them, Mrs. John Enmerton, who has: been visiting relatives at Kincardine for some weeks, is now renewing old friendships 1n Clinton, She is the ghost of her brother, Mr. John Tor- rance, while in town. She leaves on Saturday for Toronto and will return to Port Hope early next week, Mr. and Airs. Fletcher Young and Masters Wesley and Harold, re- turned last week to New Toronto after spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Young's sister, Mrs. Peter Glazier of Goderich town- ship, and her. mother, Mrs. Henry Cook of Clinton. They also visit - .ed in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wright and Misses Edna and Anngs McIntyre, Toron- to; Mr, and Mrs. A, Hodgfinson and Mr. R. Rollins, Listowel; Mrs. H. Armstrong and Mrs, R. Grain- ger, Trowbridge, and Misses Ruth and Myrtle Patmoth Of Palmerston spent the past two weeks with their cousin, Mrs. Mary McIntyre. Mr. and Mrs. J, E, Johieson and two children of. I'Ioward, Sask., arrived on Friday and are the geusts of the laity's mother, Mrs, Nett, of the London Road, and with other friends in town and vicinity. Mrs. Johnson is not in the best of health and will remain for a time in the trope of improvement, Mr. Jobui- soil returns next week. COUNT F TiI. U DAY, SWAY 29th, 1920. M. CIIECZ'- Owing to the necessity of supplying each customer with a counter check showing the tax separately, the demand by merchants for counter checks is being greatly increased. Also owing to the increase in the price of the paper from which counter checks are made the price is steadily increasing. The scarcity of paper and the increased demand will cause delay in delivery. Those wishing counter checks should order at once for fall dslivery. Get your supply before paper takes another jump. We Supply Them 1 Goderich Township A garden party was -held at the Orange Hall under the auspices of L. 0. L. No. 145 on Monday evening, Mrs. Fred Leonard was called to Woodstock last week owing to the death of an old friend, Mr. Robt, Johnston, well-known 95 one of. On- tario's leading dairy farmers. Mrs, M. J. Scott of Calgary is vis- iting her brother, Mr. F. H. Powell, Mrs. Scott says the crops in Ontario look better than those in the west and that they are much further advanced. Mr. John Gibson of Lucknow has �rchased the Robert Marshall farm on the Bayfield Line just south of Clinton and will get possession in the spring. Miss Rodelia McKenzie of Toron- to is visiting Mrs. R. Tyndall and Mrs. 0. Potter of this township. On Wednesday afternoon of last week the members of the Women's Auxiliary of St. James' church, Mid- dleton,.mot at the home of Mrs. John Hudie, and in the Bourse of the af- ternoon Mrs. Steepe and Miss Aphra were presented with a silver pie -plate a cut -glass cream and sugar, and an address as below: "Mrs. J. G. Steepe and Miss Aphra: Goderich Township. Dear friends: We sincerely re- gret that the time is drawing near for your removal from our midst and as a consequence the ties •of friend- ship will be Ural:en. We appreciate more than words can tell the ser vices which you have rendered to St. James' church, both in the church and Sunday school, and especially do we remember with thankful and grateful hearts the work of secretary which you, Mrs. Steepe, carried on so faithfully and so efficiently, in con- nection wtih the Woman's Auxiliary for over twenty years. In parting We. ask you to accept this gift which small in itslef, is largo in love and .good feeling, assuring you .that our carnets prayers and best wishes fel- low you to your .new home. Signed On behalf. of St. James' con- gregation and the Womens' Auxil- iary:—Mrs. G. Middleton, Mrs. Wise. Mrs. Steepe intends. removing to her new hone in Clinton. Constance Mr. and Airs. Fred Stephenson and son visited .friends in the village on Monday.. ' Mr. Jeff Cole of Oberlin, Kansas, is, visiting his sister, Mis T. Polard, and calling on old friends. Mrs. W. Stephenson of Brussels and Mr's, Cole, sr., spent Monday with the letter's daughter. Mrs, T. Poland, Quite a number around here at- tended the funeral of the late S. Poland, formerly of this village. On Tuesday evening, July 20th, Mr, Wm. McIntosh passed away from this world of caro. He had been a sufferer for a couple of months, his illness being borne with Christian Patience. He was born in Scotland in 1884 and calve to Canada with his parents when he was thirteen years old, They settled in Tucicersinith, Ile }vas married to Elizabeth Mciifillan of Stail'a fifty-seven years ago. His wife and one daughter, Mrs. John Mills of Harlock, survive. He has one brother, Hugh, in Saskatoon, Sask., and one sister, M}s. Jas, W. Elliott in' Washington, D. C. IIe was buried in Constance ceme- tery. Rev. S. Anderson, of Clinton officiated at the house and graveside. Quite a number attended the funer- al from Staffa, Brucefield and other places to show their respect and sym- pathy for the sorrowing. He was eighty-six years old. Mrs, W. McIntosh and Mrs. John Mills wish to thank all who were so kind to them during the illness and death of the Iate Mr. McIntosh. We are glad to report that Mr. Fred Fowler's three pupils all passed the Entrance exam.. two with hon- ors, Phebe Wakefield, Lorne Lawson and Violet Scott. We have again secured a quanti- ty of hardwood Slabs which will be sold at Popular Delivered Prices. Let us have your order early for this cheap Sunnier fuel. -=54-4 JOHN B. MUSTARD DANCING IN JOWETT'S PAVILION EVERY WEDNESDAY AND FRI- DAY EVENING DURING JUNE, JULY AND 'AUGUST Dancing from 8 o'colek to 12. Blackstone -Buckley Orchestra. Announcement CARS FOR HIRE Having put in two now 5111911 ears and Otto Baby Grand. Patronage so- licited. Terms reasonable. CHEVROLET SALES & SERVICE J. AlakA *S Perfection Cook Stoves The 5tore of Ouality Davison's Got What You Need For making the Garden, House and Everything look spit and.span. Step ladders, all sizes Alabastine in 21 shades Woodlac Stain makes old furniture look like new Martin-Senour Paints tor all purposes Lawn Mowers, Rubber Hose, Sprinkling Cans Hoes and Rakes W. a'119. D IS `''„i y N . SIJCCESSOR_TO R. ROWLAND GENERAL HARDWARE PHONE 53 Paints and Varnishes 0' n Department of Customs and Inland Revenue N•TICE To Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Retailers Notice is hereby given to all concerned that Returns, ac- companied by remittance OF LUXURY AND EXCISE TAXES, must be made as follows to the Iocal Collector. of Inland Revenue, from whom any information desired may be obtained. RETURNS 011 LUXURY TAX must be made on the first and fifteenth day of each month. RETURNS OT' JEWELERS' TAX, MANUFACTURERS' TAX AND SALES TAX must be made not'later than the last day of the month following the month covered by the Return. RETURNS FOR TAXES IN ARREARS must be made forthwith otherwise the penalty provided by law will be enforced. By order o:F the Department of Customs and Inland Revenue . THOS. G. DAVIS Collector of Inland Revenue LONDON, ONT. G5-3