HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-7-29, Page 413nsinese !lours— Ik N, W' Telegraph oiTlao 8 a in, to 8 p.o. Saturdays & 0.1?,FL To10.grap'h Dolce nights before holidays lu :tali, C'anaclian Nationial tieket ufliae • COOPliRi,'S STORE l Na WS Why youwillfind Pyrex l the ideal oven ware Durable— Does not break in oven use • Never Vets dilapitlated Never wears out Cooks Better-- Brings out full food flavor Gives every food better torture Does not burn food • Cooks mere thorongbly and evenly ;Enables you to watch through the dish how food is cooking Keeps food hot Economical --- Saves fuel—cooks with less heat Saves food—cooks cheaper foods deliciously—curs out waste Saves tune—cooks more quickly ' Saves trouble—no more black'greasy pans to wash same —the sae dish is used for cooking and serving Clean--• Does not absorb grease or nooking odors No impurity eau cling to it unknown to you ' Oleans like a tumbler Beautiful— Graceful in design .. Clear and in harmony with china Makes you proud of your kitchen and table Makes food look more attractive Other baking dishes havesorne of these advantages . PYREX alone combines them all A. 'I. COOPER - Rxmlowttfokomptmovkwowaelpownw Nosommalella TIKES! TIKES! TIRES! ! We have on hand a stock of tires for quick sale Size 3Ox3i 5000 miles warrante0, non-skid, $25 4000 miles warranted. non-skid„ $20 other sizes—prices in proportion Supply is limited. FOR J SALE Motor Cycle with side car also Saxon Roadster E. H. Epps Son, Varna ro 'a ad'1ad '4 ,r ,rya ytd µtirxr� f,r.,�i;f,,y, WANTEM 30;000 EA,W ES pq ERS 1 S.00 to 'Winnipeg Pine Half a Cont per mile beyond. Return, Half n Cent per mile to Winnipeg, phut $20.00. le coloniatAccars of alett..eat r Women. Through Service. Boz Luuction. EXCURSION DATES from ONTARIO Aug 0th, and 16th, Toronto and East thereof. ' Ang, 11th, and 18th., Toronto, South west and North thereof Leave Toronto NO p.m, For tickets and information at`it11y nearest Canadian National or Grand Trunk Agent, or write General Passenger Department, C, N. Rya„ Toronto. 10 ARE YOU A Man or Woman Brave enough to Pace the . Future? T3ig enoggh to Assume a Responsibility? Par -seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious • oiiough to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to be making a Good Livelihood? Healthy °nought to pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advertisement. Fill in coupon and send to S. C. Cooper, Inspector, the Northern Life Assurance Co. Box 5. NEWS -RECORD OFFICE NAME ADD Date horn, , .. , . day of , in the l; +ear ... 1 arueefielC 11/any, in this vicinity will read with deop regret of the death in Crossfield, Alberta, on July 18t11 of Ibir, Zanies Laut• Mr. Laut was for- merly well known hero living for some yeas after his mala'iaf;'e on the farm now occupied by Mr.. John A, McEwen, 2nd con. Stanley, From here he moved to TVfissouri and some twenty-five years ago to Alberta, His wife, formerly Mary Mustard, daugh- ter of the late Wm. Mustard of Brimfield, and five sons survive, an only daughter and two sons !having pre -deceased him in the Met for Years. Stanley Township The follotving is the June monthly report of S. S. No. 14, Names are in order of merit: Fifth, —L, E, Hyde, Sr. 4th: --B. I. McLachlan, L. C. Workman, W. L. Workman. ' • Jr. 4th:—E. F. Anderson, II, A, Dinsdalo, 0. M. Anderson, Sr. 3rd:—G. M. Coleman, 0. L. Knight, A. G. Harvey. Jr 3rd:—Ii. W. McCdynont, J. A. Anderson, W. D. McLachlan. Second: -J, A. McLachlan, P. M. McKenzie. Second Part:—M. J. McDonald, H. W. Merle; A, F. Chesney. First Part:—B. L. Mustard, W. M. Murdoch, B. C. Murdoch. The best spellers in' •the monthly spelling matches were: Sr. 4th:—Walter Workman. Jr. 4th:—Helen Dinsda.e. Sr. 3rd:—Grace Coleman. Jr. 3rcl :—Willie Mcl.acnlan. Seeoncl:—Jack McLachlan. Auburn Ifnox church held its Jubilee anni- versary on Sunday and Monday last. The Rev. Dr. MacMillan of Toronto, a former pastor, was the preacher of the clay and his sermons were very much enjoyed. The music by the choir and others who assisted was also much appreciated. On Monday even- ing' a very successful entertainment was held. Kippen • Dr. and Mrs. Aitken and 'children arrived home on Monday after spend- ing three weeks near Bayfield. - The young people of St. Andrew's church achieved such success in the presentation of the play "The Min- ister's Bride", a month ago, that in- vitations are coming in to them to present the . play in neighboring places. They are 'going to Bayfield on Tuesday evening next. Rev. Mr. Richardson of Brigden, a former pastor, is expected to preach in the Presbyterian church next Sun- • day. Mr. and Mrs.- A.. McKenzie at- tended the "diamond jubilee" in Knox Church, Auburn, last Sunday. They report most inspiring addresses by Rev. Dr. McMillan of Toronto, a former pastor,_: and greetings from Huron Presbytery were presen- ted by Rev. Geo. Telford of Blyth.' On Monday evening a garden party was held and many happy reunions of old friends took place. Misses Irma and Beryl, daughters of Mr. Henry Montieth of Powassan, are visiting' at Mr. J. B. McLean's and A. Monteith's. Mrs. Baynes tad daughter of De- troit and Miss Edith Beech of New York are visiting at Mr. Robt Day - man's and with other relatives about Iters. Ne, Miss Beatrice McGowan of McKil- lop is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Mc- Clymont, and other friends: Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Dalymple and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Upsball visited with friends in Port Elgin and Tiver- ton this week. • Misses Margaret and Jean McLean and Frances Aitken spent Tuesday in Exeter. Mrs. Thos Kyle received word of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Wallace, in Lethbridge, Alberta. Her many friends sympathize with her. Miss Sarah Dayman spent a pleas- ant time with relatives in Detroit re- een Mrtly.. J. Detwieler has solei his fine fare adjoining the tillage to Mr. Albert Harvey of Stanley. We have not heard where Mr. Detweiler con- templates going. BEST TREATMENT FOR, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE --o-- When the Blood does not circulate Creepy through the Veto- you have High Blood_Presswre and this Is but a Symptom of some other disease or trouble. There is usually Kidney Disease, Heart Disease, Nervous Troubles, Hardening of the Arteries or Brain Trouble, There is always the danger of a rupture of a Blood Vessel and as the Hewrt, the Blond Vessels and the -Kidneys are all associated with High Blood Preseure the best and most sfutisfebtory treatment is Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy and • Hacking's Kidney and Liver pills. TJils treatment will reduce. the Iliood Pressure 'iby removing the cause and driving out the Pelona from the system. We are firmly con. vinced that this treatment will re• duce the blood pressure below the danger mark and flute free your ntdnd from the constant Worry of death, People who huge been ailing tor ,yeara should not expect a complete cure in a few days, one should Lake atleast she boxes rri' Ilacicing's Heart: and Nerve Remedy and three boxes of the Kidney and Liver Pllda. 13o sure to get Hacking's. if your dealer doss not have them, he will bo glad to get them for you. Mrs, Walker, formerly of Port d]Igin, POW living in Flint, Michigan, eve: "The neighbors are perfectly astonished to see me getting along so weal. I oowtrlbuto my good health to the penalstent use of Hawking's Heart and Nervo Remedy and gladly rocamenend it to all my frtonds. " Sold by J. E. Bovey, Druggist Clinton lAle1 ]teirprd News of MappenIngs In the Coning and toistriot ,1'frs. Ross Doig of Ilowie% a young inerried woman wile will be greatly missed in her community, passed away recently, Her husband and one little son survive. Wingham has the names of .876 persons in its 1C20ivoters' list, Mrs, John Frane of Exciter had a stroke the other day and for some time was in a critical condition, Rev, J. F. and 'Mrs, Ding/um of Wingham are spend* their holidays with their daughter, Mrs, Chism of Columbus, Ohio. • A valuable team of borses owned by Mr. John Garrett of Iiuilett was killed in the pasture field by light - Ding on Sunday week. Brussels had a suecessful,celebra- tion om Thursday last, a large crowd being presentfor a good program of sports. Up Ethel vow .Some people have a habit of• Paris-gyeening their potat- oes and doing; other odd jobs that they have not time for other days, on Sunday, at least so 'tis said. Mr, and' Mrs: J. Anent of Brussels announce the engagehient of their daughter, Margaret, to Mr. T, A. Hawlcshaw of the Standard Bank, Hussar, Altar The . marriage will 'take place in Winnipeg in August, Goderieh Rebekahs motored down to Hensall one evening recently and dnstalled the new officers of that lodge. Mr. Thos. Coulter of Blyth was rather badly injured the other even- ing when .his car turned turtle just south of that village and he was pinned underneath. Another motor- ist came along' shortly after and he was rescued and taken hone. His hand and head were cut. and bruised. A car driven by a young man by the name of Price of Goderich met with an accident near Blyth on Sun- day week and all five young men who were in it were more or less in- jured. The car was said to be al- most a ,perfect wreck. Mrs. James Clark. of Loyal, Col- borne township, mother of Reeve Clark of Goderich, died last week. Mr. H. K. Revell, the well-known poultry farmer of Goderich township, whose barns were damaged in the storm last fall, had a barn dance last Tuesday evening to celebrate • the finishing of the reconstructed build- ing. The affair proved a great suc- cess, "Royal Dundee" the horse owned by Mr. Robt. McLean of Goderich, won first money at the races at Kit- chener last week. A number of Auburn young ladies are forming a baseball club. Miss Mattie Sallows, formerly of Colborne township, was married at the home of her brother Mr. James Sallows of Glen Adelaide Ranch, Longfellow, Alberta, on July 0th to Mr. Robt. W. J. Parkns, son of the THE WESTERN CROP It is estimated that about 30,000 men will be required to work as Farm Laborers to assist in harvesting the crops in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and - Alberta. The Canadian Pacific has arranged and is advertising usual special fare of $15. to Winnipeg, and will run special trains from Toronto, August 0th, l.1th, 16th, and 18th. —56-2 HARVEST HELI' EXCURSIONS 81s.0b TO WINNIPEG Plus 1h, cent per mile beyond August 0th, llth, 18th and 18th, stations Toronto to Scotia Jet. inclus- ive; also all stations on Depot Har- bor; Midland; Pentang and Meaford branches. August Oth and 18th, from all sta- tions in the province of Ontario and Quebec; Pembroke, Golden Lake, Up- tergrove, Toronto and east. August •lith and 18th, from all stations in Ontario, Toronto and west. • For further particulars apply to Any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. IIornring, District Passenger Agent, Toronto,.Ont. J. RANSFORD & SON Up town Agents, Phone 57 Constipation Generates Poisons When Constipai—tion oomaes, what happens? The Colons get clogged with waste material, which le ex- tremely poisonous,' the (blood etrcula- Ition comes in sufficiently close con- tact with the waste to bake up ?Riese Poisons by absorption and to didtrtb- ute them throughout the body. The result is --the I,iver becomes Slug- gish, you became dull and heavy, Biliousness' asserts Itself, then you have Headache, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Indigestion, Appendicitis, and more mils besides. Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills are highly recommended for Constipation and its Evil ReSults They ere purely vegetable, do not Gripe, .Purge or Irritate, and !bring relief by producing a healthy condi- tion of the SlWnmdh, Liver, ICldneys and Bowels. lie matter what medicine you are leeches' Cot a laxative it might he just ndt well to change off to Hacking's. The combinbttion of 00.110ara, Pep- permint, Mayairpio and the other VI:Vat:00e Drugs Conitadnd in torose Mlle will produce results to he un- equalled by any others. They work beautiful in Digestive Disorders, tor Gas on the Stomach, for Spashmodic Pains in the Stomach and Bowels, +and for Dyspepsia and indigestion. Buy a tsw boxes front your dealer to -day, but be absolutely sure you get Hacking's, Sold by J. E, Hovey, Druggist `l'FT1112$DAY, JULY 20th, 1920,, late Rev. Joseph Parkins of Medicine and Mrs, 1;1, M, Buchanan of Wing Tint. Mr, and. Mrs, Parkins will re- side in Medicine Hat, Misses Fior- euse and Joan `Young of Goderich were present at the wedding, The marriage tools place at St. Peter's ehureh, Goderich on Tuesday morning of last week of Miss Amelia Sparer, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John Spurr, and Mr, Harold J. Hoggerth, son of Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Hoggirth, After a honoyinoon trip ' the young couple will reside in Goderich, ' Walkerton is erecting a granite monument costing $0,000 to the mem- ory of the boys from that locality who loll in the war. Mrs, John ICemp, a former resident of 1-towiek, passed Away at the home of her son at Petersburg, N. Dek., re. Gently at the age of ninety years, Rev. Dr, Harkness, the new Minis- ter of the Wroxeter Presbyerian church, was inducted into the charge yesterday, Much damage was done to grain crops in the vicinity of Blyth`on Fri - clay last by the severe atom of rain and hail ' The employees of the Waiter and Light Commission at Goderich have been instructed that they are not to take any risk at any time or on any condition while working for the town. The fence on Mr. John Hasty's premises at Dungannon was soaked with coal oil and set on fire one night recently. A neighbor noticing the fire extinguished it before much damage was done, It is curious that there are still people who will stoop to such low-down meanness as that, The cornier stone of the new chan- cel which is `being ,erected in Eg- mondville Presbyterian church in memory of the soldier boys who fell in the war, was laid on Wednesday of alst week, the honour of laying it being given to Mrs. George Laidlaw, the oldest Member of the congrega- tion. In the evening a social was held on 'the church' lawn, a musical program being given by the Kiltie and Pipers' bands of Clinton. William Archibald, an aged resi- dent of Egmondville, passed away last week. He was a mason by trade and built the first woollen mill and the first brick houses ever 'erect- ed in Seaforth. He was until about twenty years ago a resident of Mc- Killop township and for many years was a member of the township coun- cil. His wife and a family of three sons and three daughters surivive. A number of residents of Hensall have purchased oil to put on the streets in front of their own resi- dences or places of business. Mr. James W. Reid and Miss Sarah Baines of Goderich were married at Knox church manse, Goderieh, last week. They will continue to reside in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Cook of Blyth announce the engagement of, their youngest daughter, Jennct Leuella, to Mr. Gorge Clarence McGowan, son of Mr .and. Mrs. Win. McGowan of East Wawanosh. The marriage will take .place about the end of the month. Miss Mamie Warrener of Goderich ham were among ,the tourists • wh left recently on a trip to 'Turop going under the arrangement of th Free Press, London. The trustoes ,of Zurich Pubfl school have re-engaged the stall fo> the coming year: Principal N. E. Dehms it a salary of $1300, assist- ants Misses Kalbfieiseii, M. A, La - mord; and 0. ..O'Brien . at $1,000 each Mr. Ishister of Wingham returns last week from Saskatoon, where h wits called a short time ago by th illness of his brother, the late Mal- colm Isbister, who was, postmaster of the city and had filled various public offices • in the gift of are people. - PUT TOWNS/TIP TO 8800 O EXil'ENSE BECAUSE H O WAS OUT 75 CENTS. e A .case titan is probably without precedent in the annals of Cienadian c in courts, has just been disposed of by Judge Sutherltiul in the Division Court Meaford, 11. J. Orr, a farmer living at Fairmount, about 8 miles from Mulford, sued the Township of T,eephrasia for the recovery of 71 eents whish he claimed to have overpaid e the township collector in the way of e taxes. The plaintiff, in his tcstimonY, stated that he had been at to loss of --.-,r $68,07 in trying to have the alleged error rectified. In the meantime Orr bed a petition circulated alleging that the township treasurer was behind in his accounts, and asking that his books be audited by a chartered accountant. This was done, and the result was that the books were found to be cor- rect, with the exception of a few cents. The audit cost the township $800. The judge dismissed the action with coats to the plaintiff, It is said the township council will bring an action against Orr for the recovery of the amount paid for the audit. A largo ear was ditched neat,' Ex. pec et r a recently nal and nd it is believed that a consignment of "wet goods" was being convoyed in same, Some cases from the damaged car were carried into a field and covered over and were removed daring the following night. The authorities are working on the case. Mr. W: T. Pellow of Goderich vis- ited in Exeter recently and while there his car caught fire in the barn of Mr, W. A. Balkwili and if it had not been discovered just when it was both car and barn would have been destroyed. The car was pretty badly damaged. • The town council of Seaforth has .arranged with the Public Library board for the use of one of the rooms for rest room for the accommoda- tion of women and children. It will be open from one o'clock to eleven pan. on Saturdays and from one o'clock to seven on other afternoons. Brussels is without a regular milk- man and the villagers, are supplied by neighbors who happen to keep cows. Friends are a priceless possession. They can conquer who believe they can. IFR SALE—ANY BIDDERS? One Ford car with piston ring, two rear wheels and one front spring. Has no fenders, soab or plank, burns lots of gas and is hard to crank. Carburetor busted half -way through, engine missing, but hits on two. Three years old -four next spring, has shock absorbers and everything. Radiator busted, it sure does leak, differential dry, you can hear it squeak. Ten spokes missing, front all bent, tires blown off, ain't w,orth a cent: Got lots of speed, will runlike the deuce, burns either gas or •tagw� baeco juice. Will harm no one night or day, for you can hear coming when miles away. One tire off, runs on rim, its a darn good Ford for the shape it's in. aomenmetrommeraseamasszonseriss ,01611011011 Western University London, Ontario marts and Sciences eMedicine Fall Terni Opens October 4th FOR INFORMATION AND CALENDAR WRITE - IC.. P. R. NEVILLE, Regristrnr 1 a it)11Y Or Every barometer by which investment values are appraised points to a strengthening tendency in the Victory Loan Market. The Minister of Finance .announces there will be no increase in the supply of these bonds. There has however, been an increase in the income tax. These two factors alone add sub- stantially to the value of Canadian Victory Bonds. Every owner should make the strongest effort to ,retain his present holdings. Also, he should do his utmost to buy more at pres- ent prices. We recommend: To 'those with incomes exceeding $5,000 a year: Price Yield 1933 maturity (tax free) 991 ,....5.55% 1937 maturity (tax free) ' 101 ....5.41% To those with incomes less than $5,000 a year: 1934 maturity 96 ....5.91% Accrued interest to date of delivery must be added to these prices. Our prompt attention and quick delivery is a convenience to olfr clients. Wood, Gun' s Canadian Pacific Railway Building Toronto cr y ao N I .Fig N AC1 FARM LABORERS WANTED "Fare Going "—$15 to WINNIPEG. "Fare Returning"—$20 from WINNIPEG. %sent per mile Winnipeg to destination. / -'Ai cent per mile starting point to Winnipeg. GOING HATES TERRITORY AUGUST O (Sion Stations in Ontnrio, Smith's,+'alis to and including Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore Line D, and tiavelock•Pcterboro Li e. ADC. from Stations Kingston to Ronhrew Junction, inclusive. AUGUST 1$, I From Stations on Toronto'Sttdbury direct line, between Toronto and Parry Sound inatutivo. 111 Prom Stations Dranoel to Port hieNicoli and tiurketon, to nobcsygoon, inclusive. AUGUST 1 1, (((Prom Stations South and West of Toronto to and inoluding Hamilton and Windsor, Ont. rani) From Owen Sound, Walkerton, Teeswatcr, Wingham, Elora, Listowel, Oodcrich, St. Mary's, `nl• Port Bnrwoil, and St, Thomas Branches. AUGUST 18, Y ram Stations Toronto and North to Dolton, inclusive. SPECIAL, TRAINS S1.tOM TORONTO not particulars From Canadian pacific) Ticket Agents. ' W. 0. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. atannelnalle scs W. JA.Cr{1CSON, AGENT.