HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-7-15, Page 9CLINTON !SF "• ENK DEALER r3UYING ALL 'KINDS OI!! (: JUN'I AND POULTRY, • HIDES AND SKINS TAXING THE HIGHEST PRICES Phone 14ft Estimates given M. RAIVIIAS !Phone 137 'Albert St. A. E. WOOD WA.I.L PAPERS, 11IOULDI[ GS% SIGNS, ETO, ANTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING We protect your floors, furniture, ete,, by plenty of drop sheets, Ontario Street CLINTON'SLEADING JEWELERY ;STORE A Few Hints to the Buying Public Do not be afraid to buy now, as prices are going up. Bring in your repairs snd have them neatly and promptly done—watches, clocks, eye glasses, rings, brooches, bracelets—anything that needs repairing. I can do it and guarantee satisfaction. A full line of Jewelery, watches; clocks and silverware Gramophones, Needles, and Records Call in and look around; you are not obliged to buy R. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and• Optician Next Hovey's Drug Store i 1 Plumbers and Electricians Phone 147w m/0•1111MIO1111161so Keep Cool! Call and see our Electric Fans, Irons., Grills, Toasters:and Washers We Nave a Full Line of Coal oil stoves and ovens Aluminum, Granite and Tinware Oils and Coal oil Sutter Sc Perdue E Special Announcement of Clearing Prices EVERY ITEM A "MONEY,SAVER" Misses school shoes sizes 1 to 4, clearing:at 25 pairs Men's Heavy Boots, Black or Tan, special clearing at Men's and Boy's Caps clearingalines at 5 dozen men's fine shirts, sizes 14 to lei spacsal clearing at $x.98 $4,50 .50 $1.75 LOOK FOR SPECIAL SALE PRICE TiCKETS lumstee POS. THE STORE TII AT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE as CLOTHING NEW IDEA PATTERNS, 1 Sn, , E IA FOR ALL NEXT WEEK HAY FORIK ROPE. HAY FORK CHAIN. COAL OIL STOVES. SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS A ND VARNISHES. WASHING MACHINES AND WRINGERS. LAWN MOWERS—At reduced pri ees to clear. PARIS GREEN, ARSENATE OF LEAD and BUG FINISH. "SPRAYERS and CARBARUNDUM MOWER SHARPENERS. Another CAR of the celebrated Brantford Asphalt Slate Roofing ex- .peetecl next week. Order.Earlyi Leave your order NOW .for a • Pilot Su error Pi Bless Furnace and have it installed i. o time a the coldweather. It is a fuel saver, rn,., good t ... for HARLAND BROS. Ourdwarei Stoves, and Novel.tleii p ; i;ji•, `he Store ;With a ,Stack Clinton News -Record THERSDA ', JULY . h, 18264 r,;•.a Is the lceynoto of home fuvn-' ishing,,I1 assists'noro than any one thing in making the home at- tractive, What does more to advance the welfare and atm"• fort of the people than bright, cheery, hospitable wails. Sure- ly money is wisely spent on such horse -]}taping, joy.producing merchandise that brings eontin- nous and growing elevation and benefit to our abodes. Our var- ie(1 stock of patterns and color. ings will soon be ready for your inspection at prices slightly higher than last year, noticeable mostly in the lower priced gopda only. Tile W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mrs. T. W. Hawkins is visiting friends in Detroit. Mrs: Tamblyn of Loudesboro is the guest this week of Miss Bessie Porter. Rev. H. P. and Mrs. Westgate re• • turned last week to their home in Sandwich. Miss Minnie Cooper is spending her holidays at the home of her brother in Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Miller of Hamil- ton have been visiting the former's mother in town, Miss Edna Wasman has returned to Toronto after a fortnight's visit at her home in town. Miss Frances' Hawkins of Hamilton is visiting her brother, Mr. T. W. Hawkins of town. ,Miss Edith Jennison and her guest, Mrs. Fred Mason, visited Wingham friends for a day or so. r. Harold Manning has gone to ' London to take a position with the Sherlock -Manning Co. Misses May and Tootie and Master Robt. Fleming of Toronto are the guests of Miss Mabel Marland. Mr. and Mks. Bradley and Minnie and Gledhill of St. Thomas visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allison recently. Mrs. Harry -Rutledge of New Lis- keard is here visiting her sister, Mrs. D. Steep and other friends. re. A. Morris is spending a couple .of week as the guest of her daugh- ter, Mrs. A. Drummond of Detroit. Rev. D; N. McCannus is in St. Thomas this week attending the Summer school at which he is one of the • speakers. Rev. W.B. Moulton was in town this week. He had been attending the Orange celebration in Goderieh on Monday. Miss Marion Bogie and Miss Evelyn Turley of Toronto were the guests last week of the' former's aunt, Mrs. H. Pennebaker. Mrs. Clegborn has returned to her hone in Guelph after visiting for a couple of months with her daugh- ter, Mrs. S. B. Stothers. Capt. 411ord of Wiarton and Lieut. Bradford of the Training School, Toronto, are now in charge of the local corps of the Salvation Army. Mrs. B. J. Gibbings and Miss Marion left last week for Cleveland and Akron, Ohio,,, to visit relatives. They went by boat from Port Stan- ley. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mason and little daughter, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jennison, have returned to their home in London. Miss Annie Shobbrook has gone to Toronto to take - a position. Her mother accompanied her to the city and also visited Cobourg friends before returning home. Miss Alberta Jackson of Clinton, who has just finished her Nornt`al course has been engaged by the trustees of S. 5.•No.' 10, Goderieh township, to teach for the coming year, Mrs. •R. R. Hewson came up from To- ronto last week andon her return 9 1Cr ar home on Saturday was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. T. H. Cook, who has not been in the best of health lately. Mrs, A. MacRea, who has been in De- troit for the winter, is spending the summer in her own hone on Rattenbury street, west, She Was accompanied by her grandson, Mas- ter George, who is spending the summer with her. Mr. E, A. Coombs, who has been principal of St. Catharines Colleg- iate for several years, has resigned, owing • to dissatisfacton over the natter of salary. Mr. Coombs was formerly a member of the Clin- 'ton Collegiate staff. 'Misses MarjorieMcMath, Evelyn Cluff, Grace Walker and Eya Car- ter are in St. Thomas this week attending the Summer School, the former two representing Weslov church l�;pwortfh League and the later two the Ontario street church League. Mr. and Mrs, Mulch of Toronto were in town this week Balling on friends. They were spending a vacation in a MOW', ideal way for healthy, sensi- ble folk, motoring leisurely about the country, camping out just where their fancy dictated and in- cidently looking up old friends here and there for a little visit, Mr, and Mare, John .Moor and litiae son of Toronto were in .'tnwn yes- terday, being on their way ;from Lo desbaro to Godorirh, They were accompanied by the former's mother, whom they had been visit. ng at Londosboro, They also vis- it with tilt parents of Mrs. Moot, jr., at Sebrnngville, where they in- tended spending some more time on their return journey, They take this motor trip everysummer and thoroughly enjoy rt fow weeks travelling through the country jUst when it is looting its best, Owing to the necessity of supplying. each customer with a counter check showing the tax separately, the demand by merchants for counter cheeks is being greatly increased. Also owing to the increase in the price of the paper from which counter cheeks are made the price is steadily increasing. The scarcity of paper and the increased demand will cause delay in delivery. Those wishing counter checks should order at once for fall delivery. Get your supply before paper takes another jump. We Supply Them 01. Lonciesboiro" Rev. Jas. Abrey and family, also Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Watt of Toronto are spending the summer months at Bayfield. School section No. 11 held a •pia sic in Goderieh on Tuesday. All re- ported having had an enjoyable time, Mr. Alex. Will and Mr. J: Scott were in Loindon on Saturday, Mr. Frank Lee of Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lee of Buffalo were home to attend the funeral of their grandmother, the late Mrs. Lee. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Nott motored to Stratford on the Twelfth. Several spent the Twe]£th•in God- erich, others motored to Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and two child- ren visited their cousin, Mrs. McCool of the 8th con. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee of Port Col- borne visited a few days with the former's mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Schaefer of Gowans - town called on friends here last week. Miss Margery McGee] of Clinton was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Nott, last week. Mr, MaFarlane of Chatsworth vis- ited at the home of bir. Thos. Millar. Misses Rena and Lydia Reid of Harlock, pupils of 1Vliss Alice Bell, were among the en � st ccs t ssi ul candi- dates at the recent 'piano examina- tions in connection with the Toronto Conservatory of Music, Miss Rena passing her Primary with honors and Miss Lydia her Elementry with hon- ors. Mrs. John Manning of London, and Mr. Wilfred Manning of the Stan- dard Drug Co., London, have return- ed hone after spending a few days with Miss Alice Bell. • that sday oclt- ssed she health un• A1d- this she hus- able lov- was of Ilul- J, riaf y of aces tools of easy Reid (Intended for last week.) It was with profound sorrow the news was received on Wednesday morning last that Mrs, John C ayno of Niagara Falls had pa away. For some months past had not been enjoying good he and the end was not altogether looked for. The late Mrs, Cockayne, whose maiden name was Mabel C well, was born near Londesboro and spent almost her entire life in vicinity till -three years ago when was married to her now bereft band. She was a person of ami disposition, a devoted wife and ing sister and was highly esteemed in the community where• she. well 'known. The funeral, which took place on Friday at 2 pan, Iron• the home her brother, Mr. Wm. Caldwell, loth, was largely attended.. The ser- vice was conducted by the Rev. Abrey of Knox Church. Friends from Muskegon, Mich., Pahnerstot, and Niagara Valls were in attendance at the funeral. To say that.the g stricken husband, brothers and sis- ters have the heartfelt syrnpath the community but feebly expre the deep regret that is felt. A very interesting event place on the loatl!'riday afternoon the Sehool term at S. S. No, 11, w the children presented their teacher, Miss Katie Reid, with a largo c Chair prior to lowing, as Miss has resigned her position as teacher there. Quite a number of the par- ents and others of the section were present and after the presentation had ,taken place a dainty luncheon was served. Many expressions of re- gret were made for the loss of Miss Reid as teacher. Beatrice Fairserviee won the prize for the best speller in school No. 11. Constance Mr. and Mrs, E. •MeI{ay of Tucker - smith visited Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh over Monday last. Quite a number from around here took in the 12th celebration in God- erich. Misses Hohnes of Brussels, Mrs, Nesbitt, and Mrs. Munroe and daugh- ter Marion of Brucefield spent Sun- day at Mr. Wm. McIntosh's. Mr. Wm. McIntosh is not so well as his many friends would like to see him. We hope he will soon be bet- ter. Hullett 'Township Miss Elizabeth Johnston, dicta - phone operator at the Hudson Motor Car Company, and Miss Margaret Johnston, stenographer at the Gener- al Aviation Supply Depot. are holi- daying at theii home nn the 2nd eon. of Hallett. ayfiend Midsummer Report of Bayfield Public School: i Senior Room, Sr. 4th—Helene Brownlee, Gladys Davidson, Jean Lindsay, Brown Hig- gins. Jr. 4th—Mary Wild, 'Fred Heard, John McLoed, Moron Damson. Junior Room. Sr. 3rd—Jack". Ferguson, Albert Woods, Elizabeth Harrison. Jr. 3rd—Vivienne Thomson, Isa- bel Mustard, Mary Elliott, Norma Vanstone, • Gwen Elliott, Clayton Weston. Sr. 2nd—Grace Jowett, Isabel Lindsay, Margaret Ferguson. Part 2nd—George Sturgeon, Lot- tie Higgins, Fred Weston, Ella Mc- Kay, George Finny. Part 1st—Newton Sturgeon, Lee Kipfer, Grafton Weston. Summerhill The following is the report of the recent promotion exams held,111 So S. No, 2, Goderieh and Hallett: Jr, .••--et Watltins Lorne Jo4thhnstoVioln (1I.), Ray Mason (11.) • Elva Smith, Russell Jervis, Clarence Ball, Viola Johnston, and Betit Smith, of ±110 Junior 3rd class, took ]honor' masses for Senior: Srd and a promotion pass .for junior 4th. Sr. 2nd --Wesley Wright, (IL) He- gel Watkins (II.), Jean Forbes (H.), Goldwfn ,Smith '(IL), Reginald hall. Sr. totMarion Mason II. Marion n Forbes (Ii.), Charlie .Merrill (Il,), Thelma Lovett, Lorne •Johnston. A,, M. Snyder, Teacher, Perfection Cook Stoves The Store of Ouality Davison's Got What Yon Need For making the Garden, House and Everything look spic and span. Step ladders, all sizes Alabastine in 21 shades Woodlac Stain makes old furniture look like new Martin-Senour Paints for all purposes Lawn Mowers, Rubber Hose, Sprinkling Cans Hoes and Rakes W. AMBO SUCCESSOR JO R. ROWLAND GENERAL HARDWARE PHONE 53 Bruce's Seeds Stanlej Township The following is the result of Pro- motion exams held in S. S. No. 3, Stanley, names in order of merit: Jr, 4th to So. 4th—Alma Rathwell, Harold Taylor. - Jr, 3rd to Sr. 3rd --Blanche Taylor, Sarah Reid. Jr, 2nd to Sr. 2nd—Murray Grain- ger, Louid Taylor, Marie Grainger, Russell Bohner, Lillian Marks. Margaret Peck, Teacher, The following is the standing of the pupils in Schohl Section No. 1, based on the recent promotion exam- inations: Sr. 4th—I3azel Potter (Promoted on term exam.) Jr. 4th -Eleanor McEwen, Mabel Corey, Walter Corey. Jr. 3rd—Grace Ashton, Irene Cor- ey, John McFarlane (promoted on term exann. Sr, 2nd—Grace McEwen, Dorothy lines, Helen Stewart, Bessie McEw- en. Jr, isi--Harvey Ashton, Clifford Ashton. Primer—Marjorie McEwen, Bessie Corey, Vera Saundercock, Ida Taylor, Teacher. At It special meeting of the Board of Education, Exeter, the high school principal, Mr. E. J. ' Vethey, was re- engaged for the coming year, and his salary increased from $1,800 to $2,200, The death occurred from tubercul- osis at Speedwell Military Hospital on Thursday week of Charles Augus- tus McNamara, second son of Charles McMa]]ara, of Seaforth, in his 27th year, The deceasd served overseas with the Idiot Battalion. The remains were eto brough t to Sea - forth, where they wore interred in St. Janes' Cemetery, with full mili- tary honors. Ono should give a gleam of happi- ness whenever possible. One has to spend so many, years in learning how to be happy! DANCING , IN JOWETT'S PAVILION EVERY WEDNESDAY AND FRI- DAY EVENING DURING JUNE, ;JULY AND AUGUST Dancing from 8 o'colck to 12. Blackstone -Buckley Orchestra. Announcement • -CARS FOR HIRE Having put in two new small carg`" and One Baby Grand. Patronage so- licited. Terms reasonable. CHEVROLET SALES & SERVICE. J. 13. LAWS NOTICE As I purpose leaving town all aa. counts owing mo must be settled on or before July 17th, After that date all unsettled accounts will be placed in other .hands for collection: J, lyunford Canton.