HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-7-15, Page 8vnln yn'NSn'.. 9i+?. HOW TO OVERCOME NERVOUS TROUBLES A Returned Soldier Tells Row Re Regained 1 Tealth and Strength. Nervous tronbles of all klnde, par- tiou1a1'1y nervous debility, work a re, iaarltable transformation In the pe- tient, The change le both physical and mental, The sufferer loses weight and strength, and frequently becomes irritable and fault finding, Troubles: that wore once thrown off without any difficulty assume exaggerated propor- tions, Other symptoms of this nor- Vella condition are poor appetite, head- aches, exhaustion after little effort, and frequently distress atter meals. The cause of this debility is goner- ally starved nerves. The blood, which gives the nervo)ts system its food and Power to work efltciently, has become thin and weak, aid until the blood're- gains Its tone end strength there -can be no improvement in the condition of the nerves. In cases of this kind Dr. Williams Pink Pills will be found the. very best medicine. They make rich, red bloodwhich feeds and strengthens the starved nerves, and in this way restores the sufferer to full health and strength, Proof of this is found il. the case of Ili'. Fred Sander, London, Ont., who says: "While on service with tho Imperial forces In Africa I completely lost my health through continual hard. ship and 011ocit. I was sent back to the base hospital suffering; so the dope tor said, from nervous debility. After. spending some time in the hospital I was .invalided back to England as un- fit for further service, Alter spending a long time in Netley Hospital, I was r^, given my discharge, but was still a weak and nervous wreck:, absolutely unfit for wort. I had neither the strength nor ambition to do anything. In London I doctored for three' or lour months with a civilian doctor, 'who finally advised a change of climate. I was terribly nervous, suffered from sleeplessness, smothering and sinking spells, and pains in the heart; my hands and feet were always cold and clammy. At this time I decided to come to Canada, and shortly after reaching this country was advised to try Dr, Williams Pink Pills, After I had taken the pills for some weeks I found myself improving. I continued taking the pills for several months, with the result that they fully restored my health. My nerves are now as steady as a rock; my appetite the best, and my oyes and skin, which had turned yellowish, are clear and healthy looking. I feel lite a new Bran in every way, and fit for any- thing. I have since recommended the pills to several Meads, and know of several cases where they were bene- Iicial in the influenza epidemic. I am of the opinion that should any of my returned • soldier comrades use Dr, Williams Pink Pills for shell shock, L they would be a great help to them." You can get Dr, Williams Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail, pest paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams :lletlicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ler A camel, when burdened, can travel twenty-five- miles a day; when un- burdened, as many as sixty to seventy miles. Dairy cows of New Zealand produce more than 400,000;000 quarts of milk annually, the climate permitting dairying the year round, Put an asbestos mat under the pan when cooking oatmeal or anything of that sort, as it may then be _cooked much longer without burning. Old Time Superstitions A reader furntelhee les with ti list of 01(1 supeastlttoa' which wei4 part of our folk lore hi:day's •(;one by, ' Al roaster crowing at the front door meant visitor coming, A 'twig catching a young ladies dress meant a beau, An itching ear meant that some oile'. was talking about you. To turn back after, starting me'an't bed luck, Opening an umbrella in the house. meant bad luck to the house. A measuring Worm on a woman's 'frock meant a new dress, , An .itching hand aneaast that you would marry soon. An itching right hand meant that you would shake hands with a stranger. Seeing the new moon over the left shoulder meant one would •soon get money. Probably 'most of us are supersti- tious about the number 13, just as people were a long time ago. Our own superstitions will amuse a subsequent generation, as those recalled by our reader amuse us. Only a subsequent generation carr safely laugh at snl'ee- .stitions, Socrates was put to death for laughing at soma of the supersti- tions of the Greeks. A. good salad is sorrel mixed with shredded cabbage or lettace, with French dressing. In India, chaplains are maintained to minister to British subjects, as in the army and navy. , Incessant activity does not always indicate intelligent industry. Do not think that you are saying smart things when- you say things that make other people smart. Naval gunners are now firing ranges of more than 2,000 yards. "Shoeing an anchor" means cover- in.-. its flukes or points in wood to make them grip better in soft ground. 'Toronto was incorporated as a city in 1884, with a population -of 9,254. A difficulty is a challenge to cour- age, thought, energy and perseverance. Ontario is an Indian word • and means Handsome Lake. ` First payment of mothers' pensions in British Columbia will be made in July. The -Stuff That Counts. The test of a man ia the fight he makes, The grit that he daily shows; The way he -stands on his feet and takes Fate's numerous bumps and blows.. A coward can smile when there's naught to fear, when nothing his progress bars, But it takes a roan to stand up and cheer Vt'hile some other fellow stars. It isn't the victory after all. 'But the fight that a brother makes; The man who, driven 'lgsiaet the wall, Still stands up erect and tapes The blows of fate with his head held high, Bleeding, and bruised, and pale, Is the mau who'll win in the by and by,. For he isn't afraid to fail It's the bumps you get, and file jolts you get, And the shocks that your courage stands, 'The hours of sorrow and vain regret, The prize that escapes -your hands, That test your mettle and prove your worth; It isn't the blows you deal, But the blows you take on the good old earth That shows i1 your stuff is real Tar -macadam has given the best service of any kind of street paving tried in Calcutta. The Boy's Slimmer Needs 9486 9g4y 9486—Boy's Bolero Suit (wit 1 blouse; knee trousers). Price, 20 cents. In 5 sizes, 2' to 6 years. Size 4 re- quires, blouse, 1 yd. 36- ins, wide; bolero, trousers, 130 yds. 36 ins. Trim and smart is this little bolero suit. 9547—Boy's Middy or Sailor :Silt (knee trousers). Price, 25 cents. In 6 sizes, 2 to 8 years. Size 4 requires 1'/a yds. 86 ins. wide; collar', ',i' yd. 80 ins. wide. 9272—Child's Romper (suitable for 0317, 9272 boy or girl; dropped back). Price, 20 cents. In 3 -sizes, 2 to 0 years. Size 4 requires, plain, 11,4 yds. 32 ins. wide; striped, 1 ,yd. 32 ins. wide, 9317 Child's Romper (lthrone sleeves). Price, 20 cents. In 5 sizes, 0 inos. to 4 years. Size 4 requires, *alit, 'tie yd. .B6 ins. 'wide; rompers, belt VA, yds. 32 ins. wide. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept, W, and every morning when the thought of health enters info the meal time preparation — Grape= .,„ This easily digested food needs no sugar, yet it has a most pleang; si"zset flavor, and Is full ol''the sosiuhd good`s nets of wheat and Vatted barley. • 44ghem:5v a «eatiSDn or mr Au '1•iopRazor —sharpens itself " LL safety razors seem alike because of the. similarity in size and appearance. Ag regards the AutoStrop Razor, however, the resemblance ends there. Its peculiar and additional advantage is that, without being larger than any other safety razor, it combines within itself a self -strop- ping feature that enables the user to keep the blade sharp without taking any- thing apart. It thus pre- vents dull blades and the expense of buying new ones. You • may not be interested in economy, of blades, but surely you want a good shave and that is only possible with a stropped blade. Any dealer will demonstrate the. AutoStrop Razor to you, guarantee satisfaction, or re-. fund of purchase price. Only $5.00 complete with strop and twelve blades in an attractive assort- ment of cases to suit any pur- pose. AutoStrop Safety Razor Co., Limited AutoStrop Building, Toronto, Canada 204' Prune Shrubs After Flowering - Many shrubs should be pruned about this time, especially those •that flower. If one notices the spleens, golden bells, lilacs and honeysuckles it will be ob- served that the blooms are on the tips of the branches which wore produced last year. Beneath these flowers there are strong growing shoots starting at the present time. Therefore, as soon as the shrubs finish blooming they should be pruned back to these vege- tive shoots in order that the strength of the bushes may cause long shoots to Wawa next 'spring. In general, alI shrubs should be pruned after they bloom, rather than before, to insure good flowering the following season, MOTHER! 'California Syrup of Pigs" Child's Best Laxative f)) • •.J Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, .then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stom- ach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. - Full directions on each bottle, You must say "Cali. Connie." • Sugar for Babies English babies will not have to suf- fer from. a 'sugar rationing or short- ages, according to a system which went into operation in England early in the month. "The London Daily Telegraph" recently announced: "Under a new arrangement 'arrived at by the Ministry of Health, in con- sultation with the Ministry of Food, which comes into •operation to -day, the system under which food control -com- mittees 'were authorized to grant extra allowances of sugar up to a maximum amount of 40 ounces a week for bhil- dren under two years of age attend- ing child welfare centres on the pro - deletion of a medical •certi'ficate stating that an extra' al•lo•Wanee was necessary has been discontinued, and in future such supplies will be obtained under the general regulations of the Min- istry of Food. "The effect of this ,change will be that whereas under tile' present sys- tem an extra ration of four ounces can only be 'obtained for children, between the ages of six and eighteen months attending centres who are certified to be in need of an adtlitionk supply under the new procedure the extra ration can be obbained for all children under two years of age who' may be certified to be in need of an additional supply of sugar. The certificate may be issued by the medical officer or the superintendent of the centro,' as is clone under the .present arrangements, or by a chtly qualifie4, tneS1ieal pi'actitioji- er, and sliould then be sent to the local food office for the necessary per - omit to be issued granting the extra Motion, which can then be purchased direct frmrt a setteler instead of through ♦centro es at present," Printing in raised characters for the blind has boon done for 180 years, Cats' skins, imported principally from Australia, have recently sold In ngland tot' as much as 48,23 each, Duke of Devonshire leets His Date. Canada Is tu•owing over the exploits, or -a new Qanndinn Peclile'(Neva Sen, vices' liner, the Empress of France, The Duke of Devonshire Promised Sit' Aucicla4U Geddes, by cable, that he would preside at a dinner given to the new British Ambaaeador at wash• ingten by the Canadian Club at the 2"rineo's Restaurant, Picadiily, Lon- don, England. The speolfle• purppse of the Duke's visit, 'however, was le attend the wedding of his claugliter, Lady Dorothy Cavendish, to, Captain Iiarold Olac1141111u3. . He was to sail on; the Empress of France„ Things' looked bad at ,the start when tlio boat'e schedule read "Sailing ,from St, Jahn, N,B., March 19th," The 13 was a hoodoo right enough because a terrible gale set in with such fury thatit was deemed ad- visable' to delay the sailing twenty. four hours.. Capt. Cook, the commander, con- sulted'by the Duke, gave a solemn pro- mise, "Your Excellency will be In Liverpool at the appointed time on the stroke of the clock—If the ship's en- gines can manage it," Steam• gauges were never so popular. Stokers were heroes, A spirit 'of adventure tighten- ed the nerves of all on board, The Duke kept his date. Just as an after -thought, the I3oo- doo of the 13 tried to.break the Duke's promise by hanging a dense fog over the Mersey, but by cautious naviga- tion Capt. Cook brought his great ves- sel to anchor opposite the Prince's Landing Stage at -Liverpool at six o'clock on the morning of March 22nd, the date and hoar scheduled for its arrival. 1 Would Serve If word or deed of mine, To any who repine, Can bring •a bit of cheer Or brightness -en the way, How gladly would I serve! For hearts are aching here, Peet often -go astray, And fears of ill unnerve; So lest from right they swerve, I would do ail I may. —Fred Scott Shepard., SAVE LIE CHILDREN' Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in the house may feel that the lives of their little ones are reasonably safe during the hot wea- ther. Stomach troubles, cholera in- fantum and diarrhoea carry off thous- ands of little ones every summer, in most cases because the mother does not have a safe medicine at hand to give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets relieve these troubles, or if given oc- casionally to the well child will pre- vent their coming on. The Tablets are guaranteed by a govermuent analyst to be absolutely harmless even to the newborn babe. They are es- pecially good in summer because they regulate the bowels and keep the stomach sweet and pure, They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Mediclue Co., Brockville, Ont. I fell from a building and received what the doctor called a very bad sprained ankle, and told me I nuist not walk on it for three weeks. I got MINARD'S LINIMENT and in six days I was out to work again, I think it the best Liniment made. ARCHIE E, LAUNDRY. Edmonton, Buddy Knew. A schoolmaster in a rural council school was recently giving a lesson to the lowest standards on the formation of,•rain by the process of evaporation. "You will notice," be said, "ghat during the evening following a hot summer clay something rises from the surface of the ponds. 'What is it?" One solitary hand gradually creeps up. "God boy. I can see you are -think- ing. What is it?" G. B.—"Frogs." w SAY --`'DIAMOND DYES" Don't streak or ruin your material in n poor dye, Insist on "Diamond Dyes." Easy directions in package. "FREEZONE" Lift Off Corns! No Paini SUMMER ASTHMA-- . HAY FEVER '--sleepless nights, cgnsta'nt s;iiee'ring, strcarn ng eyes,. wheezy breathing RA6�®g AH brings relief. Put up in cap - Miles, easily swallowed, Sold by; tellable druggists for a dollar :Ask " our agents or send card for free sample to Templeton's, 142 Ring St. W., Toronto. Agents, all Toronto ttnd T Iamilton Urn - gists, so Wise J1mmy, "Jimmy," said, the fond mother to her smart eleven-year.old, "what bee came of that little'ple I made for you as a treat yesterday? Did you eat it?" "No, Mamma," answered Jinnhy with a' grin; " 0 gave it .to my-toacher at schoot instead," "That was very nice and generous of you, Jimmy," .co'mplimented his mother. "And did your teacher eat It?" "Yes, I think so," answered Jimmy. "She wasn't at school to -day." LET u DANDERINEr SAVE YOUR HMR Hurry! A few cents stops hair falling and doubles its beauty A. little "Danderine" cools, cleanses and makes the feverish, itchy scalp soft and pliable; then this stimulating tonic penetrates t0 the famished hair roots, revitalizing and invigorating every hair 11( the head, duns stopping the hair falling out, gotting thin, scraggly or fading. After a few applications. 01 "Dander- ine" yon seldom find a fallen hair or a particle of dandruff, besides 'every hair shows more life, vigor, brightness, color and thickness. A few cents buys a bottle of de- lightful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter. Canada's Navy League has over 65,- 000 members, A:k for Minard's :nd take no other. All animals use their hind legs to move them along, •the forelegs sup- plying the balance. The Joy Of A Perfect Skin Know the joy and happiness that comes 0 one thru possessing a shin of purity and beauty. The soft, dig. ttngulshed appearance it renders brings out your natural beauty to its full. est, In ust over 70 years, ONTH ltd BABY HAD SKN TROUBLE On Face and Hands. itched and Burned, Cuticura Hems, "My baby vas only a month old when her face and hands started to get red and scaly. The eczema started in the form of water bl'sters and itched and burned. 'She was so cross and fretful she could not Bleep, 'ln_bs "This la-eted nine months when I tried Cuticula Spa? and Ointment, and I used -three cabal of Soap with two hoses of Ointment when she wee healed.` (Slurred) Mrs. Oscar Pilton, Amherstburg, Ontario, May 7, 1010. Cuticura-Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum are alt you nerd for all toilet uses. Bathe with Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. Soap 25c, Oltitmcnt 25 and SDs. Sold throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot: Lyman., Limited, St. Paul St., Montreal.. Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. Weighing a Perfume Classified Advertisements. ,9E$ a'08t 88&. 01 was the Italian physicist Snl'vioni who de'vioed .a inlerobalenoa of *mob extreme de'iitea'ey that it clearly de- monstrates the loos of weight of music by vol'atiliza'tion. Thus the invisible perfilpi9 floating off in the air is in- directly weighed, The essential part of the appartue,is a very thin thread of glass fixed'irt':one end and extended horizontally, The microscopic objects to be Weighed are placed upon the glass near its free and and the ansoun't of flexure produced is observed with a )ni01O500pe magnifying 100 dlelme't ors. A note weighing o'no-t;Iwueandth of a, milligram ,percepbib'ly 'bends the thread.. Reap Minard's Liniment In the house. Misery may 'love, company, but those who have been her guests do not recommend their hostess, MONS', ORDERS, Send a Dominion Express Money Order, Five Dollars costs three cents, Canadian Society for Protection of Birds has 5,000 members. Minard's Liniment for, sato everywhere Canada has 37,000 square miles of good peat bogs. WF)/.,0. E*TJIPPII0 119 s AA� 51(41 lob crintlna plant fart r1AW potnrto. Ipluranoe c1( rlpd $l ;119, 1V re tar { ;tetl on oulo 1(1 r;, %V wtlpon I'ublIshing "Co. I dale, .. CANTED--ISPLORT STORIES. • i 310414 ONE TO FIVE 7 6I,OUOA,I1'1) wol'415. set Peal money if your' Marler are snappy, Vi'rite orort Story Market, a Coituli IngAve., Toronto, COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bu lrto cai a • TORONTO SALT WORKS ' C.•J; CLIFF . TORONTO LpuotdCWY Pionoss Oast Stomealos a002s On DOG DISEASES . and'sow to Yoca. ' Mailed Free to,any Ad dress by the Author, 1;, Clay Glover '00., Sue. 118 hest 81st street New York, 'U',S.A. , SiNCE• h tem 30 E-WR-COUGEIS Of ability and good local connections—preferably a tailor or clothing Iran a Can Earr '� oney e selling Men's Made -to -Measure Clothes in his locality. Style, quality and value of garments known from Ocean to. Ocean. Address—in first instance —with fullinformation to P. O. Box 105, Montreal. Cordon Fabric Extravagant claims and exaggerated statements may sell tires—but they can never make tires give mileage or service. About Partridge Tires little need be said. Their reputation for durability and dependability under all road conditions, justi- fies the statement "You can't buy better tires." barnas Ther/ae. 128E I e- leettere -TOL MERMISIBE12210ffealliliVarc29,t inl2t1 s ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN! Not Aspirin: at All without the "Bayer Cross's For Colds, Pain, headache, Neural- package which contains complete die gia, Toothache, Earache, and for motions. Then you aro getting real Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin pre- ritis, take Aspirin marked with the scribed by physicians for over nine - name "Bayer'; or you are net taking teen years. Now made in Canada, Aspirin at all. - Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab- Accept only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few cents. bruggists Aspirin" in an unbroken "Bayer" also sell larger "Bayer" packages. There is only one Aspirin "Bayer"—'You mast say "Bayer" Aspirin to the trade. mark (registered In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture or Mono• acotloaeldester of Salicylienald. 'While It is well Known that Aspirin mean sayer manuteeturo, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company, will be stamped with their general trade mark. the "Beyer Cross," Doesn't' hurt a bit! Drop a little "Preezone" on an aching corn, instant- ly that corn stops hurting, then short- ly en 410 it right off. with fngers,.. your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Fiee0ouo"'tor a few ciente, euigcient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, er corn between the toes, and tho cel- luses, without soreness or Irritation, All easy Ways aro downhill, You dep2,t notice it till you try to climb 'back. Minard's Liniment used by Pityslelente IsSUR 1'd. g9'0t ANCHO ,J .UQ Aa t$ak ,'clawing tobacco of si perlati'e excellence'. 'pmrr.b.r.rr wa.•.,w,rw:,;+,+r^^...w..:„.+w.a!'a,w..,.,�.;;rw'w.:,v;uw1,H1.'