HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-7-15, Page 41 1 litisiness 'Ii01111k-- G N \V, Telegraph nilloe R 8 a. in, to 0p.hn, Satardays tG O. P,11,Telco vi•plh oMdlee nights before holidays 10 n,an. Canitdian Na to101unt ticket ufiloo OOOPEWS STORES ,UWS ' u uuaru Ip R'1' • ,MONARCH• FLOSS NON ARCH•DOWN MONARCH DOVE" at the Monarch Goods Store Cooper's Book Store The hong, silky coats of Aus- tralian sheep supply the wool from which Mo- narch Floss, Dove and Down are spun, The elasticity, the astonishing'. even- ness ` and strength of those fine, long - fibre yarns are such that the garment .into which they are woven retains its good looks thr- oughout long and active use. They ,come in 30 shades, one ounce balls 5c, two ounces OOc All are Cana- dian spun. A. T.,,,i�tyy COOPER IlommtsoommrI'�'i,�s'otti , LONDON SEPT. 11 TO 18 , The Great Agricultural and b ive'3.ock Exhibition of Western Ontario. ' $35,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions JOHNNY J. JONES EXPOSITION on the Midway FULL PROGRAMME TWICE DAILY Auto Polo, Music, Fireworks, Two special events daily EXTI I BITS OF ALL KINDS. SOMETHING DOING EVERYMINJ,UTE Admission 50c. Children 15. Auto and driver $1,00 All information from the secretary Lt.•C0L W. M. Gartshore, President • A. 31, Tlnnt, Secretary SZES ii ,.ZSCS=1.11rt .•^arm+agiVR.8 ,f+9py:.. 5,' A5 221.aa is"•"K`. Stomach Disorders There are no remedies or med- icines so effective for the treatment for the various Stomach Disorders as Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy and Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills. This we know, from the experience we have bad from these Preparations and from the know- ledgewe have of the action and g medicinal effect of the different drugs and herbs that go into the composition of these two 'wonderful remedies. The Appetite may he either exag- gerated, errerted diminished g ,p ,d c or en- _ 'tirely lost, these preparations will restore it. The condition may be either Acute or Chronic or the Nerves supplying the Stomach may be defective or there may be Gas on the Stomach due to Fermentation or Decomposition of roods; no matter • What the trouble may ibe this treat- ment will tone up the organs of the entire system and bring 'lack the glorious good health that you so much desire. Pain after Eating, Vomiting, Grad- • uai. Loss of Flesh and Strength, Dyspepsia and.Anaemia are some of the Symptoms of Stomach Disorders that quickly disappear when you use Hacking's. In order to e(1feet a cure, however, patience is es essential as the right remedy and anyone who has 'been—aildu'g for any length of time shoucad net oxfect to be cured in a few days. Buy 0 boxes of Hack- ing's Heart and Nerve Remedy and . 3 of Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills and give them a good trial. Be sure to get Hackinn'a. Sold by J. E. Hovey, Druggist A family reunion took place on Thursday last, when the family of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carruthers as- sembled in the old homestead in Low- er Wingham, with their husbands or wives. There are six children liv- ing, ing, three boys and three girls, all married.. Mary, of Detroit; Eliza- beth, of New York; John, Frank, Carrie, and Tom of Kitchener. The father, Mr. Thomas Carruthers, is new in his eightieth' year, hale and hearty and the wife of his youth is about in her 76th year. Mr, Fred Praetor of Dashwood fell from the overlays of his barn the other day and was very seriously in- jured. His father met his death by a fall some years ago. -.774 TheDouble Track Route —between— MONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT and CHICAGO. Unexcelled dining car service, Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. A, 0. Pattison; Depot Agent. JOHN EANSFORD & SON, Phone 55, Uptown Agents i 1ARE YOU A Man or Woman Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate immediately?" Patriotic enough to be making a Good Livelihood? Healthy enought to pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advertisement. Fill in coupon and send to C. Cooper, Inspector, the Northern Life Assurance Co. Box 5. NEWS -RECORD OFFICE NAME .......„,•.............. ADDRESS •.... Date Born, day of in the year TEE W C, T, U. CONVENTION PASSES RESOLUTIONS The following resolutions were passed by the I•lui'on County 14'. 0, T. U., whieli met in Clinton last week, but owing to lack of space their pub- lication was 'held evert We, the Resolution Committee of the 1I0r011 County W. 0. T. tJ„ 10 annual gonventien assembled at Wes- ley Methodist Church, Olihton, July 0-7, 1020, do hereby bog to submit the following resolutions: -'• 1 ;lesolved--•that we desire to impress upon all parents the neves- aity of training the little child early in life along 'the line of moral educe, boll, and by _precept and example strive to impress on the young mind the great value of purity, 2. Resolved -that whereas the ef. ticieihey of our field secretary de- pends upon the knowledge of viola • tions of the law, we would strongly recommend that the women realize, their ,responsibility in first invests. gating suspected violations and then; notiiiying the secretary of any infor- mation that they have derived from their inveetig'atons. 3. Resolved—.that the -subject of Hygiene and Scientific Temperance, including anti -narcotics, be system- atically taught in all the grades of our Public schools and in the first two forms of our High schools, and "that it be made a subject for promo- tion for all classes of the Public school, and be an examination sub- ject for the High school entrance ex- amination and the lower school en- trance to normal. Furthermore, be it resolved that this be an examination subject for study at all training schools for teachers. Resolved—that a copy of this re- solution bo forwarded •to the Minister of Education for his serious consider- ation. Resolved—that whereas the On- tario Government has petitioned the Dominion Government to. take n vote of the Province on the question of importation of liquor into the Prov- ince for beverage purposes, and whereas we believe this importation, if stopped, will greatly help in the campaign to free our land of the curse of strong chink, we hereby call upon all our unions to` do their ut- most to have the voters of. our county impressed with the importance of this Referendum, and to co-operate in every possible way with the County Temperance Association and the On- tario Referendum Committee in the campaign which will terminate on the 25th of October. 5, Resolved—that we most heart- ily extend our thanks and apprecia- tion to the official board of Wesley Church, the ladies who have so hos- pitably entertained us at the church and in their homes, those who have participated in the program, and all who, in any way, have contributed to our pleasure during this convention, O. Resolved—that we ask the Presidents of Mission Boards of Junior Leagues to devote at least two meeting during the year to the subject of temperance. --4 - FRENCH AND BELGIAN GOV- ERNMENTS DO NOT WANT BODIES REMOVED. The Militia Department has issued a statement emphasizing the reasons why it would be practically impos- sible to exhume the bodies of Canad- ian soldiers. who lie buried_ in France in order that they night be brought to Canada for burial. The statement says that an advertisement recently appearing in nP Toronto 7t0 lie 9 ins an ars gives the i b e m n'essi on that i ' 1 it pos- sible siblc to exhume bodies in Franco and Belgium and return them to Canada for re -burial, "The advertisement In question is very misleading,” goes on the state- ment, "as the Governments of France and Belgium have by special decrees forbidden the removal of bodies :from these c untrie s. The opinion i o P i s that these restrictions should not be re- moved." The statement says that it would be a colossal work to empty some four hundred thousand graves, and to allow some few persons to remove bodies of dead soldiers would be con- trary to the spirit of equality. Any effort to exhume the bodies would be "opposed to the spirit m which the Empire gratefully accepted the offers made by the Governments of France, Belgium, taly and Greece to provide land in perpetuity for our cemetries, and `to adopt our dead,'• " EVIDENCE Of Success of Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy and Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills Wm.. Fullarton, R. R. 5, Listowel: "I doctored for eight yeane for Stomach Trouble and Pains all through my 'body. got no relief until I used Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy which fixed ane up all right. I used Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills aiong'with the Remedy." Mrs. H, Hinchcllffe, Wingham: ';i'. was on the paint at a complete Nervous Breakdown, could not sleep or plan my household duties, suffer- ed •with my Heart and my Nerves and doctors could do little for me. After taking the first box of Hack. iwg's Heart aaud Nerve Remedy 1 improved so much In health that I continued with a 6 box ti'eabmeat' and am able to return to my work with renewed vigor." Mr. Richard Jones, Doan, Ont.: "I have had Pains. under my Heart for some time and tried all ports of remediets and have been to four dif- ferent doctors and could get no re- lief. I took ons Brox of Hackings Heart and -Nerve Remedy and felt very mieolt hotter. I took another box and have 'been able to wox'k again. Before I took your comedy I could not work for weeks at a time, the pain was so great." These are only a few of the many testimonials Ilbat come to us volun- tarily and I am sure that you too will get bemoiicdW results If you will but give them o.Ilair triad. Buy them Brom yotu"dealer. In'sis't on Hack. fags. Sold by d,'E, Hovey, Druggist Clinton Neves..Recolr l 1 bare necessities," 1 The second by Miss Helena V. Beata', Wentworth Street School, Hamilton News of Hap penin 4:S a1 t»e CUunittidtAck 'Distrjc't The death oeeuvred an Monday morning of a well-known resident of God'erieh • and . throughout Huron County, Alexander 11, Cameron, de- puty sheriff of the cokinty. :Tice de sassed, who was in his 76th year, was horn in Wawanosh Township, near Lueknow; and in his younger days was one of the leading young anon of that district. For a number of years he was tax collector for his township, and later was appointed deputy sheriff for the county, which position he had 'held for the past 20 years, Besides his widow he leaves two daughters, Mrs, Wilson, of Fort William and Mrs, McDonald, of Lucicnow, and one son in Calgary. Another well-known resident of Goderich died in the person of Mr. Conway Murphy, police sergeant. The deceased was • in his 55th year, and he had been connected with the police force of the town for some years, Besides his widow he leaves. two,sons, Bert of Wingham and John of Stratford, The Wingham !town council has awarded the contract for the con- struction of the bridge across the Maitland to Hunter Bros„ Bridge and Boiler Co,, Kincardine, The cost will be in the neighborhood of $27,000, Exeter is laying a cement roadway in its main street. The work has been delayed owing to the shortage of cement. • Mr. J. A. Morton of Wingham has resigned his office • as secretary of the Masonic Order, which he has'held for thiry-five years. An address was read to the retiring secretary by his brother lodge members and he ware given a purse of $200. Wingham had a lacrosse match recently, it being the first 0, A. L. A. match played in that town for five years. Mr. Wm. Jari•ott of Hillsgreen, one 'of Huron's pioneer threshers, has sold his grain -threshing outfit. He will continue threshing eiover. The Goderich bowlers played away until after two o'clock in the morn- ing on one occasion last week. Miss Ellen Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompson of Pleasant Valley Tarin, West Wawan- osh, was married last weep to Mr, Mark Armstrong of the same town- ship. The Presbyterian Summer School was conducted in Goderich last week. 1 T1 , Heffernan, who was convict- ed of obtaining goods under false pretences sonie tine ago, was sen- tenced by Judge Dickson of Goderich last week to an indeterminate sen- tence of from eight to' eighteen months. His son Vincent, who was associated with him, was allowed to go on suspended sentence. The pair hacl been going about the coun- ty attending auction sales and giv- ing worthless notes on each other. Miss Florence Wood of Exeter was married last week to Mr. Orrin S. Winer of London, Mr. Harry Waller, a returned man, member of the 3.61st battalion, has been appointed postmaster at Wrox- eter, succeeding Mr. W. M. Robin- son. The funeral of the late R. H. Gov- enlock ,who died in Guelph, took place from the home of his brother, Mr, J. M. Govenlock, M. P. P„ Mc- Killop, to Maitlandbank cemetery. Mrs. Wm. McGowan of East Wa- wanosh died on Friday week at the age of fifty-six years. I-Ier husband and two sons and one daughter sur- vive. ar-vive. Much interest has been a`ioused at Exeter through the appointment of 'Hon. Arthur Meighen to succeed fair Robert Borden. Hmh. Arthur Meig- hen was educatedjust a few miles east of .Exeter, and several residents of Exeter went to school with 'him and were member's of a literary and debating society held each week. Goderich has commenced to col- lect the town garbagm, Mr. N. E. Brooks, who has been accountant in the Goderich branch of the Sterling Bank, has been transferred to Dungannon, where he g 1 is now manager. ' A lake trout; weighing thirty-four pounds, dressed, was caught at God- erich last week by Capt. Dan MacKay The proprietor of the Chinese restau- rant in the county town bought the fish at twenty-five cents per pound. ' Mr. Fres' Ross and Miss Rae Stothers have been re-engaged as teachers in the Dungannon Public school for the Coming year. 31i'. Clark has taken Over the store at Carlow, his' partner withdrawing. Mr. Clayton is going west in the in- terest of his ,health, Mrs,, B. J. Crawford and the Misses Nettie and Clara Sproul of Dungan- non left 'this weak for the west,• the former to Winnipeg -and the latter two t0 Davidson, Sask., where'. 'a brother resides. Mrs. (Dr.) Sallery, formerly of Hensall, died at her home in Toron- to hist week. She is survived by her husband and a family of one son and thyme daughters. She was formerly Miss Moir, • The Rev. J. McAllister, who began his pastorate in Main street church, Exeter, on Sunday, four years ago finished a very successful pastorate in James street church, same town. Fire broke out in the workroom of the store on Ontario street, occupied by Mr. W. D. Bright, tailor, Seaforth on Saturday morning about six o'clock. It was found to have been caused by an 'electric iron: The fire was quickly extinguished, most of the danrag'e being caused by water. Goderich is to have a section .of the )hatrict No. 1 Signalling. Battalion under Lieut. Robt. Carey. WITY TEACHERS SHOULD HAVE MORE PAT'? The Literary Digest has been con- ducting a prize contest for answers' to this question. Isere are two prize- winning answers by Canadians. The first is by Miss Greta T. Bidlake, Upper Coverdale, N. D. "The Teacher—My mission is holy. I prescribe for the mint and body; battle against hereclitary and envi- ronment; build statesmen, patriots, thinkers, artists. In return I receive a pittance; I am forced to struggle against discouragoment, live in in- ferior boarding-houses, and exist on "The teacher? A preaeh01 And mother combined S110 nurtures the body 1.11Q soul, and the mind, Her station? Elation, Der stat0 is high, She gives to the nat1011 The things we can't buy. Remittance? A .pittance That labor could beat, ' Tho teacher is puzzled Te make both ends meet,; BEEKEEPING AND THE SUGAR SITUATION' (Experimental Farms Note) Save clover honey for winter stores. With sugar over 20 cents a pound, and the outlook of a possibly higher price and uncertainty of supply, bee- keepers will find it advisable to pay more attention than usual to the say- ing of wholesome honey for winter- ing th'e bees safely. - Each colony should have not less than 90 pounds of stores for winter. The honey gathered' in June and July from alsike and white .clover 'Is Per- fectly wholesome and snakes the fin- est wintor stores. Most of the honeys gathered from mixed sources in Aug- ust and September is, as a rule, less so, and is therefore liable to cause dysentery which will weaken or kill ;l'1IUJZSD4 ', JULY :th, 920. ,'H7 the colony bofor0 spring, Some kinds of fall honey ore very injurious, However, buckwheat honey .and the honey :from certain sneo10s of golden- rod and aster that ',row abundant), irr .ciry situations if It ripens before cold weather, aro wholesothe, • It would therefore be wise to save combs of clover honey in order that several of them may be placed in the hive about the centre, These combs should be given early enough in the fall, that is to any, about the muddle of September, to allow the bees time to empty a few cells t0 make a place fol' the winter cluster to occupy. Caro should be taken that these combs of honey are tadson from colonies that aro entirely free from American foul -brood. It will be advisable else. to save con1ba o:f-'•honey sufficient to give each colony one more comb in the spring, but the honey given in spring need be of the bosh quality. A strong colony of Italian bees containing a prolific young queen of- ten has very little honey in the brood chamber when the supers are re- moved. in the fall. A simple way to supply Snell n colony with suitable stores for the winter is to give or leave it a super full of clover honey. I', W. L. SLADEN, Apiarist.. "The Bond Market" is the name of oar latest publication. It will prove of value to those interested in such current topics as "Why Victory 13oncls are Cheap', "Canada—a Creditor Nation" and "inflation". Lot us nail you a copy. Wo shall gladly do so upon receipt of letter or postal card. Woody Gundy & Company Canadian Pacific Railway Building - Toronto 0 on't nd ervalue Your Victory ' r ends Fifteen -year onds maturing lst November 1934 at 96 and - accrued interest pay almost 6% income. 00 g 6 Nearly one million Canadians own Victory Bonds. These are among their most valu- able possessions and should be highly -prized. They are evidence of financial aid in the time of national need. They are also evi- dence of sound business judgment. Victory Bonds are the safest of all investments. Retain the Victory Bonds you now own and buy additional bonds to the limit of your meatus. The future will prove the wisdom of your taking advantage of present low prices. Canadian Pacific Railway Building Toronto P s. n ••4'11 t a,.i" ,-61:1; 11 im©aa®m®aamRh51aEMer! `r q r, Yes, madam, am this is s the grade of Imperialera aiPolarine nespecified for your carb the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations, ons, an you ou will always find Imperial Premier Gasoline ne of uniform high quality. My customers have learned that operating costs are kept at a minimum through using Imperial Polarine exclusively.'! �"i•, it�9>i .c ,i�lta a Ilajll I�/076,. _ I� Iii/1717-d-.)".11 IIIlIIIIIIIIII�II�I�VIIIIIIIIIII I.✓ I� :4X plyo X A. • Reduced Operating Costs PMPERIAI: Polarine reduces automobile operating costs in many ways. By providing a piston -to -cylinder seal which assures maximum power. It helps to save friction waste in every moving part,keeps the engine running smoothly and out of the repair shop and minimizes depreciation. - Imperial Polarine prevents friction by coating every wearing surface with a heat and wear -resisting oil film. It seals all the power in the piston chamber. Imperial Polarine gives correct lubrication to every part of your car. One of the three grades described below is specially suited to your motor. Look for the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations when you buy oil and learn which grade to use. Imperial Polarine is sold in sealed gallon and four -gallon cans, 124. gallon steel kegs, steel half -barrels and barrels, by dealers everywhere: There is an appreciable saving in buying half -barrels and barrels. , opar,244 °l rin i :MAKES 41.ESA 1,0h09 GAR UETTEft . IMPERIAL POLARINE IMPERIAL POLARINE HEAVY IMPERIAL. POLARiNE A (Light medium body). (Medium heavy body) (Extra heavy body) A GRADE SPECIALLY SUITED TO YOUR MOTOR