HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-6-24, Page 5I'fURSDAy JUNE 2dtlr, 1920 Clinton News—Record : Of Interest .to You and Me The new taxes are to he celloeted In staples, z' k wh cl i.v 1 be great a 1a ' x�et •eenvenienee to retail Inerchants; They nmay change ,the taxes some, • what butt won b i hen hey tu of sh t r, so +don't fool y4ur elf tilktt score, The Alliston Hearaid says the avers rage young man's moustache in the present clay "looks like a beetle ;tetelinging to a man's nose," 'Tho subeription price of The Wing- ham Advance goes up to $2,00 the beginning of July, the first Huron coltnty paper to adopt the new rate. '"Don't get peeved" says the Wing- 'barn Advance, "if there's something in the paper you don't like. We don't make the news, we just. print Dr. T, J. Glover, a young Toronto •physician, has discovered what is .supposed to be a curd for cancer. If this proves true it will be a boon to: humanity, The Brussels laundry is• about to :be closed owing to the fact that there is not enough business to make the ,enterprise pay. How is Editor Kerr -of the Post to get. his white vests •done up in future? * * * *. The coolcs and waitresses of sev neral clubs in •Toronto went out on ;strike the other day. One ''could manage without waitresses in a pinch .but when the cook goes out there's nothing to do but yield. It is said that parents can make -their children geniuses by mental .suggestion. We hope they won't aII Wy it, though. 'Twould be a lonely orld for plain, common-sense folk if their neighbors were all geniuses. * * * * Corrie to think of it, however, ev- -en if it were possible to accomplish it, it is not•'at all likely to happen for •the simple reason that most par- ents do not think the "suggestion" •even necessary. They're very holiest people .around Hensall. After the U. F. 0. picnic the other day a sack contain- ing eight or ten pounds of granu- lated sugar was found and the finder immediately advertised for the own- ••er, * * * * They must be just awfully rich, too, when they had eight or ten pounds of sugar left after the picnic was •aver, Just fancy!. One could almost start a grocery store with ten pounds •of sugar. :V * * * The Zurich Herald complains that the dust is so thick on the streets of that burg that it resembles a sand- storm in the desert. Why not oil them? Many village councils solve the dust problem by the application .00f a coat of oil early in the season. * * * * A man admires the clingy, depend- ent girl when he is courting; she gives him such a feeling of strength .and superiority But it is nighty handy to have a wife who can put up the curtains, take off the storm windows and hoe the garden herself. * *** The Goderich Signal thinks there .should be a tax on fish yarns and The Toronto Star favors the idea, as their a man could take out a license to tell them. We wotrlcl favor the tax all right, the "fishier" the yarn the higher the tax, but we hold up both ha>Tds and enter our strongest protest against the license. We've listened to a lot of fish yarns by unlicensed folk, Deliver us from the man who has a "license" to tell then. * * * * The Board of Commerce has again taken sugar under its protecting wing and the decree goes forth that • it shall not be retailed at a higher price than twenty-three cents per pound until after October fust. The wholesalers cannot , raise the price without the consent of the Board and .a spread of only five per cent. or a profit of 2c per pound will be al- lowed retailers. We ought to be thankful that it is not going any :higher, of course, but if the Board of Commerce hadn't "jumped its job" with regard to sugar some time ago ►,;perhaps it wouldn't have "jumped" • to such a price. Wouldn't it have been possible to coax it down a little? * * * * The following letter appeared in a •western paper but might have been .addressed to The News -Record, so thoroughly does it fit .conditions here. .,Merchants in towns like Clinton com- plain that people send to the mail 'order houses for a great propertiou of their goods, but fail to use the :remedy which lies within their reach, 'They have not only to compete with ,city prices; they must also compete with advertising experts who tell the peotile what they want to know: "Your paper is always boosting home buying and home buying is' the right„ thing for if everybody bought away we wouldn't have ;<i town very tong. In your editorial a week or two agog you said there would be less buying from catalogues if every merchant would adver- tise because it is advertising keeps the catalogue houses going. We11 '--e :i believe that is right too, but one .thing I would like to see all the merchants do and there are lots more who think the same—and that is for* thein to print the prices of good° as ,much as they can in their .advertising, And I also think that -if prices are going up, they should :say so and, tell us why, if they know. These times we ,all have to bite our+ nielcles—or most of us—and we don't lilce the idea of prices going up on staples particularly and not if •wor'd about it till you reach the stoic, I am not an advertising expert but I knew what I w'eald like to see in my local paper along that line, and that is it Iot of genuine infor- lnatloin about goeda and prices every week, then we would feel better and if we were being treated fairly there would be less standing away, I hear this talked abotit a lot so thought YI (would Write You.-1'd.rmet's Wife, :: 'Lolnxlolli Rood ,.. Mr. and Mrs, 0; '14Turner visited Me And d Mrs Sinakla of rbc i• c n o' St. CtItku e i ne s est v o Mr and Mrs, Walter Layton and Mrs. Feted Pepper motored to /Tamil - ton last week and emit a few•days with Mr. d tom . all MrS, C Layton,' MesaFrank Lime and Welter Swknbank took in the Greyhound ex- eursion Inst week. Mr, Leslie Hanley is home from Toronto for a vacation, ' Mr, and Mrs, Appleton of Parkhill were the 'guests on Sunday of. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Layton. Mr, 3.- T. McKnight and' ininily motored to Hamiton and spent •the week -end 'with friends, Mr and Mrs. Dusrow of Mildmay visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred- Nett last week and on their return hone;were accompanied by Mrs. Nott, Miss Myrtle Crich is home from Stratford Normal for rile summer va- cation. Mrs. John White returned from .Toronto en Saturday and Ira* since been ill, being threatened with ty- phoid fever. Ie is hoped the symptoms will pass and‘ that sire will soon•r'e- cover. Holmesville • Mrs. R. Calbiek of Hamilton. paid a short 'visit to the village, last week, and took her ,nether, Mrs. R. Ache- son, home with her for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cuamore and fam- ily visited over Sunday it Exeter: The Epworth League service last Wednesday 'evening was conducted by the 'pastor, Miss Robinson taking the topic - on "A day at Sumner School." It was decided in the bus- iness meeting later to hold a lawn social on Tuesday evening next.' Last week Mr. Russell Forster of Locust Hill accompanied by his uncle, Mr. Anthony. Forster of Markham, motored to the hone of his brother, Mr. Oscar Forster, Just as they reached the gate the front right wheel cane off the ettr, causing the machine to turn turtle, and pinning them there until help came. Both men were somewhat seriously injured Mr. R. Forster having his collar bone broken and his uncle sustaining a fractured hip. This is rather ser- ious for him as he is a pian advanced in years. Mr. R Forster came up to fetch hi's wife, who has been here and in Goderich recovering from a broken arm, home, and they return this week. Mr. A. Forster, howev- er, will have to remain for several weeks. Miss Mary . Tyndall spent Sunday as the guest of Miss Verna Jervis, • klippen Last week we made mention of the serious illness of Mrs. Andrew Bell, Sr. This week we regret to record her death, which took piece at her home just south of this village, on Thursday morning of last week. The late Mrs. Bell was a pioneer of this district, being born on a farm just north of the village seventy- eight years ago. The funeral took place on Saturday forenoon and was largely attended. Her pastor, Rev. Dr. Aitken, had charge of the service, burial took place at Hensall Union Cemetery. In the passing of the de- ceased the community loses one of its most respected residents. IIer maiden name was Mary Blair and she was the last of her family. She is survived by throe sons and four claughterst Andrew and John of Tuckersmith; Dan of Boston; Mrs. Williams and Mrs. • Waiper of Sask- atoon; Mrs. Wm. Sinclair of Tucker - smith and Mrs. (Rev.) Richar•cison of Brigden. Two sons Robert and William, died some years ago. Mr. and Mrs. J, B. McLean bad a pleasant visit the first of this week with Mrs. McLean's brother, Mr. Robt. Crawford of Port Elgin, Mr. Royal McClymont, . who is learning the chug business in Chat- ham is home for some holidays. Rev. J. G. Stuart of London oc- cupied the pulpit in St, Andrew's church last Sunday, the pastor being away from hone. Misses. Margaret and Jean McLean• spent Monday in the -Forest City. Mrs, R. Clegg of London attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Bell on Saturday, Mr. Dan Bell was here from Boston to attend his mother's funeral. Mr. Herbert Whiteman, druggist of Toronto, along with Mrs. White- man and daughter is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Whiteman They also had a pleasant visit with the lady's father, Rev. John Hart of St. Marys. Miss Nellie Caldwell had the mis- fortune to have a bone in her ankle broken which well confine her to her home for some weeks. . • Mr. Albert Brownlee, son of Mr. Robt. Brownlee, when playing base- ball on the village green struck his foot with the bat and broke a bone. He is at present confined to hie bed, The play being prepared by the young people here will be presented en June 29th, in St. Andrew's church It is entitled "The Minister's Bride." Mr David Kyle has been quite ill recently with heart .trouble but is somewhat improved at present. Mr. S. Cudmore is finding great difllculty in getting cars to ship the large quantity of hay he has ready for shipment. • W. II. Johnston, teacher in S. S. No: 14, Stanley, is presiding in. Ex - °tor this week at the Middle School exaiaiations, and W. G. Strong, of No. 2, Tuckersmith, is doing 'siiniliar work in Blyth. Countg News ''hero was a very large attendance at the annual decoration seevjces, conducted by 1riclelity Ledge, 14o. 55, Seaforth, on Sunday afternoon, Pre- ceded by the Citizens' Band, and tee- commented by members of the Strat- ford, Mitchell and Hansen lodges, the moinbers marched to the Mdtland Bank Cemetery, where addresses were given 'hes Brother Whitton, of Hartford, grand Master, and Brother 'I'3litehisbh, 'grand ti elietiiry, of eN:ow Bevan, Conneetieut, also Brother eL, JGoaina, Prn rd geardiemi a Strat- ford, A£ All gave r s }iing eddresses, The in urial e took place in Wy- omirig Methodist ehurch on Wednes- day of last week of -'Miss Erie M, E., only daughter of Rev, Geo. Jewett, President o£ the London Conference and Mrs. Jewett, formerly of Blyth, to the Rev.' Maxwell C, Parr of Har- mony. After the honeymoon the young couple will. reside in the Har- mony parsonage. At a recant sitting of the county court at Goderich Judge Dickson called attention to the feet that there was no room for the grand jury, as the room formerly occupied by them had been fitted up as an .office for the county engineer. The judge said that as the deliberations of the grand jury were supposed to be conducted in strict secrecy this was much to be regretted. He also lamented the fact that there was no room for the witnesses and they had to wander up and down the -corridors until called. Mr. and Mrs, D. C. Ross of Brus- sels Ont„ •announc the engagement of their daughter, Luella M., to Mr, R. J. McLauchlin, the marriage to take place early in July. Marriages, CHAPMAN—LIVERMORE—In To- ronto, on June 16th, by the Rev. Dr. Young, Rose, daughter of Mr. Henry Livermore, Clinton, to Gor- don Leonard Chapman of Tordhto. CASE—RYCKMAN—At the home of the bride's parents, by the Rev. A. E. Doan, of Hensall, on June 16th. Benjamin Stirling Case, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Case, London Road, north, to Elizabeth Ehna Rycicman, daughter of Mr. and • Mrs. E. Ryckman of Hensall. WOOD—FRANK—At the home of the bride's parents, Dr. J. C. Frank, of Shelburne, on June 19th, Mary Enid, to Dr. Claire Jory Wood, of Blyth, son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wood of Exeter. Births LAVIS—In Clinton, on June 16th, to Mr. and Mrs, J, B. Levis, a daugh- ter. MIDDLETON—In Goderich town- ship, on June 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton, a daughter. Margaret Harriet. MAIR—In Goderich township, on June 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Mair, a daughter. WHITMORE—In Tuckersmith, on June 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Whitmore, a daughter, TAYLOR—In East Wawanosh, on June lith, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin H. Taylor, a son. ANDERSON—In McKillop, on June lath, to Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson, a son. PINKBEINER—In Seaforth, June 12th, to Mr, and Mrs, C. Pinkbein- er, a daughter. Deaths WHITE—In Clinton, on June 19th, Mary Arm White, JOHNSTON—In Goderich township, on June 11th, Agnes Johnston, wife of Mr. Robert Johnston, aged 63 years, 5 months and 9 days. Mail Contract SE.ALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Fri- day, the 16th day of July, 1920, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week, over Bayfield No. 2 Rural Route, from the Postmaster General's Pleasure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may be seen and -blank forms of Tender may be ohtained from the Post Offices of Bayfield, Brucefielcl, 'Holmesville, Varna. ,and at the office of the Post Office In- spector, London. Chas. E. H. Fisher, Post office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 4th June, 1920. Girls' Club Supper The Girls' Club of Willis church intend serving a six o'clock supper in the lecture room of the church on Tuesday June 20th, All welcome. A.dmission 35c. —51-1* Early CIosing At Holmesville Beginning with July 7th the Corner` Store and, with the permission of the post office inspector, the post - office, will close at 8.30 each Wednes- day afternoon during July and Aug- ust Our patrons are requested to bear thisannouncement in mind. ---A. J. Courtice, Holmesville.--51-2-p Representative Wanted Representative wanted for Clinton and Huron County to represent "The Olcl Reliable Fonthill Nurseries," Big sales are to be made in selling Nursery stock during the reconstruc- tion period. A splendid opportunity for a live salesman, Highest com- missions paid, handsome, free equip- ment, large line of fruit and orna- mental stock to offer. "STONE iu WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ont. -51-4 Lost A silver mesh purse containing a sum of money. Findeir please return to The Maisons Bank and receive re- ward. ' —51-1 For. Sale Hardwood dresser, good rnii'ror, soft wood cabinet, mahogany finish, Lawn swing; pair wood frame gates covered with Poultry netting, Pine tub. stand, chairs and rocking horse, Cabinet maker's bench, Apply T. .M6lcltonzie, Planning Mill. 51.1--p • Teacher Wanted 2nd Class professional teacher for S. S, No, 10, Goderich Tp. Duties to commence Sept. lab, Apply stating eatery and geeniitaticns, to John it, Middleton,'Sm.-Treasurer, R, R. No. 8, Clinton. —50-3 Obit'' 'Miss Special Prices ,on our bulk tea, Wei are completely sold out of the kBrwlionndweat adv pese d lblasspeweieel c ai tcdefsir tG ifi3b,W lcootsl. wo offer you Tho Royal.,al, Potato Seheitttatel SPECIAL 2 large cant; • NOTICE Pork �. Beans 35e,` Ma1ce wash day easy Wednesday, June 30th, NO RUBBING Being day before a . holiday our store will be open all Just Boil your Clothes When you use— Pi}erless Washing da' and in the evening. Get Compound y g Wonder 'Wash your' orders in early for the TEA PRICES. 1 lb Tor s. , , , , 40e, 2 lb For .. , , , , $1,15 G lb For $2,65 SALMON Vimy Ridge, Per Can 25c, Toro Tablets Rinao . GET THE 1-IABIT OF • JOHNSON SARDINES Holiday Finnic, I2 Cans for 25e, DEALING AT & COMPANY Phone Iii fi`aA" �_`,, c i W a 4 F - ! ,r 1 r,,, `., T F, Phone 125 ENJOY IT TOGETHER Both of you will enjoy sitting clown ow and partaking of a box of Williard,. s delicious chocolates and bon bons.. y Our candles create good feeling IIwherever they are eaten. They have gush a delightful flavor and are so tasteful and wholesome, The CLINTON CANDY KITCHEN M. McNEIL, PROPRIETOR MAKE YOUR HOME HAPPY ` es r DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER q- Don't you know the time to educate your children is when they' are young. Start thein into there music lessons as you would their school soon if you want them to make a success of it. It lifts them into a higher society which they can not reach with out music. , Make arrangements to start them right. Which is only done on a piano. Any music teacher will tell you it on an organ and it only disheartens the child. We can quote you prices and make terms Gourley piano by dropping a card to JONATH[ANdlUGILL ,111;"' r l is u�.ee' '""'f .� I , r II a ! \ �. �� waste of on a SEAFORTH +' 1. ' 1 ° 'r time high > • �J Ile to • rade 1 - -I practise Bell or 11 TENDER ROAST l �, ,E - FRESH HAM , itP You like it? Then you will en- ,.. joy a dinner from ours. It is s '' tI simply delicious — young, juicy, tender and most wholesome. We /�/'� ( t esl ' {i suggest that for your dnner to -day or Sunday, you order some from us, and you will not be disappointed PP % ; r- yd . y''" ' THE VETERANS MEAT STORE ----- free delivery to any 'town part of BUTLER B1". OS., Phone 17'r u+.n•''n5rsxar,.axsm*nw^,.r,c•„e•••'��y v�*�. TmEs .. w,,. ,... �...... ........,. _ ..... . ........H. I TIDES!/PIES! We have on hand a stock of tires for quick sale Size 30x31 5000 miles Warr nteiL , soon -sled, $25 4000 miles warranted. non -slid, $20 other sizes—prices in proportion i Supply is limited. d FOR SALE Motor Cycle with side car also Saxon Roadster 3 £ E0 o Epps ,i . Son, Varna Representative Wanted Canada Petroleum and Refining Do., Ltd„ are offering a limited amount of stock, strong Directorate, good locations, splendid prospects, Liberal cominissions. • What about your territory? For particulars, ad- dress • R. McLelland, 81. Victoria Street, Toronto, Ont.—50-2-p LIVE 'STOCK INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE TORNADO INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Accident and Sickness Insurance Cheap rates in good Companies. Call and see me. C. B. HALE, Hur- on St., Clinton.—46-13-p - Teacher Wanted c For Sale Grey mare and single harness, Light wagon; cutter and sett of light sleigiis. Will be sold separately or in bulk. Apply to Mr's. Win. 'East, —50-11 Experienced Protestant teacher t for S,. S. No. 9, Goderich township. c ;Second class certificate. State sal- try and experience, Duties to 0o111 - thence Sept. 1st. Applications re- C ceived up to July lst by Jesse Gray, 1 Sec„ R. R. No. 3, Clinton. —49-3 £ Furs wanted Tame rabbit skins, any kind, any color•. For prices; land particulars' write or see H. A.. Hovey, Clinton, Dnt,—50-11 For Salo a A square piano Fisher make in i. first class condition bargain for quick I sale. Apply to FI. Barbliff, •-46-11 T A. Garden Patty The Ladies' Guild of • St. Paul's :hutch is arranging for monster• Iarden party to be held on the ree- tory lawn on the evening of June 10th. Fuller particulars later. —49-3 No Trespassing Any person or persons trespassing n or destroying property on the prem- 0 ises of the estate of the late Will - lana H, Woods will be prosecuted according to law.—L M. Woods, ' " Spirclla Corsets Hayfield, Ont. July, rat, 1920 I Scarcely need an introduction in this locality, Having become agent Por Clinton I will- be pleased to fill til orders placed with roe,—Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kennedy', Ontario Area. —4643 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re - paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned, Rooms over Heard's barber silo Pr WJ, . Jage, —35..t1 a . ... ]r Lor Salo Registered Shorthorn bull, 22 old, Amely Melvin Cileh; t. It, No. 3, Seaforth, risotto 14 ort vie ..... ;40:0 .,�am Boars for Service Champion bred, big type 'Yorltshire and Chesliter White lema for service, lemma At home every, forenoon A, C. Y,,. t31......., a -0.,. ,*n rn.Yc_.,_ ,kc, o G 0 0 ,0 0 0 ,o A •a o ELGAR LADIES a UARTET3 I7 e o Western Ontario's Foremost a o Lady Entertainers, o o Attractive and up-to-date -o o programmes furnished Per o o ehurch concerts, garden o o parties, lawn socials and o o banquets, o 37 Oxford Street, West. 'o o London, Ontario, o o o e 0 o o o .o. o o o A 9 STARR PHONOGRAPH AND GENETTE RECORDS A Distinguishing feature of THE STARR • The Silver Spruce Singing Throat The tone is sweet and clear. We wore fortunate in procuring a number of Starr instruments and Genette Records before the war tax was out, Secure your Starr at the old price. A large range of Gen- ette Records to choose from. H. E. RORKE Office now in the C anadian Express building Your Roof On the selection of your roofing material depends the appearance, value and durability of your building. What kind of roofing could be bet- ter than 3 ply of everlasting SHINGLES. The cheapest is not usually the best, although the best is usually the cheapest. Wo have the best in three different grades, 2x, 3x, and 5x at popular current. prices. AT BRUCEFIELD we also handle all kinds of ROUGH & DRESSED LUMBER, CANADA FIBRE BOARD, CANADA-•CEMENT,HARD & SOFT COAL, etc. AT CLINTON we handle all kinds of COAL & WOOD and CANADA CEMENT. Let us have your inquiries. We think we can supply you. 4..3 S A D CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD, ' hone for Clinton 74. hone for Brucefield 11 oil 618. THE CII1NE� STE BE Phone 45 O.tilJ appi s tor 8 This is the season for Pineapples for canning Fresh stock of Pineapples Groceries, Fruit and Vegetables always in stock, LIVE AND LET LIVE red W.Wigg cV Manitoba Oats Out Manitoba Oats are of an ex- ollent quality and we have a small uaneity on hand which we are able o offer at a very reasonable price on °count of buying some time ago. Do you expect o raise any baby hicks this season? Our Baby Chick eed is composed of a mixture of No.1 gain and is clear of dust. We have in two grades—Fine and Course A shipment of Seed Corn has just ,rived and is composed of the follow- og varietiee— reproved Learning Early Bayley 1lisconsin No, 7 King Philip ougfellow Yellow Flint For Hogs and Cattle we have a heed from ,ed chop made froequal parts of. absand Dorn. This obop is ground ever fine and makes an excellent feed rr fattening hogs and cattle. Our stock also includes the follow - g lines—Garden Seeds in packets. twilledShortening, Clover and Grass Seeds Flour, Hen .Peed, Feed Flour, Calc Meal, Rolled Oats, Seed Buckwheat and Barley Highestprieos paid for wool and grain, When disposing of yonir wool bvise us and we will give yon the cab price obtainable, W. Jenkins & Son. 1111) [FWAIS '1 TEA Delicious and Refreshing India and Ceylon highest grade five o'clock Tea Try a package and be convinced W. T. O'c!1 The Hub Grocery SCRANTON COAL ALSO WOOD Any who wish to leave their order for future delivery can do so by leav- ing their orders at my residence Huron St. or phone 155. Tema strictly cash, E. Ward, ,-34-tf South End Grocery A full stock of Groceries & Provisions We solicit your patronage sols Levi Stang PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY GIRLS : ShTED fur knitters and learners BSD tigitIEN for menders aiad inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITER o .t wait Till next Winter to Talk about that Furnace DO IT NOW Agent for Ilecla Furnaces THOS. HHAWKINS. Plumbing and Heating. Phone 53 Shop over Rowland's hardware FLOUR and FEED A FULL LINE OF A.LSIKE and RED CLOVER, Also a quantity of Albatrea. SWEET CLOVER, and ONTARIO GROWN ALFALFA. A car of Government Standard Feed just received. J.A..FORD &SON Phone 123. 1 00000R STOVES NOW that hatching season has arrived we are in a place to sell a limited number of BROODER STOVES at very reasonable prices. They l are very much more satisfactory than the uncertain hen. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO, N. W. TREWARTHA, Manager, Phone 190; Holmesville 4 on 141 , CREAM WANTED ! The demand for our butter le ins creasing. To supply this demand we requirii more cream. We request you to ship us your cream. We guarantee you the Highest Market Prices, accurate tests and prompt service. Our firm is known to you and needs no further recommend, We pay all express charges, fume• ish cream cans and pay twice each Mottle. Write for earls or further inforina- Con to the m" Setiforth Creamery Co. FLOUR AND FEED hetes; Elevator 199, 'Residence 1i#:l 0, A, BARBER, MANAGES