HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-6-17, Page 9iPlumbers and :Electricians cLlpTON v- • JVNIt DEALER BUYING 'ALL Ii;INDS OF, JUN]{ AND POULTRY, Hilton News Recant 'I'Ii[U8sp r Jq I.7'tla, 9142.4.' }]IDES AND SIi:INs i PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICES M. RAmg4As• Phone 187. Albert Si Phone 24 . WOOD g1vee Al E. �' V OO» WAIT, PAPERS, MOULDINGS, , SIGNS, 11!`i`O. !INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING "We protect, your 1oore, furniture, Otos by plenty of drop sheets. ' Ontario iStreet CLINTON'S LLA.DING JEWELERY STORE A Good Display Will be in my win;low, showing you how time was told wfroni the stone age up to the present day. Don't miss this display, you may never see it again! It will only be shown in my store and for a short time only, '.A full lino of Watches Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, CutGlee% China, Umbrellas and Canes; Optical goods and some fancy Heade still left, don't wait till they are all gone. Agent for Phonolas, Records and needles always on hand.; '„ R. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Store Namomilgalmin Deep Cool! Call and see our Electric Fans, Irons, Grills, Toasters and Washers We Have a Full Line of Coal oil stoves and ovens Aluminum, Granite and Tinware Oils and Coal oil S tt r Per Phone 147w Special Annouanc .'trent of Clearing Prices EVERY ITER A " MONEY SAVER" Misses school shoes sizes 1 to 4:, clearing at $2.98 25 pairs Men's Heavy Boots, Black or Tan, special clearing at $4,50 Men's and Boy's Caps clearing®lines at ,50 5 dozen men's fine shirts, sizes 14 to 1.9k specsal clearing at 1.75 LOOK FOR• SPECIAL SALE PRICE TICKETS Immazancilkoarnmaerlielacerme lumsteel ros0 THE STORK] THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 20 NEW IDE,! PATTERNS. ora = :...OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK, ;vtki of GT4'r ?MIR SCREENS IN EARLY TIIIS YEAR AND YOU WON'T ItfAVJ TO ;SWAT',-..43WA'r .1 --SWAT Ii THE IIr., ,11.%RKME1t III1tOTTGH-� , III;AI)ttumer RS von•• PAINTSOIL STOVES YhItNI,tIIII;{i ;WASHING MACHINES ST'AINtI LAWN MOWERS rIlliJr'ITUI23; T'());lr`31X GARDEN HOSE I''LU(N.t WA -X ' GARDEN TOOLS L..'.7. AND U4.11J)IEiC SURDS • There was a house occupied by one Green- ing, Whose doors and windows stood in great need of screen- ing. Mr, Greening came to our "store where he found screens galore. 'And now much eom. fort his family is gleaning. II LA'jam. Mardwafe, ,Moves, and Novelties ,• "17ie Store ... I ... W th a Mock! 1 a Paper Is the keynote of ]tome furn- ishing, It assists more than any one thing. in making the home at- tractive. What does more to advance the welfare and com- fort of the people than bright, cheery, hospitable walla. Sure- ly money is widely spent on such home -making, joy -producing merchandise that brings Contin- nous and growing elevation and benefit to our abodes, Our var- ied stock of patterns and color- ings will soon he ready for your inspection at prices slightly higher than last year, noticeable. mostly in the lower priced goods only.. Tfte W. D. Farr Co. Often the Cheapest -=Always the ]fest 5" r r snuauiumrrumemnt`�' Ill'it Mrs, R. H. Jackson of Stratford was in town yesterday. Mrs, (Dr.) Taylor of Goderich was in town for a few days this week. Mrs. Ennnerton of Port Hope has been in town this weer.. Mr. Reynolds took in the excursion on the Greyhound this week. Bev. H. P. Westgate of Sandwich is spending a few days in town. Mr. C, Draper is in London this week •attending the I. 0. '0, F. Grand Lodge. Mrs. A. J. and Mrs. Hugh Grigg went over to Detroit on the excursion on Tuesday. Miss Edwards of the C. C. I. staff left this week for her home in Gananoqua. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Taylor and Mr. Jacob Taylor have been visiting in town this week, Miss Kate Scott of White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., is holidaying at her home in 'town. rs, Alfred Moreton of Sandwich is with her mother, Mis..Kilty, wlio has been quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scarlett were guests of Mrs. John Scarlett of town on ;Saturday, Mr. A. J. Cheeseborougli of Detroit visited last week with his daughter, Mrs, Elton Rozell. ass• Violet Barge of Sarnia is ex- pected on Saturday to visit for a -few days with Miss Ruby Wise. Mr, Levan of Toronto called on old friends in town last week. He was visiting his niece at Londesboro. Mr. Roy and Miss Helen Forrester at- tended the funeral of their uncle, Mr, William Elliott, at Mitchell on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, McKinnon and Miss Kathleen of Sault Ste. Marie, are the guests of the lady's mother, Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. R. J, Ciuff, Misses Mabel and Eva Cluff and Miss Minnie Cooper spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lobb of Goder- ich township. Miss Jean McMurchie, Miss Edwards, Miss Hellnkey and Miss Amy How- son spent the week -end as the guests of Mrs. Ross at her summer cottage, Bayfield. Mr, and Mrs. Marks, who formerly resided here, Mr. Maras being con- nected with the Bell Telephone Co., were passengers on the Greyhound. They visited friends at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Ilenly spent the week -encs at Ilderton attending the funeral of the late Mr. W. Howard, uncle of Mir. Henry, which took place on Sunday afternoon. Mr. John Forbes of El Paso, Texas, spent the week -end as the guest of his mother, Mrs, A. Forbesof town, He had been in 'Wasnington on Government business and took oc- casion to run over and see his another, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Haber and Mr. Jesse Burlison of Detroit are guests this week at the home of 'the lady's fattier, Mr. T. Mason. Mr. Burlison returns on the Grey- hound tomorrow but Mr, and Mrs. Haber are staying for a fortnight's visit. Mr. and Mrs, A. Welsh left last week on a visit to friends in Port •Huron, Detroit and Sandusky, Mich, They were detained on reach- ing London owing to the death of Mrs. J. Robinson, raster of Mrs. Welsh, but continued their journey on Saturday. Dr, and Mrs. W. W. Irwin of Moose Jaw, Sask., were in town: on Tues- day. Dr. Irwin makes an annual visit east and usually makes Clin- ton, the old home town, a. flying visit at least. They will visit their mother Mrs. J. Ws Irwin of Lon- don, and sister, DrMary Rutnian of Ceylon, who is arse with her mother, before returning to sthe west. Miss Preble Borden of Boston is spending her summer vacation with her uncle, Chas, F Libby, She came to Hamilton in care of the conductor and was met there by her male .last Friday and then Motored up to Clinton. She is de - aims of seeing cin Canada da as1 g her father is a cousin of the Canadian Premier, though for many years a resident of Boston. Mrs. H. Pollock and family loft this week to join Mr, Pollock in Mon- treal, where they will make their home. Mr, and Mrs. Pollock bane mashy friends during their residence in Clinton who regret their romov- al from town and they also enjoyed their sojourn here, trim, Pollock will be especially missed in the women'S organizations of Si, Paul's church, is which slie was a very ac- tive, Montreal is not a strange city to Mr, and Mrs, Pollock, however, as they reefded there be- f`or'e coining to Custer+, COt71i!TER CiIECES Owing to the necessity of supplying each customer with a counter check showing the tax separately, the demand by merchants for counter checks is being greatly increased. Also owing to the increase in the price of the paper from which counter checks are made the price is steadily increasing. Paper has advanced one hundred per cent, during the past two years and will make another sharp advance on July 1st. The scarcity ofpaper and the increased demand will cause delay in delivery. Those wishing counter checks should order at once for fall delivery. Get your supply before paper take0 another jump. We Supply Them LITTLE LOCALS. The tarvia arrived on Saturday and is being applied today. Some painting and repairing is be- ing done to the Ontario street parson- age. Mr, Douglas Ball has taken a posi- tion as junior on the Molsons Bank staff, Mrs. Win. Glen has purchased the residence of Mrs. Sheeley on Ontar- io street. The primary room at the Model school has been closed this week ow- ing to the illness of the teacher, Miss Thompson. A baseball match, between the east and west old-timers, has been ar- ranged for six o'clock Tuesday ev- ening on the Park, You ought to see it. 'Twill be some game. The postofrice and the Public Lib- rary have fallen in with the weekly half holiday idea, both being closed yesterday for the first time. The ar- rangement stands during the sum- mer months, Principal Treleaven and Mr, F. Foulcls and Misses MacDougall, Ed- wards and Helnikcy have been re-en- gaged by the Collegiate board for the next school year. Substantial in- creases in salary were made in each case. The W. C. T. U. will sleet at the home of the president, Mrs. C. J. Wallis, on Friday evening at eight o'clock. As arrangements are to be made for the county convention to be held here in July a full attendance of members is requested. Pity the U. F. 0, didn't have their big pow -wow a month earlier if it was responsible for the fine rails we had Tuesday and Wednesday, espea ially as it didn't spoil the pow -wow. Mr. John Haivkins of Hamilton is here assisting his brother, Mr. T. W. Hawkins. JOHNSTON—STEEP NUPTIALS. The Mail & Entire gives the fol- lowing account of the wedding of Miss V, B, Steep, .daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. II, Steep of Toronto, and niece of Mr. Fred Jackson of Clin- ton: "A quiet but very pretty wedding took place on Tuesday afternoon, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Steep, 274 Grace St., when their on- ly daughter, Vira Belle, was united in marriage to Mr. Harold T. Johnston, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Watrous, Sask„ eldest son of Mr. J. E. 'Johnston; Detroit. Rev: 13. IL Strangways, 13, A., of Clinton Street Methodist Church, performed the cer- emony. The charming little bride wore a gown of ivory crepe do Chine trimmed with DuchessA pint lace a picture hat to match, and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses, She enter- ed the drawing, room leaning on the arm of her father, and to the strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. A. Dyer. The bride was attended by Miss Kathleen Pequegnat, Brantford, Ont., who wore a gown of white net over pink, with large leghorn hat and carried a bouquet of Columbia roses, Bridegrooni was attended by his brother, Mr. E. C. Johnston. Ridley College,. St. Catharines. Following the ceremony a reoelhtion was hold by veworoamesissimagemassearzsaraserssassaermers the bride's mother, who wore a gown of taupe silk. The happy couple left on the evening train, amid showers of confetti, the bride wearing a navy blue suit, with blouse of sand crepe de chine; a hat of navy blue, and fox fur• After an extended trip through Western Canada and the Rocky Moutains, via the Great Lakes, they will take up residence in Wat- rous, Sask., after July 1st. The numerous and beautiful gifts testi- fied to the popularity of bride and bridegroom. The out-of-town guests included, Mr. Fred Jackson, Clinton; Mr, Walter Jackson, Brantford; Mrs, F. Jackson, Barrie; Mrs. Fred Elliott and Mrs. Jas. Johnston, Goderich; Miss Kathleen McNaughton, Clinton; Mr. J. E. Johnston, Detroit; Mrs. M. D. Kennedy and family, Cobalt; and Mr. Meredith Graham, Goderich." DEATH OF T. MASON. Word was received Sunday even- ing of the death of Mr. Thos. Mason, formerly of Clinton, which took place at the Monte of his daughter, Mrs. E. Catton, Detroit, The late Mr. Mason was born near Hull, England, ninety years ago. He tante to Canada when a young man of twenty-one, the ship 071 which he sailed taking sixteen weeks to cross the ocean. He cane to Huron county and after a short time took up the farm now occupied by Mr. Fred Tyn- dall of Tuckersmith. Later lie moved to Simeoe County, Barrie, where be remained for some time, returning later to Mullett, where lie farmed for years. Ten years ago he anci his wife left the farm and came to Clinton and about two years ago, owing to the infirmities of age, they were obliged to give up their Noble and go to reside with their daughters in Detroit. In November last Mr. and Mrs. Mason celebrated their dia- mond wedding, the sixtieth anniver- sary of their marriage. Mr. Mason is survived by his wife, who was formerly Miss Eliza- beth Garvin and who is at present in very poor health. but for the affliction of blindness, There are two daughters:l Mrs, E. Cotten and Mrs. II, Josling, Detroit; and two sons, John of Idaho and Thomas E. of Suntmee hili. Two sisters also sur- vive: Mrs. James Nott of the Lon- don Rollo and Mrs, Thos. Dustow of Mildmay, The remains wrrc brought home from Detroit for interment, arriving Tuesday evening, , and thefuneral took place from the home of Mr, T. 15. Mason, Summerhill, yesterday af- ternoon. '.1'lie services were conducted by the. Rev, S. Anderson, pastor of Ontario street chinch of which ch d- e ceased was a member. The pallbenr- era were: Chas, Lovett, Jas. Snell, David Iloggarth, J. J. Smth, Albert Neal and Wm. Lawson. Interment in Clinton cemetery. Mrs, It Jesting and her son, Mr, Cltas. Josling, accompanied the re- 011tins 210111 Detroit. • 4 1i If Mr, and Mrs, Mason and Mrs. Jos - ling wish to extend their sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for the kindness ad sympathy shown them in their bereavement. Cook Stoves ate., Q The Store of Ouality Davison's Got What You Need For making the Garden, House and Everything look spie and span. Step ladders, all sizes Alabastine in 21 shades Woodlae Stain makes old furniture look like new Martin-Senour Paints /or all purposes Lawn Mowers, Rubber Hose, Sprinkling Cans Floes and Rakes W. H. DAVIS°` N SUCCESBOR,TO R. ROWLAND GENERAL HARDWARE PHONE 53 Bruce's Seeds 0 BURNS' CHURCH FESTIVAL Burns' church Ladies' Aid will give 1 a strawberry Festival on JUNE 23rd ----on-- 17ARLO.CK SCHOOL GROUNDS Clinton Kiltie Band, and a Drill entitled: "Indian Huntress." Corrie and enjoy yourselves, The Graham House Having taken over the above ho- tel it is now reopened for boarders and travellers. We solicit a share of public patronage. W. GAY. Strawberry Pickers 1 want 100 Strawberry berm Pickers for the coming season, Nice, pleasant work and good pay, one o wanted n No n to w der 10 years of age. 1 will have a limited quantity of berries for local trade this year, as 1 have dis- posed of the bulk of my crop by contract, so those wanting strawberries bad bettor get their order in early. 49 Frank W. Andrews CLINTON DANCING IN JOWETT'S PAVILION EVERY WEDNESDAY AND FRIM DAY EVENING DURING JUNE, JULY AND AUGUST Dancing from 8 o'colck to 12, Blackstone -Buckley Orchestra, DANCING —AT ----4 Jowett's Pavilion, Bayfield -••SATURDAY NIGHT 8.30 to 12. PHELAN'S ORCHESTRA CLINTON 1E 011N11 Ilas some fine speeial new music for lawn socials. On aceeunt of tho busy season coming on it would bo • well for those who wish to avail them- selves of the services of the band for such occasions to book dates at once and save disappointment later, 15. C, Andrews secretary, Phone 181,,' W. Notch, Phone 74 ,.._4..«- , .