The Clinton News Record, 1920-6-17, Page 8(Coni or ` Fabric. A PFEARANCE is often r. deceptx`t e---anc1119 one can tell how much service a tire will give by looking at it. In buying tires yoU must rely almost entirely on the integrity of the irlanufacturer 'who produces them. You earl depend aleeolutely ' on Partridge "'tires llecause the factory is back of every tire they inake, 1.tx11-1, Gime as Their Aldine' L2013 LET "DANDERINE" SAVE ¥OUR HHA R Get rid of every bit of that ugly dandruff and stop failing hair To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of "Danderino" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little iii your hand and rubwell into the scalp. After several applications all dandruff usually goes and hair stops coming out. Every hair in your head -soon shows new life, vigor., brightness, thickness and more color. , 1'1 The World Trade Club of San Fran- cisco proposes the name Unitania for . the English-speaking peoples of the' world. It -consists of fractional parts ea_of the words United States and Bri- iilsri nia. The Club 'is trying to get Tdnitania toadopt the decimal system of weights and measures now lased by the entire civilized world except the English-speaking nations. • Minaret's Liniment for, sale everywhere, How Advertising Helped to Wien the War. "The Force That Makes Itleen Live" le the title of a very interesting book- let recently issued :iv A, Mcltim, Limited, Montreal., It tells of what regular advertising accomplished In educational work during the war, and refers specifically to the many .cam- paigns which were handled by Allis Agency. One has but to recall the ef- fect of such propaganda campaigns as Belgian . Relief, Canadian- Patriotic Fund, Thrift Campaign, Military Ser- vice Act, ate., etc„ to realize that ad- vertising has entered upon a new era of usefulness. To quote from the booklet: "During, the past few years Government poli- cies have been preserved and en- dorsed, armies and war loans have been raised, thrift and ' production have been engendered by propaganda advertising, "Where au equal community of in- terest and unity of effort is needed, propaganda advertising will he, used again, :whether to -make a given pro- duct of more service' to 'the consumer, to correct"general misunderstandings of the operation and .earnings of im dustry, to quicken public interest in thrift and conservation, or to arouse sentiment on great national issues:' , As the bookie) declares-J:the news- paper press is the greatest agency for mouPding public opinion. In its ad- vertising coltimus, the story can be presented throughout the whole coun- try end can be repeated. till its mess- age is carried home to the whole people. It has been estimated that hal there been no wars and no epidemics, the present population of the world, 1,519,000,000 people, could have des- cended from a single couple in 1,782 years. Styles for -Sumer Gini 9543-9507 953) 9590 Tt'aN0e1Design T,a022 Isfer.D9sign on over the head; two styles of sleeve; 37 or 35 -inch length from evatetline), Price,'25 cents. In 8 s'iizes, 34 to 48 ins. bust measure. Size 36 requires 8r yds. 40 ins. Width, 1% yds, 9530—Ladies' Dress (with or with- out two-piece tunic; 87 or 88 -inch length). Price, 30'eentst In 7 sizes, 84 to 46 ins. bust measure. 'Size. 36 requires 8% yds, 40 ins. wide; collar, 36 ins. wide. Width, 1% yds. These patterns . may he obtained from your local 'McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co,, 70 Bond, St., 0543—Ladies' Suit -Coat (31 -inch length). Price, 30 cents. to 5 sizes., 84 to 42 ins. bust, Size 36 requires 3 yds. 40 ins, wide, or 224 yds. 54 inc.• 9507—Ladies' Skirt87 or .33-10011 length Brom waistline). Price, 25 cents. Int 6 sizes, 24 to 84 ins. waist measure. Size 26 requires, .gathered skirt, 2% yds, 40 ins: wide; accordion- pleated skirt, 3' yds. 40 ins. wide. Width, gathered', 17% yds.; accordion pleated, 2'+re yds. 9531—Ladies' Dress (to be slipped Toronto, Dept.W Still Scald at the Sarre Fair Price and appreciated by more and more families where tea or coffee has been. displaced ---- • Atrial of this healthful economical table drink soon demonstrates the cause of its popularity Made instantly in the cup% No Work. Better Health. at e, .,., T .reS a Re so. 0 STUM A Serpent Garden The serpent garden of Butenten is a sort of "snaked .,ilaradiao," There, the meet ve11onooue anielsee in the Wergild. have 'palatial .holed,: built in the shape of beaver huts, of concrete; 4lld Chet' oarroundines and the care 1560 011 of them leave ave even 815,0' reef exacting Make nothing further to des sine The garden is about ten• tniles'from Sao. Paulo, Brazil, 00123 here s'eieptieta are studying the mysteries of anitke biology, The original reason for the 'es -tab- lis'bment of the garden, which is a huge nursery for snakes, Wes to ob- tain serum enough to vrovide 14 rem- edy for those bitten by sllals90 throughout Breen. In the compar- atively small sante of Sal Paulo a10ue, the average annual death rate from Peke bites uesdeto be 240. Since.the garden of Butanten was opener, and serum (matuves taken, tha prompt treatment of victime has been made poseib'e everywhere and the death rate reduced to nil. There are said to be more snakes in Brasil' than in any other . country in (the western hemisphere, The genial' is 000 acres in extent and (leakiest' into three departments, two of which aye devote. to cobras, erotaleds and 'bothrops, the moat poi- sonous snakes known; while the third departmen't is given over "to non- poisonous snakes. The inciosure within which the snakes' habitations are situated is surrouedect with a low, thick stone wall and a diheh, teat while not wide enough to be cligm fled with the name of moat, is nevertheless an impaseeble barrier to the slimy, creepy denizens of the garden of Butantan, In the centre of the gardei) is another en- closure, against which the outside world is similarly safeguarded as from the Larger one; and in that small- er inelosure are kept only specimens of the rarest species of the reptile famely. BUSINESS GIRLS AND TEACHERS Suffer From Overtaxed Nerves and 'Often a Complete Breakdown. - • Thousands of earnest, intelligent -young womenwho earn their liveli- hood away- from home, in the school room, in public offices and in large biisinese establishments, are silont, suffering victims of over -taxed uervee and deficiency of sttrength. Weak, breathless.' and nervous, they work against time, with never a Peat when- headaches henheadaches and backaches make every hour seen like a day. Little wonder their cheeks lose the glow of health and grow pale and thin; their eyes are dull find sunken and beauty slowly but surely fades. Busdness women and girls, because_ of their work and worry, look older than their years. What they need is the frequent help of • a true, streugthening remedy to carry then: through the day. Dr. Williams Pink Ptlle are 'like actual food to the starved nerves and tired brain of the business girl. By making rich, red blood they supply just- the kind of help girls need to preserve their health end energy, and their good looks. Dr. Williams Pink Pills bring bright eyes, rosy checks, high spirits, and thus nla.lte the• day's duties lighter, - MIss Maty II. Aunt says: "Many people think of the life of a school teacher as one of comparative ease, with short hours and holidays plenti- ful. But the reverse i,'1 the ease. When 011e has to stand day after day, year 1n and year out, with the worries great and small; from handling children, it begins to tell upon oven the strongest and especially upon the nerves. I had been teaching about five years, and was then located at Springfield, Ont.; when I found I was far from having the vitality I started out with, Before my term was out I had a complete nervous breakdown. I tried doctor's medicine and it helped, but only for a while. I then tried osteopathic treat- ment but with no better results. I suffered from loss of, appetite, slept poorly, was nervous and troubled With severe headaches,. Holidays cense and I tried.e change of schools, but got in- to a harder place where I had over fifty pupils under my care. Thorn were clays when it seemed impossible for Inc' to carry on my work. At this stage my sister, ,who had also been a 'teener, ,;strongly advised me to try Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills. I took the advice, and by the time I had finished tuy ascend box, I felt that the pills were helping me: I was on my nines box when I decided there was no necessity for coil.tiuuing the treatment, as I had never Pelt bettor, and had gained twelve pounds in weight. Dr. Williams Pink Pills, with plenty of ereoh air, worked' wonders In my case, and I should advise the use of them to any other run down teacher,"' You can get De. Williams Pink Pills from any dealer 3n medicine, or by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box, or, 01x boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil. Hams Medicine Co., Brookville; Ont. Milking Cows by Machine. The newest kind of mechanical milk- maid is built to 'milk five cows at office, its operation depending upon an exp haunt pump and a compressor. The former produces suction' and works. a pulsator in one direction; the cora-. pressor drives It in the opposite di- rection. The resiili is that a vacuum 10 turned on and off sixty tlnlee a minute, with suction anc1 release at each stroke of the pump. Tho 0011- trivanee may be operated either by electricity or by gasoline. The Right Idea. A pessimist: and an, o•ptintist were discussing life from their diEerent vlewpoints, "1 really believe," said 1110 former, that 1 could make a bettor World my- "le Sure?" returned the optimist; that's what wo are hove Poi'. Now Set us got to•work tied de le" JO AND LA bbN SS .FOR THE CHILDREN ]lively 0411a—whether it' be poor or rich, is Petaled to Joy 00141 glade 0a cleoid: 1, Ilia btrtlll'ighh of all anti there is 308 lotutely 1:19,00ubt that the. healthy habY 7e a happy baby. 11 is Ilio balty'a austere 19' be ::appy--atot' ernes. Only the sickly baby fs woes, Tee well .a1il1d'is a Joy to 1150 lemo— IC is a laughing, gurgling, happy little 910.10 of humanity which drives dull" Care 1;ron1 the 11603011010. The sickly baby Is Lha opposite --.he is crows and. Peevish; cries a' great deal a1111 Is 'a source 01 ealistant worry to the mother. But nlatllers 111e1'e is 110 1)00d of your little ones being eiekly. Tie-• gulate•the baby's bowole and sweeten his stomach with a gentle but thorough laxative and baby will soon- be well -au'd )happy again, Thotierirlda of mothers have ereved this through heir 000 of Baby's Own Tablet/4-- 1here le a senile in every dose of the' Tablets. Give them to your baby and mane hint happy. Tlie Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by 117:111 at 26 cents a box -from The Er, Wil- liams Medicine Co„ Brockville, Out, ' Brt' .,;ding Foxes In same countr!e0 the fox is hunted and ]tilled for sport, but if one killed a fox in Prince Edward Island lie might wipe out three or four thousand dollars of the assets of some citizen, For they breed foxes in Prince Edward Island. It is estimated that there aro about 500 foxes -on the various ranch- es in that province, and it was recent- ly estimated that in one year $250,000 changed panda in the fox industry. The succera that has attended some breeders of foxes has canned very many others to enter the 1aucbillg .business, and there have been lueor- porated several fox -ranching com- panies. While the particular fox it is sought to produce is called the black fox, it is really the animal known to the fur markets of the world as the salver gray. It was the pelt of a fox from Prince Edward Island that brought the world's record price of $2,000 in 'the' London market some years ago. The explanation of the high price paid for the skin of the so -Balled black fox is that the quantity offered In the big fur markets of the world leas fall- en in thirty years from 2,000 to about 300. In the old days the wilds of Canada, through the Hudson Bay Co., virtually suppliedtheworld with furs, but now semi - domesticated animals furnish many pelts. Never Wears a Hat, John I1a.rkor, of Belfast, Ireland, who was born In England more than fifes' years ago, has gone for uine years without a head covering of any ]find in summer's heat and winter's cold. IIe says he has driven liulldreds of miles bareheaded, when the ther- mometerregistered 10 degrees o1• more Below zero, but has never frozen his earq,,and never has a earl an the head or a'headaclle, AMINARD'S LINIMENT is the only Liniment asked for at 111y store and the only one we keep for 'sale. All the people use It. IiARLIN F TJLTON. Then She Knew. Esmeralds sat in her bower—the top back bedroom—and gazed at a Portrait. It represented a very ordin- ary young pian, but Esmeralda thought him otherwise. • But do I love him?" she asked ben - self. '"Is this really love or merely a sisterly affectiou--?" ' Just then the door burst open and her young brother arrived like a whirl- wind, Without a moment's pause, Es- meralda took him by the ear and threw him out, Then she at down before the photo- graph again. "No,' she. said, with a sigh, '151y love for Arthur' is, nbt a sisterly affee- t'ion—it le something stronger; higher, gentler than that;" Lift off Corns! tioesi'iat hurt t1 bit and Freezone costs only a fee/ cents. A A HgYAtop ? of atqar1duwithhtl9 9100$ 171511225, del out) rest, ainr • n114Apaa of otr iseee,fre ee :reltejp bad your p000 pulpit- : uooef s guasent0eflt7yt p 'a'Livi PLETQN'S RAZoMAH • CAPSULES This. ilrenaratt°n 11ther9- • 11.811a(fi(6V%Pt'irweo0.0 130019rl)305erk0)t"0 111925 derived the 1.resteee benefit through 123 880!3, Write pe11' 1nejTng'let0i2 EeSt SWoibyOrnetlolabie drufY$iete everyWberoter el,oh a hos, ......,,,,,0)z„ rove,.,,. 'l"E:MPLETON fs RHEUMATIC CAPSULE For 9:)100 9oaYs 1110 ' staliaargl speai94 for Rheumatism, Neuritis; Gout }ip 50152:lea, Lumbago. Neuralgia l i{ NMfali etoydoptotrgs,p1r1e2 sxc1h,g3aot.tyvo mammies, este rTnor- ent0 fur ay unions druggists uVerywhore for 8204 per 153x, No Leek." When A'rchle Bret Joihed )r9, the 11er- geant who tool: him, in hand stu'cas11' tally observed that the war would soon be. over, Archie blandly agreed. The sergeant asked him what the something something he 0neent • "'Why, 1 never could keep a Job,". he said, ' A little later Archie got into trouble and was awarded telt deye', 033. Ile Wrote and told his -mother. FIo was 50 distressed he wrote to tier; "Mother, I am a defaulter." She wrote back congratulating him 012 hie promotion, and added: "Never be hard 011 a private, Archie, Remem- ber always you, too, have been In the ranks." - MOTHER! "California Syrup of Fig's" • Child's' Best Laxative • Accept "California' Sy 't11.) of Figs only ---look for the name California on the package, then you ale sure your child is having tho hes and most harmless physic for the little stom- ach, liver and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "Cali- fornia." A flag on the schoolhouse is fine. A flag in ever;' home is better, and a flag ,in every heart is best of ell. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. Coal is now $120 a ton in Italy, twenty times as much as in pre-war days. SINCE ei 10'/0 ftf PI4 .04 4'01:«+ 130 0COPSCO eEd' GHS MY NAD BAIJ CASL OF EZEMA On Arins,Faceandlink. kiwi. Wawa He& "1V'y baby had a very had csse or eczema. It etortod an smell pimples and eproad on her elms and face and limbs, as for no her hips. The skin was ooze and red and the breaking out itched, so that eke wanted to ocratch all the time, She was ansa and fretful and could not sleep day or nigle. "Then I aced Uuticera, and when I had meal four cakce of Seep and four be:aa of Ointment cbo eras , healed." (891'-ned) T-,2re. George 87ielcr, P,. 17. NO. 2, Bei: 44, Coopers Mills, 101o., May 0, 1910. Give 001100ra Soap, Ointment and Talcum the cera' of your skin. Soap tee, Ointment 211 and 00c. Sold throuirhouttho1ominion, CaandiaftOapot v ons, L]mlto o 85. Faua St., Montreal.. Caticure Soap Wartime wlibouhnug. Mian ROstittttion of Louvain )Boobs, A Ocrinan-Ilelgian gamnlieaiail 'of exports bee erreageCt110 ]11900 of re• btltution of the Louvain T 11veralty library, le ted during the war, ey which the booltdealel''s association of Leip- ole liar taken charge Af buying a fixed numb e1 ' of soh 11 t a an i nil a d ,e d u. n e nlanu5cripts replacing the lest 01109, )hila protecting. the German libraries which give up dupiietltee Jit their pee- UpaOlon, Bari a Berlin deepatcli. • 'Fite librarian, Dr, Oehler, le OPIeelnt- ed pati nal 00101ni,9s101101' to superinf tend tee work.. . asee er A Sootch Blessing, "If after 111e kirk you :lido a wee, :here's solve wad like to appals to ye.. 11 after pari) you rise and flee, We'll all seem cold and stiff to ye, The one that's in the seat rel' ye 1% st)'dn5e1' here 111621'yotl, maybe; A11 hero hoe got their fears and eaves; Acid you your soul unto env. prayers; 130 you 00)0 angel unawares." MONSY ORDERS, It is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order, Five dollars casts throe cents. . Bathe -perspiring hands . in warm water to which a little alum or 7110530 has been added. Ask for Minard's end take no other. , Mutton is considered the most nour- ishing 'meat. - - - - COARSE SALT LAND -$ALT. Bulk Carlota TORONTO GALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF • TORONTO LIMP AM XMAS., • CIo*ssitied Advertisemer)te. 91t'iu xxl%x:sirs . . Pay y011, paerse Steven i pterl?prough,• *worts, ' 1 4rfQUil'1xt7A Ni0Wt61`'M'11 $o11 rrtlttlnq 11)an1 1a 1001)001� ..:1#119-111,14 In.urathw o. 1')04 01,000. Wl. o for S1,200:an cutek 12015. DOS 6*4 wIloen ;14411 J11ns Go., i.tll,, '3orento, 13 U1t} 1Ck�.1:M hl po ,.)00 2 rN. ANA or, 5 pped, Onnn troth a al Do notselltiros Limited, °waato mad. ns, Keenan riroa, x ilnited, Uwe» 7iounA, Ont .. )cess rx3VO oorw0rt T0u4 1at7itsnis, i uifa'r1aiuop 111AiN11IG fit:k]OOIe ,, for 34urses: AVM% Rospllal 205 South Broad Street, i011zabeth. Ne999aaa Jersey; Complete course, Monthly ai+' low/taco; first year $5.00, second 110.00, third, 01.5.00, Address: Superintendent, 1535LP WAtItED, fa'G7 Al,303'. 3, Elan -CLASS 1114N0i5 I i carpenters to work on interior ritungs. flood wagon, steady work. Apply Latdlaw Lumber Company, 225(5 Dundas W., Toronto, - - mortocia Soaeor Bog Sbem,odf00 Zook oat° DOG DiSEAASES and 25ow to 'Reed Mailed Free, to,any. Ad- dress by the Author, XI. may Grover Oo., Sate. 132 West 1191 Street . New York, U.S.A. Appear Al Year Best—Instantly If you receive'a sudden caller or an unexpected in- vitation yeu can feel con- fident of a1WaYs appearing at your best. In but a fcw moments It renders 005001 Skin a wonderfully pure, soft complexion that is beyond comparison. lldng T ' Done You Dread I'is 'THE morning and evening drudgery on that hard, shiny milk stool, the tired arras and aching wrists—the daily grind of an uncomfortable diatasteful year 'round chore? Small wonder you dislike it.. And the cows Like hand milking no more than you do. But with. The M ecartooey Machine milker 1113*. COW'S ADOPTED C13ILD it's' different. For the Macartney Milker not only takes all the drudgery out of milking time and makes it the moat pleasant work on the farm, but it Is a big money-maker and a big labor saver. The hfae 2.rhlay do's its work thoroughly and completely and, nays for itself in a short time. Furthermore. it is so, ,natural, uniform and gentle that the cows are 'quieter—more contented, the milk flow Is Sreeter ,than under harsh hand treatment. Learn 011 about the =thieve features of the hfacartaey Machine Mliser— Put y00r 110010 and address on the coupon below and mail it to -day. There is no obligation Involved and we feel sure you will be interested even If you do not iignre on purchasing a "milker" . Immediately. The Macartney Milking i ,�'�y Tl IS 6eUPON NOLM t 1�h bloc Co. Limited 1 3166. Gathorino Street �r' rao 321)fta07 Milking 3111121/9 / CO. limited - Ot!<wa Qttaxta �, �f� r f,'rnikrfen^ �± Plsau said me fail trorifculars 1 .°' ;�pl�� 44y1 ' y+ rears as 1Vtar:ortney Milker. r' Address...,.... .»........ _... / Name ... Dept. JI d :tape -.-.....[0808 D. 5 ONLY TALE S ;'i ARKED "BAYERff ARE ASPIRIN Net Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" For Colds, Pain, Headache, Neural - rat, Toothache, Earcche, and for heumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu. ritis, take Aspirin marked with the name "Bayer' or you are not taking Aspirin at all. Accept only "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" in an unbroken "Bayer" package which contains complete dir reetions. Then you aro getting real. Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin izre- willed by ph sioians for over nine- teen years. Now made in Canada. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab- lets coat but a few cents. Druggist% also sell larger "Bayer" packages. novo in only one Aspiriu--"Bayern--„You mast say "Bayo:" Aspirin fe the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Montt+ aeollcaeldester of aellcylloadd, While Yt 10 hall known that Asplan means Bayqp manufacture, to assist the public against Imitetlone, the Tablets of Bayer Company, win bo stamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross." /5049 P 1.19 . 25 With your fingers) You can lift off any hard corn, soft corn, or corn be- tween the toes, and the hard skin cab luses them bottom of feet. A tiny bottle 01 "Preezonefl costs little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the coin or callus, In- stoutly it stops hurting, then ahortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus right off, root. and all, without one b11 of pain or soreness. Thllyl No hum- bug! In Austeaks there are ants which build their nests along a north, and tenth line 00 accurately that a traV9 - ler may dived his course by their aid;. (reap letimrd'c Liniment in the 1101)9e. ISSt1) 1Vo, 25- e'e0i ANCHOR PLUG h the chewing tobacco of superlative excellence. Try a Nag today. Jt I j