HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-6-17, Page 400nton1 New , e ori
• S office
}3uslriess hiltturs--• G N�«', Ytolegitil h i
p, tr cl ivs sG C T .lt. telegraph officio
8• r•Ins, to 4 On, !aa . it I ,
ii itsbe>Pr liol1
Yaa, u C
i a iauNato
l oiiW�n MO pan
at the
MonarchGoods Store
Cooper's Book. Store
The ,long, silky
coats of Aus-
tralian sheep
supply the wool
from which Mo-
narch Floss,
Pave :send Down
are spun, The
elasticity, the
astonishing even-
ness and
strength of
these fine, longe
fibre yarns are
"such that the
garment into
which they -''are
woven retains its
good looks thr-
a oughout long
and, active use.
They come ,in j
80 ..shades, • one
ounce balls 35a,
two ounces G0c
All . are Cana-
dian" spun:
Western University n versit ..-,
London, Ontario
marts and Sciences,
Sumer School .
July .5th to August 13th
K. P. R. NEVILLE,.J egistrar r
iei c ralaetroit w4
tAnonthose Whe reek in the Choy -
Gntio Me s8 r d,7as, .111eC1Ynnt
Robt, Daymen and Wilfred Meliis,
T1•r•., •and 1Vlrs, Aitken and children
platored over to Bayfield mi' Monday
and spent the ai'ternoon *Oh friends,
Mrs. D, McKenzie and son Donald
of I3Pechwood'I;'arin, Goderichtown
ship, spent' Tuesday with Mr. and
Mrs.A. McKenzie, . They . motored
over in their new ear, ,
Mrs, Andrew Bell, Sr., is very ill•
and little hopes are held out foar her
reo very, Mis, (Rev.) J, Richard -
soil of Brigden arrived on Monday to
assist in nursing her mother,
Mr. Jas. Workman' of the second
con. of Stanley held; a stroke of par-
alysis last weelc: At time" of writ-
ing his
rit-ing.his condition was somewhat im
proved. _
Mr. and Mrs. Grainger of Bruce -
field visited with Mr, and Mrs, 'P,
BPwey On Sunday.,
A pretty wedding took place at
the home • of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Strong, second con. of Tuckersmith,
when their only daughter, Miss Belle,_
weeunited in marriage to Mr:Harvey
idoore of the 4th con. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev. S. Mc-
Lean of Egmondville beneath an arch
of snowballs and ferns. The floral
decoration in the dining room were
very beautiful, showing the artistic
taste of the ladies, in charge. • The
ceremony was performed at four.
o'clock After congratulations a
sumptious wedding dinner Was par-
taken ,of
artaken•of ' In the 'evening a mimber
were invited to join the wedding par-
ty and to offer congratulations. The
evening was spent in games and danc-
anceing. A number of the gifts were
costly The bride was gowned in a
handsome white, hand embrodered
silk gown and the usual veil and or-
ange blossoms' The couple wereun-
attended Many good wishes follow
them to their new home.
Mr. Wm. Strong, toucher, is pre-
siding in Blyth this week at the High
School examinations now taking place
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Deitz, along
with some friends, mosorea to Ham-
ilton on "Sunday • arriving home on
Wednesday. •
The young people of St. Andrew's'
church are practising, a play entitled
"The Minister's bride", and will pre-
sent it in the near future. It is be-
ing looked forward to with much in-
Miss Jean Murdock wont to Detroit
on the Greyhound excursion on Tues-
Mrs. John McGowan and little son
of Toronto are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W.- H. ' Rattenbury.
The Gals Bible class will hold a
social on Mr. W. Elliott's lawn. ` on
Friday evening, the proceeds go to-
wards paying for the piano.
Quite a number from here -took in
the Farmer's picnic on Tuesday,
• The Sticrainent of the Lord's Sup-
per was dispensed in Union church
• last Sunday when quite a number of
new members joined.
Miss Margaret Waugh of London
is visiting -Mrs. W. H. Rattenhury.
The many friends around here of
Mrs. Joseph Robinson of London
were very sorry to hear of her death
- en Thursday of last weer:.
Miss Jessie Cochrane of Seafortb
was the guest of her sister„ Mrs,
Hugh Cameron, last week.
Mrs. (Rev.) McIntosh is visiting
at her home in North Bruce..
Mrs. Hugh McDougall and little
daughter of Tiverton are guests at,
the Walker House.
Little Miss Evelyn Grainger is
'home from the Clinton Hospital,
where she underwent a very serious
operation. '
Mr. and Mrs. Cornish of . Usborne
spent Sunday with Mrs. •Cornish's
mother, Mrs. G. Hill,
*Willett Township
Miss, Margaret Adams has return-
ed home after 'spending three weeks
visiting friends in Brampton and To-
The death tools place on Monday of
Mr. Henry Gazier, after a compara-
tively short illness The late Mr..
Glazier was born, in Chingacousy
township nearly sixty-one years ago
and he has been a resident of Huron
for a good many years For the past
ten years he has farmed on the 10th
of Hullett, previously being foreman
on the 'Ransford farm near Clintdh.
He is survived by his wife, who was
a daughter of the late Henry Free-
man, and a family of four, three
daughters and one son: Mrs. Hessel-
wood and Mrs. B. Riley of this town-
sbip and Myrtle and Percy at home,
Adam Glazier of Clinton is a brother
the sisters are: Mrs. Onslow Crich,
Linton; Mrs: J. H. Frank, Altona;
rMrs, Geo. Peel, North Dakota; Mrs.
E. Simpson, Barnum, Minn.; Mrs.
J. Saulter, Eau Claire, Wis.; Mrs.
Park and Mrs. "Mossett of London;
Mrs. Cole of Bladworth and Mrs. J.
Freeman of Hullett, and five half-
brothers: Thomas and Albert of
Hallett, Peter of Holmesville and Jo-
seph. and Charles of London. The
funeral takes place this afternoon
from the. late residence to Clinton
cemetery. It will he in c'narge of the
Canadian Order of Forresters, o1
which deceased was a member. The
services will be conducted by the Rev.
S. Anderson.' The family have the
sympathy of the community.
Kr. James Snell, Htillett's well-
known stockman, shipped five head of
Shorthorns on Friday last to the
Fairfield Stock Farms, Coland, Miert,,
twelve head of Leicesters, all show
,sheep, to Mr. Thos. 'Smith, 'Leth-
bridge, Alta., and one, a shearling,
to Mr. Pdreell of Huntington; Que.
1VIr. Snell's stock farm' has done
much -16 advertise the county • of
Huron "throughout Canada and the
United States. `
The following is the report •for
Union S. S. No. 2- Hullett for the
month of May. The names are ar-
ranged .in order of standing:
Sr. 4th—Ruth Dale.
Jr. 4th—Lillie Glew, Stanley Shob-
brook. ' '-
' Sr. 3rd --Annie Hunter.
Jr. 3rd—Bill Glew.
Sr. '2nd—Harry Veneer, Frank
Dale, Ruth Shobbrook, -Charity Snell.
Jr 2nd—Charles Halstead.
Printer A—Archie Dale.
Pruner 'B -Irene Veneer.
—Edith E. McMichael, Teacher.
• Tuckersmith Township
Mr. W. G. Strong has been re-en-
gaged to teach in S. S. No. 2, Tuck-,
ersrnith, for the coning year at
$1,000 and the section pays his sup-
erannuation fee of $25.' As this is
$200 .less than the minimum salary
adopted by the Federation of. Teach-
ers for Ontario the trustees agree
to .increase his salary to- $1200, if
any of the teachers, in the neighbor-
ing ,sections 'receive the minimum
salary.of $1200. The Normal students
are- applying for $1,000.
Much Sickness Due to
Lack of Work
The healthy body produhes more
energy than it needs to keep the
Heart, Lungs and Bowels working.
This surplus energy must be spent',
in mental or physical work. On the
other:hand, people who work too
hard use their reserve strength anid'
wear out .this system..
People who are inclined to Ner:
voiasness, Constipation, or have any
of the Troubles' of the Heart, Liver,
Nerves, Kidneys. Stomach or Bowels
can greatly improve the condition of
their health if they so desire.
If you work too hard, take more
rest, if you work ,too ltittle, take
more exercise, you will need med-
icine to correct the taltnbles caused
by your indiscretions and to asg'ist
nature to restore health. Theft take
Heart andxlierve Remedy
and if you require a.laxative take
• Hacking's
Kidney and Liver Pills •
These two preparations will work
avanders and We twill guarantee
!beneficial results because we know
they will do 'so. •
Mr. Wil bin E. Eagleson, of Bay
, field, writes as follows: „.."I- have
:rnteh pleasure in addressing, you In
regards to Haoking's wonderful
Heart and Nerve Remedy. I have
used quite a few boxes and I must
say they have donet,me a world of
good, Please send ere 5 More boxes
of 1"Iac'king's Heart and Nerve Rem-
edy and 2 bakes of Hacking's
nay and Diver Fills,” '
It you too want to regain your lost
health, then go to your nearest :Drug*
Store aud' ask for Hackings.
St, Efelens
, Mr. Robert Barbour, Mrs. Carney,
and Clarence and Vola Barbour of
Erin visited friends around St. Hel-
ens the end of -the week. '
Mr.- and Mrs. Earl Cranston, ,Mrs.
Cranston and MisseDella motored to
Guelph for the week -end.'
Miss Lila Humphrey has returned
home after visiting friends at White-
church for, a couple of weeks.
Rev. Mr. Amos of Palmerston is
conducting services in the Presbyter-
ian church in the absence of tlie pas
tor, Rev. Mr. 'Jainieson.
Messrs: Geo. McRoberts and John
McQuillian attended the Anglican
convention at Hanover' 'on Wednes-
Mr.' and Mrs. D. Todd and Stanley,
and Mr. and Mrs. John' Rutherford
motored to Rockwood, Guelph and
other places the end of the week.
Miss Welsh of Belfast visited her
friend; Miss Ether Anderson.
Mrs. Moorehead of Brampton and
Mrs. Todd of Wingham spent a few
days around St. Helens.'
Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Cameron spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. Jas:` Pur -
don, .
Miss Mime Rutherford of Fergus
is house for the holidays
S'1a1SIiieg Towvushiip
Mr. J. McNaughton and :fainly
have taken up their residence in Lon-
Miss Myrtle • Jackson and Miss Isa-
bel Manson, two young ladies of
this township, will receive their di-
plomas as nurses at the graduating
exercises in connection with Goderich
hospital a. be held in Oddfellows'
Hall, Goderich, on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boyce, accom-
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tucker
of London, motored to Toronto and
spent a most enjoyable time visiting
Mrs. Mary L. Wheatley and also Mrs.
Ernest Wills at her summer home on
Lake Simcoe,
The following is' the report of 5.!
S. No. 3. for May: •
5th --Clifford Clarke, 71%, Arthur
Peck, 62:
Sr. 4th—Ardell Grainger, 71. -
Jr, 4th -'-Alma Rathwell, 852, Har-
old Taylor, 327. . '
Jr. 3rd—Blanche Taylor, 380, Sar-
ah Reid, _340.
Jr. 2nd -Murray Grainger; 512,
Louis Taylor, 408, Marie Grainger,
4Q7, Russell Rohner, 387, Lillian
Marks, 337.
Primer A—Harvey Taylor and
John ,Marks 180.
Primer B—Agnes Kerr, 38.
—Margaret Peck, teacher.
The following is the May monthly
report of S. S. No, 14. Names are
in order of merit:
5th -L. E.' Hyde.
Sr. 4th—B. I. McLachlan," E. C.
Harvey, C. W. Coleman.
Jr; 4th—E .F. Anderson, H. A.
Dinsdale, 0. M. Anderson.
Sr, Jrd—O. L. Knight,' G. A., Har-
Vey, Gr M 'Coleman..
Jr. 3rd—N. W. McClyniont,
Anderson, W. D. McLachlan.
Jr. 2nd—P. M McKenzie, J. A. Mc-
Lachlan. '
Second . Part—M. J. McDonald, A.
F. Chesney, H. W. Hyde.
First Part—W. M. Murdock, B. L,
Mustard, S. Cundmore.
The best spellers hri the monthly
spelling matches were:
Sr. 4th ---Beatrice McLachlan,
Jr. 4th—Helen' Dinsdale.
Jr, 3rd --Grace Coleman..
Sr. 2nd --John Anderson,
A house is built of brick and sten-
es, of tiles and posts and piers, but
a home is Wilt of loving deeds that
stand a thousand years.
Goc l *'jgh Towln.ship
I' ,n'
Mr s Geo
�' and' i ''sa ' tic
� ,Peal n end
little Margaret , ro
t Miss Mnga t oi, Wayiae, Mich„'
are visiting ilt the home of the form,
en's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Mott,
Mr. John S. -McKinnon, a native of
Birth, and son of the late D. B, Me-
Kinnon, sP long re prominent business
titan of this village, but now _Presi-
dent of the W. S.:McKinnan Whole-
sale house, 'Toronto, Was lust week
elected President' of rule Canadian
Manufacturer's Association, the larg-
est organization of its kind in Can-
ada. "
Nealt Lord's Day at 3 p.m, the
Baptist church will be reopened. The
pastor will preach, a sermon suitable
to the occasion,' and Mr. Hanmore of
Wingham will sing. 'One feature of
the service will be a portion of the
time devoted to a memorial for two
of the boys who have gave their lives
in the Great War.
Added interest will centre on the.
annual meeting of Huron County
"Prohibitionists" on account of Dr,
Andrew S. - Grant's 'name appearing
on the. program. '
Dr, Grant is .Bead of the Referen
tluin Committee which has charge of
the Campaign,now being launched to
stop the importation of liquor into
the Province for beverage purposes.
u poses.This meeting will be held in the
First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth,
on Wednesday afternoon and evening,
June 23rd.
• Subjects of special interest such as
the change from the 0, T. A. to the
0. T. A,, The Referendum, Prohibi-
tion of
rohibi-tion-of the manufacture and sale of
native winos, etc., etc., are to be
A banquet is to be given by the
Seaforth ladies at six o'clock and
there will be after dinner speeches.
T3lie public is invited.
The Appellate Division at Osgoode
Hall has refused to quash the con-
viction of Miss Margaret Pollock,
who resides near Blyth, and who
had been found guilty by a county
judge in. Goderich of witchcraft.
She ryas convicted on the charge that
she did "unlawfully pretend from
skill and certain knowledge in ,occult'
and crafty science, to•discover'.where
and in what manner, certain goods,
grain and oats, supposep to have been
stolen from -John Leinhardt could be
found/' and the judge suspended
sentence on the understanding that
she would practise no' more witch-
The Appellate Divisionsays that
in view .of Miss Pollocic's undoubted
good faith the suggestion that sen-
tence might be suspended might be
parried into effect. In arriving at its
decision the court gives its authority
as laws enacted in the reign of
George II., which -repealed all laws
on witchcraft from the time of Hen-
ry VII., and quotes Very Rev. Dean
"The power to communicate with
of receive communications from, or
to see departed spirits has always
been classed as 'occult'," says Mr.
Jiistiee:-Orde,, who writes the jutlg=
menti, "The well-known Canadian
ecclesiastic, Very Rev. Dean Harris,
styles a recent work which is alilnost
wholly, devoted to the question of in-
tercourse with spirits of the depart-
ed, 'Essays in Occultism; Spiritism
and Demonolgy,' and rn a perfatory.
note says: -'Among the occult sci-
ences I include .the cult of spirit-
isn1.' "
Countpi News
Mr. and 'Mrs. G. W. Pollard of
Ethel announce the engagement of
their daughter, Verde Frances, to
Frederick E. Cole The .marriage
will take place quietly this month,
Earl Anderson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James Anderson of the 5th
line of Morris township, has gone to
the west to enter the Home Mission
and Social Service field. He will be
located at Castor, Alta!
The village of Zurich is suffering'.
from a lack of fire protection and
the residents are beginning to „get
anxious about it. `
Mr. L. A, McKay of Hensall won
the McCaul •Scholarship for Classics
at the recent examinations atToron-
to University- .
Zurich celebrated the Kink's birth-
day on June .3rd having a program
of sports; etc,
- Huron's County council and its
lady friends are planning to picnic
at Bayfield on 'xiday of next week.
A 77 millimeter gun is -being al-
lotted to Goderich 'by the War Tro-
phies committee.
Mr. J. S. Chellew of Blyth has had
a new plate glass window placed in
his store, the old one having been de-
stroyed by the Windstorm last fall.
Reeve James Cutt, of Blytii. who
recently removed from that village
to Goderich, has been in Toronto un-
dergoing surgicals -treatment.
Seaforth ' Bowling Club held its`
annual Scotch doubles .tournanrient-
for the Menier trophy on Wednesday
last, the winners being R. N. Creech
and Major Homan of Exeter. This
is the second year these two have
won, the trophy, which will be their
proerty it they can win it a. third
The last surviving,iivery stable in
Exeter is selling out, the auto liwS
ing driven the' horse dolt of business
as a means of conveyance,
The engagement is announced of.
Elizabeth Elma (Beale) daughter of
.Mr, and Mrs E,' G.;1iycl:inan of Hen -
sell, to Mr. Benjamin Sterling Case,
son of Mr. and Mrs. A, Case of Ex-,,
dor, The 'marriage will ,take place
this Month, , ,
The,Beleber r'esidenee at flodericii
was Set 'Are to Wee in iiCoupleof
hdaouys efhoehm caos nstpogt wfreorm'prerttayigb1aaing chimney. e fist time the rl
damaged, The family have removed
to another house.
Mr', and Mre, ,r, Scott of Carlow
eelebrated the fiftieth anniversary of
their wedding at the home of their
daughter Mrs-, ,Tames McNfeliy of
Goderich on June 2nd,
A move is being macre by the IL,E,.
0, to raise in Heron county the addi-
tional sure of $1,000,000 for the Un-
ited Farmers' Co-operative Co, No
individual subscriptieri under $$5, will
be accepted. A speaker at a Meet-
ing in Wingham the other day said
that the Co-operative Company had
done over $8,000,000 worth of busi-
ness last year and this year it was.
expected that the business would in-
crease to $20,000,000, -
A , Curless man, who ,after a tiff'
with his wife' left home about two
years ;ago, has tuner up and was in
Lucknow the other day, His come
plete disappearance, at the time.
caused a sensation in the neighbor,
hood but no trace of his whereabouts'
could be found, ,
The marriage took place at, St.
Paul's church ,Wingham on Satur-
day week of Miss Gladys M., daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams;
to Mr, William J. Gibbs of Toronto.
Inspector Miller of the Provincial
detective force has been in ' Ashfield
seeking a clue in -the Kingsbridge
shooting case but as far as can be
learned there are: no fresh develop-
Goderich Collegiate teachers .l ' are
asking an increase' of twenty-five per
cent. in their salaries.'
A hearing was. given in Goderich
last week by. Mr. Francis Dagger,
telephone expert for the Ontario.
Railway and Municipal Board, on an
application by the Goderich Rural
Telephone Company for permission
to increase its charges. The proposed
increases are: From $13 to $15 per
annum for rural party line service;
to $16 per annum for limited two or
three -party line service; and from
$15 to $18 per annum for individ-
ual line service. After hearing the
statements of those interested Mr.
Dagger stated that he had no hesita-
tion in view' of the higher cost of
materials, in recommending the
proposed increases. With the large
dumber of telephones on the system
he considered the company was giv-
ing a valuable service.
` The Women's Institute annual dis-
trict meeting took place in the coun-
cil chamber, Wingham, on Thursday
afternoon, and when fully assembled,
the hall was crowded to the doors.
A number of speeches were given by
the different representatives of
North Huron and luncheon was
served by the local Institute.
The Crown vs. Essinhoffer, against
whom true bills were found by the
jury, was taken up at Goderich on
Thursday last. The first charge, that
of obtaining money under false pre-
tenses, was heard and considerable
evidence taken. Late in the after-
noon the jury returned a verdict of
°not guilty." The other charge was
withdrawn by the crown.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
It is the cheapest medicine made,
- It is guaranteed to relieve almost
any common ailment.
It is pleasant to take.
h►'b � s
Theijoubie Truck Route
Unexcelled dining car service.
Sleeping .cars on night trains and ,
parlor cars on principal day trains.
Full •intonation from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn-
ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor-
A, 0. Pattison, Depot Agent.
Phone 55, Uptown Agents
The etaiblonal aide of the major-
ity of people cannot be satisfied by
Fee Libraries, Gymnasiums, Play-
grounds, etc,' The love of moving the
healthy,hotly to the rhytlivn of music
in some form -of dancing is an • in-
born peculiarity of the average man
and woman; with liquor and indec-
ent nnusic, however, dances may do
.more harms than bacteria. It is path-
etic to see in our large towns and
slykes young :men and women rush
to some dance hall to satiety a
desire for annusement.
People who.. have need up thele
strength in Dancing, Late Hours,
illcLh Foodls or have; perhaps looked
too long upon the Wine when it was
Red and have let Old John Barley-
corn sap their vitality will find a
boon in the use of
Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy.
It will Opel 'that tired feeling."
take away that feeling of depression
and nervousness that comes from.
lowered vitality and brings back the
nea3thy rI h, red oollor tothe cheeks.
It will mance y n beauty:sleep more
satisfying so that you will aiwake i•n
the mornings full of life and hope
and more cable to carry an with the
day's work, The "habits that hurt"
can more easily be overcome if you
will use Hacicing's Heart and Nerve
' Remedy to strengthen the Nerves, to
add power to, the Hemet and to re.
I/lye •arid stimblate the cirenllatfon of
the 'Bleocb 13uy ahem from your
dealer, 500 a' bol[, 6 for $2,50,
'llllal3SDAY JUNB 17th, 1920
,c 't W r °h
ryYour bo - `� oua. Victory Bonds
Victory Bonds today are Stranger than they
have ever been, The important announce.
IYielrt of the Minister or Finance that Canada
has finished borrowing, means that there will
be no increase in the supply of these bonds.
The huge suns of money that .must be invest-
ed from time to time iii the highest possible
grade Of security, will therefore soak invest,
merit in existing issues, This should mean
a greatly increased demand, and have a
strengthening slyest on pi ices. '
If you have money less well employed, we
recommend that you ' invest it in Victory
Loan Bends atpresent prices. '
Write us, and we shall be glad to furnish you
With full particUlai'$. ,
Wood, candy & Company
Canadian Pacific Railway Building '
earinenweranosonwerwsaasoumrepagasa ow
The Wag to the I'Ves
wife. TORONTO (Union StatlaR5
9.15 P.M:
Sun. Mon. Wed. Fri.—Canadlan National all the way.
Tues. Thurs. Sat.—Via O.T., T. & N.O., Cochrane thenen
Tickets and full Information from nearest Canedia
Railways' Agent, A. T. COOPER, CLINTON ONT.
or General Passenger Department, Toronto.
Industrial Dapartmont Toronto and Winnipeg will furnish -full partloulara`.
regarding %and in Western Canada available for farming or other purposes.
PO N'T put down the
old carpet again.
Make stover into a
rug and stain and
of yourr0Om with
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Dun's and Bradstreet's, the
greatest mercantile agencies,
both say that "Carelessness
is the greatest business crimin-
al"—that 60 per cent. of fail-
ures are due to this cause
As a class, farmers are apt
to be financially careless, large-
ly because there has heretofore
been no complete method—so
simple the ordinary man could
follow it—provided for keep -
accurate track of their
Scott's Simplified Accounting
System for farmers meets this•
need—its fo}mss provide for a
monthly showing on every
branch of farm work for Five
Years—include a detailed 'in-
ventory which will be accepted
by any bank.
Following its simple princi-
ples, any fanner can keep ac-
curate accounts—have a per-
fect check on every detail of
farm work -it is a perfect
by a banking expert especially
for fanners.
The only System with which
is given a Systematized
Pocket Note Book and which
simplifies your Income Tax
Copies may obtained from
To setd
• rood uce these books in this
section we will sell a limited
for $9. Regular $12/book, good for
six years,
y .