HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-6-10, Page 7buds
Temporary Conclitons have h'esuitea in a very lo* level of prices
Tor Victory Bonds. When these conditions altar -and tl}at will
be shortly—present investfnent oppo'tunites will no longer exist,
PnrCllaseh'e at present prices can not only 80003e a high return
on. their capital Over a long Period, but will undoubtedly find
ilheeo prices at a ni001'higlher level Jo a short t1(lloi. •
For your convenience, the attached coupon, will assist you in
selecting slid o1'deeing the desired issues. -
taV£8TM11n7' sAp:acas
12•7(i212 St. Bast, Toronto .
Messrs. Housser, Wood F 00,4 12 King St. E., Toronto..
Gentlemen, -X 41073110 to pul'ahase a worth of
Victory I3onds .as indicated below, Send Bonds in-Bectrer form to
' ' I will payfor theta tllore.
(Name of ban{i.)
Amount Maturity• Price 'Yield
•Dec. 1st 1,0'32 99 &',Tut, 5. 90%
Dec. int, 1921 99 73 Int. 6,03% '
Dec, let, 1937 998 & Int 5,57%, ..
NOV. lot, 1933 903 & Int 0:06707,
Dec, 1st, 1937 101' & Int, - 1.4'1%,
•1930 -Load
No'1..1st,'1924 00 & Int. 6.01%a.:.
Nov. 1st, 1884 " 90 6}..l:ot, 0'.92%'
City 011 Town
A ,Hero 1 Every Day
_ _d� ]chid. The value of these pills as a
Help You to Re ist Dlseas '-.- Aid
These With a Tonin t0 Keep
the Blood Pure.
The power ofyour body to resist
disease ,add to light it after disease:
gate a foothold, to 0170 of t1N1n05t page
Soap, ..
Tho Amount of soap ((Pea is sal(1 to
be it (0073(930 03 the OJvlll'eat'Jon Of a.
people, and indeed it ie dlillfftilt to pie-
ture the w!'ote1odioeo of 'tying 1n a
cgmmnnitY 'where lin Wan cr subsets
tithe for it is preeurable. •It i,'t said-•-
aiul it Jo quite eaoytobelieve it—,that
during :the -war the suiTenings' of eloan.7
lY Germane awing to the leek of soap
were _ahlhoet as 401110 2097 t1,00e 0:09,
defie4 by the tneultlelent and =notori-
ous diet, );CC 1,'","43,13 !,1 net an unmixed
blessing, for much Llist.l'05e"'Iney, .bre
c10u5 JOseeesiolle you slave, You Weak mussels by 1311u5111g It o1'by using. im'
en this power When you let yetis I properly made "ACIP• r
general health run down, 'your Moots Sean js made by mixing a caustic
gets thin and, your nerves unsteady, alkali, soda or potash, with an animal ,
• Yon Weaken It when you Wo1't',Y,.' or Yegstaltl0 fat. The :fat 70 a eom,
when you over -work, wisest you clo not .an alkali le add .1to it, the Marty acid
got 001110ient sleep, and wlion you are —0,tear10, oleic, orpalmate—andwhen
llnde1.1noUrielled, either 13ecav,0 yon all alkali l0 added o it,'- the'fatlyacid
sl0 not oat stile right lend of food or divorces itself frena the glycerin and
because your digestion is out of order, unites with Lite alkali. A, similar
You p}'e30720 your power to resist clieinteal reaction 0001111 15,11e11 soap
disease 41'11(111 you steep, good flours and,,Nator are applied to tile skin the
and oat proper food at'reguler inter- water separates a portion of the alkali
vats, 'You - fnrtilel' increase and and the fat3' acid, and the alkali, 370121
strengthen 1'e0-tatance to dlsease.wlte1 being tree, agate roans a union with
you build tip your'biood and nerves her the Oat of the skin, which Bolds,the
the occasional use of n tonic like Dr, dirt, and takes away both the fat and
Williams Pink Pills, which lire free the dirt. Tho fatty acid, deserted by
frena oplatos and harmful drugs of any the alkali, Hien acts as an emollient
upon.the. clean skill, which has been
deprived of its thin coat of fat during
the was'hing'prlces5.'
The •danger to the skin arises from
the alkali, -which may be in excess in
a poor soap or Wray.be applied • too
liberally ,by frequent 'westing. 'That
causes the dein to chap and roughen,
and leavescracks and fissures into
which genius penetrate and grow.
That in turn gives rise to eczematous
eruptions, excessive itching, or pimp-
les and pustules.. Soap is especially
injurious to eczema or to the skin
when the outer horny layer is worn
thin by friction 01' made s;•odden by
long contact with moisture.
In choosing a 10a1) it is a matter of
penlonal taste whether it ellen be Ter-
fume1 or not. Whatever perfume is
tlsed 15' 311!818118111 so small an amount.
that it can neither help nor harm the
skin. The same is .true of the pre-
parations'in .most so-called mno:lieated
soaps; so little antiseptic. or other
medicament is present, and it is in
contact with the skin so short a time,
that it ie' difficult toimagine any
germicidal action. Superfatted soaps
contain an excess of tat end are be-
lieved to bo less irritating to tender
skins, but for the salve reason they
are to an equal degree less cleansing.
One writerhas said, "The courage ilig .cancer, he was al-,va3s .1n41150010-
01 the commonplace. is greater than fort, even in `acute pain.
the courage of the culls," Another, When his mother would ask, "Well,
commenting on than thought, adds, how are you to -day?" the would reply renis of anaemia. My mother pro -
"Perhaps, yet the two are one. The cheerily, "Olt, Just feelin' fine!" or cared a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink
fitness for the great ordeal, if it .be, "Not quite 90 stout, but still going Pills, and after taking about a half
genuine,. must spring from something strong, mother." He never complain- dozen hexes I was restored to normal
in the character that 3111 1108 gelierate . ed. . Again after any marriage, and,
in a moment." The following little At first he was able to attend the b°fere my boy was miser-
storyart f
1 born, T ser -
story so aptly illustrates the sedond small social affairs cf the neighbor -
able and again took Dr. felt 1 Pink
writer's conception cf outrage, the hood and to mingle with the Young 11115;- which Once meso gnat all any es-.
abiliy tonneet the•great test, whether people as before, but as the disease pec'st'ens and frilly t'ostorecl my
-it be short and sharp or long and soul -
wearing, that it seems Worth telling:
A few months ago there died in a
remote Western- ranching community
a youfhg roan 0f about twenty-four who,
health builder. is ,fn11y shown by the
experience of Mrs, 15. C. Taylor, Han-
over, Ont., w110 says; "At variola
tines eine° I was a girl of fifteen I
have proved the value of Dr, Williams'
Pink PIllo, At that ages I was in a
1110011 run down condition, suffering
from Many of the well knownsynlp-
advanced he had to forego even then --°sift. ltty. latest experience with
simple pleasures. Gradually wool.- titers pills was following -an attack of
Hess -compelled him to quit the little
teaks that had helped to pass the time, pleurisy which left megcolnpletely
Reading ;urns his chief d1Ver5i0n, broken in Health: Part of the thue 1
though unknown and unitcnored save Varied by a ear ride or a visit with was under the caro of two doctem, and
in_ tate hearts o1 the little group that one: of the few friends 11e continued to ,for three months"I was practically be -
witnessed , his unfaltering courage, see. To one used 10 the changing out- tw°en life and death.. Agate at my
yeas nevertheless, in the truest sense_ door duties of the ranch this enforced mother's suggestion I started the use
, of the word, a hero. seclusion and inactivity were doubly of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I had not
Ile was a country lad, and, althoegh irksome, But the grit that: had made been taking them long before I could
he had lost hie right armwhen . ji 1110 511011 to the busking ponies and tell That they were Helping mo. Day
youngster, He shared in most of the the ,patience and endurance learned b3 day I Cculti Teel my strength 10'
outdoor activities of h',1 ranch honkie during long, mon0tonorls days of sheep turning, and was soon enjoying good
health once more- In view of
and made a favorable showing in the ' herding did not IioW desert him. Be .my ex -
boyish feats that he and his chums en- I met death assith the sense quiet cour- per:euee I think I can safely say there
is uothiug in the way of medicine bet -
gaged in. He never seemed .to con- ago with which he had awaited it, ter than Dr. \ rillianns' Pink Pills.'
skier that the loss of his arm entitled I Hero was real heroism. There was Dr, Williams' Pills ars sold by
him to Immunity froth farm work, He . no sudden burst of spectacular brave -
a11 medicine dealers or by mall at 50
could drive a team and was a good, rY, th'e result, perhaps, of the stimulus Cents a box or six boxes 301" 12.50 from
rider. Ile had the coolest head and ; that some high -flaming moment gives,
The Dr.:Williams Medicine Co., Brock -
steadiest nerve in handling 0011,3 and ' or of the desire to win the admiration vllle, OWE.
unbroken horses. When the other' and.
applat:,o 02 his friends. This
boys hesitated about trying a "bad 1 young man had in ltini the real stuff
one," he would say, "Yen fellows give I of heroes, the slow growth that fol.
World's Oldest Fur TYTraders.•
me a chance. I can ride this of out- lows daily battles obscurely but veli-
law." It was no Icily boast, for he
generally did.
3Ie was of a social disposition; tall
and good-looking. People generally
likod shim. Conteuedly he followed his
round of work" and recreation, His
was the normal outlook of a country
boy reared aurid simple surroundings
and loving them for their wholesome
sturdiness. •
Suddenly sante the knowledge that
antsy waged, the winning of which The fact that the Hudson Day Com -
gives victory also over self, pany is celebrating its 250th miniver-
' To the few who knew of this, young saiy calls attention to a trading Con -
man's sturdy pluck, and blithe coma cern Which has a history older than,
age, he stands forth a shining inspira- the Bank of England.
tion. The pity of it is that he never' It- was originally a corporation
could know that anyone so regarded formed .in 1670 by Prince Rupert,
him. Such 1ra2ery merits a more sub- 'nephew sof Charles I., and seventeen.
stantial reward even en ,earth than a noblemen, for importing into Great
laurel \vreath'upon a. grave. Britain.„Sures and sldna_splotaitled by
hunters front the Red Indians of North
death, not life, was before him. Not America.
a swift, merciful death that could be • The luggage lost on the 701110aya It was granted trading rights ov01!
met at the flood al emotion and high of the' United Kingdom every year a vasttract of territory, and hundreds
of stirringoand -romantic stories have
been written concerning the adven-
tures of the Iiudson Bay Company
men in their dealings with the Red-
skins, Hundreds of lives were lost in
their quest for furs,
The company also had to contend
against the hostile acts of the French
of Canada, who destroyed their forts,
ruined their goods, and captured their,
ships. There was 'a period, too, when
theyhad to struggle against the ,en-
terprise of the North-West Fur Com-
pany of Montreal.
Ultimately interests were amalga-
mated, and. until 1869, the Hudson Bay
Company controlled the fur trade of
North America. 'Afterwards the trade
was thrown open to the world, the
company receiving big indemnities
for conceding rights, besides retain-
ing fifty. thousand acres' and other
lands, from the sale of which it now
derives a large income.
valor as soldiers meet it in battle, but
a slow, furtive deathwhose approach
he must watch and wait for. More
than five years before the end the
doctors gave him up; for three, he
+vas a recluse. Afflicted with a linger -
would make a mountain if piled up.
On one railway $400,000 was claimed.
by passengers last year for lost lug-
Minard's Liniment used by. Physicians.
Summer Fashions for Children
'fluster Design
V.O. 1014
Trafer Design
No. 090
9529—Child's Dress. Price, 20 cents.
In 8 sizes, 1 to 10 years. Size 6 re-
quires 11/2 yds. 36 ane, wide.
McCall Transfer Design No. 1014.
?rise, 20 cents, •
9499—Child's- Yoke Areas. Price, 20
o ants. In 7 sizes, 6 months to 6 ,tears.
it'ize 4 requires 1% yds, 32 ins, }vide;
contrasting, 14 yd. 36 ins, wide.
McCall ,Transfer Design -No. 690,
Price, 15 cents
9506 Child's Dress (sleeve in two
lengths). Price, 20 cents. In 6 sizes,
2 to 8 years, Size 6 requires 2. yds.
32 ins. wide, or 1%yds. 36 ins. wide.
9388—Child's Romper'.. Price, 20
cents. In.3 sizes, 2 td 6 years. Size
4 requires, striped, 1% -yds. 32 ins.;
% yd. 32 fins. wide.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McGill dealer, or from
the McCall' Co., 70 Bond St„ Toronto,
Dept. W.
1.11111, 1111011$11N11111111 Intllillnin ,11Inlmlfnl rntallntnitlimii1nnaat1rl1aln 141114leI11111111111n11111Ma
-chat Unusual Flavor
Wholesome, Rich, Dei dull
that comes from blending,
edbarle� with whole oat
distinctive -of
`chis food is ready cooked,eco-
xaomical., easily digested and
very nourishing..
Sold hy rocer l
Mt rota 11111114 1 u um as ununnntnitiuuuum 1111111111111111111119111 111111111 uun mailii nr)=jrpjslp
Harvesting Peanuts.
The chief item of expense in rais-
ing peanuts has always been the pick-
ing of them from the vines, this work
being done usually by women and
children. Lately, however,, machinery
has been introduced for the purpose.
One reason that We have for 'being
interested in peanuts is that the plant Look round and view this luckless one
originated in: the New World. It wast withsympathetic eyes,
first obtained and carried to' Europe Then reach a paw and help the strug-
froth 'the American tropics, probably) g11ng bottom dog loo rise.
from Brazil:
No Comparison.
"Young man," said the fond father,
"in giving you my daughter I have en-
trusted you with the dearest treasure
of my lite."
The young man was duly impressed
and made no endeavor to conceal his
emotion and his gratitude. Then, dur-
ing tlia few moments of impressive
silence that followed he heard the pat-
ter, patter of ram against the window.
"Goodness me," he exclahnod, "It's
raining and I haven't my umbrella!
May I borrow yours, sir, to keep me
dry while I run to the station?"
"Young .man," said 111e fond parent,
"I do not trust anyonewith my um-
brella." -
Children who suffer from constipa-
tion, "indigestion or any. of the other
ailments due to a clogged condition of
the bowels will find prompt relief
through the use of Baby's Own Tab-
lets. The Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which can always
be depended upon to regulate the
bowels and sweeten the stomach.
They are absolutely safe and are sold
under a guarantee. to 110 entirely free
from opiates or other injurious drugs.
Concerning them Mrs. Thomas A. Bou -
tot, Lake Baker, N,B., writes: „ "I am
pleased tostate that Baby's Own Tab-
lets were of great help to me when my
baby was suffering from constipation."
T110 Tablets are sold by medicine deal-
ers or by mail at 25 centsa box from
The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
The Top Dog:
If you are the top dog, and have won
- Good Fortune's smile;
If all the blessings that you wish come
to you allthe while';
It food and raiment trouble not, your
coffers flowing o'er;
If you can buy the very best from your
increasing store—
Just look around you and beneath for
• one who- needs- your aid,
For one who, ever in the depths, Good
Luck seems to evade.
Peanuts' as a living ration were first
fed to human beings on board of slave
ships which brought' cargoes of cap-
tive negrOes to tine United States front
Africa. They were fed to the blacks
because they were cheap and sus-
Peanuts are very rich in protein, the
stuff that makes muscle and blood;
also they are rich in starch, which is
good fuel to run the body machine.
Thus they furnish a sort of balanced
ration. With nothing else to eat, one
could live for a long time on peanuts.
The Passing of the Kimono.
.A class indresslnalclug for Japanese.
who wish to leans how to lnalte west-
ern costumes has -been opened in
Tokio,. Japan, It is being conducted
fly Miss Ianaya Sakauiolo, who has
studied in :the United States and Cana-
da. The class is attended by 0, num-
ber of the wealthier women of Tbk1o,
who are among the first to adopt the
new fashions of d205611ng their 01111d-
ren as western mother's do, and who
wish to learn to make underclothes as
Well as outer garments,
The picture5gite lthnono is giving
way before the more Convenient add
06ollolni0111 skirt or trousers. Beonolny.
seelns-th0 greatest argument 171 favor
of 0fts commonplace Western costume,
For everyday wear, to be sure, the
Japanese have kimonos which cost
rather loss than 'oi11' everyday claims;
Mit tv11o11 t11:0.Y (Eros's Up t17011' 0801itnt05
are elcceot11ng1y expensive.
There may have been a bygone time
when you were struggling there,
Wheii°you, too, in the toil of Life, stood
in and took your share, -
When, -buffeted and torn by Pate, you
needed someone near •
To raise and lift you from the mire'
and speak a word of cheer,
And 12 that help whs given to you, in
measure great or small,
If you have reached to dizzy heights,
where once you, feared to fall,
Then view the straggling bottom dog
with sympathetic e3'es,
And lone a pate to help the poor unfor-
tunate to rase.
I;oep iVllnard's Liniment In tile house,
Efficiency experts say that the peo-
pie who get the most workedone in a
day 'are those whose desk§ have the
least on them. They lose no time in
hunting for material and are never
discouraged by'
lin-aaomnulating mass
of work. Each item is taken op in
turn and disposed of, and there is no-
thing else to divide the attention bf
,dac.uaxo..., ons
for most. makes and models of cars.
Your old, 'Woken or worn-out parts
replaced, Write ar 311'0 us doserib'
ing wlsat you wants Wo carry the.
Iargest and most complete .5teck In
Canada of slightly used or n0ty Parte
and automobile equipment, IVs ship
CI,O,31, ar13-w1ier0 111 Cauado. Sada-
factor,/ or refunel'70 fn11 0111' ni0tte,
Shayg:'o-P,lttb SSalvaga'ilr0 Sap4lyr,
02S -eat ifttir01811 141., 110170ato, 0111,
imY'tlIN„soartlli,W,d.W+V,11e.eV¢f„WA'Wi.,a�W,' Yx.'Y
gj° hts'Wouldinafnr aharp
-fanatic 727Ve.e along
every movement? Thou-
• sands 18210. found lasting
relief ince „
Many doctors preeorlbe
'Write Templetono, 142
Icing, Rt..W., Toronto, for
free sam3lo.
Sold by reliable drugggists
everywhere for e1.097,
A T -h ROA'
Tonvpleton's Rasa -521791 Oes)-
ranee are guara(nteed'to relieve,
. - Don't: en8or an-
Other day..
Writ eTelnpleton°,142Sling St..
C7., Toronto, for freoaample.
Reliable druggistssell them at
01.08 aloes.
,How S'andwichi Was Named.
Many city folk who during the noon
flour 11711cilo7'1 invade the downtown
auton11180, 11ut"fets, ,(aa., tv grab a quick
lunch, $viiieh 1no5((r1y 0p11 10t of a few
fiandwlche8 as a starter, never stop to
Mink of 'how ('110 sandwich: first be.
can.!e, a quick1(111011 food. ,
Resollrelt (1,50105es that the fourth
• Bari of .Sandwich, 1110 originator of
tlhe.310on hour bite, W110 born Novein
Der 't, 1718, eves' 4101 years ago, 'P11ie
Bari, like most, of tll0 191)011511 nobility
of Tits time; Was a -devotee to ga011°s of
chance. 'When the ,stakes ran 11ig11
the Bari wag; unal?,lo to tear himself
away, and it'was life 0ust0111 to order
the servantsto bring hint slices of
bread.. and ham, Other devotees of
the goddess of chance followed 1115
example, anis soon after affixed the
name "Sandwich" to the combination
of bread and heat which the hustle
ani111ustle of modern time;' have given
a wide popularity.
-----0 —� "
Blooming Railway Stations.
Flowers are amongst the assets of
the C,auadian Pacific' Railway, Flowers
bloom in C,P.u. gardens at moat Of the
principal stations from one end of the
country to the other. There are flow-
er knots Outside the Algonquin Hotel
at St, Andrews, 011 the Atlantic Coast,
and one of the most beautiful' flower
gardens' in 'America blooms around
the' Empress Hotel in. Victoria,
In the old days most of the 1)1on0019
were too busy opening up the untrOc(-
den ways to give much attention to
the cultivation of fldwere. Yet flower
cultivation along the C.P.R. seems to
haveprogressedtvitlt the commercial
Prosperity of the railway system it-
self,:, for it is now thirty-one .years
since one of the C.P.R. employees pro-
duced a few varieties of flower seeds
1n-h1s own plot and distributed them
ainongst his friends at some of the
stations --with the object of starting
flower gardening along the line. Tile
start was auspiciously made, and now
the C.P.R. has a floral department
with headquarters at Windsor Street
Station, Montreal. Mr. B. ill. Whine -
gar is -the horticulturist and forester
Every year thousands of packets of
flower seeds, bulbs, tress, shrubs,
grass seed, and large quantities of-fer-
tilizens are distributed free of charge
to station agents, section foremen,
caretakers of round houses and em- vigor, and brightness in your 71a1r.
ployees living on the property of the This stimulating tank will freshen
company. Tho seeds that will flower' your scalp, check dandruff and falling
along the railway in the summer and hair and help your hail' to grow long,
autumn are sent out in March. 3i'ull thick, strong and beautiful.
Particulars for cultivation are printed
on each seed packet, Bulbs for spring
flewering are scut out in the fall.
Seeds and plants of the best kind
are always provided; Standard flow- tub of water for the clothes,
er seed packets contain nasturtiums,
alyssum, mignonette, sweet peas, Ask for Minard's and take no other.
phlox and kochia. Ferns and house
plants are sent to large stations., An ,ii,,ro matter how happy we may he
endless variety bf perennials are dis- elsewhere, home is concentrated in one
tributed, and amongst the varieties of tiny place, and there is that in us
"Danderine" creates mass
of thick, gleamy waves
.Clasai&ed Advertisements.
2 1:t.
'`35v191`IS' COMPLETE FEi7TILIS10119'
is, will pay" you, George, Stevens
Peterborough, Ontario,
C'd'r 0874 noon,ra1 N,M4ygr.r.rept
v'1r" end ,fob printing plant In Illa$ter4S
neuh�071 0 earned #1,6 1 Will
[o Jon 'Ohl e I n o o,,. pale, lions 672.
wllron fi'ebllphlnR 0o.,.I.t4. Ttiranto
`spat'..'. nnz9 , W A1QTi1A, • -..
, 1 N
i17 thicker, Shipped green fron•00h1't
0 not soli until. 'nlinOnte
liecnnn Bros, 'Limited Owen Sound. d62*.
214)aro?11471 S097QOL 4)011 11771,869.
5�{)p1',GISPD.RNll. TSIAININCI SC1-1001.,
Ili, for Nurses; St, Elisabeth IXosptttaal,
204 South Broad Street, L1'llzaboth, NewJersey, Compieteeour55. l71onthly al-
lowanoe; first year 90,00, second $10.00.
third 816,00: Address: Superintendent-
apr WA1r71'17D.
6'i1;7ANTND, 211142T -GLASS B8)NC17
``YY �v uu•poutors to wort. on interlor
fittings t3oe6 wages, steady -work,
Apnly Lal3I3aw.'I,umbor Company, 2230
Dundas 70., Toronto.
LAD_T273 WA1Y'9'IIA,
.®..I and light 001215g at borne,' whole or
spare 711110; Boon pay,work sent any dis-
tance, charges paid, Send stamp for
particulars, ,National Manuraoturl ng
Cc,, ,Montreal.
Bulk CaziotS
1101000'9 Pioneer 1303! 1101000200
310011 on
and 18077 toToci1
Mailed Free to, any Ad-
,,reas by the Author.
a. Olay Olovor 0•o., Tnc.
113 West 1101 Street
. New Torii, U.S, A.
In a few moments you can trans-
form your plain, dull, fiat hair. You
can have it abundant, soft, glossy and
full of life, Just get at any drug or
toilet Counter a small bottle of "Dan-
derine" for a few cents. Then moisten
a soft cloth with the "Danderins" and
draw it through your hair, taking one
small 51)511d at a timo. Instantly, Yes,
immediately, you have doubled the
beauty of your hair. It will be a mass,
so soft, lustrous, and so easy to (to tip.
All dust, dirt and excessive oil is re-
Let Danderine put more life, color,
When soaking clothes for the wash
add one teaspoonful of peroxide to a
trees supplied are maple, birch, beech,
poplar and catalpa, Shrubs include
laurel leaf -willow,- sumac, berberries
and weigelia.
In all cases the cultivation of flow-
er beds is done by the employees of
the company, many of whom Have be-
come expert gardeners. On . each di-
vision of the C.P.R. prizes are given
every year for the best display of
flowers, and some of the products of
gardens kept by the railway amateurs
have won prizes at Canadian and
'United States floral exhibitions.
During the last thirty-one years the
encouraging influence of the C.P.R.
flower growers has materially assist-
ed in the inauguration of floral
societies all over. the country. Many
of the railway officials are members
of these societies, Flowers have im-
proved the appearance of the railway
stations, and inspired by the beauty
of the stations, residents of the towns
have planted flowers that beautify
their homes. A little flower flame
along the O.P.R. has often thrown the
spark that ignited a fire of flowers.
"California Syrup of Figs"
hild's Best Laxative
which makes it impossible to scramble
our affections all over the globe. We
leave to roll them tip, when the final
test cones, to one doorway, one little
Spanish Flu
Claims Many Victims . n in Canada
• and 011001(1 be guarded against.
R n n .�
hard s Lhhihhuleht
Is d Great P'eventative, being one of
the oldest remedies used. Minard's Lini-
ment has cured thousands of `eases of
Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma
and similar diseases. It is an Enemy to
'Germs. Thousands of bottles being used
every day, for sale by all druggists and
general dealers.
Yarmouth„ N.S.
Tho heart of a vegetarian beats, on
an average, fifty-eight times in a min-
ute; that of a meat -eater, seventy-five
��''��jj �+,g�•7 gyp± q•
t3O tnTSN COV d GH .-rya'
Used for 70 Years
Thru its use Grandmotil[c s
youthful appearance has
remained until youth has
become but 'a memory,
The soft, refined, pearly T;
white appearance it
renders leaves the joy
of Beauty with your
for many
Cntkenira Yon
Need For Your Skin
Bathe with. Cuticura Soap to cleanse
and purify the pores. If signs cf pimples,
redness or roughness are present smear
gentlywithCuticura Ointment beforebath-
Mgto soothe and heat l'orevery purpose
of the toilet, bath and nursery. Cuticure,
Soap and Ointment are ideal,
Soap 25e, Ointment 25 and 50c. Sold
throughouttireDominion. CanadianDepot:
iermam, Limited, St. Paul St., Montreal.
Cuticure Soap shovel without mug.
Accept ."California" Syrup of Figs
Onix ---lock for the name California on
the -package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless physic for the little atom.
itch, Liver and bowels. Children love
its fruity taste. Full tllreotion° 011
each bottle. You must say "Cali-
'A pure-bred animal never does well
in the stands of a scrub owner, but a'
scrub an;mal sometimes does wonder's
in the hands of a pure-bred owner.:
"There is not, in this hollow works,
a fount of deep, strong, deathless love
11140 (fiat which blossoms in a good
mother's heart.:_!
Pay your out-of-town accounts by
Dominion Express Money Order, Viva
Dollars casts throe ,cents.
When p001111g large quantities of
ripples, as itt presavgr aiap thorn
into cold, slighly. salted water eller.
goring, pealing 031111 slicing them. This
will prevent dt5ealorati0n,
M1110l•d'1 L1,ilnielit for lisleeverywhere
to ISSUE No, 24•-x'20,
At all points in Ontario
For the
"No Knocks" Gas Saver
Saves its price many tittles
each season
Thousands of satisfied customers testify ta0
its merit, including the biggest and moot pro.J
raiment business firms,
Liberal commission to students and (lea-
vening agents' selling direct to auto owners,,
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"
The Immo "Bayer" N the thumb- of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which
print of genuine Aspirin. It 'post- contains 111095r tlil'oetions for Colds,
tivoly identifies the only genuine 'lleadach(', '.i.00thache, Battelle, Neils
.Aspirin, ---the Aspirin prescribed by might,Lumbago, Rheumatism, Nenri-
h aie10710 for aver nineteen years and tio, JointJointreins, and Pain gcnerallyt
tow made in Canada, .:Cilt hexes of 12 tartlets cost but
allways buy an 'unbroken package a few rents. Larger "Buyer" packages*
'burro is rally 6170 Asylrin-.."'Eay°r"*12'0tit sorest say 1l3ager
Aaplrtn terse trade marls (registered 9n Canada) of Meyer 14ramlfaritre11090.,ory11090.,aorticlofdentcr. of rolteyncacld. while it 15 well ietolsa that MPhil) In0011
10 earlat tlln publl0 analntl b;ntal olio, the rnl.l,la of payor Companl1
'1'(71 be 9,1710petl with their 11151r g0n,aal traria work, the "mayor Cross."