HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-6-10, Page 4.•
Chalton 1Vetve,- ecord
11iliRSDAY J`fJN 10th, IA l
;13nsiuess Molars -4 c N'VV Telegraph office
8 a, tib1'.o l P ttl, Seturdays R ()• P.lt, P.eleereph office
•,nights boiore.holideye 10iaae, Ciauacilaaa Netioual ule#cot offiee
at the
Monarch Goods S`h'ore
Cooper's Book Store,
The long, • silky
coats of Acs-
ttalian sheep
Supply the wool
from which. Me -
mach Floss,
Dove and 'Down
are spun, The
elasticity, " the
astonishing even,
nese and
strength of
these fine, long -
fibre yard "are
such that the
garment into
which they are
" woven retains its
good looks thr-
anghoia long
and active use.
They come in
30 shales, one
ounce balls 36e,
two ounces 60e
All are Cana-
dian spun.
Mr. Scott Ament of Brussels, mem-
ber of the firm of-z\ment Bros., and
Miss Jessie Birks of Blyth were
married on Tuesday of last week,
Mr. W, G. Luker, who for many
years has been a resident of Dawson
City, while on his way to join his
wife at Toronto was taken i11 and
being removed from the train at Ed-
monton died after three days' illness,
The .Guilds and choir of St.
George's church, Goderich, present,
ed the Rev, A. L. G, Clarke with a
handsome club bag prior to his re-
moval to London last week,
Mr. Thos. Wallace, who has been
conducting the Blyth Bakery since
last fall, has sold the business to Mr.
Link, who has been baker for %he
same period or longer.
estern University
London, Ontario
@Arts and Sciences
Summer School
Ju1y5th to August 13th
K. P. R. NEVILLE, Registrar
Farewell CCa>_aaellan Tour
9ei ne_
under the auspices of the Girls' d`,uxiliary
The 1920 Deviival of the Greatest Frain
Ever Produced
18000 People
8000 Horses
This is the same production 'that played in all the large
CitIes in Canada
Accompanied big the Original Musical Scoc ]r
Will be Shown Here With
Special Music
P'irst0Time at Popular Prices 250, 500, 75c.
Starting sharp at 8,30
Seats now on sale at Fair's Book Store
Order your seats early to avoid the rush
Mrs, William Stirling' and daugh-
ter, Miss •Maud Bi''iitiing, loft this
weak -fork 1{iske, Sask., to spend ,a
month with friends.
.Mr. Daniel Mellonal1 ,spent the.
least week at Kit -Wiener :aaad Galt,
Rev. Thomas Johnston' of Dishy,
North Dakota, spent the past week
with friends in the village.
Mr. R, Bailey of the Sterling Bank
staff, Marlboro, ;spent a few i1ays 'the
past week sus the'auest of his another,
Mrs, Bailey of ,Bayfield,
iVlr,'•W, Robinson, wife and lam-
ily of London have taken possession
of their suntmer cottago jai Lake
Side park for the summer.
Rev. Mr, ,1 rgo of London occupied
the pulpit of St, Andrew's Church on
Sunday last in the absence of the 'pas-
tor, Rev. A. Macfarlane, who was at
Bev. A. Macfarlane will- exchange
pulpits wtih Rev. Mr, Abvey of Lon-
desborough next Sunday:
Ma', and Mrs.' ,Daniel Gascho-anti
daughter., Miss Beatrice, were the
guests of Mr and Mrs.. S. Kipfer on
Sunday last. Miss Beatrice remained
over to spend the week.
The Kelly Circle held their June
meeting on June Std in the base-
ment of the church, twenty-six mem-
bers responding to the roll can. The
papers on the topic and chart were
unusually well dwelt upon and show-
ed much thought and- care in prep-
aration. As a ineans of earning a
little extra money the Society hopes
in the near futrue to .make a collec-
tion of papers and magazines and we
would rile the community 1f they
would kindly keep any they have and
collectors • will call for them, The
next replier meeting on July 8th will
be taken by 'Miss Mary Gilmour and
Miss Kate McGregor with Miss
L}Ilidn Stevens taking Chart No. 10.
Holimesviile •
Rev. .1. Johnston who has been at.
'tending 'conference at Stretford, has
Mr S. R. McMath ,who was the lay
,deltegate from this circuit at the con-
ference, went on to visit his mother
in Toronto.
'Mr Harry Ford is now driving a
new car.
Mrs. Bert Trewartha ,who has been
visiting her mother in Toronto, has
returned home.
We are. pleased to announce that
Mrs:. Fred Ford, who has been in Clin-
ton hospital undergoing treatment
for the past month, was able to be
moved to her own hone on Tuesday.
Her friends trust that she will con-
tinue to improve. .
The Epworth League and prayer
service last week was.conducted by
Miss Holmes, The topic on temper-
ance was taken by Mr. W. H Lobb.
On Sunday morning Mr. Alvin
Leonard, assisted by Mr. A, J, Cour-`
tree conducted service in the Metho-
dist'cburch Mr. Leonard gave a fine
address on service and sacrifice, As
Alvin is a Holunesvillo boy his old
friends are pleased to see him de-
veloping in usefullness and wish hits
every success. There was no even-
ing service in the church.
St. Helens
Mr. anti Mrs. John Darrow of Luck -
now spent the week -end' at IVIt', Joe
Smith's. •
Mr. Will Rutherford was in Toron-
to last week attending a U,F.O. Con-
Miss Urquhart of Tiverton, who has
been visiting at the hone of Mr. W.
C. Webb, has returned home.
Mr .and Mrs. Robert Woods, Lorne
Alvin and Vera motored to Stanley
Met week. •
A little boy arrived at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James Ramage on May
Mrs Bennett and Bruce of Port
Albert have been visting her mother,
Mrs. H. Rutherford.
Mr,. and Mrs. Earl Cranston, 'Mrs.
Cranston and Miss Della were Sun-
day visitors at Westfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor and
fancily of Auburn called in this burg
on Saturday.
• Rev. J. Jamieson conducted the
evening service in the Presbyterian
church Lucknow, on Sunday last.
Mr, Robt. Woods lost a fine colt
last week. It was found dead in
the pasture field.
Mr. Joe Riley has bought Mrs. D.
Sutherland's house and lot.
Mr, Wm. McIntosh is not so well
Mr. Bert McLean of Deta.
roit is vis-
iting at Mr. D. Milson's
Miss Addie Love of Walton spent
Saturday, and Sunday as the guest
of her -sister Mrs. Ed. Britton.
Mr and Mrs. Thos Powell and
Miss Pheobe Wakefield spent Sunday
in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Stephenson
and babe of Brussels spent Sunday
in the village,
Deficient Vitality a Great Misfortune
Persons that can rarely er never
say that they feel full of life, are
really among the most unfortunate.
They do not live, but merely exist;
for to live implies more than to be.
To live, is to be well and strong—to
arise feeling equal to the ordinary
duties of the day, and to retire not
overcome by thorn—to feel: life
bounding in the veins.
A medicine that has made Mote -
ands of people, men and women,
well and.strong, has accomplished a
great work; bestowing the richest
blessings. Such a medicine is Hood's
Sarsaparilla, The. weak, run-down,
oe debilitated, from any cause, should
not fail to take it. It builds up the
whole system, changes existence in-
to life, and makes life more abound -
mg. It is simple justice to say these
words in its favor.
hood's Pills very effectively sup-
plereent it in cases where a cathartic
or laxative is needed.
Go Jerich r1owusllip
Miss, Amnio Coopdr has gone to To•
ranto and will be it •olataz'ge of her
brother's dental oifieo. Miss Cooper
is a very successful nurse and we
wish her success in her new Position,
Miss Linda Cantelon and her els.,
ter, ;iVfrs, (Rev.) Cole of Flint, Mieh,,
have gone on a trip to the west,
Tucketrsmi n Township
Mrs, Thus, O'Brien loft Tuesday
for Toronto and after spending a.day
with her daughter in the city intend-
ed leaving Tor 1 itlain, Alta., where
she will make an extended visit with
her son, harry , P1er friends wish her
a sate and pleasant journey.
Wedding bells .aie ringing' op the
sdcond concession of Tuekersniith
look out for particulars next week.
Two old landmarks have been re-
moved from the village during the
past week. Mr, Douglas of Henson
has bought the Phillips' house oppo-
site- the Methodist church his taken
it down and is removing it to Hens
all, and the house en the opposite
side built by the late William Edgar,
has been removed. Mr. McKenzie
contemplates building a new house
on the site. These places were both
built more than forty years ago.
Mrs. Watson and Miss Margaret
left on, Tuesday fon' Seaforth for an
extended visit with Mrs. James Dick.
Mr. Shaffer is gojng around' again
after his late severe illness, Mr. J.
C. McLean is also much improved in
Mr. W. H. Johnston visited with his
sister Mrs: H. White of Stratford ov-
er the ,weekend and took in the ser-
vices on Sunday, it being Conference
Mrs. Ryckman, who has been living
with her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Par-
sons for the past two years, has
gone to Everton, near Rockwood, -to
live with seine nieces there. Mrs. Par-
sons acedmpanied her and. remained
over for a few days.
Dr. Aitken and Mr. J. B. McLean,
who have been at Ottawa attending
the Presbyterian General Assembly,
are expected home on Thursday.
The men of the congregatoin of St.
Andrew's met this week and built -a
fine new fence in front of the church
Mr. and Mrs. Alton and son Roy
of Lanes visited with Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. Johnston one day last week.
Mr. John Workman has been im-
proving the appearance .of his imple-
ment shop by the application of some
fresh paint and the erection of an
appropriate sign.
Mrs. W. Faskeri, who we reported
last week as being quite i11 we are
pleased to report is quite considerably
improved. This is good news to her
many friends.
Counts News
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miner of Kings-
ville are expected to visit Goderich,
coming on the Greyhound excursion,
and will be guests of Rev. and Mrs.
Moyer 'at the North street parsonage.
Mr. Miner will address the Epworth
League of the church on the even-
ing of his arrival. '
Thursday is the day chosen by the
Honsall merchants as a weekly half
Miss Alda A. Dinsdale. daughter of
bir. and Mrs. 3, Dinsdale of IIensall,
was married to Mr. NredaSimmons of
Hibbert township. Before her mar-
raige the bride was showered with a
number of things useful for house-
keeping. Mr, and Mrs. Simmons will
reside in Hensall. -
Wingham won the Hough Cup- game
played between Milverton and Wing -
ham at, Listowel on Saturday week.
Wingham's score was 4, Milverton's
1. The final game was played be-
tween Wingham and Woodstock on
Saturday last.
Mr. Thos. Walker of the 6th con-
cession of Howiek met with a bad
accident recently when he was driving
along the road with a team one of
which was a colt. A car cause up be-
hind and the toot of the horn fright-
ened the colt and the team ran away.
Mr. Whlker jumped and in falling
was rather badly•dnjured. The wagon
and harness were badly damaged.
The members of St. Stephens'
church, Gorrie, will celebrate the jub-
Constipation Generates
When Constipation oomes, what
happens? The Colons got clogged
with waste material, which is ex• ,.
tre.mely poisonous, the lbloo0 circula-
ition conies in sufficiently close con.
elect with the waste to •take up these
Poisons by absorption and to distrib-
ute .them throughout the body. The
result le—the Liver. becomes Slug-
gish, you +become dull and heavy,
Biliousness asserts itself, then you
have Headache, Kidney and Bladder
Trouble, Indigestion, Appendicitis,
and more evils besides.
Kidney and Liver Piles
are highly recommended for
and its Evil Results
They are purely vegetable, do not
Gripe, Pang* or Irritate, and (bring
relief by producing a healthy condi-
tion of the Stionuech, Liver, Kidneys
and Bowels.
No matter what medicine you are
taking tor a lenitive it might be just
ILO well ibo,ohange off to Hackings,
The connlbhaation of ,,cascara, Pep-
porinint, 1Viayaapple and the other
Vegetable Dregs oaautwhied in those
pills nv.l1l produce results to be un.
equalled by any others. They work
b8atitilful in Digestive Disorders, for
Gas on the Stomach, for Spasmodic
Pains In the Stomach and Bowels,
,and' for byspepsia and Indigestion.
Ilny a fen' bexes front your doaler
qday, hue; be absolutely sure yell
got Haeking's.
flee of the opening eethe ellilret 0;1
Jttns'oth. The Venerable Arehdoac n
Perry will be lige preacher of the
day. . P
Qodlericia Baptist • church held its
anniversary services on Sunday week
and on Monday at a congregational
Meeting the mortgage wee burned.
The present church; was built in 1000.
The Rev, Dr. Farmer of McMaster
was the preacher • at the Sunday ser,
IlaroId Afuiney of Goderich broke
his leg while sliding into second base
at the Goderich-Crediton League
game on Monday week. That will
probably settle his ball playing for
this season.
TheDauble Track Route
Unexcelled dining car service,
Sleeping cars on night trains and
Parlor cars •on principal day trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk„,Ticket Agent or C. R. Horn-
ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor-
A. O. Pattison, Depot Agent.
Phone 55, Uptown Agents
When the Blood does not circulate
freely through the Veins you have
High Blood Pressure and this is but
a Symptom of some other disease or
trouble. There is usually Kidney
Disease, Heart Disease, Nervous
Troubles, Hardening of the Arteries
or Brain Trouble.
There is always the danger of a
rupture os a Blood Vessel and as the
Heart, the Blood Vesl}als and the
I{idneys are all associated with Fligdt
Blood Pressure the heat and most
satisfactory treatment is
Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy
Hacking's Kidney and Liver Pills.
This treatment will reduce the
Blood Pressure by removing the
cause and driving out the Poisons
from tate systole. We are firmly con-
vinced that this treatment will re-
duce the blood pressure below the
danger mark and thus free your
mind from the constant worry of
People who have been ailing for
years should not expect. a complete
cure In a few days, one should take
at least six boxes of Hscking's heart
and Nerve Remedy and three boxes
of tho Aidney and Liter Pills. Be
sure to get Hacking's. If your dealer °
does not have thein, he will be glad
to get them for you.
• Mrs. Walker, formerly of Port
Elgin, now living in Flint, Michigan,
says: "Tho neighbors aro perfectly
astonished to see me getting along
so well!. I contribute my good health
to the persistent use of Hacking's
heart and Nerve Remedy and gladly •
s"ecomationd it h, t.11 my friends."
J)on't Worry
; )oJxt Your Victory Oondis
• Victory I3onds today are stronger than they
have ever boon, The important arineunee-
Ivent oI'the Minister of Pittance thatCannda
Nazi fanished horrowiug, Means that there will
Ile aro increase in the supply of these bonds.
The huge sums of money that must be invest-
ed ft'om t'inie to time in the highest possible •
grade .of security, will therefore seek invest-
went in existing issues. 'This should 100811
a greatly. increased demand, and have u
strengthening •elfeot on prices..
' If ytiu have money less veil employed, we ',
recommend that you invest it in Victory
Loan •
13onds at present prices,
Write us, anzl we shall be glad to furnish you
With fun particulars.
Wood, Gandy & Company
Canadian Pacific Railway Building
e e;�l
TheWay to the Wesi
,tee. TORONTO (Union Station)
9.15 P.M.
Sun. Mon. Wed. Fri.—Canadian National all the way.
Tues. Thurs. Sat.—Via G.T., T. & N.O., Cochrane thence C. N. Rya.
Tlekets and full Information from nearest Canadian National
Nnllomys' Agent, A, T. COOPER, CLINTON ONT.
or Oeneral Passenger Department, Toronto.
rinduetrial Department Toronto and Winnipeg will furnish full partieulara•,
regarding land in Western Canada available for farming or ether purposes.
"We salesmen who make one calls regardless of roads or weather,
realize fully the importance of good fuel and good lubricants --
and we know that we can get Imperial Polarize and Imperial
Premier Gasoline everywhere and that if we use these products
exclusively we may forget more than half the
usual motor troubles."
I `�4-air°:
•yam L
365 aye a Year Service
ALL motorists, especially those who use their cars for business
purposes, must have steady service. They soon learn that correct
lubrication is vitally important to uninterrupted service and that
Imperial Polarine gives adequate thorough lubrication.
Imperial Polarine keeps the engine running smootltlytand quietly by
establishing and maintaining a perfect piston -to -cylinder seal, which
holds all the power of •the fuel charge behind the piston.
Itnperiai Polarine thoroughly Iubricates and cushions every rubbing
surface with a wear -resisting nil film. When used exclusively break-
downs are infrequent, depreciation is low, fuel costs reduced.
One of the three grades described below is specially suited to your
motor. Look for the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations
where you buy your oil and learn which grade to use. ••
Imperial Polarine is sold in one and four -gallon sealed cans,-steel.12A-
gallon kegs, steel half -barrels and barrels, by, dealers everywhere,
r 4.4
eit ..L -
::MAK s"',a;1-10001u10.1L'•E;re
(Light nmedium body) (Medium beery Lod')
(Extra heavy body)