HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-5-20, Page 7BLOODLESSNESS t,"'"`'-vnt The Macartney Machine Minret is Fool : *"roof . Theta is no'epoipplicated machinery o the 1Vacartney Machine Milker, in fact It is marvel of simplicity. It only needs ordin- ary Care rdin-ary.Care and it will not get out of order. Besides beingso simple, the Macartney Milker la perfctly natural in operation there la nothing about it to irritate the cow, in fact its use is greatly preferable to the old method. Hand milking at best b only poor imitation of the calf's wayof taking the milk. The IVlacarthey Nlachine make exaetly as the calf sucks—that's why it is. called The Cow'el adopted 'child. TA° Coip's Adopted Chia increase Your Production m More.milk per cow is invariably the result where the Macartneyr Milker is installed, Itis not a matter of great expense and the 11lacartney soon pays for itself for it does the work in helithe time and effects a great saving in Labor cost. • • Inn in Ibe attached coupomand let uspend you lull' partlaalars. Get tills information anyway far fitUTm use and don't buy a minter without investigating,tge exclusive teaturus of the Macara uy. / The The Macar'tney Milking Macartney Machine Co. Limited • 1V111ie Co.TDIachdne Co 316 Catherine St., Ottawa Limited OTTAWA Gentlemen:— Please send moron rarticntarS arson Pp dfori,rtney•Milkers t` Name- ....,,,,, ..._ f' IL 1 at r' Dept,' 4 rhora,__...,Cow,t B 4 Cord or Fabric. Chance never drew a neat plc. tura nor built a fair house. In the making of Partridge Tires nothing is left to chance detail perfection is secured by craft- manship scientifically directed; and rigid inspection • insures outstanding quality. Partridge • Tires are all that good Tires can ;. possibly be. e il;+hl Gaye as Their Name ATTRACTIVE SWEATERS rA 1033—McCall Designs for Knitting —Include full directions for knitting the 3 sweaters and scarf illustrated.. Designed on the new straight lines, these are exceedingly smart in style. is knitted in Shetland floss in a De,iga No.1031 No. 2 &,I. simple open-work stitch. B isin mercerized crochet yarn. These fancy stitches are fully explained. All of these designs wi11 fit anyone from 34 to 33 bust. Directions in one size only. Price, 2e cents. Korean Weather Gods, In Korea there are no daily news- papers which announce the fair and warmer indications for the next day. Dr, A. Garfield Anderson, stationed at Wonju, Koren, says. The natives be- lieve that the weather is in the hands of the gods, but- that they may be in- duced to change their climatic inten- tions if properly approached. "It hasn't rained for front six to ,eight weeks and crops are going to mita drying up," he says. "Five-year- old trees are dying from drought. Even rleeiteida are dry, and the grain is unformed. The people are sacri- ficing in various was;, and praying for rain, On almost every housetop one .sees an earthen vase with a few branches on it, (incl at the side of the vase some fruit, a heathen way of praying for rain. On the hillsides they write prayers on paper and hang them up for the gods to read, "In the market place in Woldu you can see a strange sight, another effort to bring rain. Two dragons have been made. They lie between the huts of the market place, one facing north and one south, They are about 100 feet long, and about two feet -high at the head end, tapering off gradually to the tali and winding like a serpent. They aro made of clay and have broken pieces of pottery stuck into their backs to represent seales. For five -eights 10 sauecessiou the sorceress came out to thle place and 'danced and sacrificed for rain. If only they knew how to toU their wants to the true God, from, whom all help conies!" Less Trouble to make your table beverage when itis Is itis' .e +yy,fsl�geY. ga,tg 8b' C�r�TUVI A BEVERAGE rouge of aiherent po"e er WIt ot, roe a email portion of nole,00t. i'osium Cereal Company, DAM! OM.t t/1,4e.01, oar sour nate scion; P; It is made instantly by adding hotwafe r to a spoonful in • he cup stirring and adding sugar and cream to taste. Sold by Grocers ee, EARLY SYMPTOMS OF Shown by Pallor of the Face and Lips ---How to Obtain New Blood, lumen—do, or lack of bloody is so gradual in its approach that it is otter' well developed before lite. patient le autlieiently alarmed to oousult a doc- tor or take proper treatment to re- store the blood to a healthy condition, The earliest symptom of anaemia ie lass of color, especially in . the 1100, gums and membranes lining tate aye - lids. Then eoutos shortness of breath on Wight exertion•, such as going up etalrs, palpitation' of the heart, in- creased pallor of the face and lips, If title thinning of the blood i8 not corrected it will proceed rapidly until a co!nplote breakdown in health fol. lows,•vhen those niay be disorclere 01 the stomach, headaches and bagle aches, dizzineee and fainting 'spells. The most effective and prompt way to increase and enrich the blood at a time like this, is through the fair use of ;Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. - These pills have restored to good health thousands' of weak, anaemic people, among them Miss Mae Joitnetau, of Port Arthur, Ont., wlto says: -"Be- tween the ages "of sixteen• and eigh- teen I worked in a telephone office, and it was -very trying„to the nerves and health. I became bloodless, and so pale that friends often said I looked Consumptive, One right I had to be taken home from the office, and a doctor was called in who . told me I must Iwt go back for a time, Some times I would faint, and to walk up stairs would leave nie utterly breath- less, As 1 dict not appear to be get- ting any better one of my girl friends, whose mother had used Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills with great benefit, advised me to try these. I took the pills very faithfully for some time, with the re- sult that they restored me to goad health, and now when anyone tells me they feel weak or rundown I always recommend Dr. Williams? PInlr Pills, as I feel so thankful for the help they gave me.” If you have any of the symptoms described by Miss Johnson try build- ing up the blood with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,. Bet nourishing food, ex- ercise a little in the open air daily and watch the color re':um to cheeks and lips. You can run no risk in giv- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills• a trial as they can not injure the moat delicate system. You can get these pilin through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. - • Constructed Froin, Coal -Tat. Do you ]snow that St. Paul's Cathe- dral, the most prominent object in the City of London, was paid for by a tax on coal? Such was the case, and one writer has 'said that it consequently deserves to wear, .as It does, a smoky coat! The total cost of St. Paul's Cathe- dral was $3,730,770, which autouut was discharged by coal -taxes. So it can be truly said that cosi has played an im- portant part in building up as well as destroying, Speaking of destruction, the first church dedicated to St. Paul, and built on the sante site as the present one, was destroyed by fire in 1087. It was founded by King Ethelbert about 610, After the fire, Bishop Maurice com- menced rebuilding; but in the great fire of 1666 the Church of Old St, Paul's was destroyed. It was larger than the present cathedral, which Sir Christopher Wren built. In 1675 the first stone was laid by this' celebrated architect, and in thirty-five years it was completed. One penny per day was sale to have been the wage paid to carpenters employed in building -St. Pool's. The minute -hand of the clock is 8 feet long, and weighs 751b, CIIIII OOD CONSTIPATION Constipation is one of the most com- mon ailments of childhood and the child suffering from it caunot thrive. To keep the children well' the bowels must be crept regular and the stomach sweet, To do tuts nothing can equal Baby's Own Tablets. They are a mild but thorough laxative; are absolutely safe and never fail to relieve constipa- tion and indigestion; colds and simple fever:Concerning then( Mrs, Jules Fauquereau, Nomiltingue, Que., writes: —"i14y baby was terribly constipated -and suffered day and night. I was ad- vised to give hint Baby's Own Tablets and from the first they helped him and now at the age of thirteen mouths he is a big, healthy, happy boy." The Tablets ai•e sold by medicine dealers or by nail at 25 rents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, • Marriage Lines, in the• rural districts of Germany, not so many years ago, "Pay Wed- dings" were quite common. These peculiar entertainments wore sir• ranged for the pecuniary beuePt of the bridal noir, for the guests each paid an admittance fee. '1'lte "takings" went towards furnishing a home for the slowly -wed. Preach wedding ceremonies, even nnlattget the poorest, • are occasions for nekton extravagance. in Brit- tany they aro said to be more gorgeous than in Pari, 41t a pro -war wedditig in aha fernier place, we aro told that three bollocks, thirty-six calves, and five -'sheep were slaughtered, and, in addition to Wines and liqueurs, over forty barrels of eider Were emptied. Swedish brides• fill their pockets with bread, which they give muss to those they mdet on their journey to chut'elt. Titch belief is that every piece so disposed of brings so Misch good fortune far the future, The (Admit love -letter proposing inarringo was Written on a $rich!'ilils Was 3,100 years ;ago, when the hand as an Egyptian princes* was sought, and this, substanntial. aliselshee is said. to be the only thleg'of its kind in the world, Forgetful, Writers, l:Iow lnany authors lcoop copies Or their awn bootee'I If some of ons' moderns (lid so their own pltblleatlene world take up g not Ineenstderahlo portion pf their libraries, espeeia'lly in the case of. S11' Rider I -laggard, wlro •has, written so many works that 11 must be ]'other„„ difficult for him to recite a list of them without cudgelling leis brains, Thaekeray Paver troubled to keep copies or his own works, A. friend of his called upon 'him just as "Tha New” conies" c tme out in complete Voi'umo form, A GOY of "The Newpoines" Wass tit hand, but when: the friend loolced about he saw no copies of "Vanity. Fair," ".l3sntppt1" "Bandon, Pie'," or any of the works which had gone before. Oh being asked the sea- eon, !'hemicer'a.y said that he had had copies cf them all, but they had boon picked up by visitors and be had never troubledto replace• them, Dickens kept apples of all his books and they were Arranged on, the shelf in 'order of their publication; all ex- cept some very early works„ "The Village Coquettes:," and others, which, in his, later years, he could not bear to hear mentioned, ' Strange cases are reported of writers losing the trend of their own stories. - The most notable instance is that of Thackeray, especially in the case of "Pendennls:" The salve author also began "The Shabby Genteei Storyt" but as the work became die - tasteful to him when he got nicely in- to it he gave it up. The portion of the tale (in authentic editions) is now published witb "Philip," some of the characters • in that work having ap- peared also in the abandoned one. Dickens' found he had more trouble with "The Mystery of Edwin Draod" than with any of his, previous writ ings. Ile regretted that he had told most of the story before he was half- way through, but in -a way this is for- tunate, for, of course, he never lived to finish R. Nathaniel Hawthorne, the American novelist, left about as many works • un- finished as he did complete. For Spanish Influenza .The Liniment that Cures All Ailments— MINARD'S THE OLD RELIABLE—Try It. iMINARD'B LINIMIONT CO.. Limited. • Yarmouth, N.B. Rain Revealers. You niay rely on the weather fore- cast in your daily paper—and got let down! But not if you study the weath- er signs of plants and anitnals; the latter particularly. They are the real, ready-made and reliable rain revealers Nature has pro- vided for ns. Dandelions always fold up their leaves when rain is at hand. So do clover, trefoil, and the pimpernel. The apparent aimless braying of a donkey is a sure indicator of rain. AU animals show uneasiness wham rain is coming. Frogs croak with a loud, hoarse noise, owls screech, peacocks sereatn, and ducks and geese are un- usually noisy. This is said to be due to the relaxation of their nervus by the damp air, which makes them appear uneasy. 'Cats sneeze and wash their oars when ruin threatens, although the de- luge may not come for four or five hours later, Dogs get restless, and are in and out of the house an .hour or so before rain comes. This 'is said to be due to irritation set up by the damp air. It is somewhat extraordinary, but man is the only animal that cannot naturally perceive approaching rain. DAD! YOUR HAIR IS FALLING FAST "Danderine" will check that ugly dandruff and stop hair coming out IIS EV'RITIS So many have , Neuritis', abet vn ntpl, paralyzing tnfialnina toss or the nerves. Do notautrer an- other day. If you are a vtctlm, try :Templeton's Rheumatic Ca p. Nothingsules else Mina's relief SO quicly and so purely, • Send for free sample to Templetons, 145 Xing St. W., Toronto. ` 1"or sale at reliable drug- • Sista Tor ®1.04 a box. e ASTHMA Templeton's RAZ-IVI Alt Can, aides are guaranteed to relieve 43481' 8 MA. Don't puffer • an- other \ day. Write Templetons, 142 Xing St. W., Toronto, for freesainple. Rename druggistssell them at 81.04 a box. Cheerfulness and the Day's Work. I know a Pian who makes it a rule to sweeten lifts day's work with good cheer. in his Large business he makes every ane with whom he conies in con- tact, feel that life is a joy—not a grind. His whole life has been devoted to scattering sunshine over other's, He has been in the cheering up busi- ness over since I have known him. It seems to be his side -lino, and it is an excellent one for all of us to carry. .It will not -interfere with our regular business, and it will keep use in a healthful, happy mood, and that means mental harmony and efficiency; it means, constructiveness, it means creativeness. Let us try to sweeten each day's 'work. It is a good plan to begin as early as possible fn the day for some- one has- said that if. you keep pleasant until• ten o'clock, the rest of the day will take care of itself,—O.S.M. "SYRUP OF FiGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi: sons from little stomach, liver and bowels When Out of Sorts.. no you know that whoa you are out of sorts, my trfetld, yon are In 'danger? You. aro iia Bangor Of injuring your, self in many ways, Your mind will not' be ao 8.1e11 and thele will be a let- ting down of your standard of ef. ficfonoy, You will not do your Worlt '50 well, or be s0 orderly and system" atic, You will not think al) now Ways of doing things;, you will not be .ani- bitious+ to better Your boat. When you' aro out of sorts your judg. meat is poor, and you should not make ltnportaut di;•oisli0ps,' The beat tiling to do when you feel you are in tithe condition is to get yourself fit tune as quickly aa pirseibie, back to, tbe• normal again. With a 'little inlowledge ' Of mental oltemiatry you could do this very quickly. It Is a eimple principle founded on the knowledge that two Ideas, (sonnet exist in the mind at the same thee, Lift offCams. I Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezolia costs only a few cents. With your engem! You can lift off any hard corn, soft corn, or corn be- tween the toes-, and the hard skin cal- luses from bottom of fent. A tiny bottle of "Freezono" costs little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callus. In- stantly it stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus right off, root and all, without one bit of pain or soreness. Truly! No hum- bug! Ask for Minard's and take no other. Enduring Pain. First Shopper—"We women endure pain better than Prem" Second Shopper'—"Who told you that? Your doctor?" First Shopper—"No; my shoe• maker." INinnrd's Liniment for sale everywhere COARt3E SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO Pleases log .ltemedles nooks on DOB DISEASES and"\Sow to Food Mailed Pros to,any Ad. dress by the Author. Olay (}lover Ow, leo, 118 West list street New York, tY.S,A. ' Accept ."Calltormr. Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child. ren love its delicious fruity taste, Full. directions for child's dose on each bot• tie. Give it without fear, Mother! You must say "California," Ready Recruit. Recruit—"Shall I nark time with my feet, sir?" Lieutenant (sarcastically) -4- "My dear fellow, dict you over itcar of narking time with your hands?" Recruit—"Yes, ell.;' clocks' do it," Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. All household plants are the bet- ter for an occasional spraying. NotA Menus mars the perfect appearance of her cam, plexion. Permanent and temporary shin troubles are effectively concealed. Reduces tin, r, natural color and corrects greasy shins. Highly antiseptic, used with beneficial results as a curative agent for 70 fiyears. I, S1NCE %Iwo NIL 30 'ant COUGHS Class(>Sed'AdVertiser;r)ento, It"E13. fs43al.• Tpl/PNs' COMP 541313 FIORTIL17.lSR aZaa pay you, George Stevens, Peterborough' Ontario, BRA BAr.55 .. , Et.I, oeQuIPPlco NEI '49'," pod lob Painting plant In Mestere ontarlo, Ineprenee. curried 01,100. Wild Wo for 81,200 on 4 Ick sole. Dog 8t, ilson 2 ubllshtng Co,. Ltd,,, Taranto, aooz Baso wears—von, 0185 PLM 'WAN'1'1:D, 2 IN. AND thicker, shipped (,teen from saw. PO not sell until-you,colnmu:icate with us, Keenan Pros, Limited, Owen sound, Ont, TPA/MIND 0032002. Foga 11VZe;E3. I3 LCISTICIttti> TIIAI1VTNII 0011001,, ' for Nurses: St. Iillizabeth Hospital, 204 South Broad Street leiieebeth. Now Jersey, Complete course. Monthly al- lowance: first year. $8.00, second $10.00, third . $15.00. Address: I1uperintendent, ressozzaa.amOVs. CNC, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC.. Internal and external, \ cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late Dr, Salmon Medleal Co„ Limited, Coningwood. Ont. T7 MILD YOU PAY TCIG13T 051eTS 1'V a day to insure against lose of time from sickness or accidents? ' We have a policy that will do so. Further information will cheerfully be given hY writing Mr. Barlow, Continental Casual-. ty Company,' 80 I(ing least, Toronto. Agents wishing to get with a high grade Company, using part or all of their time, write us. The Great West Permanent Loan Company. Toronto Office 20 King 8t, Woad 4% allowed on Savings. Interest computed quarterly. Withdrawable by Cheque. 6%a% on Debentures, Interest payable half yearly. Pald up Capital $2,412,578. A Constipation Cure A druggist says a "For nearly thirty years I have commended the Extract of Roots, known as Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, for the radical cure of constipation and indigestion. It is en cid reliable remedy that rover fails to do the work." 30 drops thrice daily. Get the Genuine, at druggists. 2 seetifairtalteaBoalestigeoeaoefffea TWO M[JNTHS 010 BABYHAD ECZEMA On Face. Very Sore and Itched. Did Not Sleep, Cuticura Heals. "When my little niece was two months old she had eczema very badly on her face. It woo off a moist kind, and took a blister form, and was very sore. It itcbed, making her face feel hot, and she would scratch badly. Sae did not sleep well nights. "A neighbor recommended Cuti- clira so we got them, and one cake of Soap and two boxes of Ointment healed her." (Signed) Miss Zilia G. Stoddard, R. F. D. 3, Randolph Centre, Vt., March 10, 1919. Make Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcumyour datlytoilet preparations. Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and sec. Sold throughot,ttheDominion, CanadianDcpot: 11snCuLtemaSoStp, PoavaS,twStonm , ONLY TABLETS MARKED 6JBAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not :Aspirin 'at All without the "Bayer Cross', For Colds, Pain, Lumbago, Stiff- package which contains complete di - Mesa, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuritis, motions. Than you are -getting real and for Headache, Neuralgia., Tooth- Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin m- acho, Larache, take Aspirin marked sortbed by physicians for over .nine - with the name "Bayer" or you ere teen years. Now made in Canada. not taking Aspirin at all. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab - Accept only 'Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few cents. Druggists .Aspirin" in an unbroken "Bayer' also sell larger "Bayer" packages. ',i`ltee a is only, ono Aspirin—"Bayer"—You. must say "Boyce" • Aspirin to the trade mark (registered in Cnno.dal of Bayer dlanuracture of :ltnns- nrrtlearidtater of anlicylleactd. Villin it is wen known that Aspirin means Boyer u ant,rarUrrr in nosist 1111, public against nnitutrons, rho Tablets at slayer Contpen9. - . .••-• d mt(I1 h i general trade marl:, 1110 "Bayer Cross." rvn�.r.,,w 'Po stop tailing•Itair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandrult, get a small bottle of "Danderi.tie" at auy drug of toilet counter for a few gents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several appllcatiolts the .hair dually stops coming out and yon cruiit Ilnd any dandruff, Soon every Bair on your, scalp shows new lire, vigor, bright - nose, thickness, and mere color. Total production of gold in the world since the discovery of America to beginning of 1018 was 823,374,306 ounces, valued at $i•7,020,1165,G7S. MONEY ORbE1i5. When Ordering goods by mail send a Dominion IOxpross Money Order, If a ratan is looking :Cor an easy jab he has no time for anything also, Keep Millard's Liniment in the haute, ISSUE No, 21—'20, l'5? P..h s - r ANCHOR PLUG is the chewing tobacco of superlative excellence. Try a plug today. Noicir ,z6tr Flavor •