HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-5-13, Page 8GI.I]NTON : ill rr€ DIALER • 4 M. RAMRAS Phone 137 Albert St. DUYING 'ALL ICINDS JUNK AND POULTRY, BIDES AND SKINS PAYING THE HIGHEST ,PRIO11S Phone 140 nletinnetes giteg, A. 1. 'WOOD nia,#.pApERs, Dxal)LI)I!NGS, ,SIGNS; Ifl'Q, "INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING We Protect your floors, turrtitur , etc., by plenty of drop shoots.: Ontario Street CLINTON'S 'LEADING JEW] LERY STORE A Good Display Will be in my window, showing you ,bow dime was told from the stone age up to the present day. Don' miss this display, you may never see it again! It will only be shown in my store and for a short time only, A full line of Watches Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Cut Wage, China, Umbrellas and Canes, Optical . goods and some fancy Heads still left, don't wait till they are all gone. - Agent for Phonolas. Records and needles always on band. R. H.JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician Next .Tlovey's Drug Store i CALL AND Coal Oil New Perfection Automatic SEE OUR Stoves Florence New Process Electrical Goods Electric Washing Machines Electric Toasters, Grills', and Irons - Electric Reading Lamps Shades, Fixtures and Supplies Plumber and Electrician Phone 147w Special Announcement - of Cleating Prices EVEII;V ITER A 6CMQNEYeSAVER" Misses school shoes sizes 1 to 4, elearinglyat $2.913 25 pairs Men's Heavy Boots, Black or Tan, special clearing at $4.50 Men's and Boy's Caps clearing lines at .5O 5 dozen men's fine shirt's sizes 14 to 1.6i specsal clearing at $1.75 LOOK FOR SPECIAL SALE PRICE TICKETS This store will close Wednesday afternoons during the summer months commencing Wednesday May 5th. Plumsteel Bro. CLOTHING THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS. PHONE 25 NEW IDES,' PATTERNS. •. r' FriarOUR WEEKLY- LIMERICK eats y 1u}/ i A man by -the name of Verne Jules In the Spring, need- ed some good garden - tools, So he caste to our store where he found them galore And he is now - gardening by scien- tific Rules. We are headquarters for Garden Tools. We can supply your every. want, they aro made right, of goodhiateriei'and work easy, - Designed especially for the man with Spring Fever. A full supply of 011 Stoves, Washing Machina La Mowers, Gar- den Hose Garden seeds Lawn awer,, Gar- Hose, ,paints, varnishes and stains, Magic Furniture Polish only 25c 'Q -Cedar loops, $1.00 and up. ITARLAND BROS. IIIAR WAIL STo I3 T. —a , Y S NOVELTIES—The Store With . Steak all Paper Is the keynote of home fua'ne: tshing, It assists ,dexo than any'. one thins in making the home, trae1ive, What does Mere to advance the welfare and come fort of the people than bright, elleetY, hospitehlb we 1s.. Slue- ly money is wisely spent on snail homo-making, "joy -producing mero),andise that brings condo.• nous and growing elevation: and,. beciefit to our abodes, Our var. led stock of potteries and color- ings .will soon be ready for your inspection at prices slightly higher than last year, notieealile .mostly in the lower priced goods only. TIe W. D.. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the8est i Fila nuunuum Ili sx+ :i. Mrs, Brigham of London is visiting. Mrs. Kilty this Week. Miss A. Bartliff of Toronto has been ,in town this week. Mr, Graham of Kitchener was in town over the week -end. Miss Charlotte Sheeley of .Bridge- port was home over the week- end. _Mr. -Carl Mair and his bride left Saturday for their home at Allen- dale, llendale, Miss Annie 1VIcCorvie 1 week for -Pashley, Alta., ti will visit her brother. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Rurbe of Goderieh ware with- er's Mother over the Mrs. McKegney and M e- companied the Rev. g- - ney to Brantford, whered is in session. Miss Hawkins and Missof Hamilton have been of the fornner's brother, W. Hawkins, during the Mrs, W. Softley of Ma e returned to their hours d after spending a con s with the lady's nnothe ginton. Mr. R. R. Andrews e son, Master Richar n, Ohio, visited his sister,Be J. Gibbings of to e week -end, Mayor Cottle, L. Heard zell, J. L. I{err and ll went to Bzucefield on ening to attend divine h the B,rucefreld Lodge Mrs. Sharman, who has ing the past couple o h her sister, Miss Holmes and with - other relativesn' cinity, left this morns _ toil, Sask., where her Mgr. E. G. Matthews Ster- ling hank, Auburn, by his family, visitede week -end at the homed Mrs. W. S. Downs. Mat- thews is being transferred similar position at M will be movinghisfan weeks. Mr._ N. P. McLean, senger agent of the Line, Detroit, was in day looking after the of the Greyhound excursion, takes place this year o Mr McLean made the for car and Mrs. Me panied him. Mr, W. Brydone goes to Friday to meet With gates from Collegiate school boards to int Hon. Mr. Grant Mini• ucation, and Prennier n regard to' fr change making counties he 1 share in the providing iate and High school b present t th o municipality practically the whole viding such buildings ad- jacent mmncipalities s] advantages. The who] to be brought -to the the Government and will be brought down, new and more equitableg eft last There she w, nball and ba the form week -end. iss Molly a S. E. McKe the Synod Munroe the guests Mr. T. W past week Master Jim have o at Burford pee of week r, Mrs. Wig and his little Richard, of Akron, Mrs. B en, over th Elton Ro G. E. Ha Sunday ev- ening with I. 0. 0. F been spend- ing years with nes of tow, in the vi- cinity, for Yorlc son, resides of the Ste, accompanied over the of Mr. an Dir. Mat to a onkton, and Wily in a few general pas- senger Star town yester- day whirl n June 14th, trip by mo- tor accom- panied on other dele- gates High interview the Minister of Ed - Drury with in the law hear an aqua of Col]eg- uildings. At all ty bears cost of pro- viding while all ,arc in the e matter is attention of It is hoped legislation Miss Leila Mountcastle of Sidney, Australia, has been the guest since Tuesday evening of her kinswom- en, the Misses Mountcastle of town, Miss Mountcastle is the private secretary of Mr. George Wright, managing - director - of Partner and Co., Sidney, the larg- est retail first in. Australia, and he accompanied by his wife and daughter and his secretary, is making a trip, partly on business and partly for pleasure, through the United 'States and Canada and go- ing to England, where •they will spend four months. The party came by way of the Panama Canal to New York and Miss Mount - castle took occasion to nun ovef' to. Canada tp visit her rolatives. -Mies Mountcastle's grandfather west to Australia•whon his brother, father of the Misses Mountcastle of Clinton, came to Canada in 1832 so she is an Australian of the second generation, She leaves this aftermmoon for Rnifelo and will al- so visit Niagara Falls and Toron- to before returning to Neto York The partysailsfoam England next week. On the return trip Ahoy in. 'tend going •through to Vancouver. This is Miss Mountcastle's first visit to Canada and she is great- ly interested in the country, Those. who 'have met Miss Mountcastle regret that her visit here must be So • short. • Clinton News.** ecord • +f: ', ITUR' Y, MAY 13t11, 020, Wore is hit t Change of Seasons WINTER VANISHES AND SPRING APPEARS; WITH THE GOING OP TB ONE AND THE COMING 01" THE OTHER li WONDERFUL TRANSFORMATION TAKES PLACE IN THE MIND QP MEN! THE RESTRICTIONS 01P WINTER DISAPPEAR;:TIN.. DER THE GENIAL WARMING INFLUENCES 010 SPRING:. TII'lil • SENSES ARE QUICI{ENED, ANI) AROUSED, AND MA;N'ICINI) BECOMES MORE ALERT', IN TIME SPRING OP TI -ID TEAR. STATESMEN LAUNCH GREAT NATIONAL ENT RPT , ' A E1t5 OP INDUSTRY CONOEIVE SCT-I]:MES OF LARGE IMPORTANCE, E Ii ;022' M SK ENING. A ,AND ON EVERY HAND TITRE ARE SIGNS, Ob' AWAK- ENING. I3ut, it is not With these things that we aro presently and immediately concerned; The sweet homes of the people, and' there—among men' and. women of flesh and blood—the all -absorbing w et c of Spri gf ssuines any' ph the of unusual interest, The Spring Housecleaning opens up a thousand questions coeCarpets, Spring assumes avy phases loge, and then there is the matter of Dress; front the head of the house and his worthy helpmate with n s and J`urnion- omy, down to the tiny tot that prattles on the floor, the question of what to got and how totheirat and at Ideas r thing into the domestic scene and forms the subject of countless discussions; and therein lies get this and that and the other thing THE OPPORTUNITIES 010 THIS STORE Anticipating the advent of Spring and all it means to our many friends in and around Clinton, this store has gathered together from the four parts of the globe, the largest and most comprehensive stock of Spring Goods ever exhibited in a Huron County store,, Foremost among these rank NEW DRAPERIES AND THINGS FOR THE HOME Now that the warns weather is .here, Spring cleaning will go forward in earnest, and there's nothing adds zest to the work, like something new in the way .01 furnishings - new curtains for one room, a rug for another, fresh linoleum for the kitchen and so on HINTS OP THE NEW DRAPERIES - These include the newest patterns and colorings in cretonnes, Chintzes, Shadow Clothe, Voiles, Scrims, Marquisettes,. Etc. Many are imported and exclusively handled by us. To attain the most pleasing results in redecorating EXQUISITE 00 gCOVERINGSthe eaou'll find the choosing of the Rugs a natter of first importance. We fully recognized this fact in choosing our splendid New Spring Stock and you'll find here a variety and width of choice second to none in this part of the country; furthermore, by buying in liberal quantity we were able to secure hest menu- facturers' prices as well as exceptional quality and. choice of new designs, That's ,why we• invite comparison and are so solicitous of your seeing our display. BUT NOT IN THESE THINGS ALONE DORS THIS STORE STAND PREPARED A thousand and one other lines appeal each in its own way, which can only be satisfactorily 'realized by a personal visit td the store. War conditions have operated for higher prices on n est lines bought in the -usual way, but the resourcefulness of our pur- .chasing has been brought into play, and it is our frank opinion tha t never_.,in the history of Clinton, has so great a volume of advant- ageous placng of orders been clone than in the preparation of this Unparalelled Spring season, To. all. the neighbors and friends in town and surrounding country, we extend a hearty invitation to visit our store; the store i10.wide open for your inspection. STORE SERVICE. It is a pleasure to do things well. The remark applies to store -keeping as much as to other channels of endeavor. Oar six years in Clinton have been years of business ideals: the practice, of sound business principles has been our con- stant aim, and in no respect have we labored more ardently than in the matter of efficient store service. Permanence in any business is secured by mutual confidence between buyer and seller , Confidence is attained by courtesy, respect and sincerity. We welcome our customers to the store because we are confident that behind our welcome lies our ability to serve. CATCH THE .EIVTIIUSIASM OF GOOD QUALITY and your business dealings with us will carry no regrets. WOMEN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67 NEXT ROYAL BANK Sruceliiold On May the sixth the Kelly Circle held their .,somal meeting in the basement of the church, twenty-eight members responding to the roll -call with a "therefore" verse from Rom- ans. Mrs, McIntosh gave a very interesting talk, which all would have been sorry to have missed. The next regular meeting, June the third, will be taken by Miss Kate Thompson and Miss Mamie Swan, with chart number nine taken by Mrs, Wm. Reitz. Much iterest was taken in and some discussion followed re- garding the symposium to be held on May the twenty-sixth, London -Road Mrs. G. B. Hanley fell from a chair while engaged in houseclean- ing one day lest week and broke her wrist, Mt`, Fred Pepper, who has been laid up with bloodpoisoning in his hand, is now improving. Mr. Vernon Terryberry had the misfortune to have the roof burnt off his kitchen last week. The fire start- ed fromea defective shimmy. Mr. Terryberry was working in a back field at .the time but the neighbors gathered and put the fire out before it had spread to the other part of the house. The roof has been re- placed, It was most fortunate that the house was saved. The League meetings will be re- sumed on Tuesday next, the meeting on .that occasion being at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Phuntsteel. Miss Fannie Waldron of Clinton is visiting her cousins, Mr. R. and Miss 111, Waldron. She has not been at all well but is now improving, The U. F. W. 0. will meet at the home of Mrs,' Roy Plumsteel on Thursday next at the usual hour. Constamoo Vie. amid M1 -s, Roht. McClure of Colborne, Tp., called on friends in the villae on Tuesday. Mrs. Bagley n:(' Clinton is looking after Mrs, J, Britton, who is very poorly, Mr., Geo. Stephenson is 'not lin- proving very fast: • Fishing, is the order of the clay, ev- en on Sunday, so it is said. • Miss Joan Cook of oCdcrieh tp., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Joe. Ri- ley„who is under the 'Doctor's care, StOniep TOwnshtp. Mr. J. McNaughton had a very successful sale on Saturday: Fle has not decided ust j 7 d d 'whore ha will locate but may go to London. The neigh- bore are very sorry to lose this fam- ily from the community but wish Hulle t Township Tho many friends of Mr. Cecil Cartwright are pleased to see him able to be about again after his long illness. Hullett township is producing at the present time some fine horses, Mr. Thomas Livingston who always manages to have some good ones has now a fine four-year-old gelding for which he refused $300, and Mr, NV-. J. McBrine a short time ago re- fused $500 for a team of four -year- olds. These animals were all sired, we understand, by Glenrae, The following is the report of •S. S. No. 11, for the month of April: Sr. 4th—Many T. Ross, 83.3, Mary K. Moon, 83, Robert Leiper, 78,5, Thomas J. Caldwell, 74,3. Jr. 4th—Beatrice A. Fairservice 78, Olive A. Moon, 77,3, James G. Roberton, 72.6, Sr. 3rd—Leonard Caldwell, 68,1, Tommy Beattie, 67.8. Sr, -anti—William N, Ross, 76.6, Gladys M. Fairservice, Jr. 2nd (a) Harry Caldwell, 66.8. Jr. 2nd (b) Violet Fairservice, 8L6, Willie Leiper, 66.5. Printer—Tommy Ross, Mary Cald- well—Even. Best in neatness: Mary Ross, Rob' ert Leiper, Beatrice Tairservice James Roberton, William Ross. Even, 100 per cent, —K. B, Reid, Teacher, Kilplpen. Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Jarrot and Mr, Jas. McDonald attended the funeral of the late E, Clegg, which took place at London on Sunday, Mr° Clegg was the eldest son of the late Robert Clegg, who was station agent here for over twenty years. He was a very promising young man, loved and respected by all and was con- nected before his illness with one of the large wholesale groeery stores of London. His mother and brother, Dr. Frank Clegg, have the sympathy of a wide circle of friends. • Mr. oleo. Rolland and family have moved to their now home near Clin- ton. We regret .very much to lose this fainly from the community, but wish them the best of seecoss in their naw home. Miss C. E. Mcliennzie of Goderich township visited with her brother and family at Kippen on Friday last. Dr. W. E, 111. Aitken is in Toron- to this week. Rev, R, Wison and wile of . Varna visited some of their people about hero oil Thursday of last week and stayed over for prayer meeting. Rev., Dr, IT, R, Campbell of To- ronto has accepted a call to 1110 gamin Dun- g and Poet Albert P. resb yter- fan charge aid will be. inducted as inietor on Jtnne let,' the induction core - monies taking p14ce 111 Erskine church • them prosperity wherever they go, ,Dungannon,: Perfection Cook Stoves MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and (Phone 103) Men's Furnishings OPPOSITE PUBLIC LIBRARY The Store of Ouality How to have the Best Garden By buying Bruce's Seecje :i+ r'',vison's Hardware How to do the Work More Easily By buying your garden tools at Davison's Hardware A full and complete line of Seeds, Tools, Sprayers, etc., at Davisod's W. H. DAVIS N SUCCESSOR TO R. ROWLAND Genepai 11e.'t.wart Phone 53 Bruce's Seeds a Goderich Tovnyhip Mrs. George A, Cooper and her daughter, Miss Annie, spent the week -end in Toronto,, having gone down to attend the graduation of the former's soft, Albert F. Cooper, who has passed his final examination at the Dental College, We congratulate the . young ratan and wish him success in his chosen calling. Mr. Earle Porter of Goderich 1 visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Townshend over the week -end, Mr. A. S. Townshend, who is a student at 'Queen's University, ac- cording to results of exams just published, carried off the $50 prize offered by Dr. W. Moffatt in chem- istry, Mr. Townshend is a son of Nle. and Mrs. Albert Townshend, The young ratan is• to be co ng,•atu- lated , Reeve Trewartha received the fol - leaving Letter from the ehief engin- eer of the. hydro Electric in reply to the petition sent in :from this township asking for estimates as to east of Hydro for use by the far- mers here: "We are in receipt of yon} letter with enclosed petition from Goderich town mmhip anti beg to advise you that this petition will bo given attention by our Engineering Department and we will write you further with regard to rates, etc., as soon as estimates can be com- pleted. F. A. Gaby, Chief Engineer, Hydro Electric Power Commission.” Mr. Wilfred Colelougli and his bride arrived on .Tuesday from Montreal, where Mr. Colclough met his bridis when she arrived from Eng- land .and they- are taking up house- keeping on the groom's fatin on the nth concession, Mrs. -Colelottgll was formncirly Miss Grovee and 10 a sister° of Mie, Arthur Groves, Wingham WINGHAM, May 11, --The nnys- tery surrounding a series of thefts from the residence of Gavin Wilson,. one of the finest hones in Wingham, ham is believed to have been cleared up. to -night by Provincial Officer George • Phippen, who has been at work on the case since early in March. The robberies had extended over a con sidorable period. Mr. Wilson's wife died some time ago and the residence at the edge of Lower. Wingham, had been left furnished,, but not occupied, though Mr. Wil - eon visited it in the daytime. He missed various articles from time to time and fiinaily notified Mr, Phip- pen. To -night the officer visited the house of a Lower Wingham resident. and found with other articles belong- ing to the Wilson Monne, several gold rings which had been the prop- erty of the late Mrs. Wilson, a dia- mond ring, knives and electric Lights.. Some of the articles were found in. the house, some in the barn, and others in the houses of neighbors, having been obtained quite innocent- ly, it is stated, from the boys be. longing to the hour:hold in queetion. The money, consisting of 1;ng1ieh pieces belonging to Horace Wilson, son of 121r, Gavin Wilson. The clue which led to the clearing up of the case was furnished by the sale to stores in the town, of a quan- tity of eggs taken from the Wilson place and that of Mrs. P,•fnce, a neighbor, Officer Phippen behalves he has al- so cleared rap a recent robbery at. the uowerr hotso hors. as the articles recovered include a valuable tobacco pouch, presented by a Frenchman ova ernes to Mr. Itadfoi-d, of the pow- ei' house Stam.