HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-5-13, Page 5'THURSDAY/ Al4 13th 1920, Of.Kll tereslk to..* -on. Anna. ,Ae' : "I)utcb Peat," saws a despatceb, "is ,in“d'omand fiir,feel.". 'But eee,thought the eteeekaiser was seeing enaugh waled, to Supply the Omni; market, >w Marshall Feeti is to visit Canada seen, so says a despatch No Visitor :has ever been a o}•e welcome on aur shores than .• will be that same brave -soldier. All Canada will delight to -do him Honour, The Pdemier of Queensland, Aus- trali€i, told -e New York audience that ..steak, could be bought Or sixteen • cents and sugar ;for nine cents per pound in his country,. Sounds to us like the talk of an immigration ag- • * 4' * Sir Robert Bordon has arrived in •Ottawa and it is said is looking re- markably well, Next 'thing we may -expect • to hear from certain news- papers,is that hehas been peereetiy -well all the time and has just been ."•foxing," * * * t, Zurich has a showgrounda race- -track, a base -ball diamond, and et :skating rink,Why not a park? -.;Zurich Herald. Zurich also wants a weekly half - ;holiday: It talks just like a gl'own- ;up, Yesterday was t• he hundredth an- .xalversary of the birth of Florence Nightengale, the lady whose name -was like incense to the wounded -in the Crimean' war and who popular- ized nursing as a • profession for women, - Brig -Gen.' McLean 'made a lot of trouble for himself and others when he made that unfortunate remark the other day about a ,"servant class." Wehave class distinctions in Canada :all ri •ht but it is not consdered "good forin'r; to mention it. Millions of dollars it stated, will ;be saved by the appointment of a pur- 'e1asing board, which evould make all ,purchases for the .Government. That -may be .but who would . get those :millions? Will they stay_ right there -in ,rite treasury until they're- needed fox -something else? :It is ,beginning to dawn, on the people' of this country -that it is not necessary to *change our clocks in stunmer time•tosave daylight. Any indtt.dual or coinmunity can change -their '''working and sleeping hours •w.itheiut interfering with the universal ;trietfiod; of marking the time of day. -Wingham Advance . * N:.* They are wearing buttons over in Idaho. .saying: .I -am making my old. clothes •do." We don't do that way. We get our old suit turned; decriedand pressed; •try to make it look as•Much -like a new one as pose' trust% luck that our - .friends have- memozieg and Will •take it for, a new one., . xt** London Advertser say's the CgnservativeParty is dead. Maybe so, bit.there are a great many oarpses, that . would be glad of • as much life as the Conservative •Party has exist at this :very .minute. Con- ;seryat ves were content: during the war,.to:,let. , patriotism conte before Tavty.,and a lot of: foolieh people :seemed to think that they had for-' gotten party altogether, �: * a`,y: • Drowning accidents are already re- ported:. --Every season brings its list of avoidable -tragedies on- water, ., In the great majority of 'eases it is the - boys or girls= who .>knoie little about boats or. . water who come to grief. The children who are . taught front Viiildheed to deport themselves in water. and to handle a boat careful- ' ly ard;,slkillfully are not so Apt to. take foolish risks as those not accus- tomed to water. In this country of abundance of water every child, boy or girl;'should be taught to swim and to dandle a boat. They are bound to want' to' do both some day anent should he - part of their -early educe; • tion-. • WORTH WHILE "Help Self -Denial? Rather! I can't give .much,,, but I Wouldn't„turi.a Sal- ./ vationist away from my door.” " • I'in all for the " o religion that cont binest works with its faith," went on the hearty donor. "That can give you deeds as well.as.talk--'something se-•- complished, something done,' you -know-that's what I like about The Salvation Army; "Now, there was my boy -good enough lad, but very ambitious. He struck out for himself. We kept in touch for a time, and then, somehow or other, we had moved and he was always 'on ythe go', and we lost all track of him. I spent no end adver- tising °' through various agencies. Then 'one •day;= 1 aaW one of your Clifton. . on the street, and went up and told him the story. "'The Army will find him if he's al'ive', . he said. .And, sure enough, they did! Within silt months the boy was home again, and we had the hap- piest of reunions." His face clouded. "He fell in France, after that -made the great sacrifice, but we are ever so thankful that we got into touch with him before the War, It was all through the good old !Arany!" Andthat is just one of the stories that sent the Salvationist home from her long, wearisome collecting roundel feeling that it had all been worth while, i, W. F. Stretton. J. H. Jackson aed J. C. .tones. Brussels; W. C. Montgomery, Ronmll; lee. 9, Henry, Exeter and F. A, Parker, Wingham, have been granted certificates as op- tonetrists. wows of 'Uappel>ings in the CQLW1:l and District 'Mee and Mrs. ,john McGill who have been visiting friends in Blyth BMWafteraln a for so a time et ne bs ree returned to their home in the west last week, De. Wesley N. McCo'inick of To- ronto visited his, brother, the Rev, R. J. . McCormiek of Blyth, recent ly, The Ladies of the Red Cross Soci- ety, Blyth, entertained the Boy Scents at a social evening last week when a very enjoyable .time was, spent first in games and afterwards a- progratp was given, Refreshments Wele served at the conclusion,. The proceeds, for any outside -of Scouts had to pay ad- mission, amounted to over thirty dol- lars whieh will be used to ^purchase new Scout uniforms. Mr and Mrs, Chas Redmond, who recently sold their homestead near I3ensall, have gone to , Dorchester, where they have purchased a home, Mr. Earl Parliner of Hensel', who has been holidaying at his home, left last week to take , a position with the Detroit and Windsor Ferry Co. The Kincardine G. W. V.. A. has erected a monument on Library Lawn in that town to the memory' of their comrades who fell in the great war. The monument contains twenty-eight names. . While workng with a log the other day Mr. John Houldon of Exeter had one - of his ° great' toes broken and crushed by the log roiling back on - his foot. 'Mrs. Martin Wurm of Zurich cele- brated her nintieth birthday on.San- day week. A number of her friends called upon her and gave her a- lov- ing token of remembrance, Capt. J. Cantin of Montreal spent a few days :at his hone at St. Jo- seph recently. - A man at Walkerton who was put- ting gasoline into his car one night recently lit a match to see if the'tank was nearly full. It was butjust as. he made the discovery there was an explosion and he .-now needs a new car.. He was lucky not to' need an undertaker. Fire destroyed the Seaforth Flax Mill on Wednesday of last week, the engine room only being saved. The loss is a heavy one as the mill had recently been remodeled and 'fitted. It will be rebuilt at once as much land has beeno c ret meted for this spring and is now being seeded to flex, • Some flax in the building was saved. Mr. Relit. Day of Wingham asked the town council for something in the'way of damages on account of a broken wrist his wife sustained from a fall on an icy walk. The council showed that the said walk had been sprinkled with ashes shortly before the accident and thought the town was not liable. The councillors ex- pressed sympathy with Mr. Day but could not see their way to any. fin- ancial help. Mr_, Day may enter an action, Miss sabelle Cuininings, formerly of Seaforth, has been appointed sec- retary ,of the Department of Agri- culture for the Province of Saskat- chewan, being the first woman to be appointed to such a position. "Miss Cummings went to Regina about 'twelve, years ago and has been el- even years in the civil service. The position, is in reality a new one intro- duced by the minister, Hon. G. M, Hanmilton,to take charge of many miscellaneous matters which conte before the department during the year, 1VIrs. -J. H. Johnston of Goclerieb was called to Collingwood by the ill- ness and subsequent death of her mother, Mrs, Lunney, GOOD SPORTMEN KNOW THE LAW AND OBSERVE IT. For the information of those who like a day's sport with rod and line we reproduce from Rod and Gun the following ..regarding the close sea - sees for este in Ontario. BLACK BASS -June 16 to Decem- ber .31st..:, Vest end ..ef. Take -Erie, Jiily 16th to May 23rd. Limit per day =C, small or large mouthed black base. MASKINONGE--June 16th to De- cember 31st. Limit per day -4 maskinonge. PICKEREL (dore)-No close'sea- so in. nGreat. Lakes. Jti nc 6tli c1 to April 14th waters of province' south of French river. May 16th to April 14th, waters north of and including French River; Limit per `day -12 pickerel'. SPECKLED TROUT, BROWN TROUT --May 1st to September 74th Limit per day ---10 pounds and not ,more than 30 fish per day though the aggregate weight be leas than 10 pounds. RAINBOW OR PACIFIC TROUT July let to September 14th, Limit per day -•6 Rainbow oz' Pacific Trout. • WHITEFISH AND SALMON TROUT -Ire the Great Lakes, Georg- ian Bay, Neral Channel, Bay of Quinte nbd'bennecting waters, and in lakes Nipigon and Nippissing, no close season. In waters of the Lake of the Weeds, Rainy Lake,Namakan Lake arid Lake La Croik,`De`dember 1st to October 31st following, In all wat- ers north or northwest of the French and Mattawa rivers other than diose specified above, December 1st to October 19th. In all waters southward of the French and . Mattawa rivers, other than those specified above, December int to October 4th. Limit pet day --Big oz Little Ila- eau Lakes, 3 Salmon Trout, and in ,other, than thotie watere of 'the 'Gtcat Lakes, Georgian Bay, NorthChan= nel and connecting watexs •5 Salman Trout, LICENSE -Noir -residents will be charged a fee of $2,00 per ted While tonaporarily rtsidiiag in #?'ovine, 'but if fleeing from boat of yacht, $01,00 per rod, excepting in the following waters;, Niagara River, Detroit Riv- es, River St. Clair and St, Mary's River 'opposite the State of Michigan Non-residents Sishng in these waters. will be charged .$2,00 per rod, Pel•e hilt good until 318t December of year issued,. Non-residents in the Nipigon Riv- er, Nipigon Lake anti waters adja- cent for a period of two wecke $15.00, for k weeks 4;20.00, and for four weeks $25.00. Residents $5,00 for two weeks, $10.00 for season, Marriages I3'ITCIiEN--COOPER—Iu Toronto, on May lith, by the Rev. W. E. Baker, Maida eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Cooper of Clinton, to Percy Hitcherit of Toronto, formerly of Clinton. Births BARNES•-In•Wingham,,on May 2nd, to Mr. and firs,. Edward Barnes, a son.. TONKIN-In Wingham, on May let, to Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Tonkin, a daughter. PATTISON—In East Wawanosh, on April 27th, to My. and Mrs. Allen Pattison, a son, Deaths WILTSE-In Clinton, on May 9th, Adin D. Wiltse, aged 88 years and 11 months. McCLELLAND-In Goderich town- ship, on May 9th, Mary Ann Wes- ton, widow of the late John Mc- Clelland, aged 72 years. ALLISON -In Tuckersmith, on May 5th, Mrs, Joseph Allison, aged 87 years. TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received up to 7 o'clock p.m, on. Monday, the twenty-fourth day of May, 1920, foe the following• alterations and addi- tions to the -Clinton Public School Building. Excavating basement and remov- ing earth from school yard to place designated. , Underpinning foundation walls, and flooring basement with cement. Int in foundation y g a ion and brickwork for now additions.* -Putting in cement walks and steps to main entrance and outside ap- proaches to lavatories. Plastering ceilings, lathing and plastering partitions and new addi- tions.. Making. new openings for doors, twenty new windows, including one beam supports for walls and closing up present openings. Building canopy over main en- trance, Carpenter work: consisting of doors, partitions, stairways, and flooring and roofing new addition. Steam heating antt gravity ventila- tion throughout the entire building. New interiorlavatories including Septic tanks and all the necessary plumbing in connection therewith and tiling lavatory floors. Painting all interior and new ex- terior" woodwork and tinting, walls and partitions. All work to be done under inspec- tion and in accordance with plans and specifications which may be seen at the office of the secretary or at the Morrish Clothing Co's store. All'work to be done by the twenti- eth day of August 1920. A penalty of not less than 5 per cent. 'of con- tract price will .be incurred per day by any centrater whose' work is not completed Within the specified time. Contrators will be liable to the ex- tent of their contract price for the successful completion' of their con- tract or contracts. Address- all tenders to: H E RORKE, Sec. -Treasurer Public School Board, Clinton, Ont. • Don't Dump Garbage Notice is hereby given that dump- ing of garbage refuse or tins on streets or vacant lots is prohibited. Anyone found violating the law in this respect after this notice will bocured rose p RB. Fitzsimons, Street Inspector. • -45.2 Colts For Sale Team of heavy draught geldings, one and two years old. Apply to Wil- liam Morrison, Gravel Road, north of ' Clinton,, R. R. No. 1. --45•-2--,p Township of Hullett Court of Revision, Notice is here- by given that the Court of Revision on the Asseesment Roll for the Town ship of Hullett for the year 1920 will be held in the Township Hall, "Londes- born, on Friday the 28th day of May next, at 1.30 p.n ,, for the purpose of hearing and, settling complaints. against send assessment roll -Per- sons having business at this Court will attend at the said time and place withoutfurther notes. Hullett, Hay 10th, 1920, John Fingland, Clerk of. Hullett. Court of Revision Village of Bayfield ---Notice is Hereby given that the Court of Re- vision of the municipality of the Village of Bayfield wilt be hold in the town hall, Bayfield, oh Wednes« day, the 26th day of May, 1920, at the hour of eight o'clock in the eve ening, for the purpose of, hearing arid' determining complaints against the Assessment .toll of the said mune icipality for 1920. Pers/lns having business with the said Court Will please attend at the said time ani, itilaCe, wtihottt further notice.-::ki., W, Erwin, Clerk Brieflold, May 12th. 1920.. Clinton NewsmRecc+rdi Your Attention Is called' when wanting your sup plies this week we- offer at SNOW Price, Pura Laundry Soap 4 bars for 25e, 10 bars for $1.00; 8 boxes Matches 215e TRY " BULK TEA 2 boxes Corn Flakes ^^� $OME of OUR 50a per lb. 25e, CHICK renew P01:1° for 2 lbs, 3 oaken Pelee Olive $2,00 for 5tba, soap 300. PAP -FOR -PEEPS Canned '`apples, Brooms 750, 25e $1,15 Prunes, Raisins Rex Catsnp 10c 8c 250, MAICPS CHICKS1' 2 cans Pork and Beans CanDates,ned Pumeaeheapkln 85c HEALTHY AND STRONG For Pies or Dessert. - Highest Prices for Butter and eggs. "'e . • o JOHNSON & COMPANY Phone 111 Phone '126 SERVE OUR ICE CREAM For a refreshment or dessert. 4 box of it will keep hard an hour, se you have plenty oe time for a little talk or to get through the dinner be fore serving, Our cream is the very finest dessert it is possible to have. A taste proves that, and think of be- ing able to have it any time without Bother, Work or Worry and forso little money, just 60c a qt. The CLINTON CANDY KITCHEN M. McNEIL, , PROPRIETOR MAKE YOUR HOME HAPPY DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER Don't you know the time to .educate your children is when they are young. Start them into there music lessons as you would their school soon if you want them to make a success of it, It lifts them into a higher society which they can not reach with out music. Make arrangements to start then. aright. Which is only done on a piano. Any . music teacher -will tell on an organ and it only disheartens We can quote you prices and Gourley piano by dropping a card to JONATHAN.HUGILL you it is waste of time `.o the • child. .. ' make terms on a high rade Bell -or SEAPORTH BUTLER BROS., TENDER ROAST FRESH HAM You like it? Then you will en- joy a dinner from ours. , It s simply delicious - young, juicy, tender and most wholesome: We suggest that for your dnner to -day or Sunday, you order some from us, and you will not be disappointed THE VETERANS MEAT STORE free delivery to any part of town Phone 170 Court of Revision Township of Stanley. Notice is hereby given that the Court of Re- vision of the township of Stanley will be held in towynship hall, Var- na, on Monday the 31st day of May 1920; at the hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of hearing and determining complaints against the Assessment Roll of the said township for the year of 1920. Per- sons having business at the said Court will please attend at the said time and place without further no- tice. John E. Harnwell, Clerk. Varna. May 12th, 1920, -45-3 Cottage for Sale Situated on the corner of Albert and Whitehead streets.., Apply on premises ' Mondays or Fridays. James Stevens, Clinton. -44-tf Private Sale Of household furniture and effects. Can be seen any time except Wed- nesday afternoons. Miss M. Taylor, King Street, Clinton-44-tf Box Social The Ladies' Aid of Turner's church intends holding a Box Social on Tuesday evening, May .8th; Every- body welcome. -44-2 Calves For Sale Two two months old calves for sale. Apply to Harvey Johns, Phone 5 on 515. -••44-2 Pigs For Sale O,ak Lane Yorkshires. A few choice young sows, due in May. Al- so young pigs of both sexes ready to wean. Good stock. Prices rea- sonable, R W. Gibbinge, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. Phone 14 oh 816.-43-ff Car For Sale A Willys-Overland ear' in good' condition for $600, Good motor, four outside tires nearly new, four other tires for spares, eight inside' tubes: Apply P.O. Box 47, or at News -Record office.--43-tI • Dining Table for Sale' A solid oak extension dining.tabte.: Apply to P, 0, Bok 284, Clinton. • -43-tf House For Sala 7 -roomed cottage with Contents will be sold privately. House in good repair, electric lights, town Watet. Good garden. Apply on premises to Mrs. Pratt, Rattenbury street, east. .For Sale Three 'acres in suburbs of Clinton; one-half mile frefn Town .on London Read, 1W storey residence with six roonie end cellar, hard and soft wat- er: Bat•si 40x20 on content well with cement floored' stabling 'underneath; and driving shed suitable :for say. Poipiession int Fall W, ,Brydone, Clintoh. 42 Barns .Pot •Sala Brick "barn for side 25x49, 'ales frame barn 2140,4 lora' itf Per.,,, guson, Bayfield. Phone 8244•'-41-2-p: EGGS FOR HATCHING Leghorms, Australian and Guild Strain From bred -to -lay Single Combe White Large Birds, Large Eggs, and no better layers. $1.00 per setting of 15, or $6.00 per hundred eggs. F. J. TYNDALL, Phone 2 on 636. R. R. No. 4: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,0 ELGAR LADIES o QUARTETTE o 0 Western Ontario's Foremost o Lady Entertainers, o Attractive and up-to-date o programmes furnished for o church concerts, garden o parties, lawn socials and o banquets,- 37 anquets,-37 Oxford Street, •West. o London, Ontario. o o 0 00 o o 0 0 '0 0 0 COURT .OF REVISION , Court of Revision for the Town- ship of Goderich. Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision will be held in Holmes' k�pg11, Holmes- ville, on Wedensday th726th day of May, 1920, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon for thepurpose of re hearing and determining complaints against the assedhment roll of the said townshipfor the year 1920. Per- sons having business at the said Courb will please attend at the Said time and.. place without fUrthei no- tice. ' A11 dogs in the municipality not reported destroyed on or before the above date will be charged-- in the taxes. --Adan . Cantelon, township Clerk, R. R, No. 3, Clinton, May 5th, 1920 --44-•-3 ; Barred'i<tock Eggs Fos Sale From good laying strain. Also Pekin duck eggs. Prices moderate. F. W. Watts Raglan street„Phone, 149. i -41-tf Fruit Pickers Wanted-, Fruit pickers,, strawberries and raspberries or earl#er garden work, in one of the best fruit -growing parts. of the country at Vittoria'; near Sina coo, Norfolk county. night On the lake. Good bathing, good accommo- dation at either private hoarding house or in camp which is there. Work beginning in June and lasting thoughout July and part of August. Come any .. time an these three months. Highest wages paid. For information write BoX 180, Beams- villa, 'Ont. -294 1�7o Trespassing Any, person or persons trespassing or destroying property on the Kett, hies of the estate of the lata CI'1Ilw lane II. Woods will be prosecuted according., to `law. »-1. M. Woodsy Btyfieid, Ont. ,'Duly, tot, 1920 DISTRICT AGENCY' SUN 'LIFE' ASSURANCE CO . OF CANADA The Oldest end Strongest Canadian Life ComPeey . - Assuzanee in force $41:6,368,462 ALSO'. FIRE PLATE" GLASS AUTOM0B1I,ll1 ACCIDENT SICKNESS LIVE STOCK General Insurance Agency nd H. E. RORKE , (Office next door to New Era) ORDER 'YOUR SUPPLY OF SCRINTON COAD While we are not getting much coal at present, we are booking a lot of ordersand being optimistic about the situation, we feel justified in advising you to place your order now, so as to be early on our delivery lists. We have in stock the following: AT CLINTON EBONY CUBE CANNEL, the can- nel De Luxe. HARDWOOD, a limited quantity, specially 'priced. CUT RAILS, in both hardwood and cedar. ' CANADA CEMENT, the standard • in cement, AT BRUCEFIELD HEMLOCK LUMBER of high quality. DRESSED LUMBER in 'V match and flooring. 2x, 3x, and 5x SHINGLES in 13. C. Red Cedar. FIBRE BOARD cheaper and bet- ter than plaster. CANNEL COAL makes a real hot fire. CANADA CEMENT the cheapest building material. If in the market for any of the above lines, it will pay you to give us a call, and we will help you to solve your diffculties. -Our service is free. Make use of it, J. O. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD;a Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618.; THE GOANEBSTORE Phone 45 Special Sale of Toilet Sets Reg. $10,00 value for. ,..., $8,25 Reg. 9.00 value for .... 7,25 Reg. 8.00 value for •....• 6.25 Reg. 3 piece White Set ....; 3.50 Fresh Groceries, Fruit and Vegeir ables always in stock, • 1 IIC eemeeeeeeeeee How geed good Prunes Can be, -. We have some beauties and they alae scarce, Also Special for the week: New Dates Q..,. 20e per ]b Cooking Figs c(Q , 10a per lb These will not • last long et the price. FRESH P1Sii' DAILY W. T. O'Neil The Hub Grocery a SCRANTON COAL Any who wish to leave their order for spring delivery can do so by leav- ing their orders at my residence Huron St. or phone 155. Terms strictly cash. E. Ward. -34-tf Shorthorn Bull For Sale Registered Shorthorn bull, 17 months old. Apply E. L. Mittel,, P.O. box 18, Clinton. -40-tf Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and ree paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned., Rooms over Heard's barber shop. W. 3. Jago. -35-tf Boars for Service Champion bred, big type Yorkshire and Cheshter White boars for service. At home every ' forenedh.-A, C. ,Levey, Phone 5 on 689, Clinton -28 GIRLS VJANTD for knitters and learners ME WOMEN for menders aNd inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co, LIMITED Do not wait Till next Winter to Talk about that Furnace DO IT NOW Agent Mr Ueda Furnaces THOS. HAWKINS. Plumbing and Heating. Phone 53 ' Shop over Rowland's hardware FLOUR and FEED A FULL LINE OF ALSIKE and RED CLOVER, Also a quantity of Albatrea. SWEET CLOVER, and ONTARIG GROWN ALFALFA. . A car of Government Standard Feed just received. • J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123, LIVE AND LET 'LIVE F -red e�. BROODEll w.w� Manitoba Oats ' Our Manitoba Oats are of an ex- cellent,q°ialityc an&we-„ have a small quantity on hand which we are able to offer at a very reasonable price on accountof buying some time ago. Do you expect o raise any baby' chicks this season? Our Baby Chick Peed is composed bf a tnixtnre of No.1. grain'and, 'is clear 01 dust, We have it in two grades -Fine and Course, A shipment of Seed Corn has jttet arrived and is composed of the follow- ing varieties-- 1mproved teaming Early.Bagley Wisconsin No, '7 King Ph€I1p Longfellow. Yellow Flint For Hoge and Cattle we have a mixes, chop made from equal parts of oats and corn. This chop is ground very fine and makes au excellent feed for fattening hogs and cattle. Our stock also includes the follow, ing iines--Garden Seeds la packets. EasifirstShortening, Clover and Grass Seeds, ricer, Hen Feed, Feed. Flour, Cai Meat, Rolled Oats, Seed Buckwheat and Barley • Highest: prices paid for wool and grain. When disposing of your wool divine. Us and we Will give you the best price obtainable, ;W0 Jenkins & Son. I I.oet1 'AND- Fl9mb Phones: Elevator 199, Residence' 141 NOW that .hatching season has arrived we are in ' a plane to ' sell a limited number of BROODER STOVES • at very reasonable prices. They are very much more, satisfactory %>' than the uncertain hen: GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W; TREWARTIYA; Manager., Phone 190; Holnresville 4 on 141 CREAM WANTED 1 The demandfor our butter is in- creasing.. " To supply this demand we require more Cream. s We request you to ship as your cream. We ,guarantee you tide Blighted.. Market Prices, securate tests tendo prompt service. Our firm is known -to you and Needs. no farther seconimend. We• guys aR,express charges, farsx lab ellenm cans and pal twice 1}acb Month, Write for, cared et.ierthor infgyfba'. Ron to the Tilm Saxa.. ,4or - SCA CN"eattAe6'yt,°,+iDA Ci, A, BARBER, MANAGUA