HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-5-13, Page 4r
Business ]fours— , (}N VY i4,lep•raph mile,
8 at•ul, til.0p,m, Saturdays & 0 lake, ieleg,raltla efflee
nights before holidays 10 a.m, eRtladiaa National ticket oiiiee
Pictoral Review
are in the lead
We have now on sale Tho Pietoral
Review lot• the month of May, 25e.
Pietoral Review Fashion-. Book—
Sum neap Quarterly, price 25e
Pictoral .Review Pattsrne—a I51 0
stook "to select, from,
Transparent Oven Dishes
Save Stove rimeM.
Serving Time
Cleaning Time
Never chips nor
cracks and isguaran-
teed against Breakage
from oven heat•
It never rows old.
The original,and first colored varnish ever produced, Has given
complete satisfaction for over 34 years, A strictly high-
grade transparent varnish for finishing
Furniture and Interior Woodvdork
Prepared in natural varnish, also with stain combined, giving
beautiful imitations of all the bard woods, such as
Cherry, Walnut, Mahogany, Lt. Oak, Dk, Oak, Golden Oak,
Rosewood, etc.
n• IS TOUGH t'WATERPROOFe grain of the � D
RA Ie a wonderful finish for Floors' Chairs, Tables, Window Sashes,
- Book -cases, Desks and all interior wood -work
- Mk forColorCard
m,.�.�"_,..._, .... Sold )3y
To Ladies r
This is a result of the lack of
the ordinary red corpselike in the -
blood. The' -too frequent neglect•
of this complaint, especially izr the
case of growing girls and your
women, is fraught with the great-
est danger,' •
Poorness of the Blood
must lead -to weakness of the body,
General Debility and such a run
down condition that the sufferer
falls a prey to almost any epidemic
disease— especially .Influenza,
Colds and La Grippe:
Fainting, palpitation .
general 'disturbance of the bodily
functions, headache, hysteria, pale
sad callow compl'etcion.,•pallor of
the tongue aad lips, puffiness un-
der the eyes, and Heart Murmur
are generally associated with An-
lata =�s Heart and
Ire. &emwly
is the most reliable medicine to
tae. It will bring back the rosy
cheeky and restore, 'Vitality and
Vigor. .Do Slot be discourage!, and
do not worry tor-yoa win only get
worse.* Placa 'year eonfideaee in
Hacicinga Heart aad Nerve Remedy
Par it it a complete toric that will
bring back the happiness if gond
health, 'that you aC much tieatre.
BWy s few boxes to -day. 'Price
60e a box, B. for $2.60. . Sold by,
all dealers or by mail, postpaid.
flack:nes Limited, Listowel.'...
Jumpy Nerve;!
If yon[ get startled easily or
"julep" or "scare" at the least
little thing, it means .that your
Nerve Force is weakened and.
Your Nerves control every Men-
tal and Physical process that takes
place" within you—if the the
Nerves were cut leading to the
Heart that organ world never beat
again. Without the Nerves you
could never See, Taste, Smell or
Hear again for it is upon the
Nerves that every, sense depends.
If you wish to build up and
strengthen the body you must put
new life Into 'the millions of nerve
fibres that lead to the Heart, the
Stomach, the • Kidneys, the Liver
and the other organs. This yen
can quite easily do by taking a
six box treatment; of hackings
Heart and Nerve Remedy. It will
take away "that tired feeling,"
banish those pains in the head,
increase your appetite, help you
to sleep better, eat better and live
What ie a few dollars in com-
parison tai your health,. we offer
you a sovereign remedy for your
illness in Hacking's Heart and
Nerve remedy, The road to Health
and Happiness is yours if you Will
but believe it. This wonderful
preparation will .change you from
a Weak, Nervous or Anaemic per.
son to one frill of Life, Vitality
and Animation. It will bring back
the Roses to your Cheeks by in-
creasing circulation apd purifying
the"biood, Better get a few boxes,
now, when you think of it, but be
sure to get Hackings. . Price SOc a
box, 6 for $2.50. Sold by ail deal-
ers; or by mail, postpaid. Back-
ings Limited, Listowel, Ont.
The Salvation Army's :Appeal for a
Jubilee Fund will be received with
symypathy..throughout the world. No
other organization has a•higher place
in the esteem and affetction of the
people., Its beneficent works are re-
.eognized 'alike by the King upon his
throne and .the captive in • the dun-
It is not necessary to enlair}ye on
The Army's Stupendous growth. It
.labours for Christ in niore than. Sixty
lands,and: in over forty' languages,
Bet it is needful tolsay that the very
sucees0 of The rimy MAY lead'it]'
Weil -withers to oyerloek the• oblige.
•tions of personal help, Tho Jubilee
Fond win 'deubtleas'attraet numerous"
.,large gifts,
But it must $o reeeiyte the sup•
pert of ,the masses of the people. The
relation between ' The 'Arany 'and
Methodism are altogether ,sfordiial
We are blood -relation and the best
Work of both` is done in the same
spirit of abressive evangelism. We
trust that front many inidvidual
Methodists, General $ooth, will re-
ceive generous donations,
And we urge • our •Churches and
Sunday -schools to arrange for taking
eollectiohs'on behalf of .this untlfue re-
generating , and . reeonstructing
Agency. •
The saw mill at Auburn teas burned
The9day, night: or rather. • `Weditesdait
morning of last week and a small
pile of lunriber Soanewhat scorched,
A good start was gained :before •the
fire was discovered aid the mill and
Contents area , total` • long. It id
said that the mill, will be to bunt,
�tttlNtl Nes
;deme exoftenaent was mused
Winghann. •on ...,Saturdaay afternoon
when news was telephoned from the
,forth side of Winghem, that about
40 feet of the Upper Town dam had
been carried away, and taken with it
about the same length of bridge, A
warning was at-baaee telephoned to
Lower Winglatin,• and precautions
were tnlcen • to save the Lower Town
Iif is believed. that both bridge and
;faun bad been undermined during
the spring freshet, causing them to
give way ' under the pressure et, wat-
er to whieh they are always sub.
jot. Both were built some . years
ago, 'c of
timber, 'Considerable delay
to traffic to and from 'J urnbeiry will
result, but it is expected a tempor-
ary reconstruction will be made at
once, and a permanent dam and bridge
erected later: •
The marriage topic place in Wing -
ham last week of Miss Vera David-
son and Mr, Geo, W, Casomore,
The young couple will continue to re-
side in Wingham, before her mar -
rage Miss Davidson was "showered"
by is number of her young friends.
Have you ad Tree Plantation? • t
During the •past twenty years a n
number of patriotic farmers and land- a
owners in Eastern " Canada have d
sought to• test the possibilities of t
growing groves of forest trees either S
from seed or from young plants. In
some .eases these -have been walnut,
chestnut, or basket willow, in others
sugar maple, oak, pine, spruce, or
cedar. The information as to the
success of these plantations and the
soil and other conditions is of 'utmost
value to those studying tree growth
in Canada, The Director of Forestry,
Ottawa, would be glad to learn from'
the owner of any such plantation, es-
pecially those more than ton years
old, particulars as to species, size of
plantation, location, etc"
Clinton New
The warmest day of April of this
year was not quite so warm ns the
warmest day of the corresponding
month last year, nor the coldest day
quite so cold] neither was the month
Just past so wet es April, iv, but
the snowfall was far greater; Last
month 2.21 incites .of rain fell, and
the aggregate snowfall totalled 0
meshes, he , highest temperature
was recorded on the tad, when the
temperature rose to 08 degrees, and
the fith was the coldest day, with is
minlananl temperature pi' 1F, degrees,
Ida Jpril, 1010, the rainfall Was $,8?
nelsos, ,A few light snow flurries
occurred on the 24th and 25th, hut
the fall
th was not heavy enough to
measure., T he highest temperature
recorded was. 70 degrees, on the 22nd,.
and the lowest 13 degrees, on the 1st.
• "An Ounce of Prevention is Worth
a Pound of Cure.°
A disturbance of the even balance
of health, which often occurs in those
trying days of reeenstruetion may
cause serious trouble'. Nobody can
be too careful to keep this balance
When people begin to lose appe-
ite, or to get tired- easily, the least
mprudence brings on sickness, weak, •
est or debility. The system needs
tonic, craves it, and should not be
enied it; and the best tonic that
nany people recommend is Hood's
arsaparilla. What this medicine
as done in keeping healthy people
ealthy in keeping up the even bal-
nee of health, gives it the same dis-
nction as a preventive that it en-
oys as a cure. Its early use has
lustrated the wisdom of the old
eying that "a stitch in time saves
Preventive treatment now and then
ails for the use of a good cathartic
r laxative, like IIood's Pills, which
re purely vegetable and act quickly
nd thoroughly.
The leaping brook trout painted in
natural colors on the cover of the
May issue of Rod and Gun in Canada
will quicken. the pulse of every na-
ture lover. This issue of Canada's
leading sportsmen's monthly con-
tains the first installment of Harry
M. More's thrilling story of adven-
ture entitled, "The Silver King."
"The Iiananaskis Lakes" is the title
of an interesting fishing story from
the Elbow River valley: it has sev-
en clear cut photos to illustrate it.
Bonnycastle Dale tells in his own
gripping manner the story of the
wild cat, its range and habits
throughout ou„ Cauad
g a. S. C. Cain hum-
orously relates the story of four
fishernerron a week -end trip to Lake.
Scugog after bass. The Guns and
-Ammunition and Fishing Notes De-
partments are up to their usual high
standard In this number. A valu-
able addition to the fisherman is the
inclusion of the open fishing .seasons
fol• the Dominion, ROD AND GUN
IN CANADA Is -published monthly
"Woodstock, Ont. ,.
They Did Their Duty, Anyway
If you happen to be n friend o
License Inspector . James O'Brien
and you desire to retain that friend-
ship a warning is hereby given nev-
er to mention the word "turnips"
to him. Jim was a farmer before
he was a license inspector, and a
good ' one' too, and he knows good
turnip's when he sets theasa ,and they
have always been one of his favoritd
diehes, but never again will he have
anything to do with turnips. He
saw enough of then; on Monday to
last him the -rest of his clays, and
even the mention of them puts hien
in bad humor.
It all carne about in a most -pecu-
liar manner, . his conning to dislike
turnips, and while he has not sought
any publicity regarding the matter
the story is too good. to keep. It
appears that last Sunday Inspector
Beckett, of Owen Sound, who is *ell
known in', this section and who is
a iiairtitiilitr. friend of Inspector
O'Brien,- receive -c a message from
John Ayearst, at Toronto, to the 'ef-
fect that .a big shipment of whiskey
was loaded in a freight car along
Arias station and was about to• be
sent to Guelph. Mr, Beckett com-
plained bitterly. about being sent out
of his 'own county, but finally de-
cided to obey orders, and early Mon.
day morning he arrived at Guelph.
He at once sought Inspector O'Brien
and the two sleuths found their way
to the freight yards in search of a
car of turnips. They hadn't much
difficulty in locating the car and
without undue ceremony they.offici-
ally seized it. It was then the fun;
or rather the work, started, for
these two determined inspectors;
both, of whom. are at all times un.
swerving in; their devotion to duty,
were convinced that thsey , were
about to make a big haul of booze,
They started diligently to ,work,
and the'Way the turnips were un.
loaded from that car was a caution..
The car was well filled, and there
were-rilauy, tons of •them, but it was
whiskey they wore after acrid whis-
koy' they were going. to get. They
toiled along all 'day, but nary the
bottle bf Cvhiskey'couid they locate.
They even went so far as to.cut open
a turnip once' in a while 11 order
that they night aiipoase their ap-
petites, for they dare not leave the
car until the .bottom had been reach-
ed. 'After sapper, they procured lan-
terns and worked late into the•Sight'
unto overt' turnip in that ear had.
bon handled, and .still there .was no
Whiskey. 'They realized that the
joke was on them this time: but•
wire happy sin ;the knowledge that
they. had done their duty.. Theft.'
was nothing but turnips in the ear,.
'and this accounts, tor the antipathy
tiro inspector has with regard to tarry
]tips today. • .•Uuolph Herald.
The Pure Bred Percheron Stallion,
ICTERE (imp,) has been enrolled in
Canadian Percheron Stud Book as
No. 1010. Inspected on the 19th
day of October, 1916, anti passed.
MONDAY --Will leave his own
Clinton, ton on May
, by
way of Huron Road to J. Swanson's
for noon, then by way of Benntiller
to C. 3. Walters, Davison Line for
TUESDAY -..By way of East Nile
to W. Mellwain's for nooff, then to
John Moulden's for night.
WEDNESDAY—East and north to
George Henry Ball's for noon, 'then
by way of the Base Line to his own
stable for night.
THURSDAY—By way of. the Bay-
field Line to W. Middleton's for
noon, then by way of Varna to J.
MoEwan's for night.
FRIDAY—By way of the 2nd of
Stanley to his own stable where Iso
will remain until the following Mon-
day morning.
Wm. Brown owner and Manager,
We wish to an.
nounee to our eus-
tomerd that we
will guarauteE to''
for one year, any
bought from us.
done Neatly
Mr. 0, R, ia'lenaing, piosiclont of
the Canadian Deep Waterways and
Power Association, eddressel the
Hoard of Trade at Goderich the other
evening. Re held out the pospect of
•Godnaielt becoming the ocean port for
this territory, Ho said the harbor
would have to bo deepened twenty -
fly fent to accomodate ocean ves-
TheDoulbleTrackL cite
b w
*Unexcelled dining car service.
Sleeping cars on night trains and
parlor cars, qn principal. day trains.
Pull information :from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent dr O; EI, Horn-
ing, District Passenger Agent,. Tor-
A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent.
Phone 60, Uptown Agents.
THURSDAY, MAY lath, 10120,
The Way to the'Wesf
17 raw. TORONTO (Union Station) '.
9.15 prIN:
Sun. Moo. Wed. Pr1.—Canadan National all the way.
Tues. Thurs. Sat,. -Yea 0.T., T. li N.O., Oophrane thence 0;11. Rya.
Tloketa'and full Information from t Oanadlen 'National
fiatwaya' #Ant. A:, T. COOPER, CLINTON ONT.
or General Passenger Department, Toronto.
la aatrlal Department Taranto IMO Wlainlpag will Vurnbh lull partloulara
regar4,n.t land In Western Canada available for farming or ether purpoaaa.
Canadian,.N t'iun,�I . Rail, ays'.
The Hard -Drying, Long -Wearing
Floor Finish
Noshing adds so much to the beauty of a home
as floors that are properly cared for; on the
other hand, floors thatare'not protected are
unpleasant to look at, are hard to keep clean,
and become injured through wear. Don't
neglect your floors, beautify them and save
them, Save the surface and you save all.
MARBLE -ITE Floor Finish is the perfect
treatment for floors of all kinds. It is the one
floor finish that has a money -back guarantee
to every can.
In 24 hours MARBLE -ITE dries hard with a
beautiful finish that will not show heel marks.
It has a high gloss, yet is tough enough to stand
any amount of wear without injury. It can be
washed with soap and water and it will not
mar nor scratch white.
We invite you to call and discuss this method
of beautifying and protecting your floors. We
can give you full details regarding this or any
other painting or varnishing problem. We have
a complete stock of MARTIN-SENOUR Paints
and Varnishes. For every purpose—For every
"100% PURE"
The paint for wear
and weather.
It wears and wears
and wears.
beautifies and pre.
serves Oil Cloth
and Linoleum.
Improves the new
—renews the old.
The sanitary, wash-
able Flat Oil Paint
for Interior Decor-
s.:CIifton, Ont. .._.
r wI 111111111111111111111112, .
d 4!
ai111(,nnmi ,
mu tmaJl 111 '
.Any Farmer May Present
A Proper Financial Statement such as
Will be Accepted by any Bank
If he uses Scott's Simplified Accounting System for Farmers in
connection with his farm, operations
It provides you with a monthly or yearly statement of Receipts
and Expenditures in each department of your farm
at the end of your year sits forth cost of production. in each depart -
anent and the net Profit and Loss which each has yielded.
The last word in simplicity.
It is so simple any man who can read or write --any school boy
or girl --can follow its principles—So complete that. it is
heartily endorsed by Government and farmers' organization
officials and leading flnaneial men. • . ,,
Beware of ,imitations—Scott's is the only Farmer's Accounting System
which provides forms in which a complete statement of every, branch of.
your faint operations ---month by month—for five years— is covered.
To introduce these books in this
section we will sell a limited number
for $9. Regular $12 book, good for
six years. ;
'rhe News -Record Gree'