HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-5-13, Page 1No. /04540thYear CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MAY I3th, 1920 he Large Circulation throughout the County News -Record► makes it a most useful Advertising Medium TUE HOME PAPER ave You Tried c 0 e 1 CLINTON MARKETS: Oats $1.00.• wheat 81.98 Barley 1.fi0, y Tiuttei, 00c. Egg's BSc to 49e.has Buckwheat 1.45 Live, kIogs $19,00, WALKER DIIrAD 'Walker ABROTHER ILL. The. Misses Mountcastle. received word last week that their brother, Mx.' Edward MOuntcastIo of Dun- citilk, was very ill. Mr. 11�ptanteastle been m fatting health for Sofia time " and his recovery is scarcely y oatpected• ADVOCATES CHURCH UNION, HAS WON DEGREE, Rev, Jerrold 0, Fats: curate of St. Themes church, Toronto, form- er1Y rector of St. Paul's church, Clinton; last week had the degree of Ti, D, conferred upon him:. ANXIOUS FOR A CONTEST The Doherty baseball team •is de. veloping splendidly and attending WON HER DEGREE,. Miss Joan M. C. Wylie of Bien- heirs, laug'h'er of the Rev. W. W. Wylie, f ormerly pastor of the Clinton Baptist church, successfully passed her examixlations ip fourth year arts At• ] •C,]�`TAate Umvez'alty and yester- clay evening at Convocation Hall re- calved her B. A, degxee: 'OLD RESIDENT LAID TQ REST. Auburn A very successful'. "Mothers: Day' service- was held last Sunday' ir the Baptist church, The choir ai the rendered suitable, music ane the pastor spoke on "Family Life." .Next Sunda Mr, White of I•Iamil• y ton will assist the pastor and will also sing, i Zug, the Zed bur( egr�ta • Simplicity of construction coin- C ��' ACi t�,- •blued with • . a skill m manufacture, - 4e,. al 'i BSOLUTEt . �,`c. '�+y �' n / o \ y ?� Y GUARANTEED which is the inheritance of genera - tions make REGINA WATCHER 'TES g keepersCAPT. •a """�''"- consequently ood tame and eV comfortable watches to carry. Their ' efficiency is assured by 'a guarantee which enables the owner to have any constructional defect remedied free of charge by the nearest agent in any part of Canada. They are not Mx. William ceived this week the sad and unexpected\ Hews of the . sudden death of his uncle, Capt.•-Thotnas Walker of London, .England. Capt, Walker visited his nephew for several months last year and will be remembered by niany in town. FORMER RESIDENT CALLED: The funeral of the late Thompson who Bled in Toronto on Mon- day, formerly a resident of Clinton, takes Place in Seaforth this morning on the arrival of the train from To- Tonto. Mr. and Mrs. Danford and others aro Attending the funeral, A fuller notice of his life- will appear nexeeveek. Mr. Clufl was a brother ne the late Mrs. T. Beacom and 1her. ofidentical D. S. Chaff of Clinton, and this town was for many years his hone. ADIN D. WILTSE CALLED. EarlyThe on Sunday morning the spir- ft of Adin D. Wlitse took its flight to the other world, having journeyed a through this for the lengthy p rind of nearly eight -nine years, Synod of Huron, 'nesting this week in Brantford, approved a sti- pend of $1300 as a minimum for its clergymen, with free rectory: - The Rev, Canon •Gunn of London.,delirious the olest member of the Synod, re- plied for the clergy to the address of welcome. - Mr. John Render], St. Paul's lay delegate, refeunlg to the charge of the Bishop, said that the "forces of were many times more than the forces which stood against the count -but- forces ry during the war." Be asked that church union be furthered and ex- resged the belief that Canada was an excellent place for such union to pton commence. The cardinal points of Christian religion, ]te said, were in all creeds. Minor points alone made sectarian divisions. CLINTON GIRL WEDDED, marriage took place in ()sang- ton Ave., Methodist church, Toronto, twelve o clods, on •Thursday last Baker, Rev. W. E. Balser, officiating, ofer Miss Maida Cooper, eldest daughter of Mrs and Mi's. Geo. E. Cooper of practice regularly, Both players anti supporters are keenly anticipating a busy season and will welcome any of the town or local teams who ere of a game. Communiea- tions addressed to 0, Cornish, Sec - retell, will be promptly answered, HAS BEEN TLL, Mrs, William Grigg, ono of Clin- ton's oldest residents, has been very ill for the past couple of monthsMiss as •now $o much improved that she is able to sit up again. Mrs. Grigg is now in her eighty-eighth year and has been a resident of Clin- since her earl womanhood, hav- y ing come Here with her brother, the late Mr. Bfddlecouibe. FROM OVER THE SEA, In the May issue of Sunday at Home, an English magazine, 01 a department devoted to Canadian in- tercets, appears a very good photo of Mr.. Isaac Docld woi'Ising among e understand his bees. The ptime was taken of some time ago by NIT. Sallows of GOdCrfch, It is a good Mrs, Joseph Allison, an old resi- dent of. Clinton, passed away at the Huron County Horne on Wednesday of last week. She was ei •ht -seven g y years of age and had no relatives liv- ing. The funeral took place from Ball & Atkinson's undertaking par- lots on Saturday afternoon, the ie- 'trains being followed 'to.therr last resting pinto by friends who had known her for many years. TEACHERS GET INCREASE. At a meeting of the Model school board last week it was decided to grant an increase of $150 in the sal- aries of all the teachers under the Principal. It has also ,been decid- ed to make this a seven -roomed school, except during the model term. The Government grant to the hoard this year will be $1200. Here- tofore the grant has been $1000. Work will be commenced almost fnunediately, as much can be done toward the repara even before school closes. M Londes oro :, - Mr and Ms. Plank Lee and laugh. ter, Miss Mamie, of Seaforth motor. ed over on Thursday. and visited at the home of Mr. Thos, Millar Mr. Alec Wille spent Saturday ir Seaforth. Mr. Fred Butler of Blyth called or friends in this vicinity. Muriel Young spent Sunday with her friend, Miss M. Crawford. The annual "At Home" of the Methodist W. M, S. will be held or Friday night, May 21st. Rev. A. E Millson will give his address of "Through Siberia in a Box Car." Murdison the Scottish entertainer appeared in the township hall, Lend. esboro, on Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of liner church. The attendance was very good and the conceit much en• joyecl: Mr. Hardison is a pleasing entertainer and his con.itc &eta songs were well received. The Ladies' Aid were very well please' with the result of their venture. made in grades which cannot be fully guaranteed. a/0 tp„ „ }i , w�"°•�•Clufk if}P elee and Optician - - Clinton ISSUER ' OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. Phone 174w • Resident 1743 LLe� --- -au� �- o;ao "�m= '; °"��:..... _ _ :::. .'-:" _',. . �""" ""99"'�'" ,i,� The "loyal batik of Canada 'HEAD OFFICE,- AIONTREAL Collections made, Drafts sold. 400 branches throughout Canada and Newfoundland FOREIGN BRANCHES2 CUBA -Havana (r,Branohes) stntnln, lianas, Bnynmo. C•nibm eii Camaguey, Cardenas .-Ciego do Avila, Ceinfaegos, Florida, Guantanamo. Jatibmilea,-hlanraunto, Matanzas' Moran, Nuovitas, Palma Soriano, Pinar del filo, Puerto Padre; Sagas la:Grande, StuntiS iritus,Santa.ClaraaudSantiagodeCuba I>ORTU r�1lCt-can Jumn,lt2a3ntt,,vay. and Ponce COSTA RICA -San rosetown, - DOMINICAN RIDPl1BL7C-S. Domingo, Puerto Plata, Sanchez, S. Padre do Niacol9s and Santiago de los Caballeros - MARTIN1QUE—Fort do France GUADELOUPE-Pointe•n•Pitreland Basso Terre V\LGLJLLA-Caracas, Ciudad Bolivar,l.2arncaibo and Puerto Cabello ::•Lt i; BRITISH WEST INDIES fre.G ,y The. late Mr. Wiltse was. born in to Mr. Percy Kitchen, a form- Leeds County of United Empire er mmensber of .the 1G1st Battalion and Loyalist stock, his father having been also a f0rnter resident and ell -known a granted a tract of land fax services here. The bride was attired in a in the British Array. Forty-nine travelling suit of Pekin blue and hat Years ago he camewith his family of georgette and straw and wore a and settled on the London Road, on g g the farm now occupied by his grand- corsage bouquet of sweetheart roses. son, Mx. Milton Wiltse. He and The bride was attended by Miss his wife, who died four years ago Evelyn Charrette of Toronto, tate last February, came to Clinton in best man being Mr. Cecil Cooper, 1911. brother of the bride, After the Mr. Wiltse 'was a very quiet man, wedding luncheon the young couple one who attended strictly to his ]eft for a short trip and upon their own affairs and interfered with lie- return will reside in Toronto. body'. He ivas a Methodist in relig-Congratulations and good wishes yMrs. ion, being connected with Ontario are extended. street church and inpolitics a Lib- eral. He is survived by one laugh- 0. C. HAD EASY TIME. . ter, Mrs. Raney of London, and two One evening recently about thirty- sons, Councillor Harrison Wiltse and five ex -members of the 161st Huron Mr. Levi Wiltse of town. - Batt. gathered at Hotel Mossop, To- The funeral took place on Tuesday ronto, to renew old acquaintances. afternoon from his late residence, Among the senior officers present the services being conducted by the were: Col, Murdie; Major Shaw, M. Rev S. Anderson. The pallbearers 0. ; Major McTaggart, Paymaster, were: W. Grant, H. Peacock and and Capt. Vanstone, Adjt. After a W. J. and R. J. Miller. sumptuous repast had been disposed Amongst the relatives and friends of Col. Murdie proposed the toast from a distance who were here for to the King. The toast to the 1G1st the funeral were: Mrs. Chesney and Batt. was proposed by Major McTag- son and Mrs. McKay, Seaforth; gart and responded to by Major Mrs. Dennison, Brussels; Mr and Shaw. Col. Murdie stated that the Mrs. Harris and two daughters, best and easiest time he had spent Grey townsls\fp; Mrs. Harris, Pres- in the Army was during his period ton, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Wiltse in command of the 161st, This he and daughter, Mitchell, attributed to' the •fact that the N. C. The remains were laid beside those 0.'s and men, "played the game." - , one and anyone who knows Clintons ' :veteran Beeman could not fail •to re- cognize it. APPOINTED INSPECTOR. Mr, G. A. McKee, son-in-law of Mr. W. Doherty, h l y, as lust been a r- pointed Public School Inspector for Edmonton, at a salary of $3700 a year. For several years Mr, Mc- Kee has ben principal of South Ed- monton High School and it is a testimonial to his fitness for the position that he was the choice out of seven applicants. As a former teacher in Clinton Collegiate our hearty congratulations are extended him, ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED. Mrs. E. S. Howard, Vermont Apartments, Toronto, announces the engagement of her daughter, Ruth, to Capt. W. J. Doherty, R. C, A., Toronto, formerly of Clinton, the marriage to take place quietly early in June. lar. and Mrs. John Longmire, Goderich, Ont., announce the engage= ment of their daughter, Bertha Alice, to Mr. Gordon Harwood, formerly of Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harwood, of West Summer- land, B. 0., the weddng to take place in Toronto early in June.- BE GOOD TO THE S. A. LITTLE LOCALS. . flour advanced seventy-five cents in Clinton this week. Bread has not been advanced so far here. NIT. George Holland and family are moving to ther new home, the- g Fisher farm on the Huron Road. The Canada Company's flax mill at Seaforth was completely destroyed by fire last Wednesday morning, Mrs. C. H. Bait]if, who recently sold her house on Ontario street, has purchased Mr. James Stevens' cosy cottage on Albert street. Mr Frank Jenkins is carrying his right arm in a sling. and being very kind to it still as a result of an in- jury while cranking his car. Mr. Chas. Lovett is having the Lowery ]louse on Rattenbury street, which he purchased last year, over- hauled and remodeled and when fin- ished it will be a comfortable and cosy dwelling. The Are alarm was` sounded on Monday forenoon but the brigade was not needed very badly happily. Sonic rubbish was being burned in the yard behind Hovey's drug store and it spread a bit and someone rung in the alarm. Why is the street committee so slow about getting out the watering cart? ' Whenever the sun shines the dust especially on Albert street, is very annoying. Thursday a.nl.: The cart has been out this morning. Good business. Lets see it often. ' - Bagfield The merchants of the village have decided to close their stores at 15 o'clock, noon, on Thursdays, begin ming May 20th. - Mrs. Ross of Clinton is spending a few weeks at her summer cottage overlookng the lake. Rev. Mr: Pitt of Trinity chute) is attending the Synod of Huron al Brantford this week. Mrs. Hale of Windsor s the guest of her sister, Mrs. Thomas ISing. J. Govenlock of Egmond• ville was the guest of her laugh ter, iVIrs. William Ferguson, las week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaren are daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert o Port Elgin, Miss Maud Stirling o: Toronto and Mr. Jaases Stirling o the Soo were the guests of their mother, Mrs. W. Stirling, over Sun clay last. Mr. A. T. Cooper of Clinton oc cupied the pulpit of the. Methodis church on Sunday evening last in tht interests of Temperance, A number from here attendee John McNaughton's sale on Saturdal last. J. M. Toms is opening a restau rant in the store of Mrs. L. E. Campbell on Main street. Rev. A. Macfarlane will exchange pulpits wtilt Rev. W. D. Mclntosl . Antiauti-st.Jobn's—Bahamas-Nassoai " Barbados Bridgetown [Gil Speightstown Dominiee-Bosean Grenada -9t. Geon o's Jamaica Kingston - : Montsorrnt-Plymouth Nevis -Charlestown St fritts, -Basseterre Teba20-Scarborough Trinidad -Port of 9 Ain and San Fernando f British Guiana -Georgetown, New Amsterdam and Iteso Hall (Corentyne) British Honduras-Jieliro { e°'..--aea' .____ INCORPORATED IN lass - CAPITAL AND RESERVE $9,000,000 Over 120 Bunches THE �/� BANK 1 , i E ®� ®LS ®N S B A N f \ .3 BUSINESS SERVICE Marry of our customers who started in a small way, have now mosell established business through the assistance and co-operation of this Bank over a period of years. Open an account in this Bank where your interests will be - faithfully looked after by experienced officers, The Manager is always accessible, H. R. SHARP, Manager CLINTON BRANCH Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent 4119 �� READY -To -WEAR CLOTHING 2 fie e�Ylorrtsh Clothing Co, ORDEREa CLOTHING of his wife in Clinton cemetery. Major McTaggart stated it as his The following committee has been • of Brucefield on Sunday. opinion that a finer body of men nev- formed to carry, out the Salvation On, Saturday evening a publi AMONG THE CHURCHES. Pei le You Know er left Canada and Major Shaw quoted Arm•y's financial campaign, which 1�meeting was held anti the baseba1 The annual meeting of the Goder- figures as to casualties, decorations, opens on Saturday and will continue Miss Marjorie McMath of Ethel was club reorganized for the season. Th ielt Methodist Distiict will beheld in etc, which proved that the Officers all next week. A house to house home over the week -end. following organization was' made: and men of the Huron Batt. had play- canvas will be made: -President George Seaforth on Tuesday and Wednes- Mrs. F. W. Jones and children left Greenslade. day next, ministerial session on ed a splendid part in the great vie- Chairman, Rev. S. E. McKegney. Monday for . an extended visit to Field Capt., Willard Sturgeon. Tuesday, general session, Wednes- tory. Short addresses were also . Vice, C. D. Bolick. England. Secretary, Rev. A. Macfarlane. given by Capt. V.Jan . T e n Secretary, S. F. . lleIly g Grigg was in London It is hoped some _day. , Mrs. A. J. Gri good sport ma; Dick and C. S. M. Jane. The oven- Treasure -ft' W. H. T3eIIyar• g be had in the baseball field this sea Ministers Association. vision friends for a few days A meeting .of the Ministers of ing was concluded by all joining Committee: Col. Combe, Major son. Clinton will be held next Monday af- hands and sfn m "For Auld Lan NlcTaggart, Dr. Shaw, Dr. Gunny over the week -end. g g g W. Brydone, IIT. Fowler, Dr. Mrs. A. J. Henderson of Lansing, . - • Motoring • and • y aiileoats • ternoon at 2.3:0 o'clock, sharp, in Willis Church. E. 0, Forde, Sec- retary. Baptist Church The subjects to be considered next Sunday by the pastor are as follows: Morning:—"The Supreme Motive." Evening:—"The Man who settled his .own destiny" You ase invited to worshipwith us. St. Paul's Church - Miss Hawkins, Hamilton, who leaves in September for the Mission field of Japan, addressed the Wore- en's Auxiliaryin Owen Memorial Hall on Monday evening. Thera was a good attendance and Miss Hawkins' address was much enjoy- ed.24-Seaforth Ont. St. Church The, Missionary committee had charge of the Epworth League pro-' gram on Monday evening, Miss Eva Carter taking the topic. Miss C. Jervis gave a reading and Miss Grace Walker sang, Next Monday evening social committee will be in charge and all the members are asked to comb and. bring their friends. Willis Church. Next Sunday morning the pastor will deliver lois second discourse on great Christian doctrines: "What we. Believe Regarding the Fatherhood of God." The evening subject will be What Differentia doos it Make to be a Christian 9" At a meeting' held on Monday ev- ening it was decided to erect a anent- orial window in the church and a committee was appointed to arrange 'natters, Wesley Church ' Mothers' Day was observed on Sul- clay The Rev, T. E, Sawyer of Londe'boro proaohed in the Inoi'tfng, the pastor taking a special service at Londesboi•o, and the choir was made "'up of noLhers. The pastor preached -n the evening and the chert correlated t/f,.young hullo of the Con- groggier). Ati aha anCrning tierV'ice 11ext Scott- day. the lllfitallatl0rt of the Sunday sehoo1.afileere and teachers Will take plaice: �• , Syne." Thompson, W. R: Counter, W. D. Mich., is visiting her mother, Mrs. - COUNTY BASEBALL LEAGUE. Fair, A. T. Cooper, E. C. And- J Shepherd of town. Hoirnesvilie revs. Mr. H.W. Erwin, Bayfield s gen- At an enthusiastic meeting held ial and efficient municipal clerk, • Mr. and 14Irs. A Jervis 1taF in Clinton on Wednesday last a Hur- FORMER RESIDENT DEAD. was in town on Thursday. moved into the house just vacate on- County Baseball League was or- Friends in Clinton will be greatly Rev. S. E. McKegney and 3 Rens- by their son, Mr Lorne Jervis, an: ganized. The League includes five shocked to bear of the sudden death ford are attendiig the meeting of his wife, who have moved to th clubs: Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, of Mr. John Craig formerly of Clin- the Synod in Brantford this week. Mannings farm on the 14th. Crediton and Zurich. The formation ton. Death was due to heart failure Rev. D. N. McCanns was at Lon- Mrs. S. T. Walter•, who returnee of this League will ensure some in-, and occurred on Wednesdayeveningdssboro on Sunday morningtakinglast week from California, has'pur teresting sport during the coming' April 7th, 1920. e special service yin the Methodist chased the house just vacated by Mr season. •Forty -games in all will be. While attending a masquerade bell cintreh them. and Mr's. A. Jervis and will shoxtl; played and it may be that the League given by The Thistle Club of Long Mr. and Mrs 0. W. Potter and Miss oecnpy it. Mrs. Walter .and he. will .be affiliated with other organiz- Beach, a Scottish organization of Lillian and Miss Helen Anderson sons are staying with the lady's par ations in North Huron or the ad- which Mr. Craig was Secretary, and motored to Woodstock and spent ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. -Court jacent county and the winners playafter tho week -end with friends. roe, at present. Y participating felt •the grand Mr. Chas. F. Libbymotored to Miss Joy Lobb of the Bayfielt off at the end of the season. The March, he stated he tired, drop- following schedule was drawn up: ped out of lithe dance and seated hint- Wingham and Owen Sound last Road has been visiting her sister May 24—Zurich at Goderich self. After talking with friends ;for week to visit the Clinton Knitting Mrs. C. D, Co'., of -the Gth. at Minton a few moments he arose to his feet Company branches established at Mothers Daywas observed it 20—Goderich at-Seaforth and almost immediately fell heavily those two points. the Methodist clench 011 Sunday, t1t 27—Clinton at Crediton to the floor irever regaining con- Mrs. 0, E. Erratt of Auburn spent printed 'Mothers' Day" program 31—Crediton at Goderich scfousness: When a physcian arriv- a fern Clays over the week -end at being used in the morning service 81—Zurich at Clinton • ed he was dead, the homestead, Woodlands Farms, Appropriate zernons- were preache, . Mr. Crai was born in Daley,Huron Road. Mr. Erratt came by the pastor and the choir renderer June 1—Clinton tit Seaforth g suitabel music at each service. 8 -.Goderich at Zurich Scotland, April 18th, 1868. He served down for her on Sunday. • The League elected the followin! 3—Seaforth At Crediton fifteen years fn the United States NIiss 1Vlary Hetes of Toronto., officers for the ensuing year: 7—Crediton at Clinton Navy rising to Chief Petty Officer daughter of b&. and Mrs. R. President Miss E. Robinson, 9—Seaforth at Zurich and Ship's writer. Ile was wtih Ad- Holmes formerly of Clinton, has 9—Clinton at Goderich nsiral Sampson on the "llagshfp New been the genet of her aunt, Mrs, 1st Vice, Miss E. Courtice. 11 --Zurich at Crediton Yorls" all°through the Spanish War. H. b, Chant, during the past 2nd Vice, Mrs Alcock. 11--Goderich at Clinton - Froth Jan to Nov 1912 Mr. Craig week. Std Vice, Mrs. J. Johnston. 1G—Seaforth at Goderich ruse connected with Clinton Motor Mr. Eugene Sheeley of Hagerstown, 4th Vice, J. Schwanrz. 17—Clinton at Zurich Gar Co:, as Pre Went anti General Maryland, as visiting his mother Secretary, Miss E. Trewartha. 17—Crediton at Seaforth Manager. Ifo left Clinton to go to this week Mr. Shanley served Treasurer, bed Schmaltz; 28—Goderich at Crediton California and was associated -with with Ole Amer..=•Arnty during tate Organists, Miss M. Proctor, Airs 24 --Zurich at Seaforth the Union Tool Co., of Tauance for rear and this is hl •t first visit Itotlle J. Johnai• on, 29--Craditolr at Zurich several years. Ifo flus General Man- ' since his return from Frenoo. The. Sunday school officers and teach July 7—Goderich at Crediton ager and Supt. of The Ilazon eau, Mr. Earl Partner' of IIensail, who ere are es follows: • 7—Clinton at Seaforth ille Shipping Case Cs: at -the time spent eot110 tithe in • Clinton as a Superintendent, N. W. Trewartlla 9-Seaforth at Zurich of his death. ntotnber, of the Royal Bank staff, ' Assistant, W, II, Lobb, • 12—Zurich at G0(10:1011 Mr, Craig is survived by a widow has resigned his position 'with the Scero!ai'y, Lorne: Jervis, 14--Seaforth. at Clinton Mrs, Marie J. Craig', and five sons, bank and has taken a position with Treasurer, Howarcl 'frewaetha. 15—Creditor at Goderich Thomas, John, Robert, James P. and the Detroit and Windsor Ferry, Teacitors, Rev, J. Johnston, Ml's; 19—Clinton at •tturich Norman D, Craig. Also a brother Co. D. A,• Holmes, Miss E. Proctor 21—Goderich at Seaforth Torn le Portland, Oregon and twa Mies Viola Cools, who has been fn To- Mrs, Schwartz, Mrs. L. Jervis 22 --Zurich at Crediton brothers and e. sister in Glasgow, rmete'rei some time being employed Miss F. 000rti00. • 28—Goderioh et Clietuat Scotland, rat the head office of the I. 0 F., Organiat, Miss 1� . Proctor. 28—Sea'fov 11 at Crediton. 'Funeral services took place at the is house on two Months' leftve, Miss The Gleaners' Mission Circle alk place 20—Goderich at Zurich Patterson and McQuflken Funeral. Viola had an attack of "fill" some .elected officers :for the year, the fol Aug. 2—Clint at GOderic Parlors, the Rev. George Rourke of, time ago and has not boon in eta lowing being the list: 5—Zurich at Clinton fi.ciating and the'Lorig Beach Lodge best of health since but a cotuple of President, fvTrs, W. Pickard. 5—Crediton at Seaforth of Masons No. 827 of which. Mr', months Yat Nene will set her ui Vioe-Peosideints, lairs. L, Jervis, 10—Crediton at 7urich Crai wa g s a mermBer, had full charge- again. Iier s'e'er Mrs, ITowson Mr's, 1V, J, Xep, Mrs. Fred FA 11--Seaforth at Godrich - _ of seivicos at the grave. ,ratennded c0nilttg 110tnb with her fr terdo 12—Credit et Ghnton Floral tributes were beautiful And a visit hot her fttthai'-In-law died Un Ree.-Seci'Ctar3e Miss V. Jelerlit. 10 -Zurich at Seafertll nuntet'ous. Mr, Craig resided at 48S' Sunday, the funeral taleittg Plate Coi•.-Secre.tiry, Mfss I), Fiidley. 19 Clinton fit Cloditt)li W, •4t1 St, Long Beach, Caiifornla,. • to 'St. Catharine4 on 1'uetday. Treasurer, alisti. H, Pvoi:tor. -. We have made lavish preparations for autoists in the wag of IN 0e)t°�Y'i�o5 �'®1$$ • — si • T ��7' e v Fabrics and lie Weaves Newi THE combination collar that can be worn buttoned close to the neck 'or in the regular way. splendid Raincoat on y pthe for motoril�i;• cy ,{� A . ® ��, ��.�19 �eQ� r 20.00 �!4. D.0® and 30 Ou �s +! ro Drop i if at your earliest convenience and we will take pleasure .in -showing - you a ver extensive range. g ; i This stole will close Wednesday ateatitoons during the 50100101 months commencing Wednesday May 5th, "^ ^^ "^ THE 11011111SH CLOTHING CO. j�J, nA.a�y yu�7y ra yg�.. �. y.N 1'Aygt "�7�. !r o . 8'� 4 till�lt e � A a1.Ir ^,.q tl �rl .ur.a. M1 L c 0 e 1