The Clinton News Record, 1920-5-6, Page 8CLINTON JUNK DEALER. BUYING ALL 1INDS O] JUNK AND POULTRY, ' HIDES AND SKINS TAXING THE HIGHEST PRICES M, RAMEAS Phone 187 'Albert St. 1E'bone'1t6 Estiiinatee given A. ;1:;'v VV QQD 'WALL PAPERS, MOULDINGS, ' SIQNS, ETO. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING} We protect your floors, furniture, Ste., by plenty of drop sheets, • Ontario Street CLINTON'S LEADING JEW.B+ LDRY STORE' A Good Display Will be in my window, showing you how timewas told from the stone age up to the present day.Don't miss this display, you may never see it again! It will only be shown in my store and for a short limo only. A full line of Watches Clocks, JeweJery, Silverware, Cut Glass, China, Umbrellas and Canes; Optical goods and some fancy Heads still left, don't wait till they are all gone. Agent for Phonolas. Records and needles always on hand.; H. H. JOHNSON Jeweller and Optician Next Hovey's Drug Store 1 174 Clin�toi .Newo-Record THURSDAY, NAT Oth, a o. CALL AND SEE'OUR Coal Oil Stoves New Perfection Automatic Florence New Process Electrical Goods Electric Washing Machines Electric Toasters, Grills, and Irons Electric Reading Lamps Shades, 'Fixtures and Supplies Plumber and Electrician Phone 1'47w Special Announcement of Clearing Prices EVERY ITEIVI A "MONEYeSAVER" Misses school shoes sizes 1 to 4, clearing:at $2.98 25 pairs Men's Heavy Boots, Black or Tan, special clearing at $4.50 Men's and Boy's Caps clearing lines at .50 5 dozen men's fine shirt's sizes 14 to 16k spacsal clearing at $1.75 LOOK FOR SPECIAL SALE PRi.CE TICKETS This store will close Wednesday afternoons during the summer 'Months commencing Wednesday May 6th. Plumsteel Bros. CLOTHING THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE 116 NEW IDEA PATTERNS, `OUR WEEKLY, LIMERICK E.. We areheadquarters for Garden Tools. We can supply your every want, they are made right, of goodnaterinl and work easy, Designed especially for the roan with Spring Fever, A. full supply of Oil Stoves, Wash ing Machines, Lawn Mowers Gar alien Hose, Garden seeds, paints, var niches and stains. ' Magid Furniture Polish only 26c -... O -Cedar mops, '$1.00 and up, HA.- AND BROS. S• A man by the name of Verne Jules In the ,Spring, need- ed conte good garden tools, So he came to our store where he found them galore . • - Ansi he is now gardening by scien- tific Rules, JiAltbWAltE, STOVES T'`OVELirlE9—!s) Siert With a Steck Is the keynote of home fern- ishing, It assists more than any one thing in making the home at- tractive. What 'does more to adv nee the welfare and com- fort of the maple than bright, cheery, hospitable walls. Sure. ly money is wisely spent on such home -making, joy -producing merchandise that brings contin- uous and growing elevation and benefit to our abodes. Our var. led stock of patterns and color, ings will soon be ready for your inspection at prices slightly higher than last year, noticeable mostly in the lower priced goods only. Tile W. D.' Farr Co• Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mr. Jacob Taylor of Toronto is in town this, weeic. Mr. John' McIlveen spent a few days in Toronto this week. Miss Clete Ford of London spent the week -end at her hone in town. 'drs. C. H. Bartliff of Toronto is visiting her son, Mr. H. Bart- lifV , Mr. Wylie, Mrs. (Rev.) Hogg's . father, left for Buffalo on Mon- day. Miss Susie Powell is visiting her aunt and uncle in Wingham this week. Mrs. R. A. Roberton of the Bay- field Road is visiting relatives in Wingham. Mr. J, R. Rumball of Toronto spent from Friday until Monday at his helm in. town. Mrs. P. W. Jones and children leave .this week on an extended visit to England. Miss Wroxy Powell is spending the week with her brother Mr. W. H. Powell of Goderich, Miss J. Hunter spent a few days last week at the home of her •- .brother at. Whitechurch: Miss Eleanor Erecter of Morrisburg is visiting her sisters, Mrs. G. D. and -Mrs. M. D. McTaggart.. Mr: G. W. Steep of Toronto spent the week -end • with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D, Steep of town. Mr. W. J. Bell of Toronto was in townthis week- coming up to be present at the marriage of 'his sister yesterday. Mr. John Hawkins of Hamilton was in town yesterday, • He was on his way to Windsor ,where he is taking a' position. Mr. Chas. Lovett, Miss K. Lovett and Mrs. G. Tyner attended the funeral of their niece, Miss Jane Maines of Blyth, on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Constantine of Tees - water were in •town last week. They called here on their way go- ing and coming from Zurich, Mr. David Ross of Brantford and his bride, formerly Miss Josie Minard also of Brantford, were the guests for a few days during the past week of the former's sister, ' Mrs. Murray McEwan. Mr, Hugh B Grigg of the Molsons Bank, London, and Mrs. Grigg are spending a few hays in town with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs.. A. J. Grigg, before going to Montreal, where Mr. Grigg goes to join the,Bank staff there. ;Mrs, C. S. Hawke of Tiverton has been visiting in town the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Hawke in- tend returning to Clinton to take up their residence at the begin- ning of July, Mr. Hawke having decided to give up preaehin' Miss M Taylor, who has been stay- ing with relatives in Goderich for the winter, is in town again. As 'the house she has been occupying has been sold, Miss Taylor will store her furniture for the present as she intends spending the sum-. mer in the west. Messrs, John, James and Robt, Hil- ton and J. J. and S. J. Hilton of Detroit; 'Mr. and Mrs. Hoflie'h, Kitchener; Mr, and Mrs, James Walker, Goderich, and Mr, Robt. Walker of Stratford were in town on Tuesday attending the funer- al of the late Mrs, Layton, Mrs. M. T. Corless and children of Lavack are in town. They are staying at present with tine lady's mother and sister, Mrs. Colquhoun and Mrs. lI, Kennedy. Mr. Cor- less is expected on Saturday and they tyill ahnost immediately take possession of ,their residence, -the one purchased recently from Mr. Wiseman. Rev. J. E. 'Sio • gg • was called to Southampton eFriday of last p n week to participate in the :hiller - al services of a young friend and ineinber of his former congrega- tion, Miss Janet McVittie, He returned by auto. There'accomp- anied hienMisses M, Mclver, A. Conway and Mr. Andrew Genunell of Southampton, and Miss Hellen Stephens of Port Elgin, They '' were. the guests of the manse over the week -end. . Mil, and Mrs, J. Crich and Miss June left this nroraning for Coch- ritne where they intend snaking their home in future. Mr. Crich has taken up a grant of• -,Govern - tent land in the vicinity of Coch- rane from which he expects to Out a' quantity of... pulp wood. Ilia nether -in-law Mr. Frank Br bown, and a cousin, Mr, Fred Crawford,. have also taken up land. We wish WOO reamed • soldier boys sue- cets in their venture,- • The a ie of Nature is Seen i the Charge .f seasons WINTER VANISHES AND SPRING' APPEARS; WITH THE GOING OF THE ONE AND THE COMING OF THE OTHER A WONDERFUL TRANSFORMATION TAKES PLACE IN TI•TE MIND 01? MEN! THE RESTRICTIONS OF WINTER DISAPPEAR UN- DER THE GENIAL WARMING INFLUENCES OF SPRING; THE SENSES ARE QUICKENED AND AROUSED AND MANKIND BECOMES mom ALERT. IN THE SPRING OF THE YEAR, STATESMEN LAUNCH GREAT NATIONAL ENTERPRISES, yam, - ERS 01? INDUSTRY CONCEIVE SCHEMES OF LARGE IMPORTANCE, AND ON EVERY HAND THERE ARE SIGNS OF AWAK- ENING. But, jt is not with these things that we are presently and immediately concerned; The sweet influences of Spring steal into the homes of the people,; and there—among men and women of flesh and blood -the all -absorbing topic of Spring assumes man hares of unusual interest. _ The Spring Housecleaning opens up a thousand questions concerning Carpets, Curtains, Linoleums and I1u•nish- ings, and then there is the matter of Dress; from thehead, of the house and his worthy helpmate, with their practical ideas of econ- omy, down to the tiny tot that prattles on the floor. the question of what to get and how to get 'this and that and the other thing enters into the domestic scene and forms the subject of countless discussions; and therein lies THE OPPORTUNITIES OF TIIIS STORE Anticipating the advent of Spring and all it means to our many friends in and around Clinton, this store has gathered together from the four parts of the globe, the largest and most comprehensive stock of Spring Goods ever exhibited in a Huron County store.; Foremost among these rank NEW DRAPERIES AND THINGS FOR THE HOME • Now that the warm weather is here, Spring cleaning will go forward in earnest, and there's nothing adds zest to the work, like something new in the way of furnishings - new curtains for one room, a rug for another, fresh linoleum for the kitchen and so on HINTS OF THE NEW DRAPERIES These include the newest patterns and colorings in Cretonnes, Chintzes. Shadow Cloths, Voiles, Scrims, Marquisettes, Etc, Many ' .are imported and exclusively handled by us. ;tµs ,s � . ,, „ EXQUISITE FLOOR COVERINGS To attain the most pleasing results in redecorating and refurnishing the home you'll find the choosing of the Rugs a matter of • first importance. We fully recognized- this fact in choosing our• splendid New Spring Stock and you'll find here a variety and width' of choice second to -none in this part of the country; furthernnore, by buying in liberal quantity we were able to secure best manu- facturers' prices as well as exceptional quality and •choice of new designs. That's why we invite comparison and are so solicitous Of Your seeing our display. BUT NOT IN THESE THINGS ALONE DOES THIS STORE STAND PREPARED A thousand and one other lines appeal each in its own way, which can only be satisfactorily realized by a personal visit to the store. War conditions have operated for higher prices on most lines bought in the usual way, but the resourcefulness of our pur- chasing has been brought into play, and it is our frank opinion that never ,in the history of Clinton,,has so great a volume 0f advant- ageous placng of orders been done than in the preparation of this Unparalelled Spring season. To all the neighbors and friends in town and surrounding country, we extend a hearty invitation to visit our store; the store ig wide open for your inspection. • • STORE SERVICE. It is a pleasure to do things well. The remark applies to store -keeping as much as to other channels of endeavor. Our six years in Clinton have been years of business ideals: the practice of sound business principles has been our con- stant aim. and in no respect have we labored more ardently than in the natter of efficient store service. Permanence in any business is secured by mutual confidence between buyer and seller. Confidence is attained by courtesy, respect and sincerity. We welcome our customers to the store because we are confident that behind our welcome lies our ability to serve. CATCH THE ENTHUSIASM OF GOOD QUALITY and your business dealings with us willcarry no regrets,, WOMEN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67 NEXT ROYAL BANK 0 8 MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and ' (Phone 108) Men's Furnishings OPPOSITE PUBLIC LIBRARY Constance . Mr, Geo. Stephenson is not im- proving as fast as 'his many friends would like to see him. Quartery meeting was held on Sun- day afternoon. The board meeting will be held at Londesboro on Mon- day May 10th. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held on Friday when the following officers were elected: Presi- dent, Mrs. Wm. Clark. Vice, Mrs. F: Hall. Secretary, Mrs. Peter Lindsay. Treasurer, Mrs. Miller Adams. Organist, Mrs. Robt. Rog- erson. On Monday the wife of Mr. Robt. Grintbolby presented hint with a baby girl. Congratulations. Goderich Township The hone of Mr. and Mrs. Jim. E. Baker Waterdown, Ont:, was the scene of- a pretty wedding on Wed- nesday, April 28th, when in the pres- ence of immediate relatives their daughter, Hazel Lillian was united in marriage to Victor A, Patton of St. Catharines, Ont:, only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Patton of. God- erich Tp. The ceremony was con- ducted by the Rev. R. Albright of Millgrove. The bride, who was giv- enin marriage by her father, looked charming in a wedding gown of French blue, messalaine silk. She was attended by Mies Nora Rayner, Of Waterdown, who wore a frock of brown duchess satin and georgette. The bride and bridesmaid wore cor- sage bouquets of carnations and maiden hair ferns. The groom was assisted by his cousin, Mr. 11. Y. Cox of Toronto. The groom's favor to the bridesmaid was a set of pearl eardrops and to the groomsman a pair oa.gold cuff links. A dainty wedding _luncheon was served after which Mr. and 1VIrs- Patton left on the evening train for Hamilton, God- erieh and other points 'west, the bride traveling in a smart suit of navy blue, with small French • hat to match. On •their return the happy colan le wills reside in St: Catharines. The groom's Goderich township friends extend congratulations and good .wishes. - ffi 'Tuckerstniti "i'owns!hip Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Harry M Taylor in the loss of their little daughter, Grisel- de Pearl, aged four years and nearly eight months, who died after but a few hours' illness on Wednesday night Pnuemonia was he cause of death. The little 'one, who was an exceedingly bright child, }vas running about until within twenty-four hours of her death, the dsease making such rapid progress that in spite of every effort it could ont be stayed, The funeral takes place from Bricefield Presbyterian church at two o'clock on fi'riday; afternoon, Interment will be made in . 3afrd's cemetery, Len don Road The marriage took place at St. Patrick's church, Dublin ,on Monday of last week of Lucy A., daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William Evans, and Mr. John H. Quigley of the London Road. The ceremony was performed by tite Rev. Father Noonan in the presence of several relatives and friends of the contracting 'parties. The bride wore a handsome gown of brown tricolette and shawl fur of mole and carried a bouquet of white sweet peas and carnations. Miss Agnes Stapleton of Welland, cousin of the bride was bridesmaid, She was dressed in maise silk. Mr. Thos. Tighe of Detroit, the groom's• cousin, was best man. The bride was married with a ring of platinum in- stead of the usual gold band. Many very handsome wedding gifts were received by the bride„ who is pop- ular among her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Quigley will be at home to their friends after May 24th. They have the best wishes of all for a long and happy wedded life. a>lufneld Mr, James H. Reid, merchant, purchased a Chevrolet car from Mr. Bart Lavis of Clinton and had it delivered this week. Mrs, Holmes of Clinton was the guest of Miss Lizzie Cameron a few days the past week. Mr, Thomas Brandon and wife were the guests of his mother, Mrs, Brandon, over Sunday. Rev, E. Anderson of the Metho- dist church administered the Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper on Sun- day morning last. Liu1desbol'o. , The annual meeting of the Woman's Institute will be held in the Forrest- ers hall, Thusday, May 13th, Miss Simpson, District President, is expect- ed to be present and address the meet- ing. All ladies cordially invited to attend, Mr, Geo. Cowan of Toronto visit-. ed on Sunday with relatives in this vicinity. Rev: D. N. McCamus of Clinton will conduct the service in the'Motho- clist church on Sunday morning. Miss Elva McCool of Clinton was" the guest of her sister Mrs. B. Nott on Sunday. Mr, Thos. Levan of Toronto is visiting at the hone of Mr. M. Ross. Miss Ida Lyon is spending a fort- night ortnight with her sister of Exeter. Rev.' Jas, Abney was in Trantford last week attending a meeting of the Synod. Mr. Albert Brunadon 0:P Seaforth spent Sunday at the honto of Mrs, Adams. "Mr. Will Shaddick spent the•week- end with his grand -parents, My. and Mrs, Brumbly, - . Mr. Alec Wells was in Goderich on Saturday, Perfection Cook Stoves The Store of Ouality How to have the Best Garden By buying Bruce's _Seed4 a+ T'avison's Hardware liow to do the Work More 1?asily By buying your garden tools at Davison's Hardware . A full and complete line of Seeds, Tools, Sprayers, etc„ at Davison's W. H. DAVISON SUCCESSOR -TO R. ROWLAND 4,'erii.'ira! !:!e,4• ..ware Phone 53 Bruce's Seeds Cr .w 0 Auburn The Baptist church announces a special "Mother's Day Service," next ;Sunday at three p.tn. A ladies choir will furnish special music and the pastor will preach. Everybody, in- vited. luth After an illness of many month's there passed away at her hone Din- sley St., Blyth, on Thursday evening last, Jane Mains, a woman of estim- able character, a good neighbor and true friend. one who by her un- assuming kindly manner won the es- teem of all who made her acquaint- ance. The late Miss Mains was a daugh- ter of the late James and Mrs. Mains was born on the old home- stead, Lot 30, con 14, Hullett, iu the. year 1862 and spent her entire life in this neighborhood. •h bailt ooti. About thirty years ago she vvenue to Blyth n where she has since made her home. The deceased leaves to mourn her de- mise two sisters, And one brother, namely: Mrs', Roland Cook of Myth, Mrs. John Cowan, of Richey, Mon- tana, and . Mr. Geo. ' Mains on the homeateacl in Mullett, Two other sisters passed away since last Aug- ust. Tho funeral took place on Sat- urday last, sorviee being held at the house at two o'clock. The services were conducted by the Rev. Mr, Tel- ford, followed by interment in the Union cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs 'J Stothers, W. Mare A. and J, Nicholson, J. Dodds and II. Taman. The family have numb sympathy ath in their yip y ei sad bereavement Thoose from a distance attending the funeral . were1 1VIr. and Mrs.., N]clnolso i... ,at , Wing ni, Mr, R, • Nicholson, Mrs. Wm. IVIcGill and- Mr. and Mrs, G. McGill of Belgrave,. and Mr. Chas, Lovett, Miss K, Lov- ett and Mrs. G. Tyner of Clinton.: 11JRDISON "THE .REAL McKIE" WILL GIVE AN ENTERTAIN- MENT (Under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Knox Church) IN THE TOWNSIIIP HALL Lorteiesir;oro TlleSdaY en fir Ev MAY llth. A13MISSION 50c CHILDREN25e WANTED Men having any knowledge of• Metal Polishing and Buffing Work, Also Machinists, Tool-makers, Draftsmen, Engineers and Model - makers, The Very best working conditions. Canadian Edison -Appliance Co.,. Limited,. d -z Stratford Ont.„ Abe