HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-5-6, Page 7ilato-Stropitazor '
—sharpens itself
-1-:4 that only a sharp
blade can give a perfect
shave, also that a blade
Cannot remain sharp With-
out stropping. Couple
these facts with the
further 'fact that the
AutoStrop RazOr is the
only safety razor that
sharpens itself, and you -
• will be in no doubt as to
which safety razor to use.
Any dealer will demon-
strate the AUtoStrop Razor
to you, guarantee satisfac-
tion, or refund of p6re1iaSe
Only $5.00
nostipletii with strop and twelve
blades in an attractive assort-
ment of cases to suit any pur-
poae, . •
*7- AutoStrop Safety Razor Co„ Limited
autoatennaunding, Toronto, Canada
;:;',E.440Rahalrataiiii4P ;naita
je Had Met Him.
The premier '111 igetitin Attica, Gen,'
Smutsais a hard worker and thorough-
/ ly unaffected, C0noquently bo hates
• "Let mo see," said a high -and
mighty: young officer who sat next to
him at. a reception in London shortly
after the, DOer.'Wer, "haven't we—ah
—met somewhere?"
"Yes," replied the general.
"Thought so," remarked .the officer,
adding WM a bored air, "Ono meets
so many people! Let me see, vinare
did we meet?"
"in South Africa," retorted the
general curtly. -"Yon surrendered to
me during the •
Peavuts:as Milk Substitute.
The common peanut' is the statue
of new subititute for milk, which
so clasely resembles its prototype that
it ttu•ns sour and curdles, produces
---".buttermilk when churned, and may be
made into cheese. Tbe new lacteal
prawn originated in the laboratory
—*-81-a-S-cilitlietif State university, where
the peanut kernels are converted into
four 'times their volume or rank,
varyiegafrom Lur to eight per cent,
In fat eoutent, and from 2.4 to 3.3
per cent. in protein.
Fighting LenPard.
Durialin en African huiltin tris
&attributer te the Wide World Whigt.
eine found the, aativeci tit t remote
camp. greatly ei;oitod over A white
mate* having been attacked by a leo'
nerd: A Dittblintan aaatiell IMPeY had
lost some sheep and had set a, trem
gun, awl two other settlers, Fothering-
bean and putts, bad been, spending
the night tn the' distrie,on Unlit way
back to their tarm with some cattle
they had bought at the terminus 01 the
In the evening Folberingliarn and
Curtis had heard the trap gait go off
and, taking lanterns, had gone out to
investigate, Thej; Lund a little blood
and, the track of a leopatd, but since
they could do nothinguntil Morning
they returned, to •their tent, Early the
next morning Fotheringham
panted the Dutchman in search of the
leopard • while Curtis, his ' partner,
started with the cattle.
They had very little trouble in
tracking the beast because It had left
a thick blood trail, and Fathering -ham,
who led the -way, came face to Moe
with the pursued animal at the top of
amen hill. 'Aiming hastily, he pulled
the trigger, but the cartridge missed
fire, and before he could eject it and
plush home another the brute was upon
' •
Fotheringlion was an extremely
powerful man, with chest. and arma
liko those of a Hercules. He was then
more than liar years of age, but in
his younger clays he had been well
known in the South African• boxing
ring. When the leopard landed on his
shoulders and ripped him with its
claws, he threw his rine down grip-
ped the animal in his strong arras and,
exerting all his strength, tore it from
its hold and tossed it some yards
away. Quickly seizing his rifle, he
started once more toload it, But the
leopard sprang before he was re6d3a,
Stepping to one aide, Fotheringliam
lifted his rifle in the air and dealt the
Wiest a mighty blow as it flew past
him. He smashed the stock of his
weapon, but stunned the leopard. Be-
fore it 'recovered, Impey shot it.
Potheringham heel his wounds dressed
and then followed his partner on their
- fifty -mile trek to their farm.
Thousands iat mothers state posi-
tively that Baby's Own Tablets we
the best medicine they know of for
Wale ones. Their experience has
"taught them that the Tablets always
clo just what is claimed for them and
that they can be given with perfect
safety to childrep of all ages. Cou-
cerning them Mits. Joseph Therrien,
St. -Gabriel de Brandon, Que., writes:
"Baby's Own Tablets are the best
medicine I know of for little ones. I
thought I would lase my baby Vetere
trying the Tabletsbut they soon
made himhealthy and happy and
now I would not be without them,"
The Tablets aro sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at,25agents a _box
from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Applause is the end and. aim of
weak minds,
The .door between us aild Heaven
cannot be open when the door between
Keep Minard's Liniment in the house, us and our felled, men is closed.
LTogs for the Tiny Tots li
• 9476 9486 ' • 9463 8920 •
9476 --Girl's Raglan Dress (smocked L 5 sizes, 2 to 6 years. Size 4 re -
or shirred; with bloomers' ibuttoned to quires, blouse, 1 ycl. 36 ins. wide; bol-
iinclenhody). Pete, , 25 cents. In 5 ero with long sleeves, trousers, 1141
sizes, 6 to 14 years. Size 6 requires yds.. 36 ins. wide. Trim .and smart is
3% yds, 32 ins, wide, or 2% yds. 86 this little bolero milt aor the up -to -
ins, wide. Lien would be a most date- boy.
s.erviebable material f or this frock. 8920—Child's Empire Dress (two -
McCall Transfer Design No. 6110. piece skirt section, with -or' without
Price'15 cents. •pockets). Price, 20 cent. In 5 sizes,
• 9463—Child's Dress (empire yoke 2 to 10 years, .Size 6 requires 2% yds.
and sleeves in one; two-piece straight 36 ins: wide; collar, cuffs, % yd736
sicitt smocked or shirred). Price, 20 ins. wide. This dainty frock is per-
cents. In. 6 sizes, 1 to .6 'years. Size tioularly suitable for the little girl.
requires 1% yds. 40 ,ins. wide. .Transfer Design No. 847.. Price, 15
McCall Transfer Design No. 690. cents.
l'orice, 15 cents. No. 1013, price, 20 These patterns* may he obtained
eents. • ' from your local McCall dealer, or
9486—Boy's Bolero Suit (with from the McCall Co-., 70 Bond Street,
blouse; knee ttousers), Price, 20 cents. Tomtit°, Dept. W.
rsq, "=11k=========111aTtr=a0.47:24taV
Tea and Coffee
Hurt Many Pe, p.e
If tea or coffee clisaigl-e.es
with make a ten dayg
trial of
More healthful -than -tea
or coffee, Costs less, and
Jg flavor pleas.es: -
SOK brEitocers #intoywhetel
How $tonagebs Can be Bstored
to a Vigorous, Healthy
/ Condition.
a Not to be Rallied in diet, but to eat
Avtuttevur he ideeigis le the dream of
eyery dyspeptic. No one can lamest-
ly promise to restore any edema& to
this happy condition, because all
PeoPle cannot eat the sante things
with equally. satiefactory results, It
ia literally true. .thAt "what is one
nian's food is another Man's Miaow"
But it la- possible to gio tone up the
digestive organe that a pleciaing diet
may be'seleeted from articles 01 1000
that cause no discomfort.
When the stoma& lacks tone there
is no quicker way to restore it than
'to build up the blood, Good digestion
without richltreci blood is impoesible,
and Dr. Williams' Pink Pilloffer the
very best way to build. up and enrich
the blood. Por this reason these pills
are especially goad in stomach trouble
attended by thin blood, and in attacks
of nervous dyspepsia. Proof of the
value ot Dr. Williams' Pink Plile in
'even the moot obstinate cases of
stomach trouble is given by Mrs. 5,
Morrison, Varney, Ont, who sem—
"I shall always feel indebted to a
friend- who advised me to Mae Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. I. had been*a
safferer for upwards of 'twelve years
with stomach trouble which resulted
in a general weakness. of the whole
system. My meals always caused, me
great discomfort, and at times I
would go hungry rather than undergo
the suffering which followed meals. I
was constantly' taking something or
other recommended for the trouble,
but without finding a cure, and often
the trouble kept me in bed when I
should have been about doing my
housework. My friend, who had had
a similar attack, came to see me and
urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, which had helped her. I got a
supply at once and began taking them,
and soon found relief. By the time I
had used eight foxes I was again en-
JoYing the best of health, and•'with a
good appetite and a stomach restored
to normal. Had I known of this medi-
cine earlier 11,wouldhave saved me
years of suffering, and I urge any who
may be in a similar condition to ti7
these pills at once."
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills through any deal& in medicine
or by mail postpaid at 50 cents. a box
or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Fine New Citizens for
The immigration buildings at any
of the Dominion ports of entry pre-
sent a curious scene of hustle and
bustle shortly after the arrival of one
of the giant ocean liners., and a wit-
ness is not likely to soon forget the
commotion created by the discharged
emigrants. A vast mass of humanity
surges through the galleries past the
immigration officer and the various in -
spectate, and once accepted for Cana
dian citizenship, men, women, and
children of every kind, loaded down
with baggage of every shape and form
rasa hither and thither making multi-
tudinous inquiries of everyone general-
ly unacquainted with the next steps to
be taken to further proceed on their
It is neither pleasant nor comfort-
able to land .friendless In a strange
land. The hardened traveller feels
this and _mere deeply those who eat
foot in a foreign land -where custoins,
conditions, and posaaly language dif-
fer from those to which the emigrant
has been accustomed from childhood.
Then the petty -worries incidental to
travelling are Intensified by the total
unfamiliarity on every hand, and
each move is fraught with embarrass-
ment. Yet each month thousands at
potential Canadian citizens aro ar-
riving at the Dominion's shores from
the British Isles, France, Beigann,
Rolland and Scandinavia—people who
have broken up homes and life-long
ties et the promtse of the great new
land, Into a whirl of unfamiliar sights
and sounds, Ina confuelon of humanity
and baggage, many unacquainted with
the language they hear on every hand
—tints, at the gateways af the Don -an-
ion, arrive the ancestors of the Cana-
dians of toanorrow.
First impressions are often linger-
ing; they are apt to have a consider,
able bearing on future outlook.
Realizing this and the expedienoy of
rendering the utmost service to those
Doininion„ bulicleys-ta-be, the Depart.
rentof Colonization and Development
the Cauadian Pacific RailwaY, in-
terested among other progressive
phases, in the human, development of
the country, has appointed a coloniza-
tion agent—a -foster parent to emi-
grants arriving on the- company's.
boats, When a veasel steams into
port Innis there to go an board with
the innnigration officer-----Vapt. Andrew
McDuff, veteran of two wars, versed
in many tango/gear sympatifittic, tact-
ful, and schooled -in the many side a of
human nature. Re is at the Betake
of these now arrivals to- amend with
intormation and ad -vice. He shep-
herds thein from the boat to•the wait-
ing Lain, secures seating and sleep-
ing accommodation, overseas the
checicing and loading -of baggage, does
everything humanly possible in fact
to englire a safe and entire atrivanat
the 10a06* points of destitution, even
to aceomponying the twilit on the first
part of its Lumen
11 10 a great work,. this fathering at
the Dominion's citizeintobe, not only
temporarily accommodating, but inn
parting the lasting impression to
those strangers that they are welcome
and that Canada wants them A.
cheerful send-off, free from annoying
'worries, means a groat deal, WI to
this end the Colonization Agent has
been apiminted, '
A korntoil temple was recently de-
fil ofnaof the IlaWaiian Islands.
It is said to he the only Morin&
temple outside of edatine»tal Thittici
State*. • Oder, Vita Deflate oasts three &Site/
Meeting *wilier* Snvageo.
While 1Wa Leo E, li1lei was "tea-
eeuding thelilo GY.Parana in Brazil,
he had a strange eanertence with the
Savages et that latilated Section of
Smith AmericA, which he has des-
Serolutd Abintelriliscab, the 'Wilds ot
A amid of iondllitillootng came
from the torest, he writes, and we
swung the great beet toward the
shore. We landed and climned the
stoop bank; then, following a wide
path for a &dance of about twenty
yards, we mune upon 02111411 "'"'"
litrealir‘that ran udder a canopy of
matted vegetation, As we Stu.“...,
the gloomy tunnel four nude, bronze
figures emerged, front the forest and
began gesticulatiag Wildly and chat-
tering in a strange Jorge% Our cap.
Iain held up beaches of bright -red
beads and Started to ;cede theatream;
butathey et once withdrew into the
Ant later they-reaPpearedi
and finally one 'of their -number came
to the edge of the tream 'and held
out his .hande. He then pointed to
one of our men and motioned for him
to take off bis claims and come over
with the preeents, which he 'did. 'Phe
Indian grabbed the preciento from the
mane autstretched honda, gave him
a violent push and tied to his com-
panions. Afterisame Parleying we laid
out an assortment of needs, knives
and hatchets on our aide of the river,
retreated a number of paces and in-
vited the Indians to come over. Slow-
ly they came, apparently with mauY
misgivings, They made no attempt
to flee, but cast meaning glances be-
hindthem where obviously an armed'
force was secreted to protect them.
The chien first deed was to enact
a drama that we snail never forget.
Assuming a rigid pose, rte pointed
straight in front of him with one hand,
as if taking aim, then with a sudden
"pong" he clutched at his breast and
fell on his knees, and then sank to
the ground, -Where he lay moaning. We
understood the accusation. One of
his tribe had been shot to death by our
people, -probably a rubber collector
farther down the aver.
lifter the pantomime we showed
them how to use the machetes and
hatchets, and they seemed delighted;
but when we dethonstrated the use of
matches their joy knew no bounds.
They yelled and danced; they made
grimaces and tried to set the bushes
afire. Finally, the chief shouted a
guttural command, mil three more
savages appeared instantly ansi, joined
the group. When we left we promised
to returnand thaug more machetes
and matches.
The Master's Love.
Fair blossoms that bloom In the
The song of a trush in the greening
The flash of a swallow's wing;
Nothing they mean — nothing or
The klaker's smile and the Master's
The ram and the wind and the sun,
The murmur of bees in the linden
trees,- -
The thrust of a little one;
Nothing they meaa—n.othing or this:
The Master's voice and the Maater's
The moon and the stars and the night,
And the homeward way at the close
of day,
the end of the road a light;
Nothing they mean—nothing or all:
The Pilaster's love- nd• the Master's
—Ernest H. A. Home.
Lift off Corns!
Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone
coats only a few Cents.
With your fingers! You can lift off
any hard corn, soft corn, or 00011 be.
tannin the toes, and the hard skin cal-
luses from bottom ot feet.
A tiny bottle of "Eremite" caste
little at any drug store; apply a few
(Irons upon the corp. or callus. In-
stantly it stops hurting, then shortly
you 'Mt that bothersolne corn or cal-
lus right off, root and all, Without one
bit of pain or eorenese. Truly! No
Mete words are cheap and plenty
enough, but ideas that rouse and set
Multitudes thinking eome as gold
from the mines;
A Health Saving
Remit -Kier.
until you got the Spanish Influenza. 118111
• inard S thflmiI
at the drat sign of it. Its Healing
OliOlties are amazing, Tan orin
Fill a Wallow dish or bowl half full
Of water, ThreW in eight or ten coin.
0100 bottle cotka. Arrange the lloweie
among the write, which w,111 be hidden
entirely by the floWera. This sug-
geatien 18 especially useful for violets,
.paasies and other short -stemmed
—.---. •
Send a Detaining •liactireasi Money
Thle 1 !list the (masers
grinding own sso stolen.,
tng of Joints costs hold, of
,7Q0 Fight It %tit
Tompietwe nheuniatie
Capaulas bring eet tala
relief, and permanent re.
milts. They aro Amelia,.
mended y doctors,. and
ae91 by rattail/0 druggists
aaterYarbere tot 81.04 a box,
• or write' to gern_Piettanir
• 142 'Xing Bt. w., Toronto.
Mailed anywhere on re.
00191 of price.
Templeton's 18 A Z. ail H Cap.:
Pules are guaranteed to relieve
ASTHMA. Don't 'suffer an.,
other day.
Writ eTerneletons, 1421Cing$1.
W., Toron-to, 1'02: ireesampIe.
Reliable drutrgiato 0s11 theta at
i1.04 a box.
Egyptian Cinderella.
Shoes have their tradition. of sang
and story. Wo all know Cinderella,
but tow have heard of Rhodope, the
Egyptian maiden who had the most
beautiful foot to be 'found along the
One day when site was at her bath
a discriminating eagle flew down and
carried off her sandal, which he
dropped, by way of a suggestion, at
the feet of the king. Of course, the
king put his heralds right on the job,
took a nand in the search iihnself,
found hie Cinderella and made her
queen of -Egypt.'
Our boys in France must have seen
the many shrines and memorial
around Soissons dedicated to St. Cris-
pin, patron saint of shoemakers. The
story goes that St. Crispin and. his
brother Crisplanus were Romans,
who, about the year 303, were cow
"forted to Christianity.
Together they went north into
France, spreading the Gospel. They
supported. themselvesby making shoes
which they sold to 'the natives at a
very low price. Presumably, they
undersold all competitors. At any
rate, possibly with the encouragement
and connivance of the local Chamber
of Commerce, they were flay. putout
of the way by the ungrateful prole-
little "Danderine" stops
your hair coming out and
doubles its beauty
ttIe Brother'a Lament
Wry big brother has gene and dean
Some ILO; bravo .4002t
7011 ipthers braggill' how be KM
Tile Military 01000! ••
Seema eiiirybedy round this house
Nest apart a cross, by hecki
.00041141', 21se wears A silver cross
Ashining of her neck,
And Water 'weetis a big red clams
That Makes you most believe
Neer as 0141 boashe tries to wear
I•ler heart/up& her
But you should just have -semi the
day-- •
• iliy dad's and moin's proud glance—
When sister, wearing lhlsr Rad Cl'Odd,
Went on 'her way to France! a
You bet your life nt our family
Cream are just tlie thing—
Elvin daddy weers some sort o' cross
Upon his signet ring!
But no heroics' I can boast
Seem atif the least avail,
I only get in4 Maltese cross—
By pulling at her tail!
11.:0 a at tonguel Remove poi -.s
gons from little stomach,
llYer and bowls •
1.1A.LF %NOTION ' Pataaf Taatip,
15'11.011'0 tliftt3PoTe eti4axgt, ppder
14. ItQfi14. 58 AtUtilerfOr0 Ave., Hamilton.
Melt eadas -
WSQ1.11.8.01114) 1110WSPAPVIB
d job printing ;fleet ill is eters
Otvnitalsorina: ev....lix,Iite,etaT1061.00004;:55.
M.; neu AIM 04
501'2' Yarm WA2I2WD.
CliyT 111LI2 WANUll0D, 2 IN. AND
1,71 thicker, ehlatied green from 000o
,Do not eau mutt yott oommunleato with
us, Keenan Bros, Limited, Owon Sound.
C1 280150, TLIMUlte, 4tim. vs, ETI.
N,./ Internal and external, ,attre4 witbotti
pain by our home treatment Write
gefore toe late. Dr. Denman &foaled
CO., Limited. Coningwood, 051.
There are no millionaire poets.
•Minard's Liniment used by Physician%
axeerieWa Pioneer nog nesuedies
nook 025
eind rim 50 Pee4
Mailed Pree to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
172. Clay Sl000r 00,, 5n6.
118 West 21st Street
Now York,
Accept "Caronii Syrup of Figs
only—lookifor the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child Is having the best and most
hemline laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels.
ran love its delicious fruity taste. Full
directions for child's dose on each bot.
tle. Give it without fear.
Mother! Yon must say "California;'
Ftve hundred letters a minute can
be- opened by a new electric letter-
e/3mm% About fifty envelopes are
placed at one time on a small feed -
table, carried one by one on a belt,
and passed between two revolving
knives, which eut the envelopes open.
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
How to Cure
Doctors warn against retnodies
containing powerful druga.and
alcohol. "The Extract of Roots,
long known as Mother Seines
Curative Syrup, has no dope or
strong ingredients; it cures
indigo/3140n, hit/oneness and
constipation. Can be had at any
drug store," Get the genuine.
500. and $1.00 Bottles. 3
Appear At Your
If you receive a sudden
caller 00 20 unexpected ht.
vitatIon, you can feel con-
fident of ahvays appearing
at your best. In but a few
moments 11 renders Loyola
skin a wonderfully pure;
soft complexion that is
beyond comparison.
You can prevent this loathsome disease from running
through your stable and cure all the colts suffering withy
It when you begin the treatment, No ?natter how youngi
SPOHNII DAIRCHI4P117/2 COMPOSIND is safe to use on awl
colt. It Is wonderful how. it prevents all distempers, no.
matter how oolts or horses at any sage parh.e.,x"erupco,setrd:5"
MIODZOAL 00., eo
To atop fallingabalr at once and rid
the scalp 'ot every particle of dead -
ruff, get a sinall bottle of delightful
"Danderine" at any drug or toilet
counter for a few cents; pour a little
in your hand and,rub it into the scalp.
After several applieatidns the hair •
usually stops coining out and you can't
find any dandruff. Help, your hair to
grow strong, thick and long and be-
come/Oft, gloisy and twite no beauti-
flu and abundant, -
Our. dreaming capacity gives I12 a
peep into the glorious realities that
await us further on: It is the evi-
dence of things possible to us.
Ask for Minard's and take no other,
When making apple pies with corn
syrup, aptinicie on a little salt and a
small -piece of butter.
Invcst Your Money
Interest payable half yearly.
The Great West Permanent
Loan Company. .
Toronto Office . 20 King St West
Bulk COlOts
O. J. curp . TORONTO
On Face3 Arms and Hands,
uticura Heals,
'I have had salt rheum for the
past five yearn. My face, arms, and
panda brake out all over in rough
scaly patches so that you could
hardly put your finger where :there
WAS nota piitcls 1 got ao 1 could
net Bleep At night.
"Seeing Cutieura Soap and Oint.
mennadvertised •11 thought X would
giveibem a trial, and eller tieing a
inli-siml box of Oaticura Ointment
with the Cutictra Soap twee heeled."
(Signed) Whin Thomas Rogan.
Essex junction, Vt., Ea% 18, 1018.
'Use OutIcUra for event -clay toilet
purpoece. Bathe with Soap, soothe
With Ointment, dust vela,.
tiratztklg,7,15,8 %Vera'.
Onto *vasty t Math
/77 •
Cord or
Economy is CI savings bank
into which men drop pennies
and get dollars in retern.
The economy of Partridge
Tires is in their durability.
By giving long service they
save new tire costs, and
their dependable wearing
qualities eliminate the
expense of repairs.
&NM �1s Their N2me
Not Aspirin at All Without the "Bayer Cross"
For Colas, afn, readmit% Neural- paokago *Bah containe complete 04
Tootheehey Emelt% and for reetione. Then you aro getting real
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Solatiew New Aapirid-.4110 genuine ..Aspiriti aim
title, take Aspirin -Iliarked with the sallied by physicians 100 over limo.
tante "Bayer" or you arettat taking teen years. Now made in Canada,
Mph% at all . Handy tin boxes tont/ailing 12 bib.
Abeept only "Boyer Tablets of lets coat hitt a fee' cents, Druggists
Aspirin" In an tul token "Bayer" Mao sail larger pit(1kageg.
%Us:is is catty 0)24 Aispirin-."Noyor",.-Vou taunt clay "Buyoto
Aispotu 10 the trade mark. (reffligered In Canada) Of nava, Ministitature or thee-
miationaideolor at scinvitosole, whits it to welt known that Atiplrin Menne meet
nueinteotato. to neslot the MItlio nefithet fraltadone, the Tablele 01 Sayer OSMOSIS',
Witt be itampod with Moir itenettil trade tiaras the "Bloat nrolis.a.