The Clinton News Record, 1920-5-6, Page 5"1'Jii'UR$AAY, 1\iAY .6th, 1920,
Chita Nowa-Record
Cr" lnteres*. to You
Cliiitoniane had a fine view of the
neoai's eclipse on Suuday evening,
You have one more'month,in which
"to`nielce yeur'`ineonre tax icterus,
• you lazy lieepie, Who have not yet'
made them.
ik .1 .
Twenty Bruce'' • and Grey weekly
newspapers have decided to Tenni
- •
their subscription price to $2,04 per
• year, the new rate to: go into effect
Tttly 1st.
qr .a•e
No addition will be made to the
. sessional indemnity of the Ontario"
legislator this year, Premier Drury
set his face like a flint against it,
'• though Liberal, Conservative, Labor'
,and Farmer in turn favored an Lin-
. •
crease .. ; ;
fi u rN .k,
A. Flick; M `L. A, for' South.'
Huron gave his, fellow -legislators.
good advice the other night when he
:advised them to !:put in one year and
see what 'titer we're worth," before
asking an increase in their indeue-
7 nity.
A London Tuan couldn't take 'time to
','be married, : recently to a Lueknow
girl because he was on a "potato-
marketing trip." It certainly. would
be a pity to interrupt so profitable a
r'business as potato selling to.get mar -
tried. • •i- ,.
"Times have -changed." says.. The
!Hanover Post: 'ti'e used to got ,two
bags of potatges for The Poat for a
year; now . we have to give the paper
. o1 ore years,+for one big, and
;some insist • that the paper is going
'tip in cost." •
. l .. k �ut,µ
1 •
t `• .1 "How would it 'do."' asks The Sim-
1"''''`* coe Reformer, "to make patches fash-
rionabie instead of overalls?" Would-
?n't do' at all: Altogether tee coni-
'men, and ordinary, A suit of. brand
• (new,. overalls .worn - with a belt with
•.rhinestone :heckle,;,, patent leather
-(shoes, suede gloves and acane, makes
a' striking; •':costume,; But patches
!Teo .inanYi. of us wearing 'em already.
The conversation' recently turned
on' the scarcity ,of .maple syrup and
"its high price Said'' the lady who
lad ' been leolciti .into the matter.
..The farmers who have counted the
.cost of:time, fuel and everything'eon-
•cerned say that maple syrup "does
-not pay even .at 24 per gallon." "Ah,"
sighed the thoughtful man, sadly,
"this;.all conies of the farmers learn-
ing , •bookkeeping. They're always.
•coniting the cost of things now, and
-everything does 'cost like the mis-
,ebief." Drat that bookkeeping,
(Continued irony Page 1)
,, eerth ion the town gravel pit that
..rie must be removed or payment made
for having same done,
` •3'aiersort=f Langford —That the
property committee be empowered
-to • ask for tenders for new furnace
':and specifications for same.
McMurray-Miller—That a new
fence: be built 'on the . north side of
the :cemetery the cemetery commit
tee' •being' empowered . to Nave • seine
The street committee that a light
be placed at the westerly end of
-north street, one on Victoria street
between Gordon and Welker streets
.and one at the south end of Matil-
•da street.
Miller_: lYIfdlleton—Thnt J. H.
;Carrick be appointed town" scavan-
ger at a salary of $650 per year,
.same to date from May lst.
Veil tse—Johnson—That a notice
•forbidding the placing of rubbish of
.any kind on streets or vacant lots
:be 'inserted in both local papers.
The Model school board sent in
•-the following estimates ' for repairs
.and permanent improvements to the
- Model school building:
'For evacuating moving earth, un-
•derpinriing, basement floor (to pro-
f vide play' room for children during
wet or stormy weather) foundation,
brick work, cement -walks, �.
, o
-side • approaches to lavatories; Nes-
tering ceilings, partitions with lath-
,. , ing and new- additions, new windows
l '
to Correct lighting, new doors, new
•entrance ,. ' . $4500.00
'Carpenter work and material 1400.00
y :Steam heating system .. . , 8000.00
Plumbing, goods and
installation 3000,00
Tainting and electric wiring 1000.00
Total $17,900.00
:Sale of outbuildings •500,00
Balance . required ....$17,400:00
The clerk read the estimates and
•on invitation of the mayor Mr. T.
7, McNeil of the' board addressed
-the council. He said that the' :mat:
ter •of either building a new school
-or remodeling the present building
'bad been before the board fdz`; Bare
and was only ' delayed • so long • on
account of the war, He sal l the
" :estimates met with the approval of
the •P, 8.. Inspeetor;aind the town
M. . 0, H. and he,lroped the coun-.
ell 'would see fit to., -Base - them. as.
presented, Several'of, themenibore'
of 'the council asked questions and
then Councillor Wiltse, emended by
Councillor Middleton, proposed the
following motion, which was passed
without ,discussion: •
"That we take the necessary step
to issue debentures to the extent of
twenty thousand dollars, the donorn •
inetion thereof along with the rate
of interest end length of time to
be left with the finance, committee."
to intr'odueinse his motion Council-
Ior Wiltso said his reason for leaving
so much in the hand of the flziance
committee was that as so many
people irk Clinton had 'purchased
Victat'y bonds ho thought if the de-
heritnres Were issued hi •small de•
nominations they might be sold .en.
tirely in town and the interest parid
here. "Tho Geternfnent," lib re-
iumeked, did not hesitate to Irina
bonds as low as ono hutrdred dollars
and rI think it 'would ho good busi-
mess pan the part of the town to
ue debentures whroli it,wanld be
easy for the people .to take up,"
140 alsa, thqught the Mine sheeil4 iiot
be longer than twenty years, "If
we extend it thirty ,years . We ,pay
out $80000 in interest." he said,
,rrellotwig is ' the ,iinanciai 'report
fel, the month;'
Street account
1'ay sheet .. :, , $85.20
S. J. Andrews, tile , . , , 26,10
E, 'Sergton, ch tying . , ,. .75
T. McKenzie, work , , .60
l5leetric Light Acceent
Pub. Utilities Comm.
lighting streets ., 130,92
Pub, Utilities Cgin
lighting hall, etc.- , , , , , , , , 8.81
Preporty Account
E, Scrutoe, Braying ,, ,,; .1,25
W. II. .Iiellyar,• repairing
control oloek '.,: ,. } ,75
T. Wigginton, wheel for
water wagon12,00
W. D. , Fair. .& Co., shalles
for constables effiee , 5•.25
Pay Sheet
Dry Closet Account
3. R. Carrick, salary, .April 64,17
Cemetery Account
J. W. Shobbrook, salary
Arthur. Groves, seven days'
work .. .. .., 21.00
Stationery Account.
W. D. Fair et Co., blank
book and stationery 24.88
G. E. Hall, printing . 8.50
G. E. Hall, publishing
letters on fuel ., . 8.50
Park Account
T: McKenzie, lumber . , 3.88
Pay Sheet .. 4.80
Pub' Utilities, lighting -
hospital ,. • 6.01
Salary Account
D. L Macpherson, salary , . 137.50
R. • Welsh, salary .. . ,. 125.00
R. B. Fitzsimons salary 54.17
Market scales 6,85
Hall rent 40.00
Sale of cemetery lot ,., 10.00
Care of lots in perpetuitY •. 40.00
Work 20.50
Cigarette .. , . , y;, , , . 120.00
Billiards . . , 41.67
Livery . .. ... 40.00
Stanley Township
Mr. Robt. Webster of Lueknow,
who bought the McNaughton farm
a short time ago, is moving down
and is getting in his spring crop.
Mr.' McNaughton's sale of stock
and implements tak s
e place on Sat-
MAIR—BELL—fir .Clinton, on May
5th, by the Rev. J. E. Hogg,
Jean, only- daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Bell, to Carl Mair of
•• Allendale, son of Mr. Geo. Mair
of the Huron Road.
rick's Church, Dublin, on April
26th, by .the -Bev, Father Noonan,
Lucy A',, ,daughter- of- Mr. and
Mrs. William Evans, to John H,
Quigley, of Stanley township.
on April 28th, by Rev. E. F. Arm-
strong,. Blanche Mee Cantelon,' to
Herbert Kent; of . Brantford, Ont.
BUTLER—In Clinton,, on April 28th,
to Mr. and Mrs: Alex. Butler, a
WEBSTER—At •Lonclesboro, on May
6th, to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Web-
ster, a daughter,
YEO—In Goderich township/on April
27th, to Mr. and ' Mrs. Eldred
Yeo, a son.
STRUTHERS—At Weih-Wei North
Henan, China, on •April 26th, to
Dr. R. G. and Mrs. Struthers, a
YOUNG—In Goderich, on April 20th,
to Mr and Mrs, Noble Young, a
PATTISON—In East Wawanosh, on
April 27th, to Mr, and Mrs, 'Allen
Pattison, a son,
HOLMES—In Seaforth, on April 26th
to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holmes,
a daughter,
CARTER—In Tuekersmith; on April
26t1i, to Mr, and Mrs. James Cart
FRASER--In Goderich, on April 28,'
to Mr and Mrs. E. W. Fraser,
South street, a daughter.
NEWTON ---At Alexandra hospital,
Goderich, April 26th, to Mr. and
• Mrs. G. G. Newton, of. Goderich
township, a daughter.
a L n East Wawanosh,
on April 25th, to . Mr..and Mrs,
Alex, MacDougall, a daughter.
]3i RDG1 —In Stanley,, on April 21st,
to '3OEr•, and Mrs. Fred Burdge, a
GOOK --In East Wawanosh on. April
,25th tb Mr. and Mrs '.Marry Cook,
a daughter.
DAYMAN .hr Tucke}•smith on April
80th, to Mr.and Mrs., Robert
'''Dayinan;e' daughter. . •' ' '
WATSON.--4n Detriit, on Atlit24t1,
to' Mr. and Mrs •Clifford •Watson,
a daughter.
stance, on
:AaY : rd,to t;and Mrs:,.Reit,
•lx n olby: