The Clinton News Record, 1920-5-6, Page 4r: „Ifftll:•IiVi�;
dustiness hours-- la,N�y' elG.1*in,phalb$e
ti a in, to0pan, Satiihdays. U•i .R, 121O1;rap h•oili e
nights before holidays IU la,ui.Canadian Nnational 6Iul of r1111oe
pictoral Review
are in the lead
We have now, on sale The Pictoral
Review for the month of May, 25c.
: tictoral Review Fashion. Book—
Summer Quarterly, price 25c
Pictoral .Review Patthrrni:--a 0310
• stock to select from,
ransparent Oven- Dishes
`$1.yo Stove Time
Serving Time
Cleaning Time
Never chips ' nor
cracks and is guaran-
teed against breakage
from oven haat
It never grows old
Mrs John';P.nrlvr'sor,'who has been
spending' the winter with hot' dough -
tem at, London and Walkerville, ar-
rived in Rippon Friday evening of
last week and will make a lengthy
stay with her daughter, yrs, John
Mr, %tarry Shafer is els usual the
first to have his garden planted but
he reports the, growth very slow, Be-
fore the end of the week, however, a
good number will Neve their gardens
planted. The 'berry bushes are very
hnueh broken,
Mr, Wm. Ivison is building a fine
new garage and will also build a
eines porch at the front`of his house
and will also erect a new fence, •
When he gets through. with his eon-
template'd 3liiprovennents he will have
a comfortable up-to-date home.
Dr. Aitken wars in Brantford last
week attending a meeting of the
Synod' of the presbytorhan &nth.
Quarterly services: were observed
in the Methodist church on Sunday
afternoon, ; A sunken• were present.
from! the appointments. The pas-
tor, Rev. Mr, Wilson was able to
he present. All were pleased to
have his ushal placeafter his
long illness. ,
Mr. Isaac Jarrot lost a valuable
cow last week.
Dr. .hale of Hamilton visited bar'
friend, Dr.' Mary Johnston, -for .a
couple of days last week. "
Some sneak thieves broke into
M>•, Harry Chesneys ducting their ab-
sence on Sunday last and stole his,
watch and a sum of money, The
theives have been captured and the
- booty returned,
Mrs. Calvert. and two children of
Iiderton visited with her parents,
Mr: and Mrs. Peter Howey, last
Rev, ' A. McFarlane of Bayfield
will_ -Conduct preparatory services at
Ilillsgreen : and Kippen Presbyter-
ian -churches on Friday next. Kip -
pen service will be at 8.p.m.
Mr. W. H. Johnston was in Ex-
eter .Monday night in the interest of
educational matters.: —
"Mothers' Day" will be o47served
St. Andrew' on Sunday, May
10th. The mothers are invited to '
attend , the .:Sabbath School on that
Ciintoll hewe,-fccor4
bendy dearth -in late spring and early:
summer, 'In severe pesos the' col.;
dales, shoals), be •left. queeuless :for one'
or two WOoks, before the Italian
iucens .aro introduced,
Sacbrood usually ptsappears of -
ter a few weeks and calls for no
F. W. W. S ,ADE ,
Central Experinhental Furan,
Ottawa, Ont,
rte, TORONTO (Union Station)
9.15 P.M.
Sun. Mon. Wed. Fri.—Canadian National all the way.
Tues. Thurs. Sat.—Via G.T., T. & fl.0„ Cochrane thence C. N. Rys.
Tickets' and full Information from nearest Canadian National
Rellways' Agent, A. T. COOPER, CLINTON ONT.
or Osneral Passenger Dopartment, Toronto,
Department estern Canada availablonto and Winnipeg tarmingwill ish full or otherarticulars
• v,
Jumpy Nerves!
If you get startled easily or
"Jump" • or "scare" at the least
little thing,' it means that your
Nerve Force is weakened and
spent. a = -- =•.-
--..Sttf Nerves control every''I tE
tel and,Phystcal process that takes within you if the the•
Nerves were cut leading. .to • the
Heart that organ would never beat
again. Without the Nerves you
could never, See, Taste, Smell or'
Boar again for it is upon the
Nerves that everysense depends.
If you wish to build up_ and
strengthen the body you must put
new life into the,inillions of nerve,
fibres that lead to, the. Heart, ,the.
Stomach;, :the Kidneys, the Liver
.•and the 'other 'organs. This You
"can quite easily do by taking a,
six box o .treatment of Hackvtgs?
Heart and Nerve Remedy. It will;
take away "that • tired feeling,''
banish those pains in the head,';
inereaee your appetite, help rid,
to sleep better eat. better and live
longer. '
What is a few dollars in com-
parison to your health, we offer
you a :sovereign remedyfor your,,
illness in •Haeking's Heart and
,Nerve remedy. The road to Health,.
and Happiness is yours if you will
.but 'believe it.: This wonderful
preparation will, change you from
a Weak„Nervous or Anaeade per.;
son id ;qne :;tall ;tit We, Vitality
nnd.Animationl. ..It will bsfng,back `.
the tree's to. roar Cheeks, by. in -1
creasing' circulatioit and purifying
the blood,,; ;Better get a few boxes,
now, when you think of it, but be
mire to get 1Iackings.• 2rice:50c a
iitecr.O•te,of$2,60 zBo1dby:ail deal -
ors or by,,,;mail.•..PQstpaid: noth-
ings Limited,. Listowel, Ont. •
o `Ladies !
Anaemia` •••
. This is a result of the leak of
the ordinary red corpscules in the
blood. The too frequent neglect
this complaint,`especially in the
caiireJaf Keeepi 7Okis and young
women, is fraught wit e,•- •
est danger.
Poorness of the Blood
must Lead to weakness of the body,
General Debility and suck a run
down condition that the sufferer
falls a prey to almostany epidemic
disowns — especially Influenza,
Colds and La Grippe.
News of 'Happe'rilugs
In the countg and
William Bell, 19, and Leonard.
Bell 22, both of Kincardine, were ar-
rested by ' High -:Constable White -
sides in, a hotel at, rt Brucefield, on
Tiiesdsyy, .following a report of burg-
taxies in Stanley township. A num-
ber of stolen articles were found in
their posee esion,. including some
taken front the home of Harry -Ches-
ney, at Kippen, and one • of the
young inch had' a revolver and box
of cartridges. The other house en-
tered was that of -William Logan in
Stanley, A schoolhouse in the town-
ship was also 'broken into.
• Both Were committed by Magis-
trate Petty of Hansell on charges
of housebreaking and theft, and
carrying a weapon; and sent to',God-
erich jail to hwait trial by a county
judge, They are said to have:. a po-
lice record at Stratford, and to have
been inmates bf the industrial hone.
A. young mad, having , drunk a
few horns of hard eider, went lite
Mildmay ,the other evening to "have
some fun." He had it, according to
reports, and also afforded some fun
for another fellow who gave hint as
sound a "liking" as he ever, got.
Things, must be lively up around
Mildmay on occasion, .
Tho Methodist and Presbyterian
congregations- at Belmont have de-
cided to unite, Cordial relations are
said to have always existed between
the two bodies there and the union
is 'e pected' 'to •be'very suecessfuT,
The services will be continued in
the Methodist church.
Mr. Fred Mahood of, •Howiek lost
'his barn; together with some' hay,
grain and some. stock,. by fire on Sat-
urday. week..An over turned lant-
ern was . the • cause,.. A very small
insurance was carried,
The old carding mill at Dungan-
non is being pulled down. Time was
when almost every community boast-
ed a woolen mill of some sort, now
they are the rare exception. The
Henn -tiller mill is about the only
thing of the kind in Huron County
On Monday week the funeral took
place' from his late residence, Con-
cession 2, East Wawanosh, of the
late R. G. McGowan, a well-known
and. respected resident of that lo-
cality for many years. The late Mr.
McGowan was born in the township
and had spent his entire life there.
He. is survived by his wife and a fam-
`ly of four. He was a Presbyterian
in religion ander Liberal in polities,
idr. E. CL Matthews, manager of
the Sterling Bank at Auburn, has
been ordered to report at Montreal.
Mr. L. E. Hinkley, manager of
the Bell Telephone at=Wingham, has
been asked to take charge of the work
at Springfield and will move there
Mr. Thos•. Manning of London,
brakeman on the G, T. R.,- was in-
jured recently and narrowly escaped
death when • a large- steel plate :fell
upon him at Exeter. Mr.
Maiming is a son-in-law of Mrs. D,
J. Boyd of Wingham.
- Up around Listowel._ they are
complaining that the eggs entrusted
to incubsthyg no matter how care-
£ully"watched and tended," are not
hatching out chickens. The loss to
poultrymen is -of course heavy and a
solution of the mystery is being
sought. It. seenis the poultry stocks
look to be in excellent condition and
that the old, reliable hen can produce
the chicks when sheds allowed a nest-
ful of eggs for the proper period of
time, 'but the incubator for some'
reason is' not producing results.
Mr. Russel .•Coutts, who has . been
C. P. 11:, operator. and ticket agent
at Goderich Since his return from ov-
erseas has been appointed agent:at
McGaw and takes up his new duties
at once.
The 'funeral . of Mary Elizabeth
• Kathleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Killoran, of Goderich, took place
to the 117 0. Cemetery on Saturday,
The child,'tvho was between six and
seven years • of age, had gone down
to Toronto with her father and was
taken i11 on the train. All that could
be done for ;her was done but she
diedr en Friday morning. The body
was brought home :for' interment.'
Mr.: Owen' Geiger of Hensal! ' is
putting, -in about four hundred mires
of 'flax this spring.
The roads leading into Exeter are
said to be in' a very bad. cotillition
and an agitation is on to improve
them, • ..
The funetral• of the late John Bell
of Lloydminster formerly of Landes -
hero,. whose death 'occurred sgddenly
at Lloydmiiistor the . previous• 'w' eek,
took>place td Blyth cemetery on_ Mon-
day :week, • The deceased` -left Huron
,county about fifteen.`years ago and"
'Went to Ll'oydmiinster and-erected'the•
Britannia+ Hotel Which 'he conducted`
fort soma, Years, fits health
not< been the best. for some little
One, aid' he' spent, the winter ht. the
Coast, retnrihing only- few days.,!
Prior to his death which whs the inti -
mediate • Tl a firot ll int - to tenter Goderich
this "Maine VMS the Steamer 'Coiling-
wbed'which arrived Friday afteienooti,;
hvitln ' wheat. Following the t§sual.
die torn, the town will in all' probabU-
itv: pltesent Crlp? Rater McKay with.
a new hat. Title wn11 ivaltd two, civ;
Fainting, Palpitation
general disturbance of the bodily
functions, headache, hysteria, pale
and sallow .complexion, pallor.. of
the tongueand lips, puffiness un-
der the eyes and Heart Murmur
are generally aNaodiated with 'An -
Hackings Hear—raid
Nerve. Remedy
le the most reliable medicine to
its¢. It Will bring back the rosy
cheeks and restore Vitality and
:V'iger. •-•Do not bee discouraged and
do not worry for you will only get
.worse.'"?' Flees your confidence in
.Hackings: Heart and Nerve Remedy
for it is a Complete tonic -that will
bring bank the happiness of good
•'health that you so much desire.
Buy 'a Teva boxes' o -day., 'Price;
50e a book. ;G for $2,5O . Sold by
all dealer's' or by -mail, postpaid.
Backings Limited, Listowel,
• Df) YOU KNOW' Ttie
•.'",4" r• TbISOiNotrq k'1.4;1‘TTS1 •
The' old , saying that "011e nhau's
meat is another man's poison". ape;
planta tOr.;bd 'tine he the case of
different kinds of live stock.' Mkt is
a Rae? that' seine "plants which pois-
on horses are not injurious• to cattle
orti shell, .had some which . cause• loss
among cattle and ,cheep are not''eat•-
5i :1FT sWitie and*hoses ,ifs Baile-
Nero 39;, fiteolhd -Series 'bf+• • t]te
Rxporimental . •,,,Earths;, !-311*itteittai
BoigOnoas, Minute of Oanadq,' by,.btles
:Waith Pyles, til ,. :,•.obtainata.e Rrde
r set »t application, ,,dad, Palrlleafinons
fEsneh, ,p}epa}tli7annt :O... A'gt41t{SoSt,
Ottawa, a list of planta which,q,.ili: