HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-4-29, Page 8DIGESTIVE TROUBLES'
But They Are Nearly Mwa rs
Pale to Thin, Watery Blood,
Do not blink that because your
(nomads la easily upset you- are the
Victim of come serioue malady, .Pile
et the most common predisposing
valises of indigestion is anaemia, or
thin, watery blood. In fact it has be -
mine generally recognized that
beft tby activity of the stomach is tm.
»Qssib'leeenleSs the blood is rich and
D3'.• Williante' Pink. Z'11i have. been
Mind moat valuable in eases of indi.
gestion; nervous dyspepsia and atoms
ach weakness, just because they are
a blood builder and terve tonic,. The
rich, red blood, they make,•not only
imparts a •heal;tlty digestion, but.car-
ries color to'tlio cheeks and, lips and
gives vigor to the inmates, One im-
pertant point to'eemember is that Dr.
Wililams' Pink Pills cotilpin no harm-
ful areas or.opiatee and ere thus to bo
preferred to preparations that merely
stimulate for a time. Before you be-
gin worrying unnecessarily about your
, state of health, try the tonic' treat
.ment .of Dr. Williams; Pink Pills.
You will . be surprised to see bow
rapidly your appetite returns and your
whole debilitated system revives, as
the uow, rich blood cowries through
your body. Ilore is the statement of
one person among thousands mho have
-De. Williams' Pink Pills to their
own great advantage, Mrs. A. Veniot,
Herford, N.S., says: "For about two
years i was a great sufferer from in-
digestion,, wkt wk-aeesned-sto carry with
it a complication of other troubles.
Every meal 1 tool brought with It
misery,- as; it was followed by Vete,
and sometimes nauseaand vomiting.
AL other titne,s gas would form in the
stomach to' such ani eetent that my
heart would palpitate at an alarming
rate. These conditions brought on ex-
treme nervousness and irritability; and
I found 'my general health so much
affected that the least exertion would
tire ute,.anl.I sleptbut poorly, I had
been doctoring for several months
with iso result beyond slight temporary
relief, when I *as adv!sed by a friend
to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I de-
cided to follow this advice, and got
a half dozen boxes. Good results
soon began- to show from this treat-
ment, and the •further continued use
of the pills have made me a 4811 wo-
men. I can cheerfully recommend
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to similar
aurorae." .
You can procare Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills through any dealer In medicine
or they will be sent you by mail at
50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
by writing direct to •T1ie Dr. Williams'
liioclicine.Cu., Brockville, Ont.
Richest If Orman on Earth?
Fier uaule is Mrs. Yone Suzuki, and
it is estimated that she made over
150 million dollars during the war.
Possessing a fleet of sixtv__yessale,
this middle-aged _..a:tale: mete woman
trades wins-- ail the markets of the
` .... need—nand 1ssa offices and agents, 1n
--- every capital
She began her business Ct.reer
twenty years ago, when her husband
died and loft her a sugar refinery,
which she eel,! for $5,250,000. With
this moray elle interested her-
self in shipp ng and menu -
it factures, steadily building up
a fleet' and acquering factories
until she became interested in prac-
tically every industry in the East. To-
day site is'tho richest woman Iu the
Orient and probably in tho world.
peep. Minard's Liniment in the house,
A. good, "forgettery" is often as im-
portant as a good memory. It. pays
sometimes to just sit down and think.
TetagentPiltorcew •
Advocates of speedy and inexpen-
nexpen-s ve •d vorce will 000 the practice In
full action 44 they care to 'adventure
ani far ae ICusltgpr, . ])'lies Elia Sykes,
e',Tl.'c ,ti„ who, with her -brother. Sir
PeePY Sylsts, has traversed Chinese
Turkestan and the Pamirs, has an il-
iul)linatiug, ;chapter on certain ]Eastern
tnerniage customs in "Through Des-
erts and Oases of Central Aeia,"
In Kas'ilgar there are 1Uapy "super-
fluoutr 'W011104" ow leg to the emigra-
tion of men from the` oases, and mar-
riage is conaequently ehettp for a
suitor. The "marriage of conven-
ience" is the rule, as parents often
soli ttheir daughter to the highest bili-
der without allowing her •any freedom
of chojee,.
St is true that there is to compensate
ing custom, as •divorce may be had fior
about ten cents, but as the women
may not remarry until a hundred days
have elapsed, she ]las generally ddffi-
culty in keeping herself meantime, al-
though the disearcled•husbandis alp
posed to return the dowry that he re-
ceived with his bride when the mar-.
rage contract was concluded,
One cleeidod advantage on tate wo-
man's side is that, if• her husband
divorces her she ]nay take all the
movables la 'bhe house, and as.iii the
caseof a merchant much of-hisiwealth
consists of carpets' and brass utensils,
he often finds it cheaper to, take- a
second wife rather than divorce the
first, who would make a clean sweep
of the "bits and pieces" on household
The missionaries told Miss Sykes
that most .of the women in Kashgar
had been married several tines, and
that' this constant divorce hed to the
wives -,taking whatever they could
from their husbands and putting it b$'
against•a.,rainy day.
British "Left -Hand" Drive.
The left-hand drive as the rule of
•the road may soon vanish from the
North American continent, Hitherto
it 'has clung tenaciously to some parts
of eastern Canada end -to British Col-
umbia- as a survival of a custom still
prevailing in England and in parts of
Italy. But British eColumbia, with the
exception of Vancouver Island, will
adopt the right-hand drive in July
The urgent need 01 a uniform aye-.
term may 'compel even England to
abandon a rule which is a picturesque
historical survival. Probably from
time, immemorial men on foot or
hors@back approached one another to
the left. They could thereby shake
hands while they kept their weapons
ofit_ of the reach of hostile hands.
When vehicles came into vogue, the
driver sat on the right of the seat the
better to guard against too close con-
tiguity of the passing wheels, The
armed man has gone, but until men
are ambidexterous there doubtless will
be those who will gird against the
drive to the right.
''Cascarets" is biggest selling t
Iakativo-Cathartic for
and Bow
Liver Is
Twenty-five million boxes of Cas-
carets were sold last year to :elks
who wanted relief without injury from
Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion,
Gases, Colds and Sick IIeadacre. Cas -
carets work while you sleep, removing
the toxins, poinons and sour, indigest-
ible tvost'b without griping or inconveni-
once. Cascarets regulate by strength-
ening the bowel muscles. They never
weaken or shock the liver like calomel
or harsh pills. Cascarets post so
little too.
3 -IIS is the NEW Gillette Safety Razor --bigger and
]weightier in the handle and the head, as the
_picture shows, but it takes the same good Gillette
Blade that has made the Gillette Safety Razor Known
the World Over.
No advance in the price -$0.00.,
Men -who like something with
more heft to the handle than
the Standard Gillette, will' now
enjoy „Gillette shaving with its
perfect' edges and free-
dom from Stropping
and Honing.
This is the handsomecase of
polished Gum Wood—mitre•
cornered—and very compact.
Dealers will be glad to lel boa
see fhc Giticfie "Big Fdlota' e'
11001 In!..'
Me►-efi:r 14&4:"
1100101 `01
One evice
for most makes and models of Dara,
'Your 1d' br0
ra,lnced Write Or wire u e dry t1
trig what You want. We Garry the
teepee anti most. complete stoelo en
Canace, of salq•illy used Or now parte
one autemianlo e0utpment, , We chip
C,o P1 eaywhero In equine. Sat1)s-
feafory or refund In full our motto,
Shaws .Auto Salvage Part Menne,
'Ssa-cal ;Antonin et,. Tdrogto, otos
Graceful Cailriage Depends
Upon Shape and Size of
' Foot Covering. •
The question of the,helght of a wo-
man's heels, always has been and al-
ways will be a vexed one. In spite
of the diatribes of themedical profes-
sion, a large number of the feminine
Sex will persist, till the end of the
chapter, in tottering along• on heels
from two to. three inches in height,
The reasons for the popularity of
the high -heeled shoe are manifold.
First of all, it enables the short wo-
man to add several inches to her ap-
parent height. It gives la pretty,
curved line to the back of ithe ankle
and heel, Last, but not least, it makes
a large, flat, ugly foot look quite pre-
sentable, since it fore -shortens the
length and gives the appearance of a
high instep, even where practically no
instep exists,.
Larger Shoes Nowadays,
• On the other, hand, only i small,
beautifully -shaped foot, surmounted
by the slenderest of slender ankles,
looks well in thedainty little .thin-
soled, heelless, slim sandals our
grandmothers worn.
Just as a strong north light reveals
every line and defect be a face, so
does a heelless slipper show up a bad-
ly -formed foot.
In the days when such. shoes were
in vogue, a high instep was the rule
instead of being the exception. The
feet .were usually exquisitely formed
and so small that "ones" and "twos"
were thee sizes universally worn,
"Threes" were, on 'the large size,
"fours" were demanded diffidently,
and no one would confess to wearing
a "five."
Nowadays a girl considers she has
a fairy foot if she can get it into a
four; six is quite a usual size, and
were the immortal Clementine still
living, she would find rivals -compet-
ing for even her- classic "number
So mnuch for the high heel; now for
the other side of the question.
The shape of a high -heeled shoe
Makes it quite impossible for the
wearer to walk really well, The
muscles of the foot become stiff and
swollen, and the footsteps heavy, in-
stead of light -and elastic. - '
Foes of Health and Grace.
One of the greatest attractions a
woman cad have is a free, beautiful,
swinging gait from the hips. This is
unachievable when high heels are
worn, because a proper balance can-
not be obtained—and tate whole art in
Iwalling gracefully and well consists
in having a free action from the hips
and throwing the entire weight of.
the body first on one toot and then on
the other.
Again, tile artificial height and pe-
culiar shape of, heel under discussion
throws the spino of the wearer out
of gear and disarranges the internal
economy. ' Backache and kindred !MIs
are the result.
Although there Is much to be said
in'favor of the heelless slipper from a
health point 00 view, it is not practi-
cal for general wear. This is es-
pecially the case when it is necessary
to stand tor any length of time. Few
modern feet are sufficiently developed
muscularly to boar the whole weight
of the body thrown on the instep with-
out the plantar arch giving way, thus
causing the painful and ugly condi-
tion known as flat foot. Here the de-
sirability of the medium heel comes
-'illy advice to every girl and woman
'who values her health and beauty is
to exercise the 'Muscles of her feet
and ankles night and morning by
walking three yard's, stopping to tip-
toe three times, and proceeding an-
other three yards, and so ot\for lava
minutes at a tine: ra
Finish With Massage.
Finally, work the toes, moving each
separate joint of each toe, they all
the toss•together, With the hand, and
finish by thoroughly massaging the
foot and ankle, working Wjth firm,
oval strokes from the toes ,upwards,
and thumbing well between the •bones
of the instep.
Having strengthened and beautified
the foot, matte a habit of wearing
dainty, heelless slippers for bedroom
and boudoir.
For walking, standing, and gefteral
use, well cut boots and shoes with
wide, medium heels. -
And for high days and holidays, to
say nothing of nights whoa little, If
any, walking is nodded, the girl who
wants to disguise an ugly foot may, if
elle s orteo,_totler along in gorgeous,
glittering confections, with heels three
incites in height and about an eighth
of an Inde in diameter, if if; so please
Simplicity Itself,
"Do you know," said Prof. Brown to
his bosom friend, "I cannot unden
stand how people forget the ages of
their Children, 1 have no troubles For
example, 1, was' born twentythree lulu•
tired years atter Socrates; my wife,
eighteen hundred years atter the-
hedeath of Tiberius Cmsltr; my son, John,
two ,s thou ee
doars after Y a t r Tiberifts
Se-Meroniue .0reileltus Was. ahoseie tri -
natio of the people; and bur daughter,
Amanda; fifteen hundred years after
the beglneing of the Follt •Wandtriug,
It is perfectly simple, you sedi"
Ask for Mleard's, Fend, take' iso, etbehi
9471 -Misses' Dress (suitable for
email women; kimono sleeves; two-
piece skirt in two lengths; with inset
side panels, with or without two-piece
drapery).' 'Price, 30 cents. In 8 sizes,
16 to 20 years. Size 16�I In
yds. 40 ins. wide; vest, In yd. 18 ins.
wide. Width, len yds.
9456—Misses' Dress (suitable for
small women; with -or without collar
and skirt drapery;; two-piece skirt
caught under at lower edge and at-
tached to two-piece foundation).
Price, 25 cents. In 3 .sizes16 to 20
years. Size 16 requiaes 3% yds. 40
ins. wide; contrasting, '/4 yd. 36 ins.
wide. Width, 1'/a yds.
9460—Misses' Dress (suitable icor
small women; kimono sleeve; two-
piece skirt in two lengths). Price, 25
cents. In 3 sizes, 16 to 20 years. Size
16 requites 4% yds. 40 ins. wide; col-
lar, cuffs, in yd. 40 ins. wide. Width,
1'/a yds.
T rese patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
Children 00 all ages—whether it be
the new-born bane or the growing
child—have to be constantly guarded
as, to their health. Upon the good
health of the little one largely de-
pends his strength and usefulness in
after years. Baby's Own Tablets are
the ideal home meddcine for children
of all ages. They are a gentle but
thorough' laxative which are absolute-
ly guaranteed to be free from opiates
or other harmful drugs and which
may bo given to the youngest child
with perfect safety -and beneltcial re-
sults. Through their action on the
bowels and stomach they ' banish
constipation and indigestion; break
up colds and simple fevers and make
teething easy. Mothers, you. can make
your little ones well and keep them
well by just keeping a box of the Tab-
lets at handeand; by giving an occa-
sional dose to the baby to keep his
little bowels reg alar and his stomach
sweet. The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 35 cents a
box from The Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
She Began Early.:
After the ceremony the best Gran
handed the minister an. envelope, say-
ing: "Five dollars, from the groom,"
One of the intimate friends of the
bride and bridegroom quickly grabbed
for the envelope and, taking it from
the clergyman's hand, opened it. A
$2 bill was. found inside.
The best man was notified, thinking
a mistake, had been made, The best
man and bridegrooitl both expressed
astonishment, declaring the envelope
had been ,tampered with, Finally the
bride spoke up and confessed that she
had secretly abstracted $3 from the
envelope, because she thought $5 was
too much to pay for such a small ser-
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians,
Always ask the butcher to split the
soup. bone through the• centre. This
Will allow all the juice from the Mar-
row to cools out.
Front doormats should never be
beaten, but rolled right side outside
two or three times. The dirt will fall
out quite readily, and a good brushing
afterward is all that' is necessary.
Treated thus the mats will last much
\L,00k at tongue! Remove poi-,
sons from little stomach„
liver and bowels
Accept "California yriiit of rigs
only—look not the name Cal
ifornia on
the package, then you are sure your
child is haying the Gest and most
harmless faxativo et physio fee the
little stomach, fiver ]tad bowels. Child,
ren love its doliolous fruity tanto, bull
dlreotidus for chine's dose 001 each bot:
tie, Gtr` it without fear.
;Vatter! You must say "California,'
YOU. ribInaetu
ways stiffer untold rnisory,
Belief tfui, surd emanate
'WrbU5liuln the •
We eke s0 certain of tee
suite we will Send yore te
greener/Mks 00 '01100paPt
&ales gontildent teat you
will upol Item all we have
pietpne"142 ging oSt.
Bold by tellable drugglots
byery,Wieette fol el.oh+a pox.
For fifteen years the standard
specific for-
Rheumatism, Neurals, Gout
Sciatica, Lumbago, .Ilouraigia
Many doctors prescribe theta,
Wilt, to l'ompletoga. 142 My et W., Toronto, for
free ample. Sold by reliable drual.'tile moven,. for
11,04 per ben.
If You Would Succeed.
Every back must bear its burden,
every hand must do Its, part
In this world of rush and strugf;le,
with a cheerful, willing heart.
Everyone must 'walk Life's pathway in
Lite shadow and the sun,
Every tusk set must be tackled, work-
ed at. fairly, until done.
But if all the lines you run on oply
lead yqu to Nowhere,
And if your constant failures ,111 your
soul with dull despair,
If you see no earthly chance that oar-
• cumstances will improve,
You must -run on other lines, and you
must get out of that groove,
Spanish Flu
Claims Many Victims in Canada
and should be guarded against.
Minard's Liniment
Is a Great Preventative, being one of
the oldest remedies used. Minard's Lini-
ment has cured thousands of cases of
Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma
and similar diseases. It is an Enemy to
(Germs, Thousands of bottles being used
,very day, for sale by all druggists and
general dealers.
Yarmouth, N.S.
A story which Is enjoyed by Lady
Bonham -Carter, the witty daughter of
NIr. •Asquith, concerns a canvasser at
a certain election, who happened up-
on. a man reading the addresses and
studying the faces of the two candi-
dates. d
"Well, what do you think of them?"
asked the canvasser.
The voter shrugged his shoulders
and -said nothing,
"Which candidate would you like
to vote for?" persisted the other.
"Don't know anythipg about none
of 'em," replied the British elector.
"But what I see of 'em, I thank 'Eaven
as only one can got in."
Tho safe way to send money by
.mail is by Dominion Express Money
You can fool a hen with a china egg,!
but she is not more credulous than
some follks.
To renew shabby coat collard, ta
a raw potato, peel
it,and grate it into
a basin. Pour half a pint of cold'
water over it, and let it stand until
it has settled. Take a piece of clean
flannel, dipeit into the liquid, and rub
the collar well. The Cloth will be-
come clean almost immediately.
Experienced and Learners
Underwear and Hosiery Depts.
Guaranteed Wage to Learners.
Saturdays off In July ,and Aug.
Cafeteria with Meals at Cost.
Clean, Healthy Work
Steady Einployone rlt.
Good Wages.
Write for further infoi'00EO1lon.
Used for 79 Years
Thru its use Grandmother's
youthful appearance has
remained until youth has
become but a memory,
The soft, refined, pearly
white appearance it ata Y'
rendets leavesthe joy
of Beauty With yo s4
for many
years T c:i
:trot to»tweas.a. .menseensaatnma ane mr
51/2% Interest
Allowed 011 money left with us for
from three to ten years.
Write for Booklet,
The Great 'West Permanent
Loan Company.
Toronto Office 20 King St, West
Bulk Carlots
I! A ti ioa'A lflorioar Doli tt'QntO5!o0'
--.u. ook ,oat
K POA NSithses
And Rete to nosh
Mena i 3,'ree teeny Ad•
drew y tho Author.
ne, 0157 (Beebe no., zee,
118 Wont Slat Hkreot
Now York el.S,p
o�,m+rtisu.mer,.m,..ven.,awnese .
When Dandelions Blow.'
They grow 110101e,thta pasture grass,
(i3arefoot.ire drove the cattle home),
Along the creek where lies his boat,
t1 ol'ampted shell. (Se does not
They shite upon the country road,
(Ito always whistled as he rail)
OIr, such; a liiIle time ago!
Ilut new he le a Juan.
"Gold attire" he galled thele as they
All wilted in his 11aby band.'
Star's were Ills eyes,—all eager wase
With things iae could not understand
Then, boyhood ^- the outstretching
S1111 Poole iia eyes, the wind his
11 ilillion dandelions blow.
My man.ohild lies In Franco,
They grow among the pasture grass,
Sun -glided at a Maytime sky.
Gold stars! A thousand mothers
A thousand mothers proud. as I..
Proud? Ay—and yet when night creeps
down, _
And sleep my anguished eyes may
With wilted flowers he comes to mo
'When dandelions blow,
.'aDanderine" save ani
. glorify our hair
In a few moments you elm trans-
form your plain, dull, flat hair. You
can have it abundant, soft, glossy and
full of life. Just get at any drug or
toilet counter a small bottle of "Dan
derino" for a few cents. Then moisten
a soft cloth with the Danderi°ne and
draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time. Instantly,
yes, immediately, you have doubled
the beauty of your hair. It will be a
mass, s0 soft, lustrous, fluffy, and so
easy to do up. All dust, dirt and ex-
cessive oil is removed.
Let Danderine put more life, color,
vigor and brightness in your hair.
This stimulating tonic will freshen
your scalp, check dandruff and failing
hair, and help your hair to grow long,
thick, strong and beautiful,
ClassiI ed Advertisements.
AaElaxlt 'I79'Ar1TXr
tal'NTS iANlIn Tilo G i oFU
upt�, Ontario to sell Stssky@
4, Ontario.
ter Iseregars, Guaranteedtot:
!MVO 00 10 50104r exit. gasoluta. .Andrew
ilatle, Jr„ Cnlwood,
tensible' COInefdi111i lAuil'7rLi''zan,
k.9 will pow yell, Coerge Stevens,
Peterborough, Ontario,
1rAuM L418D FO$ SALE.
- virgilt sofl,a•surroundt;tg nand und8r
cultivallea, hear isattloford, bask, Chns.
R. Ross, 18 Rutherford Avon klamiltof4 0
'on lama
r V anti job printing Plant in EastYern
ontarlo, Insurance carried 91.600, W11!
e for 81,200 on auto): sale. Box 416.
wllaen 1•ubilshing Co,.T+td... Toronto,
.H..d and light sewing at loam, whelp or
spate time; goon pay, work sunt anY• gas+
+leave, charges pall, Send stony for
particulars. Nallonal Manufacturing
Co.. Montreal,
00IE0011, T101010EES
by 01000L T0400I1:us—MAIC17 ILEAL
00 money In spare tine—send post
card to • Ratepayer Publishing Co., 4
Columbine, Tcrent0,
.'1 Olen ELM WANTED. 2 - IN. AND
thicker, shipped green from saw
Do not sell until you communicate with
us. 'Ceenan Bros. Limited, Owen Sound.
a,./ internal and estereat Cured without
pain by our home treatment Write us-
too Beaman Medical
Co..before Cobl ngwoo
The weather is bad enough some-
times, but nothing lute it would bo if
everybody had a chance to meddle
with it.
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
andEIIticura t. EI#
The pore -cleansing, purifying and
sterilizing properties of thisworder-
ful skin soap, using plenty of hot
water and soap, best applied with
the hands, which it softens wonder-
fully and the soothing and healing
proportlas of Cuticura Ointment for
redness and roughness, pimples and
dandruff; if any, will prove a ravale-
tion to those who use them for the
first time.
Soap 25c, Clatme ! 25 and 50s. Sold
thtoushouttheDaamtnion, CanadianDepot:
LL�. mn„e, Liatitsd. St. Paul S:., Montreal.
Cutieura Soap abase* withouiroue.
Spmmn'sisteer Compound
Ts the ORIGINAL remedy, or DISTEMPEii, INS'LUL0N7A,
PINE: NYE, COUGI'LS AND COLDS. Never successfully
imitated, it represents the highest attainment its veterinary
science for the treatment of contagious diseases. Sold aA
ail' drug stoma,
stun 1r 1CBDICAL 810., Ooslten, 5118„ 17,8,41
assn 3..,. 6= rMa. usuu R tetutl -
Imperial Mica Axle Grease and Imperial Eureka Flarnese
Oil insure lone life for wagons and harness, Put up.
its convenient sues and sold by dealers everywhere.
Imperial Mica
'Axle Grease
—not only lubricates, but smooths
the surface of the axle and hub
with a coating of powdered/nice,
thus's-educing friction and lessen-
ing the strain on ]horses and
Imperial Eureka
}farness Oil
keeps harness straps and tugs
pliable and strong, prevents crack -
mg and breaking of stitches. It
preserves harness against the action
of swoon, moisture and dust, also
wards off insects. Imperial Eureka
Harness Oil imparts a rich, black,
lasting finish.
Not AapiI'iu at Alt without the "Bayer Cross"
!Ilio italns "Bayf1 " on ;Aspirin is of "Bayer Tablets of A.epiriu" wldclt
rtnraL en geld; 01 ^u;;tivglrp contains proper directions for Cold$r
like a•..._. . n .:, . ; eatlaoho, rl`o0 11,0 io, Ttaraelto, Neu-
niillli 1? ..
011 Ittu
rdentiflea the cul u ..,I eT rf•,
y.ss wainf,•Lp ilulf0, ithalltll!itlom, IP 1
the Aspirin prescribed, by phyeieiann _ •t�aaa arta lenin geeerallae
for over nineteen years and tory tis Joint lee—, - s- "Ree tolls
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