HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-4-29, Page 1M1
ANO, 2043.-40th'Yeatr
INER r A renewal of sub, from Brazil the other day. But a few nearer home are not yet subscribers. The �"
II�U��D People's Paper at $1.50 per year in advance'and $2.00 to foreign countries is dirt cheap. Areyou p SUBSCRIBED
The local Oddfeliows wi]��celebrate
file 101st atinxversary of lire Orde;
by attending',divihe worship in Willis
cbuxch on Sunday mornieg• .They
meet in their ledge rooms at
10.30 and march in aMbody to the
church. Visiting: brethren well also
be welcome, a
Messrs, C. Diaper and T. J. Man--
aghan have been appointed. represent.
atives to the Grand Lodge to be held
in Toronto in June and T. W. HAW-
kms and G. E. Hall delegates to the
district meeting in May.
Baptist Church
The pastor will preach at both ser-
vices on Sunday.
Evening subject: "A well Within,".
Those who heard.Miss Pratt of Co-
tetrads, India, on Wednesday night
enjoyed her message very much,
Ont, St, Church
Mr. Fred' Thompson, who was vis-
iting his home in town, assisted the
choir on Sunday,
y, g part in a
mixed quartette in the morning and
in a duet with Mrs, B. J. Gibbings
in the evening,
Tho League meetingon Motday
Was a•-Good:Citizenship meeting acid
several addresses were given by the
young people. An» interesting pro-
gram was the result.
On Tuesday evening about ninety
of the young people 'went to Seaforth
to "ietuun. a visit paid to them by
the young- -.people , of the.Soa-
forth' League about . a' year
ago , The - visitors,, provided
the iprogram.: The: president Mr.
A, J. McMurray, presided, the topic
was taken by Mr, Ernest Livermore;
xeadm s rsuet
g , vert.grven by Mr. G. And-
rson and Misses Eva Carter and
Myrtle. Armstrong,' solos were sung
by Miss Grace Walker and Mr•. J.
Rands, 'a duet by Misses Ruth and
Carrel Evans and an instrumental
was given by Misses B. and C.
Jervis. At the conclusion of the pro-
gratathe Seaforth League served re-
freshments. The young people re-
ort a very pleasant tics,.
p Willis, Church
The Independent, Order _of Odd-
fellows -will attend Divine worship at
Willis Church on Sunday pert; at
eleven o'clock: - , -
ivrThe pastor's subjects next Sunday
Morning:"The Soul of Oddfellow-
Evening: "The Encouragers."
The Sacrament oflBaptism will be
in the afternoon.. nobserven at the Sunday School service
On Frida evenin Iasi the mem-
Y- g
bens and friends of the Covenant
Bible Class spent a social evening at
the lelanse, when they were hospit-
ably entertained by Rev. J. E. and
Mrs. Hogg. A pleasing program of
music, contests and games, was en-
joyod by the large number who were
present. At the conclusion, a dainty
lltncli was served, after which all
joined hands in the singing of Auld
Lang Syne.
The Women's Association held a
social evening at the manse on Mon-
day evening last.
The Young People's Society and
the Girls' Club held a union meeting
on Tuesday eveningwhen Copt. F.
S. Foulds gave a very interesting
lecture on "Conservation" illustrated
by lantern slides.
The W. M. S. are servinga teathou
at the home of Mrs. Forbes to -mor-
row (Friday) afternoon, from three
to six.
Wesley Church
well attended -Meeting of the
League on Monday evening the elec.
tion of officers for the ensuing year
took place.. The retiring officers se-
ported their work in the past year
and the following were appointed:
Hon -President, Rev. D. N. Me-
Associate Hon-Presidfnt, Rev, T.
J. Snowdon.,
President, Miss M. A. Stone,
1.st Vice, Miss M. R. Clark.
2nd Vice, Miss 14I. Turner.
3rd Vice, Willis C. Cooper,
4th Vice, J. A. Sutter.
Convenor of Social Committee, Miss
S, Powell,
Supt, Junior League, Miss Freida
Secretary, Miss, Amy Hollyar.
Treasurer, Murray McNeil,
Pianist;, Miss R. Wise•
Next week the officers will bo in-
stalled by 'the pastor.
The annual congregational meet-
ing was held -yesterday evening when
reports were given by the different
departs wer Refreshments were
served at the close of the evening.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per will be administered after the
se„4.,,,,,..,,4,7,.. Sunday lhadntl air annual-
flection •ai officer on Wednesday e t-
ening last, the io lawrng bong a
eel for the ensuing year:
President, Miss B. Porter•
1st Vice,Mrs, McCatnus.
2nd Vice, Mrs. C. J. Walhs,
3rd Vice, Mrs. 3. Johnston.
4th, Vice, Mrs. J. Cuninghame,
Rec.-Secretary, Mt.`s, A. Seeley•
Maths Secretary, Mrs. J. C. Mc'
Treasurer, Mrs. II. 1 owlee.
Christina Stewardship Su t„ Miss
p p
Strangers Secretary, Mrs, R. E.
Mamnmg, ,
GCittzdrishi Supt., Mrs.
French'. • .p
Mis, Frenolt Wits appomted deft-
Y gait t0 the lixanah meeting to lie
held in WinghanY in Juno, Mrs.
Jold 111 'being altfrnioti
The Dlatl'iat Ctl1tVOritiOn a� the W.
lid, S. will be field in BunganuoY on
'Thursday next, May 6th,
We, the undersigned g'roceee, agree
to close our respective laces of bus-
Mess each Wednesday afternoon dui-
,ing May, June, July, August and
September•, oxeept whezl a nubile
holiday comes any time in the week,
Ii, .Wrltse, "J: P. Shepherd Sc Co.
W. L. Johnsen 6c Co. Fred W.
Wigg. Geo, McLennan. W. T.
O'Neil, J. T. Reid, Cantolon Bros,
On Thursday evening last the
members of the Girls' Club of Willis
church and a number of other friends
gathered at the home of Miss'.An-
me Wntt Fulton street, and in view•.
of her approaching marriage, which
took lace yestercla mornin
P y g' pre-
seated herwith a miscellaneous
shower consisting o£ cut glass, silver,
china lined etc, some - very- hand-
some gifts being included, The girls
.spent a -velehA hour together.
happy g
People in this camniunit were
p y
shocked on Sunday afternoon when
it became' known that Milton Holland
thud son of Air. George Holland of
Isippen forme y of the Bayfield Road
hail died by his own hand About noon
that clay . he young man was found
by hi ether and younger brother
hanging in the bat n, having previous-
]y taken a dose.of carbolic acid, No
motive can be ascribed for :the rash
deed. He was a,ydung man of good
habits and' was not known to 'have
anything of • a serious nature to
worry or disturb 'itis mind • He had
been in Clinton with Ids father on
Saturday attending the sale of the
Fisher farm, which they purchased,
and later was m Heusall" and made
some small purchases. An inquest
was considered unncessary. The fun-
eral took place to Clinton cemetery
on Tuesday afternoon, The affair
has cast a gloom over the whole tom-
niunity as the Holland family is well
known and very highly esteemed.
Much sympathy is felt for theta in
their severe trial•
What might have turned out a
very serious accident happened to
Ilii. and Mrs, Wilson Elliott while
motoring near Benmiller on Satur-
day stern on. They. were good speed going eg
a tire burst and then, nobodyknows
what happened, but Mr. and Mrs.
Elliott were hurled through the wind-
shield. Their utile sot, who was
occupied so dh the rirear seaR. t,aker, who were also
'thrown violentlyout. Mr, Elliott'
was thought to be seriously injuredl
as he did not recover consciousness
foi some hours after the accident,
and Mrs. Elliott was pretty badly
eut about the face and head, The
babe, and Me. Baker fortuneately
escaped without much injury. The
injured ones were taken to the hone
of Mr. J. Irwin and fetor removed
to Clinton. At the time of writ-
ing all are able to be about again
and it is hoped will soon be all right,
It is said the car was sitting on the
road on its four wheels when the
neighbors gathered around to see
what bpd happened•. The occupants
certainly escs ed very fortunately,
y p'
Mr, J, Wiseman moved last week
to his new home on Townshend
Mr. J. Shanahan has sold his house
on Queen street to Mr,. W. H. Picic-
Ott who has sold his residence to
Pars• W, T, Hill.four
Mr, W. J. Elliott bas purchased
Miss Lydia Smith's house on Rat-
tenbury street andMiss Smith has
bought Mr, J. Crich's cottage.
Mr. Robert Fisher has taken the
cottage recently purchased of
Townshend street by the Misses Bull-
en and ]las already moved to it,
Wingham and Brussels are start-
ing --their weekly half -holiday tine
first week in May and Will continue
until the first weep, in October.
Mr, R. H. Johnson, who anuses
himself rearing Siberian hares, has
what is said to be a rano curiosity in
the shape of a pure white one.
Beginning • next week •the mer-
chants of Clinton are to observe a
half -holiday, \Wednesua, afternoon
y' v ,
during the months of May June,
July, August and Sed f Kip
Nit. George Holland o4 I{i en hasy
purchased t to Fisher farm pon the
Huron Road and will got immediate
possession, The Holland l fancily will
he welcomed heck, to the vie{pity,
Mr, L. Stoic has purchased the
fI 1
grocery business of Mr. J. T. Reid
and will take possession June :Est.
Mr. Reid has worked up a good bassi .
Hess since taking over this store.
His reason for selling •is the ill-
health of his wife,
Mr • Joseph Carruth of Wingham,
who went overseas with the 161st
band and who saw two years' ser-
vice in France, is moving to town.
The fancily will occupy one of Mr.
A. Cantelon's houses on Princess
ress .
lac Tileaificft hats b xpiioved :from a
l ;,
Palace Block to the office formerly
occupied by Mr, J: T'aylo• oh Isaac
street, We shall miss the Curnitng-
Mimes at this end of the town but
trust they will like 1t on the "The
Mr, surd Mitis, J. A. Suttti;. tial
being' able, to -secure a hogsf; Have
,stortd their fnxitituo Mal for the
presort are stayfitg With Mrs, Stilt
tar's parents, Mr, ce Mrs. It, B,
Chant. Alk, Wallgaa �Wlteatley, W1t0
has bought the house tine Slitters
_ have lost "Vacated; has nieVed iii.;
Mr, and Mrs, R. 'A, " Ee11 an-
noutxce the en °a ement of then:
b $
daughter, Jean; to Carl Mair of Al-
ameana son ee me. George Mair oe
the Huron Road, the marriage to
take place early in May,
Oats $1,00.
Butter .55c, „;
Wheat $1,98.
Barley $1.50:
Butter, GOe.
Eggs, 45o to 47c:
Luckwheat $1,d5,
Live Bag's $18.60,
Nettie Leona Glazier, young-
est laughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harry
Glazier . Olinton was married at
St, Clair,..Mieh,, on Wednesday of
last week to Mr. Ralph Jackson of
Elmira; N. Y:, where the young
couple will reside.
The bride's Clinton friends waft
good wishes to her foi a happy and
prosperous journey through life,
Early yesterday ',morning the
marriage took place at the
Manse ' of Amin M. Watt,
oldest daughter of Mrs. M. -Watt,
and Willett Glen Cook the Rev. J.
E, Hogg being the officiating clergy-
The young couple were unatte•nde•d
and: left almest Immediately
ceremony', via the early train for a
honeymoon trip. to Toronto. The
bride was mariiecl in the tailored
of privy blue in which she wont
away, with which she wore a bodice
,of nlaise crepe-de-chene and black
ha£ trimlined with spring ilowfrs.
Mr. and .Mrs. Cools are both pop-
alar young people and are field in
high esteem by their friends. They
will reside 1n Clinton an have t he
beet wishes of all for a bappy mar-
tied life,
The gentlemen of the Advisory
Board met with the ladies at the
Hospital 'en Monday evening to re-
ceive the report of the Inspector
Dr. MacKay was favorably int-
pressed with ,the Clinton hospital.
commended the ladies for their
enterprise. He was
p greatly sur-
prised that they had managed to have
a balance on the right 'side at the
end of the year when so many of
the large hospitals are having trouble
to finance their institutions,
He told them where mpeo ennents
could be made, but the Board had
already had these sante improve-
scents under consideration,
The Beard gratefully acknowledges
the receipt of a cheque for $20.00
from the London Road Ladies..„also,
a donation of $5.00 from Mr, and
'Mrs• N. Trewartlla o£ Holmesville,
—A• G. FOWLER, Secy.
The death took place at Goderich
on Thursday last of Henry Carter,
formerly of Clinton and more recent-
ly of Tuckersmith, where he farmed
until about six years ago. The fun-
took place at Monday bank cent-
etery, Seaforth on Monday afternoon.
He was a member of Egmondville
Presbyterian church for many years
and of Knox church, Goderich, The
late Mr. Carter is survived by his
wife And a Tamil of three sols and
slaughters, who All reside in the
west. He had sold his home in God-
°rich and. ire and his wife intended
to go west in a week or so to be near
their family Ind he was stricken with
his fatal illness and was only ill a
ver slmrt time, Two brothers and
foul' sisters survive: James Carter
and Mrs, R. Mennel and Mrs, Lep-
pington p.
in ton •of •Clinton Nlis. H. Coo er
Seaforth; NIrs• Gray, , 1111 Mrs.
John Carter of London, and rs,
Cooper, Cleveland,
William ']:'faker evil() had been in
very poor health for some months,
passes! away very quietly in his chair
early Thursday morning, just thre,
weeps to the day after his wife,
Mr, Flukey was born in West Wa-
ivanosh, near Auburn. He taupe to
Clinton about nineteen ears ago.by
He was' an Orangeman for forty-five
years and was also a member of the
Canadian Order of J ois se s for a
number10Sof years. He is survived by
Ont son and five daughters; W. J.
Flukes of Chicago, Mrs. E. Me-
Laughlin, Vancouver; Mrs, ,R, J.
Camerae, Rocanville, Sask.; Mrs.
Goo, Taylor and. Mrs, W. C. Far-
quhar, Clinton, and Miss May` Flulter,
Paris, Two brothers 0110 three sis-
tors also sut:vlvo: J, Fhiker, and
Mrs. R, Stalker and Mrs. A. Robin-
son,, Auburn; 114rs. A. of the lean-
knee, M.; and T. Dinner of the west,
afire femoral took place from the
family residence, William street, on
5atlirday afteiYl00n. The services at
house and graveside were conducted,
by the Rev..?. E. Ilog'g and the pall•
beAxors 1010 six brother lodge mein.
bees £loin Aubutin, Messrs. Geo,
as ogUGson 0,. Hamilton, andR.been
Stalker. A� lar 'e limber ..E Olen
fr{Ontla slid neighbors 110111 Auburn
vert also present at. the :funeral.
.. _. ¶ 1( if
Mrs. Taylor efts. Fsiquhar and
Miss May Fluleo Wish to express
their snncoa thanks toihe Friends and,
neig'hbora foi the klnehiese and syn-
Pathe shown thein hi their (IOW be-
1elive loft,
The following is taken from The
Aylmer Express: and refers to a forma
er Clintolian:—
"At the annual vestry meeting of.
Trinity Anglican Church it was de-
tided unanimously that the salary of
the Or anis[ Mrs: Maud Campbell
g ,who
be increased fifty donate -for the cont-
ing. year, ��
Me, A. "Welsh of Toronto joined
his wife slid daughter in the
the past week. They expect to re.
main here during the summer. Mrs.•
Welsh is waiting on her father and
i mother Mt', and Mrs, John Biggart,
are ill poor health.
Miss White of Detroit is the guest
of Miss Maud McGregor.
....... .�
�o . I
Sul( the Sea brei Regina
Simplicity of construction eqm+
er AG tinned' with a skill •in manufactu e.
which is tit inheritance of genera-
X Bons make '„
te m good time and consequently
s' �O . comfortable watches to carry. Their
-r' �P efficiency is assured by a .guarantee
rel ht enables the owner to have any
iYp whichvetioles defect remedied free
cf charge by the nearest raemedied
trrELY GUARANTEED any part of Canada. They are not
Goderich Township
Death removed on Sunday an
olct •resident of Goderich township in
the person of George Miller of the
tenth concession, who was born And
lived all his life upon the farm on
which he died, and who pawed away
after an illness of but three weeks. .
The deceased had been a man of re -
malleable health and, until stricken
with his last illness had not consult-
eel a doctor for over forty years. His
wife Alld A family of twelve children
survive: Edward and Cecil o£ God -
orieh township; froward, New enter-
io Clifford Brantford; Bert Port'
Hops Victor in the United States;
(Ida,), Mrs, Harry Steep, Goderich
p' Adelaide and Winnie in
Toronto and Arnold, Lloyd and Irene
at home,
One brother John Miller' of Har-
Dr. Atkinson and. wife.of Do-
De -
trod are spending the Week at than
sunnner hone on Bayfield Terrace.
Messrs, W. Ho Robinson and Se
Manness of London were in the vil-
lege over Tuesday peaking prepare.
tions for the erection of their sum.
mer bungalows on.the property purl
chased frons J Cancel r.
Mr. John Fraser and wife left this
for the west*where they will
spend the summer.
Messrs •• Harold and Abe Brandon
have purchased from E. Weston the
stage business and outfit and will
take it over the first of the month,
Mr, Wilber McBride of Zurich who
purchased the blacksmith business of
Mr, James Fowl*, tools over the
hatsiness on Monday of this week.
Mr, and Mrs: S. Ifip£er and fancily
spent SAnday with friends at Blake
and Zurich,
in grades which cannot be fully guaranteed.
A Yieit; ;•
and optician - - - Clinton
174w Residene 174J
. �,�r . - ,te •�-
-"^ -^ °' �g �'^- ®^
„Y :_� _ .a,;e,. _.:.. _ ___.__..._, _„am,,,,c
' E.
�'N k
+- Ito i ;�
J� "." r
Ineox oratedl3Gfl•
Head Office, Aloutroa0 • T
Oa fief .. 1Z•000 000
Reserve 'Funds .. $iS,g00,000•
Asset@ 550,(100,000 • •• ,
870 Branches'
• Sliecial attention to Farmers' Requirements...
Interest paid oli'depos{tfi,
- Safety deposit boxes to rent - t,
I MANNING; Manager - - Clinton Branch
xiston, and three sisters, Mrs, Per -
due of Clinton, Mrs: Donaldson of
.Goderich and Mrs..Churchill of the
west also survive. Mr. Miller. was
a Methodist, . being a member. of
Sharon church, and a member of the
.C,"0•. F•
The .funeral took place. from the ••
family residence yesterday afternoon
to Clinton cemetery. The services .
were conducted by the Rev. E. L,
Anderson of Bayfield. Of the eight
sons seven were home and the six
eldest ones acted as pallbeaiars,
The greatest sympathy of the com-
munity is eete Geo 'to the bereaved
family of- Mr: Geo: beloved S Holland in the
sad death of their son Milton,
as was shown by the very large and
representative gathering at the Erin-
eral from their home on' Tuesday.,
Rev. Mr. Wilson of ILippen, Rev,:
Mx. Doan, Hensel, anti Rev. Mr.;
of Clinton taking part in
Me services.
the services. The beautiful floral of -
ferings covered the enure casket,
Brogce f eld
Mx. and Mrs. Bothwell of Toren -communities
to are the geusts of Mrs. W. H.
Mrs. Jessie Cochrane • is the guest
of her sister, Mrs, Hugh Cameron,
'Mr. and Mrs, Will McKay and
children of Seattle are visiting Mr.
McKay's sister, Mrs, J. Walker,
The many bepleased iends' of CoMh. Mary e
McCullynpoving souewhat from hh ear re-
cent severe ribless •
Mrs. Somers of Blyth is the guest
of her sitser, Airs. James Grain-
gee. -
- Mrs. Rathwell and Mrs, Batten-
bury spent Monday in Clinton,
Mrs. G. Marks has returned home
from a very pleasant two months
visit with E illville friends,
f oIlensall gave a very
Dr. Peckof
interesting paper on Hygiene on Fri-
day evening at the Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor, which
was very much enjoyed by all.
Swan spent Sunday
Miss friend,
with her friend, Miss Jessie Gore-
Miss Alice Ratteutiury is visiting
Toronto friends..
M'r, Will McIntosh was ill for to
few days last week but is able t0
be around again:
Rodgers of Forest
Dr. and Mrs • friends
were calling on friends in the vii-
lege on Sunday,
Mrs. J. Walter is the geust of iter
son George in Seaforth..'
The cortege proceeded to Clinton by
auto on accts nt of the distance, A.
large number of friends from other
showed their sympathy
by attending the services at the
The pallbearers were six of his boy
friends: F. Wallis,• -N. Tyndall and
S, Jackson of Clinton and W. Par-
sons, G. Hanley and W. Mellis of
Dura was a parte icularly t be and
orcthought nce aof thes l slightest cause for
the fatal deed, He was a young
man of 'most exemplary character,
a �' '
quiet but thoughtful and bright. On -
tatthe hereidur-
! chasely ond a�new yfarm he n jusd t et
of Clinton, their olcl borne, On eine
ling at his brothers' later he was
y cheerful, saying• how glad
he was,
That it was not pre-uteditatecl for
a moment is shown by the fact of his
making preparation for the Sunday
by purchasing a, new hymnal on
Saturday night, 'anti also Sunday
morung malting preparation for the
young People's Service in the after -
noon. During breakfast he was
laughing and jolting with the other
members of the family
y and later in
the forenoon when the two boys were
chatting pleasantly together there
was not the slightest hint of such a
thought in his mind.
It certainly must have been a brain.
storm that suddenly seized him. The
family is most highly respected and
particularly in
p y kind and affectionate
E �
Over 120 Branches
S •stematic saving, strengthens' theracter by inducing a
y self-denial
crentir n�egtnmeaee.
lliiss by depositinONS g a certain portion
yy e iest method. of saving
earningsour nte st at current rates a substantial ial sum is s on acquit di.
Small accounts receive the same attention as larger ones.-
courteous cervico to ill.
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent '- 21,-19
. `
2 h r<"jljoNttS%t
Clothing Co.
People You Know
own family. They are All heart
broken over this sad loss,
Mrs. James Steep has returned from
London, where she has been vis-
icing her daughter, Mrs. A. F.
Miss May Flulter of Paris was in
town fora few days over the week-
end, having come up to attend the
funeral other father.
Mrs, John Stephenson of Stanley
p Y
township is spending a few weeks
with her daughter•, Mrs. Robt,
Armstrong of Huron street•
Mrs. Wm McIntyre and family re-
turned on Friday after spending
three weeks with relatives at Lon-
don, Port Huron and Pontiac.
Mr: and Mrs, Francis Sturdy who
Were pent h in weToek-end itn Fri-
,day, spent the week -end with the
bride's areata Air. anti Airs.
Jas• finch of town,
Mize Mary Carter of Toronto was
in townsallast week looping after
the sale of her property at the
station, which has been purchased
the School of Commerce,
Mr. C. I . Libby left Tuesday after-
noon o1 a business trip to Boston,
New York, Philadelphia, Spring-
field and Lowell, Mass., the fat-
ter being his old bonne town,
Mr. and Mr,,, John Moon and Mas-
ter Jack oi; Toronto have just re-
turned from a stay o£ thief months
Lind a half in California. They
returned through the Canadian
West and enjoyed their trip very
,1VI]ss Merle Moore of Goderich was 01
town a couple of days this weep.
She has not irturned to her o
anion in Detroit since cornier
]tone after an attach o£ the r flit"
1(1 clue winter but she intends t0 go
hack in a week Or s0,
Mr, R. A. Moore, who has bden
agent foi Chetan and Sea Go , hes
the Prudeetial Insurance Co: has
artt sued to the position 01
assistant supermteedent, air Bart-
over and leaves to ta• pe up iris new
sutler *- , May 10th, •
Alr, I3. J. Gtbbnngs an Frnitl9 0vati-
itg last attended tt. cot}splimentaYy
banquet teed • • ( to Mr. J, F.
Sherlock, sainioi member n£ tltefirnin
of tbo Sherlock-Mttnnin Co.
'London, by the employees on 'his
return .from Califortila, 'cohere be
spent the last six months or sot
Miss Lillie Adams of the8th con,
visited over the week -end with her
friend Miss Edith Harvey,
Messrs. Chas. and Jas. Rucidell
and others attended the funeral of
the late Jack Bell of Llo dminster,
formerly of here, in Blyth on Mon -
Mr, and Mrs. C. Fingland of
erburn spent Sunday at the
home of the f 10c1 as parents here.
Mrs, J. Lee hada slight stroke on
Sunday, ,
Miss Alice Voddon of Clinton We
been vision r with her brother here,
, �
Miss Margaret Caldwell • is some -
what improved. -.,
Mrs. Clark of Gaelplt is with hen
daughter Mrs, S. Lee, who is ill.
' Mrs, Quackenbush of, Komplett
spent Sunday with her daughter
The annual meeting of the ZVeu-
at1'S Institute will be held in the For.
t'ester's Hall, Thursday, May Gth,
All members are requested to at -
at -
tend this ulcering. •
The following, from a Toronto pa-
pee of Saturday, refers to a former
resident of this villa ge, who, during
the many ,years he was in business
hero enjoyed the .highest confidence
n 1 community:
and deaf t of the entiredayo
TI 1 death 01occurecl1 Thursday 0f one
of the tloneet• residents of the P
1 Fo11-
ince, and A lueminfnt member.' Of the
Foresters, in the person of John.
01000 ds, at the residence of his
niece, Mrs. J. C. Ward, 309 Rusltonh
Road. was bored who was In his 39th
year, born near Brampton. Tie
:Commies. ]rept store at Norval,
' g o '
fioi•ui 81101 Win haat and Lonclesb ro
from Where he moved t0 Brantford.:
While in the later place he was for
Treasurer of the Foresters for le
known as `Flora
years, anci•was od lived
eat John.' He bad l]ved ii1 Toronto far",
the past x1 years. Int was a inen-1epp■y■yAt),,{j,yygyYr�—.O,>
lser of life Ctirttnuial 1VIetlioc{fst:400.fx
church; and if to a tow years ago
took art netivo art in S, S, work
p ,._. ,
AbaUt 9L year ago 1»:Y wife diad in hoe
89th' year, There aro YYo ehildian
n brother, Thomas Sara a
V1Ves," ! Y et t£oxdY aura
We have flYAe?QP lavish preparations
for ctbAtAIlSI 3 in the wag of
• Y�4d �'fl �3itTeGOI'� Coals
e �
Fabrics and New Weaves , I
' HE combination collar that can be
r i
buttoned 61090 to the neck ox in
regular way. splendid Raincoat ;'
13°50 1.00
25.0 • and 30.00
!a l�S
Drop 111 : at your earliest convenience �
andwe take pleasure in ,
you a Ver extensive range.an
This store will close Wednesday atetneons during the 601111101
fliOntlis commencingWednesdayMay 5th.
` 011111511
S � -1
dJl `1EY
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