The Clinton News Record, 1920-4-22, Page 7o
Cord or
Always Near
A mile and it half, or a day
and a gall, or a ii rid and a
.half away.
Your ,tourney back, will be
safe and sure ' if your,
car is equipped the
(Game' as
Their ' Nam0
Novi Scotia Lobsters. Tempt
American Palates.
cadet* produces 90 per cent, of the
Iobetehl supply of the world, and in
addition, the finest lobsters. • The
lobster's -of the New Engi0nd coast
are the little brothers of the noble
orustacenns native to the more north-
ern and colder -waters of Labrador,
and, Indeed, Canadian female lobsters
000 selected for use in American
hatelteries to improve the strain. The
Labrador 001st has the greatest
• tromp supply, but is too distant to be
alaiiable far commercial purposes at
Ineseni. The main supply now comes
from the Gull of St. Lawrence. per-
ticntally.around the fasnou., leland Fre
Anticosti, and from the waters about
Nora Scotia,
Nava Scotia is fatuous l:o' romance,
apple: cherries. and, last blit not
least, it*beters-, The gover anent has
e emy .intention --that this happy state.
'ill'; irs ohalrc011tinue and maintains
iteteos hatcheries in the province. The
1,hs;cre are also guarded out of sea-
son by strict Protective laws.
Tisa Nova Scotia 191.9 lobster sea -
um has been very sat'afac'to'y. The
tutaI catch is given as 5,825,096
pch:nds, valued at 91,006,946. The
rlui•h was strmewhat smaller than in
to 3, when the iluantity was 6,285,820
ponds,:, but a much. higher valuation
is Put cin the 1915 catch. The value
- uI ,a 101e catch was 8799,0977. In
19111 there were 1,020,864 .pounds of
lobstene put up in the canneries aid
4,881,212 pounds of live lobsters were
executed. It, t'Tova Scotia. ihe...priCe
_lc '('e lobste
1 s '^tsa 1nn
�+'a 0000,'
• 11111 auC 2hi hoe prices wore paid in
""-"Lorton where canned Nova Scotia
lobster brought, 67.8 cents a pound.
The 11110 setoson lasted only from
"(teeth 1 to `nay 31, teemed of froni
Decc:ntber ..,, to May 3.1. as in pre-
yin ;4
Ask for Minaret's and Juke no other.
Giant Star -Spotter. •
'l'iin largest telescope in the world
bee just been 011 -teat the Mount 'Wil -
sen Observatory to California, at a
point ueariy 6,000 feet above sea-
It IN a quarter of a minion times
moee .powerful than the human eye,
and - will enable astronomers to see a
tlhou-anii nitilion new stars. They.
hope 'With its hoip, to fled out the
limite of the universe.
This teieyscop'e is a tiermanent one
Om baler research, It is fixed in a
tower 164 feet high, and "has an outer
tower as a • protection against wind
viin'ation: '
The tit—ismer the telescope has triple
walls 'with air spanes..between to Pre-
vent heating. The reflecting mirror
• and the second mirror in the clone are
silvered on the front surface, and are
ane fodt thick,
'Dere are three lenses. -The largest,
at the top, is a 12 in. objective of
150 ft:. focal length, giving a sun
image nearly 17 in. in diameter. The
three lenses are mounted 011 brackets
thot are swung out of the way when
not in use, 'rhe movements and ad-.
justlnents aro effected by electric mo.
tors Controlled by the observer., An
electric lift facilitates communication
ivitlt the summit of the tower,
Where are photographic dark rooms
where plates are developed, and there
is 0 midnight dining -room attached to
the etrthcture for the convenience of
fie who drops a penny in' the con-
tribution plate generaily "expects a
$5 5e0on ill return.
.Chateau de Ramezay One of
Montreal's Historic Relics.
Tlhe running of "the sands of time
alone can give the proper perspective
and value to historic buildings. Socie-
ociaties spring up to preserve these relics
of the paet.
Perhaps the most famous of these
memorials of the past in Canada -is
the Chateau Rahe inMontreal,
C de n zay
which has remained almost untouched
since the days of the old French re-
gime. It was built in 1705 by Seigneur
Claude de Rantezay, eleventh governor
of Montreal. Aare kept o he 041 t ellen house
with his wife, whose hand was the re-
ward of his gallant sortie with 800
11011 in aid of Quebec In 1600, when
the Count d0 8'.rontenac, governor ot
Canada, fended off the English fleet
of Sir William Phipps.
The Chateau stands in what was
once the fashionable part of old Mont-
real, amid Mansions and gardens that
merged into the neighboring forests,
To -day the Moines of Montreal have
forsaken the busy wnterfroit . and
climb, their charming gardens still
clinging to thein, up the slopes of
Mount Royal. `._
From the days of de ltamezay the
Chateau rias been_the scene of many
historic assemblies, Its roof shelter-
ed not only the governors-general,
their suites of fair women and brave
men and their illustrious guests, but
fur traders. scouts, militia leachers, fled
in 1745 it passed auto the hands of
the Campagnie des lades and as
Indii! ."_louse become the centre of a
f r
great n trade, filling this picturesque
and important
role for nearly twenty
4 eInars.
1768, after the cessioyt of Canada,
It was again the residence of the
governor, and invitations to recep-
tions held' there during the following
century are still in existence.
The Chateau was headquarters for
the army of the Continental Congress
in its fruitless effort to hold Canada
for the thirteen colonies. After Bene-
dict Arnold failed in his treason he
retired to :Montreal and stayed there
fora time. Benjamin Franklin lived
in the Chateau when he visited Mont-
real in 1775 in itis effort to persuade
the French Canadians to join the new
nation to the south, but his was a vain
nope. During his stay there he es-
abiished the Montreal "Gazette,"
which is still running. Needless to
say, he did not found' this paper for
the purpose of propaganda.
After 1849, the Chateau was fol'
thirty-five years used for government
ofllcas. When the government re-
moved to Ottawa, the city presented
the Chateau to the Numismatic and
Antiquarian Society for a museum,
and as such it is unique, Its collec-
tion contains all sorts of things rang-
ing tram crude home-made utensils
fashioned by the clumsy hands of fron-
tier habitants to portraits done by
world-renowned artists. One of the
most, precious things amoug the
thousands catalogued is the Lcuis-
bourg bell, hung in the church Mere
in 1724.
i World's Largest ity;
London as 310 longer the most popn-
Iated city in the work, Greater Now
York, according to the latest returns,
now claims over 8,000,000 inhabitants,
against the 7,400,000 of Greater Lon-
don. Estimates in 19:14 showed New
York to be only 100,000 inhabitants be-
hind. But it is perhaps a little of a
shock . to find that. London is now
headed by almost a million, Perls,
Chicago, Petrograd, Tokyo, Berlin,
and Vienna aro the only other cities
that have passed 2,000,000. -
One Trial
of Grpe,Nuts
will do more than many words to
convince you of the goodnesf of
this wheat and barley food.
But it's worth saying that Grape..
Nuts contains all the nutrimetit .sf
the grains, is ready to eat, requires
no sugar and there's no waste,
Grape .Nuts is a.Bu k .er
Tipsy Plants
fah' Jllgaile Uharulrrt 13oso, 00 in -
alma eelentiet, has invented a wonder.
lel iniero,900pe Witt vl'hieli one can
aettlelly gee 0 plant grolring!
The inetr'iunent is .composed 01 a
elugle Mag'netic) lover, 'which, 'by its
i11O'yements•, rotates it delicately poised
aleodlo seetlrat1ng a mull merral', Title
500668 a epot of light to be relleeted
upon a Screen, giyilrg a 1nag11111oatlop
of 12001 1,000,000 to 100,000,000 thnee,
Particularly interesting is a 100010
showing the erratic offsets he the
growth 02 a plant oallee$ by 41001101.
Sir J'agadia states that there is noth-
iug in the annual world that has not
been forestalled byethe -plant, "There
IS a pteleation..i0 certain plant-tiseues'
which with animals is the heart-beat,"
he declares, "Identtaal effects are
oausett by stimulants and poisons in
animals and vegetables,"
With reference to the difficulty .in
recording these "incessant' throb-
binge" iii the apparently perfectly still
plant, 11e states that the sluggish
movement of a availie` about 6,000
times faster than the movement of
growth 10 a plant, the average rate of
which is one -millionth part of an
Inch per second,
The growth of a plant can, with
the use of tills microscope, be made
subservient to the will of the grower.
By experimenting in this direction in
regard to agriculture discoveries of
vast importance are likely to be
made. Sir Jagadis claims that there
is no need, if his microscope is used,
to wait a whole season as at present
to witness the result of experiments,
Many 'Weak and Ailing People
Who Have Been Helped
Strongly Recommend Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
There is only one way to build up
a run down system if the blood is Pale
and. thin, Many diseases are caused
by thin blood. Other diseases such
as influenza and rheumatism cause the
blood to become thin and the wasting
eilect of these disorders cannot be
combated successfully until the blood
is restored to its normal condition.
Pallor, nervousness, indigestion,
sleeplessness, leadacbee, dizzy spells,
shortness of breath, palpitation of the
heart, these are a few of the symp-
toms oe an -anaemic bloodless condi-
tion. Some of tbem are not naturally
associated w1111' thin blood, but the
quickest way to overcome then is to
make the blood rich and red. -
Pr, Williams' Pink Pills do one
thing and do It well. They build up
the blood, increasing the Im1n1101' of
red corpuscles. As this is clone the
blood becomes a richer red and is able
to carry more oxygen, the great sup.,
pdr'ter of human life. As the blood
improves in duality the tissues of the
body are better nourished and the
functions or the 'body are better pere
formed. The glands of the stomach
are aud t tib
first at sig a of
improvement is usually a better appe-
tite and better Ingestion.
. Dr. Williams' Plnk Pills have been
used for years as a blood -making tonic
and system builder with such gopd
eeeol15 that in every community there_
are many people who are recommend-
ing this remedy to their friends and
to others who are afflicted.
Here is the statement of one per-
son among thousands who have used
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to their own
great advantage. Mrs. A. Veniot,
Hemford, N.S., says:—"Pot' about two
years I was a great sufferer from in-
digestion, which seemed to carry with
it a complication of other 'troubles.
Every meal I took brought with it
Misery, as it was followed by pain,
and solilotimee nausea and vomiting.
At other time gas would form in the
.etornacli to' such an extent that my
heart would palpitate at an alarming
rate. These ,conditions brought on
extreme nervousness anis irritability,
and 1 found ,'ring' general ]health so
much affected, that the least exertion
would tiro me and I slept but poorly.
I had been doctoring for several
months, with no result beyond slight
temporary relief, when I was advised
by a friend to try :Or. Williams' Pink
Pills. I decided to follow this advice
andgot a half
1 a dozen
boxes. Good re -
snits soon began to show from this
treatment, and the further continued
tine of the pills have made ala a well
woman. I can cheerfully recommend
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to similar
The purpose of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills is to build up the blood. They
do this one thing and they do it well.
They are ml invaluable remedy 111 dis-
eases arising front bad or deficient
blood, as rheumatism, neuralgia, after
effects of the grip and fevers. lt'he
pills are guaranteed to be free from
opiates or any harmful drug „and can-
not Mime tite+iuost delicate system:
- stun call get these pills through any
dealer in medicine, or by nhati at 50
colts a box or six boxes for 39,50
from The Dr. Williams' l?fediciee Cp.,
Brockville, Ont.
Cheapside Poets.
Este streets have greater :literary as-
sor''.+nns 11100 Cheapside, London, -
Milton was born in Broach Street,
Tom r igen) in Poultry,: autl Herrick,
one of the !test lyric poets, in 'Cheap-
side itself,
Keats lodged in Cheapside, and
there 'wrote his sonnet, "On First
Looking Into Cihepmath's Isomer."
In(his ballad, 'Poor Susan," Words•
worth immortalized the tree wiltoh
stood at the corner of Wood Street.
Between Brlad Street end Friday
Street stood the Mermaid Tavern,
where the Elizabethttar dramatists,
wits, and voyagers;"- Ben Jonson,
Shakesihearo, :Beaumont, Pletcher,
Donne, Selden, and Sir Walter Raleigh
used t0 meet,
Yet it was to (Aie0paade that Heine,
r0liectieg -011 London 11111057 Years
ago, eaitl.: "Send a philosopher to
London, but to p0et1 Loudon smoth-
ers' the imagination laid rends the
hes 't:'
The tea tree 11 an evprgreei, -.
Would You .be ria of that;
0(01141)108 Pieta -that entire
knite-tlko lain -set 711on3 the
selatlo neree-o0uree :tit
every enov051)Snt? Thou -
ones 500,50. Ra. am
mot in
'Ca sides
Wiry 0re501'Sbe
▪ m.
W rite Tnrnplotone, 148
Xing St,, W. Toronto. for
Sold by reliable drua'g'ist+i
evorywherro tor (1.01." ,
A$ H Bill.
'1'e11a01eton's in /a 20 to A It Cane
allle0 tare guaranteed to relieve
AST 25 rvlA•. Don't (suffer an-
other deo, -
Write Templetons,142Xing St.
W., Toronto, for freosatnple.
Reliable druggists se11 1111em at
01.04 a boa.
Fishing With Spiders' •
;Flehingmots made of spider's webai
These are among the curiosities of
New Guinea and other islands of the
South Seas, In the forests of New
Guinea huge spiders' webs, about aix
feet in diameter, are to be found.
They are woven in a large mesh,
and vary frons 0110 Inch to one-eighth
of an inch In the centre.
These wpbs have great resisting
powers, and the natives arrange for
the spiders to spin their fishing -nets
for them. At the, place where the
webs are thickest theyset up long
bamboos bent over in a loop at the
end. In a short time the spider weaves
a web on this frame, whicb. ite finds
conveniently made for him.
The native the uses this net to
catch fish of about one pound in
weight, and the mesh of the• not
broken by the water or by the weight
of the fish. '
The spider that spins these nets is
about the size ot a small hazel nut,
with hairy dark brown legs, spread-
ing to about two inches.
Buy your out-of-town supplies with
Dominion Express Money ' Orders.
Five Dollars costs three cents.
A Queer Snake.
A queer African species of snake,
which lives on eggs, has a tooth-like
spike projecting downward from its
backbone, just behind the head, which
is tipped with enamel. When it swal-
lows an egg the latter passes down
the gullet until it encounters the
spike, which breaks the shell. Titus
no part of the fluid contents is, lost,
as would be the case if the snake were
obliged to bite the egg with its mouth -
Keep Millard's Liniment in the house,
Consider the fish: 'he never gets
caught se'long as he keeps his mouth
Clean up the little tasks of to -day
and be ready for the big tasks of to-
GreatThe West Permanent,
Loan Company.
(Toronto OMoe 20 King Oto West
4% 'allowed on Savings.
Interest computed quarterly,
Withdrawable by Cheque.
8% % on Debentures,
Interest payable half yearly.
Paid up Capital. $2,412,378.
•jTj \
Write to-dla9 tor' Four bid
showing our full lines or Bicycles for Dieu
and Women, Boys and Girls:
Inver Tubes
-m Du,de'ocayrse5eddies Di td
ankarts f Bl0als,5Xou canbjr
,'out' supplies Rosa us at wholesele•priees.
17 Notre lla,rte Street West, Montree4
Get rid of'every bit of that
ugly dandruff and stop
falling hair
]Finny Veterans..
' Wtlat 10 t110 av01'a1:0 IWO of ileit?
'Mere is not it great deal of informa-
tion on the point, b11t it would seem
What a plaice in a veteran at tvvouty.
One of t11at age was recently oangh't
ill -flee 1(01111 SSea, it had been pre•
viand' eauglht slateen years ago,
when it woo zrociconot to be about four
years old. An identification disc wee
piaeod 011 it )u 0c0od'dalleo with the
lutel'natlonel 001)01)16 of Inquiry into.
the migration, grosetlh, aitd age of
Ilal. Then it was' released, but It )5111-
lnato)100 its rolnaihttc 5areer iu
the toillys071of ra trawl 1101.
The oldest -living ilsie would 500111 50
De carp, sppeimens or which have
been known to live two hundred
years; while at Piyinouih, in a hulk,
is a large' conger eel whose age Is
1'e0kolhed at forty,
The most famous of ail shah, lhow-
eeer, .is "Pelorus. Jack," a 51'antpue
which, r'e4ulerly piloted ships into
Poloruer Sound;' New Zealand, and
was finally, after about thirty years'
service, protected by a special Ant of
Parliament in 1904. Never before
tae• an individual flat attained. such
honor. There hlit'o been rumors of
his death, but from the latest accounts
he seems to be still in existence.
The healthy child sleeps well and
during its waking hours is never cross
but always happy and laughing. It le
only the sickly child that is cross and
peevish. Mothers, if your children do
not sleep well; if they are' cross and
cry at great deal, give then Baby's
Own Tab1•ets end they will soon be
well and happy again, Tho Tablets
are 0 mild but thorough laxative
which regulate the bowels, sweeten
the stomach, banish constipation, colic
and indigestion, and promote healthful
sleep. They are absolutely guaran-
teed free from opiates and may be
given to the new-born babe with per-
fect safety. They are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 26 cants a
box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont,
. Doubtful Testimonial.
"I don't know whether to accept this
testimonial or not," mused the hair -
restorer man,
"What's the matter with it?" de-
manded the advertising manager,
"Well," explained the boss, "the
man writes 'I used to have three bald
spots• on the top. of my head,but since
using a bottle of your hair restorer I
have only one: " R
Minerd's Liniment used by Physicians•
Proof of It.
"They say he is immensely wealthy."
"I know he is. 1 have seen him
order a substantial meal and then
have enough left to tip the waiter,"
Look at tongue! Remove pot-
oisons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Stick lit,
it lsll't the man 111 the valley below
Who oa11 see the ilret flush of t110
'Tie the malt who gait 1111011 it putt
climb to t114 10p,
Through the struggle and trouble hind
13ay never a word though tite going. be
Or tbough'eonle'nlay tit times• try to
"come dt,".
313st carry right 011; 7011 eau breathe
on the top; "
There lv elbovr•room itp on the sumo.
'The Liniment that (Cures All
'MINAIID'5 LINI71ZION'r 00„ Llmttpd,
Yarmouth, 15,14.
The Shortage of Homes.
First Bird: "didn't you come north
unusually soon?"
Second Bird: "'Yea, !heard Heats are
going to be awfully scarce-"
Mlnard's Liniment for sale everywhere
The Manitoba Grain Growers' As-
sociation has been changed in name to
the 'United Farmers of Manitoba. The
principles of this body however remain
the same.
Telephone operators in Egypt' are
required to speak English, French,
Italian, Greek, and Arabic.
Quick! lGet Liverand
Right with
Purred Tongue, Dad Taste,indiges-
tion, Sallow Skin, and Miserable i-Iead-
aches come from a torpid liver and
sluggish bovt'els, which cause the
stomach to become filled with undi-
gested food, which some and fer-
ments, forming acids, gases, and
poisons. Cascarets tonight will give
your bilious liver and constipated
bowels a thorough, cleansing and
Straighten y0tt out by morning. Cas -
carets hiever sicken or incoahven1ence
you Bice nasty Calomel, Salts, 011, or
griping P1118. They work while you
e rhe„ .,e., .. .ru.e -1
The Joy Of A
x - Perfect Shin
Know the joy and
til happiness that comes
to one thru possessing
9 `•8
a skin of purity and
beauty. The soft, die-
tinguished appearance it
renders brings out your
naturalbeauty to its full-
est. In use•over 70 years.
Balk Carrots
&merla5'0 Pioaaer Dos U001.4(1100
/Soak on
and Move to 7' ed
Mailed P1'oe to,any Ad-
dress by the Anther.
13, Clay Mover Ca" Sao.
1'ls Wean llst 1ltreet
. New York,
Accept "California Syrup of -Pigs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are stare your
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative orphysic for the
little stomach, fiver and bowels. Child
ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full
directions for child's dose on each bot-
tle. Give it without fear.
11lotherl Yott must say "California.."
Go after' it with Sloan'is
Liniment before it gets
Apply e 1i"/(e, don't rub, let it pow,
bah^, aild—good-by twin's! Same for
external aches, pains, strains, stiffness
of joints or muscles, lameness, brttisom
instant relief without mussiness or
soiled clothing, Reliable—tile biggest
8011ing liniment year after year, Eec-
uomital by reason of enormous satse.
Deep a big bottle ready at all times.
Made in Canada, Ask your druggist
toe S1oan's Liniment,
6c„ 70o., $1.10,
A little'SDando^ltie" cools, cleanses
necl leaked ilio feverish, itchy scalp
soft and pliable; then this stimulating
tonic penetrates to the fanllslted hair
roots revitalizing aid invigorating
g vlgo ting
every stair ill the head, thus Stopping
tho hair falling o11t, or getting thin,
dry 05 fading.
Afilir a few applications of "Deader -
ilio" you aelt1001 find a fallen hair or
a Parti/le or dandruff, besides every
hair shows new in; vigor, brightness,
more color alta thickness,
A few cents buys a bet Ile of (le-
Sightful ".Dsnrlerine" it any drug or
,toilet center.
Co iisllipatMon Cure
A druggist .aaya 1 °per nearly
thirty years 1 have commended
the Extract of Route, ltnowu ao
Mother Scigel's Curative Syrup, for
file rtilll'eal cry of constipation
noel Indigastlon, 51 16 an old
roltable remedy that never fells
to do the work:" 50 (hope
thrice daily. Get the Genuine,
at drug,. a
,M.0.7a72.14r4t✓1 RU
ISSUE No. 17,-20,
SINCE 01070
30 S7-9sgOI1-13
Fla, isiflied ,w4,dvrerrttisements,
TExo alt,xzsap,
Uo)Ur>:t,f'1'1lfi 7Tlnt1`,t'17a52141
kP will pay You, George Iitevene,
Peterborough, ,Ontario.
)5438M. ZAl4D swizz 00,1 411
ry g AXai' 141lGTION 7'41121 LAND,
149, vilgba (toil, surrounding )ant) under
c ltivatinll, 90x1^ Rattleford, Seep, also,
7i, lions, 16 Rutherford A5'0.1 Iramiltotr,
PAM pass •
and JPA print1ng 91r d 18
eat insurance aatmtea 71,6011.°.91.11.11
go for E1,800 on 011100' nate. oro
Wilcott 'ubiiebina lion Iatd„
1 OCrxroor, unavan 1Rg
01X001, eneoD IaIsa--MA6Sie 1.0118/a
SD money in opera time -send posh
card 50 :Ratepayer Publishing Co., It
Ootntsbtne, Toronto,
el0*06 21LjYr vinar TiD.
Ci 07811 101.&1. WAt stash, 4 IN. AND
A' • thicker', shipped green from saw,
Do not seri until you communicate with
us. '1Sesnan '2ros,.Limited, Owen Sound,
ANelatt, '7112101013, LUNA'S, ATV..
'OJ internal and external, cured without
pain by :our home treatment. Write usi
oetere too late Dr, Lehman moored
Co., lfatmitoO, Colnagwood, Ont..
Experienced and Leadless
Underwear and HosieryDellts,
Guaranteed Wage to Learners,
Saturdays off in July and Aug.
Cafeteria with Meals at Coat.
Crean, Healthy Work
Steady Employment..
Good Wages.
Write for further tit r ' naLlon.
l ou
The enjoyment of 1iea0tiful flowers
is common to all the inhabitants of
Causedib'sfigtrernent. itciiyand
Burning Had Restless Nights.
"'My face came out in litho pim-
ples thatwere sore, and I scratched
tbem constantly, and then
they turned into (.tales,
pne causing much disfigure-.
mens. Theakinwassoitchy
that I irritated it by aerated-
/ `log. The burning was
i -s fierce, and fluid 11100, rest-
1ses nights.
"This trouble 'tested about a year.
before 1 used Cuticara Soap and
Ointment,and after tieing three cakes
o: Coa and two boxes of Ointment
I wan healed." ,(!signed) '.Byrne,
St. Basile, Que., Nov. 23, 1918.
1Vlake Cutcure Soap, Ointment
and Talcum yens daily toilet prep.
arations. .
Soap 21Qu thoDo on4.. aG 0.'!d. tile. Sold
throughout ��
s thoDamL i n M
z o .Cana anDopot:
515, CaI gust, St.ns Paul St., thoutoo r7o0,
Cr..licurn Sans .havoc without mus.
Lift off Corns!
Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezonrr
costs only a few cents.
NI it your ingest You call lift oft
any hard corn, sort cora, or corn between
tate toes, and the hard skin calluses from
bottom of feet,
A tiny bottle of "Freezoue" eoeta little
at any drug stores apply a few drop&
upon the corn or ceding. Instantly it
stops inrthng, then shortly you that
bothersome corn or mains right our, rook
and all, without one bit of pain ar Corea
mass, r"rnlyt No Ilutnbugl
:IX'PlIb.BS::adEDY 9'oo,, 50"tnnAzos St1kVL matcloDR0Iavrtt^2',D
Sonim''s Distemper Compelled
lrar 078TICM.011.51, :(N:G1,UISIN A, F.(NIS111kl; 4.00C4I5 or
(70LD. Twenty-six years' use among the best horaernen th
ossuaries, has given the COMPOUND as enviable record as
o, preventive and cure, A few drops dally will keep 5148
70751al In cendttion and his system will resist diseas0.
Reetntar doses nreaortbod will cure, 18117 or your druggist.
chill 6331054115. 00., Urrn,, 09oshon. Zed:, 0I.51,&,_
Not Aspirin at- all without the ."Bayer Cross"
The nafl(e "slayer" identtflee the eclltaina proper directions for'Cloldfe
only feengtee AoJ?lrin,—t o Aeolian Ifcadaehe, Toctharbs, Tl;anztl,s, Nee..
prescribed by'pllys clans for OVAr 'i o- ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Noted+
Loon years and now made In Siondda, tin, Joint Paine, ant Pain generally,
Alwaya buy au nllbro1564 paeltage Tin boxes of 12 tablets cont huh
of "Bayer Tablote of Aspirin 101110) a fov Bents. Larger "Sayer" packages,
Theme is only one Aspleal t-J'BOyor."-'Mott must 5Ay ',Bayer" •
emeriti le the trate tnnrl1 (rsg,ntorol hl Canada) or nn.yor M'ii,fnnturo of mono-
neellilaOldoeler or HalIo5ylIrnrld. }Vinic It le well lmamn flint AeplIln nlearm thava0
rn&nnrnclllre, re assist the 51,0110 naeln$t tmltatlonn, Ito Tnblatn nt' nnyrr/10105165
1511) ba ptalnpvd Wtlit their ganerat trade merit, the •,,aye!' erose."