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The Clinton News Record, 1920-4-22, Page 4
Olittton News4tejcord y yy000 1i0011 l3nsif ess hours-. O.4 , Telegraph ()Sloe uillyA8 before holidays 10 two, ado, to 0lain- Satohlays k Cooper's Store News Telegraph #Tee Canadian National trolcot niliee Redecorate Your Home Novy, in the soling season, is the time when the beautiful new creations in Wall Paper tempt the home loverAo redecorate the roams ar'cl give to the whole House a beauty and freshness that fairly transforms it. FREE --We have received another lot of paper brushes which we will. give to customers purchasing wall paper to the amount of $2 or over, Any person putting on their own paper will greatly appreciate this ten;inch brush. MONARCH. FLOSS MONARCHMONARCHDOWN The Iong, silky coats of Aus- tralian sheep supply the wool from which Mo- narch Floss, Dove and Down are spun. The elasticity, the astonishing even- ness and strength of these 'fine, long - fibre yarns are such that the garment into which they are woven retains its good looks thr- oughout long and active use. They conte in 30 shades, one ounce balls 35e, two ounces OOe All are Cana- dian spun. Q We invite you to the finest display ()New Walt Paper we've ever shown. All paper trimmed free Special room Lots of paperat half price or less Odd ceiling papers at 10c per roll Presbyterians Please note that we. have the "Book of Family Devotions," ap- proved and commended by the Gen- eral Assembly. This book should find a place in every Presbyterian Home. Price 75c, Post paid. New large cype Presbyterian Book of Praise is now in stock, a splendid took for general uce. Cloth Cover $100 Leather up to $8.00 "IDEAL" ALUM.IN-UM WARE possesses requirements and ad- vantages which make it the "IDEAL KITCIIEN WARE:" All welded parts are attached with pure aluminum and non -porus, therefore unleakab]e. They can't break off as the metal is too hard and tough. Get. the boys a Boy Scout or Buster Brown Wagon A. T. COOPER, CLINTO , ONT. The original and first colored varnish ever produced. Has given complete satisfaction for over Si years. A strictly high- grade transparent varnish for finishing Floors Furniture and interior Woodvtiork Prepared in natural varnish, also with stain combined, giving beautiful imitations of all the bard woods, such as Cherry, Walnut, Mahogany, Lt. Oak, Da. Oak, Golden OsIi, Rosewood, eto. Shows the grain of the wood IT TS TOUGH—WATERPROOF—DURABLE CARMOTE FLOOR VARNiSH Is a wonderful finish for Floors Chairs, Tables, Window Sashes, Book -cases, Desks and all interior wood -work• Ask for Color Card aiail,saaa„la,,.., Sold By HARLAND BROS. CLINTON, ONT, CONSTIPATION By the term CONSTIPATION is meant either infrequent, difficult or in. lleient evacuation of the contents of the Lower Bowel, The Symptoms are headache, Dizziness, Mental Sluggishness, Lack of ' Concentration, Lassitude or a. feeling of General Indisposition, Bad Breath, Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite, Sallow Skin which may become dry and rough and Pimples may appear, Sometimes there is Heart Palpitation, Hysterical Spells and Nervous Dxhaustion, IT IS IMPORTANT to treat Constipation' promptly as this condition generally leads to many serious disorders, Careful judgment should be used in selecting a proper remedy; ordin- ary Cathartics and Laxatives have a weakening effect upon the system, others Gripe and Purge and Mineral Oils, if taken several times a day may retard secretion of the gastric juice and also interfere with the absorption of food. HACKING'S KIDNEY AND LIVER Pf SLS form an ideal tonic -- laxative for Constipation and its evil. results. We give herewith the medicinal action of the, ingredients of HACK - MG'S ' KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS in order that you may form your own *Anion as to the value of this wonderful medicine, CASCARA — Laxative, Cathartic, with Intestinal Torpidity, This acts Tonle to the Liver and Intestines, beat when used in combination with hoes not cause Griping or unpleasant other drugs and herbs. symptoms, good for Chronic Consti- pation when used in small and repeat- ed doses for a considerable period of time. MAY APPLE-•-Useiul in Fevers and Inflammations of almost every type and for all disorders of the Liver and Spleen. For indigestion, Jaun- dice, Piles, Constipation, Dropsy and Skin Eruptions. CULVERT'S ROOT—A Laxative and Tonic, useful in Dyspepsia, Jaun- dice, Piles, Diarhoea, Dysentery, Cholera. Corrects Liver Troubles, Gives tone and vigor of action to the PEPPERMINT --Useful in Planted entire secretive apparatusof the aye- Colic to cheek Nausea and Colic. Per tem, Atso for Inflammation of the Spasmodic Pains of the Stomaolt aad Bladder. Bowels, for Neuralgia and Rheuma- GAMBOGE---Used In Obstinate tisin, prevents griping and for gas on Constipation anti Dropsies attended the Stomach. These are the brinctpal ingredients of Haolcing's Kidney and Liver tills, yen will find that this combination will produce a healthy conditten of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and nowele. No other drugs or combination of drugs, oils, laxatives, pills or pur- gativea will have each beneiieial otfeot as HACKING'S KIDNEY AND LIVER TILLS, but you must bo sure to get HACKtl G}'S as no other kind will do. Price 25e a box, 5 for $1,00, Sold by all dealers et'! tsy plait, Maokiffg's Waited, Listovlel. HYOSOYAMUS—Helpful to the Kidneys, stops pain, soothes the Nerves, lessens irritability of the Nerve Centres. For Punetional Pal- pitation atpitation of the Heart, helpftfl to the Mucus Membrane of the Kidneys and Bowels. Chiefly employed to re- lieve pain and to quiet Nervous ex- cftement, CAPSICUM—Stimulant and Storz-. ache, useful in Peeble and Languid Digestion, Dyspepsia, Atonic Gout, Colic and Cholera. ii�t6 ETD TtleD©tjbxe Track Route ---between— MONTREAL, • TORONTO, DETROIT and CHICAGO. Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars ou night trains and parlor ears on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. A, 0, Pattison, Depot Agent. JOHN RANSFORi) ,t SON, Phone 55, Uptown Agents RAW FURS WANTED Highest cash prices. paid for Skunk, Raccoon and Mink Enquiries promptly answered ROSS LIMITED MAXQDFACTURERS Established isee LONDON - - OUT. •, Count!) Niews Doris, the little daughter of Mr.. Dan Schroeder of Stephen, lost a finger the other clay while in the sug- ar bush with her littleb rother. -She went to pick up a chip from a stump just as the boy brought down the axe. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Evans of Dub- lin announce the engagement of their daughter, Lucy, to Mr, Jack Quigley of Brucefield, the marriage to take place this month. The hollie of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Gibson, Maitland Brae, Wroxeter, was the scene of a pretty wedding last week when their daughter, Mar- garet 1U., was united in marriage with Mr, Archibald Wells, B. A,, Toronto, formerly of Blyth, David Weismiller, formerly ?reel - dent of the London Mutual Insur- ance Co., and long a resident of Hur- on, who died on Feb. 26, left a will probated at $57,445, on application of his widow, Louisa Catharine Weis - miller. The family rest: donee at 124 Dowling Ave, Toronto valued at $20,000, was made over to his wife in No- vember last. The will, made Nov. 4, devises the entire estate to the widow, who is also appointed execu- trix. It is said the late Mr, Weis - miller made most of his money after reproving to Toronto. Nliss Margaret McKernie of Brace- field was .recently married to Collins of London, a returned man. Tho young couple will reside in the Forest City. Mr. D. Koehler, who has been re- siding in Kitchener for some little time, has returned to Zurich, where he has purchased a home and intends to live in future. A couple of Howiek fanners drove into MiIdnay on business one day recently and Ieaving their horse and • Ate.; cam •. r'•':�r rgl}1iT �r ly The to the Wes4 DAILY SERVICE o. TORONTO (Union Station) 9.15 P.m. CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER VICTORiA WINNIPEG BRANDON REGINA SASKATOON STANDARD TRANS -CONTINENTAL TRAIN EQUIPMENT THnoUan• OUT, INCLUDING NEW ALL -STEEL TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Sun. Mon. Wed, Frh—Canadian National all the way. Tues. Thera, Sat.—Via C.T., T. A N.O, Cochrane themes 0. N. Rya. Tickets and full Information from tolereat Canadian Netloeal *Always' Arrant, A, T. COOPER, CLINTON ONT. or General Passenger Departinent, Toronto. Ind»atrlai Deharttnent Toronto add Wlnnipea wilt furnish fall partloulare regarding' land id Western Canada available for termmiing or other purposea. cutter in a shed proceeded to trans. net their hesiness. On r'etuzning for theft' rig a, (oazpie of hours later they found the robe, a new one, had been taken, It is said a lot of thieving has been going on in that locality of late, Teasel Datlneey of McGillivray township, bee entered suit in the supreme court of Ontario against Ward Ilodgins, Percy Doorway, Well, ington Sadler and Alfred Iiodgins for 18,000 'damages, which ho alleges was done to his property. The proprietor claims that he leased a farm to Percy Dauncey, and that alt the de- fendants were threshing on it 'with an absolute threshing machine. Through negligence they allowed fire to escape from the machine and de- stroy the buildings on the farm, he claimed. TIIIIR,SJ)AY, A Ti, 22nd, 192fl, A Proper Financial Statement such as ' Will be. Accepted by any .flank • If be .uses Scott's Simplified Mc uunting. System for ee►utcetion ,with his farms operut ions It Provides you with a monthly or yearly statenz0 and x,xpenditures in each department of your farm 1''nriners an t of Receipts I AIt .FIVE Y1i41z5- A.N1) at the .end of your year sets forth cost of production in each depart- ment and the net Profit and Lass which each has 'yielded. The last word in simplicity,, It is so simple any man who can read or write—any school boy or girl—can follow its principles—So complete that it is heartily endorsed by Government and farmers' organization officials and leading financial nzen. Beware of imitations—Scott's is the only Farmer's Accounting System which provides forms in which a eon pleto statement of every branch of your farm operations, -month by month for five years•.-. is covered, COPIES- MAY Be OBTAINED AT The NewswRecord Office Do not forget , to file your Income Tax Return on or before the 30th of April, 1920. Dominion of Canada Department of Finance ALL persons residing in Canada, em- ployed in Canada, or carrying on business In Canada, are liable to a tax on income, as follows:-- 1. ollows:.-1. Every unmarried person, or widow, or widower, without dependants as defined by the Act, who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned $1,000 or more. 2. All other individuals who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned $2,000 or more. 3. Every corporation and joint stock company whose profits exceeded $2,000 during the fiscal year ended in 1919. Forms to be used in filing returns on or before the 30th of April, 1920. ALL BMVIDUALS other than farmers and ranchers must -use Form T 1. FARMERS AND RANCHERS must use Foym T 1A. CORPORATIONS and joint stock companies must use Form T 2. Penalty Every person roquired.to make a return, who faits to do so within the time limit, shall be subject to a penalty of Twenty -live per centum bf the amount of the tux payable. Any person, whether taxable, or otherwise, who falls to make a return or provide intorma- tton duly required according to the provision of the Act, shall bo liable on summary conviction to n penalty at 0100 for each day during which the default continues. Also any person making, a false statement In any return or in any information required by tite Minister, shall be liable, on summary conviction, to tt penalty not exceeding $10,0011, or to six months' imprison- ment or to both ane and imprisonment. e General Instructions. Obtain Forms from the Inspectors or Assistant Inspectors of Taxation or from Postmasters. Read carefully all instructions on Form before filling it in. Prepay postage on letters and docu- ments forwarded by mail to Inspectors of Taxation. Make your returns promptly and avoid penalties. _ - Address INSPECTOR OF TAXATION, LONDON; ONT. R. W. BREADNER, Commissioner of Taxation. (a MARTIN c6 ENOU PAINTS AND VARNISHES Touch up Your Furniture and Floors Furl ture that is scratched and scarred is an eyesore. If the surface is spoiled, the article is considered use- less. This is not so. Save the surface and you save all. Use WOOD -LAC STAIN Floors and furniture that are shabby can be made to look like new by using WOOD -LAC STAIN—a durable, beautiful finish for woodwork of all kinds—a combination of high grade varnish and permanent stains. It impatta to common wood surfaces the rich appearance of more expensive woods such as'mahogany, rosewood, cherry, etc. Twelve beautiful shades. Get A Sample Bring the attached coupon and secure a trial can sufficient to do over a chair or small table. We will give you full instructions how to um it, We want every householder to try WOOD -LAC STAIN, J"y -•