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The Clinton News Record, 1920-4-22, Page 1
Na, 2042 --40th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1920 THE HOME PAPER RECEIIIED A renewal of sub.. from Brazil the other day. But `a few- nearer hone are not yet subscribers. The R People's Pa er at 1.50 per ye r in advance and $2.00 to foreign countries is dirt cheap. Are you S BSC IU_• en p, 10' ft' "SHOP," . OUT OF POC$ET. CLINTON MARTCETS. Oats $1,00: Butter ,55c. Wheat 31.cJ8, 1 ar1ey $1,50, Eggs 44c to 45c.. Buckwheat $1.4b. - Live Hogs $19.50, A VALUED SOTJVI•;NITt -• The 1914-15 star, authorized to be given to men who enlisted in,1914 and 1915, is now being distributed, and and some are , coming to Clinton, Pte, W. M. Ede of Stapleton re- eeived his the other.day. It is quiteda handsome souvenir and_ tell]" q HOME PAPER APPRECIATED, A plan in Saskatchewan, writing to renew his subscription the other day says "X have been a constant read- er of The News -Record for over thirty years and" would not like to be without it, STUDENTS ENTERTAXNED, The teachers in the School of Com- mane entertained the students on Friday evening last, fist attending the Princess theatre, returning to the school lox games, music and lunch, An en o j gable evening ••Was spent, the more `so as the next day was not a full sehool`day..- Goderlich TovvasbIU • `' . Mxs. Tlenopla of Buffalo has be vision her aunt Mle. J. G, SCee ' during trio past' week. Site ;3171 husband are just' tngvin ko and their household effects were le entail( stranded about three miles • outsi the, citylimits when -the railwa m. y went on strike. Mist. I{°nople w putting in time for •a bit• until eo inions came back to normal, • Mrs. (Capt,) Jeppesen, who hi been visiting her father, Mi. Sar uel Sturdy, left the end of last wee for Charleston, South. Carolina, join her husband, • lir the ,J edt but =_, Reins (� * Smlplieity of 'construction cot-. ' . tpa" A,° ins with a skill in manufacture, Cj. z b d THEY'D TALK _ • d the can- We were, it appears, in error last The ,Girls' Auxiliary an 7ek in stating that the G. W. V. A° had an sur+plus over expenses$ vassex`s far 'the XIethe lbural ley ciety took tea tvgothex int Wesleyy p from the Bengoii h leetu •e, In- hail lasb evening, -wizen no doubt stead there was a deficit, Weareg © IIBSOL'UTELY Gej ' �i 1V s ' � I IbV 'O N 3A e ; <4a GUARANTEEO -which is the inhoritanee of genera- tions make S REGINA WATCHER good time keepers and consequently _hayasbetter - comfortable 'watches to carry. Their efficiency is assured by a guarantee which enables the owner to have any constructional defect remedied free of charge by the nearest agent in any part of Canada, They are not matters pertaining to the beautify- exceedingly sorry for this, We lila ing of the town came up for dist- to be accurate', But we are more =smolt, sora for the fact that the 'Veterans 1' S. A. ORGANIZING. , axe' out o£ pocket, . Hope they will lucre next time. Mx. N. R. Tricky of Toronto du •i the past week en- ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED, was hexa , ] ng -,deavorin • to organize for a finane- r g Mr. and Mrs, G. D. announce the engagement of their Hal drive for the Salvation Ax all which is aiming at raising a half eldest daughter, Jean Douglas, to million dollars in Canada f r the Q Mr, Alastair John Crerar, son of made in grades which cannot be fully guaranteed. ei fnrtherng of its work, The situ for the late Mr, and Mrs. P: D. Crereir Clinton is $500. The organization, IIaniilton, the to take no doubt be so valued by the ire - •of lents and their families. p WM. FLUICER PASSES..' William Flukey passed away early .this morning, the end coming unex- pettedly, although he had been in poor health for several months, Mrs. Flukey died just, three weeks ago to- day, The funeral takes place from his late reside;ice, William street, on Saturday afternoon, Che service corn- mencing at half past one, DOHERTYS REORGANIZE. The Doherty baseball club suet on Tuosda • °venin when the foliowin Y g g officers were elected for the year: President, A..Clarkson, , W. Lowe, Manager, E. Cooper. Secretary, G. Cornish. Treasurer, -L. Huller. Committee, W. J. Cook, W. Fut- ford, "J, R." MAY WEAR 'EM. There was a ruiner on the street yesterday that Mr, John Ransford, the Tuekerslnith Farmei and up town G. T. R. ticket agent, was going to set the fashion of }veering overalls in Clinton, We have not yet seen "J. R." in the new garb, •but think •it would be quite fitting that he should , wear em if he wants to. They are the recogm2ecl uniform of fairners' when at work, WAR MEDALS WANT OWNERS, Every man Who has served hist county • is loud to have and show Y p ' Incservice medals, There are soy - eral hundred 1914-15 Stars unclaim- ed in the District Record Office London, Ontario. Only those who were in Fto heo early in the war area entitled to these. Many soldiers on leaving the army have not inforntecl the authorities as to their changes I��IIi1rIl��Vil9e On Sunday last the Gleaner Misson Circle had their amen thank offering services. Rev. Anderson of Clinton chairman the Goderich district, preached bo morning and evening, deliverit strong missionary ss g on In oceasons The 1iCircloes proved s ecial music throughout, T offexing amounted to almost for dollars, Mr, and Mrs. D. Carbide of Hal have been visiting the past fi days with the latter's mother,IL days Acheson. The contest in the League came a close last Wednesday evenin This week there will be a social c ening, the winners providing a pi gram and the losers providing 1 lunch. 1 a, 4� a1 Xelltiar jre'r.ve[.."ler and Optician - Clinton ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. Phone 174w Resident 1743 of marriage we understand, is not yet completed 'place May 15th. but Mr. Tricky expects to be in town Mrs, Margaret Watt announces the again this week 'to finish it. The engagement of hex' eldest daughter, -work of the Salvation Ariiiy, espec- .Annie M. to Mr, Willett Glen Cooic, ially in the larger centres, has been the marriage to take place at an early very useful and their contribution date. of service to the soldiers in'Faanee cantor be too Nightly spoken of. We NO RUSH ANTICIPATED. • commend the cause to the generos- In view of the fact for wearing ov- e " ity,;of the citizens of town and sur- eralls The News -Record called up Ml, _----..... M roundingcommunity, W. Jackson of the Jackson Mfg. Co., AMONG THE CHURCHES, manufacturers of the ,Lion Brand r ------mess Capital and' 'Total Assets Special attention Safety o 1���lP+fll�fv, ����� le' 1� l,. d•%1 (}F �iAl�lllt�`fll. Head Office, Montreal Reserve 630• Branches lo Farmers' paid on deposits, deposit boxes Co 1�x12Saxg0s Ten y ti s� a - .._ • $33,150,000 505,000,000 ' Requirements cont Clnntnln I1r�inCh '�" Boys' Clothing, yesterday and asked Baptist Church him if he thought the Company's bus - Next Lords •Day services at 11 a. }yottld be affected thereby. "Oh, no, I don't think it }will affect us," m. and 7 pan. The pastor will „ preach at both services taking for was the answer . You see we make '„ only boys' overalls and •tlioy always his 'evening •subject: An honestVice-President doubter convinced". wear them in the sunnier. We have Miss Lida Pratt; of CocanAda, Incl•, as many orders as we can handle now ia, will address the meeting Wednes- anyway,' he added. g day evening of next week at eight HANDSOMELY REMEMBERED. o'clock, Miss Pratt is a very inter- '1 • esting speaker nal it will be a The, employees of:the Dominion privilege to Ileac her, Knitting Co,, West Toronto ,pre- seated Miss Elsie Finch with a very Willis Church handsome silver tea service the other day on her leaving the employ of Next Sunday morning the pastor the company. l7 ho head of the Been }will begin a series of diseouxses on 01Christian Doctrine." His subjectAlso presented ]ler }vitlia substan- „ tialchequeMissFinchhas beentheavowedintention on Sunday will be Our Belief in Re- employed theyeaDominion Company of address, In The News -Record SCHOOL BOARD HAS ESTIMATE, office we have a list of unclaimed stars for Consultation. If our read - The Model School board, ata spec- ata I:now of anyone who may be en- Hal meeting on Wednesday of last itu.lenid to this star please tall him to week, decided to go on with the re- netlt this list and rewire to D. R.day g at once, quoting his Regimentalsteel ntodelin of theModel School. It isII,' to makeitaber and Unft he salved with in "metier" school in twerp, as well as the Field as means of identification. in name. They will endeavor to Pare clown the estimates a trifle,LITTLE LOCALS. pthe which now stand at $2cJ,000, before presenting them to the council, Get otic your garden tools and Sunshade. BOWLING CLUB OFFICERS. Overalls are the thing even in fashionable circles in the cities The annual meeting of the Clinton across the border,•we are told. They Lawn Bowling Club was held in the will be ver y popular here, too, for anthe chamber n yesterday evening the next few weeks. and the Y allowing officers appointed Whenever you become possessed a nice, readable bit of news don't Hon -President, W. Brydone, hug it to your bosom. Colne and toll President, H. R. Sharpe, •us and }we'll tall everybody else. Vice, H. Wiltse. There's nothing ]lice being, sociable. y, ' Secretary, P. Jackson- The Government Inspector of hos- hos- Treasurer, Dr. Axon. pitals was in town It is proposed that a tournament Yesterday, Seeding about here was under wa be held in Junc, arrangements to y night's 11x1 a stop y but Tnesda ni ht s rain be made later. to it a gain, rain was welcome, London Road The The U. F. W. O. met at home of Miss Waldron on Thu last, Mrs. Nott and Mrs. Plti being in charge of the p gram, The subject discussed "Tile Food Value of Mille and Products. Nlrs. Nott spoke « value of Slim Milk." NT Plnmsteel, "Creameries and But >, „ Pats, Mrs. Snell , The -By -P ducts," Mrs. Layton, "Condon .and Evaporated Milk, Cheese „ Oleomargarine. Each paper well prepared and they were m enjoyed. Afterwards the office for the year, the 1 beweing appointedre ssfol ows• President, Mrs, G. W. Laytor Vice, Mxs. Davidson. Secretary, Mrs, M. Wiltse. Treasurer, Mas. G. B. Hanley Directors, Miss Nott, Miss La'. Mrs. Pltmisteel, Mrs, Snell, MI Stanbtuy, �"�"'®.., .a �..w gatcl to God." as A service will be held on Thurs- for the past two years but rumor has it that the young lady will be- - INCORPORATED IN 1855 CAPITAL ARID RESERVE $9,000,000 Over 120 Branches �p�NK THE ®� ®fi �� The saving hit,,, day eveningof this week on the fourth of --Stanley, at Mr. Adam come the bride of a young farmer - of Goderich township :within the next Stewart's. - The Covenant Bible Class }will hold few clays, a social evening at the Manse Fri- SHOWERED MEMBER. day evening, - _ The Mission Band gave an enter- The members of the Girls' Guild in the lecture room on of St, Paul's church and a foto Tuesday evening, the young folk other of the young ladies of the con- Tuesday putting on a very pleasing program gregation - gathered at the Rectoryof of music, etc. It was Hutch en- yesterday evening and presented Miss Dorothy joyed by all The y Rattenbury who —' like all o ea-gaifd-EiSi s' is the result of resolution grid practice. y depositing regularly a portion of your easings in THE „i---111OLSONS BANK, the saving habitis soon acquired, Your money grows bythe addition of the interest }which we pay at current rates on savings bank deposits. It is safe, and can be drawn dwill upon when really neede Avoid careless spending by opening a savings account With us. H. R. SHARP, Manager CLINTON BRANCH g Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent 11-19 present. pro- coeds go towards the mission fund, leaves shortly for Peterboro, with a handkerchief shower. Aver 2y Wesley Church happy and jolly evening was spent The Rev. A. Snyder of Brantford by the young ladies. reached at the morning service on On Wednesday evening of last p g Sunday. In the evening the pastor }}'cele the young ladies were enter- preached and the choir was made up rained at the Rectory by the Rev. entirely of men. S. E. and Mrs. McKegney, The League meeting on Monday enjoying themselves thoroughly, as they always do at the Rectory. evening was in charge of the liter -Education ary committee and the program eon- THE RURAL MAIL COURIERS, .The A FORMER CLINTONIAN. however, The annual Greyhound excursion The Globe, rsoning to some noted win leave Detroit this year on Juno writers who will contribute occasion- 14th and returning will leave Goder- al articles to its columns, says: Lyd- ich for Detroit the morning of the in K. Commander, a pioneer in the 16111. The last trip. from Gocleiich Woman's Movement in the United will take place on Friday, June States, and a brilliant writer on 19th, women's activities, will contribute interest to P. /� �+¢ Ce Constance Dr. Sinclair of the Department will give an address in hall tomorrow evening the subject the subject of Consolidated schoo Dr. Field, Public School Inspect is also expected to give an addre ' Mr; and Mrs. Will McArthur ,m•��e .�� sisted of a lecture, illustrated by „ lantern views on "The Last West," The rural mail couriers through- ' R]sAI)Y-TO•WB/ a CLOTHING 2 he c�lorrish Clothing . Co. OTiDIv^lt>na 1 CLOTHING, by Capt, F. S. Foulds of the C. C. out the pxovinae, and in other prow I. staff, Capt Foulds' lecture was limes, too, for that matter, are age- both interesting and instructive as rating fora higher rate of xemun-- he 'vivid]the Y pointed out the splendid eratioti, which the Government has "The regular articles of vital women readers of the Globe." . If we mistake not Miss Commander Ba lDfield was born in Clinton. At any rate Misses Norma and Dorothy Van- she was a resident here for a con -stone, daughters of Mr. A. Van - slderable length of time when her .stone of Gorrie are. here and will father conducted a dry goods busi-M ' ]lass here in the days of long ago. spend the summer with their aunt, Mrs, Thomas King, MONDAY'S CONCERT. The Sterling Bank in the village is being re -modeled throughout inside last of the course of concerts and also havinga cement vault built, under the auspices of the Girls' givenp Mrs. Carter and son and Miss Auxiliary was given in the town hall Edith Green of Detroit are visiting on Monday evening by The Jordans, . -:heir mother, Mrs. Green, at pres- musicians and entertainers. This est. was a make -good concert put on in Mr. J. E. Tons, P. S. Inspector place of the Carolina Girls, who of Goderich paid Bayfield school a were prevented, owing to illness visit on Monde• Y• from coming in March. A fairly Mrs. Hugh McLaren and child of good house greeted them but the Port Elgin are visiting her mother, general impression seemed to be Mrs, w Sterling in the village, the'ent°lieu/ ment was not quite Miss Ethel Drehmann of Win "so good as •the others. It was of icon sent the est baby of Goderich spent a couple days last week with :her mot Mrs. Jas. Mann. The funeral o£ the late Mrs.' Rd Coates was held from the reside FC her daughter, Mrs. W, Clark, Friday to Constance cemetery. remains were laid beside those her husband, who died years a Yorlceand Albert in Idaho oand daughters, Mrs. Jarrett of Egmo ville and Mrs. W. Clark of gni She was eighty years old: The t oral was private. Miss Mrgaret Love is visiting sister, Mrs. Ed, Britton, Mrs, D, Tudor visited her .T ants in Clinton on Monday. Mr, Andrew Snell is taking tic met in the hospital in Clinton. resources of Last West," 'the not yet seen fit to grant. American Continent, and more par -may be taken for granted that ® 0 J • anicoats andendered 1 tictilarly, Canada, At the conclus- the retail couriers as a class and all ion a very hearty vote of thanks was rut postmasters are reap under- p Y to him. paid. They always have been. Tn the earlydays in this country it Salvation Army y was considered appointed an honourable thing ti,../g The Salvation Army is observing to be to handle His Maj- gThe this week the annual week - of esty's snail, or "Her" Majesty's, in prayer, prior to the week of self -de- the days of Good Queen Victoria. Mal,' which will lie observed next The rural postmaster was .for the week. most part a loading man among the early settlers, who gave his ser- Ont, St. Church vices as notch for the convenience of The Rev. J, Johnston of Holmes- himself and the community in which vine reached on Sundaymorning he lived as for any monetary re- p g turn, and he. was likely to be a mol lace, the pastor taking special ser- vices at Holmesville, and in the ev- of some education and considerable We have made lavish preparations �t�lr' a $f�R�t� in the �y�� ®� Waterproof Coats. . •j ening the Rev, E. Snell preachedthat in the interests of the Brotherhood Federation, The W, M. S, held .its Easter thankoffexi77g meeting on Wednesday evening of last week. It was well attended, a number of the rut,members of Wesley W. M. S. also being pros- Cllr. Mesa Mabel Bailey of Goderich a very interesting address. intelligence, who was looked up to h the community: The names in half a dozen rural (.00nasters'itt different parts of the country can easily be recalled old men- now or�+pel• Y , perhaps long since one to then re - p p g g ward, men who were leaders in some respect and who had weight and .influence in their several COstertnll s les. So the office of postmaster was week with her course a cheaper concert than the father, •Mi H. Drehmann, , ethers, The Auxiliary i tts realized the course a nice little balance over over and above expenses of about �e2aklAC17e��9Q�H'd�. 125 besides alto satisfaction of hay- ing brought within the reach of the Mr. Fred Johnston spent last week citizens a class of concerts which at 111S ]lame here. }would not have come but foe its Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Redden vis- eftorta. Th a Auxikiary signed tip ited •a few clays this • week at Gov. weeks ago for mottles course entown. - tof concerts for next autumn and wire- A. few from hate attended the clause in Summerhill Wednesday TIIE BROTHERHOOD night, Mr. Frani: Brown of Cochrane has After the church services on Sun• been visiting relatives here,g day evening a mass meeting was Mrs,. Melees has returned from a , held in the town hall and addressed fortnight's visit with Chicago friends. by the Rev.' B. Snell of London and NIT. and Mrs. Max Mc0oo1 visited the Rev. A, Sn der of Brantford on with friends neat I ordwich on Sun Y clay the suhjeet of the Brotherhood Fed- enation. Mr. Snyder spoke 0 he- Mrs, Cameron of 'Winnipeg is vis- itin her half •of the Serbians, the Bxothexhood g grandfather, NTr. Jas. having undertaken the responsibility Campbell, of collecting for the relief of some Mr. and Mrs, McTaggart, Blyth, half a million Serbian ehilclrett.' Mr. spent Sunday At the Koine •o:E Mr. Snell who is secretary of the Western G. C. Thompson, Ontario Federation, explained the Mrs. Fred Johnston wishes to movement as All effort to bind to- thank the :friends and neighbors far nether the men of ail nationalities the •kindness and sympathy shown in a Christian Brotherhood for the hex iu •tier• recent •bereavement in the common good. The movement he death of ]ler •neater; the late Mrs. H. •stated, is strong 1n England and is 11111 anti also :for the iiowers sent.' spreading rapidly to the UJnitecl Dr, Aitken was in Courtwri last week attending the funeral his aunt. Mr. Jas Bengough of Port Hu has been visiting his sister, 111 Wm, Anderson, 0.1s0 with re]ati at ITensall. Mr. Beni Ivison just west of Y J village had the misfortune to a bone in his ankle broken on Th 'day of last week. He was fir in a ditch and was standing on scraper when it gave a lutelx Mr, Ivison fel] off with the ab �esinclVellielt It VIIIo lbet at onsidere of the year and help so hard to A. number from ]sere attended funeral of the late Mxs. Wm. SCay, whte1 tools place •iron her iclence, 4th con, Tucicersntith, Saturday last, Mit McKay been ailing for some years and death was not unexpected. She survived ed by two sons and t Her son John came f Saginaw to attend the funeral. family have the sympathy of n •,,e„ ls. Morley Cooper, sort of R 'lp,� C l� eW Fabrics and New 'Weaves • THE combination collar that can b8 worn buttoned close to the neck or in th regular way, A splendid Raincoat e �' y for motoring. •@ 7.50 10.0Q • 13.50 15.00 0,00 25.00 and ®,00 gave Some special music enlivened the evening and refreshments were gsome served at the close. The offering amounted to over $70. The Ladies Aid Society held its annual . meeting' with election of officers on Tuesday evening when the old ofl'iceres were re-elected by acclamation as follows: President, Mrs, A. J, McMurray, let Vice, Mrs. 3. H. Paxmali, 2nd Vita, NTrs, Roy Ball Treasurer Mrs, John Gibbin 's. ' gY Secretaries, Mrs. B. J. Crlbbings, Mrs. W. J', Pltas lcel, The Society has tensed and ex- ponied six hundred dollars in• int- provoments on the lecture roouts of the church and on the le onnage der- ing the year. Phare are one hundred considered an honourable one, In the acme way, only in a lesser cm- gree, perhaps, the man who con- veyod His Majesty's mails over the roads was supposed to be engaged in an honourable calling and coin- petition was ]teen when a mail route, which has always been let by tender, was advertised, Consequently •ten- dens were kept down until, except in rare cases, mail couriers were very much under ud, pc This has always been 'the case but during the past couple of, years or so owing to the sharp advance in the cost of living, horse iced, etc., the condition of the confers has been growing: worse anti worse, ped they are now cirgamizing and demanding 'Dropin at 011r earliest convenience y 1 and we will take 19481119 In 8110W711$ • r you a very extensive range, " ^ ^ •Prasicleut, and seventeen names on the roll and a good average attendance. About sixty sat clown to the splendid tea provided by the ladles of St. Joins Wait] at this meeting, On Monday evening the League meeting was in charge of the Social and Literary Conntittee, A game of- Th ees was, played after which "Threes" - the election of Of1'IearS was held. Ra- parte of iga lagoon's' work were given, Fallowing are the officers for 1020: "" A. J, McMurray. some relief.daughters. What the couriers want' is :for the Government to cancel. all con- tracts and engage them en a sal- ar, basis of GO per mile el tax; p p Y stitch to elate back to Jan. 1st, 13117, They could throw up their contracts but in dein, so their suelees would f" be involved, as of course they are ObllgeCl to give a bond when they accept a contract. The matter is being lmonght to the attention of the Govarmnent and States anti Canaria. Tie object is to' have ail organization in each church ,'@5&IAi> iC1 iiI and a union organizattoi,-made up of representatives of each denoinin- Tho L, 0, L, had a box social in at1011 111 each Celtic like Clinto>'.. At tliei't lodge x'007110 oil Wednesday ev- .the eonalnsion of the sleeting lin cm- ening: last, evilest a goodly number at- ganization was lamed with the fol. tended and spent a social evening •to- ]owiir •+ re xesentatives flout the fat- ghee. No admission fee was g p Towing churches: Wesleye T. J. "Watt; charged but the poxes •wets auctlonad IX, Gauld, I , •Tick° t, W. Ii. Merle off &nen a the evening, Social gttmos yar:. Willis ahtzrah. B. R, Higgins, mid dancing were indulged ill and Win Taylor, J. le, Lindsay, °avid the evening" passed pleasantly, The Street Clltlr•Olni W7n, Walker, xX. Otahgamon are On(lafivUtllg' t0 vase Wiltse, G. Hanley, Chas. Holland, /mule Ca repair the hall, which is' iri Baptist church: D, IC, Prior, Wn, heed of some overhatniing, The pro- McIntyre PJ,. Graelio, ceeds will helpto some extent,, Cooper, of the London Road n of the village, has been very with a• severe'attack of brow 'pnaelliania. At time of writing condition is much nnprovecl, A number from her': attended J. W. Botgaugh eniatiaitlmont on under the ens Mees of •the 1 Ve•terans of Clinton slur were le to hear and see this faiilattspCi rainier. Mrs, A., 'WgOa ( •• Ila 11 •• s0 wall known 11I' Ill...... .. ltpen 'Where 's out her earl ear • p Y Y s, has al fraht _,Santa Barbara, Cal., to fiietldst, r0 [I E M El1:1SC 11.1 i ri co. 1st Vico Notlis Andoraait, 21td Vice, Emma Plitt -lathe!. 3rd Vice, Helen R'oduwav, something w111- probably be crane to relieve the condition of a very tis:- Hui etas: of public seeviints, • (( � y,.. .... `i li �p e i i Otto o A Square � Every ��� 4th Vice, S; McFau1,. -.. 111 tart', Hatch Anderson. Cor. -Secretary, lellien Potter, Treasurer; Harry tall, Pianist, Finnie I luineteel, In the St ectittime if any muni is f0011ah Cn0ixg11, in aider t0 under- hid n earnpetitor, to tender below a living wage fora mail contract he„ 4eserves to suffer, -'s al of th lg th ed he ty the rs- m- o- was its of Ali ter T0 - sed and NY Weh. Ore ist . ie, of the on Is. or, SS. and of hex, bt. Ice •otl The. of New. two red Hulls ixn leer are at- • ht of ton rs. yes this have t11S- ling the and Otto able a son get. the Mc- res - on llad her e iS telco one The tangy, oht, Orth 111 cMal pia the giv- W'ar asect Iter+