HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-4-15, Page 5• eeRURSDAY, .APRIL lath, 1920, Cilintoi News -1 ecoid Of Interest to You and Me 1'ay •tltd teacher or stunt the child •r --which?" leeks The Sinteoe Reform In reokoniee the elloweall for this i1 year don't overlook Apinl s buten to the grand *t total. "What ]lope is there fol• cheap milk, :butter or cheese," asks The Mail and Empire, "when a Canadian cow sells :for $6,000?" r * * * A leading hospital during "flu" time announced that "no unnecessary operations would be performed dur- ing the epidemic." Does this mean ,that ordinarily a number of inne- cessary operations are pereorhned. The other towns in Grey County .are feeling "peeved" at Owen Sound for staying in the county until it is committed to the Good Roads scheme .and then incorporating and getting out from under the responsibility. "Say `what you like about the weather" says The Toronto Star, "'but the birds which have been south for a few months are corning back as fast as their little wings .can carry them. They have nut -door •to choose from but they come back here •to put in nine months of the year." It seems it cannot be decided who 'is the leader of the opposition in the •Ontario Legislature and the. salary of cede cannot be paid. We would suggest that if new legislation is •necessary to dispose of if that said salary be abolished altogether. The leader of the opposition: ought to be able,to get enough fun out of the site •nation, added to his sessiolial allow- ance, to pay him for -his trouble. A story has been going the rounds •,of the press lately about a man, it .doesn't matter where he is supposed to live, who on being asked to pay a legitimate debt gave a long list of .organizations, charitable and other- wise, which had solicited him for funds, and giving that as a reason why he couldn't pay his debts. It would be interesting to know just what that man really contributed to these various_: funds. Usually the _people who do the most talking over that sort of thing are the ones who _give the least. Clinton Collegiate Institute Easter Term Examinations The following list conte ns the _names of all pupils who obtained fifty per cent of the aggregate marks, Reports have been sent to the parents showing the marks ob- tained in each subject record of at- -of+•.endance, etc. These reports should be carefully read and sifned by the parents and returned. Forrn 1 _ Honours:—N. Tieeleaver-7a Hale 76 c F�u*choenhals, '76.4, A. j .----e---e staid •75.2. Pass:—R. Higgins 73, R. Hunter 72.3, M. McIntosh 72, le... McTag- gart 69.3, F. Johnston -69.3, L. Ned- iger 66.4, K. Beaton 64.9, R. Evans ,64.1 A. McIntyre. 63,2, M. R. Stewart 62.9, J. Aikenhead 62.8, W. Grant 62.6, L. Levy 60.6, G. Stong 60.5, J. Higgins 60.1, IC. Rorke ,69.9, C. Shipley 59.3, F. McTaggart •57•,7, E. McKinley 56.3, J. Brennan 56.2, Lillie Garrett 55.8, A. Combe 55.5, N. McNeil 54.2, W. VanEg- mond 64, W. McCool 53.5, W. Al- cock 52.2, R. Middleton 52.1, S. Middleton 52, M. McConnell 52, J. Wigginton 61. Norm 2 Honours:—I Merrier 79,8, M. Gib- bings 76.2,,M Finleon 75.3. Pass: -A. Hamilton 72.9, W. Me - Math 71.1, F. Gibbings 70.7, C. Matheson 70.5, M. McEwen 69.6, M, Potter 68, M. Beaton 76.3 M. Rutledge 66.2, D. Brennan 65.4, A. Reid 65.1, A Mustard 65, A. Hill 64.8, M. MacGregor 64.6 J. Hogg 63.9, G. Venner 63.4, B. Lindsay 62, SHouck 58.9 E. Hunter 57.6, A. tewart ' 56.7, V. Dodds 56.5, G. .Anderson 55.8, G. Smith 55.4 L. :Akinhead 55.3, J. Ball 54.4, H. Anderson 5473, D. Rorke 52.6, C. .Jackson 52.6, G. Gall 52,8, G. Far- :guson 52, A Sloman 50.6, F. Elliott S0. corm 3 Honours: --S, Draper 75.8, Pass:—'A. Hellyar 73.1, E. iileetch- inter 69.8, E. McTaggart 88.5, M. Snyder .69, W. Nelson 68.1, Z. Jack- eon 61.8, F. Wallis 64.9, A, Law- rence 64,6, E. Fear 63.4, V. Pepper , :63,4, A. Walker 63.1, E. Hardy 63, A1C. Hamilton 60.2, E, Ferguson 59,4, 1:. Morrish 59.4, G. Fowler 59.3, F. MacGregor 57, H. Johns 116.4, D. Nediger 55.1, M. Flynn 52.8. Fornt 4 Faculty Entrance Part e. .honours:—I. Stothers 80.5, Pass:—C, Tyndall £9.7, H. Stew. art 63. ' Facultly Entrance Part 2. Pass:—E, Livermore 74.5, J. Townshend 72.3, M .Gladman 71, A,. Dewar 69.5, C. Jervis 64.1, V, Sny: ,der 63, E. Wasmen 60, Honor Matriculation, 11. Madman 74.1, H. Ross 71,5, J. Townshend 71.2, W. Cooper 68.2, J. McMurehie 67.4, E. 'iiggins 62.5, L. Potter 60.8, G. Middleton 52.7. Constance Mr. and Mrs. Joe Riley of-Clevoi- end, Ohio, is visiting his brothers, 'Geo. and Ben. Riley and other *lends. Miss Lucy Chapman of Chilliwack B. C. is visiting her sister; Mrs. Ben Snell. Mrs. Henry Colclough is spending ei . couple 'of Weeks in Brussels help- ing to look after her sister, Mrs.. 'Procter, who is not very well, Word has just been received that Mrs. Robb, Coates, formerly d this village is dead, Further particulars .meet week. Kippeo. i41rs, (Rev.) Jolul Richardson of lri&den is veiningwith Tier mother, er , Mrs., Andrew Boll, er., and other relatives, We regretto state that Mrs, Bell has been in rather poor health for some weeks.. Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Detweiler spent Tuesday in London, Mr, P. Howey has been confined to the house with a severe attack of lumbago. Mr. W, H' Johnston was appointed a member of the execu- tive of. the Ontario Educational Association The appointment was a good one as Mr. Johnston is a prom- inent member of the teaching pro. feeeion. His smiling face appeared in the Toronto Star last week. Mrs. Margaret and Jean McLean spent last Saturday in London. Miss Helen McGregor left last Saturday for Toronto to resume her school duties, her sister May went the Wednesday previous. The family of Mr, R, B. McLean presented him with 'a comfortable couch 'on the anniversary of his sev- entieth birthday. Mr. Allan Fisher, who has been visiting his mother and sisters, has returned to resume his studies at the Faculty of Educaton in Toron- to. Marriages SLATER—GOULD—In Clinton, on April 8th, by the Rev. D. N. Me. Camus, Irene, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gould, to George Slater of Edwin, Man. Births OAKES—In Goderich township, on April 8th,' to Mr. and Mrs. Herb- ert Oakes, a daughter—Luella Is- abel. TYNDALL—In Goderich township, on April 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tyndall, a daughter—Lillian Mad- eline. Deaths- DUNCANSON—In Clinton, on April 10th, Mrs. Christina Duncanson, aged 84 years. HILL -In London, on April llth? Eliza Chappell, widow of the late Hugh Hill of Hullett, aged 88 years. WEATHERSON—At Durand, Mich., on Easter Sunday, April 4th, Ellen Bay Weatherson, wife of John Weatberson of Durand, and daugh- ter of the late Andrew Bay, C. E., Clinton. RICHARDSON—In loving memory of -Robert J. Richardson, who died April 9th, 1919.—Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid, and Laura Mae. TENDERS.P01e COAL Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coaifor ,the ' Dominion Buildings, Ontario and Quebec," will be re- ceived at this office until 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, April 29th, 1920, for the ninety of coal for the Dom- inion Buildings throughout the prov- inces of Ontario and Quebec. Combined specification and form of tender can be obtained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and from the Caretakers of the different Do- minion Buildings, Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth there- in. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chart- ered bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 p. c. of the alnount of the tender. War. Loan Bonds of, the Dominion will alio be accepted as se- curity, ox war bonds and cheques if rdquired to make up an odd amount. By cider, • R. C. DESROCHERS, Secretary. Department -of Public Works.. Ottawa; April 3, 1920. —41-2 Barn For Sale Good COW- for sale—Mrs. W. A. Balkwill, Bayfield.—41-2-p Barred Rock •Eggs For Sale From good laying strain; Also Pekin duck eggs. Prices moderate. Some young pigs ready about the middle of May, F. W. Watts, Rag- lan 8t. Phone 149. -41-tf Burns for Sale Briek barn for sale 25x40, also frame barn 21x201/2 M. Fer- guson, Bayfield. Phone 624-3 —41-2-p 1 « �ndsy j • i �x Little Pigs for Sale 10 little pigs for sale, 4 weeks old Apr. 16th. Apply to John Riley. Phone 7 on 636, Clinton. —41-tf Attention Fanners! Don't fail to see pictures of Moline Tractor in operation in the Princess theatre on Saturday evening, next. They're dandies. Bert Langford. 2.. .-41.1 House and Two Lots for Sale Lot No. 675 Huron street and Lot No, 698 Rattenbury street, 5 -roomed cottage with attic, kitchen, pantry and washroom. Cellar under kitch- en. Stable and hen house. Apply on premses to MissB; Cantelon. -41-tf, Automobile for Sale 1918 .model 4.90 Chevrolet, New Gooderich tires on rear wheels, Goodyear Diamond tread oei front. Car is in first class condition. Sat* isfactory reasons for selling, Call or write, E, Rerko, Clinton .-41.1-p A FRIEND is one who knows all ab it you, mad loves you just the same. THEY. entov ill about poor tPeople, They love einem and heir love is reciprocated by the THE poor and disiweased are not asamed or reticent in their presence THE wicked are reproved. The Then encouraged. rhe old sustained Dishes, floors and clothes are washed Babies nursed -Medicine provided Food supplied Meals cooked And a thousand other things done to strengthen the body and stimulate the soul THIS work goes on in Sixty- six countries. and in forty-two different languages. The Salvation' Army--- 308 CITADELS AND INSTITUTIONS IN THIS TERRITORY. —USE THEM! Sun Life Assurance Co. 'of Canada also Fire, Plate Glass, Public Casualty, Accident and Sickness Automobile and Live Stock Iusurauce H. E. RORKE Member of the Life and Fire Underwriters Association of Canada Office next door to New Era EGGS FOR HATCHING Leghorns, Australian and Guild Strain From bred -to -lay Single Combe White Large Birds, Large Eggs, and no better layers. $1.00 per setting of 15, or $6.00 per hundred eggs, F. J. TYNDALL, Phone 2 on 636. R. R. No. 4. • For Sale or for Lease The brick store on Albert street, Clinton, recently occupied by Irwin's Dry Goods, opposite the town hall. Liberal terms to good purchaser. Possession on the first of September next. If not sold will be fox lease, for terns apply to Miss Florence Cuningheme, Express office. J. C. Stevenson, Berkley, Cal. —41-4 Auction Sale Of farm stock and implements. The undersigned has received in- structions to sell by public auction at Lot 16, Bayfield Road, 3/mile west of Varna. on Tuesday, April 20th; commencing at one o'clock sharp, the following: Team, of work horses, driving mare, rising 5, newly calved cow, Farrow cow, steer rising l„yeer, young calf, Deering binder, Deering mower, nearly new, seed drill, Culti- vator, 2 plows , set iron harrows, scufHer, fanning mill, Daisy chum, Dasit churn, sewing machine, buggy, cutter, wagon, 2 sets sleighs, hay rack, set long bunks, set double ham ess, water tank, set single harness. 24 -ft ladder, wood heater, grindstone Quantity of cedar posts and lumber logging chains, about 50 hens, Broad axe, forks, shovels, whiffletrees and other articles. TERMS:—All sums of ten dollars and under, cash; ov. er that amount, '7. months credit on furnishing approved joint notes or 3 per cent straight for cash. C. Foster, Proprietor, Geo. H. Elliott Auctioneer. • —41-1 Aution Sale Of household. effects will be held Saturday' afternoon, April 17th south of the Graham house, at 2 o'clock, consistnig of: Wood Cook stove, wood heater, a quantity of stovepipes, extension table, 2 , small tables, kitchen lounge, 3 dining room chairs and rocker, a few kitchen chairs, organ stool, easel, some pie,, tures, Pillows, sewing machine, Wil• Hams, 2 bed steads springs, and mat. tresses, 2 bedroom dressers, 2 wash' stands, sideboard, some dishes, 17 piece parlor suite and a quantity of carpet, wash tub and ringer. Terms; Cash. J. P. Sheppard, Proprietor. Geo, .H Elliott, Auctioneer. --41-1 Concert and Playlet A concert and playlet entitled, "Aunt Elizabeth's Missionary Tea." will be given, on April 13th in Holmesville Methodist church, under the auspices of the Cleaner's Mission Circle. Admission 35 and 15e, —40-1 The White Sewing Machine You can't afford to waste any more' time with that old rattle trap you have when you can get a new ono with a : Fe time guarantee, It will pay for itself now a• days, Write for prices or call for demonstration at our new stand opposite Daley's gar- age. Phone 216, Jonathan Hugill, Seaforth, —40-8 HAVE YOU LOST Your appetite?' if you have try 'time of our Tomtosalute, Catsu1s e to, Perk and beans with ' Tomato Sauce • ' 2 large cans 350, 6 large cans ;Nor $1.04 Spaghetti with 'Io - mato Sallee ee . Per 12o'r,4i*10e. For Pies or Pudding 2 can of Pumpkin 25e 2 eggs Cern Starch 26e Raisins,' Prunes, Rice, Tapioca, etc. We pay highest pal ces for Butter Get the Habit of dealing at Phone orders BROOM SPECIAL PIA FRIDAY ANI) SA1'U'RDAcK N.). 100 for e,. ,,,65c, 4o, 8 for ,,.,..,.95c, Get one while they last, JOHNSON & COMPANY Pork and Beans with Roth,,, Pieklee i Mustard per quart 40e Mixed per quart 40e, SWeet.per quart OOe tsu i C 15' Rex a 1 a2e5' Dominion Matches 3 boxes for 25c ' 3 bars Lavender Bath Toilet soap 26e 3 bars Laundry Soap 26, and Eggs promptly cared for „. Phone 111 MAKE YOUR HOME HAPPY DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER Don't you know the time to educate your children is when they are young. Start them into there music lessons as you would their school soon if you want them. to make a success of it. It lifts them into a higher society which they can not reach with out music. Make arrangements to start them right. Which is only done .on a piano. Any music teacher- will tell on an organ and it only disheartens We can quote you prices and Gourley piano by dropping a card to JONATHAN HUOILL MY WHAT A PLEASANT SURPRISE and, they're from McNei 's too, my dear boy, I cannot thank you enough for I do dearly love those delicious Wi!liard's Forkdipt Chao - bites and bon bons. They have such a different taste, you know. Thank you, indeed. AT The CLINTON CANDY KITCHEN M. McNEIL, PROPRIETOR you it is waste .of time to practise - the child. make terms on a high rade Bell or SEAFORTI1 BUTLER BROS., TENDER ROAST FRESH HAM You like it? Then you will 'en- joy a dinner from ours. It s simply delicious — young, juicy, tender and- most wholesome. We suggest that for your dnner to -day or Sunday, you order seine from us, and you will not be disappointed THE VETERANS MEAT STORE free delivery to any part of town • Phone 17 f EGGS FOR HATCHING From bred to lay and trapnestecl birds, White Wyandottes. Pen 1 composed of year old hens headed by 2 beautiful Guild cockerels. Pen 2 Pullets from Guilds special pen 1, heeded by son of Tom Barron, Bird settings of 15 eggs $1.00 at house. $1.50 .if shipped. —40-3 JOHN POLLOCK,' BAYFIELD A Chance of Your Life To secure a roadster gelding, sired by Templeton, he by Peter the Great, dam Eva B., wail a record of 2.16. Not hekving time to train hint I offer him ata price you can clean up some money. Get busy and write at once or apply to Lot 22 con. 2 Tucker - smith, -S. R. S. Edgar -Butt, Kippen, Ont. - —40-3 Shorthorn Bull For Sale Registered Shorthorn bull, 17 months old. Apply E. L. Mittel], P.O. box 18, Clinton. --40-ti1 Notice I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name. Herb. R, Jenkins. • —40-1 Purse Lost On Tuesday afternoon in. Clinton or on Huron Road, West, a purse containing a sum of =hey, Clinton Creamery cheque and a Molsons Bank Pass book. Finder kindly leave at Johnson's Grocery. of Mor- rish's Clothing store. Reward. —40-1 Matron Wanted For the Clinton Hospital, a mat- ron or housekeeper. Salary $25 per month,also_ boardand. laundry.. Apply to Meg H. Fowler, Box 48, Clinton. —40-2 House For Sale Frame house on Huron street. 8 rooms besides halls and closets. Town water. Apply on premises to J, Mellveen, 40-4-p Eggs For Hatching Barred Rock eggs for hatching, front Park, Guilds, and 0. A. C. Strains. $1.00 per setting of 18. H. A. Hovey, Clinton. -41-tE Muskrat Skins Wanted Will pay according to size and quality. $2 to $5 each. H. A, Hovey, Clinton. —41-t1 Fruit Pickers Wanted Fruit pickers, strawberries and raspberries or earlier .garden work, in one of the best fruit -growing parts of the country at Vittoria, near Sint- coe, Norfolk county. Right on the lake. Good bathing, good Amami, dation et either private boarding house or in camp which• is there. Work beginning in June and lasting, thotighout July and part of August. Come any time ifi these three months. Highest wages paid. For information write Box 180, Beams - Ont, d39•tf Help Wanted Wanted at Ontario hospital, London Help for Laundry, Dining -room, and Kitchen. Uniform provided. Apply Matron. —38-4 For Sale or to Let House and lot, centrally located on Cutter street. Contains o bedrooms, parlor, dining -room, hall, kitchen, pantry, clothes closet. cellar, town water, soft water, coal house. Apply to Win. Bedard, R. R. No. 2, Clin- ton. Phone 12 on 602. —38-tf Desirable Property for Sale 6 acres of good garden land, with orchard, Frame house, frame barn with good stone stabling. Just out- side the corporation on London Road. Possession given in 2 months. Apply Isaac Marwood, on premises MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, by George H. Elliott, auctioneer, at the premises on Saturday, the 24th day of April, 1920, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after- noon, the following property: The Northerly part of Lot number forty in the first concession in the Huron Road Survey of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, containing by admeasurement fifty acres more or less and being com- posed of all that portion of said lot Number forty which lies north of the Buffalo & Lake Huron Railway. On the prentses are a good frame. house and excellent barn and stabl- ing accommodations. This property is one of the most desirable in the vicinity of the Town of Clinton, being located on the Huron Road within one mile of the Town: Terms: 10 per cent, cash, further 10 per cent. on delivery of possess-- on, ossess=on, and the balance within 30 days af- ter date of sale. For further terms and conditions of sale apply to W. Brydone, solici- tor for the Vendor. Dated.this 24th day of March, 1920. ---38-4 House and Lot . For Sale Lot 51, over the G. T. R. Track, south. Frame house and stable. Apply to John Torrance, Clinton. —38-3 Muskrat Skins Season closes , April 21st. Prices sky high. Before you sell call and get my prices. I will get you a lic- ense if you want one. Jas. Steep, Box 192, Clinton. Dealer in hides and furs.—37-6-p Field Crop Comnetetion Under the auspices of the Huron Central Agricultural Cociety. Entries wilt be received by Sec. A. J. Me - Murray or S. B. Stothers, County Representative. —37-tf Clothes Cleaned and Pressed • Clothes . eleated pressed and re* paired. Wallen geode dry eloaned. Rooms over Hoard's barber shop, W. J. Jago. •' house for Sale A very comfortable cottage on the corner ee Princess and Raglan staeets, Ww oIIolteseElectric I1o tla ater. teiplereen Minim1 g 11t. ,s r lMise .-38-tf Utilises) for Sale Two frame houses on. Victoria street, Apply pply at The News -Record of Ice. —34,11 Farm for Sale 100 acres, lot 12 son. 6, Irlullett, adapted for eroping or grazing, 10 acres bush, balance in grass, Good well and windmill. It nos sold will be' rented for pasture. -Apply to I4. J. Miller Box 28, Clinton, or phone 119. 32-tf No Trespassing Any person or persons trespassing or destroying property on the prem- ises of the estate of the late Will- lain II. Woods will be prosecuted according to law,—L M. Woods, Bayfield, Ont. July, let, 1920 ORDER YOUR SUPPLY OF Scranton Coal In purchasing the Holloway Forbes Coal Business, we secured what we call a straight line connection, with the two great American Coal Min- ing Institutions, namely: The D. L. & W. COAL CO.. who own and control the famous Scranton Coal fields, and furnish us with their STANDARD ANTHRA- CITE. The D. & H. COAL CO., who send us their celebrated LACK- AWANA COAL. By a straight line connection we mean that we are their sole agents for the community, and although an imposter may claim to be distribut- ing their coal, it is an utter impos- sibility, and only goes to show that he is willing to admit that we have the best available. - New dealers can only resort to jobbers, which means that the qual- ity may be irregular, as the coal barons will not take on any new dealer 110 matter how well equipped he may be, much less a Municipal Coal Yard. So act accordingly and place your order now at the old stand, as the 1920 allotments are being made ac- cording to past business. Now is the time for a nice cheery open grate fire. Try our EBONY CUBE CANNEL And in the kitchen range you will like our CHESTNUT CONE Or if you want to get away from the coal question try a load of WOOD We are bound to satisfy you, and will give you real service. J. 13. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD:' Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. THE COB EO STORE Phone 45 We have just received an import order of English Dish es. Consisting of the follow- ing. Three Gold Band's, Clover Leaf, and our own regularly carried stock patterns, also a full range of Toilet sets. Fruit and Lettuce and a full line ot Fresh groceries al- ways in stock. Fred W. Wigg Manitoba Oats Our -Manitoba Oate••are of an ex- cellent quality and we have email quantity on hand which we are able to offer at a very reasonable price on account of buying sone time ago. Do you expect to raise any baby chicks this season? Our Baby Chick. Feed is composed of a mixture of No.1 grain and is clear of duet. We have it in two grades—Fine and Course A shipment of Seed Corn has just arrived and is composed of the follow- ing varieties— Improved Learning Early Bayley Wisconsin No. 7 King Philip Lougfollow Yellow Flint For Hoge and Cattle we have a mixed chop made from equal parts of oats and corn. This chop !s gronnd very fine and makes an excellent feed for fattening hogs and cattle. Our stock also includes the follow- ing linos Garden Seeds in packets. Flashiest Shortening, °levet end Grass Seeds, Flour, Hen Feed, Feed Flour, Calf Meal, Rolled Oats, Seed Buckwheat and .Barley Highest priees•paicl for wool and grain. Whoa disposing of year wool abvise ita and we will give you the beet price obtainable, W. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED —3441 1 Phoneei Elevator 109, Residence 141 RAISINI PIE We have still a few pounds of new Valencia Raisins� (1 (j at four pawls for !vv ii8e JUST THE THiING FOR RAISIN PIE T. ci The Hub Grocery SCRANTON COAL --a Any who wish to leave their order for spring delivery can do so by leav- ing their orders at my residence Huron St. or phone 155. Terms strictly cash. E. Ward.—34-th Property for Sale On Base Line, 1 mite north of Clinton, 214 acres of ground, good frame house with cellar, barn, •well and cistern, small fruits. Land well drained and in good state of culti- vation. Buildings in good repair. Apply on premises to Miss Sullen. —32-tf Boars for Service Champion bred, big type Yorkshire and Cheehter White boars for service. At home every forenoon.—A. C. Levey, Phone 5 on 639, Clinton —23 IDLS VVANTED foi knitters and learners ALCLi}# jl . ��11 for menders aid inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED 0 trot wait UNTIL THE SAP IS RUNNING BEFORE ORDERING YOUR SAP PANS. WE HAVE A SUP- PLY OF SAP I'AN IRON ON HAND. ORDER EARLY SO AS TO BE SURE YOUR PAN WILL BE READY. Agent for Hecla Furnaces THOS. HAWKINS.. Plumbing and Heating. Phone 53 Shop over Rowland's hardware FLOUR and FEED A FULL LINE OF ALSIKE and RED CLOVER, Also a quantity of Albatrea. SWEET CLOVER, and ONTARIO), GROWN ALFALFA. A car of Government Standard Feed just reeeived. J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123. FAT HENS WANTED Wo have an unlimited market foe+, live Poultryand are anxious to ob- tain LARGE FAT HENS. Our prices for Hena is as fofloW'a: FAT HENS over 61bs. 80e per 11u FAT HENS over 51bs. 28c per lee FAT HENS over 4 lbs. 25c per km GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TREWARTHA, Manager., Phone 190; Holmesvllle 4 on 141. CREAM WANTED The demand for our butter is in. creasing. To supply this demand we requir4 more cream. We request you to ship se roue Cream. We guarantee you the Hig'heet Market Prices, accurate testa and prompt Service. Our firm is known to you and lace* no further recommend. We pay all express charges, fume ish cream cans and pay twice eac1R month. Write for tans or further ieenim» tion to the Tna;Scatorth Creamery Co. C, A, SARBER, MANAGl41