HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-4-15, Page 4I3u221ness 110111sw- x" 0412, to O'p.ln; tnrdtt a c4 4ifs Store' News 0,1,R, ;el:W/ofl eeCY NV, Telegraph 0f1lee ni hte before Iiotleys 10 tam,# C1 Natlontit tieidet <,flloa Wall Paper Department in Full Swing ng For the moneyexpended nothing l,> , p Kyou eau ` u do in .the way of decorating wil giveyouu as good results as Wall Paper. A glance .at our window display will convince you that we have -the up-to'date goods and we are.always will ng to have our prices compared with others. As the season advances we will eel, aside small lots to be sold at bargain prices. For 10 to 15c per roll you can get some exceptional values in these lines, Presbyterians Please note that we have the "Book of Family Devotions," ap. • . proved and commended by the Gen- eral Assembly. This book should fiud a place in every Presbyterian Home. -. Price 75e, Post paid. New Large Type Pres. Book of Praise I:; now in stock, a splendid book for general uce. Cloth ('over 51 On Leather up to $8.O() Transparent Oven- Dishes are for every day service, 15c to $3.50 "IDE.P.b.,, Aluminum Ware. The modern kitchen equipment. Highest Quality Knitting Yarns MONARCH FLOSS MONARCH DOWN MONARCH DOVE "Knit and the world knits with. you, Darn and you Dirri, alone." It is of the utmost importance that the knitter be supplied with Yarns 01 the best quality so as to ensure having a etrtisfactory garment when finished. • . MONARCH YARNS have stood the test. They airs noted for the'ir'ex- ceptiouai dlutllity, even ress, strength g and varieties of shades. If you wish to make a ligh• t. weight or novelty --garment use MONARCH FLOSS, For medium weight uGe MONARCH DOVE. For warm• servic':able garments use MONARCH DOWN. Special instruction Book for use With Monarch Yarns 25c. Get the boys a Boy Scout or Buster Brown Waggon A. T. COO ER, CLINTON, NT. ,ANs,'rtAIMtrA Widect4 den's Brotherho d StIrldeiti Rallilett Township In Clinton Churches, April lath, IO Men's Massseting to the Town Hall at 88.30 p.m. Address: - 66 rrh 99 —Rev. B. Snell, London Princess Theatre—Friday & Saturday This week MA zEL NORMAND The star of Mickey, hi a comedy drama " When Doctors Disagree Tuesdau and Wednesday Next -Week ALICE BRADY in THE BETTER HALF . ff a story of twins who have opposite characters LARRY SEMON and a bevy of pretty girls in a rip roaring comedy The Simple Life Fridag and Saturday -- DOROTHY DALTON in . "QUICKSANDS" Admission We and 23c. n q, :AAF! • WaR-ZytWa IMM WINNIPEG BRANDON REGINA SASKATOON The to the We, DAILY SERVICE ,gym. TORONTO (Union Station) 9.15 P.M. CALGARY EDrnONTON VANCOUVER VICTORIA STANDARD TRAMS -CONTINENTAL }RAIN EQUIPMENT THROiUQN. OUT, INOLUDI;NQ NEW ALIATEEL'i'OU(IIST SLEMMING CARS. Run, Mon. Wed. Fri.*-Cinadln, National all the way. Ties. Thera. Sat.—lila 4.T., T. & N.O., Ooohrans thanes Q. N. RIs. robots and fuel information from nearest Canadian National Nalleteer Allem, A.. T. COOIii , CLINTON ONT. er leeherel Passenger Departnsnt, Toronto, "- ireiestrrml nepartlnnnt: Toronto and 'WInnlpee W' lit furnish fullartlou 4r rsaardina!and in Western paneds nvalleble for formiek or, otherNpurposol The following is the report of S. S. No. 11, for the month of March: Sr. 4th,—Diary K. Moon 79 per cent.' Thomas Caldwell 77, Mamie Ross 75, Robert Leiper 70. Jr. 4th,—olive A. Moon 77, Beat- rice A. Fairserviee 76, James G. Rob- erton 06. Sr.,3rd,—Leonard Caldwell 65, TammBeattie 63. Sr. 2nd,—Gladys Fairserviee, 74, William N. Ross 64. Jr. 2nd, Violet Fairserviee 76, Ilarry Caldwell 71 Willie Leiper 57. Best Spellers:—Mary Moon, equal Beatrice Fairserviee, —Katlhezine B. Reid, Teacher, We wish to an. non:lee to our cus- tomers that we will guarantee -to repair FREE. for one year any GOODRICH CASINO bought from us. Vulcanizing. done Neatly. & promptly SOME QEAI WAGE VNAAS , ONT. Clinton News -Record Stanleij Township l>jr, John '7fl5Naughton has sold bis farm of two hundred and sixty soros .to Mr. Webster Of Lueknow for the sum. Of $15.000, Mr. Web, ster hikes possession this spring,. We .tnderetand Mr. KcNaughton and family intend going to Widen, The neighbors will be very sorry, indeed to lose then from the smart. inunity , Report for S', S. No. 3, for Morel; 5th -Clifford Clarke 80 per cent., Atelier Peck, 6$, 'Sr. nth--Ardell Grainger 73. Jr, 4th,—Alma Rathwell 483, Harold Taylor 330 (absent), Jr. 3rc1,-17lanche Taylor 586, Sar- ah Reid 687. Jr, 2»d,—Mnrray Grainger, 628, Marie Grainger 531, Louis Taylor, •464, Lillian Marks, 984, Russell Roh- ner, 309, Primer A—john Marks 135, Harv- ey^Taylor; 115. Primer B --Agnes Kerr 85. —Margaret Peck, Teacher. Goderich Township The following resolution was passed by the township council at its March sitting and a copy sent to Councillor D. A. Lindsay; • "D. A. Lindsay, Esq., Councillor Township of Goderich." "Dear Sir: -The township council of Goderich has heard with sorrow and deep regret of the death of your beloved wife and has directed us to express to you and your sorrowing children their sincere sympathy and condolence. Born in the township, Mrs. Lindsay was well known to all of us as a lady whom we all respect- ed. I•Ier kind and genial disposition to every person was certainly an in- spiration, but we feel that in your own home and family that her depart- ure will be most deeply felt. Her un- selfish love we feel sure you will nev- er forget and we can only attempt to add a word of sympathy, edam:encling you to Him who is ever willing to comfort those who mourn ancl are hi deep distress. Again let us assure you that you have our deepest sym- pathy. Signed on behalf of the God - oriel) township council --N. W. Tee- wartha, reeve, Adam Cantelon, clerk," The Board of Commissioners for the Goderich twp. Telephone System met in Holmes Hall, Holmesville, Monday April 5th, all members pres- ent. After the usual routine of pas- sing the minutes the following three important questions were fully dis- cussed and finally passed. lst—The appointing of a lineman fel-Tr the balance of the year, also sal- ary. There were three applications for the position, one written and two personal. After considerable dis- cussion Mr. Geo. Mair received the appointment at a salary of $100.00 per month for nine months. 2nd—The raising of the cash price of phones at time of installation al- so on the installitent plan,. After comparing the wages and material necessary to buy a phone and have it installed with that of some years agc the Board agreed to the following: A new phone installed, cash paid in full at time of installation, $62.50, on the installment plan $25.00 cash at time of installation, being $22.80 toward phone and construction, $2.20 on ac- count of Trunk Lines and $44.50 to be paid in live equal annual install- ments' to be charged on Collectors Roll and be paid with taxes. 3rd—Renting of phones: As this is the first time that the renting of phones has ever been considered by the Commissioners they arrived at the following decision: Any person uvishieg to rent a phone could do so by paying $10.00 per year in ad- vance. Also to pay all Bell switch - ng and long • distance calls when flied by system. The following accounts were paid: ell Co, tolls to date $75.08. Herb - rt Scroggings, services as lineman, 78.55, Geo. Mair, services as line- man, . $34.,69; A. Cantelon, postage nvelopes for prepared registered otices, special meeting, $28.68,.also ailing wrapping notices, $2.88; Teary Miller use of hall for special eeting, $3.00; Northern Electric, applies $5.34. Tho Board adjourned to meet May 6 the tine to be published later. A. ntelon, secretary. b B e $ e s 2 Ga Ci ch we es ul ole m th M pr ing giv wo Im talc us ter is pre a Int Ma en a Mis has join 1zed who hold spo As ing and sod serve the to tl f i er Brucefield The April meeting of the' Kelly role held in the basement of the ureh on Thursday evening of Inst ek interroved one - ting the yenta Beside thethe most n reg-. ar work of. the Society the prosi- nt, Miss Jessie Aikenhead, gave a ore than interesting account of c Pres byterini, held in Stratford in arch. The W. M. S. has made ogress along all lines of work dur- the year, in members, increase of Ings and, interest taken in the elf., All addresses emphasized the portanee of the Forward. Movement ing' the stand that what makes better Christians" makes us bet - missionary workers. The circle to be congratulated on having a sident that could bring home such comprehensive report. All were crested in the reading by Miss rgaret Aikenhead, and the pres talion by Mrs, Arthur McQueen of, Life Membership Certificate to s Edythe Bowesr. Miss Howey been one of the best members, ing when the Cirele was organ - and never missing a meeting n at all possible to attend and ing all but one of the most re- nsbte positions in the Society. a result of the efforts- redo tlur- Marclt eight hew In0iebors joined at the elosd of the meeting a ai hour was sliest, and lunch d, ai whish the (Iresence of minister, . b by a peelr to elf joyinent, request, added ng r of- 0inounted to $27�iWilti 0nie en - velope$ still in 00100 in. 'The next regular meeting, on May 0th, will be taken by Klee Tena ]laird and Mrs, George Swan, with Miss ,lean Mur. fleck taking Chart No, 8, MAY NOT NEED TO WRITE, Hon, lr<, .II, Grant, Minister of Education, hes announced tllat,Ifigli School Entratme Beettels, MOO' a new plan to bo inteettaced this -Year, will be left fio�y;'oto° bide whether caitclidates Inc entrance to high schools shall he aeeepted 021 eert- • ifiates Of Public School Principals or shall write on the- examinations as usual, Tho boards will determine the conditions under which the.Prin- cipal's certificates are to be accept- ed. The boards may, in addition, recommend to the Minister the ad- mission of candidates, who, in their opinion, are fitted for High School work, even though, in certain re- spects, they have tailed to attain the required standard at written examinations. Moreover, those who, for adequate reasons, were unable to write on the examinations, may have their applicatons for admission to High Schools considered by the Public School Inspectors and High School Principals at any time, The changes involve considerable alteration•of the existing regulations which will be modfied accordingly. The chief complaint has been that admission by Public School Princi- pals was hampered by a require- ment that the promo- tion papers and results had to be submitted to the Entrance Board, and the result, in the opinion, of nanny, was merely an entrance ex- aniiation of a different sort. In future, the Entrance Boards may dispense with a set form of examin- ation and accept such recommenda- tions from Principals as are deemed satisfactory. 'Countu News Stanley and Hay townships going to have dental inspeetion their Public schools, Little Norman, the three-year- sot1 of. Mr. and Mrs,'George De . who live on a farm between Win ham and Whitechurch, wandered onto the railway track one day 1 week and an express train ran ov At least part of it did. Wh the train. was stopped and the ch was taken from under it was fou he had sustained no injury savi a slight bruise on his forehead whi might have been caused by falling the trach. The pilot, itis said, unusally high and this eviden was the means of saving the lit fellow's life. Wingham business men will o serve Wednesday afternoon as hall' -holiday, commencing the fi week in May. Miss Hannah Gertrude Marsha daughter of Mr. and Itlrs. Tho Marshall of Morris was united marriage last week to William Merritt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Be janiin Merritt of Hullett. The you: couple will reside on the 9th Morris. North Huron's member, Mr. Joyn of Lucknow, carie in for a good de of publicity on account of a speo made in the Legislature last wee He afterwards received notes congratulation front Premier Dru and Hon. Manning Doherty. Mr. Roy Stonehouse who has bee teaching in West Wawanosh, h been appointed principal of. the Vi taria school, Goderch, sueceedin Mr. J. H. Johnston who has r signed. The initial salary is to $1,000. Mr. J. C. Reid of Dashwood, ha purchased Mr ->a. Tieman's fine brie residence, Mr. Reid gets possess ion in the fall. Mr. W. A. Mille baker at Nicholl's bakes. Wingham, had the first fou fingers of his left hand taken off i the bread mixer one clay last week Alderman J. J. Cunnngham Wingham, who has spent the winte in California, has returned home. Mr. Alex, Forsythe 0.f. Wingha dropped dead while working abou his home on Wednesday of last week He had not been in the best of health for some time. Mr, T. 3. McLean, Wingham's assessor, has been engaged to as- sess the town, of Kincardine as soon as his work in Wingham is ended, Mr, Wm. Calfas, stage driver be- tween Hensel. and Zurich, has pur- chased a Ford truck. Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor and Miss Jane Taylor loft Blyth last week for Melita, Man. Mr. and Mrs. S. I• t. Gidlev of Blyth we're in Detroit last week at- tending the funeral of a sister. Goderich is preparing for a busy bowling season this summer and the A large elm tree, one of the land- marks o£ the locality, which stood on the .faun of Mr. A. Penhale, Stalk - cm, on the siderozid leading out from Huron street, Exeter, has been cut down. It was over ninety feet in height and over six fent across at the base. Some of the .larger limbs had feared that e nightebe blowiz oved and it r and cause damage. Weekes, C. E,, of Edmen- ion, Alta,, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Herr at the parsonage, Gerrie. Helen, the little daughter of •Mt, and Mrs. Joh. Thomas of Goderich, theled a othor day, scalding herf water self the badly about 'the face, arms and hands. A pioneer of 'Godericiu township passed away in the person of Mr. William 73lake, who died at the home of his son-in.law, Mr. John Schwente, on Ma,mlt dtlt. He was born on the old Blalce homestead, near Goderich, in 1342 and an grow- ing to manhood went to Colborne tp. where Ile rettafned for nearly forty years ,then reeioving to Geder- iclt, His wife, whe was St:mien leishet', precteeeasott him by only tt few months. Ur. and Mrs, Blake cIbr o ebt t over dve years ago, They tarwadding survived by a family of nine daughters, are in old yell, g- out ast vex en ild nd ng eh on was tly tie b- a est 11, s. in H, n- eg of al eh k. of ry n RS c- g' e - be s k r, y, u n o r m t • Western. Canada Flour Mills Co, has donated a cup to be competed for. They are talking about establishing soli` course 0100, The Westfield Pabile School opened. last week after being closed five weeks owing to an tpideniie of "flu". All the Goderich Public school teachers . will share alike in the ten per cent. inereeee in salary. Seaforth Oddf'eJlows celebrated their fittleth anniversary on Wednesday week. In fifty years the lodge has grown from a membership of six to nearly' one hundred and owns one of the best business blocks in the town, ALAS; THE POOR BACHELOR, WUER10 OURS tftE COM.; IN? Brockville Recorder—Why it is asked, should not Provincial taxa- tion be regulated by the size of one's family? The married mar with only his wife to support is not on the same footing as the mar- tied man with a family of growing children, Neither are the parents of a large family as capable of pay- ing taxation as those with but one offspring, There should be discrim- ination. The harassed father is en- titled to some relief in these days of outrageous charges, when a child's suit costs as ranch as he formerly paid for his own, and a pair of in- fantile shoes absorbs .the proceeds of a whole days labor, ROD AND GUN A. Bryan Williams, former Chief Game Guardian of British Columbia is the latest addition to ROD AND GUN IN CANADA'S splendid list of sportsmen writers. In the aprIl issue he takes his readers on a big game hunt into Northern British Columba, T. W. Winson and Wil- liam Beck, the well known Nature and Fishing writers of B. C. also have interesting articles in this issue.. Other splendid tsories and articles are "Wild Goose Shooting in Nova Scotia" by Bonnycast]e Dale; At Daybreak, by L. B. Bird- sall; Sea Ducks, by F. V. Williams and Bass Fishing, by Robert Page Lincoln, The gun "crank" is well taken care of by Ashley Haines in latest article on "The Back Woods- man's Stand -By. The Trapline, Kennel and Trapshooting Depart- ments are up to their usual high standard. ROD AND GUN IN CANADA is published monthly by W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock, Ont. TFifrJIISj1A1'r APAII4 j5the 1920. A. meeting woo held at Dungannon on Monday evening of last week to discuss the advisability of eoniaolidat- ing four school aeetions In that local- ity, Dr, Sinelaiz' of the Depart- meat of edueatlon and Inspector Tetft addressed the meeting' and u number took part in the (1150001On 1:.1 the af, falx, The trustees of the four see - tins were appointed a.committee to eenbinue the work of investigating the advisability of going on and 4 vote of the people will be taken lateir. TA'""" RAN TRUNK YSTEM TheDouble Track Route ----between-- MONTREAL. --between--MONTREAL. TORONTO, DETROIT and CHICAGO. Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor ears on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk 'ricket Agent or C, E, Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent. JOHN RANSFORD & SON, Phone 55, Uptown Agents RAW FURS WANTED Highest cash prices paid for Skunk, Raccoon and Mink Enquiries promptly answered ROSS LIMITED MAItUFACTURERs Established MSS LONDON - - ONT. fr 1 Any F rrner May Present A Proper Financial Statement such as Will be Accepted by any Bank le he uses Scott's Simplified Accounting System For Partners in connection with bis farm operations It provides you with a moittfily pr' yearly --statement and Expenditures in each department of your farm FOR FIVE YEARS—AND et the encs of your year sets forth cost of production in each depart- ment and the net Profit and Los which each has yielded. The last word in simplicity. It is so simple any man who can read or write—tiny school boy or girl—can follow its princip les—So complete that it is heartily endorsed by Government and farmers' organization officials and leading financial men. Beware of imitations—Scott's is the only Farmer's Accounting System which provides forms in which a con plebe statement of every branch of your farm operations—month by 2110 nth—for five years— is covered. COPIES MAY BE OBTAINED AT of Receipts The News..'Record atrice DON'T put down the Old carpet again. Make hover into a rug, and stain and varnish the border of yOur.roorn with Carmote. YOU WILL LIKEiT FOR SALE ElY - HARLAND BROS, CLINTON ONT Just a Little Tired t DON'T W ! WA* eke Benhanind ,tit as Narrows Yfirealottaine How often do we hear peopte say "Oh there's nothing the smatter, just a little rundown' that's ail." This may be the beginning of a Ner- vous Breakdown and may seen be followed by Headache, Dizziness, pains in the region of the Spine, Weak Digestion and many other troubles. Iiacktng'a Heart and Nerve Remedy is a west sure to prevent Nervous Collapse. It is. just the right thing for Nervous Troubles of any kind. When you "don't feel right," and tire easily you should not delay in taking this wonder remedy, as it will bring back the Vigor and Vitality of Giood Health, that yoti so ulna desire. 11 drives away Fear, Nervousness and Despondency and makes your Sleep more Restful and Satisfying; it is a 'Tonle and Strengthener to the Heart, the Nerves, the Brain an4 the Body. Don't Worry and don't give up be- cause others modioines have failed to help you, buy a few boxes of Hack- ing'sheart nett Nerve Iteneedy frons your dealer to -day ant an improve- ment 10 your condition will quickly follow. iraeking's Henn end Neave Metedy is simply a wonderful pawparation for Diseases of tho Heart; drivame out P,ain, ]'oar, Worry and the aaeeetaiaa ty that goes along with ;fracases of this most Important organ, SLEEPLESSNESS de -vitalizes the whole bodily organ, izatioao and You Must Have Sleep is order to build up your health and strength. If the Nerves are all ,ca tingle and jumpy, and the Brain is its a state of unrest through Overwork, Worry or some 1F'unctionaI Disorder, a restful sleep will be difficult to ob- tain. Do not dope yourself with "sleeping powders" or "heart depress- ents"—taro- Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy and a natural sleeps will fellow. HEADACHE • is Nature's Signal of disharmony in the human body. It may come from impoverished blood, overtaxed braia, loss of sleep or It may be frolil Con- gestion followed by Inflammation. No matter what the cause may be Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy will help you. People who have been ailing for years should not expect a Complete Curti in a few days but should per. rest in the treatment In order to ban- ish the underlying causes and to cor- rect tho evil conditions that bring Omit the trouble„ Ton should be Sure to get ltacking's as lie other kiut113wi11 do. De pertiontar about your medielne, as 'YOUR hearth in 'Important, AI Mackin 'e heart and g Nerve Remedy elite. c y a sold by all Brat etas druggists or y mail post paid. Price 50e a box. boxes for $2,40. fleekifsg's Limited, istewel. Its sere that P011 got tfeeking's, 11 Your dealer O dons not keep if, we will i gladly send It by mail, Price 60c a b box e for $2.80. ISaokleg's Limited, d L1stowei, Oat, I, { a