HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-4-8, Page 7SPRING IMPURITIES
,A Tonle Medicine is a Necessity
at This Season.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro an all
year round tonic, blood builder and
nerve strengthener, But they are
especially valuable in the spring when
the system Is clogged with impurities
es a result of 'the indoor life of the
winter moaths, There is no other
season ;when the blood is so much in
need of purifying and enriching. In
. the sprlu'g one feels weak and tired—
Dr. Williams' pink Pil•le glee otreugth,
In the spring the appetite is often
poor—Dr, Williams' Pink Pills int-
Move the appetite, tone the e'toe:mole
and aid 'Walt digestion, It Is in the
spring that poisons. in the blood mor};
often fiucl an outlet in disfiguring,
pimples, eruptions and bolls. Dr. Wil-
liams' pink Pills speedily clear the
skin because they go to the root of
the trouble in the blood. In spring
anaemia, indigestion, neuralgia, rheu-
matism and many other troubles are
most persistent ,beoanse- Of 'weak,
watery blood and it is at this. time
when all nature takes on new life
that the brood most ser{ausly needs
attention, Among those wiro., fiave
proved the value of Dr. Williams Pink
Pials is Mr. Archie -R. Car'miahaei,
Tarbot, N.S,, who. says: --"rat• a mare
ber of years 1 wen bothered with
pimples w would
out on nix
facen -
A body. The•
d b dY trouble b was
was Worse v se int '
spring, and al
though I tried different treatments it
was without much success. 'In! the,
spring of two years ago, the•'tranhle
was worse than usual, and althqugh
I was taking medicine it -did not kieip
me until I finally decided to try. Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills, iUnder this treat-
reatment the pimples disappeared, and
there has since been absolutely no re-
turn of the trouble,"
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be -ob-
tained from any dealer in medicine or
by mail at 50 ceuts a box, or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr.. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
The Uncertain Zeppelin.
With thirty passengers occupying
its comfortable cabin the big German
Zeppelin. Bodensee sank toward its
landing field near Berlin. The regu-
lar trip from Friedrichshafen had
been made without iueident . lien
everything went wrong. Unexpeered
ale Currents dashed the strip against
the earth, broke the cabin windows,
disabled the engines and put out the
lights,. .A. side puff drove the craft in-
to the crowd of oulookera and killed
one person and maimed five others.
More bumps followed as the captain
tried vainly to pass this mooring lines
to the hangar crew below. Then- an
upward current seized the greet ship
and carried it High into the air. Mean-
while the terrified passengers were
huddled in the cabin half frozen. Af-
ter a time 'the znedhauics succeeded in
repairing the engines; and Anally,
near midnight, the airship was brought:
safely to earth in a grove of stunted
fir trees in the Harz Mountains,
No snake, frog, toad or lizard has
ever been seen in NewfoundI'and.
The 'Chinese have obtained water
through artesian wells for more than
1,000 years.
eta 4asAr a ,
A a��
Alapeoiiy means. baldness., and areata
la are t la
Inmate ch o
`alopeD a 0.
to s pet y, s
a disease marked by patellas of bald.,
nese, These bald areas vary In mow
ber and also in size trona a nickel to
a half dollar or larger; they, begin
quite slftalL, but spread 'cut gradually
Med eoaie0oe to term great bald 000th
They are found Wetly 1n the scalp,
butplay occur aloe in the beard, and
the eyebrows 01(d eyelashes somo-
•times fall out $ametimes• the appear -
fence of the bald spots is preceded by
nouralgla, but ordinarily there are no
symptoms noted until• the 'hair begins
„t4' fall, Men are more often attacked
than womeil, dark -hatred people morn
often than blonde, and the young
znol'e often than the middle-aged, The
back ar>'d sides of the head aro the
favorite eeets for the dieease,;but no
part of the head or face -is exempt.
The victim .first becomes aware of
hie trouble by noticing'that the lialr
conies out while brushing a certain
part of the head, and a little further
.Investigation reveals the fact that
the hair in that spot can be pulled out
Without any force and without the
least palm, The disease is sometimes
mistaken for ringworm, which it re-
sembles seperdcia11y, but in the lat-
ter the stubby hairs can be seen,
while .in alopecia erode theskin is
as free crone hair as the palm of the
!rand. It, is usually'normal In appeiir-
ane0 and feel exceptthat it may be
whiter than the surrounding healthy
artsloolein as'thou h the blood had
p. g b
been pressed out of it.
i. The hair follicles are not destroyed,
anda 1
use 1 newtl ot hair
y a g row 1
reeked; isa
t ppearance in a few weeks
or Menthe, though sexceptionally sever-
al pears may elapse, and. sometimes
the baldness Is permanent. The new
hair, which comes out first at the
edges of ttie patches, is finer and light-
er in Coior than that on, the rest of
the scalp, and it is only after several
successive crops that the spot re-
gain; its normal appearance. The
cause of alopecia areata is uultnown,
but a credible theory is that it is due
to some trouble with the nerve sup-
ply of the part, and this theory is
strengthened by the fact that the
baldiiess in some cases follows a'long-
er or shorter. period 00 local neural.
gin. Many dermatologists, however,
are of the opinion that it a germ
disease analogous to ringworm.
The treatment varies greatly and ib
usually successful, whatever its na-
ture, probably because • the trouble
would get well anyway... Nevertheless,
treatment will probably hasten the
cure. The applications made are
usually of a mildly stimulating char-
acter. - The use of violet -rays has
seemed efficacious. Among the simple
applications that anyone can use we
may mention spirits -of tull)entine dab-
bed on the bald spot with a pledget
of allsoriient cotton once or twice a
A Puzzle.
Xe1118rd's Liniment Lumberinan's Prlond.
The dear old thing; with her name/
etock of questions, was visitiug the
"Keeper;"she -said, "what do you
consider to be the most remarkable
animal in these wonderful gardens?"
"Well, ma'am," replied the keeper,
thoughtfully, "I should say that there
laughing hyena gets the prize."
"Indeed! And what makes you
think that?"
"Weld, he only has a sleep once a
week,_ a meal once a month, and a'
drink once a year," said the keeper,
moving on, "So what he has to laugh
about beats me."
Styles for Summer Days
9397—Ladies' Dress (with ehemi- This Is a very cffective collarless
McCall Transfer Design No: 797.
Price, 15 cents.
9402 --Ladies!' Raglan Dress (with
vest; two-piece tunic and two-piece
underskirt lengthened by two-piece
lower section attached at low waist-
sette, is yd. 18 ins. wide. Width line; 37 or 35 -inch length). Price; 25
around bottom, 1% yds. If preferred, cents. In 8 sizes, 34 to 48 ins, bust
the front inset panel could be cut on -measure, Sizer 36 requires 3% yds.
the bias. -(40 ins. wide; vest, 3l1 yd. 18 ins wide.
9399—Ladies' Eton Dress (two' Width, 1% yds. •
styles of sleeve; instep or shorter These patterns may bo obtained
length). Price, 23 cents. In 7 eines from your local McCall dealer, or
84 to 46 ins. wide; 'blouse section, 3 ,from the McCall Co., 70 Bond et.,
yd. 36 ins, w'id'e. Width, 1% yds.' Toronto, Dept. W.
sette; two styles of sleever38 or 86 -
inch length from waistline). Price,
25 cents. In 3 .sizes, 34 to 48 ins.
bust measure. Site 86 requires, 38 -
inch length, 3% yds, 40 ins. wide;
contrasting % yd. 36 ins: wide; ahem, -
a "ainsst exhaustion and
illness—if it's the right
kind of food.
Gr''.r)er, ,w , 1
easily digested and with
Omani, or good milk is a Well
balanced ration that builds
tissue and lnc rease,s strength
of body and mind.
'I, here2s1 e1',�'it easoty
Making ,Tube Travel! og..
Anew and ingoulous' novice to ren.
dor treeelling easier on 'the London
underground railways has lust been
installed in several of the prhteipal
subway stations in the Wont find, say+e
a Louden lespeeola
• The device consists et a large map
of the underground railway system
ehawing the position of the principal
streets, hound the fnap are alpllabati•
cal lists of theatres; Shops, rail ter-
mini, restaurants, dry goods stores,
tile sights' and' show places of London,
the hespltals and other places of pub'
lie interest. 1 •
The traveller looks down the list
for the place he wants to get to and
then press the button opposite to
its name on the list. Pour lights at
once spring upon the map, These
Large led light—Whore you are,
Green light—Where you (Mt}nge,
Red light -Where you alight.
White light—Tile place you want,
The device, Well is of British in.
vexation and manufaotnre, fe known as
"The Silent Guide," and if suceesnfui
will be installed in every station on
the underground system.
Every1 it —
c 1 d whether. it be poor or
rich—is entitled to Joy and gladness,
Health' is the birthright of all i and
e is abadluteiy no doubt that the
healthy baby ie a happy It i
the baby's nature to be happy—not
oross. Only the sickly baby ie cross.
The well child is a Joy to the home—
is a laughlpg, gurgling, happy little
piece of humanity which drives• dull
care from the household'. The sickly
baby is the opposite—he is cross and
peevlslh; cries a great deal and is a
source of constant worry to the
mother. But mothers there is. no
need of your little ones being deka',
Regulate the baby's bowels and sweat•
en his ,stomach with a gentle but
thorough laxativle and baby will soon
be well and happy again. Thousands
of- mothers have proved this through
their use of Baby's Own Tablets—
there is a smite in every dose of the
Tablets. Give them to your baby and
make him happy. The Tablets are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail
at 25 cents a box from 'The Dr. Wil-
ltams' Medicate Co., Brockville, Ont.
A Turkey Torn and a Fox.
When. 'a lox has succeeded in get-
ting lino a farmyard, he has sometimes
found bis progress• stayed by a gal-
lant gander, for ganders are brave
fighters and can strike terrific blows
with their wings!. Turkeys, on the
other hand, are an easy prey and us•
ualiy find safety high in trees. How-
ever, Mr. Reynard made a mistake
one day iu tackling a certain old tur-
key gobbler that had been boss of the
barnyard for sotne"time.
The gobbler terrorized the farmer's
little children and took special delight
iu thrashing the dog, Even if the dog
came with his master, the gobbler did
net hesitate to attack him, and when,
with fluffed and trailing plumes and a
sharp "gobble gabble!" the bird rush-
ed at the dog, the dog would drop his
tail, leave This master's side and race
for the nearest gate.
One day the farmer, who was busy-
usyin his. tall silo; looped out and saw a
sight that he will never forget, A fox
had stalked his turkeys and had got
among them in an open field, The
farmer expected to see the. fox get
some of the young ones at least, but
he had forgotten the fighting prowess
f Big Toni, and Tom was with the
ock that day. When the fox first
capped ata turkey, Big Tom rushed
orward with leis feathers all up.
The fort reeled back to surprise,
hen -made a spring k,
at Tom's neck
To his greet chagriih, he met a blow
rem the turkey's wing that brought
im to the ground; but the was game
and came back to the attach. Mean.
while the flock- was hurrying away
ening this, the fox tried to pass .the
Id gobbler, but Tom steadily eon -
ranted him and forged the light. The
ox trade a third charge, and this
me Tom caught him squarely on the
lose, The fax curled up like a ball
nder. the blow and rolled over and
ver, Tom, furious and fluffed, fallow-'
e up his advantage; but the fox,
uickly regaining his feet, fled far
he woods. Doubtless Tam's fights
with the dog hall developed his pFo-
ciency in fighting and made his M-
acke on the fox so effective.
soap 0.Onard's•Liniment in the Bourse.
'"Bungalow" is Bengalese.
Wo get our word "bungalow" from
he Hindu word "bangle," which really
Bane Bengalese, but which refers to
,Bengelese thatched hut. The Bri-
sh officers in India, being unable' in
trt-of-the-way stations to secure lam-
er, frequeutly built their houses 00
amino. The original form of the
angle or bungalow consisf:eel of a
rge,and lofty room with double walls
f bainboo, with canvas partitions • to
ortn the bathroom, storeroom and
e.droom and having a wide porch sun
ounding the bangle. We have moil-
ed the bungalow In this country un -
1 its Ben1aleso ancestor the epee
Med, single -roomed, porch•surround•
d bangle would not recognize its
anadien descendant,
International Town Plan-
ning Congress.
Delegates, appointed by the qov-
erihnhents of Great Britain, Preece,
Beigfunn, Italy, Holland, Denmark,
Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain,
Serbia, Greece, Egypt, India., South
Africa, Anstraile, Canada, the ilhitetd
States, and the republice of South
America, will be present at the Inter.
nat{oital To'wit Planntilg and Rousing
Congress 10 be held In London during
June of the present year,
The preceozlidgd of the ooagrese
will occupy nttle days, special trains
being two available do that the dele-
gates rosy havo an opportunity to ili-1
speot thekrogretrs that has beset made
itt housing schetiies.
Tyy Wty the n v e.
T8T"v''n0Ag0o01`0 uftli0 dti
that ou Wlll bpa P
Were disebvered. This
famous remedy 1a abet.
lutely guaranteed to give.
relief to sulferere from
Id' relg1e.
Fend for free sample to
Tomnierons, 142l0tug et.,R
W., Torento.
Doctors reobin'rlond
them, and reliable drug,•
gists everywhere Sell them.
for *1.04 a box/ ,
Templeton'e RAZ -MAH -Clap.
sults are guaranteed to reteve
ASTUMa,. Don't Maier an-
other day.
Write Templetons, 142 King SO,
W., Toronto, for:reeaan:We.
Reliable druggists sell them at
*1.04 a box.
Straight Rows Aid Garden.
It will add coeslderablY to the ease
of gardening as well as to the looks
ot the plot if the vegetables are
planted in nice straight rows instead
,00 helter-skelter. Beeides, it will utt-
lize, the spew. better.
Where space is restr1oted,.it is best
to have the rows run the long way of
the g
rth and south if
several kinds of elmi-
larly grown ve
etab1ea like greenn
onions, carrots and
radishes; in the
same row.
If you plant such crops tie beets,
radishes and onions In beds these can
be made four to six inches high by
digging narrow paths around the beds
with a hoe and tbj'owing the soil up-
on the beds.
If the drainage of your garden is
not good it is well to grow cabbage,
cauliflower and similar crops on
small ridges thrown up with the spade
or hoe. Other crops, among them
early peas and celery, should be plant-
ed' in shallow trenches scooped out
with a hoe. When these plants grow
the soli is gradually worked back
around tire -roots.
A Health Saving
Reminder. Don't Wait
until you get the Spanish Influenza, USE
hints Liniment
At the first sign of 1L Its Healing
Qualities aro amazing, TFTID OLD
Yarmouth, N.8,
Exploding Vegetable.
Nature tries her hand at pretty near-
ly everything. As' if to prove that
she could make a bomb; -she produced
the "shooting cucumber,"
This interesting vegetable can be
eaten, Probably some people do eat
it, But the chances are that it is not
geed for much, gastronomically speak-
ing. One does not sec it in the mar-
'When it is fully ripe the "shooting
cucumber" explodes, This, be 1t un-
derstood, In a Marra sense: It bursts
with violence, scattering its seeds fax
and wide,'
It Is the method the plant adopts
for distributing Its seeds, and is cer-
tainly very curious.
Buy Thrift Stamps.-
Invest Tour Money
F Interest payable half yearly.
'The Great West I'ernlanent
Loan Company.
Toronto Office 20 King St, West
Anlori.aa'a Pioneer Dog 0,,amottiee
crook on
and Row to Peed
Preo to,any Ad-
dress by the Author.
88. Olay Glover Co., %no.
113 West 31st Street
-New York, U,S.A.
Look at tongue!', Rempve poi=
sons from little stomach,
liver And bowels
Accop0 "California Sylmi) of Flge
only—look for the 110.018 'Califon:le on
the package, then y011 are sure your
child' 1s having 1110 boat and most
eee,niaalt laxet v0 or physic fel tate
little stoinaoh, livor mutnow,;ce rtdliiN.
rob 10v0 its dolielwts fruity teeth Volt
direotlorts for child's dose bo each bot='''
tie, Clive it without fear.
McAllen' You 111110t say "California."
Tar ffi,i
11i London,
,Ala uo
r000nt hetlug in London', Lord
A ell 4u
sb4l ! ear t ro' s
1 al a' 1
g t d s n r 'r
e z
t. ttY
ac anti transit problems in the motet,,
pollee and bin llgures • were , starving.
There are now in London 001130 df'
000,000 people that requite transit of
one sort or another within 0. radius
of 4wenty to tweetealvee utiles from
Charing Qross. y
L.tord A.ehllold said that 1n 1914 the
average number per head of Journeys
taken, was 203, while' In 1913 varloua
forms of transport travelled 26g,000,.
009 mhos, whish le equtvaleznt to 100
000 journeys emend the earth and
252 Journeys froth earth to 010004 'He
then went on to declare the need of
80ln0 proper authority to deal with the
cognate questions of traffic and trans.
port and to say that, probably a solu-
tion of part of the. problem would be
to erect a vast system of underground
rade for the exoluetve use of fast
motor tl'affle. •
Dwellers in cities' the world over
where the streets are laid out in anhi.
tient lines will recognize at once a
problem that is insistent, for say what
we will, the motor vehicle is bulky and
takes up a !huge amount of space,
while its numbers steadily increase,
It is always safe to sent! a Dominion
Rxpress Money Order, naive dollars
costs three cents.
Bricklayer (after falling two stor-
ies): "Just my luck! Paid my acci-
dent insurance only yesterday, and I
ain't hurt a' bit!"
d e L laintant b h
Y r Yanonan
ams boy •who is being cor-
rected never goes to sleep at the
Let "Danderine" cheek nasty
scurf and stop hair
falling out
N'akr,1A,N'§�,'M 1M'/, ,rL«,M•rrC. k°!•'k'wee�,3iN
If Constipated, Bilious '
or Headachy, take
Teel bully! Be eiliplelltt 'bon'; stay
sick, bialous, headachy, constipated:
Remove the liver' and b,RWel poison
which is keeping ;your ; head ciieay,
your tongue.coatad, your breath bad
and stomach sour. Why not spent; a
few cents fora fax of awards and
annoy the nicest, gentlest laxative=
cathartic you ever experienced? Sas;
carets never gripe, sicken' or' laden.
veuience one life Salts, on, Calomel
or harsh Pills, They worts while you
Nothing sweetens 'easels in which
milk has been kept so well as a Kiln -
tion of baking .eoda and hot water, in
the proportion of a teaspoonful to a
quart of warm. water. Let the solu-
tion stand in the visseI long enough
to get cold.
Ask for Minard'u and take no other,
Carbonate' of soda gives instant re -
Het to a burn or scald. Tt may bo
applied either wet or dry to the burn-
ed paz't. .e
sryr •
'Write to-dalViffos' our bid
showing our full lines of Bicycles for Men
and Women, Boys and Girls.
Tires, Coaster Drakes, Wheels, Inner Tubes,
and Parts of Bicycles. You c �i� bpi y
your supplies from us at wholesale priaoa.
27 Notre Dame Street Woo, Montreal
On Body and Face._ Red and tchy.
Cried For Hours. Lusted a Year,
"A rash started all over my little
girl's body, and she had come on her
face. It started in a pimple
that was full of wei{er, and
it got red and itchy. She
cried for hours. This trouble
lasted a year.
Then I started with after)
sample of Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. I boughs more, and
lased four taken of soap and three
boxes of Ointment which healed her."
(Signed) Mrs. Dom Langly, 1092
Gertrude St., Verdun, quo., August
11, 1918.
The Cuticura Toilet Trio
Consisting` of. Soap, Ointment and
Talcum is an indispensable adjunct
of the daily toilet In maintaining
akin purity and skin health.
Soap 28., Ointment 25 and 80h, Sold
t�hroughouttheDominion. CanadionDepat:
Lym em, Limited, St. Paul St. Montreal,
WCuticurn Soaps/Savo withautmus
'To stop falling hair at once and rid
the scalp of every particle of dandruff,
get a small bottle of "Dander'ine" at
any drug or toilet counter for a few
cents, polus a tittle in. your hand and
rub' 10 -into' the scale. After eevernl
applications the hair usually stops
coming out and you can't find any
dandruff. Soon every flair -on your
scalp shows new life, vigor, bright-
ness, thickness and more color.
A Dyspepsia Cure
M. D. advises : "Persons who
suffer_from severe indigestion c,
and con.tipation can cure them. 2
selves by taking fifteen to
thirty drops of Extract of Roots
after each meal and 112 bedtime.
This remedy is known as.Mother
Selgel's Curative Syrup in the drug B'
trade." Get the genuine. 50c.
k,and $1.00 Bottles. r
cial Prices In 'Car Lots.
aidlaw Lumber Co.,
t.7YollgeSi. r80 - Toronto
. rr„K• rt -
Not A Menus
mars the perfect
appearance of hercom.
plexion. Permanent
and temporary skin
troubles ere effectively
concealed. Reduces un.
natural color and corrects
greasy skins, l•Iighty antiseptic,
used with beneficial results as
a curative agent for %0 years:
Givd way before the pene-
trating effects c;f w.ioan'f;
So do those rheumatic twinges and
the loin -aches of lumbago, the nerve -
inflammation of neuritis, the wry Meek,
the joint wrench, the liganleilt sprain,
the muscle strain, and the throbbing
br udse,
'lhe ease of applying, the quickness
of relief, the positive results, the
cleanliness, and ;4hc economy of
Sloahh's Liniment make it universally
preferred, lttade in Canada,
85c,, 70c, S1,1i9,
1S11l 110,
Lift off Corns!
Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezona
costs only a few cents.
lessiflea , vei'ti,4eren*f
von Oa*
1l1Lb 1lQUIPx'k1R N14WSPAf'
hand. Job printtnif 14,�ut:io Itrtat
raids. .)nIuMO, Iarrt•d.11,60e, W
W t`or 11,300 on cutoff sate neon uplltlhlng CPp.1Ltel„ TovOrtto.
s,.7 lxep wUl pay You, Wrtte:for prise
r1313' YO112 DMPTY 3 AG6-6UGAlt,
flour, ttran s aka to ctevena. 1101 i
eat priced, Ciao, Htovane', 394 lttark d
Pet.rboro, rt�y
Mg Bolt lambs' Wool Your -011, nnge{'4
yarns,' In sixteen oelers,' Ann (11
thing for sweaters,
1110and ohlldren's wear. a In Canada
'Canediana from Wo91 an
PtitIbe high
' else And English resembles
the s oil aiev, a p01ah y lir, but e
much cheaper, as you hay direct" n90
the spinners, Price twenty. ciente Pe
skein .or three dollars per pound, Sinai;
sample, twenty cents, postage free.
Also ,heavier yarns tn' hotnaspun•style.
all wool to. Wash.at.11ome, in Grey Black.
and Whlto at on dollar, nifty pat
pound, -large sample skein, thlr011
conte, postage free. Postage extra on
alk orders under ten dollars, George-
town Wooten Milia, Georgetown, On.
tarso, No to—Carders and Spinners Want.
00, used to country lit",
0.08800'1: %maw:lairs
TIainAO5IIrblsaren$—MAKtime.—send' RmpeaAL
card to Ratepayer.. Publishing Co„ d
Columbine, Tcronto.
thioker, shipped green from saw.
Do not sell until you oommuufcate with
no. Keenan .'Bros. Limited,' Owen Sound,
WOOD 4088818.
write me, Goo.
S oveno 04 Mark
i t , 9
Street,Yat r, r
e D O.
seam? mom..
.11 a ear or more of scrap iron I wilt
come mid quote. You where It says. Geo.
Stevens, 804 Mark Street, Peterboro.
Il'f8SC3LLA3nS oUtl,
99JJ/ internal and external, cured without
pain by our home treatment - Write uyy
afore too late Dr, Seurat Medlaat
Co„ Limited. Coningwood. Ont
Bulk Cni'iots
Your horses pull heavy toads over
all kinds of roads—make their work
easy—saveyour harnessand wagons.
Imperial Mica Axle
prevents friction in the hub. As
the mica flakes work into the porta
of the axle and hub, the rough sur-
faces are smoothed with a hard
filling of mica. The grease on the
gglnilsy surface Insures thorough
hibileation. Sold in sizes from a
one pound tin to a barrel,
Imperial Eureka
Harness 011
makes leather strong, pliable•and
waterproof. Preventeeracking and
breaking of stitches—cannot be-
come rancid because pure mineral
oil. It gives leather a rich black,
lasting finish.
Sold in pint, quart, half -gallon,
gallon and four -gallon sealed cane,
half -barrels and barrels.
Wit r yot r lingers! You can lift oil
any hard Coen, soft corn, or coin between
the toes, and the hard skin calluses from
bottom of feet.
A tiny bottle of "Freszone” costa IittIe
at any drug store:, apply a few drops
upon the corn or cd).ius, Instantly it
stops hurting, then shortly you lift'that
bothersome corn or callus right off, root
and all, without one bit of pant or eore•
noes, mrulyl No humbug!
monism GOWNING? r'
polm's Distemper o low u
to break it up and get them back in condition. Twenty-elgi
J% yearo' use has made Spoon's" indispensable in treating'
0 Coughs and Colds, Influenza anti Distemper, with thele)
resulting complications. and all diseases of the tlueat,i
Close and lungs. Acte marvelously as a preventive, ant
G equally wall so a cure, Sold by 'Poor Druggist.
890215020105847, COMPA.1111r, Gotlhen, Ind.;�r1.g.A.,
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross4
Tor Nide, ain, llhonmatism, Ach. package which eontnlns complete db.
ing Jointslumbago, Sciatica, Nod. rootioits. Then yon aro getting realritie, mid 'for Headache, Neuralgia, Aspiirin-4110 genuine Aspirin pre.
Tonthaohe, liiaraoho, take Aslant soribed by phystodans far over nine•
marked with tho name "]layer' et top years. Now trade In Canada,
yeti aro not taking Aspirin at all. Molly tin boxes containing 1$ tail -
Accept only "Ilayor Tttblote of, lets cost 'p'ut ry few cants. Druggists
Aspirin in nn, unbroken 'Bayer also soli borgor "payer" packages,
�'ilaro is only ono .Arlptrift—n,Haycs✓t..•.Tea latah£ ran: "31A'er"
eeeirier1 is zee Undo mark (ra11ls.La'dd In Canada) at paste;'t0t *ifaature alt'Man -
aseilpacldestor 60 a011ci'llcaaid, Walla It ie well known that .A.kp1►i cite* s part
antlfatture, to /mint 1At, pa8110 axalnot h nitattonfl, t1io Tabler0 cit Dart Meats
tint be atathpad With their 111108al trade 156124 the ".000et tach;;"