HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-4-1, Page 5RSDAY ;APItiIr ]iso. x920
Clinton Nos's-Reetrd
Of .interest to You
and Me
•. ;All Foul's Day,
,N 4 * 4'
Nave you been April -fooled yet?
' ., A. 4.
Have you made outs your income
tax report? le not better get busy,
'le the Kaiser had eerie' learned
stet) the habit of saying nothing he night
not in his old Age have had to learn
to saw wood," -.Toronto Star.
Judging from the weather binned -
lately following we would numb rath-
er have a display of "northern lights".
in March than a thunder storm,
* �.�+e
Premier Drury says The Farmers'
,Sun is not the organ of the Govern-
ment, And perhaps even at that the
Government is the gainer.
w * e w
The maple sugar season has been
:short this year, Maple syrup at
from $3 to $5 per gallon isn't any
.great boon to anyone looking for
.cheap sweetening,
$ ,N * R,
This fine spring weather makes one
,think of summer sports. Why not
:n County Baseball League this sea-
son? Such an organization eyould
:add greatly to the interest hi the
:game and would stimulate good
4 * „ *
"IT as many permits were being
'taken for dwellings in Toronto as
::for garages the housing problem
'would soon be settled."
But you cannot expect a rnan who
'has bought a car and built a garage
oto take the responsibility of building
a house, too. There must be some
•division of labor.
The story is now told that Lady
=Cynthia Curzon and Oswald Bosley,
M. P., are engaged as a result of
.meeting during •the parliamentary
•campaign of Lady Astor, in which
both, teek• a keen"interest, Perhaps'
.after :all those who have 'been con-
demning women for their umnaid-
nnliness•in entering business and pub-
lic life have been wronging thee's. It
may be that the dear things, are :but
putting' themselves in the way of
meeting a larger number of eligible
men. Stumping in a political cam-
paign may become more popular in
future, for both amen and -women.
i, Y * 4'
Unrest would vanish if people
.could et it out u
t oftheir g e r heads
,around every corner is a profiteer,
seeking to sandbag them. Let us
.get rid of the idea that high pricesare
.the work of any manor set of men:
Here and there, of course, there .may
.be profiteers; but the great majority
.of people, who are charging more for
what they sell, are doing so simply
• ',because they have to. Quit kick -
;Mg; pay or do without; the world is
:not really going to the smash the
;pessimists would have us believe
e►• Simcoe Reformer.
There may be a good deal in this.
A man •the other day told us he
;used .only to pay $1.00 for The
News -Record , intimating that he
knew no particular reason why it
should be more now. We probably
:ought to appreciate more the prob-
lems .of the other fellow.
Mr. and Mrs, E Noakes and
'daughter Minnie lately of Goderich
-township, spent part of last week
and this visiting their son prior to
their leaving for London where they
intend to reside having rented a
house there.
The post office was moved to the
new place on Wednesday of this
week when •the new postmaster will
'take charge it has been in the store
on the Tuckersmith side for almost
seventy years. The late Robt.
llfellis was postmaster for fifty years
of that time. We have no doubt
Mr. Brownlee will measure up to
the requirements of the office.
Rev. (Capt.) Edwards of Sete
-forth will occupy the pulpit in the
Methodist church next Sunday.
Mrs. Jas. McClymont spent last
week' with her daughter, Mrs.
Terryberry of Tuckersmith,
Mr. Henry Ivison's fancily who
have been in quarantine for the
past five weeks on account of Scar
.retina, were released this week.
Mr. Fred Davidson of Brucefield
leas engaged with Mr. J. 'B.. Mc-
Lean for the 'summer. As Mr,
Davidson was in Mr. 1ticLean's em-
ploy some years ago they are well
acquainted and have mutual regard
Tor each other.
Mr, and Mrs. 'Drew Swan of
Brucefield visited Mr. Bawey and
family this week.
• Marriages
on Mar, 31st by the Rev. D. N.
McCamus, Agnes, • Leona, , eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J;
Nediger • to Clifford Roy Holland,
eon of Mr. and Mrs, George iol-
latii of Kippen.
SCOTT ---In Hallett on March 02nd,
to Mr. ad Mics. J. Scott, a daugh-
CHALLENGER -At Edgerton, Al -
WAIL, en March 23rd ,to Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Challenger, a daugh-
LIN»SA'Y-In Goderiebtownship, on
March 25th, .to Mr. and Mrs, D, •
M., Lindsay ,a daughter,
FLOODY-ht Toronto, on March 26th,
to Mr, and Mrs. W, E. Itloody, a
ii3AWDEN--In Clinton,` On Maiah
=20th, Catharine Jane McDonnell,
widow of the late Thomas Buy.
dee, in her 72nd year.
RtiDDEi,L-Ir_ Hullett, on March
18th, George Ruddell, aged 04
YOUNG -In &denote On March
25th, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Richard E, Young,
aged Id years.
'THEY have been called a
people of one idea -God first,
WHATEVER happens, their
work goes on, servile); God end
their fellowmen,
EMPIRES may rise and fall
the world may seem.' to be en-
veloped in blood and ' strife;
but they still see God's sun-
shine and love, still do the
nearest work of 'mercy. Still
.praise God for the saving of
souls. '
• JUDGE if you :• will from
what you know of their work,
Whether the World has not
cause to rejoice with them in
their adherence to this one
idea -"Seek first the King-
dom of God."
The Salvation
Army ---
From Single Combe White Leghorns,
Large Birds, Large Eggs, and no
better layers. $1.00 per setting of
15, or. $6.00. per hundred eggs.
Phone 2 on 636. R. R. No. 4.
Auction Sale • '
Of farm stock and implements on
the 5th concession, Lot 37,• Goderich
township, on Friday, April 9th, at 1
o'clock sharp,the following.: Horses:
Gelding heavy draft, rising 6• years,
Filly, heavy draft rising 7 years,, driv-
ing' mare by Missours Chief 8 years,
Cattle: Cow rising 3 years with calf
at foot, cow rising 8 years due at'
time of sale, cow rising 3 years due
1st May,. COW 'rising 8 years due
25th.. of . May, . Durham cow ris-
ing 4 • years • due in
June. Polled Angus bull rising 2
years, 9 steers rising 2 years old, 2
heifers - rising 2 years, steer rising 1
year, 3 heifers rising 1 year, 10
young Leicester. ewes, ram, brood
sow with 7 pigs 8 weeks old, Imp-
lements- Deering binder 6 -ft cut,
Deering mower 6 -ft cut, hay rake,
Massey -Harris fertilizer, used one
season, drill, Fleury walking
plow, set 3 section har-
rows, disc harrows, fanning
mill, set scales, hay rack, rubber tired
top buggy, nearly new, 2 road carts,
set bob sleighs, new, set log bunks,
set heavy team harness, set single
harness, set collar tops, 300 bus. oats,
quantity of hay, 2 set whiffletrees,
neckyokes and other articles. Terms:
All sums of $10 and under, cash;
over that amount '7 months credit
on approved joint notes or $ per
cent. for cash on credit amounts.
Grain and hay to be cash. No re-
serve as the farm has been sold.
Percival Weston, Proprietor, George
H. Elliott, Auctioneer. - -39-1
Auction Sale
Of faun stock and inplements,
The undersigned auctoneer has re-
ceived instructions from Robert R.
Currie to sell by ,public auction on
Lot 33 ,concession '7, Goderich town-
ship, commencing at 1 o'clock, sharp,
on Friday, April 16th, the following:
Horses -mare 9 years old, supposed
to be in foal, mare 7 years old, sup-
posed to be• in foal, mare rising two
years old, horse rising 4 years old,
driving horse 6 years old, good use-
ful pony 8 years old, Cattle -cow
8 years old, newly freshened, cow
'7 years old newly freshened, cow
10 years old supposed to be in calf,
Jersey cow 7 years old, newly fresh-
ened, 5 steers rising 2 years, 2 heif-
ers rising 3 years, 4 heifers rising
.2 years, 2 steers rising 1 year old, 3
heifers rising 1 year old. Imple-
ments -Deering binder 7 -ft cut,
nearly new, Deering hay loader, new,
Mann cultivator, nearly new, Deer-
ing roller, 9 -ft. Deering seed drill,
11 disc, Frost & Wood rake 10 -ft
Verity riding plow, nearly uew;
Frost & Wood walking• plow; gang
plow, Frost & Wood mower, 2 wag
ons, one nearly new, aleighs, nearly
new, stuffier, pelper, 2 buggie's . one
nearly new, harrows, fanning mill,
2,000% scales, cutter, nearly new,
hay rack, gravel box, wheelbarrow,
2 setts of double harness, sett single
harness 2 setts of heavy whiffle-
trees. extension ladder ,neck yoke,
grindstone, logging Chain, binding
chain, Malotte cream separator,
Daisy churn No. 8, nearly new,
washing machine, rain barrel, Cider
barrel, number of cedar posts. 25
grain bago, 80 young hens, wire
stretcher, nufnber of forks and shov-
els, pick, crowbar, 500 bushel* of
oats, 50 bushels of mixed grain.
about 20 tone of good timothy hay,
Household furniture: Coal heater,
3 bed steads , 2'dressera, 2 wash
stands, 3 mattresses, extension table,
Singer sewing machine, falling leaf
table, and other articles too numer-
ous to mention. Everything meet
be sold as the proprietor has sold his
farm. Tertius: flay and grain and all
surina of $elf and under, cash; over
that ,amount 7 months credit Will be
given on furnishing approved loitli;
notes or a -aisdouitt of 4 per cent,
straight for cash on credit amounts.
R, R. Currie, -Proprietor, Thos.
Gundry, Auctioneer, -811.2
',Lineman Wanted
Linentap vaulted for the G.oder.ieh
towneliip Municipal Telephone Sye-
t n. A personal ala +
c r pplfeatton is re.
quested 1f possible, Boars meets Mon-
day April 5th at H&Imes Trail
Holmeted1le,- -Applications are to be
in by 2 o'cloek on that date, Apply
to Adam Cantelon, Seo; Telephone
Social Evening
The, Woman's Auxiliiuv of St,
Paul's Church • will give a 150 'tea
and sale of useful articles and home-
made cooking in the Parish Hall on
Tuesday April 13th at three o'clock.
Auction Sale
At premises of undersigned, Huron
street, on Saturday, April 3rd, at 1
o'clock, of buggies, sleighs ,cutters,
Ford car, paints, brushes, tools,
bolts, whiffletrees, neckpieces, forge,
anvil, stoves, Beattie & Buchanan
cars, forks and sling's, circular saw,
rip- saw and frames, buggy' plainer,
emery :grinder, band saw, turning
lathes, pulleys, belting, shafting and
hangersspring tooth cultivator, • 5
new rubber tired buggies ,set new
buggy wheels, wagon axles, buggy
and wagon spokes; • wheelbarrow,
holsters, clamps, etc. etc. Every-
thing must be sold as the proprietor
is giving up business. Tens: All
sums of $10 and under, cash; over
that amount 3 months credit will
be given on furnishing approved
joint notes or a discount of 2 per
cent. straight for cash on credit
amounts.. Wilson Elliott, proprietor,
G. H Elliott, auctioneer.
Fruit Pickers Wanted
Fruit pickers, strawberries and
raspberries or earlier garden work,
in one of the best fruit -growing parts
of the country .at Vittoria, near Sim-
coe, Norfolk county. Right on the
lake. ' Good bathing, good accommo-
dation' at either private boarding
house or in camp which is there.
Work beginning in June and lasting
thoughout July and .part of August.
Come any time in these three
months., Highest wages paid. For
information write Box 180, Beams -
Ville Ont. -39-tf
' .A'uetioni Sale
Auction sale of farm stock, iun-
ele:bents, household furniture, hay,
grain, roots; etc., W.. J. Roberton
will sell by public auction at 1ot43,
Base Line, Hullett ( one mile south
o£ Aubunii) on Tuesday, April 0th,
commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the
following: HORSES -Span of bay
mares rising 6 years, brown horse
rising 5 yrs. CATTLE -Cow ris-
ing 6 years, due May 8th, cow rising
6, in full flow, cow rising 6 due April
10, cow rising 4 due April 9, heifer
rising 3 due April 15, heifer rising
3 due April 11, 3 yearling heifers,
2 yearling steers, steer 5 months
old, heifer calf :3 months old.. IM-
PLEMENTS. Massey -Harris binder
6 -ft cut, Massey -Harris mower 5 -ft
cut, Massey -Harris seed drill 10 -
hoe, Massey -Harris fertilizer drill
11 -hoe, Massey -Harris cultivator 13
teeth, Massey -Harris 10 -ft rake,
steel wheels, Perrin single riding
plow, Two -furrow riding plow, Per-
rin, Clinton fanning mill with bag-
ger, McCorvie make, Fleury turnip
sower, new, 145 -ft rope, car and
slings, Chatham wagon, disc harrow,
Climax truck, 2', inch tire, new,
Pair Bobsleighs, good, roller, manure
spreader, nearly new, McCormick
No 2, hay rack, stock rack, wood
rack, gravel box, whiflietrees and
neckyokes, corn planter ,scoop shovel,
hoes and forks, 20 -ft ladder, set -of
dauble harness, good, A quantity of
good hay, Oats and Barley, several
bags of Oats, Wheat and Barley,
chopped, a number of grain bags,
sugar kettle some Potatoes,a quant-
ity of Mangolds. Household effects,
etc.: Sunfiner . kitchen stove, good
baker, box stove and a number of 6 -
inch pipes, cupboard, 4 kitchen chairs
2 rocking chairs 2 tables, child's bed-
stead, cradle and high chair, 2
cream cans, 8 gals. 30 -gal barrel
with quantity of good cider vinegar,
lampsand lanterns, dishes' and cut-
lery. Everything on the place to be
disposed of, as farm is sold. Terms:
Hay, Grain, Mangolds, Potatoes and
ell• sums of $10 and under, cash; ov-
er that amount ,seven months' credit
will be given on furnishing' approved
joint notes. .A straight discount of
4 per cent. allowed for cashon cred-
it amounts. Wm. J. Roberton Pro-
prietor. Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer.
' -39-1
Notice to Creditors
In the estate of Eliza lizard, late
of the township of Tuckersmith, in the
County of Huron, widow.
Notice is he eliy given pursuant to
the Statute in that behalf, that all
persons hating any claims, against
the Estate of Eliza Izzard who died
on.21st2Novemher,,.1919,. are required
.on or before the 19th April; 1920 to
send. by Post • or deliver to Mrs.
Martha M. Grumtnett, R, R. No. 4,
Seaforth, Mrs. Ida L. Joslilg, R. R.
No. 1 Londesboto, Executrices of the
.will of. the =said. deceased, or to the
undersigned solicitors, full particulars
of their claims; and that after the
said 19th April, 1920 the said Exec-
utrices will distribute the assets of
said deceased among the persons en-
titled thereto, having regard only to
the claims of Which they shall then
have had notice, and that the said
Executrices will not be liable for
the said assets to •any person of
whose claim notice Shan not then
have been received.
Dated 23rd March, 1020, Proud -
foot, Killoran and Cooke, Goderich
and Seaforth, Solicitors for said Ex-
ecutrices. • -88-3
Help .Wanted •
Wanted at Ontario Hospital, London
Help for Laundry, Dining -room, and
leitchefi. Uniform. provided. • Apply
Matron. • ---88.4
• Fist ' Sale
Happy Thong'ht I'.tange and a 6-
oetave Bell ergan. Apply lairs, G.
W. Nott, R. It, No. 3 Seaforth.
Pticire 8 ori 615, Clinton. ---38=2
Your appetite? If yeti have 1447 some of oar Pork aitd Beans with
`.tomato 130000, Catsups, Trickles, oto, •
Pork and beans with Both Pickles
Tomato Sauee
Jane cans 350.
13 large cans for. $1.,00
Spaghetti-' with To-
mato Sauce
per 12 oe tin 10e,
For Pies or Pudding
2 cans of Pumpkin 25c
2 pkgs Corm Starch 25c
Raisins, Prunes, Riee,
Tapioca, etc,
No, 100 for 65e.
No, 8 for ,„950.
Get one while they last.
iliustard per quart 40e
Mixed per quart 400
Sweet per quart 60e
Rex Catsup 15 & 05c
Dominion Matches
3 boxes"for 250
3 bars Lavender Bath
toilet seep 25c
3 bars Laundry Soap
We pay highest pri ccs for Better and Eggs
Get the habit of dealing at Phone orders promptly eared for
Phone 126
and, they're from McNeil's too,
my dear boy, I cannot thank you
enough for I do dearly love those
delicious Williard's Forkdipt Cleoco-
lates and bon bons. They have
such a different taste, you know.
Thank you, indeed.
Don't you know the time to educate
your children is when they are
young. Start them into there music
lessons as you would their school
soon if you want .them to make a
success of it.
It lifts them into a higher society
which they can not reach with out
Make arrangements to startthem
right. Which is only done on a
piano.. Ane music teacher will tell ''you' it is waste
on an organ and it only disheartens the child.
We can_ quote you prices and • make terms on a high
Gourley plane by dropping a card to -
of time to practise
rade Bell or
'You like it? Then you will en-
joy a dinner from ours. It s
simply delicious. - young, juicy,
tender and most wholesome. We
suggest that for your dnner to -day
or Sunday, you order some from
es, and you will not be disappointed
free delivery to any part of town
BUTT ER BROS., ., Phone 17O
For Sale or to Let
House and lot, centrally located on
Cutter street. Contains 3 bedrooms,
parlor, dining -room, hall, kitchen,
pantry, clothes closet, cellar, town
water, soft water, coal house. Apply
to Wm'. Bedard, R. R. No. 2, Clin-
ton. Phone 12 on 602. -38-tf
Desirable Property for Sale
6 acres of good garden land, with
orchard, Frame house, frame Sam
with good stone stabling. Just out-
side the corporation on London
Road. Possession given' in 2
months. Apply Isaac Marwood, on
premises -38-tf
Under and by virtue of the powers
contained in a certain mortgage
which will be produced at the time
of sale, there will be offered for
sale by public auction, by George H.
Elliott, auctioneer, at the premises on
Saturday, the 24th day of April, 1920,
at the hour of 2 'o'clock in the after-
noon, the following property: The
Northerly part of Lot number forty
in the first concession in the Huron
Read Survey of the Township of
Tuckersmith in the County of Huron,
ebntaining by admeasurement fifty
aeles more or less and being com-
posed of all that portion of said lot
Number forty which lies north of the
Buffalo & Lake Huron Railway.
On the preemie area good frame
house and excellent barn and stabl-
ing accommodations. This property
is,one of the most desirable in the
vicinity of the Town of Clinton, being
located on the Huron Road within
one mile of the Town.
Terms; 10 per cent, cash, further
10 per cent. on delivery of possess -
on; and the balance within 30 days af-
ter date of sale. •
.Fon further -ternns and conditions
of -sale apply to W. Brydone, solici-
tor for the Vendor. Dated this 24th
day of March, 1920. • -38-4
Auction Sale
Of house and. Lot Town of Clin-
The Executrices - of the .. Will of
Mrs, "Eliza lizard, late of Clinton,
Widow', deceased, will offer for sale
by public auction• on the premises,
on: Saturday April 10th, 1920, at 2
O'clock, the following property, name-
Lot Number twenty-five (25),
Block "C", in Isaac : Rattenbuty
Survey, on the East side of Freder-
ick Street in the TOW11 of Clinton,
On this Lot there is a frame house
with kitchen and woodshed, and a
number of fruit trees, and the prop-
erty is in a good location.
The sale Will be subject to a re-
served bid.
TERMS: 10 per sent, of the pur-
chase meneyY to be paid on the day
of sale, and the balance in 30 days
thereafter, when Conveyance will be
For further pertieglars and cone
dittoes' of sale apply to the under-
Proudi~oot, Killoran and Cooke,
t;Oderich • and Seafortlt, Solicitors
for the Vendors, Goaxge Elliott,
Auctoncer. e--884
House and Lot For Sale
Seven -roomed house and one acre
good garden land, on James street.
House in good repair, electric -lighted,
town water ,handy sinks. Fruit trees
and small fruits . Good barn Apply
on premises to James Levy. -38-tf
Hay and Straw for Sale
A limited quantity of hay andstraw
for sale. Also red clover seed, Marq-
uis spring wheat and three well-
bred Leghorn roosters. Apply to
L. Tyndall, R. R. No. 4, Phone 4
on 636. -38-2-p
Fine Home For Sale
At Bayfield. the fine summer spot.
Modern house with 30x40 cement
garage, stone milk house and one-
fifth acre ground. Act quick for a
bargain. Apply News Office, Tees -
water. -33-3
House and Lot For Sale
Lot 51, over the G. T. R, Track,
south. Frame house and stable.
Apply to John Torrance, Clinton..
House for Sale
A very comfortable cottage on the'
corner of Princess and Raglan streets,.
two lots. Electric lights, Town:
water. Apply on premises to Miss.
J. Holmes. --38-tC•
House Wanted
Wanted to buy. Musthave fern
ace, modern conveniences preferred,.
cash down. Apply . &miss. F preen,
coo Mrs.• F. Hovey, CIintonse-37-tf'
Muskrat Skins
Season closes' April; 21st,. Prices
sky high. Before you• sell call and
get my prices. I will get you a lie-
ense if you want one.. Jas. Steep.„
Box 192, Clinton. Dealer in hides,
and furs. -37-6:,p,
Field Crop Competition
Under the auspices of the Huron
Central Agricultural Cociety, Entries
will he received by: See. A.- J, Mc-
Murray or S. B. Stothers, County
Representative., -47,0
' 'loose to Rent
Frame house on Victoria street,
over the G. T. R. tracks;. seven
rooms, summer kitchen, woodshed and
coal house. Town water. In good
repair. Apply to Mrs, J. Clovett,
Clinton. -Vett
Spring muskrats skins. Season is
now open, lst March to 21st April. I
will pay high prices fot well handled
skins, Get my prices before selling.
Other furs are net so good now, but
will pay full value for them. If you
cannot bring furs I will pay postage
oe express and will ',return furs pre-
paid if me prices are not satisfact-
ory, H. A. Hooey, Clinton -ad
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed and res
paired. Woollen geode dry cleaned.
Rooms over Ileard`s barber shop.
W. J. Jago. •85-tf
for Sale
s a
Two frame hops en •Victorltl
street, Apply at The News -Record
office, 34-tif
Fenn for Sale
100 acres,' lot 12 cons 5, Mullett,
adapted Tot Groping or grazing, 10
acres bush, balance in grass. Good
well and windmill. It nee sold will
be rented for pasture, Apply to E.
Miller Box 25, Clinton, or phone
Little Pigs for Sale
Melee lot of young pigs in good
growipg condition, Price reason-
able. Order early, First to eciree.
is the lucky person. le, W. Ancil
rows, Clinton, -35.411
No Trespassing
Any person or persons trespassing'
or destroying property on the prem.
ises of the estate of 'the late Will-
lam H. Woods will, be prosecuted
according to law, -L M. Weede,•
Bayfield, Ont. July, 1st, 1920'
Scranton Coal
In purehasing the Holloway Forbes.
Coal Business, we secured what we
call a straight line connection, with;
the. two great American Coal Min-
ing• lnstntuttonse namely: •
The D, L.. & W. COAL CO`.
who own and control the Mendes
Scranton Coat fields, and furnish• us
with their STANDARD ANTHRA.-
The De && H. COAL CO.,
who send' us their' celebrated LACK.
By a straight line connection We
mean that we are their sole agents
for the community; and although an
imposter may claim to be dlst`ribut
ins their coal; it is• an utter impos-
sibility, and only goes to show that
he is willing to admit that we have
the best available:
New dealers can only resort to
jobbers, which means •.that the• quaff-
ity may be irregular, as the coat
.barons' will 'not take on any new
dealer no matter how well equipped'
he niay be, much .less a Menicipal'
Coal Yard.
So act accordingly and place your
order now
at the old stand; as the
1920 allotments are being macre an
cording to past business.
Now is the time for a nice cheery
open grate fire. Try our
And in the kitchen range you will:
like our
Or if you want to get away from•
the coal question try a load' of
We are bound to satisfy you,. and!
will give you real service.
Phone for Clinton 74;
Phone for Bruceaeld 1t on•618..
Phone- 4u,
Make. Our. Store.
Your Headquarters
out Spring Pails' Day
Our bargain, counter' wilt lie of es-
pecial interest'' to you, We will
have• a, fulb cine• et flesh groceries,
cooked! meats and: /rats to meet
yours 2egnirements:.. Aak for our
Special Bland,, Tete ox. Coffee,
Victor Feed
We have a quantity of Victor Feed
for hogs and cattle, which will take
the place of shorts, as it is impossible•
for us to secure shorts this season.
Also in bur stock is a quantity of
feed and mixed chop. .As these
two li are good value at the pres-
ent tf we would advise an eetty
putt .v
Having procured the agency for
the Swift Canadian Co., we are pre-
pated to offer you
and also all Mande of this emu,
party's Fertilizers,
Regarding spring seeds dor
includes the following: Red Drover,
Aisike Clover, Sweet Clover, Alta.'s
fa, Timothy, also 'timothy end •A.1s
falfa mixed.
There are a few barrels of the
Pure Cene Molasses left Vet.
W. Jenkins & Son.
Plumes: Elevator 199, Retideltee 141
et,P1t1t.' STK, ,SHOW DAY I
The biggest Dollar Day we
have ever' Iuid
5 lbs, dates ,,, ,$1.
70es. Figs • ,,$1
4tISa. Y•aleneia .Raisins ,..$1,
bs, Currants, ,.$1
lilies, Rofled Oats . , ,, . , $1
71bs, Broken Sodas ., .,$1
7 'ESItles' Ceesup , , , . , , , ,$1
Ube.. Dro'n'es $1.
8 lbs. Apneets . .,$1
4 tins of Salhrion '•,
5 tins Corti ,...,... ,$1
5 tins Peas , . . $1
5 tins' Tomatoes ;$1
5 tilts Pifclfards
These are only 'a few of
many Seew Day hart gains ,
i pp11'
W.: T. Ul
The Hub' Grocery
Any who wish. to- Leave their order
for spring delivery can do• so by leav-
ing their orders at my residence
Huron St. or phone 155. Terms
stvicbly cash. E. Ward. -34-tf
Property for Sale
On Base Line, 1 nide north of
Clinton, 2'/e acres of ground, good
frame house with. cellar, burn, well
and cistern, small fruits. Land well
drained and in good state of culti-
vation. Bhildings• in good repair.
Applyon premises to Miss Bullen.
Boars for Service
Champion bred; big type Yorkshire
and.Clieshter White boars for service.
At home every forenoon. -A. C.•
Levey, Phone G• om 639,: Clinton -23
6185 \MJTEO
for knitters and earners
for menders and inspectors
Clinton Knitting Co.
Do not wait
Agent for Hecla Furnaces
Plumbing' and; Heating. Phone 53
Shop over Rowlands- hardware
Also a: quantjtg• of. Albatrea:.
A ate. of Government Stand/tree
Feed just. receiwelb.,
Phone 123.
We live an, unlimited; market. Porn
live Vouleey and; age ape:1ma to ob,•
tain, LARGE FAQ"' 3!I!E11$.
Our prices for Hensis rte folleves e
FAT HENS over dIbes. 3,Oe par 'lb!
FAT HENS over. 81b,s.. 28e per 1tt
"VAT HENS, ovek• 4 Iles. 25e pee 11i,',
N. W. TREWARTHA, Managete
Photo 190; Hoimesvillo 4 on 141
The demand fot our butter is itis
To supply this demand we reeds*
more cream.
We request you to ship as yours
We guarantee yea the Ilittemte
Market Prices, accurate testa and
prompt service.
Our firm is known to you and nodal
no further recommend.
We pay all express charges, Duna
ish cream mane and pay twice each
Wxlte for cane or further inl'atmtt-•
to the ,
rn� Seaforth Creaniery Co.