HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-3-25, Page 7'TER EFFECTS
ti dint inafs y IreL fNiresk, Tined
And Mentally Depressed—....,Tonle
Tt�giatinerit is Strongly
:No pestilence in Yearshas caused
tkare widespread suffering than the
nitielnie of influenza wine)) swept
ter Cahada In the fell and winter oe
18.10 and 'again this winter, The
daege'.r from tills trouble le seldom
over when the oharaoterlstic oriel?*
!;eine, the fever,, headache and the de,
pression of spirits have passed away,
Influenza leaves behind it weakened
p•ifa1 powers, titin blood, impaired dt••
teestio'rl andtover.sensitive nerves. Men
line women who were robust before
stricken with influenza find their
bodies racked by pains previously un-
known to them. This condition le due
roti au abnormal thinning of the bleed
mid leaves the system an easy prey
to other serious troubles. This is the'
time when the convalescent ire In-
Ilffenze should build up the blood,
with a reliable blood -making tonic
eneb ae Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Weak
blew) means impoverished nerves, im-
paired digestlo'n, a feeling of tiredness
atter even slight exertion, and acme -
times even mare serious symptoms.
When the blq'od regains its rich red
eittality the organs of the body funo-
,ffiou naturally. In fact, building up the
blood will vitalize the whole system,
The experience ot Mr. Andrew
Marty, Bathurst, N.B„ will prove of
value to a host of influenza sufferers
who soli suffer from the effects of
the disease. Mr. Marty eaye:--"The
near life and consequently new hope
brought into my life through the use
of Dr. Wllliartrs' Pink Pills is alnico,
beyond my power of expression. Fol-
lowing a severe attack ot influenza
In 1013 I found myself rapidly failing
its health, and was naturally inch
alartned.' I began to Mee in weight,
weld not eat, did not sleep well, and
fat a wo,l 1 was reduced to a *mere
shadow. I was forcer) to discf,tttitrue •
were: because of my ueaker.ed condi-
tion and things eland a very bine tntl-
ioaic. I tried a !number of suggested
remedies, hut without benefit. And
than one day Dr. Williams' Pink )'ills
were euggested to ate. I acted on my
friend's advice, began taking tee,e
hills and soon felt au improvement.
'Every day I seethed to grow stronger;
and after four weeks' treatment 1 felt
fully restored to my old -thine
Fount lily own expertence 1 teal that,
If elven a fair trial, there Is no meal -
clue superior to Dr. 'Williams' Pink
Pilic in building up a rundown sys-
- Ut. 4S'iiliams' Pink Pill, are a tonin,
,..not a stimulant.. They build up the
blood, and not only the disastrous af-
ter affects of infiueuza but atm troub-
les due to poor bleed, euell as anaemia,
rheumatism, Indigestion and the gener-
ally worn-out feeling that affects so
many people, disappear. You can get
these pills through any dealer in medi-
eine, or by mail at 50 cents a box• or
nix boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil -
'Rams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,
.Lend a Hand.
Lead a hand to someone as he strug-
gles with his load,
• Help him with a smile upon his way;
Many a weary wayfarer has fallen do
the road,
Struggling ail alone from day to day.
Think not of yourself atone, or that
you are in haste,
Duty is J)efore you, stern and grand:
Plead not that you cannot stay, you
' have no time to waste,
Here's another needs you, lend a
Loud a head to someone as he strug-
gles up the hill,
Ott -times slipping backward down
the steep:
;lee him toiling wearily, and help him
- with a will,
[:'reach not to hint—aid him, words
,4. are cheap.
'Crsaless els to pity, or to bid hint per-
Summon al! the strength yen can
Crab him, pull him upward, with a
happy word of cheer,
' Help hint to the summit, lend a
Loud a hand t0 someone as be strug-
gles in despair,
'Waging against odds a losing fight;
kfope has left him stranded, and you
find him battling there,
Seeing all around no gleam of light.
Seize hie hand and pull hila through
hie misery and doubt,
Set Stint on his feet, to flrinly stand;
Don't look on and see a fellow crea-
ture down and out,
Act upon your motto, "Lend a hand."
The record time of 2 'ininoies 27
emends for skating one 'mill was
Made In 1912,
ggart march to 01d Wiutert
tirithee, good -hie, .
o 'Qtir home in the Forth it le tiine
,you shaulA hie,
Rave you forgotten, under the snow,
The wee seeds are 'waiting, waiting to
"They are pring's precious babies,
soon she'll be here,
Whieperhtg a welpome ill eaoh willing
To tidy the earth I mist sweep, 1 must
Getting it cleared for the flowers to
• geow,
"Stich a tiresome 'Winter, 1 hear the
folks say,
dust sec them 911 smile as I march you
' away! ,
Here's your, greatcoat of snow and
your icicle cane,
Please leave no excuse to elide back
• .here again!"
Reluctant,-. Old Winter receives his
Ibom young Braggart March,but pro-
ceeds to array;
Pretending to fumble with greatcoat
and cane,
6Ie deluges March Witt) snow, ice, sleet
end Taint
At last, he is off! Young March heaves
a sigh!
Au army of sunbeams flash forth from
the sky.
The crow and the bluebird, robin on
Whirr onward ria ecstasy' welcoming
Car's Life Five Years.
It is estimated dtha
that the average 1 'te
of an automobile is five yeare. Moet
oars have a longer life than this; but
the average is lowered because of
fire, accidents and misuse of the cars.
A Helping .Heart,
"Business is just twice as hard since
mother Weide' said the young nein
with a,sigh, 'I never realized at tite
time how much she helped me."
-Your mother? Helped you in b0si-
nese?" The older, man's -tout; though
polite, was frankly puzzled, "Why,
Hugh, t didn't know that your mother
knew anything about business. She
alway.•; 'seemed -"
"I know. The leer of the old school
--the type that understood absolutely
nething about the customs or the
pilr.t=•es o2 up-to-date business. You're
fight. She' was just: that type." His
face softened into a fend, amused little
smile. "We used •to laugh together
over her naive questions and funny
ntietakes about business matter's. But
mother lcnew ore, Dr. Barbour, t'Irhee
i came home tired out after a hard
day, or worried over a hard problem,
she alv'ays seemed to know instinc-
tively what the trouble was and just
what to do to help. Sometimes it's the
greatest tiling in the world just to en-
joy people's sympathy without having
to go into explanations. And sym-
pathy etymologically is a feeling with,
iin't ft? Not an understanding with?"
"Yes, a matter of tits heart i'itther
Man the head,' assented Dr. Barbour,
"as the people ovho insist on 'explana-
tions Bret' often seem to, forget. It
isn't necessary to understand every-
thing, as you say, to feel with some
"_And she understood so many other
things," said the young man, "Every-
thing, I might say, that wasn't fenced
off by that specious signboard, 'Busi-
ness Is business.' It meant everything
to me to consult with somebody who
could not be touched by the laws of
expediency. `Is it honest? Is it geuer-
ous? It it following the golden rale?'
she would. ask about a certain action,
And if I couldn't truthfully say that
it was, she would have mono of it. A
keener eye for the abstract right and
wrong of a proposition I never saw,"
"That was because she always kept
her eye single; or, to change the
figure, her compass true," said the
older man. "It always pointed due
north. The rest of us 1Qt our needles
become demagnetized by the attree.
tion that 'huge masses of metal' may
have on any magnet,
"Hugh, may I asic a favor of you? I
have a patient Just now, a girl in her
early twenties, wlto has had an acci-
dent to her spine so that she will have
to lie Nat of her back for six months
at least. The thing that troubles her
most is that it will lceep her from be-
ing a good comrade to bet' two bioth-
elts. May I tell her what you have
told uta; to Elbow how very much a
woman shut in -at home may mean in
the lives of the nteu of her family?"
"Yost certainly may," Hugh replied.
Old Friends.
Old friends are true friends:
Sunshine in the sky
Inas kept us warm and fought the
Through ages long gone"fly.
Sometimes the new friends
Leave the heart aglow;
But it's when they're like the men
We cherished long ago,
Nineteen years ago the Wright
Brothers made their first successful
flight on a motorless ainplane,
()he satisfying Sweetness
of the wheat an barley f `o o d
rapeg. ff uts
is a matter of economyas
well as dela6fat these ays.
-...r cps u'te pleases without
df �tx ' at �h, s.s is
riot the case with ost ceteals.
Grape -MI6 c.
N � canoMxc 1
Provident Patti.
The late Adelina Patti was common-
ly hold to be. the richest slifwo-
man In the world. She was a ehrewd
business woman,
Once Colonel Nlaptescn was unable
to get the entire 94,000 that he was to
pay her for a performance. An audi-
ence Of 8,000 was already seated in the
Academy of Mete, New York, when
00101101 IViepbekkon went tremblingly to
Signor Prazkohi;
";fere is $2,000," he pleaded, ;'acid
litter in the evening 1 will bring you
the other 92,000,"
6'ranchi asked the impresario to
watt while he consulted with the diva.
A,1 the end of three minutes he Game
back, saying:
"Madame hue von sleeper oe hor
toot—iter right toot—and she say to
100 zat when you send mo 'to her
weeth ze ozzer, 92,000 she will put on
ze ozzer sleeper"
Mapleton, now nearly frantic, rush•
ed about the old Academy for about
twenty minutes in an effort to induce
some one to loan him 92,000. I•Ie final.
ly borrowed the money front a ticket
speculator, French' tools the gold to
Path's dressing room. The singer
Deemed upon him, and'at once put of
the eeoond slipper. In a few moments
site was before the audience.
The CanadianSpringweather—one
day mild and bright; the next raw
and blustery, is extremely hard on the
baby. Conditions are such that the
mother cannot—take the little one out
for the* fresh air so much .to be de•
sired. He is confined to the house
which is often overheated and badly
ventilated. He catches cold; his lit-
tle stomach and bowels become dis-
orderetl and the mother SOOn has a
sick baby to look after. To prevent
this an occasional dose of Baby's Own
Tablets should be given. They regu-
late the stomach and bowels, thus pre-
venting or relieving colds, simple
fevers, colic or any other of the many
minor ills of childhood, The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville,
On the Human Family Tree.
Dress 1t chimpanzee in a man's
clothes cut down' to 111 him and he
seems undeniably human. Between
lido and the lowest savage there le in-
deed less difference tlhan 'twixt the
savage and a civilized white person.
It can hardly be said that we ere
at a loss for' "missing links," even
mem; human and hureau-]lice crea-
tures now surviving on the earth.
From the lowest savage (such as the
African bushman) it is brit a short
step to his nearest relative, the goril-
Ia, and thence to the chimpanzee.
Descending further, ,we have the
orang-outang, the gibbon, the .baboon„
dotan to the simian.
The naturalist is inclined to regard
man as merely the highest of the great
apes, rather than as a creature sot
apart, Some scientists even go so far
as to look upon all the monkey tribes
as people. All of then) could talk if
they had the requisite brains, for they
possess the same organs of speech
that we have.
Never'-nind i Just take I
Cascarets if Bilious, 1
Constipated ?
Everyone must occasionally give to
the bowels some regular help or else
suffer from constipation, bilious at-•
tacks, stomach disorders and sick
headache,, But do not whip the bowels
into activity with harsh cathartics.
What the liver and bowels need is a
gentle and natural tonic, one that can
constantly be used without harm, The
gentlest liver 'and bowel tonic is "Cas -
carets." They pot lite liver to work
and cleanse the colon and bowels of all
waste, toxins and poisons without
griping --they never eielce0 or htcan-
venteuce you like Calomel, Salts, Oil,
Or Purgatives.
Twenty-five million boxes of C?asear-
de are sold each year. They work
while you sleep. Caste rets cost so
little ton.
Enter Spring?
Behind tate door of Winter
The Spring on tiptoe elands,
With daffodils and crocuses
•,clod tulips In her stands.
She trembles our the threshold,
Then bravely -lifts her chin.
As tf t,o say, "i'ln not afraid!"
.And, laughing, rushes in,
Beep Millard," rlei:neat In the .Moue*.r
When Stories Were Baked.
"it's in the oven!"'That was the an-
cient Babylonian version of the me-
dern nter's "'s 00 the press."
When pria native ofitBebylno 01' Egypt
wanted to "write," he shaped soft clay
into little bricks. On these bricks he
as scratched signs, sometimes pictures,
which stood for lettere, words or ideas.
His "pencil" was au oyster shell or a.
puce of broken got. After he flniebed
his story, he had it baked in an oven
or dried in the sun. Later the Idgyp-
tians found that the pith of the papy
Ins—a plant growing in 1116 Nile VAI,
ley—tnacle a good foundation for
writing; so they ecl'atehed "papyrus
Were," using a reed pen end Ink
made front gall•nuts and sulphate of
iron" Por hundreds of years paiYrlis
was the world's "writing ,paper'." But
w t Mohammed conquered Iligypt,
i'dulopeans could not got papyrus; to
they used 'a flue leather inttend, Van
to -;lay leather le sometimes need --
only eve call it parchment,
Honest Butcher,
A. butcher 6118 day hitt illi d sign
reading1 "Purveyor to I-Iiz MtilestY,"
'Melling to linpieree upon this, he add.
el, "G"od Save the Xing." .
vas fa feet, tho season
wtlonTtlteumatienl WIt11110
el uding pain and stiffen,
ling of Joints gets Bold oe
you. right 11 with,
Telnpleton's Rheumatic
Capp4sules bring cortaill*
eulte. aThey ra00 ll00om.
mended h doctors, and
SOW by t'ellablo druggists
everywhere foret„04a poll,
or write to Tout letona,
142 Mailed nywhere Toronto,
wept of price.
Templeton's RAZ -ISA 1.9 Cap -
MA. Bosufer�aq
other day,
Write Templotons,142Eing 81.
W,, Toronto, for ireesample.
Reliable druggists sell them et
$1,04 a box.
Ant Language.
According to several auhorities, ante
have the most perfect sound -producing
These organs are said to be situated
in the abdomen, The sennde al'e
thought to be made by rubblug,
However, these sounds are far too
faint to be heard by us. Many attempte
have been made to bear them with
the aid of a microphone, but with no
particularly successful results,
Experiments have proven that ants
can hear perfectly. Ha • theydo t
p0 y R i
we do not know, There are scientists
who affirm that ants have organs of
hearing, while there are others who
state that ants bear through a sense of
touch excited by atmospherics vibra•
Marion Bridge, C.B., May 30, '02.
I .have handled MINARD'S LINI-
IlENT 'luring the past year. It is al-
ways the first Liniment asked for here,
and unquestionably the best seller of
alt the different kinds of Liniment I
Whistle Drives Motor.
British experimenter: - . with et me-
thod of controlling distant electrical
apparalua with south wales have
driven an automobile with a whistle
blown as fur away as a mile,
Ask for Minard's and take no other -
Women in Finland have had the
right to vote for the last thirteen
For a few cents you can save
your hair and double
its beauty
To stop falling hair at once and rid
the scalp of every particle of dandruff,
get a small bottle of delightful "Dan-
derine" at any drug or toilet counter
for a few cents, pour a little in your
hand'mtd rub i't.into the scalp. Atter
several applications the hair usually
stops ,coming out aid you can't find
any dandruff. Help your Itair grow
strong, think and long and begome
soft, glossy ancetwice as beautiful and
abundant. -
America's Pioneer Bog Remedies
Book on
and Row to reels
Mailed Free to,any Ad-
dreee by the Author,
R, Clay Glover Vo., Iso.
018 West filet Street
New Yorlt,. U.S.A.
The Great West Permanent
Loan Company.
;Toronto Office 20 King St. West
4% alegaege on Savings,
Interest computed quarterly.
Withdrawable by Cheque.
91,4%p ou Debentures.
Interest payable half yeariy.
Paid up Capital $2,412,678,
SINCE it 1870
SV.1 iga
sr srr�c
welt° to..dSoY gds' bttr ;big
tIt UE
x x.OG
showing our fall titres of Bicycles -far Mao.
and WGmcu, toys and Oitie,
N10'10I12 C1rgt,rS
44, -es, coaster irraaee, WheetS, ;leer 1'tiheIr
Ldlpps, .clalar 4yo1 plc tltobeSn11 aim ilii;
))tent a,n . ✓"..aaalaprltOt
yore suppiiea front rte at'w,.- t
'1`. W. 030110 St 5014,
27 Noir" Denise Street Waat, ititxt4r,
1160-C0411e Dinner,
10 an old story, "Gergaftua and
Pantagruel," by iteheleitl, Gargautua't
father, wishing to celebrate his son's
return, gives a nousti'oue 'banquet.
Sixteen oxen, three cows, thirty
two calves, sevotlty.three pate, nine.
ty-live sheep, 800 sucking pigs, 220
partridges, 6,000 eitickous and seventy
two pheasants tiro cooked In various
ways Inc the delectation of the guests)
In days pone by plenty of banquets
were glean which approached tilts
mono 111 lnagnleoenoe,
In 1549 Paris gave a banquet to
Qaeea Catharine of MOdiel. There
were 5010 -Gd thirty peacooks, thirty
throe pheasants, six plgs, twenty.oie
swans, thirty-three hares, sixty-three
cockerels,' sixty-six rabbits, thirty
goats, sixty -sex capons, ninety-nine
chickens, ninety-nine quails, 20 lb. of
asparagus, 180 lb. 0f peas, eta,
The sixteenth century seems to have
been the greediest period lu history,
for we have nonny records oe Alarm-
ingly big dinners,
Louis XIV, of France was fond of
enormous dinner -parties, 4t his even -
lug meal he would often have as many
as eight courses, and at one dinner
given by hive there were 100 courses!
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order, If lost of stolen you get your
money back.
Tea leaves are gathered four times
a year from the tea plant after the
third year,
;board's Sdnfntent ter gala evergel'herw
A papyrus en geometry dated 1100
B.C. has been preserved from ancient
Look at tongue! Remove poi
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
kin tt ]boy---"rity fabler le a ORO
artist. With a Row strokes rte can
tarn a laughing foot). Into a sorrowful
Second Boy—"So can mitre; hut be
uses a stick,"
reel e4's Claimant' Steller * Neuralgic,
Lift off Corns!
Doesn't hurt a bit and Preezone
costs only a few cents.
With your fingers;' You can lift of!
any hard corn, soft corn, or corn between
the toes, and the• hard akin calluses from
bottom of feet,
A tlneebottle of "Preezone" costs little
et any drug store; apply a few drops
upon the corn or callus. Instantly ft
tops hurtle then ahortl you lift that
bothersome corn or callus right off, root
and all, without one bit of pain or sore,
noes. e'rulyt No humbug)
OnChest,FaceeArmse 3tj ped
�a�Mya Cuticura Heals,
"Ever since I can remember, my
obest, face, and arms were filled with
airy, red pimples. They were scat-
tered ail over toe, and itched terribly
at times, and I scratched them, caus-
ing them to fester and get sore.
Sometimes they would dry away and
form scales which burned badly.
11 Then I used Cuticura Soap and
Ointment. I had lased them two or
three times when I felt better' end I
was healed with one box oI Cutieula
Ointment together with'the Cut1ouxa
Soap." (Signed) Miss Derthalfass,
Russell ,Man ;lobo., Fe bruary 10,1919.
Use Cuttura Soap and 03ntraent
Inc all toilet purposes. Soap to
nleanee, Ointment to beat.
Soup 25e, Ointment 25 aneSDi. Sold
throughout thellomin ion, Canadian Depot:
Lvmnna, Limited, St, Paul St., Montreal.
rlililo"Cmiaura Soso altavoowithaat 'Aug.
Cfmmliiirti Afiverti+ eiwitlntilo
a•al� T8 to
>g 15+'zta'xt1
ter good prints eco enoato—lOyr50
prloee on £rains—uqk for ppatalo
unitoe Aet Q0" 4 Bytlnewlek 49X0,
leAreoleg eetrefOleT',
• HAV•9i CA931 BIrT1Y/IME1 7031 S>
aa able Permit, Clue description��` o.
130x055, and
1l'ranitiln, Mo. P. ,Wh t4.
?Ole Con.*
W�7`TEt4. E@ IPI'nD 9115W07AL1JO$Y,
100919 fob drinting plant iq Master `
oat to, Insurance carried 11,,005, WIlp
iirre rroor 66i 200 on quick male, BOX xt
wtteon a ubtlshing Co„ Lta„ Toronto.
tzer wllf pay you, Write £or python,
flour, bran as_9ks to Stevens, 611611..
est prickle. Gee. frtevens, 864 Mark Ski
Teterboro. t
0001 lambs' -wool tour -ply, finger.
ng yat•ns In sixteen eoiors, Aust the
thing 10t• sweaters, ullovei'6, tO0uell
and ohlldren's wear. Made In Canada blr
Canadians from pare Lambe' Wool, and
nothing else and somewhat resemelea
the high Mea �1ng11sh yar05, but Of,
much cqheaper: as you buy direct front
the spinners. 'Price twenty ciente per
attain or three dollars per pound. Small
sample eIceln, twenty cents, postage frog,
Alto heavier yarns in homeepun 0111
all wool to wash at home, In Grey, B1eott,
and White at one dollar, fifty Pele`
pound. Largo sample skein, Mtrt
manta, postage free. Postage extra en
atl orders under ten dollars; George-
town 'Woollen M111s, Oeor,etown, 0-
tario, Note—Carders and op niters Want-
ed, time to country We.
WOOD 11159580.
• write me. Geo. Stevens, 004 Mark
Street, Peterboro,
6S'ORAP 051021,
a car or more of scrap Iron I will
tome and quote you where it lays. 000.
Stevens, 204 Mark Street. Pi'terboro.
lydiso1 T,L1l 80lin.
are able to attpply, advise us. as We
will pay the Mahout prices. dry or green
from the saw. Reiman Bros., Limited.
Owen Sound, Ont,
11•-'1 ANCi21t, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC„
't.J Internal and external, cured without
Ws by our home treatment. Write tie
before too lateq Dr. Bellmaa Medical
Co,. Limited, Qo11ingwond, Ont
mem a,.. 7....
Appear At Your
Best --instantly
ff you receive .a sudden
caller ortur unexpected In-
vitation you can )cel con-
fidant of always appearing
at your best. In but a few
nlomen1011 renders to your
stun a wonderfully pure.
soft complexion that is
beyond comparison.
G�- 611Thr 9 �,j �,+��1 � ¢1 I ti��l �, Qi101310111061
P0�I*LS215 00170:3201800 itgaf»1t(t9i�'�tpirsSS[E & t� ��91 t�tfjil `1�� ,�'1tj I[
yt , al's-'YY't' ,` W9 Pli' O II S ",kN 1 ` m 6Ar �9.Li & 0 t1 g8I,r Ia7J 4 d
Q y h
.>v�r. • .Jiff
?a Fr :kS?' I to breals h and get theta pe back ir, ispen 5.bi Twenty-six
years" use has made -Sperm's" indispensable in treating
Loughs and Colds, Influenza and Distemper, with their
resulting eotnollcatlons. and all diseases of the throat,
nose and lungs. Acte marvelously as a preventive. acts
equally well as a cute.
5014 by r_)rugg::ct
3F,09r15 OWDZCAL 001 61014Yo'ur. 000),oe, 301., rl.t33.
Accept "California Syrup of Figs
only—took for the name California ou
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver aid bowels. Child-
ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full
direction for child's dose on &ace bot-
tle. Give It without fear.
Mother! You must say "California"
Bulls Carlots
S'S Nv Ni°�®ie 'T B'v A� falP®b O p
Rheumatic Pains
Are relieved in a few days by o+
taking 80 drops of Mother Scl2eve re
after meats and on retiring. (a•)
It dissolves iho lime and acid )
o accumulation in the muscles and ((e
e joints ea these deposits can Ile '
a eitpeller), thus relieving pain. and. CCCC:
soreness. 1'
O SB mal e S Syrup, $180
8 Y p, a
fe known as "Extract of Roote' )
m eontehnunodapenorotberstrong So
e) drugs to kill or mask the' pain of 0
o rheumatism' or lumbago, it re- 10
Cmoves the cause. 50c.,a bottle t"D
e a
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Here Is Where
The Macartney e
Excels ``=.
15 Iteasone for Selecting the
Macartney Machine Milker
Read About Its Many Exctuolve Features
It has the'best type of teat cup (double
acting) and the best milking action of
y any double acting teat cupeverinventec1.
The rubber Inflations In Macartney tent cups
will last longer than the teat cup Inflations of nay
other. maker.
Macartney milker has only oue size of teat cup, which fits any owl la aims of
The ends of the teat cepa are cushioned with rubber.
The Macartney pulsator has the most positive action of arty pulsator ever [wade.
Itis as steady and unvarying In Its action as a 21.jewel watch movement.
Itis the one absolutely simple and fool -proof pulsator —only t hree working
The pulsator is instantly detachable from the 11 ! so that the ltd may be placed
in water for washing.
Teat Cup release air is not drawn through pulsator—no milk. dirt or sterilising
solution can get into milking parts.
It is iho biggest labor saver—it not only gives you morn milk from your COWS.
bat actually takes less time, leas labor and less expense for labor than any
other milker.
Thereto more bronze in the construction of the Macartney than Is used in any
other milker. The milker stead is a0 brass. There are no cheap or ihferlsr
materials of any kind.
TheMacartney Milker is the easiest to keep--gplean
It is the most sanitary. It requires the smallest
upkeep expense. Any boy or girl call operate the
Mauartney. 4tou get 11te-long, dependable service
and freedom from annoyance and expense of fre-
quent replaced eat of parts.
Particulars Free -M411 Coupon -----
Whether you figure on baying a mnehins milker
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will tell you what Agricultural Colleges and
successful dairy men everywhere think of the
Mamrtney Milker. Just all In 110015 and,
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/ The Macsrtrai
/ etuking Machine
f Co. Limited
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