HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-3-18, Page 7'ilk ;r>�i�•'�'°F',+'�'Frr. ail
y!r4•, ! J.t, �, .r.0
Successful Since 11656.
It its easy to snake claims for seeds --it its another
thing to be able to substantiate them. 'We are
emphatically able to make our claims good be-
cause our record for "seeds that grow" hoe.
gone unbtaokenior 64 years. icor seeds, bulbs,
planum of all kinin, trust Simmers goods.
nti•iie AD' our hand, neer fleas ryas Catalogue today.
J. A Simmers Limited, Toronto
u!•:tt,;tl,'+y'b,:•, 1. �P;!lilvn+isrlrt,•:�r:0 ':.p,1C ••r •.'t•.•t41' Yirar1t .. . r.. rpt,... !'.::A �,.., it ' �r'
Fa nus Root Seeds
Bruce's Giant Feeding Beet. In two
colors, White and Rose, u cross between
Sugar Beet and Mengel, splendid crop-
pers and unequalled for feeding, easily
harvested, and keel?, well, !Snip 25r, 3.5 lb,
400, 1 ib. 750, 5 1bit, g3,5o, postpaid.
Brutes Mammoth Witite Carrot. ria)f
r,ong Variety, heavy cropper, splendid
quality, easily harvested, grand keeper.
X ib. 350, jt lb. 6oc, Iib, Roo, postpaid.
Bruce's Giaat Yellow Mange!. An
intermediate variety, heavy cropper, good
keeper, of splendid' feeding quality. and
easily harvested. 55113. 050, X10. 40c, 11b.
75o, 5 lbs. $3.50 postpaid. Also Yellow
I,eviathan, Giant Yellow Globe, Golden
Tankard and Mammoth bong Red Mau.
gels at same price.
Bruce's New Century Swede 'Fundy.
A grand purple top variety, splendid for
the table and also for feeding cattle, a
grand keeper and shipper. 1C10. 35c, j¢
lb. 6oc, t 11). 51.20, 5 lbs. $5,25, postpaid.
og ere Wstbury,Eleepanmeg;
num Bennet Rungoroo and Hartley's
Swedes et '5 111. 35c, j6 lb. 6oc, s lb. $1,1o,
5 lbs. 55 25, postpaid.
Also Aberdeen's, White Moho and
Greystone Turnip, at 1! Ib. 30e, 35 Ib.
550, 1 lb. $r.oq pod 5 lbs. $4.75, postpaid,
FREE—OurvnlunbleIlt-poge Catalogue
of Secds, Plants, Bulbs, Implements and
Poultry Supplies. Write for it to -day..
SCE & CO., Lt'-'ITED 224
HAMILTON lEstehiihhed 70 yearn
Why the Great Britain
Thomas is Respected.
The British Tommy is °]leery, emir:
egeous and dependable. He also
adapts himself successfully, in itis
own peculiar fashion, to strange coun-
tries, comrades and responsibilities.
hn Georgia --not that which Sherman
marched through, but Transcaucasian
• Georgia, neighbor to unhappy Armenia
--Mr. Melville Chater, a recent Ameri-
can visitor, found him very much on
the job. Ile was, indeed, the one en-
livening element aurid tragedy and
confusion, The American first learn-
ed oe his activities from a British
colonel, his travelling companion on
a Georgian train.
There had been, the colo • 1 related,
trouble between the Aen• -,hians and
the Georgians over a beandary dis-
pate, when aioug cane a party of
twelve British soldiers. The Georgian
and Armenian armies lay on either
ciao of a railway line. They were
about to attack, when the Briton in
„.;-eommand jumped on a pile of railway
ties and addressed them.
"Commanders of the Georgian and
Armenian armies in being," he said
politely. "Since you can't carry on
without killing some of His Majesty's
forces, I propose an armistice." There-
upon the British army of twelve eat
down between the firing linea and
eolufortafily made and enjoyed its tea
while the surprised commanders ar-
ranged terms.
It was an amusing anecdote, and
scarcely had the colonel finished tell-
ing it when the brakes began grinding
and a fusilade of musketry rang out
from the nearby town. Presently a
Georgian official, very scared, came
aboard and appealed to the colonel for
assistance against a,crowtl of convival
fellow citizens who were shooting up
the Countryside.
"Is it war or 1nere play?" coldly in-
quired the colonel, who 'knew the
Georglan temperament;
"It is revolutionary enthusiasm,"
replied the official in broken English.
"If you have a Thomas—a Great leri-
Iain ',Phomas—or so to lend us—"
" 'Fraid not," said the colonel. "I
have just four mon with me."
"It is enough!" exclaimed the official
joyfully. "The Great Britain Thomas
is much respected by nay country-
Perhaps it might have been enough,
but the colonel could not spare his
four and closed the interview with a
rather curt, "So sorry!"
A few days later, Mr. Chatter and a
medical friend learned a; little more
of the ways of Thomas with the Geor-
gians. They had been puzzled by the
sight of a Tommy on a street corner,
apparently carrying on a fluent con-
versation with a Georgian soldier, and
found an opportunity afterwards to
question him.
"You don't speak Georgian?" asked
the doctor,
"No, sir," answered Tommy.
"And that Georgisn doesn't under.
stand English?"
"No, sir."
"Iiow on earth, then, do you man-
age to understand each other?"
"Well, you see, it's this way, sir,"
replied Thomas with the utmost
solemnity. "One of these 'ere foreign
ohaps'll conte up and say to me,
1 `Nitchyvilla, nitehyvilla?' And I'll say
! to _'im, 'Don't mind `15 I do 'ave one.'
And then maybe 'ell say to me, 'Bitt-
: sky, ittsky, boo!' And then I buffs 'int
I one on the jaw."
I "But why? Wlsy knock him down?"
"Because, sir," answered Thomas
Iwith simplicity, "for all I know, sir, 'e
may be making insulting remarks
about ate,"
It is -perhaps not for his logic that
the Great Britain Thomas is respected
in Georgia; but respected he is.
A Strike in the Congo.
.4 novel method of breaking 'strike
is described by Mr. E. '1`orday, who
tells about some of the elutions cus-
toms of the Central African tribes in
the Congo. I crossed the river in a
canoe, he says, and then my luggage
was carted to a place above the falls
where another boat was waiting for
The boat was only a dugout, bat it
was so large that it required a crew of
forty paddlers, which was changed at
every village so that the men should
not be taken far from their homes.
In one place the men refused to
work, and for a time I was unable to
proceed. Leaving the women in the
village, they withdrew to a distance
and mocked me.
I instructed my boy to put a number
of paddles into the boat; then I in-
vited the savage ladies to come aboard
and sell me food, I relied upon the
uni'treraal eagerness of the negroes in
that region to trade, and soon thirty
women were in the boat bargaining,
'Without attracting their attention,
my boy unfastened the rope by which
the boat was secured to a tree, and
before the saleswomen were aware of
what/was happening they. round them-
selves floatilig downstream.
The effect of this manoeuvre was
immediate. The men set out in their
little canees and demanded their wo-
men. I offered to slurender one host-
age for every ,Pan who would come
aboard and take bis place with a pad-
dle, and in Half an hour I continued
my journey triumphantly. All tite
ladies had been redeemed from pawn.
" Not to be Mollified.
,Tho grocer observed that his best
customer was a bit ruffled over some-
thing; so he strove to be obliging and
"I think," he said blandly, "living
is getting cheaper. For instance, a
year ago these eggs would have cost
you ten cents more,"
"A year ago," replied the customer,
"when those eggs were fresh, they
would have been worth more."
Mother was very fond of teasing
Ethel, her three-year-old daughter. It
amused her to see those little eyes
flash with rage:
But it wasn't having a good effect
on' Ethel. It was making her very
sharp and bitter tongued,
One day mother picked up the new
puppy, cuddling it in her arms like an
infant, and asked:
"Look, Ethel, how do you lisle my
new baby?" y
But she didn't smile atthe sma11
girl's quick retort:
"It's 'zackly like its marvel,'"
YYL111 En.eoy-the Flavor of
and anis 'table 441115, 5:s ease`
1 to make just ri
One Car, t
cup ''e lih
i e.
f �
aa: <
3"qi1q 4o suit ti, .ei
Meg ltorte ,d of Coe, f a
"Stately Holues". Going.
Boom dltys in the land Wetness
have striselt Britain, anti many alums-
ural estates have Bons under tile anti•
Holler's hammer, The reason for wall-
In5 iw mainly that rents for farllhs are
low and that owners of estates can
more ps'Ofitttb)y invest their money
elsewhere, There are also mane
newly -ries( looping for fine country
hennas, But in the main, it is small
tanners who are buying up the big
estates in portions, The agricultural
depression of the, nighties and early
nineties reined many an /linglieh far -
trier, but the writ' WWI its consequent
demand fol' every scrap of food that
could be produced in the British Isles
gave a tremendous stimulus toagri-
Practically all the large area of
land offered for sale in Bent has been
sold amid keen competition at satis-
factory prices; Fruit farms have been
in great demand. With many of the
big estates being euh-divided those re-
maining as such Will naturally become'
more valuable. There is an unsatiabie
demand for houses in both London and
the small towns. •
The Real Good.
"What is the real good?"
I asked in musing mood.
Order,, said the law court,
Knowledge, said the school,
Truth, said the wise man,
Pleasure, said fire fool,
Love, Said the maiden,
Beauty, said the page,
Freedom, said the dreamer.
Home, said the sage,
Fame, said the soldier,
Equity, the seer.
Spake my heart full sadly,
`"The answer is not here,"
Then within my bosons,
Softly this I heard:
"Each heart holds the secret;
Kindness is the word."
The Stomach Can Only Do Its
Work When the Blood is Rich
Indigestion meas�11s lots as well as
suffering to many people. Loss of
strength, loss of time and loss Of
money follows indigestion and debili-
ty continuos as long as the indiges-
tion remains. Workers suffer from
indigestion because their hours are
long, and often they cannot give pro•
per time to meats. Then the appetite
becomes fickle, digestion becomes
feeble and the blood becomes int'
povorishea ,. So the general health
suffers; langour, nervous troubles
and often sleeplessness follows. It is
well to remember that the whole sys.
tem reties upon good blood and that
good blood is impossible unless the
tligestion is good.
The stomach cannot do its work un-
less the blood is made rich and red,
and so new, blood alone can cure indi-
gestion. It is for this reason that a
remedy like Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
which makes new, rich blood, cures
Indigestion encl. builds up the whole
system. The great value of Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills in eases of this kind
ie proven by the statement of Mr. R.
D. Small, Wingham, Ont., who says:—
"The truthfulness of my statement can
be proven by scores of my friends and
acquaintances. I am a glove cutter
by trade and for six long years, have
at tinges been a great sufferer front
complication`of ills chiefly due to in-
digestion. Gas would accumulate on
the stomach, causing me great pain.
I would bloat upat times and almost
suffocate, and often when at work
would be overcome by a drowsy op-
pression which was almost intlescrib.
able. Finally I began the use of Di'.
Williams' Pinit Pills, and after taking
seven boxes I feel like a new Plan,
The transformation they have made in
me is simply remarkable, anti while
using them I gained thirteen pounds
in weight. I may add that i began this
use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a
result .of what they slid for a niece,
who underwent a critical• operation,
and who did not regain her strength
until she started using the pills. In
her case they fully restored her health,
and this encouraged me to begin their
.use, with, as I have already said, a
complete rkstoration of health in my
OWn case."
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
through any dealer in medicine, or by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2,60 frons the Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co„ Brookville, Ont.
Maxims of a Successful Man.
The less eve think Of our own good
qualities• and the more we Blake of
those of aur friends and associates
the better for everyone.
The most' successful selfishness is
ons ilflshness. ,
Don't talk Iabout your own good
qualities—give your friends a chance.
—It is good to both thick and act, but
do the first anyway.
More men have talked themselves
Out Of a job than into one.
Conservation is a valuable thing;
sae 1t.
When, you criticise your own organi-
zation-eemember you are a part of it.
When you find something to °riti-
Mee in the organization tell me, I am
interested—the public is not.
It ie better to get a headache ehas-
ing an idea than a sore head nursing
a grog„Fh.
A little idea may make a big kolas,
but a, big noise never made even a lit-
tle idea. .
Don't chase a eligt0mler too bald.
irou may be otit of breath and ideas
when you catch hint.
Don't !et George think for yott.
Give yourself a chance,
Dubious Prospect.
°That psyc111e expert Says tlrei'e are
trees atfd animals in the spirit world,"
Mebbe there are," said Yee/quer
Corntossel. "Only I meet eptly tlllit
ellep in' weed ell drivhl t,
0esks are
splens the tbings of tatle life that 7
wee pupil1' to get AWP,s, from,"
Aoek ►$Mare"' T.• Pr
difiente $ he Die !mails,
Do YOU endure the 3nisery
of Asti lna wit)) :floe logs
nights, difficult breathing
andloss ofeth'ongth? HOW:.
Oyer had your case oulok
relief is guaranteed births
use of -
F# V'AWSA4'"➢
This properat)on le the 50.'
Olt of years ofex1
experiment -
trig en
-qngandstudy. 4housenda
ave derived
the greatest
Wolter through its Wee
` Tom1a1letons tree
Slug 0 a
W. Toronto.
Sold by reliable erugpiste
avoxywhere for $1,Oh a Pox.
Icor fifteen years the standard
epeoli a for
Rheumatism, Nourllle, Gout
Sciatica, Lumbago, Nouralills
Many doctors proscribe them.
Welt. to Tomrletoa,; 140 ring St W., i'oroato, foe
Imo oataple. Sold by salable drugahte ovorywhorefor
'Lois. boar•
Beloved Books.
For many friends I've found in books
I thankful am;
Among them Dorothea Brooke,
And Pickwicic's Sam,
From many a page they smiling look
In prose o1• song,
And in my heart they 1111 a nook,
That frienclsome throng.
They offer fair and happy haven,
In which I find
Wisdom, and cheer, and love, free
And comrades kind,
Marion Bridge, C.B„ May 30, '02.
I have handled MINARD'S LINI-
MENT during the past year. It is al-
ways tie° first Liniment asked for here,
and unquestionably the best seller of
all the different kinds of Liniment I
Youngest Air Woman.
Mlle. Andrea, daughter of Maurice
Farman, is believed to be the world's
youngest air woman, says a Paris des-
patch. Although only fourteen years
old., she made her first flight eleven
years ago with her father.
Since last summer she has been- act-
ing as pilot in a dual -control machine.
Recently she, unaided, made a long-
distance flight, being in the air for
more than three hours.
Dominion Express Money Orders are
on sale in five thousand offices
throughout Canada.
A Form of Worship.
Cyril: "That young bride worships
her husband, doesn't she?".
pelta! "Well, she places burnt of-
ferings before him three tinges a day."
Ask for )$Shard's And talcs aro other.
Activity is God's medicine; the
highest genius . is willingness and
a'sility to do hard work. Any other
conception of genius makes it doubt-
ful, if not a dangerous possession.—
ossession,R. S. MacArthur,
6 = , Ten Y ars
500 liar
If deposited ata% will amount to $5s7.75)
If invested at 4%, interest com-
pounded quarterly, will
amount to $144.20
But if invested in our 5Vs%
Debentur s will amount to., $860.20
Write for Booklet.
The Great West Permanent
Loan Company.
Toronto Office 2o !fling St, West
i . Cause of i
1 Ew Iy Old. Age 3.
The celebrated Dr. fvliohenlloff,
A an autho,ity on early old age,
nays that it 10 "caused by palatine
generatedin the intestine."
When your stomach digests food
0' properly it is absorbed without
forming poisonous matter. Poi-
sons bring on early old age and
promatnredeath. 15to30drops
of "Seigel's Syrup" after meals
V, makes your digestion sound. 10
Where Kaiser. Bill Glace
with the signing of the armistice
one of the most fertile farms in Tut -
key passed ft'oln the hands of Kaiser
William to Miss Mary (etagere of the
Neap East Relief, who has charge of
800 destitute waifa, t13o victims of
Turkish barbarity, Thele ei'e about
700 acres. in the farm, and hundreds
05 blooded cattle roam the Mile, while
tile rich valleys grow lino tobacco and
fruit in great abundance, During the
war a caretaker and a stair of peas-
ants operated it, but when Germany
was defeated the caretaker, who had
power of attorney, turned over the .es-
tate to Mise Graffam, who has been a
missionary, in Sivas for ton years. She
identified by deeds on file at Constan-
tinople the identity of the former own-
The home and. industrial 8011001
which Miss Graff= has established
is teaching the orphans of the Ar-
menian Inasatte5es, among other
things!, beateqr farming methods. Until
the Near Plast Relief took cargo,
work on -the farm was done by the
crudest of methods, Wooden plows'
pulled by oxen such as were used in
the days of Abraham and Lot were
employed. Modern machinery and
more otiloient methods are making
the land more productive.
Blethers, when your baby is cross --
when he cries a great deal and no
amount of attention or petting cheers
him—something is the mattes'. It is
not the nature of little ones to be
cross and peevish—tile well child is a
happy child. Give him a dose of
Baby's Own Tablets and he will soon
be well again. The Tablets are a mild
but thorough laxative which regulate
the bowels and stomach; banish. cons-
tipation and indigestion; break urs
colds and-' simple fevers and relieve
the other minor 111s of little ones- Con-
cerning them Mrs. Oscar Bedard, Ste.
Sophie, Que., writes:—"Baby's Own
Tablets are an excellent remedy for
constipation. They relieved my little
one when nothing else would and I
can 'strongly recommend them to all
mothers.' The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
-- fi
Solentist's Theory,
Aoeording to one European scien-
tist, animals have been distributed
over the world by the oscillation of its
axis, which has altered the climate of
its zones. '
astaard's Valmont for sale ovet'ywltar%
Norwegians Live Long,
The average length of life of the
Norwegian is greater than that of any
other nationality of which there is any
It's Mercury! Quick-
silver! Shocks the
Liver—Danger 1
You're bilious, but take "Casearets"!
You have a throbbing sensation in
your head, a had.tasto in your mouth,
your eyes burn, your skin is yellow,
with dark rings under your eyes; your
lips are parched„ your bowels are
constipated. No wonder you fedi
foggy, mean and ill-tempered. You
need Casearets to -night. Don't con-
tinue being a bilious nuisance to your-
self stud those who love you, and don't
resort to harsh physics that irritate
and injure. Remember that molt dis-
orders of the stomach, liver and
bowels are ended by morning ,with
gentle, harmless Casearets—they work
while you sleep, never gripe, shook,
sicken or incouveeience you. They're
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
'' 'a:lj, 0
ACeent "Centot'ii",, fayrup 05 i lgs
only—look for Vas name Cuilfornia on
the packs_tee, then you are sure your
bhild Is having the best and most
harml0as laxative or physic tot the
little stomach, liver and bowels.
Children love its c/ell0ions fruity
taste. Fu11 directions for 01111d's dose
Oki each betide. Mob it wltllont fear;
Strother! Yon must Say' "t7alife!:nia."
Bulk Carlots
Coughs and Colds Mean
Restless Nights
which sap the vitality.
Danger luras in every
hour a cold is allowed
to run. Assist nature
lobelia -your children
quickly back to health
andstrenath andavoid
serious complications
by the prompt use of
Gray's Syrup — over
AO years in use.
♦Tways hey the
Lora. sir.
Mental and Physical Laziness,
Many people are ,physically lazy,
but most people aro mentally. jazy,
The person who le physically luny will
de leo more work than' ie necessary)
and is very well snuffed with the job,
The person who Is mentally lazy will
do to more thinking than is necessary,
is alw5ys ready to jump to a oonolu•
Men and is generally pretty well natis-
tied with the job, Passion and preiw'
dice are thee to correet thinking, 1a4
never during my lite have I seen Ito
many dissatisfied people aridso nhuoh
passion end prejudice,—H, L. Doherty,
Iffnard's Liniment l lisvo5 7ahysslg$y
Plants Along Walls,
Sae near walls are usually too dry
in summer and too poor,
Before planting take out the soil to
a depth and width of three feet, ach-
ing manure, and leaf mould if itis to
bo had. After mixing, return the soli
and allow it to settle. Climbers and
other plants may then be grown there
successfully. Water will be required
daily duf'ing hot weather,
The bamboo sometimes grows a
foot in twenty-four hours,
Vet,"Danderine" save yal,
hair and Bout
.its beauty,
Oh, girls, such an abundance oL
Thick, heavy, invigorated hair; a per-
fect mass of wavy, silky hail', glorious-
ly fluffy, bright 0o t1 so easy to manage.
Just moisten a cloth with a -little
"Dandet'ine" anis carefully draw it
through, your hair, taking one small
strand at a time; this magically re-
moves all dirt, oxeess oil and grease,
but your hair Is not left brittle, dry,
stringy or fatted, but charmingly soft,
with glossy, golden gleams and tender
lights. The youthful glints, tints and
color are again in your hair.
"Dandertne" is a tonic beautifier.
Besides doubting the beauty of the
hair at once, it checks dandruff and
stops falling hair. Get delightful Dan-
derine for a few cents at any drug or -
toilet counter and use it as, a dressing
and invigorator as told on bottle.
Will Helps
You Have
Touch spots of
dandruff and
itching, if any}
with Cuticura
Shampoo with
Cuticura Soap
and hot water.
26aad coo, Sold
t,50lOrhouk the
DDomto on, enua-
n1 Lt,i,00,rmd
&r, tt tm,1.
Soap .barge
Clrtrisl ied Adv'ertineyxlcxltit.
.tow 04
Af:;rtle 6 WANTED
0W5BAI'1.' AGENTS Vt''AN'1'ilese
geed printf ,a52(5 flnishee-.-iowee7
plotcea ?tett fUra,mesI-i-tasknsw ft(); Aat@a, ore
MAIM NNIlikl.(18287C! T0t7NG Meg 1
�7 wanted to handle n1)ning stocltee
routbonds and debunturoe, to represent ',10.4
house Liberal oommiselon, An i ,
911, �e% 5. ''9Titson-ktabllahing Co., To
'MEMO YOR memo
00 A0rn11 7Axt1M FOR SALE AS
olds egnoorn'with a took an
. 4uipmont, 600 or farm alone $2,660
miles AA o 'lir Brooklyn t flan PrA.
from a
mediate poessefeopp Bohert T elitety'
Newport Nova flootte. �.,. 11
)FARMS ill$DEfAc'1°,
PLSV7s CASii H'U7353t0 7027 H� j
IL able farms, Give desorinti'on, Ajjh '
Dation and oasts price. 3amee 3', Wh15971
Box 05, New Franklin, 74o,
'OX admit
and $ob printtng plant is 'filaster
Qntarlo, Insurance earned $1,600, Wi
go for $1,200 on (Mick sale. Box 0
Wilson Publlohtng Co., Ltd.. Toronto. ,
5`t TIOVP7N$' COMPLETE 735107551,,.
0Z3 icor will pay you, Write .5or priest. .
Q'11i7P Y01.110 EMPTY' BADS--SUWBe'
flour, bran sacks to Stevens. IbigO,.
est prices, Geo. Stevens, 364 Mark r,it
Jim. soft lambs' wool teur-ply, linger-,'
in yarns 10 sixteen colors, ,fust thou
flung for sweater's, pullovers, togaera
and ehtldren's wear. .Bade In Canada by"
Canadians from pure Lambs' '$'Noel. and'
nothing else and somewhat resembles'
the high &ass English yarns, but say
Much cheaper• as you buy direct. front
the spinners. f rice twenty cents per,
Skein o1• three dollars per pound, Small
sample skein, twenty' cents, postage free,
Also heavier yarns In homespun style,
all wool to wash at home, In Qreh, lilatii.,
and White at one dollar, flay then,
pound, Largo so.ntpie slteln. thirty
Dents, postage free. Postage es try.
all orders ander .ten dollars, Georg.-
Y.own �1roo11on Milts, (ienrgeenwn. rp,s-
tario, x oto—Carders and
ed. used to country 11fe.
WOOD AS31330.
T F YOU IIAVE A CAR trill :1,11 A'
Write me. Geo. Stevens, 364" Ma 461
Street, 1?eterboro.
SOBAY IIi,o11. I
,l a ear or more of scrap iron 1 wiff
conic and quote you where it lays. Qtre,.
Stevens, 304 Mark Street, Poterbc'r 1
light sewing at home whole sr;
spare time, good pay, work sent any di;,.
tante, charges paid. Send eialnn tot pal-
diculare. National hlainufacluring Com-
pany, Montreal.
1.) aro able to supply. advise us, 110 mel
9.115 nay the highest prices. dry ar green
from the saw. Keenan liras., L1n11t,•a,
Owen Sound. Ont,
'internal and external, cured without
Pain by our home treatment. WI )te aSi
before too late Dr. Enllmnn a4'a,lle.iJl
Co„ Limited, Oollingwood, Ona
ANTED — DELI:1'SLE, 1•: \..it.
antic nt:,m farmers' sons, fnr.1-.,
r00 09 others who can devote scorn e1t�
their spare time to rem'ere r!. LIS 2.t
Salesmen for Nursery Stool?. We yogi
913, an -to -date canvassing outfits 'true ort,
charge end offer liberal rent,rrailoyl,
Apply immediately to .11atae Greve
Nurseries, Winona. Ont.
Aaterica',r Ploaear hoar reailetleu
-yam` I 'hock, en
and T0o1v so read
Sf 011,4 t'-te« to
085 I,t.
7i. Olay, (Reiter C.•., Ina
115 '' •'.vl - 4'rza4.
SINCE. i6 05070
tti vny, .tan . R51,25. t" '415x8 o.Rt: 15`55
V'M rar'Sf r 1
est •wuact ; ,..,,:a: oarmvan.,�,rvi.�v,a�
Used for tO '1(ears OW w °
Thru its 115e Grandmother's
youthful nppeesence ltas
' remained until youth has 1,(14
become but •a memory, �t.
The soft, refined, pearly
white 05910.0009 )t�
renders leaves the joy
of Beauty with yea
for many_._,:.
Regularity in feedI g• is one o" tihd
essentials for made ring winter eg4t
105197 spring t•Ing•.a w100 if t'OPtt1 tS, Ittl U9, 1.- 1N1'1001p
PER. lie prepared tit ,e your ttm se
Spolm's DistemperImoli
a.t the first sign of 17 cough, Better stilt siva it as
Q preventive before ho shoals .signs Of skinless.. 8I.OFl•N'kf
nuts equally wen as a pretntlttvo or ,.tu'e, 13y roman!)
of its germicidal qualities, It expels the disre.se g,x•.tnil,.
abates 'fever, restores o.ppatlto and condition.
Sold by Your Druggist
COMPNiru Goshen.
Not -Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"
Sloan's Liniment scatters
the congestion and
relieves pain
11 little, applied without rabbit l;
will fieltelrats im,thediately and rest
and soothe the nerves,
Sloan's Liniment Is very effective
in allaying external pains, strains,
bruises, aches, stiff joints sore meet,
cies, lumbago, neuritis, sciatica, rheu-
matic twingges,
Keep a big bottle always on hand
For fetidly use.
in Canada.
Druggist$ everywhere.
title,, hoe„ $1,10.
ISSUE No, 12.-120,
The nameayer" stamped bit tab. rontaind 1fro s 1' D eetlend foss lets
^�'I�}} Toothache, %araoho,
lets positively #dontides the only goo,. IIeadaoho, ?iq'q
nine Aspirin)—the Aspirin
ad raT ia, Lumbago, ti
by phvatcians for over nineteen ,oars tis JlinPains, and Pain oncral
and no InadCanada, Handy tin boxes containing 12 to
btty onbre
kotpeakage 1910 ou
st tit
a few touts
, Dregglaist
hf "Over xclyl is of Aspirin" also sell ar er Bayer paek psst
er +
h!1►erra is only oixo .11npArlrt»~"56ityar!t-7Cott mbar Mai' JBayalr r
Aspirin Ia the trade mark $(registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture Of 1fan15g
anotloaeideeter of aatl'oynoseld while It la 'welt known diet Aepi,'ttt Meal% rinvee
Manufacture, to assist the Subtle d.gnlnet litheness, the Tablets of 13ayer Oonlpen$
56#11 be Stantpocl trlth their general trade rand$, the "Mayor Crow,"