HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-3-18, Page 6Keep 't on this • 'Tae ox most C Oa a S Some One - Anything whit of the pots and is always hailed son who has the home -makers are have time for re thermust count of .their biggest for ways to short to the least poss' utes. One -dish d!1 solution to the know, as it not utensils to one but it does away well, The dinner plate, and that, butter plate, and or pip plate for the service. The' one object nets comes from house. Few me witness the numb noses at perfectl boiled dinners. brought the prix noticed that n n no end of thing eat before, so p tact may bring t to like the d;inne crook so much _WO. Perhaps the of Mown to ue is For this corned b for the meat, tho far a boiling pie Mose the meat kettle, covered wi ;lowly to the boil rover and let sin to met tender. Fo would suffice. sized potatoes and pared; orients, s qua"tors length% w11!clt .has been ct hi fourths and so an hour, the:+ c and the disceloro off. Place potatoe ips directly in til and the,calemee i or directly .•'n th ter. Cook until tender. To serve heap in a mound platter, with the around the outer For braised b casserole, or a ba he closely covers pounds of rump ter' dish, as the better the flavor. tient carrots, olti to serve your f half cup of salt the bottom of th the vegetables, a these, Add a pi have it; if not your favorite me bay leaves, pepp if you like. Put tables 'on top of suit.- Cover the d of cloth over th• and cover meet. overt fee. about sl. thicken the .sous serve on a platt sir a separates' 1)011 caercrole tis larg hah•011 and pared 'tete meat. 2f no anti save a dish, A dish which is •bouss'hcld 'was di eacident. • These steak for the f petted guest drop a la rasserole r later christened, There • happened any one vegetable tills• was to be a of the leftovers, into the casserol first cut in just e everybody one bi flour and brown which one onion, browned. Then water was porn•e tt3u1 thickened wi flour. The whole 1't'.serole, and al 1013 lee box tedde to be a half cup n ors mee 'de dist end gut r, l:Ct,S, 7(219' 7 Ica ... to. l t.t el! a tease 7 i,: 'and a de eh ...or. One hour in allowed for c'ooki1 a'd potatoes fund sr, st. Belgian t-.',1 b10 so closely they .i,•'ive all eve i ieeerod ae f aro 1•! 1 ,!n Die ro two teblesp0ols o salt, and baked f They shoixhl be 1 ate and turned % 111 sides brown. Ilot eel of mu dean wheel has n .in tans fan •'ly,'w 'toe well liked, til teed, of mutt 1:101tls: kip <.' 1 lit tit out I' ' avEr 1 , stew 1,..:! nr; t-ater, sal Lt,t;t cu' 1 peat i pans Aand timetakers, stile 100TH p n e rk liner Have e e o1 larger ons anvil e at the e er t, was esult'ed, to t el c1 t1 •was and sf baleed v but a shaken there .. -om..... ..m. C The band of Well -Trained! - Husban s. Lunatics � our eye 'i�yr liJxA ..... w ` r I el .... ... , : i. men of 7`ihtu'g1e or Shark Xa• land, land Wl1ec1 lies M the Gulf. of CAIi- forma, to,be by a4 tRusled eitaraur°w oP a man Wats ritual Ftp in a hitherto amply bed as Medi Sou'rou i had lteard lime Hill read ' the Bible ail slay atilt gttered 13Y THEODORE ODOR'E .11UE 1 are reeogeizaa a the. taut �ln'OekLtlfaa8 qY eapa'eaalQ.n And g subdued, dehnoanot', seers the Salt Frear oiaeo Cha1'oniele, that arc the „a.,reining growth of eubmitting to the will of We Pe-eel:exed the prlaonere. ward Of the ioapital, ears Capt. Alan Batt, in hie' expei'ionoes as a primmer iu `1'urieey His 1011g, untrimmed leek neves' a word eecept wean he ;0'feeyed. aloud, while Jones, having 10 ewe menthe learned to talk 'X'nrlt'lali' par.. Godly, predefined himsele a `nerit and ....: re Tea that never disappoints the i • r3t1Ca1 astes� i n 1 %%• aN; �> „� S`•' ,� 5 t '�`dt yt rh ..a. )„' ' t t .. ,,� 4 1; , m r }' 1 6 y' n says ealara Packet is 'CDttdr, S,tA.lte,gytazaxd. �_ 'a're L 'tlijght here's where 1 shut this door till this biesaol blizzard's oyer,r ' elevator, O Babshouted the lDearman,ager OftA'j)QOtt ()may roar oi' he storm that oled mound and thxou It that %wihew a of a gp buliding. , Guesd yott might as well, replied the farmer who was that year acting As secretary -treasurer oC the Ottley oal Club. c0orno today, anyhow.”rhecel110 leo Advanced h8 vy spoke, et0 help 8 the the heavy entrance -doors of the elevator, intHelleo! Whoa this?" He eared stprm, as 'he was in the Oct of crossing the ramp to take hold of the second door, ell, I'll be darned if it lian't another ,of 'mill" he ex- claimed at sight of a wagon with its driver alongside, slowly appearing through that whirling 'sheet of white flakes which blotted out all objects farther than a few feet away, The drysnow already on the ground was being lifted up and driven into the before the icy, piercing wind --a regular blizzard! 'Better see what he wants, Tim. Soule of the poor devils come'a long %vary, you know. Oxen, tool Great jumping• Jupiter! Fancy driving those crawling rates this weather,' howled Tim,#lo m et, a' his arms and stamping his feat, he he waited for the team to strug'g'le lip the ramp, Thais the last time I open the door to -day, Bob,, he 1 announced, as he closed the -Jig doors against the -storm and behind the incoming wa- "It's , gen, Its no sort of day for this kindwere of work" itis fest, Tho oxen, edging aWleY From the wind, once ox twice get the .woe gen into the sleep snow lyihtg on tits .side, Of the grade and'almost stuck, and their driver wits •CO)183de1Mh1$' 10- staugMuted when at lade; panting and siuugg•1i1ug, they dz'ew clear o1 the ctrl at the summit,nenefolk, Standing there for ati maracas, cut off from overythin ' la ,this whirling '%1hiteness, Jac1L gRoss ` deliberated which coarse .•ilo would now •take, Should he keep op the rgail and try a house ,close to the real, about the maul went theti• man. went owls tb.0 two miles farther on He had become doubtful Ando d, now, of reaching bona in this storm. Or should Ile, after all, risk the prairie- trail which left the end abode a quartet' of a mile' Ahead? His love for Esther, whose anxiety he realized, care for his pen- ned-up stock, pride, obstinacy -all fought in his brain against the voice of prudence -and won_ On reaching the trail, which could only just discern, he turned re- soh:hely into it, feeling that he had indeed' -burnt •'his •'bridges behknd him, for Mrs, Pler combe's, a. full mile this side of his home, was now 'tile only habitation he woad pass. " s long as I can keep on the trail," he argued to himself, "I don't need see anythingof the surrounding conn •try. T've only to keep pegging away and I'm bowed to make it, fora trait always, leads to somewhere. Can keep on fit? Suppose it gets covered keep up and I tiin't see any longer? You'll be lost, my buck, coal and all." he ex, claimed. i(To be continued.) their wives for many generations, That the we' sheath' appear meek le not surprising when you „melee, the methods tihat 010 used to break site spirit mf newly fnar3'i0d Imbrued); of the. tt'll)p. ''l the Wren an 1hJm1au Are under the rule of their won but the newly matriecl husband is the mbet abject of slaves, After the mother has approved of the suitor wee) seeks her ilaugiltor ill ntarriAgo -silo father's ap- to proval is token Pot gt'auted the favor- ed youth lti at 01108 mule a slava at the feenily of his future. bath and toe a Year meet run at their hook and call. He must how wood and, drawg water Por hie. cruelty Rachel, and be- Cause the sharks that Infest the waters about Tiburon are considered to be ala especial dainty Ito mast pinig0 into rho sea end slay choice s ocimetts for the dinner table of els 0"1 he prospective family -in-law, besides pro - curing deer, wild fowl, turtles, oyster's and fish, In return, he is put on pro- bation as a candidate for t'he lob of husband. The llltrd-worlciug young man ie not even given the privilege of associating with his adored one. The mesquite t Uush under which his charmer And r hoe ea lnil}• dwell is 'forbidden round. gY HO must peep at a respeatfttl ter, ata I uildef• h18 •O • it s1 Ite7•, and cools and eat his lonely meals entirely apart from the family of which he seeks to become a member, AC the end of a year, if the young man has proved himself to be proper- ly humble, energetic,respectful to his hang aver au unwchaed neck, hie eheolle Were sunken, ids hands were clasped over the bedolo•thes that °livered kis shins. lie ignored all tom• pletely and With All exiweealon Of the most unsweraing austerity Continued to read 0 book that lay open on his kuees, As 1 passed I saw, r p i om the ,rutft�g tLnrl parltgrrtPltlatg °t the pages, tears. ib moot be a copy of rte Bible. I looked round for enlightenment, only to Rad myself Pace to face with an evprl stranger figure. In a boil op- posits the scarecrow lay a man whose Vied WAR unnaturally white. Hie tlividati forehead deepoo wrinkles:and stub. olden beard tufted from life chin; his head was covered by a large fez made of white linen, "English oiileerr" said the orderly, "ptoX° lialdav Pasha Hospital. Both' mad;' am not 17nglfeble' the Tuan with the Yea cried in Turkish. ' :[ anti a good Turk," Lieut• Heel," continued the Turk, pointing toward the scarecrow. Then, pointing to the other, "Lieut, Jawnes." "MY name ie not coned" cried the other fantastic 10 Tull:deh, "1 am Ahmed Hamdt Effendi:" •vet he was Jones just as surer as the scarecrow opposite him was .(Till, SY a had lteard atorlee of their extrava' gent doings, but this was our first eight of he famous lunatics whose re- potation bad spread through every p' 1 Raved -them hem ill T 121 Turkey. The u'ill'ka be- lteved-them to be mad, although there 'were some skeptics, so dill many of would s'penk no other language. • We inclined to the theory that Htil and Tones had in the beginning merely ehanirne Iuzi0ey, so as to be tent to England, but that uuder the mental Arose and nervous strain of teeing their abnoiclnal roles, they really hall become insane. Another svggestfon was shit they had lost teals t'easoti Ati'eody at Yozgad, as a *'e alt mf dab• tiling overmuch in apir1tualletn, It was White who solved the mYs• tory, although at the time he revealed it only to me, He arrived from Afton. I{0.1'a-II1sear with a badly marked tolle theand s alQexu �laoed in the XI311 had 1)ed next 4 t tit be ,known that he was undertaking a forty days penance, (luring which he would eat nothing but bread. He ig nosed all other food offered him by the Turks. After a few clays of semi., starvation itis cheek bones were more prominent than ever, his cheeks more -hollowed, and the color of his feta wart an unhealthy faint yellow: In the middle of the night, when everyone wee asleep, White woke hem and pass' el him a mote. In this, as a fellow Australian, he offered any sort of are sistalece that would be acceptable, Then he handed him some chocolate and biscuits, taken from a newhy ar- rived parcel. These the scarecrow' Accepted and, not daring to whisper, wrote a sanely worded message thank - ing White for the offs:. It contained also a warning that for safety's sake the other Brltlehers must be left iu the belief that both he and Jonon mad. 'Wllite r - e _er '' r 4t \�J„each ,� �'`,y ,lfv ktiy,� LF!lhr'aq ��•VI i,-,...+: '? t '' lei .IR ' I ,'t ;; 1� , �' Dish Dinners. h eliminates 0 part in dish -washing with joy by the per- dishs to wash. 11 to manage so as to recreation; dingelevator dishwashing as one and look en the time it takes number of min- offers the best emblem of. which I z only limits cooking kettle, or casserole, with side dishes as its served on one with the bread and perhaps a sauce dish dessert, constitutes ion to one -dish din -i the man of the like "messes,as er who turn up their v good stews and Sinceef00c11e u war f p havo embeie mets can eat s they never could atience and a little be men folks ready r which saves th and time. lest one -dish dinner the "boiled dinner." the eef is usually chosen ugh some cooks pre- ce of fresh beef, well and put: tin the ter. Bring:red cold ing pill't,lskim, hen until it begins or and a half hours ready medium- small white turnips and cut in eke, and cabbage, It half way through eked in salted water ompletely quartered d portions trimmed e, pot withtS And turn- the meat, 11 3,' steamer, oe•er it,1,001 %valet^•as you pre the vegetables are slice the meas and in the eeutvo of the vegetables arranged edge. id an earthenware kin dish which man g 1; is necessary. 'Six round give a bet- the roast the Have, ready sllffi' and` celery diced Y, and about a pork diced. Cover Casserole with half edput the moat on nt of stock if you oiling -water, and seasoning, parsley, 2120 res, or all three the rest of the vege- meat and salt to I mutton has cooked about two houril add potatoes pared and halved And small onions pared, in a gnantu,y auf- ficient :Cor your own family,. Tho mutton should be curt in .pieces of car- sect size for serving before putting over to cook, Then if the dinner has been cooked in a good bolting alumin- tun or agate kettle, it may' be served directly from the cooking dish. Spanish beefsteak is another dish Which requires but one utensil for cooking both meat and vegetables. g Fey three medium-sized peppers, onions, sliced, and two g sen ch Aped and reeled, in liar lard. When nearly remove and put in your steak. Sear on both sides, turning frequently, salt, and return peppers and onions to pan. Cover with ripe tomatoes sliced, and let cools slowly until tomatoes are done. If canned tomatoes are used, i allow at 1eagt d half hour for cooking the meat thoroughly. Spanishrice furnishes %neat, vege- tables and the starchy food and may faag anil demake the nds potatoes. Dice unlessre dinner dish guar- ter of a pound of bacon, which has been sliced thin, and' fry a minute -or so. in frying pan, Add three on10113 choppede stir until onions brown, then ted a half cup of rice which has been i looked over and washed, and a pint of Moiling water. Salt:, and c6olc slowly, adding water as it: is taken up by the nice, A red pepper, chopped, should be added when .rico is put in. When the rice ,is about half doit0 add one pills of tomatoes. This must be stir- often to prevent sticking. eed a�-'t Casserole extracookerydi• shes 1103eftrs as go• us - solution to d s s s the h e keeper car. with, ,i'f it is liar overdone so that the•famfl, tiro of stews and Y• goulashes. Almost any meat, and" any reasonable combination oif vege- any tables mea • be cooked in the casserole, y and served from the dish In which it is cooked. As ever mother knows - - the likes and dislikes of her own fam- sly, she can originate casserole dishes suited to her own needs. One woman may find it wiser. Co omit the onions olio -dish d' .• while another may find her entire flock rebels at carrots. The wise woman is the one who brings the children up to like every- thing. We hear agreat. dee about individual likes and diislfltes, but as a rule most of these ideas have been fostered, If the mid from infancy ds never as sod what lie would `like, but •is given what he should have, in the nta'1rity of cases he will grow up' likingpiers much everything whole- Y Yt some, If he constantly hears that mother or father or grandpa, doesn't ., • „ l.t.e certain things, he naturally be- ins to think he'doesn't like Thom gwi either. The best course is to sayas little as possible about what you eat. Assume that everyone is oin • to like y going a dish that is wholesome and palet- able, and let that end it, Ru be sure the dish is palatable, Rswllaswholesome, As if to emphasize .his words, the Wind rattled the scales and a shall From All Quarters. scoopwhich stood on thetdesk nearbyof The bi;ulcer was first n Acle and it, whistled through the door and used by Thomas Blanket, a poor down the stairs leading to theeengine :Flemish inerchaut, fn 1340. round and, empty weighinglike a A hala swept In tau of water from the Atlantic u the stairwaythere are 3'1 Ib. of salt as aguhlst 184 p shaft. feminine relatives -to -be, and a good provider he is accepted as a member the family, and without further cera- 'R moray he and his bride set up house- keeping under a mesquite bush built for two, with the veins of government fil'mlY n the -wi e s hands, • the British prisoners. When, after watching the pair for several hours, we went into the garden that evening and discussed them, we agreed that they were either real lunatics 01' brit• tient actors. IC had begun mouths parker at Yoz- gad, To the Thereafter fed him secretly each night, so that in the daytime 110 could maintain his long fast, to the great ast°niehmeut of the Twice. Now that I knew the scarecrow and the fantastic to be as sane sit, 1 marvelled at their flawless presenia. tion of different aspects of lunacy one Jack Ross guided his team across lb. in the same quantity from the Dead the platform scales, and turned to Sea- greet the secretary of the Coal Club. The largest stage in the world is • „Hello, lack, _ What brought 1 g you that oT rho Grand OppraF House in out on a day ]lice this?" Bob had to Pirie. 11 is 100 Peet wide, nearly .200 bawl at the top of his voice to make feet ire depth, and 80 Peet high. himself heard. The average bath hip require a "Why, 'with my sheepskin collar up crew of forty officers and 800 men, to my oars and my back to the wind, whose sala.rles, together with coal I had no idea it was so bad as this, and provisions for one year, cost �eil the corner to come into 540,00 yards," 0'treplied the homesteader hloxler, The 'Co )enhagen police conveyany "It wasn't snowing when I ]eft borne; f 1 the street nhomeeIniaxcObte Mysteries of the Sea. Recently there was a report aP a ship023111 withoutcrew ihiga sen passengersor finished meal pointed to the fact that she•.,00uld not have been long than - dotted, but Isere was no living thing 01 board. on- Thousands of dollars are spent an- neatly in tracking these derelicts, yet every year many ships aro wreckedth pass weary time, 301108 and Hill experimented with. hemno• slam and telegraphy, and by Pngeni• ousIy aria g the conjurer's arts --of v llfch Hill was maker—the bewilder• eel their fellow prisoners and the Turks alike, for it was impossible to tell trickery was the basis of their astonishing demonstration. 1.10111 that hospital their fame spread all over Constantinople,' s0 that long before they were transferred to CI u- at the determination that allowed them to play their abnormal parts for ,acuter. How the madmen were lei on board the Red Cross ship that the Turks hard allowed in elle Gulf 01 Smyrna, how Ahmed Hanidi Jones pte- tested against being ]lauded mitt to his enemies. the Britieh, and how he and the Bible reader miraculously re - covered their sanity O8 soon as the British vessel had left Turkish water% --all tiles is a real storyin 118811• Io l belonisk g 'to the to 1sfor we ve hd e fare being harrdiy and any coai., Club, so I was waiting for this Car charged 'to the esjablishme'nt where instead of trying to g get the coal else- the liquor was selyed, where: By the way, Bob, is there any The Jewish populatfot of the world left?" he askel the secretary anx1- is esthnated at 15,430,000. Poland and ousIy. the Ukraine each ZtA�e 3,300,000, while "Just about a couple o'wA on- e p- therGete are 8,100,000 in the United A°vay,ando ad, lad, and letannan 's et Monte. $ States, 9D0,000 in Russia., and 300,000 Smith's in. the car, first one on the •in the British Isles, " ' „ track and, there are two shot'els. Among the ancient trade secrets The stolen ',$eemed to increase an which the 'world probably never will loss, Ja etre minute; 'Mut never*.learn are tllp Chinese method of malt- less, Jack wits mighty glad he had ing a brilliant vermillion calor and the come, for the ear was now almost Turkish method for inlaying gold or empty, He had not heard until the silver on the,hardest steel. a night before that it had arrived, and China had woman soldiers long be• then he thought of that line Of wagons fore they •were known ill Russia. he had seen yesterday, streaming During the Tao Piugr rebellion •in 1860, down the road, and remembered his CQivereation with his wife only that women as well as men ,owed fn the warning. •ranks. In Natilling, in 1833, an army "• It's a horrid day! Do you think of 500,000 woman waslreerueted. Tltey you'll venture, dear?" little Esther were commanded by women O IC10rs. Ross asked, as she and her husband The position of viceroy ofiIndia is stepped into their farmyard in the ono oP the MOs% -paid oflices under the cheerless morning.Breakfast was just over in the kktchen; the daylight Crown, since tine holder oY this orateA that receives a monthly payment of 20,900 ingly MY them. Besides the real ships there are phantom vessels, and saihors tell tales of the skips seen floating about upon which, -when boarded, not a soul %vis to be found, altliaugh in some cases everything was iu perfect order. la one instance the galley sire was stilt burning' There was a barque called the Marie Celeste. She lett Boston with the cap- Iain, his wipe and little girl and the crew on board. After six weeks she Ras seen drifting •fliinlosely About, and when boarded it was just as if the captain, hla Esumilv,aud the crew had hada sudden cal! elsewhere. There was a feebly -prepared meal on the table and a watch ticking on the wall, but no sign of a human being was to be seen• No one knows what became of the people to thje day, Then there is the old legend oY Dutch Captain Vanderdecken, 'who was such "a had lot" that his ship, the y ;#s o£ flnfaa r9lation. There are 1,500 kaowa varieties of lizards in the world. There aro now 101 Natlonttl Kitchens throughout Britain. Wales contains a much greater num Mer of paupers than England. United States paper money is wash• ed and ironed by special machinery. The bagpipe is one of the oldest types of musical instruments !a use, The total of troops employed in the war from the Bxitish Empire was 8,- 054,404 Spain has needy 501 labor •unions with a total membership nt nbout.l,- 000 000. A machine to measure quicicnees of muscular action registers the nvulber of taps on a clock -like dial, Eight ]hundred teachers are required by to London County Council to teach fn the new day tonttnuatiou schools. chrysanthemum measuring ten inches ryaass, and twelve inches iu A Rabbit Haymaker, least March a contributor to the Lon - don Field, who was at the source of the Snell lel River in the Sudan, same up - on patches of perhaps five square yards where the tall ngenzo Sass bad a g' been ut,rooted or bitten through and was drying In the sun, On inquiry, he says, I was fold be natives of the neighborhood that it was the work of a neighborhood bale, commie in the southern Behr el Ghazal, which the sea its food in that way during the night, and losers it dry, returning when it thinks lie meal is ready. The hare •such it is, --is exited in Za ileh ndsulcputeu, It has earn like a rabbit, and it resembles a rah bit both in its action when it rune And in its color. It feeds at night and passes the daytime in holes and clefts in rocks, or n101201 a form in the gross if no rosier are Available. r, about eight rupees. At h0 present high price of comes so time o'clock, at that time of year, revealed the Indian rupee this represents a a sky, sullen and bark "with ominous p p clouds, A cutting, searching •little comEo'tu.ble stipend of 0981' $125,ODD. d added dreariness to the dreary n y Flying Dutchman, is still sweeping the 00138 without ever being able to reach harbor. - Nearly every old salt will tell you y"Ratisbon depth, was recently grown near Grimsby, England. Brltieh Yarmars, whose profits have grown (=remedy daring the last five 'elle only wound Napoleon Bona parte ever received in battle was at in 1809, when he was struck outlook over wastes of snow-covered prairie. Together they studied the Hats and Walking Sticks. weather signs, 6 For centuries iu elexico and 'other Wl r, dcaresl;, yott know I must 'lee speaking lcountrfes the hdt go." her husband answered at length. "The coal hell surely all be gone by hoe been the object of man's vanity. how he has seen this black ship at some time or other, and haw he and his alai hurried awayfrom its evil in- - fiuernce. •• Hundreds of blood -curdling tales leave been told about Chinese and years, are a empt from exeoes profits dui}. Wages in the old country generally lave increased by 100-1 50 par cent. through the war, while salaries 1aa'e by a piece of shell. The Emperor pp hastily bandaged the wound and paid no further attention to it till the bat - tle was vron. The splinter of shell ix now in the Army m in Paris trnlorrov," The custom fond its orlghi In the "Yes, I suppose that's true," rue- days when he ?Leesburg pourer was full admitted the little Wonsan, turn- supreme. One of the most cherished y ing her anxious eyes to his. It would privileges which the old grandees en - be too bad to take that ion journey g Rnd perhaps miss Y loyth was that of woyalt their hats gassing the coal— la the en'esenee of •roealte. The aU• after paying your dues to the Club, solute power of the monarch left %item hero little else to do but enter into rivalry too. But something tells Dmeid will be a steam, beed'ay. Did you notice how noisy the coyotes were Wast with one another in 'the splendor of night? People say that that is a sure tll°lr head coverings. si n of bad weather. Oh, Jack I just The gay conceits 6 spread rapidly babe' these lonesome prairies!" the tltroug't101it the Spanish d0131h11OnA, load girllended- dolefully, even to•day ehteracterietie, Sugarloaf Shoveling away at the coal in the hats may b'e Pound fn Mexico Tor sale ear, Jades mind was lost in loving at the astounding price of from $500 renuniscences. A tender smile crept to 11,000 #or a -single hat, over his face, "Steady, little wo- „ From the time when man wander• man, he heard` himself say, enc eawas aging her, "No doubt it will Clear °d through the pllthless f01'Ceta bear. up later and then how vexed we ing on his shoulders a murderous should be at missing our thence. Coal bludgeon with which to strike down %ve moat have, and we tan t rely on his enemies the cane stns Hover en- getting good days at this -time of tirely gond but of fashion, The ne- year." . g morn exquisite would feel as much at "Yes,yea you're uite night, dear" sea without it as did the beau of Esther had unwillingly acknowledged, whom Stesle's Tatler spoke in 1700,virtues.- other pirates who nmrdeeed the entire crew, and. having taken everything of value, left bite ship to its face, Sometimes ships with valuable car- goes aro abandQnetl because They strike on a rent-er rode that the cap• °tit thlitke perilous. If such e. yes eo1-rights herself she reach port, but the chances aro + that she becomes another mystery of the sea, l erhaps trio most harm done by any drifting vessel is recorded of the barque the Countess of Dun'erin, She came into co11111gg with no less than eleven vessels in five mouths, and a perfect nightmare to sallol•c, She IS suPpbsed to have deleted 1500 miles, after which she clime- peered, to the immense relief Qi all who sailed the seas - —F� Discards Old Superstition. risen 60 per cent. at the highest. In the vlatortous offensive of the auhnnta)r of 1918, the British alone can tared 200,000 prisoners, the blench 186,420, and the American Armies 43,- 300. In Mesopotamia, to supply military and civilian needs, $420,550 writs spent 011 agriculture by the British during 1018, with a consequent eerie of ei0. 150,000 of imported grain. p __ _ - .� _ea....a__ Honey is a more wholesome rood than sugar, and modern confectionery is poison beside it. Besides grape sugar, honey ctntains manna, macs- lege, pollen, add anti other vegetable mdoriCerous substances and jukes.. It is a sugar with a kind of wild natural breach added. Trac manna of itselr is both food tune medicine, ,incl the pan. gOrt vegetable e. -..lasts have rare) ljO�,XO I ,meet convenient for Dube—hot r - e �' OXO, e l OIN: ma�yy,, c' �a lam, •"" ' 7;1 er' u �'•” 1 j • { Otto Cubes contain the rich nourish - ' of prince beef in so compact and a form that they are handy use anywhere, at any time. lust n t+'ares-mid a blsenft or two -and a light sustaining b heal is ready. I•. 1 G1. "• ; yj, + ' ° �` J 11 , iiv� � i�1ly ,^` � gwp � � ish and paste astrip t„ e place where dish CO* •in a very slow hours. When done , e with flour and with the meat ort 1 as e clesucl. If the e enough, potatoes may he cooked with bake the potatoes very popular in one scovered quite by just: enough veal amity and an emelt- ped 111 at 4:80. Veal which was "Veal a la Mother:" be not enough of to go around either, ni int• of getting g g g so every*thing went e. The veal was roughe ofgmeetcdipped es to 7in .in Macon fat in -chopped, had been 00 one pint of boiling in the frying pan one tablespoon of poured into the 1 the vegetables in d. These happened of cold sliced car- 1 each of lints bealt8 a 'cereal dish of spool, oar salt, an con of ra aerie' •7e)- Y pep- paprika gave floe a medium oven was ig, and Belgian 'bale- --ee- She Was Never Taught. The late Queen Victoria hada keen sense of personal cifgelty and a sense- of humor snmewltat less keen. Al- though she enjoyed a fake set: slid not y,may always enjoy it if it was at her own expense, But iu A Golden Age of Authors, Mr. William W. Ellsworth re- toles an experience of Prince "Eddie" (elder brother of Mug George), while 6t Cambr'idge, that, despite its irre- verence, was much enjoyed in the royal family when the prino� reported it at home, 710 was a song, loan, awkward youth, popularly of&kuamed from the con- spicuoveness of his wrists and ankles, Collars and Cuffs. He never had the ability to melte himself popular that his younger brother enjoyed; but ha9 was nevertheless good-natured and un- affected. One day, while out walking Janie . with his ehead sburledsin to standing. hedge. red are you: trying to do?" in quired Prince Eddie, puzzled for the moment by such a peculiar attitude. "Lighting my pipe," was the reply. "Can't I help you?" The young marl needed no help, and desired none; and he declined it with offhand, slangy promptitude precisely 'as he would have done fie speaking to any other clAssnnate. "You teach your grandmother to sack eggs!" he remarked. :Chen he added Molly, "Oh, say, you ]citow, I beg your pardon! I had forgotten who your grandmolhet le." "so get away at once -then you will if "the had lion' lllnriy sailors Uoiteve in the old -- said -that cane le - get he have ome of daylightto elnbyto think a come as indispensable as any of his storm' like this as a reg lair joke,", re- limbs," and that witil "the •knocking marked' Smith, "You're grinning of it upon his shoe, learning one leg away like a man at the dentist's, upon it, or whistling with his mouth,) When are you going home?" he does not know how le should be "As 80011 20 I've weighed," was the good company withouteit." reply, an born with a caul menet erstition thattn? hiSaores'of sailors, including those who professed to be� thatnumbeteil Captain cmW. ghla f Turnei enr, the Ees, dee1ar r1 commander of the Lusitanfa, wh111 n!- though be went down with his 'ship •%re j .....-- i� i '� •� ' ''t 1 u I� Your Service �%/ Wherever You Live. ' -•- The woman In tn, or country, bag or "You'll 'never reach home to -day, t sir; we're in' for a three days' blit•When the Morse Sleeps. lard" „ Elephants have an, acute fear of I can't wadi three days, aelorted uiice, and the ne131 presOhce of them Jack. My wagon is on wheels, not !n their hay w.11l Ca3350 alt entire herd runners, so I must get home bofbre to' raise their trunks aloft, apparently the snow gets too deep. My wife is all alone, too, and my stock shut up, indicating that they arm afraid the I must get home",a look of deter- small rodent. will scamper yip the Pro. , boSais, ruination hardened on his strong young face, "I'11 manage all right, if It is sometimes argued that horses I start at once," he asserted with from the same instinctive fear of �bravoly feigned confidenee, as he rake and bisects rest and deep targe- struggled into his sheepskin again. ly, while standing, Among our do- iia ,aid DeAxmAn for the i• eoAi meettc animals, •probably ne habit 11 drove out of the elevator and pulled the r lactam oxen round into the otherwise so inexplicable, When teeth/of the storm. Then it wee that turned out to pasture hoh•sde aro apt he resisted, with Sinking,heart, that to spend mere time lying dawn, but when it was torpedoed, WAS eventeal• • ly rescued, n055888Od ono of tense "rely howl," as tho Scots call them.. Mt - Captain Turner, bowever, tells a dit• tenant story. ".I co1stde3•, it," has 8111-8, "a libel 011 031e's coa1100n settee e1111 1 a e sick and tired of such inane piffle. Inlay be all lch3da et an Idiot, but not "Idiot enough to thunk that there is any virtue in being bot'n with a caul or in poseeo ing 011e." After thee those who think they can attribute Captain Turner's 'inunanity from drowning In the tragedy' of May, 101.5, 1,0 the pea- melee of a caul will have to readjust their views will. regard to the old salt's superatihon, ( • e ?< f t i• ' • r,.w..: +\, �n t ) 'U 1 C "t� j� l7�\ •�}-int{:ek il; f.�9' b, a, r.,,� :;:.�� a ,. -� �P 'fijle� #III n�R. 1': " \ '"t" �4 • (I 1 !II �,.. ,; the same advantage as her sister to 1 the city iu expert advice from the bast -known firm of Cleaners and / best- to Canada. Parcels from the country sant My snail or express receive the same caroftll attention its Waris delivered personally. a� p� y pyo �y o' Cleaning and Dyein�, -- Clothing in or Household Fabrics uN doth g" "`"� For years, the nem. et "Parkel''s" keg slgu11Io1d perfection Ill this work o3 ] snaking old hinge look like new, whether persoltal garments of even i .tire most fragile material, or kotse• hole =statue, draperies, rugs, etc. sired the rest of the potatoes re- French fried, thatIP the elect. They oe French fried, Mat ting pan with abort 1 fat, sprinkled with T About a half howl: ..;,-_.,.� Aj1� OLD W�()� DRESS 15 NOW WORTH $50 'al7iaxnond byes" Turn faded a r Shabby App rel into New. ketting home with has load was tin- even at that .they eel'doul spend more deed .goring to be difficult. than one flour a night recumbent, That 'WI vary elle fox :Fellows like 110221' le gelieralty tnicon at luidni ht, ", u g Smith, he muttered 10 himself. But It is not uncommon ter ppopla to there hos always trying t0 lnalco a express wmidee at the quiet way fool of a fellow, anyway, I'll stlow him• 'he's not the only iebble on the Many horses will stand practically , �b0ath” and h° gave rise umoffenclhn m0ttonless for hours ht one paaitloti, Few people realize hew Coln lets is exert u With the whip to relieve p v--•'-' To destroy a newspaper, even thou "ls ft fs a week Old shows in the g , opinion o.P, the Chinese, n gra s lank of character• to er1 ilea rirltol ad- 1 p 'vertisement shows the haste of un- re reason, to 'tosN 0 book carelessly au the floor allows a tmldenay toward •= „„e, Write to ire 'a! t 13 f, send your r �' °"'i� .�'PR- v„n, �.,a ' t .• t p, 3y +fi, „c. �i,+ Fee 7 'n : ; ��'h . � ,, � cis• � .. ••till t" ? for further parcels particulars 111011 to v <�, c u ,. ' � rn dP 4 . ' . ,;o @�c` about in the v1ii1e 1)ttkin so that g • 11011 is A war -time tot with much :Favor mutton is nave Select a good boll-. on, about two end a e well with a dean of cold wttter, and in two quarts of ted to taste, and a 1 barley, When the Don't aworre about perfect reauhs. Use 'b3amand Dyos, guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether it 'e wool sit linen abten w t >i k, linen, eaten or mixed oodd -drosses b g . � blouses, stockings, skirts, chfklren'ai• abate, feathers, draperies, Menefee el'arYthirig. e'blieethon beak; Th Boort with each r an age tells now to diamond dye over an color. TO match Rns material, Lave easier chow you "Dlad'iold Dyii'1 dolor, Card, ,cat his feelings its he 'belled deeper into tee telexatton obtained, and to what the stare, ' extent the horse is able to rest in a It wee a tough 01111)1) sip the etee-, 101! Beet's Of such repa3e, 4. .hoes loadle f't'eli ,' --. _: violence; to tear, a printed page shoals that you are mentally deficient, It is a sad commentary on the quality `.. q Y 4y .;+,"a. ;?° . + ''t.°-.• . '', . } , r, •' :,•a arks a " " .t e ited "� , 1 s� ai A ars $. "+r 1- a g t town. h vain Jecla �eyed lista the amen for ,_ Some Mort spend their Imotley se signs which would tell bun whets) he eras. 1Qothhn Absbluta1 notiihti fast id tethey 'know a dollar only 1)y , ..; of math of our lenling that w0 of the Western world! whore illiteracy is rare, have so little reverotce for the t° 1 ;-t. ., - 79 1 ,a.:,,,• ,? Yonge St., '�'ai`O11to 'VA tinted. could a dee hist the gtou ld beneath eight. p', page. — :: ;.. — �.