HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-3-18, Page 5"'1IUlUIDAX, MARCH 18TH
Of Interest to Your
and 11/fie
{'Its better to path up .a quer,trel
teetieY aa your 1
ce to- orr,
says alexchange But suppose we
49 lute thequarrelto win,
•N ra N ,
Canada has a bank to every 2;847
people, and a church to every 500,
The worship of the "!;'olden calf,, Is
r ot t,, nso absorbing as some persons
suppose, --London Free Press,
• * rl *
,Spring, Gentle Spring seems to
be of a rather tinned and retiring dis-
;position thin year and vetreets at
the first blast of diecotuagenent but
it will gain assurance as time goes
A New York p• riest is reported as
saying: that $10,000 is a large er-
augh income for any Christian. -We
know a . number of fairly good
Christianswhoget On somehow on
.a much smaller one.
,N ,4 ,N ,N
"It was eatingthe apples that
taught Eve she was naked, and so far
.as bean see; it is nearly time to pass
the apples again." said Mr, Halbert,
former U. F. 0, president, speak-
ing at. Lambeth recently,
* }. ,, „
The editor of the V4 inghanh Times
was a passenger on an L. H. & B,
train which was stalled in the snow
banks north of Londesbaro all night
recently but he seemed to enjoy the
experionee. Nothing like making the
best o£ things,
• ,N c, s' .
"A few pruning lessons should be
taken by the gents who undertake
slashing at wineoin to a finetree,"
A the. way The Brussels Post man
` foneludes a comment on the way the
Bell Telephone people have of treat-
ing shade trees which happen to stand
in the way of their wires;
"The name of "Canada" is the
finest Introduction to European
markets today," says Brig, Gen,
J.. A. Gunn, wbo has just returned
from a trip to Great Britian where
he was investigating conditions. This
•ou •ht
g to be an inspiration to Can-
adian producers of all classes.
* a,'4.
The revolutionists in Germany,
-democratic and monarchist, seem to
understand each other pretty well.
There's very little friction between
thein and they give place to one an -
.other at a given -time without any
unnecessary resistance. They prob-
;.ably understand each other a great
-deal better than the—Entente un-
.derstands either one of the groups,
q: p,
• Yesterday was St, Patrick's Day.
to spite .of al] the t e:Melo it has
•caused the Empire and is still eaus-
.ing we have a soft spot in oar hearts
for the little Emerald Isle and with
.the best will in the world we heart-
ily wish that before another year
:rolls around Ireland may have found
a way out of her perplexities which
will satisfy the majority of the
__jeep*. "Oh, Ireland, up .from my
heart o' hearts, I bid ye the top o'
the mornin',
,N x s :i.
We are told that Canada, if it
-were a private concern, would be
•considered under present circum-
stances to be in a state of bankrup-
•cy. It may be so. But even at
•that there is no need to die of de-
spair. Many a man has been in such
a state as regards his private !mei-
mess and by energy, industry and
;keeping a stiff upper lip has won
:through to eventual 'success. ,So
.may Canada, She has youth, health
•.and plenty of resources. It will be
,the fault of her own -people if any-
t hing but good comes to this well -
:favoured young land. Buck up,
everybody, and do your share like a
* * q, *
We still have hopes! Out in Man-
etoba the sheep -breeders of that
Province presented Miss Corh Hind,
Commercial Editor of The Manitoba
Free Press, with twenty-six sheep.
Perhaps the • movement will spread
nand editors in this neck -of -the -woods
may receive a bunch of early onions,
a sample of the first making of
maple sugar or some other contri-
butioe to th 11. C. of L. Here's
hoping any Farmer's Sun.
Ile -11 any admiring reader would like
t o present the editor of this journal
with a little token of esteem, though
we would have no objection at all to
.an offering of maple sugar or any -
.thing of that sort, still, we would
;greatly prefer the sheep. We haven't
had much experience in sheep rais-
ing. but if a flock were thrust upon
us we would immediately call up our
friend, J. Macfarlane of Stanley, or
that other good friend, J. Snell of
Huliett, either of whom, we feel sure,
would give us necessary instructions,
.It must give one a very comfortable
feeling to know that one's next year's
suit is busily growing away on the
'back of one's own sheep out in the
back pasture.
On Wednesday afternoon at Sea -
`forth Miss Margaret 'Riley daughter
•of Mr; Ben Riley of this village, was
married to Mr. John Mann, Jr., of
:Hullett. A reception in -the evening
as held at the horlte of the bride's
.father, where a number were assem-
bled, We extend hearty congratula-
tions and good wishes. Mr. . and
1VIrs, Mann will take up their abode
on `the fano recently bought.
There are rumors of several
•ebanges taking place in our village
in the near ffeture.
M.r, and . Mrs. Chas, Riley and
children of Brussels attended the re
•eeption given for the former.'s sister
on Wednesday evening, Miss Sadie.
.leiley of Brussels also attended hes'
.cousin's reception,
lengthened Auct]oai Sade
Henry LeBeau's sale of registered
;Shorthorns takes placeat Lot 27,'
Londoe . Road, ohe 11110 south of
J3rueetreld on Friday Mar. 10th, coin-
:nietrcing at 12 o'clock, noon, This
,sale had to postponed from Mar,
',12th owing to weathoz and toads,
.th hb.•tve
So Near
that the heating of his wings
min almost bo beard.
d •
• T11I]Rls'S ae aspect of Ma-
ternity hospital work
among "unfortunates" that is
Worth remembering.
WHILE loving hands and
brave hearts often fight, des-
perately though • not always
successfully—to. bring motley
and babe through the vallee
of the shadow, the cry of the
newly born often awakens the
€;od hnplented mother love
and softens • hearts that hes
fins bad been hardened to
every gracious influence;
INDEED the Maternity Ilos-
pltal Work of the Salvation
Array is one of the most bles-
sed and encouraging of all
The Saivation-
Aueton Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
The undersigned has received in-
structions to sell by public auction
at Lot 31, Con, 1, Stanley, 21,1,
miles south of Clinton on the London
Road, Thursday, March 25 com-
mencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the fol-
lowing: Horses -Driver - 6' -years
old; Cattle—Cow 6 years old, due
April 5, Cow 9 years, due time of
sale, Cow 9
years, s due April 11,
r Cow
4 years, bred Jan, 21, Farrow Cow,
Cow 4 years, with calf at foot, 2
Fall calves, 2 steers rising 2, Heifer
rising 2, 8 yearling heifers, 2 Po]led-
Angus steers rising 1 year, Polled -
Angus heifer rising 1 year, 3 calves,
3• pigs, some hens, Massey -Harris
binder 7 -ft cut, Deering cultivator,
Massey -Harris drill 10 -hoe, 13 -disc
Deering drill, Deering horse rake
9 -ft, Bain wagon, Truck wagon;
Massey -Harris bean harvester and
2 -horse - scufer combined, Robe,
Deering mower, 2 sets whifletrees,
2 sets 8 -section diamond harrows,
Chatham fanning hill, Hay fork,
Walking plow, buggy; Clutter, bob-
elelf,lhs, Hay .rack, grindstone, set
double Aimless, 2 neekyokes, set
single harrisss, claim, Primrose
mien s 4 -
e a11t0
1. blfihll< � s a'
et et f.
p , ,
Wino with trip rope,
puipel•i pig trough; fonts,
shovels and other articles, .About
171i bus, of Improved Harmer oats,
A quantity t
1 t y ojT mixed grain, about 4
tons of timothy hay, will be sold
without 5 001'Ve as the proprietor
has sold hie farm, TERMS; $10
and uncl05, caapi over that: amount,
0 •nreeths credit on approved joint
nates, or 4 Dor ceet for cash on
credit amounts, Hay •anti grain,
,,oasll, R. Hunter,, Proprietor, 0, II,
Elliott, Autioneca', • --87-1
Auetion 81110 •
Of Farm Stook 'and Impleuhents,
The 'undersigned has reeeive4 in-
st1uction to sell, by public anetion
at Parr Line, Stanley, 2 Miles :south
of -Varela ,on Friday March 26, cont.
mencigg at 1 o'clock sharp, the -fob
lowing: horses, Agricultural mare 8
Ware, in foal, Agricultural here
- isin) 5, in foal, Brood mare 13 105
Diel, Agricultural gelding rising 4, -
AgricuItural mare rising 4, Driving
colt, 2 years old, 2 Suckng colts,
(,tittle -Cow 9• years calved Nov.,
heed Doc, Cow 8 years, calved Dec,
heed in Jan., Cow 0 years, dere in
!bray, Cow 9 years,- due first of !Cray;
Cow 6 years, due first of May,
Heifer 2 years in calf, Farrow cow,
4 heifers, 2years, steer 2 years old,
3 Steers 1 year, 7 spring calves, 3
fall calves, 2 young sows in pig,
Ilnplentents—Deering mower, near-
ly- new, Hay rack almost new,
Waggon, Massey -Harris single rid-
ing plow, set brass mounted. team
harness, set double breeching har-
nese. Everything will be sold as
the proprietor' is giving tap farming.
TERMS: $10 and under, cash; over
that amount 8 . months credit on
approved roves Jount notes, , or 6
per cent
per annum for cash on credit
amounts. Jas, M, Reid, Propri-
etor, Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer.
Field Crop Competition
Under the auspices of the Huron
Central Agricultural Cociety, Entries
will be received by Soc. A. J, Mc-
Murray or S. B. Stothers, County
Representative. —37-th
Social Even ng
Under the auspices of the Wom-
en's Institute, will be held at the
home of lhrs, H. B, Chant on
Thursday, March 25th, at 8 o'clock.
Admission 25e —37-1
For Sale
A young sound driving horse, 2
setts harness and a buggy. , Apply
to—W. Ede, Stapleton. —37-tf
of the Municipalitg of
the Village of
A By-law to provide for •the re-
modeling of the Town Hall in the
said Village of Bayfield and to
authokize the issue of Debentures
of the said Village to the amount
of $2500.00 for the purpose of
raising the sum thereof.
WHEREAS it is' desirable to re-
model the Town Hall in the said
Village according to the plans adopt-
ed by the Council of the said
Village and to raise the sun of Two
Thousand Five Hundred Dollars to
meet the expenses of the said re-
AND WHEREAS it is desirable to
issue the said Dedentures at one
time and to make the principal of
the said debt repayable by yearly
sums during the period of ten years,
being the currency of the said deben-
tures, said yearly sums being such
respective amounts that' tine• aggre-
gate amount payable in each year
for principal and interest in respect
of said debt shall be as nearly as
possible equal to the amount so pay-
able in each of the other nine years
of the said period, as shown by Sche-
dule "A" hereto attached.
AND WHEREAS the total amount
required' by the Municipal Act to
be raised annually by special rate
for paying the said debt and interest
is the sun - of Three Ilundrecl and
Thirty-one Dollars and Sixty -Seven
Cents ($381.67) annually for the pur-
pose of paying. the principal and in-
terest each and every year during
the period of ten years.
AND WHEREAS the amount of
the whole rateable property of the
said 'Village of Bayfield, aceo:ding
to the last Assessment. Roll thereof
is One Hundred and Twenty -Five
Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty
Six ($125,356) dollars.
AND WHEREAS there is now no
existing debt of the said Corporation
of Bayfield.
THEREFORE the Municipal Coun-
cil of The Corporation of the Village
of Bayfield enacts as follows:
1 The said 1VIunicipal council
of the said Village of
Bayfield shall expend the sum of
Two Thousand live Hundred Dollars
($2500.00) in re-modoling the Town
Hail in the said Village and for the
purpose of raising the same Deben-
tures of the said Village to the sum
of ,Two Thousand. Five Hundred
Dollrs as aforesaid ill' the sum of
not less than. One Iltipdred Dollars
each shall be issued on. the 15th Day
of December 1020 and each Debenture
9111111 bo dated on the clay of the.'issue
thereof and ellen. be payable Within
Ten years thereof at the Starling
13aek of Caaiada 111 the said Village
of 'Bayfield,
2 Each of the said bebentures'shall
be signed by the Reeve, of the said
Village 01: by tonne other person
authorized by By -1W to sign the
same and by the Treasurer thereof,
and the Clerk shall attach thereto•the
corporate Seal of the Ibtuniei lofty,
8 The sand Debentures shell bear
interest at the rate of Five and One
Half per cent per Amann payable
yearly at the said Bank on the 15th
Day of December in each and every
year during the currency thereof.
4 During the currency of the said
debentures there shall be raised
annually by said rate on all the rate-
able property of the said Village the
,sum of Three Hundred and Thirty -
One Dollars and Sixty -Seven Cents
for the purpose of paying the amount
due in each of the said years for
principal and interest in respect of
sain debt, as shown in the Schedule
"A" hereto annexed,
5 This By-law shall take effect en
the final passing thereat,
6 The votes of the electors of the
said Village shallbe taken on the said
By-law at the Town Hall in. the said
Village on the 5th Day of April,
1920 commencing. at the Hour of nine
o'clock in the forenoon and continuing
until five o'clock in the afternoon of
the same day by I%, W. Erwin the
Clerk of the said Village.
7 On Saturday the 3rd Day of ,April
the Reeve of the said Village shall at-
tend at the Council Chamber at Eleven
o'clock in the forenoon to appoint
persons to attend at the said polling
places aforesaid, and at the filing sun -
ming up of the votes by the Cleric
on behalf of the persons interested
in the promoting and opposing of this
By-law respectively.
8 The Clerk of the Council of the
said village of Bayfield shall attend at
-his office'' in the Town Hall at Eleven
o'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday
the 6th Day of April, 1920 to sum tip
the ember of votes for and against
the By-law.
Dated at the Town Hall in the said
Village of Bayfield, this 8th day of
March A, D. 1020.
E, F. Merner.
H. W. Erwin,
Clerk, -
'fake notice that the foregoing le
a true copy of a proposed By-law of
the said Village, and if the assent of
the electors is obtained to it, it will
be taken • into considerations by the
Council after the expiration of one
month from the date of the fust pub-
lication, which said date is the llth
Day of. Meech A, D. 1920, and if
a tenant desires to vote he must de-
liver to the Clerk not later than the
10th clay before the day appointed for
taking the vote a declaration provid-
od'by Sub.' Section 8 of Section 265.
And further take notice that the
vote of the electors shall be taken at
the time and place mentioned ie said
By-law; and the Reeve and Clerk
will tilso attend at the time and place
therein mentioned foe eppinting per-
sons to attend at the said polling place
and at the final sintering up of the
votes by' the Clerk of the Village.
II. W. Erwin, Clerk of the Munici-
pality of the Village of Bayfield, .
Referred to in the foregoing ]3y.'
Year. Principal Interest Total
1 $194,17 187.50 331,67'
2 204,85 126.82 381.67
3 216.12 115.55 831.67
4 228.90 103.67 331.67
5 240.54 91..13 881,67
6 258,77 77.90 481,67
1 267.73 68.94 331,67
8 282,45 49,22 801.61
n 291.90 83.48 881.47
10 814.38 17,29 381,47
CliMoo Nliw $-110.. r
Made when you get the habit of using our^ hulk lt'reshiy Ground
Coffee or rising our baht teas, Green or mixed Japans, or bygetting the
n, .
habit 0' sl ) )1 )
f a0 ] at J•Oh 9 7 'Grocery',
1a 0.1 AG Go, G
3 cakes of Lavender GET YOUR kIENS LAY- 2pkgs, Corn Flalces250
Bath Toilet seep 25e ING WHEN PRICES ARE 1 can of Pilc11a1'ds 22e
3 eakes Palm Olive GOOD USE—
Toilet song 85e Our tea prices have
3 Dans Hitchen Clean- Pratte Egg producer not changed yet, Get iv
ser for 259 trete; Liee Destroyer before the advance
(Santee as Dutch) , Oyster Shell, Mica -Grit, Special Blend ]b. 50c.
Royal Blend OOe.
Quality !;lend 70e
Matches 25e GET SOME ,Japan (been 50e,
We pay highest pal Des for Batter and Eggs
!'hone orders promptly cared for A. Square Deal for all.
,N 1 9N
COMPANY i'Y' ' o IAF't;il2(
3 plt25 •Donielon
Phone 126
The tone and conversation of all
wbo taste them. You can offer
your friends no finer refresh-
ment than some of our cho-
colates. They are tempt-
ing in looks; tempting in
• taste.
Don't you know the time to, educate
your children is when they are
young. Start then) into there music
lessons as you would their school
soon if you want then to make a
success of it.
It lifts them into a higher society
which they can 'not reach . with out
Make arrangements to start them
right. Which is •only clone on a
piano. Any anisic teacher will tell
on an organ and it only disheartens
We can
quote you prices and
Gourley piano by dropping a card to
you it is waste of time to practise
the child.
make terms on a high grade Bell or
You like it? Then you will en-
joy a dinner from ours, It s
simply delicious` — young, juicy,
tender and most wholesome. We
suggest that for your dnner to -day
or Sunday, you order some from
us, and you will not be disappointed
1\ s nI A '
E 1
• free delivery 'to any part of town
Phone 170
hours from 3 of 5 p.m. and from
7.30 to 9.30 evenings
Mahogany parlor suite consisting of
two rockers, settee; chairs, jardinere
stands, table, two pedestials, 1 Ax-
minster rug 3x4, Wilton rug 3x4,
Tapestry rug 2e x3, Congoleuln rug
3x4, Bathroom linoleum 2x3, 3 grass
tex rugs, 1 portiere, curtains, .baby
sleigh, Morris chair, screen door,
amber table lamp, etc.
Percy Couch, Joseph Street
I will be in the office first door
west of J, Ransford's office in the
Molsons Bank Block, to receive sets
Gement of outstanding accounts for
We weeks, commencing Monday,
March 22nd. All accounts must be
settled during• that time or Cheer will
be placed in other hands.
E. E. liunniford
Muskrat Skins
Season closes April 21st. Prices
slay high. Before you sell call and
get my prices. I will get you a lic-
ense if you want one. Jas, Steep,
Box '192, Clinton. Dealer in hides
and furs, —37-6-p
1 dining room girl, 1 second
cook, Pantry girl to wash silver,
Apply Hotel Kress, Mtnet'al Springs,
Preston. —37-2
House to Rent
Frame house on Victoria street,
over the G. T. R. tracks; seven
rooms, 81.1111m05 kitchen, woodshed and
coal house. Town water, In good
repair. Apply to Mrs. J. Govett,
Clinton. —36-th
Tenders Wanted
Sealed tenders will be received by
the undersigned until Friday, 2114
'April, 1020, at 2 o'clock pen. when
the said tenders will be opened, for
the construction and completion of
the Murray -Lamb Municipal Drain in
the township of Mullett. Plans and
specifications may be seen at the
Clerk's office, Londesboro, Lowest or
-any tender not necessarily accepted.
John Firrgland, Clerk .of the Munici-
pality of the township be Mullett,
learnt for Sale
100 acres, lot 12 con. 6, Mullett,
adapted Ler crop]ng or grazing, 10
acres bush, balance in grtlss. Geed
well and windmill, If shot sold will
be rented for pasture, Apply to
J. 1tfi11oz Box 25, Clintoii, ox' phone
119, —904
Notice, to Creditors
In the estate of Annie Hanley, e -
ceased. Notice is hereby given that
all persons haviing claims against
the estate of Annie Hanley late of
tho town of Clinton in the County of
Huron, widow, deceased, who died
on or about the 20th day of August
1919 are required to deliver to
Alexander Welsh and Robert Welsh
the executors of the said estate on
or before the 1st clay of April 1920
a full statement of their claims to-
gether with particulars thereof and
the nature of the securities, if any,
held by them all duly verified lay
And take Notice that after the
said last mentioned date the said
executors will proceed to distribute
the estate having regard only to such
claims as he shall have received doe
notice and in accordance therewith.
Dated at Clinton this 10th day of
March A. D. 1920.
W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont.
Solicitors for the said Executors
Seed for Sale
Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover.
Apply Jno, R. Middleton, R, R.
No, 3. Clinton, Phone 3 on 606.
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned pressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's. barber shop.
W. J. Jago. —85-tf
Auction Sale
The undersigned has received hi-
structions to sell by ,public auction
at Lot 12 in the village of Bayfield,
on Friday, March '19th, at 1 o'clock
sharp, the following: Horses—Mare
G years old, Mare 4 years old, Filly
2 years old, Gelding 1 year old,
Driving mare rising 7 years, quiet,
Clyde snare 5 years old. Driving
mare 5 years old. Cattle—Cony 7
,years old, due et time of sale. Cow
8 years, clue last of March, Jersey
Cow due in April, 'Berkshire sow
to litter Ayril 20th. Implements—
Massey-Harris binder, Massey -Harr-
is mower, wagon, 2 wanting plows,
Cookshutt 11 disc drill, nearly new,
hay rack, wood rack, gravel box, set
bob -sleighs and log bunks, root
pu]poi' 2 cutter, corn sheller, scythe,
8 logging chains, 2 cedar hay rack
sills 16 ft long, • grind stone, hay
rape, set of disc harrows, set iron
blocks„ apple press, 5 balls binder
twine, sot of double harness, Deer-
ing knife grinder, wagon, Premier
riding plow, Verity. 2 -furrow plow,
No. 3 Daisy churn, Massey-IIar'ris
mower, 6.ft 'ant, top buggy, 2 sets
single harem, nearly now, robe, 2
Woollen blaiikets, string bells, 24
hens, fonts, shhovelsand other art-
icles. Tome—All sums of $10
and under•, mash, over that aniouht
8 menthe credit will begiven on fere-
ishing approved joint notes, A dis-
count of: 4 per .cont. straight, for
cash tilt 'credit amounts, Thomas
Bailey, Proprietor, Time, 00410137,
Ilausee l'or•, Sale
Two :frame houses en Victoria
street, Apply at The News-lteeoy'd
Spring inusltrats shins. Season is
now open, 1st Mare]] to 21st April, I
will pay high prices for well handled
Wes. (let my prices before selling,
Other flue ore not so good now, but,
will pay full value Tor them, I£ you
cannot bring flu's I will pay postage
or express and will :return furs pre-
paid if my prices are not satisfact-
ory. H. A. Hovey, Clinton —36
Little Pigs for Sale
Choice lot oe young pigs in good
grrowing condition. Pelee reason-
able. Order early, First to come
is the lucky person. F, W. And-
rews, Clinton.—35-t1
. Property for Salo
On Base Line, 1 m]Ja, north of
C1'intoe, 21, acres of ground, good
frame house with cellar, barn, well
anti cistern, small fruits. Land well
drained and in good state of culti-
vation. Buildings in good repair.
Apply Dai premises to Miss Hellen. •
No Trespassing
Any person or persons trespassing
or destroying property on the prem-
ises of the ostate of the late Will-
iam II. Woods will be prosecuted
according to law.—L M, Woods,
Bayfield, Ont. July, lst, 1920
Roars for Service
Champion bred, big type Yorkshire
and Cheshter White boars for service.
At home every forenoon.—A, C.
Levey, Phone 5 on 639, Clinton —28
rder Your S;legap16 of
Scranton Coal
Now is the time to enter your or-
with us for next winter's supply
of good coal.
It will soon be the beginning of a
new coal year, and in order to get
the anal when we want it, we must
anticipate our requirements in ad-
vance, and thereby get our order
signed up and acknowledged by the
miners as early as possible.
Under the circumstances eve have
to do our best, and we now court-
eously solicit your order for 1920, so
that we will be in better shape to
worthily merit your pftronage.
at the old' price,
May we take this opportunity to an-
nounce that if the American Exchange
rate continues as high as it has
been, we will be forced to raise our
coal prices at least 50s per ton.
Remember to enter your new order
at the old stand,
Phone for Clinton 74.
Phone for Brucefield 11 oe 618,
When buying tea ask for
our special blends of bulk.
They are specially blended
for us and are sure to give
Our Repeter blend is sure
to meet with your approval
if you give it a trial. the fla-
vor is so satisfying you will
be sure to repeat on it.
Special bargains in hand -
painted Nipon cups and sau-
cers at 35c
Phone 45
Victor Feed
We have a quantity of Victor Feed
for hogs and cattle, which will take
the place of shorts, as it is impossible
for us to secure shorts this season.
Also in our stock is a quantity of
feed flour and mixed chop. As these
two lines are good value at the pres-
ent time we Would advise an early
Having procured the agency for
the Svift Canadian Co„ we are pre-
pared to offer you
and also all brands of this com-
pany's Fertilizers.
Regarding slicing seeds our stock
includes the following; Red Clover,
Alsike Clover, Sweet Clover,. Alfal.
fa, Timothy, also Timothy and Al -
fella mixed,
There are a few barrels of the
Pure Cane Molasses left yet.
W. Jenkins & Sons
Thome; Blevator 199, Resideneo 141
.4144 1,„
Sunkist Lemons
Oranges atrt]
Grape Fruit
Are the finest and best
Fruit for marmalade
��as Jli,c
The Hub Grocery
Any who wish to leave their order
for spring delivery can do so by Joey -
Mg their orders at my residence
Huron St. or phone 155. Terms
strictly cash: E. Ward. —34-t£
tltlRLS VtffrE
for knitters and learners
for menders aed inspectors
Clinton Knitting Co.
Do not wait
Agent for tlecla Furnaces
Plumbing and Heating. Phone 53
Shop over Rowland's hardware
Highest Prices Paid for Barley, Dater
and Buckwheat.
A quantity of Elm, Maple, Bass-
wood; Beech, Hemlock and White Ash
Logs wanted, Inquire at store about
Phone 123.
1—Feed hens on clean, wholesome
food, and provide plenty of pure
water in clean utensils.
2—Keep the poultry House clean;
sanitary, and free from vernhia.
Provide plenty of clean, dry nests
in darkened places,
3—Gather eggs at least once a
day in cool weather and twice a
day in hot weather.
4—Do not sell eggs known to be
bad, it is dishonest.
5—Do not wash eggs.
6—Sol] eggs as regularly and as
frequently as possible; at least
twice a week in summer and once in
the winter,
7—Never expose eggs to the die
root sunlight, rain, or to extreme
8—Always keep eggs in a cool,
dry place and have them covered
with a cloth or other means to
prevent fading or evaporation. Do
not peep eggs near kerosene, onions,
fish or other strong smelling sub-
stance; they readily absorb odours,
N. W. TREWARTIIA, Manager.,
Phone 190; Hohnesville 4 on 141
The demand for our butter. is in-
To supply this demand we require
more a ean1.
Wo request you to ship us your
Wo guarantee ydal the Highest
Market Prices. accurate tests and
prompt service.
Our firm is known to you and needs
no further recommend.
We pay all express charges, furn-
ish cream cans and pay' twice each
Write for cans or further informa-
tion to the
Trm Seafo>t:th Creamer