HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-3-18, Page 4:......:-The..
• Wall
., P per
Will continue until our stock is reduced by ane half
Many ,Papers are being Paid at less than half their value
SEE HE ASSORI'11'1ENT AT' Se, 10c and 150 Per roll
is now almost complete and the patterns aro choice, and
the prices very moderate. (Thesepapers were ordered
last July.)
T. ` o c`r''''.. L re '"' Ciliate
�. 0
-o renv.erwrn,ures resseast.:, .,a-.i'..'S` .RC+"{z"�n.-q.'iy'•<'"., '.,'%ty8,"",-'.:P.w•^:ita
:rnnwcm•Nar-^roaxr,.a c mr•...r — "--.a
(Reoorl of Performance AA,) - .-William Elston, a farmer near
Wingham, felled a huge ohs tree,
Egg Laying Contests have "caught , and in the top was the winter home
on in Canada, if inquiries that have of a family of raccoons with three
been received already concerning next ;lusty youngsters. 111r, Elston cut
year's entries are anything to go by, i the tree into three logs and had them
Last 'year the announcement was sawed, in to lumber. They yielded
rather late 'but this year it is be- 2;804 feet, for winch ' he received
ing made early so that all who wish + $98 14 at 533 per thousand, Then
to make entry may hatch their the farmer solei the skins of the
chicks aceording.y. coons for 5'10 making the total
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Egg Lay- ; amounts he realized from the tree
ing Contests will be continued next and its occupants !168.10.
year by the Experimental Farm I Mr. and Mrs. W. J , Galaher
System at the following places:— of Howick have Moved into Wing -
Canadian Egg Laying Contest, halts, having purchased a residence
.Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ont. there.
Prince Edward Island Egg Leyhig Mr. Beit Piper of
Contest, Experimental Station, I London was ;found dead
Charlottetown, P. E. I. in bed one morning last week
Nova Scotia Federal Egg Laying at the home of his sister, where he
Contest, Experimental • Station, Nap- , hacl bean staying. A call was sent
pang N. S. , to' Exeter for his .brothe'i John, but
Quebec Egg Laying Contest, Ex- . on going to deliver the message an
perimental• Station; Cap Rouge;' Que• entrance could not be made tq the
Manitoba Egg Laying Contest, house and on investigation he was
Experimental Faran, Brandon, Man. j, found dead in beds Heart trouble
Saskatchewan Egg Laying Con-
test, Experimental Farm, Indian . s supposed to have beer: the cease
Head, Sask, though it was supposed to have been
Egg Laying Ex- : drinking wood -alcohol which caused
Albertantal Station,LyContest,ta his brother's death. The another of
pLethbridge, ; the two Wren, who was formerly a
,Alta. I resident of Exeter, is ill at the home
These Contests will start on Mon- I of her daughter in London.The
day morning November lst, and ar- double funeral was held at Lon-
rangembents are being made to ac- 1 don.
cent the pens, at least those from I Mi. J. H. Beemer, who has been
a dstanc competing in these Con- I C. P. R. agent at Wingham for the
tests about two weeks before the past thirty years, is retiring and
Contests open. This is for the pur- will probably take up residence in
pose of allowing the birds some Hamilton.
time to rest and become acquainted Wingham has engaged a scavenger
with their conditions before the at a wage of $3.50 per day and 15e
Contest really starts. -per day bonus at the end of the year,
The rules and regulations for -next he to supply his own horse.
year's Contests will be available by Miss Mattie Ellis, who has been on
the 15th of April and may be had the Public school teaching' staff at
upon application to the Dominion Hensall for some years past ,has re -
Poultry Husbandman, Experimental signed and she and her another are
Farm, Ottawa, Ont. or the Super. going west.
intendant of Experimental Farm in , The ban on the holding of public
your province where the Contest is meetings at Exeter was lifted on Fri -
held. day last and the schools resumed
It is expected that all birds' in this their work' in .readiness for the he-
year's Contests which started to lay ginning of the week.
by the 15th of December and which
Thos. Pullman,manager of the
at the close of the Contest give .Seaforth Flax Mills plant, died snd-
promise of making„a record may be deniy of pnuemonia following the flu.
allowed to complete their twelve He was forty-eight years of age.
months laying period, that is, any
bird towards the end of October Mr, Alfred Gunning, who has been
next. that started today before -De- living with an hade farmer for
cember the 15th and that would several years past, had word recent -
likely lay 150 to 225 eggs in the 52 ly that he had fallen heir to some
weeks from the time she laid her property in England by the death of
first egg may be kept for the --52 a relative and has gone over to claim
weeks in order- that she may qual- it.
ify for the "Record of Performence”
or the "Advanced Record of Perform-
This years Contests have
1 1 Li W ib j 1s; vv" 8
Clinton News-JJecorfl
WHEREAS John 3, 'Merrier and
Edward J'.' Mornvr propose to estab-
1is1i 0 ilex null at the '1'owxi of Olin^
101 provided that the Corporation of
the said 'rows grant them the
aid hereinafter' .specified:
AND WI11 I1E-AS in 'order to se-
cure the establishment of the said
industry it 13 deemed advisable to
grant - to tile' said John .J.' Merner
and Edward F. Merner exemption
from toes, .,excepting- school rates,:
upon tho.•e Certain parcels of lands
pa(1 f.WUIarly S described In the mbMor-
auduin el agreement which. is ap-
mended as schedule -"A" to this By-
law Tut the terns of ten years from the
first day of January, '11)20; and also
to grant then) a impply of water not
to exceed IOUO gallons per day on
each day on which the said still shall
be In legal -operation with the
eonlp1eIiiellt of employees in the said
agreement provided for, subject• el
Wave to the other terms and condi-
tions in the said agreement being
fulfilled; •
AND WHEREAS the said -agree-
Mont appended to this By-law as'
schitdule "A" thereto has been exe-
cuted by the said John J. Merner.
and t cava^rd F. Merner and by the
Mayor and Clerk of the Town of
Clinton anis it is expedient to approve
ratify and _•confi,'nl the execution
thereof as the Corporate Act of the
Corporation o1 the Town of Clinton.
THEREFORE the Municipal Coun-
cil. of the Town of Clinton enacts as
It shall be lawful for the Corpor-
ation of the Town of Clinton to enter
into the agreement herewith and
forming part hereof and marked
Schedule ."A" hereto and to per-
form. and fulfill all the contracts 2 And that they, the parties of
covenants and obligations therein the first part, will erect thereon a
by the Corporation andto be flax grill of the value of not less than
property and performed the 12500,00 and will equip the same
property of the said John J. ZVIer-
ner and Edward F. Merner shall be with suitable machinery for the
assessed in the manner set out in• carrying on of a flax mill.
the said agreement and the execution 3 And that they, the said parties
of the said agreement by the Mayor of the first part, will carry on the
rind Clerk on behalf of the said business of flax millers at thee -said
Corporatoin is hereby approved, rat- still in the Town of Clinton for the
ified confirmed and adopted and term of ten years from the first clay
the hesai, Cleric and other officials of January, 1020 and will employ and
of. -the said Corporation are hereby keep employed at the said mill con -
(1(1(1 things and repaired toto the allf acts stantly and continuously during at
unci necessary folds- least eight months in each year of
stidt of the said agreement by the the said term not less than fifteen
said Gorpoi;ation. '
The votes' ofthe electors of the daily employees in and aliout the
Town of Clinton entitled to vote said mill (except in case of tempos. -
thereon shall be taken on this By- ary interruption front strikes, fire or
law on Monday the 5th day of April, other unforeseen or unpreventable
1920, from the hour of nine o'clock in causes) and in the building of such
the forenoon to five o'clock in the af- mill- and in carrying on of their op-
tertoon of. the same day, anis at the motions therein will give a prefcit--'
places and by the Deputy Returning once to residents of the Town of
Officers hereinafter specified that is Clinton when such can be employed
to say: or dealt with on terms not less ad -
For St. Andrew's Ward at the vantageous than others,
Council Chamber in the Town Hall, 4 That once in men year and on
G. E. Saville, Deputy Returning or before the fifteenth day of Janu-
Officer. ary in each year, if required by the
For St. James Ward at the Rat -
Municipal Council of the Corporation
tenbury Holm Sample Room on Vic-
toria Street, A. F. Cudmore, De- so to do, the parties of the first part
puty Returning Officer. will deliver to the Clerk of the Cor -
For St. John's Ward at Davis' gar- potation a statement ve4•ifted by
age on Isaac Street, E. G. Courtin
Statutory Declaration showing the
Deputy Returning Officer. numbers of -workmen employed in
For St. George's Ward at Elliott's and about the said still and the per
Wagon Shop on Huron and Orange iod during whch they have been
Street's, S. J. Andrews' Deputy Re- . employed during the year ending on
'turning Officer. the first day of January then last
3 That the Clerk of the Munici- past; and will Make 'known to the
pality shall sum up the votes given said Clerk the names of • employees
for and against this By-law at the who shall have been employed dur-
Council Chamber in the Town of ing the said period of eight months
Clinton at the hour of one o'clock in such yeay.
in the afternoon on the 6th day of • 5 The Corporation shall cause a
April 1920. one -inch water pipe to be laid on
4 That the Mayor of the said Frederick Street in the said Town
Town shall attend at the Council connecting with the waterworks sys-
Chamber nn the 3rd day of April, tent of the Town and extending
1920 at one o'clock: P.M. to appoint
\persons to attend at the various southerly to any point desired by the
polling places and the final summing parties of the firlst part remote ,trot
up of the votes by the said Clerk, more than five hundred (500) feet
on behalf of the persons from the north limit of the lands of
interested in and proinoting or op- the Buffalo anis Lake Huron Rail -
posing the -passage of this By-law way at Frederick Street and to
respectively. shpply to the parties of the first
5 This By-law shall come into part freeof charge a quantity of
force immediately upon the passing water not exceeding three thousand
thctveof, (3000) gallons on each day on which
the mill shall he in operation, and
Mayor at least fifteen melt shall be em-
ployed therein,
THURSDAY, MARCH 1.8T1r, 1y204'
Bart propose. to' purchase the lends
l b, t
hereinafter wr toscil cd mid cons "
1 aft 1 u cruet.
and o a• and -
thelegate thereon a flax mill 1 d
the Clul,;poration LAO, subjolt to the
appr•ovlii :of the ratepayers of the
Stli(1 Town CltlaltfieCI to vote on. Money -
Ry -laws, alleged to aid the saki parties
of the 'first part in their uafdortakng
1n the Manner hereinafter- set forth;
NI:SSETII ,that in co4181cletation of -
the premises the parties of the first'
part arid, the Corporation • mutually
agree as follows:
1 The motive of the first part agree
that they will purchase those certain
pinata o3! lands known'ewes described
as lollbws, that is to say; - FIRSTLY;
Park Lot letter "I" on Erle . Street
in the Town'of Clinton (excepting 31
Perches thereof gold to the Buffalo and
Lake Huron Railway Company) con-
taining without. said excepted portion
10 acres; 1 rood and 34 porches, SEC-
ONDLY; • I'arlc Lot letter "L" on
Elie Street aforesaid containing 10
acre„ 2 mode and 2.5 perchers,
TIITRDLY; All,the right, title and
interest of the owner of said lots in
the portiofa of, Erie Street lying ad-
jacent to said Park Lots letters "I"
and "L", FOURTHLY; That part (5f.
Lot number one (1) in the Huron
Road Concession of the ^Tow ilohip of
Goderieh, now in the Town o:1 Clinton,
Which may be more partcularly ole-
scribed as follows Commemcing" at
the West limit of Isaac Street where
said limit meets the South lftnit of
the Buffalo and Lake Huron. Railway,
thence westerly along Said lest men-
tioned limit 8 chains And 113 links
more or less to the Division Line
between Lots numbers one (1) and
two (2) in the Huron Road Concess-
ion of the Township of Goderieh,
.thence South along said Division Line
to the point where said Division Line
intersects the Southerly - limit of
110111 Street, thence North Easterly
along the Southerly limit of Isaac
Street 13 ()Milne, p9 links to the place
of beginning, FIFTHLY; All those
portions of Park •Lots' letters "1=1",
"•1,." and "01" in the said Town ly-
ing east of the London Huron and
Bruce Railway, excepting any por-
tion or portions thereof laid cut for
street .and highways, but including
therewith all the right, title and in-
terest, of the owner of the said Park
Lots in and to portions of Streets
lying adjacent to the said lands.
The said parcel containing by ad-
measurement 21 acres of land 2nore
or less.
tiro Mr,Neil D. Reid of Winrtom has M. A, E. Kuhn of the Canada
0 his �t>
1 T agreement shall x .'te nt a entire i
fo • the benefit s
I n t lid b binding been a v 2r o i(. a
upon t, 21 Il ("L?
It engaged u 1111'
p 1 t thev•
. It n Hank of C
y t I m nu'c, �'
o x I t Uxotc • a
Exeter, }}l. s
it vis o , ,
the heirs, xec •o 's cl ti's '
ut 2 , ii na a tintois cause(! on the, stall (>1' ;the 5oulottli been' trtuasferrvd to the launch, at
and assigns of the parties of the first Collegiate by the .death of Miss Herr Kobelt, Sask.. and lane genre
part, Pricituun,
weat with Ole family.
parties hereto of the first pert stave
hereunto attached their' hands and
seals, and the Corporation its Corp.
urate sees attested by the hinds of
the Mayor mics Cleric,
ANI) 10, F. Memel
DELIVERED Thos. Cottle
In the 11r0:ye:nil:1,1(1(13:1o) l I4fayorF,A'.Fc1), L. Macpherson
R:B.Fis Clerk
ppi.G A
a i- f4
The I oihkk Track Route
•Unexcelled dining car service.
Sleeping cars on night trains and
parlor oars on principal day trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn-
ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor-
A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent,;
Phone 55, Uptown Agents
proven that there is a "The school garden as a feature
right and a wrong nine of agricultural education! is tending
to hatch pullets that are to succeed to become, as time goes on and its
in the Contests. According to,. the function is more fully understood, a
experience of this year, the heavier permanent part of the school accom-
varieties should be hatched from the odation in Ontario," says 3. B. Dan -
1st to the 15th of April. The light- deno, Ph. D., in. the Agricultural
er varieties from the 15th of April Gazette for January. Ile presents
to the 16th of May. facts regarding the school gardens,
These dates are not absolute for showing • hindrances, and dfficulties
the strain and care have a marked eneountered,.and indicates the trend
influence, but as a rule, they are
not far'out. The aim is to have the .of the movement in the following
birds just ready to start laying at paragraph,
the opening of the Contest.
Many of the birds that were en-
tered in the Laying Contest through-
out the Dominion this year were
hatched entirely too late, A large
proportion of then when they ar-
rived at the Contests were but part-
ly grown ,and it took several weeks
and in some cases as high as months
to get the birds matured enough to
lay. On. the outer hand, some birds
were laying before they were shipped
and the change brought on a moult
which was almost as disastrous as
the late hatching. 1t is • advisable
therefore ,that persons who are con-
templating entering a pen in any of
the Contests next fall, hatch and rear
with this in mind.
It is also expected that all pens
for which applications for entry
have been made will be inspected on
the breeders own premises before
the entry is accepted and birds that
are not likely to become sufficiently
matured or those over -mature will
be rejected, as well as birds belong-
ing to flocks that are not entirely
;free :From disease, '
Doloiltion Poultry Husbandman,
Mr, Wm. Westlake of Wroxeter,
one of the five brothers who enlisted
and served in the Great War and
who all returned safely, was united
in marriage at Whoxetet reeently
to NOS4 Ethnic Wade, a young
English girl whom he nset while on
leave from the front,
"The number o1 schools- undertak-
ing school garden work in Ontario
is increasing steadily year by .year
as indicated from the following
figures, -1914, 208, 1915, 222; 1916
324;1917. 466; 1918. 588; and 1919,
700 (aprox.) Most of these gardens
form ai. part of the regular school
property, but, as might be expected
there is a considerable number of
gardens on land secured only tem-
poiarily, It should be said to the
credit of the farmers that in very
many cases the hand was loaned to
the school board free of charge.
The spirit shown in such acts as these`
demonstrates more than words the
trend of the school garden tnove-
The News -Record and Globe ..6.25
" Mail and Empire ....5.25
Toronto Wold . , .. , .5.25
" Trento Daily Star, . , , 4.25
Fai•nter's Advoe'e ..8.00 •
Family Herald .. -3.00
Weekly Suti .. , . , 3,00
London Advertiser , , .6,25
London Free Press ...6.25
'Weekly Witness . , , ..2.85
" 'Youth's Companion ..8.75
Above prices are for addresses in
Canada or Great Britain, If publiea-
tfon you want is not in above list, let
lis know.
Remit by Postal Note or Express
Order, 111 Bank Cheque add ox-
Highest cash prices
paid for
Skunk, Raccoon
and Mink
Enquiries promptly
Established 1888
13 1
Old Darky (to shiftless son); "I
bean tell, you is married. Is you?"
.Son (ingratiatingly) ; "I ain't say -
in' I ain't."
01(1 Harkey (severely): "I ain't
ask you is you ain't;. I ask you
ain't you ist"—American Legion
TAKE NOTICE that the above is
a true copy. of a proposed By-law
which haa been taken into considera-
tion by the Municipal Gutuneil of the
Corporation of the Town of Clinton'
and which in the event of the assent
of the electors of the said Town be-
ing obtained thereto swill be finally
considered in Council after one month
from the first publication thereof on
Thursday the 1.1th day of March,
1920, which publication is in the
Clinton News -Record .newspaper; and
take notice that at the hour day rind
places therein fixed for taking the
votes of the electors the polls will
be held at nine o'clock in the fore-
noon and closing at five o'clock in
the afternoon of the same clay and by
the Deputy Returning officers named
in the said By-law for taking the
votes .of the electors.
The names of the leaseholders seg-
inciting to file a declaration under
Section 265 of Chapter 192 of the
Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1014
shall not be placed on the voters
list for stets voting,
D. L. Macpherson
THIS INDENTURE made this ten-
th day of. February, 1020.
John J. Merner .
of the -Town of Seaforth in the
County of Huron and Provihce of
Ontario, manufaettiller, and Edward T'
Metherk of the Village of Hayfield in
the said County, manufacturer, of the
first part, and
The Corporation of the '.Gown of
Clinton, hereinafter called the Corpat-
atiort, of the second part.
WHEREAS the parties of the first
6 That for Municipal purposes
other than school assessments the
said Mill and premises shall be ex-
empt from taxation during the ten
years from the first, day of Janu-
ary, 1920, if the parties of,.the first
part shall during such terns of ten
years continuously 'Operate the saki
mill in accordance with the terms
and :agreements hereinbefore set
forth; but the parties of the first
part shall not be entitled to such ex-
emption in any ,year: or years in
which the said agreements as to
operation or tory of , them shall not
be fully and satisfactorily perform-
.7 The said mill shall be erected,
equipped and in running operation
on or befgre the first day of August,
8 The said lands and the buildings
thereon laving (heretofore been
assessed at a sunt less than their
detual value by reason of the :fact
that they were used exclusively for
Agricultural purposes it is hereby
agreed and miclet;stood that with
respect tothe assessment thereof
for any purpose whatsoever the said
lands and the buildings at present
.thereon shall during the said term
Of ton years be assessed on a basis
of valuation 5ibliliar to that em-
ployed in the assearnistit of, other
'Corm lands within the said Town;
but such limitation of assessment
shall not be deemed to extend to
any building or buildings
which may hereinafter be erected on
said lands,
9 The Clorporetiot agrees to submit
to the ratepayers of the said Munici-
pality as soon as practicable by a
By-law approving of this agreement
which shall be deemed to come into
full force and ,effect only upon the
passing of such Hy -law,
711r° W7,1 tar,
., o.
TORONTO (i1niOn Station)
9,I± 1'.ra
c in en.R i
t � I..i' �1' '.•p"I
WIp1 1p G
STADDIDIp Tileffs-Cu8T111Gf3Ta1. TRAM Et�7UlP ". t9T'1}1t CUt3Qi,
Sun. Mon. Wed. Fri,—•Canadian national all the was.
Tues. Thurs. Sat. -•Via G.T., T. 41 01.0, Cochrane thence 0, 8. flys,
Tickets and full Information from nearest Canadian fdational
hallways' Agent, A: 7'. COOPER, CLINTON ONT.
or General Passenger Department, Toronto.
industrial Department Toronto and Winnipeg will furnish full particulars -
regarding land in Western Canada available for farming or other purposes.
To Ladies
This is a result of the lack of
the ordinary red corpscules in the
blood. The too frequent neglect
of this complaint, especially in the
case of growing girls and young
women, is fraught with the great-
est danger.
Poorness of the Blood
must lead to weakness of the body,
General Debility and such a ran
down condition that the sufferer
falls a Prey to almost any epidemic
disease — especially Influenza,
Colds and La Grippe.
Fainting, Palpitation
general disturbance of the bodily
functions, headache., hysteria, pale
and sallow complexion, pallor of
the tongue and lips, puffiness un-
der the eyes and Heart Murmur
are generally associated with An-
Hackings Heart and
Nerve Remedy
is the most reliable medicine to
use. It will bring back the rosy
cheeks and restore Vitality and
Vigor. Do not be discouraged and
do not worry for you will only got
worse. Place your confidence in
Hackings Heart and Nerve Remedy
for it is a complete tonic that will
bring back the happiness of good
stealth that you so much desire.
Buy a few boxes to -clay. Price
60e a box, 6 for $2.60. Sold by
all dealers or by mail, postpaid.
Hackings Limited, Listowel.
Jumpy Nerved
If you get startled easily or
"jump" or "scare" at the least
little thing, it means that your
Nerve Force is weakened and
Your Nerves control every Men-
tal and Physical process that takes
place within you—if the : the
Nerves were cut leading to the
Heart that organ would never beat
again. Without the Nerves you.
could never See, Taste, Smell or
Ilear again for it is upon the
Nerves that every sense dopends.
If you wish to build up and
strengthen the body you must put
new life into the millions of nerve
fibres that lead to the heart, the
Stomach, the Kidneys, the Liver
and the other organs. This you
can quite easily do by taking a
six box treatment of Haolcings
iTent't and Nerve Remedy. It will
take away "unit tired feeling,"
banish those pains in the head,
increase your appetite, help . you
to sleep better, eat better and live
What is a. few dollars In com-
parison to your health, we offer
you a sovereign remedy for your
illness in Hacking's Heart and
Nerve remedy. Tho road to Ilealth
and Happiness is yours if you will
but believe it. This wonderful
preparation will change you from
a Weak, Nervous or Anaemic per-
son to one full of Life, Vitality
and Animation. It will bring back
the Roses to your Cheeks by in.
creasing circulation and purifying
the blood. Better get a few boxes,
now, when you think of it, but be
sure to get Hackings. Price 50c a
box, 6 for $2.50. Sold by all deal-
ers or by mail, postpaid, Hack-
ings Limited, Listowel, Out.
Jfjr jl ,.•gyp rl ,",,•(,,� I r rs
'iM w ti -+1.6..x'1 h' Cl. .L� •'i1 tl.1,c 3 e
;Department o1 ;r; f.lanlr
?Dominion cf c,a;tahz
:Kold be Filed
at Once ! -!
All persons residing in Canada, employed in Canada, or carrying on
business in Canada, are liable to a tax on income, as follows:
Every unmarried person, or
widow, or widower, without de-'
Pendants as defined by the Act,
who during the calendar year,1919,
received or earned $1,000 or more.
Forams to be used in filing
returns (1n or before the
31st of March, 1920:
'trustees, executors, ad-
ministrators, agents and
assignees must use Forni
T 3.'
Employers making a
return of the names and
-001ounts paid to all di-
rectors, officials, al (1111 or
outer employees 111[1 .i usu.
Vora) T 4.
Corporations unci Jnint
Stack Cnm;rn411 v makin:.t
return of .all (li'vid(nil., and
htmttses'paid to :=bar' hnld-
ors and members ers ,Vigils?;
1919, must 11-1:1c r11 1 5.
,,:vial ot,,a hl r , h. r
deal (1140011ynn bora( 1 1 1 .n 1 �t.
i:very narso 1 55 0 7s t c i t 1.
tent 0' thin i(4t,a, a
t }
4011(1'. 21 1
i1• t1 Sof 7 10
(411r01 t Pf 11 11 ,. n,
,( —0(151,4171 .11 701 -1.
111 1 1 41.:4 !,t!,ts Sgt.,,a
00i7,0,1 o frr nt 41x0 i i, .,t
41.14,)'do (i1, kr taurt..
the star struaner to 041. It
(51011 nru .las(1vsa,1 ;VW c:11•
All other individuals,
who during the calendar
year 1919, received or
earned $2;000 or more.
Time Limit
All persons in Class 1, as
shown hereon, must file on
or before the T1st of
March,' 1920.
All persons in Class 2, as
shown hereon, mint file
on or liefnre the 30 th. of
April, 1920.
• 411niera! �'•.. -. `.l"_ l,eallS
Obtain:lior,-Is from the
Impect.., s (1 r
111 Ileo t(:('s of 1 4X;.1:1(11,
Ir;:m T'a-tma,.t:11,,
Iia .l
caref..-,!!3, all hi-
, 1I'uc'ticuta on Haan. h(d(,r
filling it in.
Prt;.,;711.:9 vv,:i4' n
141.- (1 l'•'
I :r0 of 'L X li 1r.
lddreas.el ll,spocfor of 'i•lication i(
?„1.4.;;:e 71-!1 rrf.7irm
his District.
LON 131>?.;, ONT.
Every corporation and
joint stock company, whose
profits exceeded $2,000
during the fiscal year end-
ed in 1919.
Forms to he 11,4'1 in filing
('Cttlr115 cal rr 1,, 1,1•r• the
30th of April, 1'!'0: (t.
All inch •c:u.: .tlu r
than farm, r 11,1 r..11001 rs
suet use 1 (, t i' 1.
Fol':n( 1 - •1 ranchers
tau t 144' a , 't 1 1. A.
Lorimer t, S:lad Joint
St, ck t'i- Inl'al,lt•14 must use
Fort)/ '1' 2.
Pi",NA 4.'11'
f?5cry ilvrs011 r,'Qtiired to
111000(41)7) (4'1,'b 1,to(10
so within tIss ,
shall hesub• •.a t,1 .1 itraalty
of tWe11t}'-ThP 4'.`I' C.•L1t1111
Illy rax
tnly1114 a.
Ary "`-( , 11L°-!xr' 1(211,40
or (l4l r1. 1 •, : 0 (0
4 i 2,1.,17, u 5 ,. -nt
it. 54 11.... ' al. - 81
... rl..l'p , '1't.',:i f,'
,( r •. , r
t 1. ...
87100,. . - - .)
o ti7f,
moo , r 5,01 ,. (' ..n,:!
' . 114,7. '1° ;!5 1 7 :; Contmi.ssioaerorf Tgxrrtion.,E