HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-3-11, Page 7for prompt results. With the lowered,
ji strength.and vitality of age they realize
more than ever before the importance
of having Gray's Syrup on hand for
immediate use. 02
they ah,reye buy the Larne She
Montreal 0. WATSON & a0 , Ncre y'ork,
made from.
no. 8531—Ladies' and Misses' One.
Piece Nightgown. ' Price 20 cents. In
.8 sizes; small, 32, 34; medium, 36,
48; large, 40, 42 ins. bust. Medium
size with pockets, shorter sleeves, 3%
yds. 32 ins. wide, or 2% yds. 86 ins,
wide; • without •pockets, 3%. yds. '32
,rise, -wide, .or. 3%ryda' 36 ins.• -wide"
--Width around.b0tteln;
Noe4/405-4Ladiee Neflligee-or Hou$q"
,Gown,eeBrice 2Cecents, "Cut teem one
'.:width of-3natoriai , instep lertgtlr,;
(Out in• 3.,slzep,.•einail, 84, 36; medium,.
4M-40;clarge 4 ,:•44 ns. bustnteastere,
'Small size requires 3 yds, 40 or 45 ins.
wide. Width around bottom, 11,5 yds.
These patterns may be obtained
(from your local McCall dealer, or -from
the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto,
(Dept. W.
:bleep Srntard'a Slntment le the hoses.
From All Quarters.
Only one man in 203 is six feet in
The full equipment of a diver
weighs about 175 pounds,
One grain of indigo Is sufficient to
affect the color of a ton of water.
f �r Coal used for household purposes lu
England amounts to 30,000,000 tons a
year; industries use nearly 100,000,000
tons annually,
The most expensive and the scarcest
precious stone nowadays is the emer
ald. One was seld recently, at Ghrt_-
tle's, for S700 a carat.
Italy's perfume manufacturers con-
.sume 1,860 tons of orange blossom,
930 tons of roses, 160 tons each of jas-
mine and violets, and fifteen tons of
jonquils annually,
In Siam a declaration of marriage
is very simple, It Is considered a pro.
posal merely to offer a lady a flower,
or to take a light from a cigarette if
she is holding it in her'mouth.
Beginning life as a bobbin -carrier
hearty • fifty years ago' at Hindley;.
Lancashire,Mr. Peter Taylor has been
appointed manager of the same mill
which he entered as a boy;
Not So Hard to Understand.
A teacher who 'believed. in co-opera-
ting.wi<th, the parents of her pupils
called ' 'at the home of a small boy
whom she had caught in a number of
falsehoods in order • to take codnsel
with his mother,
"I can't see how you can say that,"
the boy's mother objected. "John
never tells me lies. I'm mighty par-
ticular about it myself, He's out ,in_
' the yard now. „':Annie," she said to his
small sister, ''''You go out and tell him
to come right in this minute!"
Annie went, but in a few minutes
she returned without the small- pre'.
varfeator, "He won't come," she an-
nounced proudly, "Ile says he won't,"
"Did you tell him who was here?"
inquired his mother.
Annie shook her head,
"All right,".said the truthful parent,
"Go batik and tell him his grand-
mother's- hale and has Some candy
for him. That'll bring him!"
Value of Coal Gag;
English experts -are -carrying on ex-
tensive..tests of the value of coal' gas
for annealing, tempering, hardening
end melting metals,
Throw out the old 1 aktd wick from
the incubator lamp, test the ther-
mometer and level up -the machine.
o Lave Good Color and Health
the Blood Must be Kept
Bed and X'{lt'e.
Many women W110 had good color
and brlght.eyes in tholr.girlhood grow
pale and colorless end lobe much of
their charm when they beeome wives
and 'mothers. Why is !t? When the
fading color in the cheeks dud lips is,
accompanied by a lose of brightneee
In the eyes and au inoreaeing heavi-
ness in the step and a tendency to
tine easily,, the cause Is to be sought
in the state of the blood, •
Many °altsea may contribute to the
condition of the blood known as anae-
mia, Care of the home, overwork,
Sack of .outdoor eXercise, insufficient
rest and sleep, improper diet, are 'a
few of them. The Important thing 13
to restore the blood, to build it up ao
that the color will return to the cheeks'
and lips, brightness to the eyes, and
lightness to the step. To de this,
nothing can equal Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, They begin at once to increase
the red corpusleS in the blood, and
this new blood carries strength and
health to every part of the body. The
appetite improves, digestion becomes
perfect, and energy and ambition re-
turn. Proof is given in the s•iateihent
of Mrs. Alex, Archambo, Cornwall,
Out., who dye:- -"Two years ago my
health began to fall. I was suffering
i'rom headaches, paints in the back
and sides, and a constant tired out
feeling. I had used a lot of medicine,
but instead of -it -helping Ere I seemed
to be growing weaker. My friends
urged me' to try- Dr: Williams' Pink
Pills, and while I felt disheartened at
my eicperlence with other medicines,
I " decided to do so. To my great joy
I soonfound the pills were helping
me; and their continued use for a time
fully restored' my- health, I feel that
I would be ungrateful if I did not give
my experience._with,Dr. Williams'' Pink
Pills, in'the+hope,•thet it may point the
way to heath to, some otherepoor,.sufe
fgre. "
DrWiiliamsl. Pink Pols can be ob-
tabled, through -any anedictue,deader,'
or'may"'he'hnd;.:by.m,aileepost.-paid, at
'50` cents a bos'or:six:boxes.for 32.50';
Froin,The .Dr• Winiame`:,'Madicine Co.;
Brockville, Ont.
Eucalyptus Fuel.
Eucalyptus trees planted an tropi-
cal mountain Mos world produce fuel
at the rate of twenty tons, dry weight
(sixty pounds to the cubic foot), per
acre annually. This in perpetuity, the
plantations when out reproducing
themselves without further expense.
Such is the declaration of a scientist
who say's that by this means the sun's
heat In hot latitudes can be economi-
cally stored, the dry eucalypt timber
being heavier thau coal andpossessing
more heating power, bulk for bulk.
An acre of enealyptue in thetropics,
he asserts, would produce the equiva-
lent of at least twenty toes of coal per
annum, the only requirements being
Powerful sunshine and heavy rainfall
to insure rapid growth. So, with such
a possible resource available, why
worry about the threatened exhaustion
of the coal mines?
The Groundhog.
Nobody knows where the groundhog
got its "rep" as a weather forecaster,
but belief In its Powers in this regard
seems to be very ancient.
It is a kind of marmot (therefore re-
la.ted.to the prairie dog)- and makes
itsehosnd jn-a.burrow twenty or thirty
feet long, which descends, obliquely
four or IMI feet, and than -gradually
rises to a large round chamber,' where
the groundhog- family sleeps aid
brings up the young ones.
In the daytime the woodchuck. (as it
is otherwise called) never goes far
from its burrow. When angry or
alarmed it snakes a chattering noise,
or sometimes. utters a shrill whistle.
Its -bite ,is• severe, and it will make a
desperate fight against a dog.
The Deadly Jordan.
Bathing in the Myer Jordan, fa-
mous in sacred history, haslost' its
Popularity a's the -result of •the . die-
covery by United States physicians,
that it is a dangerous• disease -germ
One of the first steps taken by an
American Red Cross unit reaching
that region was en analysis of the
river water, It was fennel to be Jaden
with the germs of skin diseases and
other maladies.
There have neves' before been re-
stricttons on bathing in the stream,
regardless of the physical eouditfons
of the bathers, but•the revelations of
the danger lurking -in the Jordan's
water .caused the local atttiloritiss to
place a ban On the unrestricted bath-
"One single idea may, have greater
weiglltt than the labor`' of all men,
atnimnale, and engines for a century:"
AMorning- Di.Bh. Of
certainly does hearten. cine up
for the day.Why shouldn't it? •
Grdpets is ready -cooked,
ready- sweetened, and contains
just those good elements nature
requires for the g
streri th to do
Make (3 openNuts your horrl,e cereal
We Wa inti need brevity, V1 o quoit it
evert in action. Meet or us melee two
movements where one would suihee,
We waste rntiaole and nerve aril ener-
gy end fife 10 doing things that profit
neither eursolves nor anyoug else, es
pecially fu doln'g tillage in long And
clumsy ways when a little thought
would provide a aln'lplier way to the
511100 end.
13ut above all we need brevity in
speech, It seems as if the world had
never before been overwhelmed with
suoli a flood of words, Every day in
books and meg/mines the press pours
forth millions of theist that no and"cait
read, or wagts to read, or ought to
read. livery day pabllc streakers de-
liver vast voluynes of talk on .which
they have reflected very little before-
hand and on which on one will reflect/
at all afterwards. The old saying wee
that speech was given us to conceal
aur Weight, but it'Fserves an, even
mord useful - purpose in concealing
our lack of thought. For thought is
difficult, turd talk is easy.
It seems almost as if the wide dif-
fusion of oduoation had supplied chief.
ly words and enlarged our common, or
uncommon, vocabulary without enlarg-
ing the thought behind it, It ought
not to be so. Tile foremost, the only
vital, function of education is to sup-
ply thoughts, And it may be taken
for granted that the more we think the
less we speak; for the 'more we think
the plainer we erre the huge signilice
atace and the danger of speaking. Es-
pecially is it true that the more exact.
lyand carefully we think the less we
speak. If we really have something to
say, we try to say it with an exquisite
and finished brevity.
06 course'brovlty can bo carried too
far, May be awkward and inarticulate
and Incomplete. We may be brief and
tedious at the same time.- Some one
brought Voltaire, the master of brevi-
ty, an epigram iu tryo tines, "Ail"
said Voltaire: "Very good,^"_ but ft
drags in'spots." The old comic dra-
matist said of a dull oaf, "This laconic
ass makes brevity ridiculous." We
do not want to make brevity ridiculous
•or•1et• it-makems so.
•'Nevertheless,w're•shodld'rall do well
,to culttvate'aud practice -brevity,. and
we (nay be sure time we'Sllould be
much there listened to if • we spoke:
Our. Canadian. March weather—one
day bright, but Sloppy, the next blus-
tery and cold—is extremely hard on
childhatt. Conditions make it neces-
sary for the mothers to keep the little
ones indoors. They are often confined
to overheated, badly ventilated rooms
and catch colds which rack their
whole system. To guard against these
colds and to keep the baby well till
the better, brighter days come along,
a box of Baby's Own Tablets should
be kept in the house and an occasion-
al dose given the baby to keep his
stomach and bowel, working regular
ly. The Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which never fail to
regulate the stomach and bowels and
thus they relieve colds and simple
fevers and keep the baby fit, The Tab-
lets are soil by medicine dealers or by
mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr,
Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville,
Everything Right in the End.
I want to believe in the happy old way
That all will come right in the end
some day,
That life will be bettet and days will
be sweet,'
1That ropes 'will carpet the world for
melt's feet,
That love nail affection and honor and
Will lift ns from sorrow and shadow
and *dust,
I want to, -go toiling with this in my
That every day brings us the joy of
a start •
Fresh with endeavor and duty and
As we swing to our tasks with the
vigor of youth,
Singing• tate music of love and of
Tilt clouds clrift mind and the storms
When, ordering goods by mail solid
a Dominion Express Money Order. `
Send Prisoners Horne.
One hundred and ninety thousand
Ill'isonerS of war, including 48,110 'of-
ficers, have been repatriated from the
French camps sinceedanuary 20th, ac-
cordlnd to an anneuucement from the
French War OR3co,
Ask for ARfnardes and take ao other.
Chalking It Up!
it is a little-known fact outside the
coal -in Ining• ihdustty itself, that • enalk
is a large factor in assessing' thea
wages of the coal -nailer, says an Eng-
lish writer. • The chalk fon' this pttr-
pose is bought by the miner himself in
irregular - shaped' lumps somewhat
larger titan a duck's egg. • •
When a miner is given employment
In a particular section of the coal
mine, he is also given a letter fi'otn
tete alphabet 000110on' to the district
wherein he is employed, and a. nils-
tinguishing.number, such as 2D if he
is wot'kieg in the D district, As thea
tubs movie up ft'om the pit they are
carefully weighted, and the weight
and numbers are properly entered in-
to a book under the heading 21), •
At the beginning of the miner's
week he marks his first tub 21) 1, and
thee carries on throughout the week,
each tub being numbered by him In
rotation At the mid t of the week his
last -tub may:rei'rd 2D 28,
When an empty tub is pot into the
miner's workhig-ltlace, lite rubs out all
the prevloue Markings, He than puts
bn his own number, tetter, and the
iiumbeteof •hls-ililing,
Only a -high sense of duty (Mettre%
the smooth working of thla chalk SYS -
tent, end woe betide arty offender it
the ease can be proved against him,
00 ilee0ln05 locally a social outcast,
Would you be rid of that
slaloming pain—that sharp
knlfo,like thrust along the
peistic nerve -course et;
000lIrgyredo_ movement? Thou -bands found lsstlndt
�dany dootors presoribe
rer Write Tempietons, 149
ISing 8t, W., W05'onto, for
free sample.
Sold b rebobie druggists
everywhere for $1,04,
Templeton's RAZ -MA Wain -
sales aro guaranteed to relieve
AST MA. Don't autisman-
WrIteTempletons, 142 Eine Est.
W., Toronto, forireeeample.
Reliable druggists sell them at
81.04 a box.
Canada to be Important
Fur Market.
Canada is now exporting to other
cohntrios, according to Dominion
Government figures, $14,000,000 worth
of furs and skins iu the course of a
year, and a number are brought back
into the country, purchased by Cana.
dian dealers at foreign sales and re-
sold to Canadians. The value of furs
and Akins exported during the fiscal
year 1018-1919 was $13,737,021. Of
these $9,748,464 worth went to the
United States, $3,763,956 to Great Bri-
tain, and $280,202 to other countries.
Some extent of the values to which
these exports have risen can be ob-
tained from the fact that the value of
the export of furs and skins in 1917
was but $6,837,883. During the month
of March, 1919, the value of these ex-
ports was $2,080,704, as compared with
$1,420,168 in the corresponding month
1n 1918. It has been estimated that
eighty per cent.-of•the silver foxes' of
the world come from Canada.
e' For nearly four centuries ' Canada
has been one of the largest and most
productive fields •of the fur trade, and
it is impossible to estimate the num-
ber, or the value'"of e the costly pelts
taken front the traps of the Dominion'
in this period. Yet, until quite recent-
ly, the fur trade was hardly organized
on a business basis, and beyond the
tr'appiug and taking of the furs the
various phases of the industry passed
out of Canadian hands. Traders
bought from the trappers and then the
raw materials went to the large for.
eign markets.
There has gradually dawned a
realization of the money lost in tills
way, however, and in future Canada
will market her own furs and Mont-
real become ono of the most important
fur markets of the globe. For years
London, St, Louis and New York have
been the sellliig centres to which
Canadian furs have travelled and St.
Louis had the world', .premier fur
mart. The auctibn aL Montreal will bo
conducted by a large company capital-
ized at $5,000,000 and will be largely
co-operative in nature, It Is the in-
tention to hold three auctions a year.
The opening of a Canadian fur mar-
ket •is a natural development of aril.
ficial breeding and fur ranching, This
industry is fairly general throughout
Canada, and in Prince Edward Island
the industry which has been in opera-
tion for more than thirty years, has
assumed very important proportions.
In 1914 there were in the Island no
less than 250 fix ranches with nearly,'
4,600 foxes,
A Bold Bird.
The elniekatdoe win eat out of your
hand If you show hint that you have
something good to eat and he is not
already pretty well satisfied, for he Is
a sociable, fearless and responsive
little .fellow. Anotliea• thing is that if
you' whistle to the chickadee lie will
invariably respond', which is more
than can be mid of most other birds.
The chickadee braves' the winter chid
and remains even when the snow
makes it hard for hint to find much
food. The top‘and back of his head is
jet black and there is a big black epot
also on hie throat, while the rest of
the bird !s -shaded from white to gray
and buflish.
Mina{d's xonl'ment for sale everywhere
Pbnsions granted to disabled sol-
diers range from Canada's 47s. 11d.
a week, at the head of the list, to
Germ'any's 20s. 90. at the foot. In
Great Britain such a man is entitled
to 40s. weekly.
Beef scraps - and heat lneals are
cheap and 'beneficial for poultrsy.
A little "Danderine" checks
ugly dandruff and stops
hair failing
Get a email bottle of "Danderino" at i
any deug store for a 'few cents, pour a
little into your hand end rub well into I
the scalp with the finger tips, .By
tnorning most, if not all, of this awful
60111 Will Have disappeared, Two or 1
three applications often remove ovary
bit Of dandruff end.stops fnlliuig ]fair,
livery hair Mt -50019 shortly 5i1ows
more life, vigor, brightness, thickness
and coier.
NotWhence the Slelghhell,
s '
least c.tu'tclns among objects of
antiquity .dug up its Central Aalerloe
and Cohunbla are golden images of
reptiles with tiny sleighbe'lle. tor eyes;.
At' all events, we should call thein
aleighbel1s Weaned, in miniature, they
-ere exactly like slelgttbells, the alit
serving to represent the opening be.
tween the eyeilde.
Full -silted sleighbells, mostly gold-
plated,' with metal pollots instde to
tinkle, are found in anclent graves' all
over Central America, Usually they
are of copper, and have a loop at the
top to hang by,
What they were. used .for is a rays.
tart. Presumably for adornment,
thouglrthey may have had a religious
slgniticanoi'dce. s,Uuumistakably they we're
oast, In na
The prehistoric inhabitants of diose
regions were exceedingly skillful
metal workers, copper and gold beteg
their favorite materials, They had a
process for plating with a gold wash
that is not understood at all to -day,
Bat it would be most lntorestipg to
know how it came about that sleigh.
bells exactly like our own. In pattern
were made on this continent men -
and , probably thousands of
years, before the New World was die.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited,
Have used MINARD'S LIN11V11NT-
for Croup; found nothing equal to
Hawitshaw, N.B., Sept. let, 1905.
e •
Musical Milking.
Farmers will be interestedeln the
statement that cows milked to music
give mora milk than those minted In
The experinientes said to. have been
conducted at the 'Electrloal Depose
tion in Now York, : where' the cows
were not•only milked to mluslc but
milked' by electricity; . and sceptics
will perhaps wonder 'what would' 10
the result if the cow were 7mdllced by
hand while the farmer's boy played a
fiddle. Mozart and Beethoven were
among- the domposers whose work
dignified the hour and increased the
Row of milk,
7dinerd's Liniment Relieves lSonzalgYe.
Shovels Ore into Cars.
Operated by compressed air di-
rected by one mau, knew implement
for use about mines literally shovels
ore from piles into care.
Bulk Cat -lots
The Joy Of A
Perfect Skin
ltChow the joy and
happiness that comes
to one thru possessing
a olds of purity and
beauty. The soft, dis-
tinguished appearance 0
renders brings out your
naturalbesuty to its full..
est In use over r0 years.
Gtiut cud's ,{,:•:,4
rte -Oa- Crum..
IERRtf4la0$,F¢1NS,hrt.(t1J.�t i ,tri!"�
;Look at tongues Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
IE Constipated, Bilious or
Headachy, take
es never gripe, teker
convenience one like Salts', 011, Calo-
mel or harsh Pills, ' Feel bu1171 Be
efflelentt Don't stay sick, bilious,
headachy, constipated, Remove the
liver and bowel poisoe)1 which is keep-
ing your head dim", jour tongue coat -
,ed, your breath bad and stomach soar.
Why not spend a few cents( for a box
'of Cascarcts 'and enjoy the nicest,
gentlest laxative -cathartic you ever
experienced? They werlt while you
' The biggest cheese in the world'
was reoently esthi'bibed at a Chicago
dairy show; it weighed fdurtesn tons,
and nine 'men, aided by mechanical
appliances, were required to tnov'o'xt,
IlliVt8t Your Money
Interest payable half yearly.
The Great West Permanent
Loan 'Company,
Toronto Office 20 King St, West
IIS. east sties,,
oa'e Pioneer Dog Bomo4.m
15005 On
and now to reed
A2alted Free to,any Ad-
dt•oes by the Author,
71. May glover Co., Us.
118 West 3101, r'9rreet
Now York, U.S.A.
SerCE 01670
Almost any man will tell' you
that Sloan's Liniment
means relief'
For practically every maa has used
0 who has suffered Croat rheumatic
aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness
of Joints, the results of weather ex-
posure: -
Wooten, too, by the hundreds \tif
thousands, use it for relieving neur-
itis, latae backs, neuralgia, sick head-
ache. Clean, refreshing, soothing,
economical, quickly effective. Say
"Sloan's Liniment" to your Ctrnggise_
Made in. Canada, ,,,Get !t today,.
86o., 70o., 31.10.
Uft off Cons!
Doesn't hurt a bit and F'reezone
•• costs only a few cents,
11111 your Snggrat You Can lift oft'
any hard corn, soft corn, or corn between
the toes, and the bard skin calluses from
bottom of feet. '
A'tiny bottle of "Fraezone" ,eats tittle
at any drug store; apply a few drops
upon the corn or callus. Instantly 11
stops hurting, theft shortly 35051 lift that
bothersome corn or callus right off, root
and nil, without ono bit of pain or acre
nets. '"rulvt No humbugs •
Accept "California" Syrup of L'!gs
only—look for the name Collier ria on
the package, then you are 'sure .yottr
child Is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels,
Children love its delicious fruity
taste. Full directions for child's tloss5
on each bottle. Give it without fear.
Mother: You rust say "California."
D Ap E
W1 'i3 E.
. C Q!s
.,t'' a
I have cured,
hundreds of
cases, and all
without pain,
In nearby every
case, in ono visit
to my office,
Write,'to MISS
I2, Klv0lil2, A'7
Joseph St}ec-t, Ici.tcheaer, Ont., ohs
of my recent patients.. Ask her about
my shill. (Enclose game( for reply,)
ii you heed tey services cell or write. )
Only ati overnight tip from Ontario,
D its IP . 0. rillBeyR
Eye, Bari Nose, Thebe*
23 Yrans'on arittr"senks7
j2012. fb'tete St.,C1410/tt.11Oq ILL.
+: NOW. 5 40 1 . • eladsyrtio to IA
'103US;No, 16--'20,
CPne' 4 pd A.. dvr,
A „„---rree.terwereerwwWirt
• i.filtl VP WAlllx,',O
7f7Yo 5100 x$' Ac110Nm8 w0No'[pfff
JJIt good potato and ranchos•,•-lser
rices on fr5 -ask for canal')tiyse
United Ali Co,,
„ A xlrunsWiek Ars„ WOW
WAN' '-- rtu LIABLsn, 19lvEtfb
ors or gOthet's who pan devote 46
their emir') timet to represent us aa
galeemen for Nursery stook, We sumo
ply up-to-date oanvasaing' outfits free ,et"
charge 'and offer liberal remuueratloltt,,
Apply lmtnodiatoly to Maple Grove
Nurserles, Winona, Ont.
bonds andtctsbenthandle om mining
route House. Liberal oenimisslon. An.
ply Box 0, 'Wilson Publishing Co., To.
l!]I las1t'lQNa, I1iSTR1r1UToitli \vA1V,T.-
ri fill In every city town, and Pro.
since in flanttda; very 010011 capital 05.
r sired. and you handle your own 100003',
shipmeppnts all duly petit, f.o,b. Montreal.
'lertd D fir agency 1, oposlttnn, Toitirta
Co„ iOrldgeton, New Jel'soy, 2 ,0.A.
1®TI9wsP u'ma, WU' IOKL'Y, IN x3RUC1A
ISeS 7tuQillsgninubllsopportunity.
72 Adelaide St- W„ Tcrento,
vv Vv and ,nob printing plant an mrastera
Ohtarlo, Insurance earned 51,600, Wild
go for 51,200 on quick talo. Box 63,
Wilson Tubllshtng Co„ Ltd„ Toronto,
10 tear willmfta you, Write far prices,
I0HIP Toon EMPTY L'.ACiS—=1i11GAli,
., flour, bran seeks to Stevens. High-
est priest. (leo. Stevens,64 Mark St�
P.'eterboi•o. ..
.IL write rue. Geo. Stevens, 111 Mark
Stream, Peterboro.
1f 10 10U HAVE A FIRE AND 1IAV12
J!. a car or more of acran iron I wilt
come and quote youwhereit lays. Goa,
Stevens, 351 Mark Street, Peterboro,
2Asi9RS e101708T.
iL able farce. Dive description, lo-
oanlou and cash pries. James I'. White,
Box- 99;' New Franklin, Mo.
$Si tight - bewing `•at' -home whole or
'spare thee; good •pay, werit. as any dna.
tanbe akargfrere oat& Send'etanep•for par.
tfauiere,. •'"Nafl'eniri afahutaelueing Cons -
than 'Montreal,
areveible' tb sup,Is'. `adylse ug.. as we
•wltt pay - the'hlghost'nrtcee. dry or 'green
front BM satyr • Keenan Bros. Limited,
Owen -Sound, Ont,
•�lntrithal and external, cured without
ppain-by, our home treatment. Write us
55801, too lats. Dr. Gellman Medical
Co.. knilted, CoIUngwood, . Ont
'THEY do roe` "''r=
i1 fear coughs,
colds and allied
complaints. For 4.,:\
over 60 years they
have relied on `
Face9Pleck,Armst Terrible
, Sight, ltchedAndBurned.
Cuticura Heals,
°" )BaNiy was two months old when
2 noticed little pimples on her head.
They kept getting worse and spread
• ¢W her head, lam, neck: and arms
were onemass of eruptions, burning,
Itching, and bleeding. 1 was told it
wee aeuteeczema. 1 hadto sew up her
orms and lege in linen. Shcwas a.
terrible eight. For one year' I had
no rest (tight or day.
" We got Cuticure Soap and Oint-
ment.. In less than two Weeks she
,began to mend and in a few months
she was healed." (Signed) Mrs.
Boorman,•243 McDonnell St., Peter.
boro, Ont., April 19,1919•
Stopthe use of all doubtful soaps.
U9pe Cuticura for all toilet purposes.
soap 25e, Ointment 25 and 50e. Sold
throughouttheDominnon, CanadianDepou
Lyman,, Limited. St Paul U. Montreal.
� 3dAVS�'Ouiraure,Soap ehad'e. without mug,
AOSY'T 3,AST 7. 11i,T corm' CONTINV1:I
Sp i!sDistemperCom1pound
wilt 'crook it la vers'' short time, At the first slen of a
eotttfh orbold in your horse, give a few closes or
"SI CtliN'S; I1 will ail ce the gle.nds, &h./dente disease
C;erms Mid provost farther destruutlon of body by dl.aenoe,
y1'QI•INS"-'hue been the standard remedy for 1)1,01010-
0OIr0HS and COLDS for a quarter of n century. At all
drug stores,
55203(0 MF.DSCAL COMPANY. Goshen, lad„ U.S.A.
Not Aspirin at Ali without the "Bayer Cross/,
' t
For Colds, Pa n, Headache, Neural- package wliiolt dentatus complete di.
gin:, Teethaolte Earache, and for motions, Then ,volt are getting real
Rbennintisru, 7.,utnbago, Seintioa, Non- An (vin --the germine Aspirin pre.
knife dein, Mania marked with the serthod by' phpeielens for over nine.
name "Bayer"' or yea are not taking teen years, Now matte ftt Canada.
Aspirin at ail, Bandy tit boxes containing 12 tab.
• SweSweptmilt"Hover, Tmita. ablets of lets cost but a few a: Druggists
Ap hitt in ' err nabi'olton "Bayer" Klee 5511' larger '"Bayer" •pnekages,
e Times le only este Arinar8xl*." Deyer't--Yon mutt saj' "14ayer"
rteprre( h. lir Old, ens•:: tiogteirrre ,o 053131a) et 13ayer.ldanOtnotoro of atone.
Drcttantddneco' ,,f l.ati,n I;»a, d, while at In well Ittlewn that Aeplrin 152115 Bayer
' n a Yin c"•frn' ; naslur 4'10 , hi!r � 1 - Iml rttlaait the bfe of na'o • ...
a p l . neo n t 4 2'a to3' t tlomraay
Will be ntttu alrtl whh .lu•1: ruuaral trade mark, the "payer Cro&a."