HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-3-11, Page 6• Rhagworrn. •
...Ringworm is a skin (1 -Meath, or rath.
er a hair disease,•that is eaueed by .a
fungus that grows at the roots of the
hair or in tile hairs theinseivee. There
ate two. kinds of fungi, one that in -
wipe the daftwf-the haireandegrows
down into the rootethe other that -be-
gins -at the vont and works up into the
shaft. The first of these, which is
called the. small -pore fungus, is the
ane -that causes the greater number
of cases of ringworm of the scalp. The
other, or large -spore variety, chiefly
causes the ringworm of the body and
Ringworm of the scalp—its' teehni-
cal memo is . Tinea-tonsurans—ht very
seldom found except in children, but
in them it is nut uncommon, and it is
very contagious. The disease begins
as a round, reddish, sometimes 'scaly
spot on the scalp, and spreads in a
circle from that centre. The hair on
the affected part is dry and brittle
and breaks off, leaving a sort of stub-
ble, which has been compared to a
field of wheat or 17.0 after the crop
has been gathered, and. which, when
examined under- a„magnifying glass,
really resembles such a field. The
original spot .gradually spreads evenly
on all sides and forms a circular -batch
of baldness when the brittle hairs have
fallen out or have broken off, lease
lng thei short stumps that give it the
"etubble" appearance.
Elsewhere than on the scalp the
hairs are so fine that their breaking la
not noticeable except under a magni-
fying glasa but the round spot is
visible as- a scaly red point> which
widens outie a circular direction. The
edges of the patch are raised and
liinitish In. color, oral they. inclose an
area et a rather faititi7 yellowish:
shade. There may be only 1110 ore%
or there may be rieverel.
The treatment of rhigworm of lee
skin is comuarative7y eesy • by means
eal spades or- dintreat ointneetee .1 eat.
Iiientsteu•odephumor resereir, 01. 1.1.7; -tar
7ointneut., Ringwoele• of. the fie;i1}1 it
more dthicult to trout, and it often
takes from three to his. months. to
care l . • The hairs on the effected
patch must be pullel out one by ono,
or the entire head unie be shingled
so that the appropriate remedy east
be applied to the meth* scalp ie the
form •of salve, renewed e,:iiry day, anti
chaeged in character from trine 05
time according to its progress,
In some rebellious oaths the N-raY
is used, but with great caution- and
only by an expert. As the disease is
very contagious, the child must be
kept from school, and the scalp should
be always covered bysa linen or eat-
en cap that can be burned after it has
been Worn for a day.
The man who gets. there :tete ai
his own •erutchs he doesn't leen el
"Yes," she said, "my proposals. were
few. For a week I was the furniture
broker's 'sweet,' then the pastry -
baker's 'tart'; the poulterer oftez
called me his 'duck'; the fisherman
called the his twin 'soul.' I was a
jeweller's 'pearl' and the gardener's
'daisy.' —Bullock, the butcher, called
me his 'lamb.' When the fruiterer
was in a good mood he called me his
'peach.' But you, dear," she said to
the shoemaker, "mime 'last,' and you
are my 'all.'"
• It
tj Se d
in Millkrns
o Tea,f2t1_1241y
Its Intrinsic gcociaeus ill Tea
Quality nikake4 it the =cat
EConomical Uso,
geeti onlail'sa:;04::.1117:ue° agl ')11 11.71 cTtl °lit li.g114 :13'; :I: eiwe °;;;Ilidnt
didn't do her ennui]. credit. I never'
got a cliance to• praetice--to auuchi
knew the first thing O'hOgt Itl' Tell
you *1t --go to' Mime BbilWiele; the'
Boswick accepted Jane withi
out enthusiasm, Jane was not mus -I
kela and she was slow. . But Miss
liottwick did not know about Julia
and • the cabinet• organ; and them al-
though .lane was sow,- she was 'also.,
infinitely patient. .
"Abeellatele% net a chance of her]
ever getting anywhere," Miss Celia.
confiddel to old Mrs. Boswick, who had
herself ben a veteran mode teacher.
ee• „. , I hate to take the mone
Study Ways to Make Time.' i turned—out by some nurchioes rather "Oh, I wouldn't say that," her
• 1
"I'd like to do it if I could justifies such a claire, but they can mother reproved her., "Let her have
only get
time." How Mem times in.the cours.e be made to look as well, and better, her chance. • And she hate one most
of a week do you say that? It'clogen't
with the machine, if you go about it 1 tulueual• talent"
rnatter right. who "you are, housekeeper, , dily.
teaeher, upil, r man of the house
The reason so really M
' aoltille-uune ,k "Appli t' l
• '
ea ton," declared old Mvs.
there is always soything you want washings do not leek well, is that the: neamee.
to do, but neverseam to have the same methods aro employed with the, The Worthing household rarelY
time for. tel.aehine as are used when Wil' wash , heard Jane at her practice, since they
And yet how many' uselees 'things "by hand." ,Remember that With the were generally' hway at that hout.
'we do. Things we do2i't eare a fig machine the great e:Oential is plenty 1 And they would never know show
about doing, perhaps actually rebel of good; bot sudseslowly and painfully Jane's practice it is the forcing ef
perfection, or how she
lt .
againet while we do them. But eus- eeds through the warrnentmi
s which
I "Name it,' said Miss Boswick wear-
tom or convention or the family or ov be soakeel before washing, preferably
the neighbors txpeet them of us, so over night, but at least a half hour.
eve conform.
--- eefor
scum e ea clumsy fingers by end -
• Whgeoleve all need is a full realiza-s To onsuie a good suds Ise° ve one "Just goes her own way and makes
tion �X'he value of five minutes, es, of hot water, being sure no sediment you know how girls are—and of
hpound of washing soda in one gallon her own friends. Bettie was afraid—
ability to distinguish eseentials.
, wan me o read diffrent--but all the girls like her—o
of this ?to each machineful of clothes.' ,
i g so refreshing about
The harder the water the more of the
her—it's her naturalness, I think.
solution you need as the soda softens Still, if elle. only had some different
the water.
, . clothes; I thought of giving her some
- Dissolved soap must be used. of Bertie's.."' . •
Shave one bar of good laundry -soap
and dissolve . in boiling water... Let
you ever seriously stoppedeto consider it 'elmener,, on, the baele...of .the....,:dove
if riecessainfe, Then addetive cups, one had once before come to the. defense
how many things' you- do. in the course of sif, Jane's clothes. ‘ Uncle Roger could
of a day that could just as well- be Pint, of this .to each machheeful
se,e•-from a rear window a line of the
omitted with no inconvenience to .the. clothes. Rinee first inewater. as hot
in , the
fantoo, awe ,eneeteue deeetti, theiri' n etand, theta in. -cold. The' rrig1117,."1172%adrylnaelItut.f.3'''Nsowasyipolliged finery
health or happiness? • hot water. removes theaandse,better abottt Jane and, her ijumpers—long
• -than cblet• After the chldtrinse „Pso- may -they wave!
*Do you know by :actually watching ceeth as in eliand-wathingneto• lelpe, •,,Milmermmand your.jumpersr come
the cloek howemanY minutes it takes .
starch and-hieng out, hanging colored mented Bertie distastefully. _
you to dry the dishes? 'Have You..garments in the shade. With ethis . n'lease remember that they're not
ever timed yourself to. see hour long minee—they're Jane's!" said Jane's
it takes to make the beds? Do you Method. . no 0 boilinghis neceSbary. The
know to a minute howelong it takes '
followang are methodseof setting col- wide, -
Bettie was one of those attenuated
ors in new •goode. Of course, they girls, who - like a burnin glass,.seem
"She's a nice little thing," Aunt
Erneline confided to. Uncle Roger.
iremalos and add a half cup or a -cup comae, Jane's ciremnstanees being s
You, home -maker' t t
o good magezme. One which will
help you with your home problems
and at the dune time keep you in
touch with the things which are.go-
Mg on in the world. Bu you never
get a minutete time to read., Did you
ever try to plan for that -time? Helve
"What's the matter with her,
clothes'!" asked Uncle Roger, who
seemedethrememberevagnely that be
to roll and cut a batch of cookies? Do
you knoev which. takei Imager to make,
cookies or doughnuts?
Taking the average family as One
of five, you could save at -least ten
minutes three timeamelay by omitting
drying dishes. Simply rinse in scald-
ing neater -and. stand on edge to thane
There is a half hour for reading or
piano practice or drawing,
or 'perhaps for studying up on bee-
keeping or poultry methods. A half
hour' e,very'dely means three hours a
week,' If you moke drop cookies you
Save at least tier6rty minutes emote
every time you bake. Pocking pota-
toes in the jackets save you .another
ten minuteseand better Still, to
your family the valuable food -ele-
ments directly under the potato skin
Which you 'cut off and throw away.
You saveetime when you •pltin to
save steps, How many steps de you
take from' cupboard to table every
time y.ou get a meal? A. kitchen
wagon, on which you. can put ei2ery-
thing except the food -that is. co-oking,
would save five or ten minutes every
time you set the tale. Lacking the
table a largo tray helps, though a
heavily'loaded tray is sometimes
herder on a frail woman than the
extra. steps. If you can't even afford
the tray,mse the cover.to. your boiler,
or a lard can cover. A wamber of lit-
tle things thuld be carried' in at one
time on a pail cover.
If you have small children you can
save time by training thent to wait
on themselves.• And they will just
love to do. it. Hayslett you' noticed
how proud the tiniest ,youngster is
the first time he learns to do some fancied for -the cold meat, and a bowl
little thing which has alevalts been Scotch sentinels, and in a moment an I in blue and gold for the apple' sauce;
done for 'him? . Don't take the time attack as macro upon the Danes, Who I her pans fitted neatly into one an-
other; and their tin lids, like a row
of shields along the pantry shelf,
caught a glancing light that seemed
to transmute their baser metal to
"Some day," Jane said to herself,'
"I mean mothev to • have just such a
Usually, one one of her rare Sun-
day visits, de took home an enameled
pan or two that she had thriftily bar-
tered fox: at the Ton -Cent Sten. "It's
not mud., to be sure," thought Jane,
"compared to a pantry. But it's a
start; and a start's a start. Some
day motherll have her chancel"
By now the music was going fem-
me:11y. "If she were only musical,"
thought Mis Boswiek helplessly,
"what,couldeat she de with that deo
termination? She's as exact as a
cash register and just about, asefempe
eramental. What does it meaefl
Pi meant ft chance for Julie, Jane
enlightened her teacher after ono of
the 'Sunday visits home. "It'll keep
me humping to get enough learned
ahead to dtieich Julia this sutnmer,"
she confide, happily to Miss Borgick.
"Of course, Julia could be taking the.
lessons 'stead of me. But I'd like to
know enough to help her along just
at first, till she win play a tune."
Jane's tunes by tow were meager -
ably correct and immeasurably dull.
Iler fingers themed to march upon
the keys, bent upon ruthless conquest.
A :smart tap from Jane, and the keys
went down with a thuelike hapless
ninepins. It las a stolidly victorious
Jane who by week and by month left
mastered exercise upon exercise be-
hind her. All that dearly won knowl-
edge of hers would in time he trane-
muted through Julia into real music,
ni Sietvw germ acquired the reputa-
tion of' being; clever, She wale not
clever --only thorough and determined
to Make the met of her chance, To
that end she relentlessly observed the
subdivisions of her day, partelling the
time out neatly, like a tradesman's
supplies.. An hour of breakfaet work;
room work at noon; dinner and dishes
at night; swdeping and o'settning
SefurdaYa; the daily tAtnt at the
la)117jinnthpeerttdi'ffe.'stdoyf htohter "brevlfocrea
bcdtte_,, dovetailed neatly into
literals betwogla the school see-
Sbe ellieYed Ittlmeueela 11; alet improbable that the rigid
should he employed 'before the gar-
ments are washed the first time.
Blues.—Onethalf cup of vinegar.. and
one eablespenful of alum to a large
pail' of water (four ,ov five•gallons.).
Letientlere.o.-•One tablifsPoon of su-
gar of lead to large pail of water.
Pinks and blacks.--Thvo gaps -
salt to a large pail . water.
. Floral 'Emblems of the
In. England during the fourteenth
contain, the national flower wad the
broom 00- Plamta genesta. It was not
until theeeeign of, ligenktflethatethe
'national Ileweremene to be the rose.
The dory of Irelepd's shemrock is
a pretty one. St. Patricia was one day
preaching at Tara, trying to explain
the. doctrine of tile .Telnity.. Plucking
a simitroc.k that Wag peeping through
the turf at Ins feet be said: "Do you
trot see these three leaves on the
one stalk? Such le the doctrine of
the Great Three in Oue," lorom that
time the Shamrock has been the na-
tional emblem of Ireland.
'A very different tale pertains to the
Scotch thistle: _During ,the reign of
Malcolm, in theeyeer 1.010, the Danes
came down upon the coast of Aber.
deenshire by .night intending to sur-
round and stolen grdat fortress of
Staines The first detachment crept
up barefooted and dropped into the
moat; but they found (hat they 'eters
not in the water at all. The moat was
dry awl (levered with .ft great bed of
thistles that stung the unprotected
feet of the Danes' and caused them to
cry out. These cries..- aroused the
to absorb !the rays of fashion and yet
to remain colorless. Aunt Emeline
surveyed uneasily the girl's delicate
shoes, not quite umnaculate; her thin
blouse,. not quite fresh; her hair pull-
ed out in a frazzled scallop upon
either cheek:134AM was considered
to be the most stylish girl in school.
"I'm old fogy, I suppose," mumbled
her father, in discreet retirement.
But the expression "spoiled finery"
rankled in Aunt Emeline's bosom. To
tell the teeth, she was old fogy, too.
Sometimes she thought that the styles
were not. quite modest. But then,
modest was an old -fogy word; you
rarely heard it now; "modish" seem-
ed to have replaced it. She sent a
dim glance at the two girls at din-
Jane had shown a pathetic eager-
ness to learn, and she had conducted
her.. researches in channels not alto-
gether confined to books. Her fine,
straight, shining hair was loosened a
little above the ears and confined with
a broad schoolgirl ribbon at the back.,
She had bartered 'a coin from the
butter-aod-egg allowance for a jaunty!
middy tie.
"She looks," thought Aunt Emeline,
"some liow as If she'd wash,"
Jabs fitted into the Worthing,
household like a tile in a hearth.!
She was one of those comfortable per-;
sons whose feelings do not have to ,
be consed-ered. Her feelings were
like her jumpers, mado to withetand
.good hard service and of false feel -I
mg as to her position he the household
she had not a tithe. She seemed even
to ten a curious pride an her employ-,
ment; and an intimacy grew up be.;
tween her and the denizens of cup-
board and pantry.- She prided herself
on bringing out the best that was in
them: thee was a certain platter she
to, get even the two-yearebld a drink.
Tell him to climb up on a .chair and
get it for himself. He may have trou-
ble the first time, but the earlier he
learns self-relianee, the better it -is
for him and for you.. Let then dress
themselyes`as scion aentossible. Make
little underwaists to •button down the
•ftont: so they•can button and unbut-
ton' their own clothes. Malty of the
rompers now made button in front,
so lean to that .style when youdbuy;
Have a system . in igonsekeeping.
Plan to do certain things on ,certain
clays, and, as a. rule, stick to ,your
schedule. Don't be one of the house-
keepers who Wash,' on Monday one
meek, on. Wednesday the itext, and
Saturday afternoon the third. week:
Do the things whirl take most
thought alai steength'early in the day.
You are freshest in the ',morning,
therefore do the. erecting things then.
1.stee leee essential tasks untiliater.
'Washing With a Machine.
One frequently hears a woman obe ete°t dlffl'elt ell all to getlte''' the
lot to a washing machine on the, euelwe3"'
emend that "nothing makes ;clothes; --- •
led so nice as the good old way," RI A Plate (4 Buttedlie",
,Alatt be admitted that the elothes
Most of US are horror-stricken at tho
idea of eating snails heel frogs, as
they do in Preece, but what do you
eny te Stewed butterflies as eaten in
the Celestial Empire?
They are also. very fond of mole
them in Chinee—they. prefer it to
chicken or mutton brOthl AnotleeO of
their extraordinary dither; is called
"Milhi," TWO is mode With nee Mose
born mice dipped into honey, John
"-Chinaman also Obi locusts and the
larva) of the silkwother
broke and fled. It was natural, there-
fore, that benceforth the thistle should
occupy a high entice in the esteem of
the Scots.
Notwithstanding the fact that moat
countries have their floral emblem%
France is the only one in which the
national newer appears In its herald-
ry. The fleux. do lis er three lilies is
so different from most flowers that it
does not seem at all out of place oat a
national Ocoee of' amnia. -
Canada has for Ito national flower
the maple leaf, which makes miles of
her woods blaze in autumn,
The 'United Sates hes no national
floral emblem, although effort have
been made to install the goldenrod in
the place of hthor. -
The Japanese have the cherry Mars-
dn -and the chrysanthemum. From
the earliest timee Greece has had the
fragrant narcissus, and the pome-
granate blossom has been the floral
emblem of Spain from time Mime -
merle), Switzerland. claims the flower
Fatigued .1
is both re-
freshing and
'Ready irwa min-
tate—the minete
1. '1,4th
Ogee: lee V • elele, te•25,.
In the fraud ,of dog's feet
500 considered great delicacy, and
in Java and COchin-China birds' nests
are highly appreeiated,
The Japanese eat eleryeatitliemume
vane arid ()milted. Etellirs are. feral of
White ante, and/ cannibals will detour
the hea'et or up'', of a huOith enemy
with ateazing gustol '
Sarah Bernhardt elide tasted
the cooked hand of, an Oraillecetoreet "ione,
na011etOny. Of, .berr pattern of life Seine -
times \palled upon lanae Perhee'l
Janere room sometimes Ionised d fa
ferent iiTane. If tem olie- kept that
other jane abut away like a bad e11.11.1
in a closet, •
Ono day the princiPal, searching
for a substitute for theaptietterey room;
selected Vane. The crancipal liadtten
afteethoughte• "Can you play?' Keep;
'on busy with drills sold trutOehes."
jetne,,aswented proudly. Her sePereoire.
now included a waltz as well as it
'Her Niger fingers never feen-
bled; 'Tot for nothing had Jane play-
ed oinepins wjth the lceys and count-
ed tens of thousande, The drills went.
flawlessly. All these rows of little
people never geessed that Jane was
not a muzician, or that the successfpl
rimming was really the outcome of
destined chance,
At the end of the week the primary
teacher returned, and Jam reeeived
a mod -ed check for hei.. services, more
—much more—she tthuoght, than her
deserts. She ,received something else,
too—the 'hearty commendation of the
"Took right hold," he told her
teachers, "Like an old hand. I like
her confidence."
Jane had always taken hold, and
her coil/donee was only thoroughness.
Besides,' all those united little treble
voices had worked a curious miracle
in Jane, -It had taken those t6 put
the feeling of music into Jane's heart.
Now her fingers fell to—caressing the
keys instead of spatting them, and
into her practice there crept a
strange, new solace. She began t
pick up, as a sort'of reereaton, old
familiar so-ngs, treating there as ,a
kind of sandwich, separating bass and
treble into the component upper and
lower croda. •
"Every musician ought to know the
old things," argued Jane. "And if
I'm going, to give Atha her chance,
I've got -to know something of all the
kinds of music theve are."
She conferred with Miss 13osivick.
"I think I ought to learn a schottish
now to put with my waltz and marc
And then I'd like some of the old
hymns, and Juanita and Clementine
and • Tilere's Music in the Air—that's
father's •favorite. And if you think
I could get them, some -of the old
s'ong's. I -.won't try the . new ones—
they change all the time. What I
teem has got to last me. I want
tunes that willewear."
"Well," said Miss Boswick, to whore
hitherto repertoire had spelled Bach
and Schumann and the moderns, like
Scriabin and Grieg. She fingered
conscientiously and elucidated such
technical difficulties as presented
themselves in 'Jane's selection. Jane
practiced tirelessly, for by now the
school year was near the end.
At one of Jane's lessons Old Mrs.
Boswidethat veteran teacher and en-
courager of youth, applauded. vigor-
ously with frail, veined hands. Jane
had marshaled almost her entire
repertoire for that lesOon—musie both
sacred and profane. And curiously,
as she played, she seemed to herself
not to be .playing at all, but to be
sitting a little apart, like Miss Bose
wick, and listening to Julia.
'Celia Boswick,t' ' exclaimed her
mother when Jane had gone, "didn't
you tell me last fall that that girl was
quite hopelese? I thought to -day she
played with reale appreciation."
"It is surprising," assented Miss
Boswick, "for she him% much natural
ability. And even now, in the large,
music will always remain a sealed
book Lo her." ,
Old Mrs. Boswick eyed her wisely.
•Don'tobe too sure about 'in the large.'
If I slen't mistake, your hopeless little
pupil -twill have the thentroside for
,Jane had the coentryside, for the
neagre little hill country boasted few
instruments and fewer performers.
Jane had useraingular perspicuity in
selecting her hympe, which were fame
iliarones to country congregations.
And on visiting days the march and
the waltz and the schottish, the old
• ..
war tunes andthe atm
mental songs, carne to eche and re-
echo from delighted neighborhood
parlors. Julia hail her chance—and,
not Julia only. For a modest tenn-I
pensation Jane traded through thei
summer afternoons in this strange
new commodity of 'hers. She always'
remained modest, characteristically,
aware of her limitations, but aware
also of her solid groupding in the
ftnelamentals of her art, of which the
underlying, basic pt•inciple had bean
nothing less than .f.ulia's chance.
Sane is returning to sehool in the
fall, to the old tasks and the old
round, hut with some new school'
chethes, still of the tub variety. She
means to keep u her music by sys-
tematec practice, net Julia is to have
the Seethes this. year—not vicariously I
as inst. And now that Attie is come'
into her chane, Jane ,ie planning;
great things. But fir ef John must
have his chance. For upon the three
of them—Julia, the mask tea-1.011cm
Jane, the lcindergartner; and John,
an accrediteel graduate fatiner— de-
pends the chance of the folks at home
in the little hill fertehouse. Jane's
ambition is sio longer satisfied with
the thought of adding a meagre pan-
try. In her dreams Shove is already
erected on the old site a modern coun-
try hotiSe. Doubtless, hi time, the
family will achieve it.
(The Eint,)
Prirelithe Chinese Dentists.
Tito work of Chineee dentists who
revel the (ennui's,- it ludicrously
Treinel Steen youth to pull pesos
trent a wonden beer& the operator ex,
trade all teeth with bis Megan with,
11 meet be admitted, astonishing sue.
cess; for the nand-treining givers him
a tinger-grip equivalent in its
to a lifting power of between 800 and
400 pounila. •
For toothed° lie employs opium,
pepperraint eV, cinnamon oil, and:
clove oil, He sometimes fills teeth,
but does it so! cluseleasly that the file
Inge stay in only a feeiftitonths.
An eleinent Of superstition rune
ihroegh all the work, According to
the System all dental woes are
brought on by tooth worms. 'Me
nerve Pulp is did a worm, and is
ways shown to the patient For 1111111,
bugging purposes :dee, the dented mete
ries about in its peeled some White
avulse, and after he has extracted
100111 lie show& a grub to the eufferer
as the (geese of a11 the trouble,
Recollections of the Old Survey Days
During the Stemma, of 1801, we,
were locating and rimming Dail lino
for ths roam line of the Canadian
PUMPRallwaY Along Nosbunsine
pare and dowei the Wee Creek to -
yards Lake Nipieeing, A Mr, Began.
vela 111 eherge of the Party, thet ems.
ion, for work, Mr, E. .1, Butheener
was transilanaut and Emile Totu
develler. Al that time thare was but
er) eAttlen on Noebunsing Lake, anti
what fishing there was in 111
, While we Were camped along the
ilako we used a leraberman's red boat
go take us to and from our Werlc,
When wo invariably trawled with
lhated line and eomnton deem
'recollect. 'while rowing to wosk
glue -Meriting, Duchethay traw100.
sm. looking on. Suddenly there was
thanendous tog at the Hoe, Utterin
ethitunation Duchesnay began
hauling it inAbut It was 110 ease Oat.
;ter, ' 'Ta -as evident 'mated hooked a
egg one. ;Fortunately, however, the
line was/a stout one and the fleb
securely caught. After a brief said
doeperate struggle on the part of the
fish, he was brought alongside of the
boat. The question then was, how to
gdt him on board? for we had neither
gaff nor landing -net. At his bolt,
Ducladmay carried a neat little 3
calibre Smith and Wesson revolver.
A brilliant Idea occurred to me,
"Shoot it, Mr. Duchesnay," I called
out, Promptly acting on ray singes -
/ion, at a range of a couple 01 100
or so, he broke his back with a bul-
let, killing him immediately and
creaskadunge of thirty-two lbs. weight
•—weighed on ourereturn to camp In
the evening—was lifted into the boat
without any troeble.
The following Sunday morning Du-
ichesnay and I took a bad canoe and
;went trawling. We had but 0310 line
land took it turn about to fish "And
paddle. I do not recollect how massy
pve caught, but I 'do remember that
;after fishing, for only a portion of
!the mernine', wo brought back to
camp more black bass and dor6 than
the whole party of about twenty-two
'Stealthy men could eat, before a good
part of the °atoll went bad and had
to bo thrown atray.
Las'now be living about the lake. or
I do not know how many settlers
The ,Ever -Present Pessimist.
Nothing, is ethiee•than to Ilnd fault
and point out wh tt "they:" ought to
"They," ..ever since l'Adoen digged.
in Eden's•.mcild," bave.been kespons-.
ibl0 for countless shorteaminge.• and
sins pointed out to them, welch they
del nothing about.
An orator in queseof a subject usu-
ally decides that he will begin in
lighter vein, in order to endear him-
self If possible to his audience, and
thee grow solemn and proceed to
point out all sons or awful thinge that
must happen to the fabric of society if
"they" don't take warping in time and
mend thote,ways and their neighbors'
how much 1 ellteig bias been done
since those d iye, but unless it has
been mud fie led it should still well
repay a visit of any entbusiadic dis-
ciples of the gentle art,
-Recollect we had but one common,
large red and diver spoon, How the
fish mud have swarmed in the•lake.
then. What sport might not expert
fishermen have today, with rods and
proper tackle? Where Gould they
find Deer camping grounds either, or
lovelier wild scenery of lake and
Whine wo had left the lake a few
miles with our survey we got Into
the undulating brute country along
The Vase Crook, What a paradise
that country was for sPortesnen, then,
before its "world old.silenee had been
disturbed by the locomotive's whin-
tle. 1Vloose, bear, lynx abounded,
Never a:day passed that we did not
see fresh tracks of them. The bear
and lynx we never eaw. What mei-
male aro more thy or wary? A moth
occasionally we did.
One day, while running the litto
along a side bill, bitthe open brute
country, we SSW six magnificent
moose. Bul, oi etrarse, no rine was
ever cerriedgm the lkto and we could
only watch them trot away. What
strides they took, with whet ease
they negotiated fallen timberl
It was. about mid -summer, if I re-
member rightly, of that year 1821,
somewbere along The Vase. We had
gone out to work as usual, I ws.s
.Mte1o4 'b
rodman on that snrvey; that morn-
ing, however, one cif the alai:linen.
wits laid oft, for sickness or vonie-'
thing, and I was told to 1111 hie'
An mime that morning, Dutionpay,
set up his :remelt, anti i111 uauat Ilia
azemen lolled about, lighted their
pipea, or -gave a final touch with
whetstones to their axece while they.
waited for line, To a fcw moments
the transit was In readincus and Du -
chematty turned to me.
a good stout four by fourl
inch, four foot dry stakeolike a but—
steke, blaze ft like a liiihmtake, and:
mark on it with red keel, in big los.-
ter, C.P.B. Stalion 0.' from now
on Ude lino will be known as Tee
Canadian Pacific Railway, not The
Canada Central." Re turned to the
men. "All right, bowie stick tie a
picket and get linsenowi"
Thee; I had the distinction of alai: -
lag and driving in the Met station
stake marked, C.P.M.
I think there is a -dation note
somewhere about there, called Ouicel..4
Depressing sermogs point out to us
that we. afire all bound straight for per-
dition. • Editorials In the nowapepers
virulently assail public men who com-
mitted the crime of taking the initia-
tive, Meetings of men and women
pass deauncidory resolutions. If We
dare to hope we are told we are fools;
If we' dare to Reek on the bright side
we are bidden to rivet our gaze upon
the dark. The pessimist with his eyes
on the ground picks flaws as a man
picks greets or cherries; he discov-
ers the leak, .the drawback,: the fatal.
obJection; he finds no eped in any-
thing that exists, and whatever is
done was the last and pent.est thing
to do.
ThPeessimlet is ouly in his element
w -hen he is denouncing somebody or
something. seems to palu him to
hear praise. Bring your hero-worship
near him and be blasts it, taking a
grim satisfaction in exposing the
idors feet of clay,
You cannot tell where he will break
out next, but you know that if you tit-
ter l,raise- men or measures you
v:111 rouse to action his whole battery
or 5800115111 and -abuse.
The man who carries a load must
do more than that—he must endure
the disparagement hurled at him by
those who lInd it much cheaper to
Muni and pester than to spring to his
The age has censors enough. There
are plenty of folk who will issue In-
structions, who will superintend with;
out. %Jutting fleeown hands to the
task, who will dietatorily deliver their
opinions and vanish when they are
invited to assist In bringing their
theories down to earth.
\Vo want men or•Mith and courage
and good cheer. The pessimists re-
tard the pace; they clutter the com-
mon way; they merely obstruct and
confuse the great Mildness of living.
We want 110 saints and martyrs who
are self-created. Tare are real Mis-
eries enough -.without their artificial
trials and --roubles. Our praise goes
naturally to those etb.o keep their
hard-lue1t stories to themselves, and
even in a dire tribulation smile and
aro tranquil. tette 1$ not easier for
one person thaut anoiber,_exeept in a
few matters ot bodily comfort, Wealth
does uot add to the term of human
years, nor •does it procure immunity
from pain, mental or physical. There
is anguish, to be •saffered in 0 palace
0.5 well as in a hovel.
Often among 'those who have least
the optimists are - found, and with
those who are enringed by adoring
families and friendsadiniciritanegovotte.
the comforts we gboonty
outlook upen and upon mankind
that spreads depression like a fever.
But "Diamond Dyes" Made
Her Faded, Shabby, OklJ
Garments Like New.
Dou't worry about perfect. results,
Use "Diamond Dyes," gureunteed to
give a new, rich, fadeless color to any
fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen,
cotton ex. mixed goods, — dresses,
blouses, stockings, ekirts, children's
coats, feathers. draperies, coverings,
The Direction Book with each •paelt,
age tolls how to diamond clye over any
To mates any In:aerial, have doter
how you "Diamond leye" Colin Card,
Successful Since 1866
It ia sag 'to woker...4st1zne for seerle—iti4 =Nether
thine le be able to etheteatiate them We 100
4e,eaphatkally able to retake OUT elehalle goal bo-
cauee ewe eecorel for "swede that grew" has
gone nail:moil= foe 64 yevere, Fos seods, bulb*,
elente of call kindie beet SilriMere goode-
11J95050 .bomiteama meeti sgsx, Cloolugret,
'oe'flftf4Isetsteerehh30g'skhtee'elget.Itteeff.., dede:eiffeerN•feteo!0ftssottliel'Oefe,'4
Can Y u Grow
Potatoes like this?
with a reasonably good son end tarnish
and the liberal use of Ilarab-Devies Fertil-
izer, you COO be sure ofa potato cropsupe
erior in both quantity and quality. The
potato shown In our illustration weep:me
by a New Brunswick farmer who is a core
elstcnt uso of Rarab-Davlea Fertitteer.
11•10 sent tut ads potato as 9 good secrete.
sample onto crop. There's no mogia about
it. Harab-tdavio Fertilizer Is einney no
cilletent plant food, containing Nitrogen or
Ammonia, Phosphoric Acid and Potash in readily eolehle form, Its record
of 81.7CCCS9 1$ tilletit reCOMITIelltletiOri. e 1141 tO• clay for our hookIst,
"Fertitleer Remake by Seriefied Users," It will be scut free on requele,
and 11 w 11 eive you evidence In the shape of signed lertees from farmers
' in ell parte of the country Who know
by experience how profitable Ilteate
Device Fertilizer i$,
ON TA RI Ci HIR -1 11.112:ERS
W L West ioaetato,