HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-3-11, Page 4Out They Go I•Oo per Roll..
We have probably
10110 rolls of paper
extra heavy quality,
but not strictly ''up•
to -date.'' They were
formerly offered for
sale for 25c to 60c a
roll but to clear,.
them quick we Will
• oil
Friday anti Saturday,
March 5th and 6tb
Clear the lot at 10c per roll ,
They are mostly fioraVand conventional designs
and a few. stripes
In the lot are a number of choice ceiling;papers
tuttra heavy and covered with flint gilt
A T. Cooper, . Clinton
To Ladies . !
This .is a result of the lack of
the ordinary red eorpscules' in the
.blood The too frequent neglect
of tins complaint, especially in the
case of growing girls and young
women, is fraught with the great-
est danger.
Poorness of the Blood
must lead to weakness of the body,
General Debility and such a run
down condition that the sufferer
falls a prey to almost any epidemic
disease — especially Influenza,
Colds and La Grippe:
• Fainting, Palpitation.
general disturbance of the bodily
' functions, headaches •hysterics; pale
and sallow complexion, •pallor of,
.the. tongue and lips, •puffiness an -
der the eyes and Heart Murmur
are generally associated with An=
Hackings Heart and
.Nerve Remedy
•is 'the' most reliable medicine to
use. It will, bring back the rosy
cheeks and restore Vitality and
Vigor... Do not be discouraged and
do not worry for you will only get
. worse. , Place your confidence in
Hackings Heart and Nerve Remedy
for it is a complete tonic that will
bring bankthe happiness of good
health that you so much desire.
Buy a few boxes to -day. Price
50c a box; '6 for $2.50. Sold by
all dealers or by mail, postpaid.
Hackings Limited, Listowel.
If you get startled easily or
"jump" or "scare" at the least
little thing, it means that your
Nerve Force is weakened and
spent. •«
Your Nerves control every Men-
• tal and Physical process that takes
place ,'within you—if the the.
Nerves were .cut leading to the
Heart that. organ would never bout
again. Without the Nerves you
could never See, Taste, Smell or
Hear again for it is upon the
Nerves that every sense depends.
If you, wish to build up and
strengthen the body you must put
new life into the millions of nerve'
fibres that lead to. the 'Heart, the
Stomach, the Kidneys, the Liver
and the other organs. This you
can 'quite easily do by taking a
six box treatment of Hackings
lleart and Nerve Reinedy. It wilt
take away "that' tired reeling,"
banish those pains- in the head,
increase your appetite, help you
to sleep better, eat better and' live
longer. •
What is a few dollars in com-
parison to your health, we offer
you a sovereign remedy foryour
illness in Fiacking's Heart and
Nerve. remedy. Tho road to Health
and ?sappiness is yours if you will
bat believe it. This wonderful
preparation will change you, from
a Weak, Nervous or Anaemic per-
son to ono full of rife,. Vitality
and Animation. It will bring back
the Rose's to your Cheeks by in-
creasing circulation and purifying
the blood. Better, get a few boxes,
now, when you think of it, but be
sure to get Hackings. 'Price 506 a
box, ii for $2.50. Sold by all deal-
ers or by mail, postpaid. Hack.
ings Limited, Idstowel, Ont.
6 Pili\ fel ,,,I I, ,
The Way to the Wev;
R.s. TORONTO (Union Station)
9.15 P.M.
Sun. Mon. Wed. Fri.—Canadian National all the way.
Tues. Thurs. Sat.—Via O.T., T. h N.O., Cochrane thence 0. 11. Rys.
Tickets and full Information from nearest Canadian National
Railways' Agent. A. T, COOPER, CLINTON ONT,
or Oeneral Passenger Department, Toronto.
'Industrial Department Toronto and Winnipeg will furnish full particulars ,
regarding land in Western Canada available for farming or ether purposes.
Mr. Gro,• r'. Troyer`, a well lcnown
'`'horse:min ofthe 'Parr 'Line, Hay, and
'son of "Mr. Edmund Troyer died
Monday morning after a week's ill-
ness 'of influenza. He was thirty-five
years of age. IIis father and mother
and one sister, Mrs. Wm. Jarrot of
Brigden; survive. • The funeral took
.place on Wednesday, interment at
Hensall Union Cemetery.
Mr. Styles, father of Mrs. S.
'Cudmore, who has been visiting her
for the }cast month, because quite ser-
iously ill and was taken to St. Jos-
•eph's hospital, London, on Monday.
Dr, Mary Johnston, who has been
practising in St, Johns, N. B., has
returned home and will take an ex-
•' tended rest,
Word has been received of the death
•'o± Mr. Harry Furry, well known
about here as they lived on the
Crawford farm south of Hensall be-
fore removing West to neap Kindes-
•ley, Sask. A widow and one child
survive, besides his parents and one
brother, Roy. He was a nephew of
R?lr; Root, Parsons of the town Line,
Mr, Jas. Morrow and daughter of
Pilot Mound, Man., who visited for
some months with Mrs. Alichie Me -
Gregor and other friends, returned
home last week.
Mrs, Jas, Mustard very hospitablZ
entertained the ladies of the W, M.
S. of St, Andrew's Church on
'Wednesday of last Week,
Which Is the Better ?
An open letter to Sas. Keys, Pres.
;dent of the South Huron Board of
Dear Sir: It has been reported
to us that at a meeting of the Varna
branch of the Board of Agriculture
held in the Varma townhall, you
stated that the Board of Agriculture
was of greater benefit to the farmers
of Ontario than was the U. F. 0.
Now Sir, we are persuaded that as you
hold the presidency of the Board of
of Agriculture for South Huron you
would not make such a statement
•without first weighing your words.
Particularly so in a public meeting
unless you were ,prepared to back
it up with facts. So we herewith
give you the opportunity and we
challenge you to debate the relative
merits of the two institutions with
our secretary, Frank Welch, the
subject being: "Resolved—that the
Board of Agriculture is of greater
benefit to .the fanners of Ontprrio
than is the U. F, 0." Affirmative,
Jas. Reys, Negative Frank Welch.
If you accept this challenge you can
make all arrangements with any of
the following officers:
Joltn Rothwell, 'President, Alex.
McConnell, Vice, Frank Welch, sec-
retary. Directors, Art; Key`s, (mesa -
Iv), Mort, Elliott (Reeve), Alex.
Mitchell, John. Pepper, Signed on
behalf o�f the board—Prank Weleh,
sectetarM. .... .d...Y..l
By -Lai No. 5
FOR ls2o,
A 1jx1AW .ro AID IN 'THE ES;
WHEREAS John . J, Mester and.
Edward F, Merner propose„ to estab-
lish a flax mill at the Town of Clin-
ton provided that the Corporation of
the said Town grant them the
aid hereinafter specified:: •
AND .WHEREAS in order to en-
ema •the establishment of the said
industry it is deemed advisable to
grant to the said John J. Merner
and Edward F. Merner exemption
front taxes, excepting school rates,
upon those certain parcels of lands
particularly described' in the memor-
andum of agreement, which is ap-
pended as schedule "A" to this By,.
law for the term of ten years from the
first day of January, 1920; and also
to grant them a supply of water not
to exceed 3000 gallons per day on
each day on which the said mill shall
be in actual operation with the
complement of employees in the said
agreement provided for, subject al-
ways to the other terms and condi-
tions in the said agreement being
.AND WHEREAS the said agree-
ment appended to this By-law as
schedule "A" thereto has bean exe-
cuted by the said John J. Merner
and Edward F. Merner and by the
Mayor and Clerk of the Town of
Clinton and it is expedient to approve
ratify. and confirm the execution
thereof as the Corporate Act of the
Corporation of the Town of Clinton.
THEREFORE the Municipal Coun-
cil of the Town of Clinton enacts as
It shall be lawful for the Corpor-
ation of the Town -of Clinton to enter
-into the agreement herewith and
forming . part hereof and marked
Schedule "A" hereto and ''tt per-
form and fulfill all the contracts
covenants and 'obligations therein
contained by the Corporation to be
observed and performed and the
property of the said John . J. Mer-
ner- and Edward, F. Merner shall be
assessed in the •manner.::set :'gut in
the said agreement and the execution
of the said agreement by the Mayor
and 'Clerk and on behalf of the said
Corporatoin is heieby approved, rat-
ified, conftruied and adopted and
the Mayor; Clerk and outer officials
of • the said Corporation are hereby
authorized and required to do all acts
and things necessary to the fulfill-
ment of the said -agreement by the
said Cozpoyation.-- '
The votes ofthe electors of the
Town of - Clinton. entitled to vote
thereon shall he taken on this By-
law on Monday the 5th day of April,
1020,from the hour on nine o'clock in
the forenoon to five o'clock in the af-
ternoon. . of the sante day, and at the
places and by the Deputy Returning
Officers hereinafter specified that is.
to say:
'For St.• • Andrew's Ward at the
Council Chamber' in the Town Hall,
G. E. Saville, Deputy Returning
For St. James Ward at the Rat-
tenbitry House Sample Room on Vie-
toria Street, A. F. Cudmore, De-
puty Returning Officer.
For St. John's Ward et Levis' gar-
age on Isaac Street, E. G. Courtice
Deputy Returning Officer.
For St. George's Ward at Elliott's
Wagon Shop on Huron and Orange
Street's, S. J. Andrews' Deputy Re-
turning Officer.
3 That the Clerk of the Munici-
pality shall sum up the votes given
for and against this By-law at the
Council Chamber in the Town of
Clinton at the !tour of one o'clock
in the afternoon on the 0th day of
April 1920.
4 That the Mayor of"the said
Town shell' • attend at the Council
Chamber on the 3rd day of April,
1920 at o'clock P.M. to appoint
persons to attend at the various
polling places and the final summing
up of the votes by the said Clerk,
on behalf of the persons
interested in and promoting or op-
posing the passage of this By-law
5 This By-law shall conte into
force immediately upon the passing
thcaveof; .,
TAKE NOTICE that the above is
a true copy of a proposed By-law'
which has boon taken into considera-
tion by the Municipal 'Comicil of the
Corporation of the Town of Clinton
and which in the event of the assent
'of the• electors of the said Town be,
ing obtained , thereto will be finally
considered in Council after 'one month
from the first publication thereof on
Thursday the I.itlt day of March,
1920, which. publication is in the
Clinton News -Record newspaper; and
take notice that at the hour day and
places therein fixed for taking the
votes of the electors the polls will
be held at nine o'clock in the fore-
noon and closing' at five o'clock in
the afternoon of the saute day and by
the Deputy Returning officers named
in the said By-law for taking the
votes of the electors.
The names of the lease holders neg-
lecting to file a declaration under
Section 265 of Chapter 192 of the
Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914
shall not be placed on the voters
list for such voting.
'.THIS INDENTURE made this ten-
th day of February, 1920.
John J. Merner
of the Town of Seaforth in the
County of Huron and Province of
Ontario, manufacturer, and Edward F
Merner, of the Village of Bayfield in
the said County, manufacturer,', of the
first part, and
The Corporation of the Town of
Clinton, hereinafter called the Corot'.
ation, of the second part.
WHEREAS the panties of. the first
part propose to purchase the lands
hereinafter described and conetruet
and operate thereon a flax mill and
the Corporation hie, eubjeet to the
approval of the ratepayers of the
said 'Town qualified to vote on money
By-laws,,offered to aid the said pattles
of, the first part in' their eaclertak0o
in the mapper hereinafter set forth;
NX:SSETH drat in ognsideration of
the ltremtsee that ht considepation of
part acid tho. Corporatiolt mutually
agrreao, follkWs:
I The partied of the first part agree
that they will purchase those certain
parcels, of lands known and described
as follows, that is to say; FIRSTLY;
Park Lot letter• "1" 'ori Erie Street
In the Town of Clinton (excepting 31
perches thoreef sold to the Buffalo and
Lake Iltil;on Railway. Company) con-
taining without said excepted portion
10 acres, 1 rood and 84 perches—SEC-
ONDLY; Park Lot letter "L" on
Erie Street aforesaid containing 10
acres, 2 roods ma 25 perches,
THIRDLY'; All theiright, title and
interest of ;rho owner of said lots in
the portion of Erie Street lying ad-
jacent to said Park Lots letters "I"
and "1.n, FOURTIILY; That part of
Lot number 'bne (1) in the Huron
Road Concession of the Township of
Goderich, no* in the Town of Clinton,
which may be :more partcularly de-
scribed as follows: Commencing; at
the West limit. of Isaac Street where
said limit meets the South limit of
the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway,
thence westerly along said last men-
tioned limit 8 chains and 16 links
more or less to the Division Line*
between Lots numbers one (1) and
two (2) in the Huron Road Concess-
ion of the Township of Goderich,
thence South along said Division Line
to the point where said Division Line
intersects the Southerly limit of
Isaac Street, thence North Easterly
along the Southerly limit of Isaac
Street 13 chains, 59 links to the place
of beginning. FIFTHLY; All those
portions of Park Lots letters "H",
K" and "M" in the said' Town ly-
ing east of the London Huron and
Bruce Railway, excepting any por-
tion orportions thereof laid out for
street and •highways, but including
therewith all the right, title and in-
terest of the owner of'the said Park
Lots in and to portions of Streets
lying adjacent• to the said lands.
The said parcel containing by ad-
,neasurentent..al,,acresof land more
or less. •
2 "And that _they,. thparties of
the first part,..wtll erect thereon a
flax still of.tho_ :.value, of pot less than
$2500.0(1, and will, ;equip - the same
with suitable, •,;machinery. for.the
carrying .9'l air a,flar,mili,.
8• And that they, the said parties
of the first part, will carry on the
business of flax mille'sa at the said
mill in the. Town of Clinton for the
term of ten years front the first day
of .January, 1920.and willemploy and
keep employed, at the said mill con-
stantly and.continuously during at
least eight months in each year of
the said term not less, than fifteen
daily employees.. in and about the
said mill (except in case of tempor-
ary interruption' filoin,strikes, fire or
other unforeseen or unpreventable
causes) and in the building of such
mill and in carrying on of their op-
erations therein will give a prefeir-
ence to residents of the Town of
Clinton when such'can be employed
or dealt with on terms not less ad-
vantageous than others.
4 That once in, earn year and on
or before the fifteenth day of Janu-
ary in each year, if required by the
Municipal Council of the Corporation
so to do, the parties • of the first part
will deliver to the Clerk of the Cor-
poration a statement ve ified by
Statutory Declaration showing ' the
numbers of workmen employed in
and about the said mill and the per-
iod during whch they_ have been
employed during the year ending on
the first day of January then last
past; and will make known to the
said Clerk the names Of employees
who shall have been employed dur-
ing the said period of eight months
in such yeau.
5 The. Corporation shall cause a
one -inch water pipe to be laid on
Frederick Street in the said Town
connecting with the waterworks sys-
tem of the Town and extending
southerly to any point desired by the
parties of the fifst part remote not
more than five hundred (500) feet
from the north limit of the lands of
the Buffalo and Lake Huron Rail-
way at Frederick Street and to
supply to the parties of the first
part freeof charge a quantity of
water not .exceeding three thousand
(3000) gallons on each day on which
the mill shall• be in operation, and
at leas fifteen men shall be em-
ployed therein.
That for Municipal pitt.Ilosee
oil yr than school" assessments the
said still and premises shall be ex-
empt from taxation during the ten
years from the first' day of Janu-
ary, 1920, if the parties„df the first
part shall during:>:such+'term of ten
years continuously operate the said
mill in accordance with the terms
and agreements hereinbefore set
forth; but the parties of the first
part shall not be entitled to such ex-
emption in .any year or years in
which the said agreements as to
operation or any of them shall not
be fully and satisfactorily perform-
7 The said mill shall be erected,
equipped and in running operation
on or before the first day of August,
8 The said lands and the -buildings
thereon having heretofore been
assessed at a stun less than their
actual value by reason of the ,fact
that they were used exclusively for
Agricultural , purposes it is hereby
agreed and undotstood that with
respect to the assessment thereof
for any, purpose whatsoever the said
lands and the buildings at present
thereon shall during the said term
of ten years be assessed on a basis
of valuation similiar to that em-
ployed in the assesment of other
farm lands within the said Town;
but such • limitation of assessment
shall not be deemed to extend to
any building or buildings
which may hereinafter be erected on
said lands,
9 The Corporation agrees to submit
to the ratepayers of the said Munici-
pality as soon as practicable by a
By-litei approving of this agreetnent
which shall be deemed to conte into
fall force and effect only upon the
passing of such By-law.
10 This a ire et
t obeli enure
fo the benefit and he binding upon
the heir'*, oxceutors, administrators
and assigns of tho patties off' tho tint.
parties hereto of the first part have
herotutto attached their bowie and
Seals, and the Corporation its Corp-
orate seal by the !rands of the MYlarvor,
and Cleric,
In the presence of
I+', A. Edwards
R. B. Fitzsimons
J, J, Merner
V. Moiner
Thos, Cottle
1), L. Macpherson
Clerk •
Mrs, Ben Edward and her little son,
two (Nye old, passed away at their
home near Brussels on Sunday week.
The mother had boon in a critical
state for about three weeks previous-
ly with pnueinonia, The deceased
lady was twenty-nine years of age
and leaves her husband and four
young children. She was formerly
Miss Lillian Dale, being a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dale of Tuck-
eresmith. Four sisters and two
brothers also survive Mrs, Jas.
Campbell, Winthrop, Mrs. Wm.
Chesney, Cabri, Saskt, Mrs. B. Mc-
Gill, Seaforth, Mrs. Will Churchill,
Clinton and Sheppard ,Dale, Hullett
and Chris. Dale, Tuckersmith. Much
sympathy is ,felt for the 'bereaved
husband and children and relatives,
St. Helens.
Mrs. Cuyler has been visiting her
(knight er, Mrs. Jas. Ramage, Jr.
Mr. John Patterson and wife have
moved on the fait= he leased front
W. J. Todcl.
Another of the old settlers passed
away last Thursday. in the person of
Mrs. Dan Donovan of the 9th con.
The funeral to St Agustin° was held
on Monday.
Miss Josie Cameron has returned
to Toronto after a visit at Iter home
Mrs: R. K. Miller has retroed
home after a week's visit with•ffiends
in'.Goderich •
Miss Margaret Miller' left for New
Ontario,, where' the has 'secured a
school at Gourley Bay.
'Rev. P. Jamieson attended the
Presbytery meeting in Wingham last
Tuesday. .
Greatest Foes
Every household should have its
life -guards. The need of them is
especially great when diseases, the
greatest foes of life find allies its
the very elements, as colds, influenza,
the grip, and pnuetnonia do in this
stormy month.
' The best way to guard against
these diseases is to strengthen the
system with Hood's Sarsparilla—one
of the greatst of all life -guards. It
removes the conditions in which these
diseases make their most successful
attack, gives vigor and tone to the
vital organs and functions, and im-
parts a genial warmth to the blood.
Remeinbor, the Weaker the sys-
tem the greater the exposure to dis-
ease, Hood's Sarsaparilla makes
the system strong.
If the liver is torpid or the bowels
are sluggish, causing biliousness
or constipation, Hood's Pills will be
found of great service. They are
especially made to be taken with
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
TheDonble Track Route
••-- •yet ween----
TJnexoolled dining car service. ,.
Sleeping oars on night trains and
parlor oars on principal day trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or ,O. E. Horn-
ing, District Passenger Agent, 'Tor-
A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent.
Phone 55, Uptown Agents
s..4,414., Ia. ihsaf. .$7.44V
Molest cash pnloes
Skunk, Raccopn
and Mink
Enquiries promptly
Established !MMP •
® t i
Two -Party Line
Telephone Service
NECESSARY curtailment of new
co struction during the war, fol-
lowed by the unprecedented
development since the armistice, have
resulted in a universal shortage of
telephone material,
In order to utilize our supply of
equipment to th. ' best advantage, to
reduce delay in. installations to ,fi;mitii-
mum and to avoid ,refusing in
, 81 g service to
anyone, we ask those intending•'to order
telephones to consider the advantage of
two-party service,
The cost to the user is substantially
lower than for individual line, and the
service of a high standard.
We will be glad to furnish •full in
• ri-
"Every Bt1I Telephone is a long
distance station ”
The Bell Telephone Company
If your floors
are hardwood,
Marble- Its .
The Floor
finish with a
money -back
guarantee. It
wears and wears
and wears. It
will not mar nor
scratch white
and is not af-
fected by water.
Feet hat- Never
Touch the Floor
A worn floor spoils the look of your home acid
is impossible to repair, but if you keep your
floors painted, feet cannot touch them. Let
the paint wear but save the wood. Save the
Surface and you Save all.
Floor ain't
is easy to use, dries very hard with a high lustre and will with-
stand a great amount of hard wear. • No skill is required in
using SENOUIi'S FLOOR •PAINT. Anyone. can apply it.
The result:will'ggreatly enhance the beauty of your horse and
much labor will be saved for the floors will be very easy to keep
Come in and let us give you full. particulars.
We have a full range of shade's in this and
every other MARTIN-SENOUR Product.
There is a MARTIN-SENOUR Paint or
. Varnish for every need. We will be glad to
advise you.
W. H. DVS°
Clinton, Ona
:-„coe _:
WORMr�r„saxm "s�smxu
crsa 91141 ZirmaF.enterrt,. gro
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