HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-3-4, Page 88 111.1.0101-11•1041WINtomPoilill, 1121141011M0111111FAMIWKI QL1NTON'S LIDADING JEWELERy TORE r.444,r4r.r! nowt:About Your EeUS The Bother You? Protea them from the strong Io win cl Oind 01.1 I). by getting a pair of colored AlaSSOS, or having your eyes properly te$ted, and fitted with a perfect lens •suited to your eyea, • nia you ever think Ton will lust have .one pair of eyes—no artificals will take their place. Look -after there before it is too late, How about your Wath - Has it been running properly? Are you aware that in the course of one year the balance wheel of your watch, makes 157,080,000 reli lutions, Think of it, In time the oil gums, pro.:,tuceS friction and wears the delicate bearings, destroying the high finish and perfect fit, thus ruining a perfect time piece, them -when it is cleaned the jeweler is often blamed Ns hen your watch does not keep accurate time, when you are to blame yourself. An ordinary machine -is oiled once a dqy, why not -your watch once a year? Let me examine it. An honest opinion from me will cost you nothing. Agent for Phonons, records and needles R. It JOHNSON Jew'f•ler and Optician NEXT HOVEY'S DRUG STORE w_7,,,,,agiz=e4=====..m.7..Sm=142=pr,44%.Z!.4!".4.=104M2MMIX2rAl szzarairsaz=mariaca=neranzszezammwazastes.neareevanzagirazzez7=m=ram n=atramamaneamrakrAamaravnumwf.s.ozezessinazoreamefeasesze,-.P.ratazzasat The Better Stgles in Men's Shoes There's alWait,s a 'Best in, 4Vetything! Thii holds trud of Shoes as well as anything else! . • %• • Some makers. Maihe very poor Shoes—others make, fair1 good Shoes; while a few makers make the Best of Shoes I From the output •of these Bost we've selected our stock WE WANT YOU TO SEE AND KNOW ABUOT OUR BETTER SHOES! No matter what your vocation may be, we can meet your Shoe requirements in detail. There are choice Black Leathers and the new shades of Dark Tan Leathers, in the conserva- tive or extreme styles. THE PRICE RANGE 'VS 00 TO 815 00 Notwithstanding the universal increase in the cost of Shoes this Shoe Store. still stands for the THE BEST MAN'S SHOE ANY STATED PRICE! FRED JACKSON THE BETTER SHOE STORE ..m•MIN1110111.11.1111111111•1.1M. iic.A.!,:14.15ii.Ve4t4EM,41=1. uy Thern Now Pilgrian Rubber Boots at WO All lines of itibher footwear have advanced. at the factory, and "Pilgrim" Rubber Boots will be at least $6,61: -for spring. Pilgrim Boots have ',been thoroughly tested and found to' be one of the best on the Market. We were fortunate enough to have about 50 pairs of these boots which were bought et the old price and -which we are now going to pass on to our customers at the old price of PAW Buy now and save a dollar or more They won't last long. Plumsteel CLOTHING 4111•••I 1 POS. THE STORE Tri AT SELLS FOR LESS. PHDS 9,0 NEW IDEA PATTERNS4 ..asmomom • 4114J.11=1111i Her Ste SAL • hig Look for the List of Articles in this Space Next Week HARLAND OS gAMYWARE, STOVES NOVIIMES—The Store With a Sid& Clinton New -Record _isitassommixesomormagNoosigiassigaimuni We Want Your BUSilieSS iY PPM 911 that busitess-,, we give you the rest, mutual profit that is the 'idea—a reasonable profit often rather than an exorbit- ant one "occasionally" is what we Strive for. You Will therefore gen- erally find us moderate in our idea as to what constitutes a 'fair profit' Trio W. II. Fair Co. Oftn the,Cheapest—Always the Best. [!Elul Miss A, Bartliff left for Tormito on Tuesday. • Rev. A. E. Doan of Hensel was in town on Friday last. Mr. Wilmer Wallis was up from Kitchner over the week -end. Miss Vera Stephenson pont a week in London visiting friends. kiss V. Harris of Brussels visited Miss Grace Walker last week. Mrs. W. •J. Powell of Goderich visited the Misses. Powell of town on Thursday last. Miss Florence•Cuninghame is. spend- ing this Week with 'bliss Hattie Baker of Fullerton. Mrs J. McKinnani, of Moncton,* N. B., formerly Miss May Rance has hem* ill but .is now recovering, Mr. Albert Kemp Of •Lonchin was in town- on Monday on business' for his firm, the Sherlock -Manning Co. Mr and Mrs. Colquhoun, who were Married in Clinton .last week. left Saturday for their home. at Mitch- ir 11 11. Mrs. C. II. Bartliff and Miss „Jule left Tuesday on a visit to Mrs. Bartliff's sister, in Nippising Dist- rict, Mr. Tom Quigley of Chicago has been visiting relatives in town and Hullett township during the past week. Miss Myrtle Mair is home from her school near Guelph on account of the prevailing qickness in that section. Mr. R. W. Reed of Toronto, form- erly manager of the Jackson Mfg. Co., was up from Toronto for the week -end. Miss Start returned to her ,home at Curries last week after spending a month with her sister, Mrs. C. W. Potter. Misses Nellie Watkins and Nellie Cooper went • to Seaforth last Thursday evening to witness the hockey match. Mrs. W. H. Burrows of Tatfine, Alta., has been the guest during the past week of her. sister-in-law, Mrs. H. Pennebaker. Mr. F. W. Wigg, who has bought • out the Corner Grocery is now in possession. He will -move his -fam- ily to town as soon as possible. Mrs. Wm. Cooper received word this week that . her grandson, Arthur Armstrong of Ontario, Cal., -is ill with sleeping sickness. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew- Steep and -little Miss Dorothy of Toronto spent • a few days over the week -end with ' the formers parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Steep. btr. and Mrs. W. J. Paisley and Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Paisley and • -1VIaster Elmer attended the wed- . filing of Mr. plareAbe Paisley at Plensall on Thursday last. Dr. A. W. Mair- of. Chesley visited. inWtown and vicinity for a few days this. -week, coming down to attend the funeral of his sister- in-law, Ws; Gilbert Mair. - . Mr. I. Rattenbury of Petorboro ar- rived Saturday and has been stay- ing in town on account of the tit,- ness of 14s sisteix, Miss Dorothy; -who, though still quite ill, is now improving. Mr. Harvey Potter, who has been at the home' of his parents, Mr. • and Mrs. 0 .W. Potter, for several weeks past owing to illness, loft Monday for Toronto to resume his studies at the -Faculty of Medicine. , Mr. E. F.F. Copp of the Faculty of. Medicine, UniVersity of Toronto, Was home for a few daysduring the past week. coming up to at- tend his father's sale of faun stock and implements, which took place on Saturday and which proved quite a successful one. Mr, Percy Couch goes to Kitchener hi the course of a few weeks to take a position with the Moser people as buyer and window dresser. Mr. Couch was in Toronto- last week on business. For the time being his ,family Will remain in Clinton. Mrs. Jas. E. Doherty left Tuesday afternoon for a visit it Toronto: She accompanied her brother; Mr. -5. F , F. Copp, who spent the week -end 'at his home in town, Mrs. Doherty has not been at all well for some time and it is hoped the change will prove beneficial to her. Mr. R, J. Anderson of Winnipeg was the guest for a few days over the week -end of his aunts, Mrs. j, P. Sheppard and Mrs, tender of town and with relatives in the • surfamding country, Mr. Anderson is tho architect of the new 'Union station being hilt hi Toronto and -operations being held up waiting the Iarrival of material, he Tonna •a few slack flays which he spent in vis- iting his relatives. Nardi 4th, 1920 Our entire stock of the above me tioned gar. <z! ments is NOW ON EVME at a lower price than we can buy them for today. The placing price for next fan is much higher than our present sale price, ctn. 44, sequently it you require a sweater coat Tivithin a year or two now is the time and 1 fitOVITY'S is the place',;to buy. COLORS Oxford, Cambriage and Steel Grey, 9 rtie, Emerald, Wavy Maroo2, Spr, 113q SIZES 34 to 4 111en's Store Opposite') Market Square WOMEN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 6'7 NEXT ROYAL BANK MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and (Phone 103) Men's Furnishingt OPPOSITE PUBLIC LIBRARY ellinel.P.11[... Mr. J. 11, Andrews and family of Winnipeg, are. visiting Mr. And- rews' parents, Magistrate and Mrs. Andrews of town. Mr. Andrews made a friendly call on Tho News - Record yesterday afternoon and in the course of conversation informed us that it was just twenty years the first Working day of this year since he came into this office as printer's devil. He has been on the staff of The Winnipeg Free Press for some time, --but sPentlast sunv. • mer on a farm for the benefit of his health.- Londesboro. Miss Margaret Caldwell is not'en joying the best of health. Mrs, Jas. Elsley is somewhat im- proved. We are glad to see Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wells around again. • - Miss Belle Roberton was home from Stratford Normal for a few days recently. Miss Anne Abrey, who has been visiting relatives in Toronto, will re- turn home this week. The death took -place last Friday' morning at her home on the Gravel Road north of the village, of Mrs. John Garrett in her fifty-third year. • The deceased lady, whose maiden name was Caroline E. Wallis, was a daughter o fthe late James Wallis and Mrs. Wallis now of Londesboro. She was born on the homestead in Goderich township, the home now of Mr. Walter Wallis, and there she spent her young womanhood. She early co/looted heitelf with the Metho- dist church and remained a con- sistent member all her life, being a ,member of the Londesboro church at her death.. She was a loving wife and mother to her sadly bereaved husband and three young daughters, Laura, Lillie and Annie. Her last illness was only of a week's duration, pnuemonia being the cause. Her mother andfour brothers al- so survive: C. J. Wallis of Clinton; Mrs. S. Welsh and FrOd and John Wallis of Sault Ste. Mario, Mich., • Mrs, W. J. Peck, Oreon, Alta.; Herbert of Fiske, Sask.; Walter on the homestead near Bayfield and Mrs. Arthur Fisher, Benmiller. • The funeral took place from the family home on Monday afternoon, the service being conducted • by the Rev. T. E. Sawyer; pastor of the Londesboro Methodist church. The pallbearers were: G. Garrett, Win. ,Lyon, Reda Jenkins, Arthur Fisher, Wilmer Wallis and Alex. McKenzie. Mr. Garrett and family desire to expreie their sincere thanks to the friend's - and neighbors for the syin- pathy and, help given them in their sad bereavement,. • * • Ilaufield The Literary Society will hold its fortnightly meeting in the Methodist church on Friday evening of this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Biggart, who have spent the winter at Toronto, re- turned to the village last week. They were accompanied by their son, Mr. Percy Biggart, and wife. • Mr. George Chesney of Calgary, Alta., spent a few days in the village last week. Mr. Frank Cameron of Detroit is visiting under the parental roof. Messrs, Robert Porthole, and Win. Heard are attending the spring Assizes at Goderich this week, CLINTON JUNK DEALER BUYING ALL KINDS OP JUNK AND POULTRY, • HIDES AND SKINS 3,000 Muskrats Skins Wanted PAYING THE HIGHEST PRICES M. RAMRAS Phone 137 •• Albert St. tagravratrwastum=m-rusbrato=rrrmorm.rza „ ISN'T IT A4OUT TIME you discarded pint old dining - room set and replaced it with the new style dining -room fur- niture, One might as well bo dead as "oui of style?! those days. We aro showing several different designs in both quay - toyed oak and mahogany ud all are priced exceedingly low. JAS„ rrUNPORD 3iidirtaker giatd. Ptirteral D1rector. • Pitooe 28 hatawm.tammeo.koot,..i.,aakttaakzaikoaiikam • C 41.41.437...0011 The Store of Ouality Having purchased and taken over the hard- ware business of Mr. R, Rowland, 1 solicita share of .yottr tratle.ari'd patronage. • ' • stock of .general hardware, paints, oils," glass, roofing, etc., always on hand • . at reasonable prices. Come ii and inspect our stock ..No trouble -to show our goods • W.H DAVISON General Hardware • Phone 53 Prompt and Efficient Service 0 0 cct 6°11‘11' wr 30 A. SU/ Plumber and Electrician FER Phone 147w ,