HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-3-4, Page 70086 N. 8893—Ladies' Waist. Price, 20 cents. Panels loose or stitched to waist. Cut in 7 sizes, 34 to 46 inch bust. Size 86, one material, I% yards 36 inches wide, or 11 yards 45 inches wide; tie -belt, 2f yards ribbon 2 inches wide; waist, 1111 yards 86 inches wide, or 1t%s yards 45 inches wide; panels, %yard 36- or 40 inches wide. ' No. 9086—Ladies' Russian Blouse, Price, 20 cents. With or without hands, two styles of sleeve. Cut in 8 •sizes, 34 to 48 inch bust. Size 36, ' with. bands, 2% yards 36 inches wide, WINTER WEATHER .HARD ON LITTLE ONES Our Canadian winters are exceed- ingly hard on the health of little ones,. The weather is oftetl so severe that the mother cannot take the little dnes out for art airing. The consequence is that baby is confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms; takes cold and becomes Groes and peevish. Baby's Own Tablets' should be given to keep the little. one healthy. They are a mild laxative which regulate the ltemach and bowels and :thus prevent colds. The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine 'Coe Brockville, Ont. • ..ife-Saving Pigeons. The value of the service rendered by pigeons during the war is empha- sized by the story told in the 'Aerial Year -Book." ! Thanks to the patriotism of fanciers, .. it was never necessary to spend pub- lic money on the purchase of static; while specialists who had years of ex- ;perienco ,behind them taught pilots ,and observers how to -handle the birds. Owing to the limited space avail- able, the carrying of pigeons plf board an aeroplane was at first sbmewllat of a problem, but finally a small box -measuring about 12 ill: long, 6 in. 'wide; and 8 in. deep, with a•cross par - titled, wee designed, in which - two pigeons could be taken out for ser- -vlce wok. Upon the pigeon's leg was placed a all cylindrical : l[ mrical carrier, which was s Y .clipped to the leg. In the carrier was ;placed a removable cup. The mess. .age was written, folded, and placed In thscup,placed which. !n its turn was in the carrier attached to the pigeon's leg. This carrier was made of alumt- ,,teeenhlm, and $o its weight did not im- -pede the flight of the pigeon. The Royal Air Force Pigeon Service _proved its value on many occasions by saving the lives of the crews of flying; 'boats and seaplanes, and sometimes the nta0hitme as well. Ater the'ht- ,augeratloll of the Royal Atr Force no fewer than 717 messages of distress 'wore sent by pigeons froth aircraft •tlotvn on the surface of the water. In ,eerrying llhese messages the birds covered about 20,000 tulles. In one instance a pigeon ley twen- ty-two miles in twenty-two 201203es with a message which resulted'in the -necessary action beteg taken to save the crew of a seaplane. The machine had been forced to land cn the water and Was rapidly breaking up owing to bad weather, so that theme watt little time to lose, 10 anotber case a pigeon, released :200 miles frons its haee, was able to bring important information, telling dive hours to complete the jonrne.y- ran average of forty miles 00 Hour, or 21/.1. yards 40 .inches wide; Without bands, 1% yards 36 inches Wide, or 1% yards 45 ,inches wide. No. 9310—Ladies' Blouse. Price, 25 center Kimono sleeves, sheet oor r lengthened by bell sleevee; front or with yoke 'closing on shoul- ders; with or without trimming -'band at lower edge. In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 inch bust. Size 36 requires 1% yard 36 (inches wide; contrasting, f yard 36 inches wide. These patterns may be obtained Som your local McCall dealer, or :from the McCall Company, 70 Bond Street, Toronto; Dept. W. Some Ancient Piths. If the prohibitionists get their way, and close all the pubs in town and country, some long histories will reach a sadden close, says an English writer. It is a toss-up which is the oldest public -house in England. The Trip to Jerusalem, at Nottingham, claims to be, It has perhaps survived because it Is hewn out of the rock be- low the castle. If a name is any guide, it apparently commemorates the Crusades. and Richard- the Lionheart is•said to have drunk ale there 1n 1169. That seems old enough for any- thing./ Stili, there is The Fighting Cocks, at St. Albans, which' can assuredly point back to 1250. Prior' to that, it was the Moniks Fishing House. It is octagonal in Shape, and its Ceilings are not six feet high. Altogether a notable old pub. ',- Nobody ought to go to Gloucester without seeing the Cathedral first, and the New Ilul second. The New Inn is one of the oldest Inns in the country, and one of the most picturesque and best- preserved. The Seven Stars, at Manchester, is another old place, and so is the Rose and Crown, at Bainbrldge, in Wens- leydale, Probably this was the first Rose and Crown, width reefers to the Tudor hose, and it has been very ex- tenslvely copied, for in the neighbor- hood of London alone, there must be a dozen of that name. • 10,000 mile) of Oho. Britain to to have the largest isttl<lto for producing olneaua !inns Ili the world, It will )le either at harrow or IIanipton Court, and the floor of the great hall wi'11 be 80,000 equare feet in en•'tent, With a ',pool of wilier 5,000 square fent, Thirty miles of wire will bo used For the electric Ltghttng, and it will be 00041131e to concentrate half a lull lion candle-power on any given spot, The plant for lighting will be 1,800 horsepower. Railway "Lines." If au express train, moving at the rate of forty-five miles an hour, were to stop suddenly, it would give the pas- sengers a shock equal tothat of fall - Ing from 0.hoi ht of fifty-four feet. In 1825, a. prize of $2,500 was offered in the North of England for the best engine, which was not to produce smoke, and was draw draw three times 0 its own weight at the speed of ten rail'Ps per hour. Further, it was to be supported on springs, not to exceed six tons do weight (although if it ran Out wheels only it was not to exceed four and n half tons), It Was 220t t0 cost more than $3,750, A trial of the engines submitted was made on ono October morning in 1829, when four "tine engineen Were pro. duced. One, however, couldn't be got to move, so was withdrawn, and' of the other three, the Novelty, by Masers. Braithwaite & Ericson, pro- mised good rosette. An accident to the boiler crippled it, however. This left two engines eoulpoting, the Sans Pared (which !net with an accident) and the Rocket, by Metiers, Robert Stephenson & 'Booth. The latter sur- passed the stipillated conditions, and took the prize. In 18.21, seventeen tulles per !tom was l,Jte average speod' of passenger traits. In 1848 it was thirty, Nineteen trains a day arrived et eel departed front Euston in 1607 no the Birmingham 11110, Many a Tea or Coffee dTinker- , nker, doe` n, realize that his ill -health IJt .c>5.corit ort. is due to his tat-lef#' i' n C i3t°'� : i ci,-•,E'� i..��ll. dome friend ata V"ly, Li The f 'row ng favor of 'this health - beverage i ll beverdrinkersge amog tea and cof- fee "" fdrinkers plainly shows "There"Therer a l eaesoz In addition to the Studio there will be oflioos, rest room:, dree5ing-rooms, a rosteurant, bath -rooms, a laboratory, carpenters'eshops, wardrobes, furor ture stores, workeklope, with every possible kind of equipment; and, for the buildinga, a million )tricks, 200,, 000 slates, 210 tons of steel, and 4,000 carloads of earth wilt be required. ». When completed, it is believed that this vast studio wlli'produoe 630,000 feet of negative film a year, and that the finished films sent all, over the world will be nearly 10,000 intim: in length. INFLUEhIA HAS L) TER DANGERS Particular Care Needed When Patient is Convalescent, Says Expert. The influenza convalescent who has apparently recovered from the disease and is yet in e, strangely weals and de, pressed.condition should be the object of particular care, according to Dr, Louie' I, Harris, director of the Bureau of Preventable Diseases of the New York Health Department. In , the spit on of Dr. Harris the after care of the influenza patient is most im- portant. • The co-operation of the Pa- tient, coupled with the w1111ugttess to nee that the' weakness and depression are a part of the illness, though coin- ing after the disease itself has spent it force, is a big factor in effecting a complete return to full health. On the other hand, the determination to ig- nore this debilitated condition and to fight against it, will, Dr. Harris says, frequently bring serious consequences upon the patient. After Effects Bad, "The subject of the after effects of influenza," said Dr. Hanes, "is one of particular interest to the scientist at the present time. "First, and perhaps the most mo- mentous condition to he considered is the striking depression, mental, nerv- ous, and physical, complained of by most patients. Those attacked by the disease with moderate severity are al- most always afflicted with this de- pression, wbich should be recognized and dealt with. Those who have had mild cases of the epidemic are little affected by depression, and their (nick return to health and strength gives rise to the belief that influenza is trivial. On the contrary, Influenza in Re after effects is anything bat tri- vial, and calls for the application of rules of polnmou sense and sanitation, which are the fruit of years of ex- perience. "Tonic treatment, well chosen diet, and great care in not becoming over- tired or allowing the body to be chilled aro necessary. Eggs may be eaten, but not more than two a itay, for the average Adult. Of Bourse, it must be remembered that in litany cases this disease tends to direct its force against the kidneys, and therefore we instruct patients to avoid eating a great antou'ut of meat, eggs, or. beet extracts. Eggs, soft boiled, poached, or beaten, rows -ere advisable fit limit- ed number. The raw eggs should al- ways --be well agitated before taking. When Good Food Is Bad. "With milk and eggs as a founda- tion theP patient should eat good nour- felting food, including meat, and vegetables, simply prepared. Frying, for instance, is out of the question. Good rood prepared in an nnassimil- able manner becomes• bad food; es - 'meetly is this to U'6 -noted in cases of convalescence Dem influenza, for the disease often manifests itself in vomiting, and in intesttnai and gas- tric disturbances, and if is important not to weaken the .digestive function by the eftting of poorly prepared food, or even the best of food in ill-advised quantities. The quantitative distribu- tion of foodstuffs 51101114 be so aiijuSt- ed tis riot to overtax the stoma:01e but the patient should eat generously and frequently." Asa tonic to build up_the blond and stimulate the ehettered nerves, 1)r, Williams' Pinit Pills are uneurpassecl. These pills actually make Ilene, Nett, red blood, which reaches every organ and every nerve in the body, improves the appetite, strengthens digestion and drives away the feeling of weariness end depression always- following _an attack of la grippe or influenza, Those who give Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills a fair trill will be amply repaid by the new health tind strength this .tonin medicine always' gives. Wise Men Say --- That the principal ingredient in luck Is common sense. That no person is so rich that 110 Dan afford to lose a friend, That being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn. That n good litany people speed most of their time in telling others how busy they are, . e That opportunity Inv mete a`mati --but generally speaking the man makes the opportunity, That the man who Is. satisfied to alt down and welt for Flomothing to turn up well )lead a good soft seat. That when you have a number of disagreeable duties' to perform, al. ,ways do the most disagreeable first. That the test of a man's qualities is in his retnomtllrauee, when 118 has reached the top, of the friends he left behind lower down, That depression, gloom, pessn:11th , despair, dieeoutiegenhent slay ton 11u- (220.11 beings to &very one flturderoil by typhoid, InflUenxa, diabetes, of pnou- 311o)ita, *ltaltairai iinlmiiul 1lDYltAtisil il2etla+61atttt • ATI-; M A 3if3 you llayVe Astllme, rlon'b *11)2)5108'chat Volt mu@t ale wayys suffer untold misery. ' Relief entek, mire andante is guaranteed In oven Sho Worate0.508 by 1351215 TEMPLETOPI'S RAZE. MAH CAPSU LES we 400 so ; certain of rel sults we will send You a free eample'of these cap- sules,confident that you Will 9 lnod,thWrite to Tem pletons, 142 Ring S4. We Toronto, Sold by reliable druggists everywhere for 81.01 a box. T1:CtfiPLETCId1S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES For fifteen years, the standard ppeo1110 for Rheumatism, Neuettle, Gout Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia bee.nydootors proscribe them. welt. to Tompt.toun, 142 lung at. W„ Toronto, for [n ,nmptu. sold 6y e.)Iabtp druggists overyahope[or 51.04 pot Ise. Seeing+Panama by Barge. - The rubberneck automobiles that ply up and down the streets of 00 many American cities have a monster rela- tive in the great barge that carries sightseeing treaters through the Pana- ma Canal.e - The veseel wJ�s originally a steel dump barge,,,buflt for the canal exca- vators in 1909. It is 154 feet long, 32 feet wide, and draws 10 and 11 feet of water, Sloping seats like'tltose in a grand stand have 'been built, and then coyered with a roof on which other passengers may sit or stand. The barge carries two or three hula dred persona, and it is handled by a tug lashed alongside. ”00.1••••••••••••••-1...••••••••••••••••••,•,••••...... 00000. YOUNGSTERS! Need "Cascarets" when Sick, Bilious, Constipated. When your child is bilious, consti rated, siek or full of cold; when the ittle tongue is coated, breath bad and stomach sour, get a box of Qascarets and straighten the little -one right up. Children gladly take this harmless candy cathartic and it cleanses the little liver and bowels without griping. Cascarets contain no calomel or dan- gerous drugs and can be depended up- on to move the sour bile, gases and in- digestible waste right out of the bowels. Bost family cathartic be- cause it never cramps, sickens or causes, inconvenience. • Tusk Jelly. • Elephant tusk jelly is highly recom- mended. In English factories, where many tons of tusks are sawn up an- nually, for knife -handles and other uses, great quantities of ivory dust ac- cumulate. This dust is sold at six - Pence a pound, and, when properly boiled and prepared, it nlalces a very fine and pure jelly which is frequently prescribed for the sick, "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi. sons front little stomach,• liver and bowels el\ Bible Ii:illdings, The taste for having a particular Bible bound in a manner that IS nut• 02 the Ordhlary is 002110)on to many Poole, It is strange to think of a Ilutitsnlall 111 tlie•wilds of Asia killing the hear, or a saber in some northern sea 043011- 105 the seal that glues the skin with welch a 131blo Omit eventually 130 bound to grace the desk of 80018 ec- centric millionaire. Yet such is often' the ceso, Qile Bible is covered with a long, thief, f, soft hair, so shaggy that the shape of the book le hidden. This was taken from a grizzly bear. Another is made froth the etch1 of a serpent. A grey, handed surface, resetnbling 11.1ass, is presented .by another bind- ing w11i011 game from a man -dating 511a19g. t, There is a badger Bible and at skunk Bible, the latter looking for all 3138 world like a lady's muff. The Persian sheep, the Himalaya sheep, and other foreign varieties of this family have been :called upon to 3hnmisl1 Bible coverings. Most curious of all is a Bible bound in the elfin of a giraffe. Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are surd your child is !laving the gest and most harmless laxative or physic for the - little stomach, liver and bowels, MUM - ren love its delicious fruity taste. Pull directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California" --de- -__ The opal is ino're difficult to 11n1-) tate tun is the diamond. But from artificial corundum 'stained with chrome alum, real' rubies can be made, and 'very cheaply. If the coloring, agent is titannium oxide, the product becomes 0 genuine nrtificial sapphire. aolnard's .Liniment for sale everywhere, For many years there have been no Tuesday brides in Madrid, as the Spaniards consider Tuesday an un- lucky day for marri:tges. Use Baby'sW0) S.Iap. ,Lt's " est for Baby -- Best fora ou" CleeMbing-44e0.11bg-• 'engram Mort eons, (.unfiii, 01131., 'gamut. t:g of 0DANDERINE PUTS BEAUTY J1N HAIR , Marls! A• mass of long, thick, gleamy, tress a YES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITII FINGERS u mltdrug manYo, ' tlsilvoply moasay quartertoao of an conesstore of froezone." Tide wilt cost very little but is sufficient to remove eve bard or soli corn from s ; A few drops of thisone'new feetsib1s coin. pound applied directly upon a tender, aching 0010) Should relieve the sero, aeSs [ustautly, sad soon the entire corn, root and alt, dries 0p and can ba lifted out with lingers. This new way to rid one's feet of corns was introduced by a Cincinnati mon, wild says thatthe, while freozono 1: sticky, It dries jll a moment, and elim ply shrivels up the corn without in. flaming or even irritating the sur. rounnss Don't g lettisFatherueer diekin; of infection or lockjaw from whittling at his corns, but clip Oda out and snake him try R. tiw No man on earth is so happy as the man who loves his work and goes home at night with a contended heactt because of . a good day's. work well done. Ask for Mlaar4'o and take no other The next airships to be built in England are to be 694 feet in length with a lifting power of 82,7 tons. COARSE'SALT i LAND SALT Bulk Cariots TORONTO SALT WORKS C.r¢. CLIFF TORONTO' SINCE (e16``76 bL diet 30 y'Di�SP5 ��.% (Gi COis Let "Danderine" save your hair and double Its beauty. You can have lots of Meg, thick, strong, lustrous stair. Don't let it stay lifeless, titin, straggly or fading. Bring back its color, vigor and -vitality. Get a 85 -cont bottle of delightful "Danderine" at tory drug or toilet counter to freshen your sculpt check dandruff and falling hair. Your hair needs this stimulating tonic; then its life, color, brightness and abundance will retara—Hurry! Proper brooding the first week or two is the most important feature in the chick's life. The good results that should follow early hatching must not be lost by neglect in brood- ing chicks the first two weeks. The early laying pullet also depends to a great extent on the first two weeks of its life. Therefore, warmth, dry- ness, with no crowding is advisable, If hens are used keep the hen dry. Too much feed the first week is not desirable. We have been using 1VIINARD'S LINIMENT in our home for a number GE years and use no other Liniment but MINARD'S, and we can recom- mend 1t highly for sprains, bruises, pains or tightness of the chest, sore - nese of the th'roat,•headaehe or any- thing of that sort. Toe will not bo without it one single day, for we get a new bottle before the other is .all used. I can recommend it highly to anyone. JOHN WALKFIELD. LaHavo Islands, Lunonburg Co., N.S. Man was made for woman, and wo- lnan'for man. Nearly all the trouble an life is due to the fact that they both think they were made for them- selves. MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion ExpressMo v Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. Determination reduces hard work to nothing prasetas 1 a t n makes 11810ci work out of nothing. , a Been Mtnard's Sdn[ntent in Cm house. Time, the ,inexorable critic, leaves nothing except the intrinsically- great and the essentially good. Ameriow is Pioneer Dog y emodlce Book on 006 DISEASES and Wow . to lend Malted F`ree to:an,y Ad. dream by the' Author, Tr. Clay Clever Co., Tae, 118 West Met Street Now 'York, U.S.A. "OAP Beautiful Women of Society,duringthepast seventy years have relied upon it for their distin- guished appearance. The soft, refined, pearly white complexion It renders instantly, Is always the source of flattering comment. .aaamAtVe mrama,s®.nueewa+.e,mm+ E a01�` 6521 CAN °mss' CURE 1, @ ' I have cured ' casae, and of without pain, and in .nearly every case, in ono Waif to my office. Write to MISS R..KNORR, 07 .loeeph $tteet, Kitchener, Ont, one of 087 recent patients, Ask her about my shill. (Enclose stamp for reply.) If you need my services, Whet write. Only an overnight trip from Ontario. ,4 Q N. P. O. CARTIER ICy b, Erbil, 140.6, Throet ^'1 YFAhte oN 87A35 i' rneev 120nSrt,itta4oSt.,st iCAimidysCO,ido1ul..fe �✓l� I�d9Ns IL ,391`..01,412N 2Pslte The Cause of Hart Trouble Faulty _digestion causes the generation of gases in the stomach which iritlat9 and preen down on the heart and lnterfero with its regale: action, crawling faintness and pain. 15 to 30 drops of Slother Selgel's Curative Syrup after meals sets •digestion aight,which allows the heart to beat fedi and regalaa. 9 eraideattirettretreeelio ��' JD an;tgea' •-,NeOldsa `\� and more eeraous \��� complaints a a e contracted In mean weather, Beyroteeted, T dice efeleaae . from the first sniffle or sneeze. Stop it to time and do not gamble With your health. Used over 60 years in treating coughs, colds and shied comptntnts. ' 0v.ryb.dy buy, tn. t. Pg. Slee CO Bfoatreal D. WATSON dr CO., Ncu' York KNOCKS OUT PAIN THE FIRST ROUND Comforting relief front .pain makes Sloan's the World's Liniment This famous reliever of rheumatic aches, soreness,, stiffness, painful sprains, neuralgic pains, and most other external twinges that• hunts ti tIr suffers from, enjoys its great sales because it practically never fails to bring speedy, comforting relief. 'Always ready for use,'it takes little to tianetrate withotet rubbing and pro- duceresults. Clean; refreshing. Marie 'u Catatla.• At all dreg steres. '.853., 70c., $1,10. 1590E No. 9—'20 Classified Advertiaemente. 43H' 0! W )tine, )ORTRAg' AO155Ty q7,8 Ttri9I pp�etc00 coq Print/�t'.s.Nua13 ntq hoc&talgg *, o12tkod .343 00., d (Srunewielc 11,rit ,wANT1'7fa - 11101LrAfaLp1, 1aN1at-' gotta men, fermere' sons, farms Ors or mere who 'Van '4000/ some of their sper9 time to represent us an 192110811165 for Nursery Stool, We sup. bly up-to-date oarivaeoine mettles free of charge and offer liners remenett431045.: Apply immediately to Maple 00070 Nureertes, Winona, 0111, SMAI(7, ggr ssronTIU VOTING MAN wanted to handle !213010(• stooks, bonds and debentures, to represent Tq- 1'ento I-Iouee, Liberal eommleslon, AD - Ply 'Box 6, Wilson Publishing Co., To- rellte. • 515.0721 0511301050. '171-r nal: ID If0R INFOIISIAPION selling ngabout the p,t new, modern way or se ling with- Sell your property help, Otte method only cost you 211,00, Why Pay a largo commission? Write for full par- ticulars, Real Testate 13u ere Monthly, 788 Dundee St., London, Ont. 70$, SALE 1AT5W11PAPLft, WIOPIICLY, Ier Lemma el county, Oplendtd opportunityy.� write Box T, Wilson Puente: 0)q'' Co.. Ltmttea. 78 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, WELL 166 UIPP(D NEWSPAPER and Job printing plant In Eastern (((155 Ontario, 200 eon nuparried sle. 'Dote 63. Wtlson,ru llshing Co„ Ltd„ Toronto.. lenlig 2L23100. TEV3ONS' COMPLETE FPIRTIL- 1:77 tzar w111 pay you. Write for prices. 3 t I -71P YOUR EMPTY BAGS—SUGAR, dour, brat, woks to Stevens. high- est prices. 'Gro, Stevens, 804 Mark St, Peterboro, t4 'WOOD .2.2122215. le F You IIAVIO A . CAR FOR SACK! Ji write mo, (Seo. Stevens, 804 Marti Street, Petet•bor'o, 00101.12 IRON, 11' 7' YOU HAV1(I A rias AND HAVE A. a oar or more of scrap iron I will come and purge yYou where 1t lays. Oeo. Stevens, 804 llid rk Street, P010rboro. 72.1$M 1'011 SALE. 11.1IGHT HUNDRPID ACRES, SOUTH - 1J east Sasicatohowan, 420 nems eu•1t1- vat8cl, good buildings, abundance good spring water. best of soli, close market. Apply 43 Lindsey Avenue, Toronto. 7a1ST8 DOrrr,tattae 35 RAVE CASA BUYERS FOR SAI. - able farms, Glee description, le- 0ntien and cash price. James P. White. L''ot 99, New I'eftn'flu, Mo. 22100242.. A.27E 0Tb 0. W AWES WANTED TO DO PLAIN .1t.J light sowing at home whole or *pare time, good pay, work sent any dto. tance, charges paid, Sond stamp for par- ticulars, National 'Manufacturing Com. eany, Montreal. frld)F 2IN STOCK WANTED, IF 7000. ��// are able to supply, advise us, as wa ir1t1 paw the highoot prices, dry or green from the saw. Keenan tiros.. Limited. Owen Sound, Ont. ANCO&, TUMORS. LUMPS, 157G. '1,,,) internal and external, cured without pain be our home treatment. Write un before too late Dr. Dedman Medical' Co., Limited, CoilIngwuod, Ont tom^ ;4O'.r4271r .a as 5"2 % ®Fi ° terest PAYABLE HALF YEARLY Allowed on money left with us for 'from three to ten yearn. Write for Booklet. The Great West Perinanent Loan Company. Toronto Office 20 King St, West Let Cuticura Be Your Beauty Doctor The Soap to Parify Oi tmenit to Soothe :; Let Cuticura be your beauty doctor onethat really' dose a Y n something to purify and beautify your Bair and 'skin, Bathe with i it Cuticura Soo and hot water to denten the pores. If signs of ...redness, roughness or eruptions are present, man- - druff on scelp, touch gently with Cuticura Ointment before bathing or shampooing. For every purpose of the toilet, bath and nursery Cuticura Soap and Ointment aro ideal. Absolutely nothing better. Scop 23., Ointment 2$ end 50e. Sold throughouttheDominton, CanadianDepot: 8.y rt,no., Limited, St, Paul St., Montraah Cuticura Seen .haves without arras. trz.r3Y...el 111 .. t...h11 k'a\7 or Strangles in stallions, brood nares. colts and all 11111,••s is most (Instructive, The germ 1811)4ug dteense••must to removed from the body of the animal. To pre,:"!, r,l- trouble the sante must be done. SPOHN'S DISTEMPER CO01POUND was do bosh—Dore the sick and prevent thane "eypu:*ed" from having the disease. Sold by your druggist. 5701510 MEDICAL. CO., Mfrs.. etoahen. and,, V, ONLY TABLETS MAR' "BATT" ARE ..ASP@ R N Not Aspirin 1i Alf without the t Ba ,_1• Cross" The name "Bayer" identifies the only genuine Aspirin,—tiro Aspirin prescribed by physicians for over nine- teen tears and now tendo in Canada, contains proper directions for Clolde, Ifeadacee, Toothaebe, tlnrac]to, Neu- ralgia, Lumbago, Rhoumatiehl, Neuri- tis, joint Pains, and fair generally. Always buy apt unbroken paellage '.Cin boxes of 12 tablets coat but of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin w111c1t a few 002(35, Larger "Bayer" packaged. '1'Itns'a #s -only one 32Spi;riaf;."TrlaYox4..,, fist attttHt 52113' f4Dayoi''t Aonlrin 18 ,be anno r 1' (rr[r'etrred t 1 0801.la) of 700Y0r Afanufeetare et Motto. A0611(0011 0t„ of tlollryn ,cid, milt, It Is well hgrewn tient Mettle inmate ltnrer tnnnefeeturr, r 5,2(1(- the , ',)" rlgnlltdt linttetlerle, fI'o Teille(0 of nest, '00m11aa1 will be etamp0d with ,be, t,cusrel trade Merit, thu "3al'ee 1ceote,"