HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-3-4, Page 5March 4th, 6920 +GI;O8 I7 M • f r1.lt(Q UtiAlt Y CALLED SU Di.7 l f LL D N A E I1'tr • George 11'1, Farquhar of the Gravel Road just north of the town •died on Thursday evening last as the result of a fall earlier in the day. Ile was at the home of his son, Mr. Id. Farquhar, and was doing seines thing in the barn when he fell through'' a hole, which was covered 'with straw, to the barn foot about sixteen :feet below, His injuries were of so se- vere a nature that he -diet' after the lapse of a few home, ,after only a few intervals of con. seiousness. M. Farquhar was' away frown home at the time, visiting ' 'hes; . daughter near Brussels, and re- turned the sane afternoon. Mr. Farquhar had but recently quit- ted the homestead, leaving it to his son, and had moved to the hoine just .at the edge of the town, where it looked as if he might live for many Sappy years with his family had not this terrible accident cut hire oft in his prime. Mr. Farquhar was a quiet man but one who had the respect of :his fellows. He was a member of 'Willis church where his presence and .support wiU be Rauch missed, But it is in the home and amongst his -own family where his loss will be ' :most keenly felt. His wife, who :was 'formerly Miss Margaret Strang- • Ilan, and a family of two sons and Iwo daughters survive; Edward on the homestead, Elsie, (Mrs. Joseph Clegg) of Morris, and Mervyn and Jean at home. One brother and three Sisters: 11Ir..T. Farquhar of Hensall, `'"`Mrs, Burns of Detroit, Mrs, J. 'W. Moore, Godericle End Mrs. II. ettfeBrien of Hullett. also survive, t .The funeral took place on Sendai afternoon and was Vety largely tits trended. The services were conducted ?by the Rev. J. E. Hogg and the pallbearers were: Fred, Charles,John sand GeorgeFarquhar, L. E. Weir. • a.a Mrs Far'ga2iar'•and family wish to thank their -friends and neighbors for their kind sympathy and assistance an •their sad and sudden bereavement and also for the many beautiful. floral offerings sent. • London Road - Mir. ',Robert Hunter has sold his %arms tto .M:r,. N. LeBeau, ' whose teen%.a;ljolns. Mr.'.Hunter has. not decided just 'what he will do yet but may go 'into Clinton for the sum= ane'. Marriages •PAISLEY RANNIE=In Hensall, on Feb. 26th, by the Rev. A. E: Doan, Ruth Ferris Rennie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E, Rennie Hens - all to David Clarence Paisley` of Montreal,youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Paisley of Clinton, Deaths 'CRICH-In Clinton, on Feb. 26th, Whitfield "Crich, 'aged' 62 years .2YSAIR-In Goderieh township, on Feb. 29th, Sarah E. Carter, wife of Mr, Gilbert Mair, aged 68 years. \'ALTERS -On Feb. 26th, at Red- lands, California, Samuel T. Walt- er, beloved husband of Sarah J. Courtice forrtieriy of Holmesville, Ont. Sheep for. Sale 25 well bred Leicester ewes and 1 :ram. Terms_ to snit purchaser. Apply Walter Mair, R. R. No. 1, -Clinton, or call 6 on G38, -35-2-p Little Pigs for Sale Choice lot of young pigs in good growing condition. Price reason- able. Order early: First to conte is the lucky person, F. W. And- rews, Clinton. -3541 The Two Cities A lecture to be given by Capt. Martin of Hainilton under the aus- 'Mees of. the Ontario street S. S. •on March 10th. Admission 25c -35-1 Shovel Lost. , Between Switzer's corner, Goder- ich township, and Clinton, on Feb: 25th, a scoop shovel. Finder please (leave at J. H. Reid's. Bayfaeld,•or at The News -Record office, -35-1 Auction Sale The undersigned has received in- structions to sell by -public auction at Lot 12 in the village of Bayfield, on Friday, March 19th, at 10 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses -Mare 'P years old, Mare 4 years old, Filly 2 years old, Gelding 1 year old, Driving mare rising 7 years, quiet, Clyde mare 5 years old, Driving mare 6 years old. Cattle -Cow 7 years old. due at time of sale. Cow 8 years, due last of March, Jersey Cow due in April, 73erkshire sow to litter Ayril 20th. Implements - Massey -Harris binder, Massey -Harr- is mower, wagon, 2 walking plows, •Oocl(Shett 11 disc drill, nearly new, hay rack, wood track, gravel box, set ~'-liob-sleighs and log bunks, root puler 2 cutter, corn sheller, scythe, a logging chains, 2 cedar hay rack site 16 ft long, grind stone, hay rake, set of disc harrows, set iron ,blocks„ apple press, 5 balls binder *twine, set of double harness, Deer- ing knife grinder, wagon, Premier riding plow, Verity 2 -furrow plow, ,No, 8 Daisy churn, Flacsey-Harris mower, 6 -ft cut, top buggy, 2 sets single harness, nearly now, robe, 2 -woollen blankets, string bells, 24 'hens, forks, shovels and other art- icles, Terms: -A11 sums •$f $10 send under, cath, over that amount 1 months credit will begiven set fern- ishing tupprovod joint notes, A dis- •count of 4 per cent. straight, for credit, .nn credit amounts, Thofifas Bailey, Proprietor, Thos, 'Cruildry, :Auctioneer. -45-8 Urc1ean! Unclean! ELEVEN years ago Lepers in Java were in a deplorable condi- tion. The Government could abet do much for them because min- istrations to lepers cannot be made .compulsory. BUT the opportunity for Obeis- tian and ftumaleitariau^ Service was sought by one , Organization, The result is a marvellous in- provement in the Social .and Spiritual conditions of the lepers. THE Governor-General has ex- pressed strong hopes that this Oheist-like work of the Salvation Army will be extended. -It will. Its influence for good is incal- culable. 308 SERVICE POSTS IN THIS TERRITORY. USE THEM t .:41,121. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes 'cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop, W. J. Jugo. 35-tf, Aucton Sale Of farm stock: Ezra M. Durst will sell by public aucton, at Lot 27; Maitland Concession," Colberne, on Tuesday, 18arch 9th, at 1 o'clock p.m. the following; Horses --Two-year-old Clyde Stallion, "Commodore Again " (217960) sired by "Commodore" Clyde Gelding, rising 4 year-old, Clyde Filly, rising 3 year-old, Clyde Geld- ing„ rising 2 'year-old, General Pur- pose horse, rising 7 year-old, Gen-. eral.Purpose Horse, rising 4 year-old. Cattle-/Mi'lism Cow, 5 year-old, due April 10th, Durham Heifer, 3 year-old, due March 15th, Durham Cow, rising 6 year-old, bred Jan. 1st, Choice Hol- stein Cow, ,rising 6 year-old .due May 10th, Durham Keifer, 3 years old, calved in Dec., Durham Heifer, 3 year-old, milking, bred Jan. 10th, Holstein Heifer, rising 4 year-old, milking,.bred in Nov., 4 Polled Angus Heifers, rising 2 year-old, milking, bred in Jan. and. Feb., 3 Steers, 2 year-old, 6 Heifers, 1 year, old Hogs 2. Sows,. due March 13th, 1 Sow, due April 1st, 3 Registered Yorkshire' Sows, 4 months old, 1 Registered Yorkshire Boar, 4 months mold. Al- so at the same' time and place Mr: William Bolton will sell -by public auction, the following: Durham Cow, due May 1st; 2' Durham Heifers, 3 years old; Holstein Heifer, due April .1st; 1 Ilolstein Heifer, fresh; Blue .Heifer, due May 1st; Holstein Heifer, due in' June; Holstein Heifer, in calf; White Durham Heifer, duo in April; Durham Steer, 3 years old; Durham Heifer, due in June; Roan Steer; 'Durham Heifer,. 1 year old; Holstein Heifer, 1 year old. Terms: Sit months credit on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. 4 per cent straight .off for cash. Ezra M. Durst and Wm. Bolton, Proprietors, Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer. -35-1 Auction Sale Of pure bred Shorthorns. The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public aucton at Lot 27, Con.. 1, Tucltersantla. (London ,Road one'mile south of Brumfield, on Fri- day Mar. 12 commencing tat 12 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses -Agri- cultural mase, 9 years old, Agricul- tural mare'7 years old, Heavy. Perch- eron rising 3, Heavy Clyde rising 2, Heavy horse rising 5, Shetland pony rising 2, Scotch and Scotch Topped Cattle -Roan Duchess 150979, born Feb. 22, 1917, with calf at foot, Prin- cess' Mary, 105630,• born Nov. 9, 1912, Mayflower 7th 105839, born April 30, 1913, Queen Butterfly 141810 born May. 8, 1918, Jeanette Female 149988, born June. 3. 1018, Ruby Queen 143939, • born April' 1., 1918, Gloster Belle 145507,' born 'March 31, 1918, Nonpareil Beatrice 153039, red, born Feb. 5, 1918, Matchless Minnie' 153927, red, born March 10, 1918, Prince Duke ,male 183743, born May 28, 1919, Ring Master, male 184376, born May •16, 1919, Nonpareil Pride, male 132487, born . Feb. 28, .1019, Note -The above herd will either. have calves at foot or in calf to Scotch bulls and are of noted families as Matchless Crimpon Flowers, Roan Duchess, Princess Mary, Mayflower and Nonpareil. The three above balls are an exceptional good lot. Grade. Cattle -Cow 9 years duce in April, Cow 6 years ;due in April, Cow 2 years.due in April, Grass cow 4 years, Cow 4 years due in June, Cow 5 years due in May, Cow 6 years due in May, 2 steer's rising 2 Heifer rising 2, 5 calves 14 months old, Heifer ris- ing 1 year, 2 Fall Calves, About 65 pullets. Imple vents --2 Waggons and Hay Rack, Massey -Harris mower•, new, Massey -Harris cultivator, nesv, Deering binder 6 -ft cut, Massey -Har- ris side rake, Sugar beet sealer, 2 row, set of bobsleighs, Cockshutt, Hay Rake, Pig Rack, Steel roller. Riding plow, Canton P. N. 0., Set of 4 sec- tion,. HIarrows, Democrat, 2 seats, Gang plow, 2 walking plows, 400 -ft ash lumber also planks, 2 sets Britelt- ing harness. Cream Separator Prerrr- tar, new, Daisy chuttii No, 4, Iron Kettle, Extensien ladder 30 ft., Scales 2.000 lb, Tersest -All stuns of 310 anal under, cash, over that amount 9 Menthe credit will i f l b e given en furnishing approved joint motor or 5 per cent sti'aglit for cash on, teat amounts: Ilenry Le Beau,. Proprietor, C, Ilobieson, Auctioneer, Auction Sale Qi a stock f int s eel and hm nt o p 1 me s, I have been instructed by Mr, E, Noakes to soli by public 'auction on Lot No. 18, eon 8 Codericit town- ship .on Monday March 15th, '1920 oommenoiug at one o'clock, sharp, the following; Horses- Gelding, 8 year old, Golding 5 yore old, Aged Mare, Filly Colt rising 2 years, Cattle -Cow 5 years past due to freshen April 4th,Cow 4 year's old due June 20. milking, Heifer, 3 years old, supposed in calf, due June 21st, Cow 8 years okl milking, Steer, 2 years old, 2 steers 1 year old, Heifer 1' year old, 2 Breed Sows, Brod, 2 store pigs about 80 pounds. Collie Dog, years old, About 50 pullets and 20 last years hens, Pure bred White Wyan- dotte Cockerel, 2 ducks, drake, Some Belgium Hares and some common Rabbits. Implements -6 foot cut Mceormielc Binder, 61/2 foot cut Mase. ey-Harris Mower, nearly new, 9 foot Hay rake, 3 horse Cultivator, 14 ring Disc Harrow, 8 foot Roller, Set 3 Harrows, Seed drill, Oliver riding plow, Verity Walking plow, 2 horse Scudier and Bean Harvester, Single Sealer, Pea Harvester, Wagon anti. Eureka Stock rack, Light Wagon, Set Bob Sleighs, Open Buggy, Cutter, Fanning Mill, Set Heavy Harness, Set plow harness, Single Harness, Single Democrat Harness,. -String Bells, 4 Horse Collars, Wheelbarrow, Carpenter's Bench, Double Block and pulley with 100 feet of 1 inch Rope, 4 balls Binder Twine, Braee wire, Capital Separator in good run- ning order, Daisy Churns, Cream can, Grindstone, Small Cook stove, Horse Clippers, Water Barrel, 2 Logging chains, Lantern, Forks, Shovels, pick and other things. Terms -All sums under •$10, cash, over that amount 7 months credit on furnishing approved joint notes. • E. Noakes, Proprietor, Thos. Gundry, Auction- eer, -35-1 Auction Sale Of farm stock and Implements , Having disposed of my farm I have instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at lot 32, con. 6, Hullett, (Base Line) on Thursday, March 18th, 1920, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Horses -General par - pose driving mare, llyears old, geld- ing rising 2 years by Tommy Bars, 2 fillies rising 4 years by Lord Ron - old, Ally rising 5 years by Glenne. Cattle -Cow 6 years old, due time of sale, Cow 5 years old due April 25, 2 Cows a. years old due June 8, Cow 10 years, clue June 28, Cow due Sop. 3rd, 2 steers rising 2 years old, 4 heifers rising 2 years, yearling steer, 3 yearling heifers, 6 fall calves, Sheep -24 Leicester ewes, registered. Leicester ram. Implements -Mass- ey -Harris binder Eft cut, Deering mower, 6 ft. cut, Massey -Harris loft. rake ,nearly new, Deering cul- tivator with seeder, Champion drill, Deering Roller, Windsor disc harrow, four section harrows, Chatham fan- ning mill with bagger, straw cutter, Cocicshutt riding plow, walking plow, Kangeroo plow, root pulper, 2,000 lb scales, set light team harness, nearly new, set plow harness, set light double harness, set single harm- ess,' lumber waggon, hay rack, set bob sleighs, waggon box with spring seat, rubber tire buggy, De Laval cream separator, Sugar kettle, crow -bar, quantity of hay. Household furniture -wood cook stove,, wood. triplilo heater, 2 bedsteads, becl springs, Hall camp, Hanging lamp, mantle lamp, and other small articles Terms -All slims of $10 and under, cash, over that amount 8 months cred- it on furnishing approved joint notes or . a discount of 4 per cent ori for cash. Hay .to be cash. Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer, T. J, Lindsay, 1 Proprietor, -35-2-p Seed Peas for Sale • A limited quantity of extra good quality seed peas for sale. E. L. Mittel', Phone 175 Clinton. -34-3-p Pups for Sale Three Collie pups. Apply to N. J. Lebeau, R. R. No. 5, Clinton. Phone 9 on 610. -34-2-p Houses for Sale Two frame houses on Victoria street. Apply at The News -Record office. -34-tf Auction Sale Of farm stock and implements. By instructions of the administrat- ors of the estate of David A. For- restor, deceased, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on March 10th, at Lot 22 Huron Road adjoin- ing the twit of Clinton, at 1 o'clock sharp the following: Horses -Mare 8 .years, Mare 9 years not in foal,' aged horse, a good worker, aged general purpose horse, ' driving at saddle. pony, Roadster mare colt tieing 2 years, sire Topuuy Bars. Cattle -2 Cows 5 years old, not in calf, 6 steers rising 2 years, 5 Heifers rising 2 years, not in calf, Heifer 2 years, in calf, due about let April, 9 spring calves. All cattle in good condition. Implements -• Massey - Harris 7ft, binder, Deering mower, Side delivery rake, Massey -Harris IIay 10 der, flay Tedder, Corns Bind- er; 14 -Hoe drill, Stiff tooth cultivator, Outward cut diet, Inivard cut disc, 2 sets of 8 section drag harrows, 2 row saunter, single scufiler, Steel roller, Bean harvester, Potato planter, 2 row potato sprayer, Oliver 2 -farrow gang, 2 walking plows, 2 Sugar beet plows, Fanning mill, 20001h scales, 100010 scales, grass seeder, 2 waggons, Hay Rack, gravel box, open buggy, cutter, bag truck, 2 scythe, Bross -cut saw, 25 -ft. extension ladder, 2 sets of double harness, sot of single harness, 2 sats double -trees, 4 sugar beet forks. Grain ---About 500 bus. of god oats and about 150 bush. of barley, Terms of SnIe-A11 sums of ten dollars and under, casli, over that amount 6 months credit on fern - telling approved joint natos, ora dis• count of 4 per tent off toe cash. Crain to be each. It. 0. rerrostee, D, 0. Forrester, Administrators. Thee, tlundry, Auetianeets ....34.2 Clinton News -Record NO MISTAKE Made when you get the habit of using our Built Freshly Ground' Coffee or using our bulk teas. Green or 'nixed Japans, or by getting the • habit of shopping ail Johnson & Co, Grocery, 8 cakes of •Lavender GET YQIJR HENS LAY. 2p1tgs, Corn Flalces25c /lath Toilet soap 20c IMG, WHEN PRICES ARE 1 can of Pilchards 22e 3 cakes I'ahn Olive GOOD USE- Toilet soap 35e Our tea prices have 3 anus Ilitohen Clean- Pratts Egg producer not changed yet. Get it ser for 25e Pratts Lice Destroyer before the advance (Same as Dutch) ,Oyster Shell, Mica Grit, Special Blepd lb. 50e 3 nits Dontiulon THEY HELP Royal Bl Blndeed, 70c c. g Quality Bllend, 7 Matches 25e GET SOME Japan Green 50e. We pay highest prices for Butter and Eggs Phone orders proinptly cared for A Square Deal for all. JOHNSON & COMPANY Phone 111 Phone 126 THE CREAM OF ALL ICE CREAMS Is yours if you will but order it from us for ivo handle Silverwoods. To the scrupulous care in making it from the purest of cream and '%nest of fruit flavorings is due its richness, its flavor. Take a quart home and be convinced. You'll like it: and cheap. We are selling it at just 500 a quart. AT The CLINTON CANDY KITCHEN M. McNEIL, PROPRIETOR NNW UTLER BROS.; TENDER ROAST FRESH HAM You like it? Then you will en- joy a dinner from ours. It s simply delicious -- young, juicy, tender and most wholesome. We suggest that for your dnner to -day or Sunday, you order sonic front us, and • you will not be disappointed THE VETERANS MEAT STORE free delivery £o any part of town Phone 170 Three Destroyed One Roof Escaped The picture tells the story. Mr. Offer's letter confirms the fire- resistant qualities of 8e says: "I covered the roof o£ 201 Marlborough Ave., Toronto, with your Asphalt Slates some time ago. This house is one of a row of four, the remaining three were covered with Cedar shingles. "These houses were close to a railway track and on the night of August 15th, 1918, these roofs caught fire front a spark from a passing train. "As you can see in the picture, the roofs on three houses were completely burned through, including tate sheeting bonds and rafters. The boards and rafters on 201 were also burned through, so that the fire passed over and under your slates without bnming them in any way. "I have rebuilt the roofs and covered them with your Asphalt Slates since I have had such good proof that if the four roofs had been covered with your slates no fn:me ld have occurred." And here is another letter, from G. F. Wingrove of Waising. ham, Ont., dated December and, 1918. Mr. Wingrove stets: "The house I live in is a large frame with dry pine rafters and sheathing. I covered same with Brantford Roofing last May. "On November 24th, at eight in the morning, we discovered that it was all aflame inside of roof of one part, 18 x 30, with a flue breeze fanning it.- But by the use of the telephone and the splendid fire -proof qualities of your roofing, we got the are out and fonucl splices where the rafters and lumber were burnt out from in ttnder the roofing ancl the roofing still doing its duty of resisting fire. Also remember this is out in the country where it took the best pert of half an hour for help to arrive." The Inspector cf the Waterloo Mutual fire Insurance Com- pany, has this to say about Mr. Wingrove's fire: - "I inspected this risk after the fire. It was particularly evi- dent that the fact that the roof was covered with Brantford Roofing kept the fire confined below the roof. If it had been possible for the Are to break through I do not see how they could have saved the building. As it was the loss was com- paratively trifling." When roofing a building, it pays to put on a fire-resistant roof as welt as a beautiful one. Brantford Asphalt Slates (indi- vidual size shingles) and Brantford Asphalt Slab Slates (fo11r shingles in one) are fin -resistant, durable, economical and beautiful. _ Samples and prices furnished on request. Brantford Roofin VV,Limited ILIAD OtspMCP, AND BAC'CORv, I3RANT1OORD, CANADA Branches al Toronto, Montreal; ,flolifax,'Winnipeg 111 STORMPROOF -- WATERPROOF - AND -- FIRE PROOF. The roof and foundation are the most important parts of a building - USE THE BEST. Secure your roofing how before the prices advance, there will be a shortage when the spring demand comes, and higher prices. Brantford, Asphalt Slate Shingles, and Asphalt Slate Slabs have proven good. The first roof .of the kind was put on in Brantford in 1900 and has stood the test for TWENTY YEARS, and still in good condition. It is fro experiment as they have ' been thoroughly tested, and the output last season was more than doubled. The G.T.H. are ushbg.them in profereeee to others,they are also being used extensively now for siding and Babies, saving the labor and cost of paint. BUS' YOUR ROOFING NOW AND 1314 READY FOR TIIE •SPRING Palen will be higher then- cnaver in the history o4 Canada Was there such a demand for Rooting. Orders will be tilled in rotation as taken • HARLANDBROS. For Salo Fort/ rtlnabotat 18 ntoctol, in good shape. L. Stong, Ifix'k'St,, Clinton. -3241 Sewing Mttchinee For Sale I have a few second band machines in firer class condition guaranteed for 10 years, Call and see them at nay house, one door west of the Royal Bank A. Hooper, 33-4 Farm for Sale 209 acres, 11/2, miles From Olin - ton, choice clay loam, first-class 'buildings, a never -failing ertisian well and spring creek, close to school. Rural route and telephone. Hydro passes farm. For particu- lars apply to Loren Tyndall, No, 4 Clinton, Huron County. Farm for Sale 100 acres, lot 12 con, 6, Hullett, adapted for Groping or grazing, 10 acres bush, balance in grass,' Good well and windmill. It not sold will be rented for pasture. Apply to R. J. Miller. Box 25, Clinton, or phone 119. -32-tf 1,4 Property for Sale On Base Line, 1 mile north „of Clinton, 21/2 acres of ground, good frame house with cellar, barn, well and cistern, small fruits. Land well drained and in good state of culti- vation. Buildings in good repair: Apply on premises to Miss Bullen. -32-tf No Trespassing Any person or persons trespassing or destroying property on the prem- ises of the estate of the late Will- iam H. Woods will be prosecuted according to law. -I. M. Woods, Bayfield, Ont. July, 1st, 1920 Order Your Supply of Scranton Coal NOW Now is the time to enter your or- der with us for next winter's supply of good coal. It will soon be the beginning of a new coal year, and in order to get the coal when we want it, we must anticipate our requirements in ad- vance, and thereby get our order signed up and acknowledged by the miners as early as possible. Under the circumstances we have to do our best. and we now court- eously solicit your order for 1920, so that we will be in better shape to worthily merit your patronage. Try our COI{E, CANNEL or WOOD at the old price. May we take this opportunity to an- nounce that if the American Exchange rate continues as high as it has been, we will be forced to raise our coal prices at least 50e per ton. Remember to enter your new order at the old stand, J. B. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEPIELD Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Eruce0eid 11 on 618. THELive COHNEH STORE and Lef Live Having sold our busness to Mr. F. W. Wigg, we bespeak for him the sante kind treat- ment you have always extended us, and take this opportunity of thanking our many cnstomers in Clinton and the surrounding country for their patronage in the. past. Yours Very Sincerely, E. E. HUNNIFORD x x x x x x x x x x x ALL ACCOUNTS MUST BE x x SETTLED ON OR BEFORE x• APRIL 1ST. x x x x x x x x x -g x, E. E. HUNNMA ORD Phone 1R Victor Feed • We have a quantity of Victor Feed for hogs and cattle; which will take the place of shorts, as it is impossible for us to secure shorts this season. TRY SOME OF THIS FEED AND WE FEEL SURE YOU WILL LIKE IT Also in ottr stook is a quantity of feed flour and mixed chop. As these two lines are good value at the pres- ent One we would advise an early purchase. Having procured the agency for the Swift Canadian. Co., we are pre- pared to offer you SWIFT'S DIGESTIVE TANKAGE and also all brands of this com- pany's Fertilizers. Regarding; spring seeds our stock ineludes tiro following: Red Clover, Alsikc Clover, Sweet Clover, Alfal- fa, Timothy, aleo Timothy and Al- falfa mixed. There ate a few barrels of the Pure Cane Molasses left yet, W. Jenkins & Son. FLOIiR AND F311D Phones: Elevator 109, Residence 141, solar Day SPECIALS FOIL VRIDAY and SATURDAY 7 lbs broken sodas for $1 10 tins pork and beans $1 5 tins pilchards for 4 ,tins salmon for $1 4 -lbs prunes for $1 4 lbs dates for 4 lbs figs for a $1 5 lbs mince meat for $1 8 plcgs macaroni for. $1 5 tins of coma for $1 5 tins of peas for 31 5 tins of tomatoes for $1 5 lbs, cranberries or 31 those are a few specials only ALL OVElt THE STORE WILL RE ATTRACTIVE PRICES FOR $1 DAY, W. T. O'Ne!! The Hub Grocery ��r,rrs " House for Sale Story and a half house on Princess, street. Good veranda, parlor, din- ingroom, kitchen and summer kitchen, wood and coal house, three bedrooms, two clothes . closets, cellar. Good hen house and hen run on premises, also some fruit trees. All in good repair. Apply_to Geo. Burnett on premises -31 Boars for Service Champion bred, big type Yorkshire, and Cheshter White boars for service. At home every forenoon. -A. C. Levey, Phone 5 on 639, Clinton -28 111110 SCRANTON COAL Any who wish to leave their order' for spring delivery can do so by leav- ing their orders at my residence Huron St. or phone 165. Terms strictly cash. E, Ward. -3442 61R5 VANTED fur knitters and learners ALSO 1AJOMEN for menders a>•ad inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co, LIMITED WHAT ABOUT THAT JOOF? SPRING IS COMING AND • SPRING RAINS GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING ' Agent for Hecla Furnaces THOS. HAWKINS. Plumbing and Heating. Phone 53 Shop over Rowland's hardware FLOUR and FEED Highest Prices Paid for Barley, Oate and Buckwheat. LOGS A quantity of Elm, Maple, Bass- wood, Beech, Hemlock and White Ash Logs wanted. Inquire at store about prices. J.;; A. FORD &S. SON Phone 123. NEW LAID EGGS WANTED. Highest Prices Paid. FEED FOR SALE. We have a small amount of Feed left over and we, therefore, offer this at cost price; 200011es, finely ground cor and 5000lbs, finely ground wheat. This feed is suitable for poultry, Hogs or Cattle, GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TREWARTHA, Managers Phone 190; Holmesville 4 on 141, CREAM WANTED 1 The demand for our butter is in. creasing. To supply this demand we require more cream. We request you to ship us your cream. We guarantee you the Highest Market Prices, accurate tests and prompt service. Our firm is known to you and needs no further recommend. We pay all express ,charges, Earn- ish cream cans and pay twice each Month, Write fee cans or further infortna' then to the n`rtm Seafortli Creamery Co* 0. A, ,BARBER, MANAG1ala