HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-2-26, Page 5FC13 r UR ry 261111 1920 'Clinton Nows..Rega.rft .Of Interest tO You nod Me pia you get a velentdne7 Neither ,.did we, —.Goderich Sigel Nor did we, All the romance is dy, ing oet of the world, e * The editor of the Listenvel Standard -wee recently Appointed town clerk at a !salary of $000 per =tom, That's •n nice suit added to "what he'e got now." 134 where does he find the me to do the work '1 * , Germany is saki to he puffering from a shortage of cats. It; is in- -, ferred that the butchers Might be able to explain the shortage if they were SQ inclined, The Germans always • had the reputation of being a thrifty rase. • g Hon, W. E, Ram? was returned .by acclamation in East Wellington on Monday, Col, Pritchard having de- . • skied almost at the last minute not to stand. The Ontario Government is DOW ready for action and will no -doubt get to work in earnest. Thirteen male teachers in Pitts, bimg, who had all served in the war, have proposed to the Board of Edu- • cation of that pity that they be put on -the army basis of pay and sub- . ststance. They 'are evidently tired • of trying to make ends meet in these -.days of highprices and would hand • over their responsibilities to the -Government. * " n A new Liberal newspaper is to •be started in Ottawa, so it is stated, Mr. D. D. MacKenzie being presi- dent of the company which has the project in hand. •The Globe didn't , get its coat—turned soon enough . and the Liberal Party will have none of it. Its' tough luck, too, after its having .been the national Party Organ for over half a entury. * - AGuelph taxpayer complains that while he has no children to take ad- vantage' of school' training :he stili • has to pay school taxes and seems to think that something ought to be • done about it. The only thing like- :IY to be done is to raise the rate. There's no relief in sight for the gentleman, This country cannot eafford to place a premium on ebild- lessness. * *.* Clinton was never for one clay cut off from communication with the out - :side world during themecent storm but in Wingham they had no mail from Saturday until Tuesday, of last week. -On Monday a traveller landed in town -from somewhere, somehow, who had in his possession a copy of The Globe, which he told a customer he would ' sive him if he purchased $300 worth meld goods, which he did. As the custo- mer was a Tory the probability is that if it had been a Mail and Empire • the traveller might have put the price sup to $600 and got it. *550 The spectacle of a wealthy nation like the United States liming and .hawing about a few million dollars for relief, while -millions -of people are on the verge of starvation is anything but inspiring. As fax as Canadians are concerned, we are certain that our people would like to see our Governs 'mint make a substantial. -grant for Armenian relief, irrespective of what other nations do. All that Can- ada can do might be woefully inade- quate to meet the situation. But five millions would save some lives, and, whatever heppens, we should have the • feeling that the Bailin= had not .steed callouely by .and watched a Christian nation stern. • It will ba useless to offer relief sifter mcninns are dead, Pack- •ott. It is stated by thee° Nebo are in a poeitionto keen' tiset nemeida wid negd aeeietenee men r.Ster the har- :net, VIdle the reepenee to ;milk • appenis hes leen meet geeeren it cneet 1 me eeMS, -o keep ve for km indefinite period att--d Coe-elm:mat rosette:1mo is tho only way out, Can- mdan; ection, sheeld net be dgpend- -ent on that of any ether natien. We she:0d seand mon oar feet and do what we can and at once. 11. •COLQUITOUN-MAYNARD—In 'Clin- ton, onereb. 13511/, by the Reir. J. • E.. Hogg. Dorothy Florence May- nard, to William Colquhoun, both mi.' :Mitchell. Births (CURWEN—In Goderich on Feb. 15th to *Mr. and Mrs. James Curwen, a • son. sCANN—In Exeter, on, Feb. '18th, to Mr, and Mrs. Sylvanis Cann, Deaths '1111OSTEIL—In Haat township, 031 Feb.' 16th, at the home of her son- . iri-law, L. Peacoelk'Barbara Camp- bell, vette of Neil McNeil, Walton, meg aged 73 years. Wingham'on Feb: •22r4, Alberta TM • Disney, eldest datighter of the late Kopple Dis- ney of Goclerich township, and of Mrs. Disney of Wingham, aged 41 ;years and 6 months, PAP Auction Salo -01 • farm stock and implements. 13y instructions of the administrat- ors of the eetato of David A, For- rester deceased, there will ho eftered for sale by Public Auction on March 10th, at Lot 22 Hump Road adjoin- ing the town of Clinton, at 1 o'clock sharp the folloWing; Hoene—Mare 8 years, Marc 0 years riot in foal, stem() horse, a good worker, aged goners,' purpose horse, driving or saddle pony, Roadster mare colt rising 2 nevi, siro Tommy Bars, Cattle -2 Cows 5 yeaTs did, not in •••••••. • calf, 0 atom rising 2 yeers, 11 Heifers rising 2. yoare, not in ealf, Reiter 2 years, in calf, due about 1st April, 9 spring calves, All cattle in geed Condition, Implemente •MasseY- Herris 7ft, binder, Deering mower, Side delivery rake, 1\1aaS4Y-krartis Ilay loader, Hay Tedder Cern Bind- er, 14,Hoe drill, Stiff tooth cultivator, Oetwerd cut clifie, Inward cut diem 2 sets of 3 :section drag havrowS, 2 row scaler, eingle sealer, Steel Bean bervestor, Potato planter, 2 row potato sprayer, Oliver 2-ferroVe gang, 2 walking plows, 2 Sugar beet plows, • Fanning mill, 20001b pales, 100011) Scales, grass seeder, .2 waggons, I-Iay Rack, gravel box, open buggy, cutter, ling truck, 2 scythe, cross -cut saw, 25 -ft, extension ladder, 2 sets of double harness, set of single harness, 2 sets dooble-trees, 4 sugar beet forks. Grain—About 500 hue. of god oats and about 150 bush; of barley. Terms 'of Sale—All sums of ten dollars dnd- under, cash, over that amount 6 months credit on furn- ishing approved joint notes, or a dis- count of 4 per cent or? for cash. Grain to be cash. F. G. Forrester; D. C. Forrester, Administrators. Gundry, Auctioneer. —34-2 For Sale I have some first class Farm Imple- ments. 18 Hoe Massey -Harris Seed Drill with grass seeder and broad- cast toes, all in good shape, Clover. leaf manure spreader, Deering Mower '1' ft, met, nearly new ,Three section Deering land ' roller nearly new, Massey:Harris binder Vt. cut, fan- ning mill, road cart; all in good re- pair. This stuff is all to be sold as I have sold my farm. Teens will be made to suit the purchaser, Any- one wishing to come and see these implements I will be home Monday of each week. Lot 13, Con. 7, Hulled, 2 miles west of Constance. Thos. 3. Adams, Clinton, R. R. Noe 1. Auction Selo Of farm stook and implements 'will be held at Lot '28, Cob, 12 Hellett, toi elle Veleek.' then) On EMU, Mareh 6411, as follows; :Horses 2 geldings wising 8, mere rising '7, driving mere rising 6, Cattle; CoW 0 ;mare, cluo Apr. 1.5th, heifer vie, ing 3, clue !Oct. 16th, 2 steers years, 2 heifer rising 2, steer ris- big 2, 2 heifers year olds steer calf 9 ninths, 4 pigs -about 100 the, Implements: Maesey-Harris 01! i. binder, nearly new, Massey -Harris 6 ft mower, nearly new, Massey -Harris cultivator, set iron harrows, terishoe seed drill, walla* plow, 'waggon and gravel box, ruhber-tiTed buggy, near- ly new, scuffle,: piano box, cutter • Empire cream separator, root pulps er, a number of bags, set double harn- ess, 2 sets sing -lo harness, string bells, new cross-eut saw, wheelberrow, 100 bushels of • oats, kitchen cupboard,. table and 6 chairs, bed -stead.. There Will be no reserve as the Proprietor is, giving up farming. Terms:e-All Sums of $1.0' and under ,cash, Over that 8 months credit will be given on furoshing approved joint notes_ or a discount of 4 per cent, straight for cash on credit amounts. Grain and pigs, cash, Frank Brown, proprietor, T. Gundry, auctioneer. •-34-1-p Douses for Sale ' Two frame houses on Victoria street. Apply at The News -Record. office. Skating Party The Clinton ICiltie Band will have a pleating party in the rink on Thurs- day evening next, March 4th. Lunch will be served and plenty of music will be given. Admission 25c-34-1 • Lost A large. black, male hound. Re- ward. Any person found harboring this dog will presented. Itobts 11. Somers, Blyth. —84- ellifautewitaiVolligrgiiatailataleveld Three estroyed Roof Escaped The picture tells the story. Mr. Offer's letter confirms the fire- resistant qualities of • 591 71. (f::7 Xt sage: "/ covered the roof of 2"l 3,70rlborrIrth Ave., Toronto, with your Asp,:iit Slates stone t - 0 -0. itrr cmc cr 0. row of four, Co venal:Me; three.ee- mem;v,L1t Ceder el•Melm. "Ticera Imeges 7,"E- :2 ' r, I '1", .7 1 tt!, and nj 'Ct.:: hit et Amoi,r, 0 aI':jnft:L:. 1, cm 11,-- 7 ' . • , •_ : . hem, C eke, c . •,,,-1 oleeeene.s :••vid "0'1 1 ,.1 • • ov, tnef: we, .; o.: , a fica-l•rcr!:, Z'fn t gesge )_•• • Lat and found .roaces wh, r 'ern !a -,-'l out frmo/A vr....r , - :•;1,1113", ittie!, of resisting Lc. .A1'o rr.:r , :11; c.nt co..,,try where it took the beet siert cf J11 nt Lour for held to errive: Tice IesPectoec f the Watenee len ocatrance Com- pany, has this to ray chant t„Iiir;rove's Ere:— "I Inspected this risk after the firm 11 wee loon evi- • dent that the face that the roef was covered With Brantford Roofing kept the fire confmen meek: fee:roof. If it feed brie: . possible' for the fire to brenk tlerouelt I do not sce how they could have saved, the building. As it was the lose was com- paratively trifling." When roofing a bunclime it pays to put on a fire-resikant roof as well as a her:mien ii3rentford Asphalt Slates (indi- vidual size shniglee).and. ntrOrd ktplUilit Slab Slates (four shingles in one) are fire-mei:mn, durable, economical and - beautiful. Samples and prices furnished on tequest. BrentireTtil )110ennsi ThiAD OPIlIcIS AND 1,`A.C.fortv, DRANTVOAD, CANADA Brandies el Toren/n, 7 ro0lre07, Ztafax, Winnipeg • STORMPROOF WATERPROOF — AND — FIRE PROOF. The roof and foundation are the. m ost important parts of a building— u316 'rnE ton. Secure your roofing now before the prices advance, there will be a shortage when the spring demand (15000, and higher pricee. • Brantford, Asphalt Slate Chinglee, n10d Asphalt Slate Slabs have proven good, The civet roof of the kind was pfit on in Brantford in 1900 and has stood the test for TW ENTY YEARS, and still in good ;condition. 11 is no experiment: as they have beck thoroughly 'Meted, and the output last Beason was mo re than doubled. Tho G.T.-R, are using thein in preference to others, they aro also being used extensively now for siding and gitblee, Saving the labor and cost of 931101. BUY YOUR ROOFING NOW AND nn READYFOR THE SPRING Prices will bo higher thea-enever in the history of Canada was they such a deniand 'foe R noflng. Orderwill ho filled in rotate 0as taken HARI. AND 1E3R "'mamma, vravgs and NOVE LTIES---lhe Store 'With a Stock 4 NO MISTAKIQ, Mede when you get the habit of tieing mar Bulk Freshly Ground Cogoe or using Our' bulk time. Oren or mixed Japane, er bsgiestting the - habit of shopping tit Johnson & Co, Grocery 8 cakes of Lavender GET YOUR DENS LAY- 2plcgs, Corn Flalree25e 1 01111 of Pilohards 22a Our tea prices have lot changed yet, Get ie before the advenee Special 131end lb. 50e, Royal Bind 60e, Quality Blend 70e S6c GET SOME Japan Green 50c. We pay highest prices for Buttez' and Eggs Phone orders promptly cared for A Square Deal for all. JOHNS) IN & COMPANY Phos e 111/ stormucovnaecarmanasosomaseecorsa Bath Tenet soap 25o 3 cakes Palin Olive Toilet soap 35e 3 cans Kitoben Olean - ser for 26o (Same as Dutch) 3 olcgA Dominian Matches INC' WIllkIN PRICES ARE GOOD TJ.SE— Pratte Egg producer Pratte Liee Destroyer' ,Oyster Shell, Mica. Grit, THEY HELP Phone 120 sgeg,;-r•eesenessels.-- egg,' ....es BUTLER ....rnstao Seed Peas for Sale A limited quantity of extra good quality seed peas for sale. E. L. Mitten, Phone 175 Clinton.. —34-3-p Pups for Sale Then Collie pups. Apply to N. J. Lebeau, R. R. No. 5, Clinton, Phone 9 on 619. —34-2-p For Sale Ford runabout '18 model, in good shape. L. Stong, Rirk St., Clinton. •=-32-12 Auction Sale Of farm stock and implements. The undersigned has received instruc- tions to sell by public auction at Lot 18, Con. 5 Hullett, Tuesday March 2, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp the following:—Horses, Aged tenno, Driving, horse age 12, any lady can drive, Horse rising 4, Cattle Cow 8 gyre. freshened in Jan., Cow 5 years due May 1, Heifer 3 years due April 1; Steer rising 3, Steer risme 2, 6 Heifers rising 2, Heifer rising 3, Heifer rising 1, Calf 6 months old, Calf 6 weeks old, 8 pigs weight about 100 lbs. Sow bred Feb, 10. Deering binder 521-. cut. Mass- ey -Harris mower 5-21. cut, Massey end drill, Wagon, .Maxwell rake 10-11 Sot of sleghs, Top Buggy, Hay and Mock lack combned, Cutter nearly new, 'Walking plow, Gang plow, Car, rope and pulleys, leanting mill, Him - et of. Cr,..ble harness, Set of hanwee, Number 01! Hen eried elsele. Quantity of hay and stems Geed Collie dog, and other 011 -!1':. No reeerve as the propri- Meg hes :mid he farm. TERMS: 310 •• e'se, e^en; over that amount, ;) me:Ste 1 1 en aperoved joint eete;,, oe czigh en (30- C:it; t. :CAW/. iQ LO)', 2:.1.16;tniCer. tier -nese -nod rale of ii,"ar•ri Stork 101)1.1 114). 00001011 1;,o i.11e Lot, SSI, Loa. _IS, (egg:gen. Seo., die. miles CI iitix111, Olt Thu esclay, 4.at 1 o',21.:1c sharp. Ilor.,e1q bihrk tenni, tiny. and geldbig eising 4 yeare old, sired by Index. Bay genlias rising 3 years old sired by Balmerino, well brehon.• Cows: Cow 5 yeaes' old, due to calve about time of sale, Cuw 5 years old due to calve April 16, Cow rising 7 due to calve ist week in April, Cow, rising 5 years old due to calve in April, Cow. rising 6 years due to calve latter' part of March, Cow rising 8 dim,bo calve .April 13, Cow 4 years old clue to calve Etbout 'WOO of sale, Cow rising 5 years f old; part Jersey, clue to calve in April, would Make all excellent town cow, e Cow due to calve in March, a splendid s heifer rising 3 years due to calve ist t week in April, Heifer rising 2 years g in calf. Young Cattle Steer and. heifer, nearly fat, 8 steers rising 2' o years; -3 Steers one year last fall, 1 heifer Tieing 2 years, 4 heifers one i year old last fall, 3 steers rising 1 1 year old, 2 heifers rising' one year c old. Pigs: One scot,. carrying 2nd litter due to profit in April, One ex- tra good sow due to moat March 15, 6 good chunks. Terms:'Elght months credit will be given on fernishing approved niint netes, or 4 pee dent straight; off for cash. . Thos, Gun- dry, AM...toner, Albert Townshend, Proprietor. —84-1 THE CREAM OF ALL ICE CREAMS' • Is yours it you will but order it from us for we handle Silverwoods, To the scrupulous care in making it from the merest of cream and finest of fruit :flavorings is due its richness, its; florin'. Take a quart home and be convinced. You'll like it; and cheap, We are selling, 11 at just 50c a quart. AT The CLINTON CANDY KITCHEN M. MeNEIL, PROPRIETOR vmaluaftexacammromoteso. lamtarosisorroare ONE OP OUR SPLENDID STEAKS will make a meal fib fpr a king. Out from the very choicest grain fed cattle it is meat that proves its su- premacy with the finest taste. And with all its extra goodness our meat costs no more than ordinary grades. • You don't have to pay mere though you get more at this meat market. THE YETERANS MEAT STORE Phone f70 Auction Sale Of farm stock and implements Having sold my farm to the Messrs. Merrier for Flax Mill purposes, I have instructed Mr. Thomas Gundry, to sell by public Auction at my barn, just south of the G. T. Railway on Saturday, Feb. 28, 1920 at 1 o'clock sharp the following: Horses: aged Stallion pacer, by 'Texas jack' dam by 'Allen Wilkes', son of 'Jay Bird', never trained lout shows considerable speed. Stallion, trotter, by 'Toddy Direct', dans by 'Allen Wilkes', a good prospect for any one wanting a trotter. Aged gelding, a good farm chunk, sound and a good work- er'. 9 -year old mare, heavy in foal, a good worker and a fair reader. Road- ster filly, 3 years old, off a good sized young mare. Cattle: Cow due Feb. 21, cow due Feb. 30, Cow due Mareh 2, Cow duo March 10, Cow due March 30, Cow doe Juno 21, Cow doe July 5, Cow bred Dec, 17, Cow bred Jan, 10, Cow bred Jan, 25, heifer calf by Rozell's Gurney Bull, farrow cow, 3 years old. Stock all in good order. Implements: Massey - Harris Binder 6 -ft cut, in good work- ing order, lldiec drill, McCormick, set disc harrows, set, of diamond harrows, walking plow, gang plow, heavy land roller, senfiler, fanning mill, Clinton make, mower, lumber wagon, set bob-sleighe, light wagon, 3 -springs, top bresey, open buggy, set of double harneos, set of single hence's, rean•s middle, stone beet, nag truck, oilier Dritle8 too numerous to trsution. TEllnIS-9 months cre- dit 00 an:moved joint notes; or 4 9,17 eon'n olf c4rai2ht for caith • All 31 1000 C 5:11 0 or m3.1.2r, e039. Jr. 0OM1, Gundcy, Auct!mocr. —1,;1-2 Thn rod 11,1 of-met:,,0 .,t42 )71 1,1 CC.11. t; 1 t,:111t, en Wr2n,s+.1-y the folloriiiu form s nr 1,1101'10e31-1',"i0re aGe"' 6.; cowirs• steld. ere rieing 3 :Ann, heifer riri,ig 3, 3 5:11003 'rising 2, heifer rising 2. 3 calves, Implements: hay rake, wagon, sot bobeleighs, Massey-liarris combined seed drill, Mnssey-Darris mower, five foot cut, nearly new, hay rack, fann- ing mill, root indoor, wagon box and pig rack, gravel box, walking plow, sniffler, 2 pig crates, 2 sets whifile trees,long•Sladder, set heavy harness, neekyoke, grain cradle, pea harvester, set iron harrows, sixty 6 -inch tile, orks, chains and other articles. There will be no reserve as the propri- tor has sold his farm. Terms:—All ums of $10 and under, cash. Over hat amount 9 months credit will be 'inn on furnishing approved joint notes or 4 per, cenlestraight for cash it credit ambunts. All articles to e satisfactorily settled for before bee ng removed from premises. 160- nuncl Crawford, proprietor,' T. Gun- lrY, Auctioneer, —33-2 Pewine Paelifees For Stele I have a feW See0110.11O1111 machines in first class condition guaranteed for 10 warts Call • and 800 them' at my 11011110 ore floor west of the Royal .Banic A, Hooper. 8P,-4 Vette for Sale 200 acres, 11/2 miles from Clins torn choice clay loam, first-class buildings, a never -failing agtigian Voll and spelt* creek, clan to school, Rural route and telephone, IlYdro passes farm. For portico - Jars apply to Loren Tyndall, RE, No, 4 Clinton, Huron Center; Car For Salo Chevrolet 490, touring • car, 1019 Model, in first class condition, Will be sold cheap and good tering to right party: - John n. Howard. Baylield, Ont. —31,4-p Farm for Sale 100 acres, lot 13 eon, 6, Hullott, adapted foo' • croping or grazing, 10 acres bush, Wane() in grass. Good well and windmill, I not sold will be Tented for pasture. Apply to IL 3. lolilbi Box 25, Clinton, or phone 119. —32-tf Property for Sale ,On Rase Lhi, 1 Alto north of Clinton, 21/2 acres of ground, good frame house with cellar, barn, well and cistern, small fruits. Land well drained and in good state of culti- vation, 13ui1dinge in good repair. Apply on premises to Miss Bullen. —32-tf ' ' • ' NOTICE To the residents of Gacterich Town- eleipm Ito view. of the prevelenee of la grippe in -the township and stir- rounchut .nentry all social gather- ings are hereby prohibited until after March 151h, or such time as the epidemic is eunressed. JOHN C. WOODS Chairman.Board of Health. Scranton Coal Any who wish to leave their order for spring delivery can do so by leav- ing their orders at my residence Huron St, or phone 155. Terms strictly eash, E. Ward. —34-tf No Trespassing Any person or persons trespassing or destroying property on the prem- ises of the estate of the late Will- iam II. Woods will be prosecuted according to law.—I, M. Woods, Bayliejd, Ont. July, 1st, 1920 GIRS WHIR for knitters and leathers ALSO WOMEN for menders amd inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co, umiTED SCRANTON COAL Now is the time to enter your or- der with us for next winter's supply of good coal, It will soon be the beginning of a new coal year, and in order to get the coal when we want it, we must anticipate our requirements in ad- vance, and thereby get our order signed up and acknowledged by the inners as early as possible. Under the Circumstances We have to do orm best, and we now court- eously solicit your order for 1020, so that we will be in better shape to worthily merit your patronage. Try our COKE, CANNEL or WOOD at the old price: May we take this opoprtunity to an- nounce that if the American Exchange rate continues as high as it has been, we will be forced to raise our coal prices at least 50c per ton. Remember to enter your new order at the old stand, J. B. MUSTARD CLINTON- and BRUCEFIELD Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. THE COINER STONE Live and Let Live You Ehpuld Eat • l'47J.T,e Fish ehould be niere freely used negeme it renees mmeedniely high 2.e.int feod velue. It ie one-Amt.:al eonine of energy for ees 0-11,0 1101::: WW1 either licnd hrrel, 1 a g",1,0 11111ca 01. esn.d. Tiege ege Herm 1.,•!.::,D14, W117 10 1;211 slmeld (1.5 011010 ;10_ Tin. eige1 nra tir!t at thie 010101 1 the geor Tiedh, can be proeueed hi. 4. •enilly fine . condi non A FES7); SUCLEnTIONS Fresh lialinut Freeh Seheen trout Finnien Haddie . Fillets Fresh Water Homing Codfish E. E. HUNNIFORD P9000 4 B lettbi? Feed We have a quantity of Victor Feed for hog e and cattle, which will take the place of shorts, as it ie impossible for 05 tO SeeDVC shorts this season, TRY SOME OF TUTS FEED AND WE FEEL SURE YOU WILL LIKE IT Also 91 our stock is a quantity of feed flour and mixed chop. As these two Min are good value at the pres- ent time we would advise ,an early purehium. ,Having procured the agency for the Swift, Ca 100111n CO., WO are pre - oared to offer 7700 SWIFT'S DR:rels'IVIS TANKAGE and also all Honda of this com- Rpttengy'ais•dile,,ertsfipi:rs' spring seeds our stock includes the following: Red Clover, Alsike Clover, Sweet Clover,' Alfal- fa, Timothy, also Timothy and Al. tal to mixed. There are a few barrels of the Pure Cane Molasses "loft Yet. W. (Jenkins St Son. FLOUR ANI) FEED ?honest IlleVatOr 109, Iteeidenee 14 clzraosscearmuradiarxr,racamoroaszamaccoscas= liar a SPECIALS FOR rnumic and SATURDAY -•••••••••••• 7 lbs broken sodas for $1 10 this pork and beans. 1.131 5 tins plichaeds for $1 4 tins salmon Tor $1 4 lbs prunes 'for 131 4 lbs dates for 4 lbs figs for 13 lbs Mince meat for $1, 8 pkgs macaroni for 111.1. 6 tins of corn for 113. 5 tins of peas for $1. 6 tins of tomatoes for $1 5 lbs, cranberries or $1 these are a few specials only ALL OYER THE STORE WILL 'BE ATTRACTIVE PRICES FOR $1 DAY. 1 The Hub Grocery Custom Chopping Having purchased a 'tractor I aeo • prepared to do custom grinding and chopping every day in the week, Will ,give satisfaction. Work done in my own barns. F. W. Andrews, Clinton House for Sale Story and a half house on Princess street. Good veranda, parlor, din - ingrown, kitchen and summer kitchen, wood and coal. house, three bedrooms, two clothes closets, cellar, Good hen house and hen run on premises, also some Milt trees. All in good repair. Apply to Geo. Burnett on premises —31 House for Sale Frame hone, story and a half eight rooms. /l acre of ground, stable, good well and cistern. Apple, John Shanahan, R. R. No. 1 Clinton. Phone 1 on 637. —20-tf. For Sale Maple Sugar Outfit; 100 sap pails and spike, 8x2teft. evaporating , pan. All in good teedition. Write 'Box 340, Dayfield, Ont, —32-2 Boars for Service Champion bred, big type Yorkshire and Chosliter White boars for service. At home every forenoon.—A. C. Levey, Phone 5 on 680, Clinton —28 WHAT ABOUT THAT ROOF? SPRING IS COMING AND SPRING RAINS GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING Ars,o.nt fir Furnaces •-y ;!.. vt Ihnele•me, roel rbone Sim0 over rio0-10nd's 'hardware FLOUR, and FE:SD Isliebest -r3:2 for Da -ley, Oats ) mei Inefei.hoot. tensiS A emenity oS .170r20, wood. EInnle.1,-. and V,'117, 10123 o wanted. Inquire at store 1-.1,,,m; prices. J. A. .;ORt) & SON Phone 123. -NEW- LAID EGGS WANTED. Highest Prices Paid, FEED FOR SALE. We have a small amount of Feed left over and we, therefore, offer this at cost price; 2000Ibs. finely ground eor and 3000Ibs. finely ground wheat. This feed is suitable for poultry, node or Cattle, ,. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TREWARTTIA, Manager. Phone 190; Holincoville 4 on 141 CREAM WA NT 171 D The demand for our butter is in- crensing. To eepply this demand we require more cream.' 1 -Pc recmest you to ship us your cream. We guarantee you the Hinhest Market Prices, necurate tests and pronget service, Our firm is known to you and needs no further recommend. Wo pay all express themes, furn- ish cream cans and pay twice each month. Write for cans or further informa- tion to the Sonforth Creamery Co. C. A, BARBER, MANAGER