HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-2-26, Page 4• 1 1 1 4.4 •a,y1... TERMS CASH all ion News-Repord RUGS TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS, VELVET These rugs range in size for clip- ing room, living room, bedrooms and halle. They are Oriental, conven- tfonal, and small allover designs, hi combinations of tan, fawn, green, brown, rose and blue. Tapestry, 3x4 yds, leg $40 for 328 Tapestry 3x4 yds reg 330 for 17.50 Brussels 3x4 yds reg $58 for 59,50 Brussels 3x31, yds reg' 350 for 335 Tapestry 3x3'4, reg 333 for 23.75 ' Tapestry 3x39., reg $38 • for 22.50 Brussels 3x3 yds reg 345 for 27.50 Tapestry 3x3, reg 333.50 for 321 Tapestry 21/ex3, reg 332 for 320 Tapestry 2?4x314, reg 340 for 28.75 'Brussels 21:ix3, reg 332 for 322.75 Brussels '2".1.x3, • reg 327 for 319 Velvet 1.4x21/1, reg 318 for 310 Tapestry 1.^1.1x2 ,1, reg 22.50 for 15.50 Velvet 11{:x2Vt, reg 316 for 30:50 Velvet 11isx2?i, reg 330 for 18.50 Velvet 14ex21/.i, reg 330 for 18.50 Tapestry 1%1.x2',, reg $15 for 8.75 Union 8x3111, reg 314 for 38.50 TERMS CAS Your last opportunity to buy house, furnishings and furs at less than wholesale prices. Sale Commend ".ig Saturclag9 Feb. 281h for eight da ti s. As we are, going to discontinue handling house furnishings, everything must be sold regardless of cost. OILCLOTI S AND LINOLEUMS 25 yards of Oilcloth 11A yds wide, REG 81.25 FOR 95e 25 yards of Oilcloth, 11/2 Yds wide good patterns REG 31.60 FOR 31.10 50 .yards of Floor Oilcloth, 2 Yds wide, good patterns, REG. $1.75 FOR 31.35 35 varcls of Scotch Linoleum, T and C patterns ILEG $3.75 F011 2,49 1 piece- of Linoleum, best quality, 4 yards wide, •REG 88 FOR 34.98 CONGOLEUM SQUARES 1 only, 3x3 yards, good pattern .REG 319 POR 313.95 I only, Congoleum Square, 3x314 ?t'i rds REG 320 FOR 314.45 1 only, Congoleum Square, 2x4 yds REIT 812 P011 85.00 RUGS 0 only, reversible wool rugs, guar- anteed colors, fringe enols, sizes 27x54 inches. REG 30.80 FOR 33.98 STRAW MATTS 15 only Straw Matts, sizes 36x70 11E0 601 FOR 34c JUTE RUGS 4 only, Jute Rugs, good wearing and splendid designs, 36x72 inches REG 35.50 FOR 33.98 AXMINSTER RUGS 3 only, Axminster Rugs, good col:- ors ol-ors and quality, 27x54 inches REG 37,50 FOR 35.25 DOOR MATS 8 only, Mohair Mats,- green and fawn, with and without fringe REG. 31.75 FOR 31.19 STAIR OILCLOTH 1. piece, 18 inches wide REG 50c .FOR 39c ,JA-PANI,SE RUGS 2 only, Japanese reversible rug's, 3x3 yards REG 34 FOR 32.69 • JAPANESE MATTING 150 yards Japanese Matting, good make, colors blain fawn, 'fawn and ' blue, fawn and green, -- REG. 60c FOR 29c RUGS 5 only, reversible wool rugs, guar- anteed colors, fringe ends, size 31 x60 inehos. REG 37.75 FOR 34.98 GROSS TEX RUGS ' -2 only, 9x12 feet, green and blue border, good wearing rug um. 816 FOR $10.50 1 only, 3x3 yards, -11E0•312.50 FOR 38.75 COCOA MATTING 1 piece only, 24 inches wide REG 90c FOR 65e 2 dozen Stair Pads, REG 31.60 FOR 1.10 Successor to Couch & Co. '"tht.'+'��to''vt>iGF7�'OS%`.i°tiv' •3��+<'�'orL,,�v°�3'�'}'"^rrrr p�a'�,r,�vr.^•�y1�rt' Clinton February z th, 1920 TERMS ;CAH FURS 10 pieces, Odd I'.urs, marmot and opposum, to be sold at less than wholesale prices, REG. 815 FOR $7.50 VOILE CURTAINS 8 pairs of Voile •Curteins, nicely ileished, in ivory only. REG 811.50 FOR 35,25 SCRIM CURTAINS Nicely trimmed with insertion and lace, 21/1; yards long REG. 35.50 .FOR 34.19 111ARQUESETTE CURTAINS 10 pairs of Marquosette Curtains, in cream and Ivory REG 36.00 FOR $4.49 NETT CURTAINS 10 pairs of Nett Curtains, in cream, good heavy quality REG 34.75 FOR 33.19 . TERMS CASA' -e' ;• tit's. .`,»^,",,.F�` s"u't��•w t ris7lhbd!•nn ;Tt.«Mm r ? •�, n �.'v', ,�»"+. Y•d•suv�,+,�itsh.!�v�4��a'•siww'�Yi��N A p,„, sfd*rt;1�'e?„•Aq t;l' l�v'�'`1v.Vj; `.3•"tJ'Gi`SN ,. .109000 Ro 900 ell f velar To:Slake iF;tll for,11(-s(' l'+1parfi We:1111%4' c'le:.;l (Jilt-tard .. [1lit.. ;Cl I' Nf i't•s, 1 t'-lr'. • 1 Ciill' ..0.,t t11CU `.• t:, h:,t i 1t h;, , '' V ?'i 1S It •.1 w „ 1 411 i }1aip r .'J4 1:"..1;V as 1,e seed. IOC i - , , .I _--- tr\ FRE is We still have a few 'of these c.:.')pz . it brltshoa which we are wine; frue withe..e. tithe..lute, of pig rb e.ya=w y.'"'<.r 11 9 .. J ,,1,•111 ,_.......,.._.7« a. :.....:.:_ -_, c^xr ,.a �_..._"',.3'.�"'4.:�...,a..._..i,•^..�,•-.-,^,•+•-•xw_........... 1111 c• . JSt a Little Tired ! DON'T . r,1 phis "4s the Boginnjug of a Nervous Breakdown Row often do we hear people say "Oh, there's nothing the matter, just a little rundown, that's'altl." This may be tho beginning,of a Ner- vous Breakdown and may soon be followed by lloadache, Dizziness, pains in the region of the Spine, Weak Digestion and many other troubles. IJaching's Heart and Nerve Remedy is almost euro to prevont Nervous Collapse. It is just the right thine; for Nervous Troubles of any hind. When yon "don't feel right," and tiro easily you should not delay in taking this wonder remedy, as it will bring back the Vigor olid Vilality ok Good Health, that you so much desire. It drives away Pear, Nervousness and ]Despondency and ;rialtos your Sleep more Restful a11c1'atls2ythg it is a Tonic and Strongthener to the Heart, the Nerves, the Brain and tiro iiody. Don't Worry and don't give up be- cause others modiciues have failed to ilelp'ybtt,•buy a few boxes of Hack- Ingrs heart and Nerve Reniedq from yam' dealer to-ddy and an improve- ment in your condition will quickly follow, toSinge tI that Yon galladiziel, ft ybed y urdealori 0e. g not ]toop, it, we will gladly send it by nnatl, Prfea 500 a box, 6 for $2.50-. X1aoking's Limited, Listowel, Ont. Backing's Heart and Neave Remedy ie -simply a wonderful preparation €off• Diseases of the &Ieart; drives out Pain, Fear, Worry and the uncertain- ty that goes along with diseases of this most important organ. SLEEPLESSNESS de -vitalises the whole bodily organ. Nation and You Must Have Sleep in order to build up' your health and strength. If the Nerves are all a tringle and jumpy, and the Brain is in a state of unrest through, Overwork, Worry or some Functional Disorder, a restful sleep wilI be difficult to obe taro. Do not dope yourself with "sleeping powders" or 'heart depress- onts"-take IDecking's Iioart and Nerve Remedy and a natural sleep will follow, READACII8 is Nature's Signal of disharmony in the human body. 2t may come from ilnpovcri•;heil blood, overtone treem,, lots of sleep or it may be from Con- gestion followed by Inflannntalen, No mettor what the CI.USO may bo Ilaclti,r;, s 1I,;art and Nerve 1Lomedy will help you. People who have boon ailing for years 'x1101111 not mood a Coaktiiieio Cure in a few days but should per- sist in the treatment in order to ban- ish the underlying causes and to cor- rect the evil conditions that bring about the iroublo. Yon should be Sw'o to get Haoking's as no other kind will do. De partinulaC about your inedieiuie, as YOTJli• health ie important. Ilaaktn I limiting's Mart and Nerve Remedy Is sold by all tlret plass druggists or by mail post paid, 1>rfee line a box, 6 boxes for $8.50, Hacking's Limited, Listowel, Word has been received of the dgltth of Mrs. Munn of Lendbury, a sister, of the late Roht. Thompson and the last of the family. She was eighty-four years of age and was well known by some of the older residents, as they at one lived on the 1\leMordie farm just south of Kippen. ;Miss Louisa leleClymont of London spent the week -enol with her par- ' A C. L1 ' f1. tt fe; fa :.?.i' '� ?*:•:,:s ;!1 -Li can 1111r,23 7 C2.11 an" ` 11 any 1 of h d,l c1 tiny this d',.. C::.i(• ei eltne • ; 7 TiHE anewer • is difficult, • but Or`i.y young lassies from a I"1!4liuin+; I o e th,. entire. Ca- det class in fact -volunteered their sereices in the /last week to aseist in • nursing sickness •from the "I! lu," EXAMPLE •is a great teacher. Christ p'1'inistered • to ' the suffering. It was a privilage for those young Salvationists to follow His exilinple. 308 SERVICE POSTS IN THIS TERRITORY. , . USE THEM !•c i' �j i$�,th�°` 1 ' � tea. i, E itiltaDozlt'al a Track I ojt -between- MONTREAL, TORONTO, - DETROIT and CHICAGO. Unexcelled dining car service, Sleeping cars on night trains and parlor cars en principal day trains, Trull information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent of C. E. ]:Horn- hig, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto. A. O. P81214san, Depot Agent, JOHN ItANMI'OIID ,e-1 SON, Phone '55, Uptown Agents ents in the village. . Miss Jean ' Ivison has con- fined to. the house with ail -attack of scarletina. Miss Etta Jarrett, who has been indisposed is up and around again and expects to resume her school (lutes next week. A largely attended meeting of the officials of the three Presbyterian congregations of St. Andrew's, I£ip- pen, Hill's Green and Blake, who have been united for church services since Rev. D. Johnston left Varna and Blake charge for Lucas, stet in St. Andrew's 'ft:esday .to tn_lk over a permanent union, but failed to fully decide in favor. The Blake con 1113 (hien .will cenaider the matter with their aseeefete clt. ich in Vatrna befw'e cumin;' to n 1111111 decision. All s' oi11 ^•at+,1 '1..^ lis rt'. l: r!, 11 t 'td e1 on account i,f t .- c;, , ,; of ).,c.• 11,:n :1;1 1m., been cleee.-1 0) the mut ti ' l 'v 73 !-z1:1 any (.... a 11: u0... �..1..;}., 0...r 'tut ri (1 e' ..'al of the crew of the t e elft 1.111 i' fvon C.otl.:iel to Eili;:10 1 ' s eer el yn. _ to . 1 end one, Alain ,`.,foie ,111 of c 2 1ti 1d, 5rea,,. i, 'Wag :0 sevel.ly injured that he did later, 1ljten the train rammed into a coal train 011 the tra plc near Ridgeway. Oil 1170ylday of lazt week, • Miss Kathleen E. Carter, who had spent several summers at Bay- field with, the family ,of Dr. Atkin- son, died recently in Detroit and her remains were brought to Seaforth for interment on Tuesday of last week, Dr, G. Atkinson- of London and Messrs. D., G., and J. Atkinson of Detroit accompanied the remains to Seaforth. Mr. Wilfred Reid of East'1Vawan- osh took a load of wood into Wing - ham the other,ciay, sold it for 313. and gave the amount to the Armenian •fund. It was.10 have been auctioned off !but the auctioneer did not get to town in time. The Bluevale Far'mer's Club held a successful banquet one evening re - cootie? ' and afterwards addresses were given by Mr. J, J. hloirieon and Mr. S. B, Stothers, Agricultural Representative for Iluron PTTs. Saint, an elderly widow who lived alone in her own hone -in Win,•- inien, Was found dead on Saturday. She had not been noticed about for reveled days but it was thought she had gone to the home of her son, The son, asked a friend to cell and sero how his mother was and on his going to the hous=e and finding it Locked the police was notified and the place broken into, _ Tho woman was found] lying partly on a couch as if she had been about to lie dews when she succumbed. - During the severe storm of Mon - dray -,reek the residence of Mr. Win. McLean, veal' Wroxeter, was burned to the ground, A, defective f111^1140e Tripe Weis the Cane and the strong Wind made it impossible to Control the fire which had got a good start before being discovered. The barn was saved with difficulty. Some furniture was removed from the low- er part of the house. At a special meeting of the Public school 'board in Goderich the other evening to consider a request from the staff for incrcasee pay some of the teachers were given a ten per cent. increase while others were not.' Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Brondfoot of, Moose Jaw, Sask., who have been vis- iting Seaforth friends since about the new year, were called home last week owing to the illness of the former's brother and business part- ner, 1Tt C. 11 1roadfoot. Theeme Thomegon of Wroxeter, who wen ti ..ember of the '1e-, et itat-' t .t :n - is c1- ,;11) 1 ea eeed while 111 F1'ol e•e reel rho o 11'rs bee is hesnifal ever eieee, will, it is sai3, 11::;0 to 10012 an I:rel.- 2,.. , .' �4. ...i l :_6'.1.."±s ('Aritl.ALYaY p CSEVER i Z -t Cal ii T .:.yrs" i,c;raTcr ,71;,1, 10 p.111. Daily via C 1",,..1;1t. a loot cenvoilio21t The Glorious (?) Canadian Winters. 0 Yes, its nice -to talk about the glories' of Canadian winters, but with snow so deep that the trains can not get through for a couple of days at a time, and with the thermometer reg- istering 26 below as was Listowel's ex- perionce'this week, some of us are inclined to doubt that •glory stuff. -Listowel Standard. No Use, Gentlemen, No Use At Alit We understand that an organiza- tion to be known tis the Ilarrieton and Minto Bachelors' Protective .'lssoeiation has been formed, with the ohicct of co-operating to circum•. vent the wiles of the fair sex Bur- in"' leap year, and defending the cherished liberties and fundamental principles of single bleasedness. -Wroxeter News. GOOD MUSIC IS • ALWAYS APPRECIATED and there is none liner than that played on a Bell or Gourley Piano. Its r 1 ;tiful tonal quality, its s91e 1d10 vola -.,c, and its ease of touch stake it the piano elf pianos for the 21a,;ter utusleiau or the or- dinary player. Guam and try ieeem. ion 1 11 surely want 0210, Ci7itl 1.70 tit 11 ! j ce 2' 110 how 00(1,10 you (el lagm ,ur wieh, - Give 5123 a p sl e esset :ramie or playa 1.0 .._. .e ho,n to ..._to We "igen far : 1ie a C onriay plane Ia.1 c a1•:•n eaed eidet .t:rt ii tt Ow a. Ic 1 111 is leaving town, to sell fee eel),'1',i; 11 t1 'e 1 Is 11 t 1ty ! u0. .11:,o a piano tenlY t eo•t ,4 i - a� . ..,. 1 Co., to ,-o at 34J. Write or (:ill as j ,.1e eielees will save y00 JONAa.1AN l7.11341',..1 Er] a, train. It ,tens at and connects for all principal points, The et/alp e:it consists of up-to- date Standard Slee,,t;,rs, Dining Car, AL 11C 1. 1 - `+'l l'41 C'? t" 4� 11 ;? 7 f' ii,' ^• ' Tourist Sleepers, Compartment Ob- sd.tvation Car, First Class Coaches and Colonist Car, ' The. most beautiful scenery in Canada is along theline of the Canadian Pacific . with magnificent Rocky Mountain Resorts ab Banff, Lake Ionise and Glacier. Those contemplating a Pacific Coast Trip •should get in touch with W. Jackson, Clinton, Canadian Pa- cific Ticket Agent or write W. 13, Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. -34-2 ei m ' Highest Cash prices paid for Skunk, /raccoon and 11+1inir , Enquiries promptly - answered ROSS IUMITE 14IhlYu,� TtI _ x c lt5,n' ytsteb11311e11 issa GO1N00111 - ONT. 8 LY'v�ic"f lex. 0.,d li idyl !:{A(SS WI,J q'f•�,{4' • for Sal as et -cm, March 6th, al 3.33 p.m. At the. CR'e,s..i' 9ililen u, CliIl2lit`:*L`b12. , Mr. George Elliott has instructions to -sta11 by auction our entire production of buttermilk for (iso coming season, in six separate lilt:;, being the make for each of the six days of the week 'throughout the season.. CUNTION CRE.a MEa41r, . Lefi1>tfrled TUE ART SENSATION THAT IIAS REVEALED TUE FULL; 3 t'LENDOR' OP TIM.MOTION P ICTUIIE. 66 ET 1 a i 1'1 T I+ 3' s;. �� a I,'�1(:7 0 61;,, � '� i1 Lt's �TI El Id i�`t r • SUPERB CREATION v,z0;¢s aail Taken from a story of Thomas Bu most tragic, and 'withal, the most in the telling, the master, Griffiths dreamed of beauties that a new 1. • .,ice w:� ax ea.v� 68 rkc', la at once the most pitiful, sublime love story ever told. And has 'wrought such rare and un - art, full, rich, boundless is revealed PRINCESS •THEATRE Prk 0.j as1d Saturdaa EvenIng, Mar. 5 and d IIy�� a R % ri3i1 and � net 4..�%ataslt°c�i(?ig Matinee at .�.30 mu, ;Ir E, DOTIEI1TY WILL SIN "llROiiliN BLOSSOMS" I'IIICLAN' (i ORCIIENTR4. BOTH EVEN MGM ADMISSION -Adults Eveniii 50e, Matinee 885e